Discus Tank - 120g - August 27, 2011

Discus Tank - 120g - August 27, 2011 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 20

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Most popular comments
for Discus Tank - 120g - August 27, 2011

Marcelo Barttiliery de Souza
Marcelo Barttiliery de Souza - 8 years ago
Meu primeiro aquário ou quase isso ,foi quando criança ! Minha mãe fez um pequeno tanque de cimento no canto de uma escada,,.não dava nem pra ver os peixes .Mas não importava eu sabia que tavam la e cuidava com carinho .Hoje tenho 5 aquários um grande os outros pequenos ,um ate achei no lixo .Gosto de saber que meu peixes estão felizes .Meu sonho sempre foi ter acaras discos.....nunca pude por falta de dinheiro .Mas um dia os terei si Deus quiser,um abraço e fica com Deus.Face Marcelo Barttiliery de Souza ...Formiga MG .
Spartan - 9 years ago
what are the really blue discus breed called? do you have blue lighting to enhance the blue?
Ruslan Kirienko
Ruslan Kirienko - 9 years ago
David Fisher
David Fisher - 9 years ago
what kind of filter are you using? perfect water movement for discus.
BeautifulHazelEyes Acosta
BeautifulHazelEyes Acosta - 9 years ago
What a beautiful tank. What light system are you using?
Denise Heric
Denise Heric - 10 years ago
Nice looking Discus....especially like the deep blue ones. I wouldn't have all those skinny pointy driftwood branches as they injure the discus. I only keep thicker peices with no sharp or pointy edges in my tank. I also have a few tall spiral bamboo plants for them to hide in. The plants help with the nitrates also.
Austin Wiley
Austin Wiley - 10 years ago
Check out my channel guys
Alice Cardoso
Alice Cardoso - 10 years ago
K00L VIDEOS - 10 years ago
nice and colourful

10. comment for Discus Tank - 120g - August 27, 2011

Michael Baker
Michael Baker - 10 years ago
Very nice colors!  You have LED's on this tank?  Actinic 03?
nicolassoleil - 11 years ago
Where did you get that solid blue one from?  I've never seen such an intense color before.  That's got to be the best looking discus that I've ever seen!
alientech - 10 years ago
paulo evangelista
paulo evangelista - 11 years ago
Ricardo Ribeiro Magalhaes
Ricardo Ribeiro Magalhaes - 11 years ago
spdrklr - 11 years ago
Discus? Discuss... lol.
TheNewtman12003 - 11 years ago
perfect lighting !!
meowey55 - 11 years ago
you should play Goldrapp - Gone to Earth as the back music :)
Will Reef
Will Reef - 11 years ago
Fantastico!!! Lindos!! Parabens!!!
adoroyoutube - 11 years ago
muito lindos esses peixes discos. Parabéns pelo vídeo!
MrFoolCoolOne - 11 years ago
Does this kinda driftwood not hurt discus.I just saw multiple scars and wounds in my lovely discus.There is plenty of room in my tank which is 150 g.i just removed driftwoods, changed 50 percent water now.Waiting for next day results.but ur driftwood is really nice.

20. comment for Discus Tank - 120g - August 27, 2011

Brent Butts
Brent Butts - 11 years ago
where can i get those drift wood decorations?
D GW - 11 years ago
I like the royal blue ones, but wild discus are still my favourite.
JAMAL AL ALI - 11 years ago
This kind of fish is so beautifull and cool...
iownzelda - 11 years ago
How do you keep your water so clear?
italo1967ful - 12 years ago
Molti belli a settembre mi lancio per fare uno di600l
Bboynonstop9 - 12 years ago
Late comment I know but, the tank looks awesome. I'm a marine aquarist myself. If I were to do a freshwater this is for sure what I would want it to look like. Good job!
Shaff1708 - 12 years ago
yep. cause colourful fish in nature would always be at risk, cause predators would see them easily..thats why they're always dull so as to camouflage themselves.. :) i've seen wild betta only once, and they're really really not colourful.. haha..still a great fish though
BleuSkiddew - 12 years ago
Yea, selective breeding plays a huge part in bringing out different colors in fish. If I recall betta fish were also not very attractive looking either until a group of Asians started selectively breeding them a couple hundred years ago. Now you can get a betta in almost any color or color combination.
Shaff1708 - 12 years ago
these were bred along with time.. they are colourful for sure.. but the one in amazon river, are not that colourful.. they're usually purple'blue with stripes :)
BleuSkiddew - 12 years ago
In my opinion the discus are the most colorful freshwater fish with cichlids coming in a very close second. Guppies, betas, and certain species of tetras can also make a very colorful freshwater tank as well.

30. comment for Discus Tank - 120g - August 27, 2011

royalton12 - 12 years ago
Very good looking fish and tank.
luke macaulay
luke macaulay - 12 years ago
like to know what you think of my tank please check my vid your discus look quality i got a breeding pair in a 700ltr community tank
samueljames - 12 years ago
its freshwater
Roadtofreedom - 12 years ago
can you tell me what you are feeding them? My fish wont eat anything i give them
Ron Sha
Ron Sha - 12 years ago
fishcommander100 - 12 years ago
is that mangrove roots in the tank?
fishcommander100 - 12 years ago
50 minimum 75 would be better in my opinion
captainhelmet69 - 12 years ago
very nice love the set up and the fish our fantastic check out my set up see what you think
zee guy
zee guy - 12 years ago
try to put so nice soft music with this nice clear video which is very beautiful
Hong An Nguyen
Hong An Nguyen - 12 years ago
that's explains everything, thank you for the reply!!
ramprashad29 - 12 years ago
outstanding tank
Hong An Nguyen
Hong An Nguyen - 12 years ago
How did you put the branches on the top sides of the aquarium I love how it looks like
Buda - 12 years ago
what a lovely tank..your light really make your fish look even better.
wtf79779 - 12 years ago
great tank can you tel me dimensions of this tank please?
scarhbar23 - 12 years ago
Definitely one of my most favorite groups of Discus on youtube! What diet are you feeding them?
Thibaud - 12 years ago
Manque de plante, belles racine et magnifiques discus.
LaF eRa
LaF eRa - 12 years ago
beautiful fishs :)
manoj kumar
manoj kumar - 13 years ago
overall grt.cn u suggest wher to get good quality discus?
Seho Park
Seho Park - 13 years ago
i like this and the discus are very health :)
jose alberto bastida diaz
jose alberto bastida diaz - 13 years ago
quiero un tronco como ese en donde los venden ?

50. comment for Discus Tank - 120g - August 27, 2011

yourTech - 13 years ago
May I ask where you get your wood?
DAgosto5 - 13 years ago
@bd1243 hmm thats alot of water changes i only do like 50 % every two weeks
DAgosto5 - 13 years ago
@bd1243 wait you change 120g out of 170g a week?
Mrploff Buda
Mrploff Buda - 13 years ago
Супер!!! и рыбы и коряги!!!
iwanwas - 13 years ago
what light do you use ?
sonofanutmonkey5 - 13 years ago
Wow. I just watched your previous video from July and your cobalt have gotten so much more color as did all of your fish. The substrate you added looks amazing and compliment your fishes colors. It would be awesome if you could check out my channel and give me some info.
xaykham123 - 13 years ago
@bd1243 Do you save your water over night before you change? whats the PH, and temp?
xaykham123 - 13 years ago
wow!!!! i watch your earlier video seems like they grew fast.. how often do you change the water?
KALZONE850 - 13 years ago
good job mayne

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