Discus Rescue ; How to Treat Internal Parasites

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Most popular comments
for Discus Rescue ; How to Treat Internal Parasites

jonathan cando
jonathan cando - 6 years ago
what med are u using ?
oskarelmee - 6 years ago
bloodworms messed up my discus to! at first i just fed mine discus flakes and granulate. but when i strated with tubixex/bloodworms they fell sick, FAST
AQUAZONE Izabella - 6 years ago
Hope your fish better or least safe fish in futur !
Gina G
Gina G - 6 years ago
I wonder if that is what happened to my cichlids. I treated them and I feel the die off created a worse bacterial infection then hrs ltr kaput
AQUAZONE Izabella - 6 years ago
Best is to isolate immediately even if you “just have a weird feeling” about that fish ..
trucker shamful
trucker shamful - 6 years ago
Can you please do a video on safe foods for our fish we have always been sold the worms as treats. I am greatful for your honesty but knowing now i have killed about 4k in fish and used what was another 4k in meds over about a 2year period of time i packed up my costume made tank and it sits in the corner of my basement. I swear it laughs at me.
harish arora
harish arora - 7 years ago
it feels so happy and satisfied when you try to save a soul and succeed. i am glad to see that they made it. god bless you. good work.
AQUAZONE Izabella - 7 years ago
Thanks :) to this day only the checkered stayed alive but he’s super well and growing, check my latest discus video :)
Aziz Sohan
Aziz Sohan - 7 years ago
how to know male and female?
AQUAZONE Izabella - 7 years ago
Google images male/female discus
Le Chef Aquarium
Le Chef Aquarium - 7 years ago
Hey Izabella, i bought a flowerhorn 3 months ago, he was doin fine and eating like a pig and all of a sudden he just stopped taking pellets and wouldn't eat what so ever. he started pooping white so after researching the internet I figured he's most likely got Hex. I tried API general cure it didn't work, I am now trying Metroplex to hopefully get him back to eating. Do you have any recommendations ? Thanks a lot your videos are very insightful.
Miggle 4000
Miggle 4000 - 6 years ago
Late, but API general cure works better orally when treating a flowerhorn. I put the medicine directly into the tank, my flowerhorn seemed shocked, so i made a 3% epsom salt and poured the solution to a smaller cup and mixed it 1/8 teaspoon of API GC and oral fed the flowerhorn for a week and recovered, along with daily water changes to boost.
AQUAZONE Izabella - 7 years ago
Lots of Epsom salt and penicillin and dewormer
David's Fish Tanks
David's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
very neat fish for sure !
AQUAZONE Izabella - 7 years ago
Check latest update :)
Salamander Fangskin
Salamander Fangskin - 7 years ago
You get a lot of hate because some people just believe what other popular "youtubers" and sellers say to them.
AQUAZONE Izabella - 7 years ago
Salamander Fangskin
Salamander Fangskin - 7 years ago
We watch your videos for the same reason :D To learn together ^_^ Keep it up!
AQUAZONE Izabella - 7 years ago
Oh thanks so much! Yet I still can’t claim to be expert too much out there to learn and experimebt
Salamander Fangskin
Salamander Fangskin - 7 years ago
I hope so too. I'm actually learning more from you dealing with sick fish than years following other fish keeping channels.
AQUAZONE Izabella - 7 years ago
True! We have yet to even know if they actually cured this fish by seeing their skin swabs coming back clear of parasites and disease. Most commercial medications don’t fully work they just mask symptômes for a little while
Salamander Fangskin
Salamander Fangskin - 7 years ago
That's good to know. Yes, is not the same when you actually have to cure other's people fish vs. not only making videos of your own animals and promoting stuff like many people do.
AQUAZONE Izabella - 7 years ago
It’s just business trying to sell their stuff.. even if they pay me I would say their stuff is good cuz I’m the one who’s stuck curing all of these sick fish

10. comment for Discus Rescue ; How to Treat Internal Parasites

GDee Cichlids
GDee Cichlids - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing this information.
AQUAZONE Izabella - 7 years ago
My pleasure sorry video quality not good water was too murky from meds
Irfan Darmawan
Irfan Darmawan - 7 years ago
i forget to tell you that herbal medicine , it work ,but chemical medicine its more fastest, i use onion for preventing
AQUAZONE Izabella - 7 years ago
Yes I totally agree. There’s a natural herbal expeleant called herbtana. Not proven scientifically but I tried long time ago and it helped along size the real meds
Irfan Darmawan
Irfan Darmawan - 7 years ago
dose for antibiotic ? i have same problem to , blood worm , my betta has died because that paracite , i dont want this happen again can you give me the dose from your experience ?
AQUAZONE Izabella - 7 years ago
I used 600mg pill per 20g and added 1 each day for 7 /10 days no wc unless see fish really distressed

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