1,520 likes 161,187 views 8 years ago
Unboxing Tropical Aquarium Fish Order: Fancy Goldfish, Guppy Fish, Plants, Betta fish, Cichlids, Plecos, shrimp, Snow...
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I had such a great time hanging out with Eric Bodrock of Alloddballaquatics. Eric has a lot of experience breeding...
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Aquarium Fish Unboxing. Rare Plecos, Puffer Fish, Corydoras, Cardinal Tetras, and Rice Fish. L264 Sultan Plecos, L190...
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Fish Unboxing that is a collection of a shipment coming into my retail store. As well as other things like Gold...
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60 Gal. , 4 feet long Freshwater planted tank, bristlenose plecos , Clown Pleco , Angelfish , pearl gourami , cory...
251 likes 35,744 views 9 years ago
SUBSCRIBE NOW ON YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/c/AquascapingLab FACEBOOK:...
66 likes 11,318 views 8 years ago
125 Gallon | Planted Discus Tank | 2016 April | L183 Starlight Pleco 4K Store - http://www.PurelyAquatic.com...
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Monster Fish, Catfish & Discus Tour Of Scottish Aquatics - From Planted Nano Tanks to Pleco Paradise. For more info...
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1 likes 1,570 views 9 years ago
75 gallon discus fish tank. Tanked aquarium pigeon blood blue turquoise snakeskin hobby.
The "Discus and Pleco tank" video is part of the discous aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.
Очень интересно наблюдать! красавцы!!
У меня тоже сомы, не так много но они всё время прячутся, а у Вас все на виду!!
10. comment for Discus and Pleco tank
P.S You are helping me a lot and I love your tank!
20. comment for Discus and Pleco tank
At 00:14 the all black body with orange/yellow fins. Then at 01:58 the little fella with a black body and white dots and a striped tail. Again well done with your tank!
30. comment for Discus and Pleco tank
thanks for the insightful response mate
Many of us are really enjoying fish esp. plecos ^o^
2 thumbs up!!!!
the name of it please
i am too building my dedicated tank for plecs only right now :)
it will mainly housin sunshine royal titanicus and maybe a typhoon haha
and at 2min mark the white patches black pleco?
thanks man!
2 min is L082.
50. comment for Discus and Pleco tank
if there fin is up they are happy
4, 5 inches. apparently can grow to 30cm.
For striped (with more whites than black), zebra pleco L46 are lovely, but expensive. They are about as contrasty as you can get and the colors stay that way even when they get older. L134 is a cheaper option. Otherwise, wavy stripes like L333, L66 or L260, although the contrast of the black and white tend to fade as they get older.
know. I have a 55 gallon tank. I'm always looking for different plecos to put in there. It looks great in there. I love the titanticus pleco or titanic.
After 13 seconds There are 3 plecos black/grey and white together. Not the L046. Do you Know what they are called? I have a cople Myself but i cant decide what kind of L number they are.
L25, LDA105, L65, L273. L79, L46, L66, L174, L400, L260, L82, L33, "L56Y" - some may have been added after this video.