Discus Tank Setup Daily Dose #12

Today I setup a Discus tank for 8 discus. Using Amazon Swords, and Red Flame Swords. I used Flourite and Eco Complete to create a nutrient rich substrate to feed the sword plants. Support us by buying here: http://www.aquariumcoop.com/ Playlists: Fish Room Tours: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wk9XUY6eNBs&list=PLNM4mDAXGxWw9OJ4nxiHrSL-hkDynugDN&index=2 Breeding Fish For Profit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpW8tHGy6T4&list=PLNM4mDAXGxWwC6MUCEY5CDc2en17DEuHu Fish Room Updates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k15sqdgIq80&list=PLNM4mDAXGxWy0z9UYUHJEisZTIbLKAIaJ&index=1 How to Quarantine Fish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmCoLQjP7_A&list=PLNM4mDAXGxWy_XtG7TtBsRXmErhPpJrie&index=1 How to Build a Fish Room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFPXmoxJjzA&index=2&list=PLNM4mDAXGxWycLGJbmCzyBQgquycLrdzG DIY Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BZ6zyQIf60&list=PLNM4mDAXGxWy65tSBHmR9Llgw08ceXPx0&index=1 Fish and Plant Profiles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKao1a90Lfk&list=PLNM4mDAXGxWxuU3VTz7lQu0EoFcDiPk5P&index=1 Listen to our Live streams and other Content in Podcast Form: Website: http://aquariumcoop.libsyn.com/ Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/real-fish-talk/id1072185017?mt=2 Android: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/aquarium-coop/real-fish-talk Facebook: www.facebook.com/aquariumcoop

Discus Tank Setup Daily Dose #12 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 29

Discus 8 years ago 35,174 views

Today I setup a Discus tank for 8 discus. Using Amazon Swords, and Red Flame Swords. I used Flourite and Eco Complete to create a nutrient rich substrate to feed the sword plants. Support us by buying here: http://www.aquariumcoop.com/ Playlists: Fish Room Tours: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wk9XUY6eNBs&list=PLNM4mDAXGxWw9OJ4nxiHrSL-hkDynugDN&index=2 Breeding Fish For Profit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpW8tHGy6T4&list=PLNM4mDAXGxWwC6MUCEY5CDc2en17DEuHu Fish Room Updates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k15sqdgIq80&list=PLNM4mDAXGxWy0z9UYUHJEisZTIbLKAIaJ&index=1 How to Quarantine Fish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmCoLQjP7_A&list=PLNM4mDAXGxWy_XtG7TtBsRXmErhPpJrie&index=1 How to Build a Fish Room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFPXmoxJjzA&index=2&list=PLNM4mDAXGxWycLGJbmCzyBQgquycLrdzG DIY Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BZ6zyQIf60&list=PLNM4mDAXGxWy65tSBHmR9Llgw08ceXPx0&index=1 Fish and Plant Profiles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKao1a90Lfk&list=PLNM4mDAXGxWxuU3VTz7lQu0EoFcDiPk5P&index=1 Listen to our Live streams and other Content in Podcast Form: Website: http://aquariumcoop.libsyn.com/ Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/real-fish-talk/id1072185017?mt=2 Android: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/aquarium-coop/real-fish-talk Facebook: www.facebook.com/aquariumcoop

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Most popular comments
for Discus Tank Setup Daily Dose #12

Doug Geib
Doug Geib - 7 years ago
great video, just got a 65 gallon and would like to add discus. Is the temp an issue for potential tank mates, mollies, tetras, etc? Thanks!
Beetfarmer89 - 7 years ago
With dirt like substrate like this, would you still gravel vacuum it? Or would you let the fish/food waste decompose into the soil?
Aussie Fish Keeper
Aussie Fish Keeper - 7 years ago
So glad i found this video...i just moved my Amazon Sword out of the tank with the Bristlenose...thankyou so much..
Beastie Bros
Beastie Bros - 7 years ago
What size is the tank?
Kacie Lowe
Kacie Lowe - 7 years ago
This tank is a 40 gallon breeder
Steve Smith
Steve Smith - 7 years ago
We need the daily dose to come back!!!!
A Fitness
A Fitness - 7 years ago
discuss will die in this water. water has full of ammonia
AquariumCop - 7 years ago
awesome video, when I was a kid I used to order from the ads in the back of comic books for SEA MONKEYS AKA brine shrimp and green army men! I would feed my fish the sea monkeys and put a few green army men in my tanks! was so fun!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Bjorn2keepfish sounds awesome.
AquariumCop - 7 years ago
awesome video, when I was a kid I used to order from the ads in the back of comic books for SEA MONKEYS AKA brine shrimp and green army men! I would feed my fish the sea monkeys and put a few green army men in my tanks! was so fun!
Life By a River
Life By a River - 8 years ago
can you do a planted goldfish tank? i know it's tricky but I've seen it done

10. comment for Discus Tank Setup Daily Dose #12

Chris Starnes
Chris Starnes - 8 years ago
i have a 55 gallon tank that i wanna set up but i dont have room inside...i wanna set it up outside on my patio on cinder blocks..i live in covington, Louisiana what can i set up in it? goldfish? help me out i have a light, heater, filter, substrate ready for it....let me know what fish i can put in it or can i make it a native tank where i can go catch wild fish and put in it. please let me know cory...thanks
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I think you'll struggle to keep it stable. Does it freeze there in the winter? How hot in the summer? Something that can withstand the cold, will likely not do well in the heat, and the opposite would be true as well.
Joseph Pinkston
Joseph Pinkston - 8 years ago
Any worries about changing of water parameter with the substrates you are using
Joseph Pinkston
Joseph Pinkston - 8 years ago
cool thanks
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
no, they'll just add ferts.
Joseph Pinkston
Joseph Pinkston - 8 years ago
Ah ya like the crushed coral you use but the 2 you used in the video are the going to change anything
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I'm personally not, in fact some substrates I'm using to intentionally change water parameters.
LimeGreenDean - 8 years ago
I was so worried about the tank coming down I was just waiting for it!
SirenSea_Reviews_Aquariums - 8 years ago
You really just helped me so much with my swords i was wondering why they were growing and then dying off. i put plentiful amounds of quality root tabs and have eco complete substrate i see i had them buried a little to far down. paused video to fix them noticed alot of new fresh leaves that were hiding. my plants look fuller now. hopefully they will grow out more now. thanks cory
Shawn Eckhart
Shawn Eckhart - 8 years ago
i am lucky my bristlenose leaves my amazon sword alone lol.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Yes indeed :)
Tyler Akers
Tyler Akers - 8 years ago
You make discus raising look easy. Lol
Tyler Akers
Tyler Akers - 8 years ago
Of course!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Well auto water changes make it a lot easier for sure.
liquid-nature - 8 years ago
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 8 years ago
Congratulations on 20k! Well deserved bro!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Thanks :)
lenny0813 - 8 years ago
Great video, love it, can't wait to see update !
Love those "altum angels" you got in the back, I know u don't sell fish online,how much angels like that cost and where can I order? Thanks a lot !!
roadjunkie - 8 years ago
great tips! thanks my man...ide watch pulling yourself up by hanging on to the tank...it could go bad for u.

20. comment for Discus Tank Setup Daily Dose #12

eddiekytia - 8 years ago
Need some help.....i put a bag of chemi pure elite in filter 3 days ago but i need to remove for 3 days to medicate tank so is there a way to store it for 3 days so i can reuse it in 3 days...i didnt know if i left in ziplock with water for 3 days if it would go bad from stagnant water
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I'm not sure, I haven't used chemi pure before. Hopefully someone else can comment.
RescueDogTreats - 8 years ago
I know this is a random question...but can I keep two dwarf puffers only in a five gallon aquarium with plants (Fluval 5 gallon Spec)? If so, what plants would you recommend, and that spindly wood also? Thanks...love your Daily Dose and all videos!
RescueDogTreats - 8 years ago
Thanks a bunch Cory!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
You can do two, but they may fight. I usually like 1 instead. For plants they do well with any of them, With the fluval spec light you should be able to grow low light and medium light plants well with fertilizers.
kasey nester
kasey nester - 8 years ago
Do you have a food that my millennium rainbows would really enjoy ? Just for a little variety
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Rainbows at the shop love the freeze dried brine shrimp cubes. http://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/freeze-dried-brine-shrimp
Catfish Cave
Catfish Cave - 8 years ago
Nice Angels in the tank behind you. No one seems to sell nice Angels anymore.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Everyone wants the color mophs instead of the classics it seems.
HBunboxing - 8 years ago
Great video Cory another great daily dose video. Nice discus, keep the videos coming!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Will do! :)
Angelina Andreou
Angelina Andreou - 8 years ago
wish i had a fish store like yours in my town here they dont take a good care of their fish you are the best i have never seen any better .. if i only could order from you
Angelina Andreou
Angelina Andreou - 8 years ago
i live on a farm in greece right now my fish tanks are empty i usually go to nearby towns and buy stuff for my fish i found a good fish store that i wanna visit maybe i ll get fish from there in my town there is only one and the fish are not in a great health i was always medicated them i am jealous of your fish store keep up the great work
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Dry goods and plants, so at least you can get those in quality :)
Jackson Harris
Jackson Harris - 8 years ago
Hey cory have you ever kept or considered keeping blue or gold Rams I'd love to see a one tank a time with Rams or just s tank with Rams video looks good bud excited for the next one :)
Jackson Harris
Jackson Harris - 8 years ago
ok would love to see a tank with them mine have bred twice but first time eggs went unfertizlied and the second time they laid about an hour before i turned the lights off i turned them next moring still guarding then i fed them they ate i came back 2 hours later they had pretty much just left the eggs and coudlsnt care less pretty much
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I have kept them and sell them in the store, but haven't brought any home, but surely could in the future.
Josh's Aquatics & Railroad Videos
Josh's Aquatics & Railroad Videos - 8 years ago
Awesome video! Love the look of the new tank! I used to have a Red Flame Sword. They look really cool under natural sunlight.
Josh's Aquatics & Railroad Videos
Josh's Aquatics & Railroad Videos - 8 years ago
+Aquarium Co-Op The next logical step, eh? :)
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Yeah I so badly want to do an addon for tanks in a green house :)
Flynn's Fish Forum
Flynn's Fish Forum - 8 years ago
Awesome video!!!!!!
eric j
eric j - 8 years ago
I need about 6 discus that size myself lol.
eric j
eric j - 8 years ago
yea I did that lol got scared off because of price lol maybe later than sooner .
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Time to go shoppin :)

30. comment for Discus Tank Setup Daily Dose #12

DJK DJK - 8 years ago
would love you to do a video on how to pair off fish or maybe talk about it in the live stream :)
Aquaristik Master
Aquaristik Master - 8 years ago
witch temperture do you use for angelfish?
Aquaristik Master
Aquaristik Master - 8 years ago
my are ate 26 gress do you think it is good
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
78 for breeding, 74-75 for just keeping.
Increase - 8 years ago
I see you gave a huge shoutout to Charlotte Pipe in this one. She's a real classy lady!
at-guppies - 8 years ago
awesome video!! thanks for daily video.
Aquariums by Mike
Aquariums by Mike - 8 years ago
Corey do u sell that size brine eggs you had in video?
Aquariums by Mike
Aquariums by Mike - 8 years ago
Kinda figured. Have to order regardless. Would of rather went through you. Plus if it was you, you could of threw some of those sweet orange lazers in the box lol. Brine direct doesn't do that :)
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I don't it's already the chest prices from like brine shrimp direct etc.
Igor Verdes
Igor Verdes - 8 years ago
I'm planning to order one type of substrate, couldn't find what minerals fluorite black is rich in. What do you recommend between those two?
Thank you.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
What plants are you trying to grow? That would effect what substrate you want.
ron foerster
ron foerster - 8 years ago
what do you feed your tropheus?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Frozen Brine shrimp and my omnivore pellet mix.
Dramatic Aquatics
Dramatic Aquatics - 8 years ago
great video !!
Philthy Phil
Philthy Phil - 8 years ago
would love to see a cherry shrimp tank at a time.
Theo Colvin
Theo Colvin - 8 years ago
Do you have a RO or RODI system? If not what do you do for your water? I have a RO system at home and my fish and plants absolutely love it. One more question, can I grow dwarf hair grass with finnex stingray clip light? It's a 10 gal tank, but the plants are in the corner and so is the light.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I don't use RO water because my water is already basically that out of the tap. I feel like I'd want more light for dwarf hair grass on a 10 gallon. It might be strong enough but it'll be a wait and see. If it's the stringray clip light I don't think that is good enough. The planted plus clip light is probably enough though.
Zack Fanning
Zack Fanning - 8 years ago
How did you install the feeder with the glass top? I have the same top and assumed I couldn't use the eheim feeder.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
I don't use the plastic back strip on the top, so I can slide the top back, this allows me to use the feeder and put food in from the front. This option really only works with a sponge filter so you don't have canister filter hoses or a hang on back preventing it.
Packo Rauf
Packo Rauf - 8 years ago
is 40 gallons enough for the discus 's whole life?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
No, this is their tank until they start pairing off.
Tyler - 8 years ago
i'm really sorry for asking cuz i know you have prob anwesered this a bunch and i just can't find it but what lights do you use on the discus tanks
Tyler - 8 years ago
nvm i found where you said it a stingray thanks :D
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+HOBOkiller15 finnex stingray is the light being used.
gutsanglory1 - 8 years ago
Notha great vid, look at that subscriber number grow.
Its working, your about to break 20k
Good Job!
amcluesent - 8 years ago
'elf'n'safety would go mad seeing you working at height like that!
Eden's Aquaponics
Eden's Aquaponics - 8 years ago
Damn those elves!
NiX aKi
NiX aKi - 8 years ago
I pluck out the dead leaves of my plants. Am I doing it wrong?
Kyle welt
Kyle welt - 8 years ago
It's just like in fall when a trees leaves turn brown, the tree spent all summer growing that foliage and in preparation for loosing it all it takes the nutrients back into the tree to store them for the winter . If instead you were to cut all the leaves off, that entire Summer's foliage growth would be at a loss to the tree. Unless you were to compost the leaves and try to feed the tree the compost but again the tree would have to wait and work to absorb and process those nutrients . I pluck my leaves after they have died off completely just as a tree would drop its when they turn brown , not yellow not orange , brown .
MarineLifeDrew - 8 years ago
No that is perfectly fine, I always do that when I get new plants. Especially swords and mine are doing great.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+NiX aKi you can, but as they are turning yellow they are providing nutrients to the plant.
Russell Beach
Russell Beach - 8 years ago
Great vid again, almost to 20k !! ? I have no use for it but was wondering if it would work. Could a Brine Shrimp hatchery be made to slowly drip into a tank of fish or fry using a DIY IV type system.Whereas when they hatch they would go towards the airline and into a tank at a slow release system?  Thereby saving the time in collecting and feeding? Just curious if anyone has done it or if it could be done. Thanks
Russell Beach
Russell Beach - 8 years ago
And that's why I thought you should tackle it LOLOL Just add it to the long long list !
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Russell Beach It could be done, also need auto water change on the tank as over time youd be adding a lot of salt.
Big Joe's Fish Room
Big Joe's Fish Room - 8 years ago
that video was a humdinger LOL
Charles' Fish Tanks
Charles' Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Aw man, I wanted to see the trout goodeids :(

Cory, I noticed that you left the roots as is when you planted the swords. I take it you don't believe in trimming the roots of new plants?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Charles' Fish Tanks no, in my opinion that is detrimental to bew plants with emersed leaves and causes so much stress you can have plants die.
ShortNanxious - 8 years ago
Wow. You were on the ball today with your video vlog. nice. doing good keeping up with them so far.

50. comment for Discus Tank Setup Daily Dose #12

Tetra Aquariums
Tetra Aquariums - 8 years ago
My closest aquarium center has 2 discus and a angle fish in a 3 gal, 7 terrapins with only male chiclids, cardinal tetras with a fully grown flower horn and BLUE TANGS in a tiny tank thats smaller than my 17 gal
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Dominic and cats ugh, sounds rough.
Dominic Guarino
Dominic Guarino - 8 years ago
Those pigeon bloods won't be pretty at all once they grow up. You should've just made it BB.
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 8 years ago
Great Cory!!
I think you'll hit 20,000 subscribers tomorrow!!!
You deserve it!!
Yams - 8 years ago
So if 1 week ago he was below 20k, then that means he's gained at least 1.5k subs in a week. Sounds pretty good to me. :)
RedTrooper DoesGaming / RTDG
RedTrooper DoesGaming / RTDG - 8 years ago
Its your lucky day! He did!
Thuddy Waters
Thuddy Waters - 8 years ago
That pipe's name is Charlotte.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Thuddy Waters indeed.
CichlidGuy915 - 8 years ago
Cool video cory! I wish I could get some discus!
Kyle Raines
Kyle Raines - 8 years ago
Do you feed your discus beef heart?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Kyle Raines I dont.
Dan Johnson
Dan Johnson - 8 years ago
Corey, I am very new to live plants in my aquarium. I do have live plants in my pond. I have always used root tbs for the pond. I see a lot of liquid ferts for aquariums. I currently have a couple of amazon swords, a couple narrow leaf java ferns, an anubias nana, and several ribbons. These are planted in black gravel. What should I fertilize them with: A root tab or a liquid? I will probably place my order with you so hopefully whatever you advise, you also carry. ;-)
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
Lava rock would work just fine. You can send us an email at store@aquariumcoop.com but in the store we are so busy with customers there it is unlikely I'll have time to answer your questions so we ask that internet orders go through email for questions. Thanks.
Dan Johnson
Dan Johnson - 8 years ago
Can I use lava rock to attach them? would you mind if I just call your store and talk to you and order what I need from you?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+francisco Hermosillo the swords need root tabs. The anubias and java ferns need liquid fertilizer and should be attached to wood or rock.
francisco Hermosillo
francisco Hermosillo - 8 years ago
You can use those root tabs if there in a capsule even better for slower release of ferts to roots with swords you definitely want to feed there roots they would love the tabs since there's no nutritions in you gravel,,
Paolo Panizales
Paolo Panizales - 8 years ago
oh.prety cool .
Desert Oranda
Desert Oranda - 8 years ago
Cory, what brand glass top is that? Also, what brand light?
darksidefloyd1 - 8 years ago
Top is a Aqueon Versa-Top

Light is a Finnex Stingray. As Cory mentioned it is lower light output. If you need more try Finnex FugeRay Planted+ that you may see used on his plant tanks in the store.
Gold Aquariums
Gold Aquariums - 8 years ago
Cool vid
Michael Agostino
Michael Agostino - 8 years ago
You mentioned that Bristlenose Plecos will eat sword plants. Is it just Bristlenose? What about other Plecos that stay small like Clown or Bulldog Plecos will they too eat Sword plants?
Michael Agostino
Michael Agostino - 8 years ago
+Aquarium Co-Op Thanks for the info. Good to know, since I am setting up my 56 gallon aquarium and planned to buy Bristlenose and Clown plecos for it. Now I need to adjust my plant selection without any swords.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Michael Agostino I havent tested them all but royals and rubberlip plecos will also.
mummaV2 - 8 years ago
Hi Cory, I'm really enjoying the daily vlogs, thank you. I'm planning an Anubias only tank where they will be attached to Goldenvine, will I need a special substrate? I was thinking of only putting some sand as it will stocked with Corydoras Hastatus and Boraras Brigittea. Oh and I will add some Frogbit.
mummaV2 - 8 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+mummaV2 no special substrate need sonce they will be using liquid ferts.
Jeramiah Green
Jeramiah Green - 8 years ago
How many gallons is that discus tank?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+Jeramiah Green snails come with all live plants. Snails in moderation are a very beneficial thing. If they are over populating that is a sign therenis too much available food.
Jeramiah Green
Jeramiah Green - 8 years ago
Ok thank you
Samuel Delonge
Samuel Delonge - 8 years ago
Believe he sad 40 breeder
Jeramiah Green
Jeramiah Green - 8 years ago
Also have you ever had a problem with snails with your plants and if you have never had a problem where did you get your live plants
CyhAnide - 8 years ago
Woo, discus! I discovered that a bamboo cooking spoon works really well for spreading substrate under water. It floats to the top if it slips out of your hand, bamboo is naturally resistant to mold and bacteria, and the toothed spoons make a nice even spread. Nice to see more plants!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 8 years ago
+CyhAnide good tip, thanks.
ShortNanxious - 8 years ago
That's awsome. gonna have to try that...
Samuel Delonge
Samuel Delonge - 8 years ago

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