Discus Planted Community Aquarium 150 gallon

Newly set up tank (1 month after cycle finished) 150 gallon /560 liters. Eheim 2180, Fluval fx5, air pump but no Co2. 6 Discus, 4 clown loaches, 4 corydoras sterbai, 2 corydoras panda, 32 cardinal tetra, 3 oto cats, 4 SAE and a partridge in a pear tree :)

Discus Planted Community Aquarium 150 gallon sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Discus 14 years ago 23,955 views

Newly set up tank (1 month after cycle finished) 150 gallon /560 liters. Eheim 2180, Fluval fx5, air pump but no Co2. 6 Discus, 4 clown loaches, 4 corydoras sterbai, 2 corydoras panda, 32 cardinal tetra, 3 oto cats, 4 SAE and a partridge in a pear tree :)

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Most popular comments
for Discus Planted Community Aquarium 150 gallon

George Calderon
George Calderon - 7 years ago
Lunarclyptic - 9 years ago
Bravo :)
Kate Ruth
Kate Ruth - 9 years ago
Beautiful beautiful tank. It's so relaxing, I love the music! I've been watching this over and over its so beautiful. I'm getting a 125 gal tank and planning to get around 5 discus, a school of 20 Cardinal tetras, and a school of 10 Cory cats
Dsanford12 - 10 years ago
when you gravel syphon you must be pinching the line right , to slow down the syphon pressure ?
Raed Jaber
Raed Jaber - 11 years ago
Awesome Man
It is really amazing tank :)
Discus BOL
Discus BOL - 11 years ago
Beautifully gorgeous tank + Well kept happy fishes .. Well done mate ! Inspiration for sure
MrFoolCoolOne - 11 years ago
Nice setup.Nice environment for discus.Beautiful fishes.
MrKzug - 11 years ago
I see that you have an Eheim and a Fluval, Which one would you recommend / Like the best. Thanks
PersonaG31 - 12 years ago
u tank set up is very pretty, but is the sand hard to clean?

10. comment for Discus Planted Community Aquarium 150 gallon

PersonaG31 - 12 years ago
Is that enough space for 6 discus and more fish? Like when they all get fully grown will u have to get a bigger tank?
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you very much
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you so much, I will :)
J Tha Chicago Kid
J Tha Chicago Kid - 12 years ago
Most beautiful tank I have seen keep up the good work
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
It all depends on your setup. Light wattage/kelvin. Substrate, fertilizer..etc etc..start off with easy plants such as anubias and keep experimenting with different plants along the way. :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Yes the sand has changed color quite abit since it was ''new''...now its a stable yellow/white-peppered color.:)
wayne allen
wayne allen - 12 years ago
I neef some advice on the planting of live plants because i have a 55 gal long and i want to know what plants would thrive and i have led lights
RoboCop - 12 years ago
Is the sand always that white? Don't it get green and ugly? Any video of the 2180?
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
I have thought about it a few times. Mostly because of the price of a good controller and co2 gear. Also, my tank is fine without..so why change things? :) I might try it someday though...

20. comment for Discus Planted Community Aquarium 150 gallon

Dwai2764 - 12 years ago
why U don'y use co2 ??
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thanx for the great remarks! If you want, check out the newest video, since the tank it has changed a bit since then :)
zwmarr - 12 years ago
Absolutely gorgeous tank. Very well done. These are some of the best looking discus I have seen.
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Thank you for the awesome remarks! The lights in this video are 8 lamps 252Watts total, 4 red lamps 3,000K and 4 white lamps 10,000K. Now I have replaced the 4 white 10,000K with 4 white 6,700K and it gets a more natural ''warm'' look, but I think the plants prefer the better water penetration of the 10,000K.
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Wow thanx for the great comment! To answer, no I don't use Co2, although I have thought about it many times. The bogwood is actually driftwood bought at normal fish stores after abit of searching :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 12 years ago
Hi, my plants are fine with my sand, although the best thing for palnts is dirt ( I also use fert tablets). Any sand is fine, just as long as it doesn't raise the PH. Check and see if your sand has asbestos in it or anything else that might raise the PH
balitiger moua
balitiger moua - 12 years ago
Im starting a discus tank as well and have a few questions. Is reef sand ok to use as a substrate. How well does your plant thrive in your sand. please respond soon
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@TurtlesDominate That it is! xa
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@bloopmnstr Thanx!
TurtlesDominate - 13 years ago
isn't sand the best!? :D

30. comment for Discus Planted Community Aquarium 150 gallon

bloopmnstr - 13 years ago
Love it, this aquarium is beautiful!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@WolleytheMonster Hi, thanx, and no I don't use any type of tap water filter...I age the tap water at least 24 hours before putting it in the tank and the only thing I use in the water is chroamine remover
WolleytheMonster - 13 years ago
Nice tank man do you use a ro system or any type of tap water filter?
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@smog1130 30% + gravel siphon once a week
smog1130 - 13 years ago
do you do a lot of water change?
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@3sajc3 Thank you for the great and inspiring comment!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@louiekayash From the first time I saw this type of driftwood, I loved it :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@yeahaknow1 Thank you for the wonderful comment...and don't worry too much about copying,,take the parts that you like from different setups and combine them with your own ideas and it will surely evolve into something that you will enjoy :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@unamogdog Thank you :)
3sajc3 - 13 years ago
Absolutely Beautiful. Your Discus are much happier/calmer and less "chargey" than most of the other Discus tanks displayed on Youtube. Almost everyone wants to way overcrowd the tank with Discus. Yours make me want some. They are so peaceful and graceful like they should be. This is a nice set up!
unamogdog - 13 years ago
beautiful fish and one of the coolest tanks i have seen on here.
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@mhabibeg9 Thank you. The wood I have is normal store-bought drift wood. In the beginning it floats, but after a few weeks of soaking it stops floating- and that is actually the goal. There are many ways to suspend the driftwood, depending on its shape and size. The way I did it is by tying it to the top of the aquarium with transparent fishing line. On the other hand, the far left wood is not exactly suspended, it just appears so. One of its ''tentacles'' reaches the bottom behind the plants:)
Murtaza Habib
Murtaza Habib - 13 years ago
that is a very nice tank. the deisgn you have gone for is similar to what i would like to do. I very interested on how to got the wood to float and stay suspended. What sort of wood are you using, it has allot of character.
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@misstamps1 Indeed they are...and very interesting to also to observe their interactions with each other and different species
misstamps1 - 13 years ago
I keep on coming back to this video. I just love this aquarium! Nice job! They're such beautiful creatures, aren't they?
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@misstamps1 :))
misstamps1 - 13 years ago
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@traidanang I'm glad you like it so much! The cost of the tank, base, filters and equipment was around 1500 euros, or 2000 $. Then it depends on what sort of fish, plants, and decorations you would like. Also keep in mind that a large tank consumes quite a bit of electricity. My electric bill went up15-20% when I set-up the big tank, especially in the winter when the thermostat works overtime to keep the temperature at 28c..I hope I didn't discourage you because this is a great hobby. good luck
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@DarrenTP Thank you! the drift wood is tied to the perpendicular supporting glass with see-though fishing line, but some times you don't even have to do that...you can 'wedge' it with other pieces of wood, and sometimes the wood will reach the bottom and support itself, like the piece of wood on the far left in my tank..you can't see it, but one of its branches touches the bottom, behind the plants :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@ProSKi14 thanx! :)

50. comment for Discus Planted Community Aquarium 150 gallon

Edison Truong
Edison Truong - 13 years ago
i've been watching this video over 150 times..its so nice.. love the music back ground and the tank how much did it cost you in total? i would love to get one like your plz let me know
Deetprox - 13 years ago
how did you get that piece of wood to stay on the top of the tank? :o fabulous!
DJLEMAY - 13 years ago
Great looking tank man! They certainly have lots of space in there. Check out my Discus tank if you have a sec. Cheers :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@KidMumba No, the discus have never attacked any fish in the aquarium, mostly they ignore all other species...except for the bristlenose pleco. Sometimes they nibble on the pleco, but he doesn't seem to mind :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@ProSKi14 Thank you so much for the comment! I will be uploading a new video within the week showing the fishes and plant growth :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@mangisda Yes, all of them are healthy and many are thriving...Since this video I have added even more plants and they're doing fine. I did lose a couple of 'difficult' plants due to high temperatures (28-29c) but other than that, the plants seem to be fine with fertilizer tablets every 2-3 months and weekly doses of liquid fertilizer.
mangisda - 13 years ago
Did the plants survive in that substrate?
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@0859095616 I already have 3 more in quarantine and plan to introduce them to their new home in a couple of weeks, thanx for the comment!
Ice Ramanat
Ice Ramanat - 13 years ago
you should add more discus
Ice Ramanat
Ice Ramanat - 13 years ago
you shoul add more discus
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@unijabass 8 Fluorescent light bulbs (4x39Watts and 4x24Watts = 252Watts total). Some plants however crave for more light and I might change some tubes soon...
unijabass - 13 years ago
Ah, and what type of t5 light fixture do you use?
unijabass - 13 years ago
Thank you!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@unijabass Hi, the sand is white quartz 0,3-0,1mm, and that is the sole substrate ( I fertilize with tablets and liquid, although, if you plan to plant it heavily you might want to think about some sort of dirt substrate under the sand ). The drift wood is just common driftwood bought at your local pet store. Good luck with your set up!
unijabass - 13 years ago
I'm impressed!Just amazing!Just starting my own discus tank, would you mind sharing what driftwood, sand and substrate u used.
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@dgulla1 ...paired up with the Blue Angel discus. They choose each other after a couple of months of schooling with the others...good luck with your setup!
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@dgulla1 The larger, the better. Both in terms of tank size and number of fish in the school. However, many people have tanks with just one breeding pair( not just any two fish). Especially for breeding, it is better for the pair to be isolated from other fish. The thing is that the pair must first be formed from within a school and then you can take it to a separate tank. Two fish, unfortunately will not pair up just because they are in the same tank...in my case the Royal Ruby Red Discus has
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@RebelThunder Thanx! the sand is white quartz 0,3-0,1mm
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@bigdunk1973 thank you for the comment....I've made some changes since then, check out my new vid if want and let me know what you think :)
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@kevinrsp ...found a good balance between lighting (amount and duration) and fertilizer. Also if plants don't grow fast enough, for any reason(lack of nutrients, light or sometimes Co2), the might accumulate algae on them because they remain stagnant for too long.
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 13 years ago
@kevinrsp I'm glad you like it, that video was a couple of months ago, now I think its even better and the fish have grown also. I checked out yours and you have some great fish also! Feed them lots of protein and they will surely grow up to become magnificent monsters :) The tank didn't seem to dirty either...How long have you set it up? From my experience, newly set up tanks usually have algae problems the first few months and then they settle down if water parameters are good and you have...
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 14 years ago
@walsallcrew Oh! light tubes :) well I am using the ones that came with the aquarium presently, a T5 fixture with 8 fluorescent tubes of 252 total Wattage (4x39W + 4x24W), 4 white 10,000K and 4 red that don't say how many K...but I am looking into changing them soon...possibly with a LED fixture (designed for plant growth), although I have heard that they produce more shadows because they are more concentrated and may look weird...
Andy Parsons
Andy Parsons - 14 years ago
Yeah I have used replaced for clear pipes in the past but actually found the EHEIM pipes to blend in better. When I said tube I ment the light tubes? What do you use as I need to replace all the ones that came in my tank. Thanks Andy
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 14 years ago
@walsallcrew Thank you for the comment, the eheim 2180 was pretty easy to set up and works perfectly so far. The thermostat is extremely effective and easy to use. The only drawback is that the pipes/tubes have 'eheim' written on them with white letters so do your best to hide them with plants or driftwood etc..good luck with your new setup!
Andy Parsons
Andy Parsons - 14 years ago
Wicked tank dude! I am just setting up my 100g with an 2180 like yours any tips using the 2180? An what tubes do you use to make it look sharp?
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 14 years ago
@911Mothman Thanx man, that's exactly what I was going for...the discus really do 'steal the show' as we say in Greece. its kind of a shame though for the other fishes which are also beautiful..but not like the Kings :)
Ad Johnson
Ad Johnson - 14 years ago
I love this setup. It lets the striking colours of the discus rightfully claim centre stage. Good job, dude! :]
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 14 years ago
@lakelay Thanx, the temp is 28c or 82F and I am trying to keep the water changes at twice a week, but never less than once a week. I change 30% at a time.
lakelay - 14 years ago
Nice Discus tank. What is the temperature of the tank? How often you change the water?
Norman of Latria
Norman of Latria - 14 years ago
@christian7144 thanx man, I hope they only get better from here on
christian7144 - 14 years ago
nice work man i love your fish

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