Discus and Pleco tank

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Most popular comments
for Discus and Pleco tank

Makoy Unggoy
Makoy Unggoy - 6 years ago
Fantastic collection of fish right there, I know it must have taken you some time to get hold of some of these!
Eddie To
Eddie To - 6 years ago
Yes, years and years! Recently moved apartment, so far so good with moving them across
Kevin Schmidt
Kevin Schmidt - 6 years ago
Pleco heaven
Ahmed Eissa
Ahmed Eissa - 6 years ago
What a nice collection, I love their color I only find the black color in my country...
Nighthawk  X
Nighthawk X - 6 years ago
How many gallons?
Eddie To
Eddie To - 6 years ago
~100 gallons
Josh Potatoe
Josh Potatoe - 6 years ago
curious how much the livestock costs around in total? awesome tank
Eddie To
Eddie To - 6 years ago
Thanks! Let's just say I have spent far too much on the fish...!
Eddie To
Eddie To - 6 years ago
akbar19942k10 - 6 years ago
What do you feed your fishes?
akbar19942k10 - 6 years ago
Eddie To
Eddie To - 6 years ago
I feed a variety of pellets such as hikari, xtreme, new era. also freeze fried australian black worms (discus loves them) and frozen bloodworms.
Олег Б.
Олег Б. - 6 years ago
Замечательные сомики!
Очень интересно наблюдать! красавцы!!
У меня тоже сомы, не так много но они всё время прячутся, а у Вас все на виду!!
Eddie To
Eddie To - 6 years ago
thanks! its feeding time, hence they are more readily coming out.
Merik Keoni
Merik Keoni - 6 years ago
Have your discus ever got aggressive towards each other?
Merik Keoni
Merik Keoni - 6 years ago
Ok thanks
Eddie To
Eddie To - 6 years ago
Definitely, they have a hierarchy. Usually by having at least 4-5, the aggression to any single discus is manageable but have had situations where the weakest was picked on by every other discus and had to be removed.

10. comment for Discus and Pleco tank

John Nagri
John Nagri - 6 years ago
How do you keep all the pleco poop under control as far as water changes? How often do you vacuum tank bed? Is there a method or secret to getting in and around all the aquascaping? I know how much these guys go to the bathroom, I have about a dozen myself and it’s insane how much they go!
Eddie To
Eddie To - 6 years ago
I change water often, up to twice per week at 50% but i dont usually vacuum - maybe once a month. I have strong water flow, including a Vortech 40W (overkill - i have it on a very low setting), so poop doesnt stay on the floor long (or at least not in view).
i do it my way
i do it my way - 6 years ago
Merik Keoni
Merik Keoni - 6 years ago
I have a question what do you feed your Discus Plecos and Corydoras?
Merik Keoni
Merik Keoni - 7 years ago
Ok thanks for all the info!!! I also just wanted to ask since my Discus hasent been doing so well and I think it is because I have been feeding frozen foods but because how your tank looks I really think that I should try fried foods or the type u use!!
P.S You are helping me a lot and I love your tank!
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
Merik Keoni cheers, glad it's been of use! my discus are not in the best of health to be honest, think it's difficult in a planted tank environment - need to balance their needs with the rest of the tank, so can't give them optimal care.
Merik Keoni
Merik Keoni - 7 years ago
Also what type of driftwood is in their?
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
Merik Keoni not quite sure, think it's Malaysian driftwood. I've changed some of the wood since this video : https://youtu.be/UPi4Ui7NiZw
Merik Keoni
Merik Keoni - 7 years ago
What’s the pH?
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
Merik Keoni I'm not sure, have not tested for ages as track has been stable. I'm guessing slightly acidic from the ada soil
Jonathan Chun
Jonathan Chun - 7 years ago
How big is the tank?
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
Jonathan Chun 150cm x 60 x 60. tank is charged a bit since. you can search for my March 2018 update. thanks
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
Azman Saliza greetings!
Laughing Squid Aquatics
Laughing Squid Aquatics - 7 years ago
Hey there, can I ask what species of pleco at 0.05 seconds on the far left with a completely black head and an orange/white body? That is the most gorgeous pleco I have ever seen in my entire life.
Laughing Squid Aquatics
Laughing Squid Aquatics - 7 years ago
Eddie To Thank you for the quick reply. They are gorgeous, but I looked them up and you're right they do lose color as they get older. I really love you're all pleco tank idea in your videos and I just subbed. I just got started on YouTube and I'm trying to do a lot of update videos on rare catfish and plecos, rare nerite snails and all natural planted tanks. If you'd like to checkout a couple of my videos and tell me what you think I'd really appreciate it. I hope you do more updates on this tank, it really is an awesome stocking mix you chose.
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
Hi Ryder, that should be the titanicus pleco, L273. Unfortunately, its only juveniles that have such strong and contrasting colors - these tend to fade as they age
gary granato
gary granato - 7 years ago
great plec's
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
thanks Gary!

20. comment for Discus and Pleco tank

profishkeeping - 7 years ago
awesome!! when I'm older I'm going to have a tank just like this!
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
Aeneas Bonelli thanks!
Gianluca Attanasio
Gianluca Attanasio - 7 years ago
How many liters is this aquarium?
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
Gianluca Attanasio about 400L
Jonathan Chun
Jonathan Chun - 7 years ago
What’s the Pleco with the white spots and orange streamer in front of the cave at 0:46
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
Jonathan Chun I think you are referring to the typhoon psueda LDA105. Video color may be off, they should be orange/ gold spots
Jonathan Chun
Jonathan Chun - 7 years ago
What is the Pleco that is at 0:08 next to the titanic at the left with the white spots?
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
Jonathan Chun that's an opal, L082
moondarck - 7 years ago
Awesome collection!
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
moondarck thanks!
Laughing Squid Aquatics
Laughing Squid Aquatics - 7 years ago
Really love what you did with the tank. Can you list a couple of the species of pleco you have in here? At the start you show a black and fire orange pleco, what species is he? Again, great job.
Merik Keoni
Merik Keoni - 7 years ago
What's the Pleco @ :30 with the streamer on the tail?
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
Merik Keoni Think you are referring to L079
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
Merik Keoni L079
Merik Keoni
Merik Keoni - 7 years ago
What's the tempature?????
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
Around 28C in the summer and 26C in the winter
Adam Carter
Adam Carter - 7 years ago
Wow, your collection of plecos is incredible! Congrats on your tank man. I'm sure you get asked to identify the individual fish all the time, so i am sorry to be a pain and do it too!
At 00:14 the all black body with orange/yellow fins. Then at 01:58 the little fella with a black body and white dots and a striped tail. Again well done with your tank!
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
Adam Carter Hi Adam, thanks for your kind words! first one is L600 and the second one is opal L082. The opal doesn't usually have a striped tail, think was just a temporary pattern on this one.
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
Adam Carter Thanks Adam. The one at 1:58 is L082, one of my favorite pleco. I'm not sure which one you mean for 0:14, I don't see one matching your description at that timeframe, but sounds like it could be L600. The L600 is more aggressive than other pseudanthicus so I ended up selling him
Aron Skipp
Aron Skipp - 7 years ago
What size tank is that it's amazing this what a lovely set up
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
troptrip tropical thanks! it's 60 inches x 24" x 24"

30. comment for Discus and Pleco tank

brown and proud
brown and proud - 7 years ago
nice tank
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
brown and proud thanks!
Petr Kubina
Petr Kubina - 7 years ago
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
Kevin Hyatt
Kevin Hyatt - 7 years ago
Very cool tank. Do you happen to have a list of the species of corydoras in that tank?
Kyle Raines
Kyle Raines - 7 years ago
Is that an L014 at 2:10? And do I see L236? That’s a definite must on my list!!
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
Kyle Raines I go through a couple of dealers here in HK who import direct from South America
Kyle Raines
Kyle Raines - 7 years ago
Eddie To what venue do you prefer for acquiring your catfish?
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
Hi Kyle. its actually a L253, very similar to L014. As for the Hypas, i think they are L333, L066 and L400, although there could be a L236 too!
wan alif
wan alif - 7 years ago
why my pleco was lazy....
The Fishy Life !
The Fishy Life ! - 7 years ago
wow what a beautiful collection of plecos!!!!!
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
Dimitry SP
Dimitry SP - 7 years ago
hey mate i am interested to keep l-082 to broadening my pleco stocks, is it safe to buy them at 2.5-3" inch? and for 220 usd each?
Dimitry SP
Dimitry SP - 7 years ago
ok nice
thanks for the insightful response mate
Many of us are really enjoying fish esp. plecos ^o^
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
i find large L46 quite robust and able to hold their own even against pseudas
Dimitry SP
Dimitry SP - 7 years ago
l46,l600, king cactus,l173,l236 but personally I would not want another pseudas again as it will make too many aggressive plecos. The cheapest one will be l46 but all of hypan is dwarf in size don't know if it will fine in longterm :/.
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
Yeah, probably not a good idea for small L82s in that tank as it may not be able to compete for food, unless its significantly bigger than the LDA105, L273, L24, L25. what other plecos are available in your area?
Dimitry SP
Dimitry SP - 7 years ago
thanks, I thought it will be overpriced them, as right now I have 2 juveniles of L105,273,15, and 14, 1xl24&l25, 1 mid-sized (l190,l137), I'd really want to keep them but might be not a good idea cause of my current stocks. what will you suggest for my next pleco suited for my tank?
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
i find small L082 a little shy, so you wouldn't want to keep them with other plecos that would intimate them or that might over compete with them for food. So, hypancistrus would be fine, but i wouldn't suggest pseudacanthicus, for example, even if same size or smaller. price sounds about right.
jose martinez
jose martinez - 7 years ago
L-82 opal pleco one of the plecos more beatiful in the world for me and very rare , i live in Spain and never see the opal pleco l-82 i Spanish one fish for buy for this species , are more beotiful and i read what fish are more expensive and rare , and the pseudocanthicus L-24,L,25 , L-273 and pseudocanthicus thiphoon LDA never see in Spain the are fish very expensive and never go to spain , i have 8 fish of hypancistrus zebra l-46 and for me the opal pleco L-82 is more beotiful than the zebras l-46 , thanks friend
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
Hi Jose. I am in Hong Kong, so i don't know about availability in the US. for 4-5", it will cost around US$200-300. Ancistrinae/Scobinancistrus i think is just a placeholder until the fish is properly described.
jose martinez
jose martinez - 7 years ago
Thanks Eddie , it possible to buy in united states the opal pleco l-82 and who much dollars i have to buy 1 fish opal.plecol-82 ? , my information for the planet catfish is a new name and change Ancistrinil-82 for Scobinancistrus l-82 m thanks friend and is posible to respond may questions
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
Yes, i like the L82 too. i find them a little more fragile and less able to handle themselves than some of the other plecos, but well worth it. Recently, there have been more L82 than in previous seasons.
Bill Blackburn
Bill Blackburn - 7 years ago
Hi Eddie, I have almost a very similar tank myself but struggling to maintain clear water , you obviously have much more filtration than is normally recommended. I have two Eheim 350T on a 450 ltr tank and a further 2213 for mechanical and for the UV. Would you mind talking a little about the filter media you use in all those filters ? How do you dissipate the return flow ? Also, do you have CO2 ect for the plants ?
David A
David A - 7 years ago
What size tank
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
150cm x 60cm x 60cm
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
Thanks mate!
Steve Finestone
Steve Finestone - 7 years ago
Probably the nicest you tube video that I have seen. Great asst of plecos and Discus.
2 thumbs up!!!!
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
thank you!
Fuyung Hai
Fuyung Hai - 7 years ago
hey man what kind of substrate do you have there?
the name of it please
i am too building my dedicated tank for plecs only right now :)
it will mainly housin sunshine royal titanicus and maybe a typhoon haha
Fuyung Hai
Fuyung Hai - 7 years ago
thanks alot :)
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
its ADA la plata sand. good luck with your tank!
Jordan M
Jordan M - 7 years ago
I think this is the most interesting home aquarium I've seen. how much do you spend on fish food a week? (must be a fistfull of algae flakes a day!)
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
Jordan M Haha, yes, quite a bit!
Sergey Sovietunion
Sergey Sovietunion - 7 years ago
This aquarium is my dream. Still does not work
Eddie To
Eddie To - 7 years ago
Oh, what isn't working?
Stuart Thompson
Stuart Thompson - 7 years ago
Serious tanking brother
Eddie To
Eddie To - 8 years ago
Jorge Moreno thanks! I'm not sure, I didn't go out of my way to stop then eating the plants. maybe the your of plants I have, being ferns and anubias are tough and not so tasty?
88ivor - 8 years ago
whats the pleco at 1.39 1.40.. the one with white dots/patch, back head and orange tail?

and at 2min mark the white patches black pleco?

thanks man!
Eddie To
Eddie To - 8 years ago
1.39 is a titanicus, L273 - very variable in the amount of gold/orange. There is actully no white, just the lighting in the video.

2 min is L082.
LuffLolly - 8 years ago
I thought plecos were territorial?
Aron Skipp
Aron Skipp - 7 years ago
I have 2 golden nugget plecos and I was scared they would scrap but seeing this has made me so happy if they grow up together I think they would get on just fine
Eddie To
Eddie To - 8 years ago
yes, definitely they are. but controllable and you need to consider the exact species, the size of the individuals and the arrangement of the tank including hiding spaces. My largest plecos are currently a gold rubber (L56Y) and L25, which are not so aggressive and help keep the temper of the tank controllable.
wcdeich4 - 8 years ago
What kind of tank do you recommend for breeding the plecos - bare bottom, sand, aqua soil.....? And what kind of breeding caves are best?
Eddie To
Eddie To - 8 years ago
Hi wc. Sorry, i dont breed plecos, so i am not sure. I would say definitely not aqua soil. Bare bottom is probably easier for keeping the tank clean.

50. comment for Discus and Pleco tank

Snorlax The perv
Snorlax The perv - 8 years ago
See your plecos if there dorsal fin is down they stressed
if there fin is up they are happy
Snorlax The perv
Snorlax The perv - 8 years ago
Do you feed your pleco some cucumbers because for the plecos they don't have much to eat algae lots of cleaners in your tank also your plecos can't stay calm your bottom feeders might think that they will die in crowded
Eddie To
Eddie To - 8 years ago
plecos as cleaners is a misconception. actually many of the plecos in the tank are omnivores. in fact some, like hypancistrus are more carnivorous
WkakaJunior - 8 years ago
is borneo sucker fish friendly with black plecos?
Eddie To
Eddie To - 8 years ago
+WkakaJunior Sorry, I am not familiar with borneo sucker fish.
Andrew Oliver
Andrew Oliver - 8 years ago
Nice tank, I have a 200 litre tank with a Royal pleco and a bulldog pleco do you think I could get anymore and would they get along I've also got a Oscar in there but he's not interested in the plecos
Eddie To
Eddie To - 8 years ago
+Andrew Oliver L253, similar to sunshine llevo, they grow slowly after they reach
4, 5 inches. apparently can grow to 30cm.
Andrew Oliver
Andrew Oliver - 8 years ago
+Andrew Oliver also what pleco is it at the start of the video that I quite big and how big will he grow
Andrew Oliver
Andrew Oliver - 8 years ago
+Eddie To yes definitely a good filtration system I've got 2 internal filters and an air pump which keep them busy I've got a black pleco with white spots but I've forgotten the name haha thanks
Eddie To
Eddie To - 8 years ago
+Andrew Oliver the plecos you have a not aggressive, so from that perspective I think you could get something not too big or aggressive like a L333 or L66. I assume you have good filtration to deal with an Oscar!
Eddie To
Eddie To - 8 years ago
+patrick sayers sorry accidentally deleted your comment when replying. I feed a variety of pellets such as hikari, xtreme, new era. Also started using raphasy.
Eddie To
Eddie To - 8 years ago
Hi Jack. My system is about 400L. i use Eheim classic filters - i have 1 x 2260; 2 x 2217; and 1 x 2215 (rated in total for 3000L per eheim literature, which i take with a big spoon of salt) I find after a water change, the particles are generally gone in 24 hours. i think another filter wouldnt hurt, esp if your bioload is quite high.
Jacek Lewandowski
Jacek Lewandowski - 8 years ago
Eddie To Hi Eddie. What's the filtration system in Your tank? I've a 600 liters planted tank with Amazon community and 2080 eheim filter. Water in the tank is still very messy and lots of dort is flying around. Any suggestions? Should I put another filter? Answer please. Jack.
alex bomb
alex bomb - 8 years ago
+Eddie To i see....i have algae issue and my snails getting rid of it..but they dont stop laying eggs everday and im planning to replace them with bristlenose pleco.And im a little worried as some people say their discus are fine and some says they sucks discus slime at night
Eddie To
Eddie To - 8 years ago
I never had a problem and I know many owners who keep discus with plecos
alex bomb
alex bomb - 8 years ago
Is it safe mixing discus with plecos? i heard many stories of them sucks discus slime
뚫뗅 - 8 years ago
what kind of filtration system do you have?
Eddie To
Eddie To - 8 years ago
The yellow green ones? That would be corydoras eques.
뚫뗅 - 8 years ago
btw, may I ask what kind is that yellowish corydoras in the beginning of the video?
뚫뗅 - 8 years ago
what's how you keep the tank so clean with all those plecos!!
Eddie To
Eddie To - 8 years ago
4 eheim canisters at the moment. I would like to change to a sump one day. I also have emergent plants above the tank that provides a lot of nutrient extraction.
Xavier - 9 years ago
awesome :) thx very much all your driftwood and all your plants i bet you spent hours setting it up to get things just right ^^ what kinda plant you got if not too much asking ?
Eddie To
Eddie To - 8 years ago
Mostly anubia and java fern varieties. Only a small section at the back has soil and mostly crinum species there
Xavier - 9 years ago
im really impressed mate im with pool filter sand just bought a couple of peppermint and L397 just came in the hobby always been my passion but couldnt afford it till now any advice ?
Eddie To
Eddie To - 9 years ago
L397 are lovely although I have not been privileged to keep yet. I have kept other panaqolus and one thing is to make sure there is wood for them to graze.
Xavier - 9 years ago
hey Eddie your tank is making me dream litteraly what kind of sand is this ?
Eddie To
Eddie To - 9 years ago
thanks Xavier. it's ADA sand. I think they call it 'la plata'
Daniel Mirtorabi
Daniel Mirtorabi - 9 years ago
man i respect you loads for this tank, it must have cost so much and took so much time to prepare, I've been breeding plecos for a long time now and have loads of tanks made for especially plecos but this is just amazing, i wish to have this tank one day.
maniacram - 9 years ago
Whoa weeee wow ehhhhh
Tenacious T-dot
Tenacious T-dot - 9 years ago
Hi, I love your tank, I am preparing plans for a 125g tank and would like to include 2 small plecos.  As balck and white as possible, 4-6'' 1 being striped of some sort the other spotted.  Any suggestions.  Will be with small community tank (Tetras, dwarf gouramis, corydoras, and shrimp etc).
Eddie To
Eddie To - 9 years ago
+Ewa Myhrén yeah, probably
Ewa Myhrén
Ewa Myhrén - 9 years ago
+Eddie To it is overcrowded
Eddie To
Eddie To - 9 years ago
+Tania Lalonde Hi Tania and thanks! For the spotted, L201/H. Inspector/H. Contradens would work for the size. But i find their color can be a little washed out and not too contrasty, unless you can find some good specimens. I love L368, but they can get large (12"+) although quite slowly (mine has grown from 1.5" to 2.5" in the last 18 months). L240 is another option, but this too gets large (10") and the spots get smaller as it gets bigger.

For striped (with more whites than black), zebra pleco L46 are lovely, but expensive. They are about as contrasty as you can get and the colors stay that way even when they get older. L134 is a cheaper option. Otherwise, wavy stripes like L333, L66 or L260, although the contrast of the black and white tend to fade as they get older.
DANNY THIEU - 9 years ago
They are not ready:) still very shy! just bought 1 black wing ; 1 lda-33! today and last night i almost order that L-14 3" but shipping cost is $59 so Im still thinking!! I'm getting crazy about these plecos now. By the way, I'll post some video very soon.
DANNY THIEU - 9 years ago
Thanks Eddie:) after i saw your youtube, i ran to lfs got 3pcs of L-66; L-114 and still looking few more;) some of your plecos are very expensive!!
Eddie To
Eddie To - 9 years ago
do you have video of your tank?
Eddie To
Eddie To - 9 years ago
Shhh! don't let my wife read that :)
diogo - 9 years ago
Hello Eddie , could you tell me what are the kinds of Plecos your beautiful aquarium ?
Eddie To
Eddie To - 9 years ago
thanks! I've sold, swapped bought some plecos, so I'll post a new photo and list the plecos there!
DANNY THIEU - 9 years ago
Beautiful setup, AAA:) What's temp; PH and foods to feed those plecos? Thank you.
Eddie To
Eddie To - 9 years ago
thanks Danny. temp is around 28. food is a mixture of dry food - hikari, new life, xtreme, new era. not sure about pH, I only check if the tank looks unstable, but our local water is neutral.
Loach King
Loach King - 9 years ago
Absolutely stunning!!!!!!!
Colin Bruck
Colin Bruck - 9 years ago
Cool thanks for letting me
know. I have a 55 gallon tank. I'm always looking for different plecos to put in there. It looks great in there. I love the titanticus pleco or titanic.
Colin Bruck
Colin Bruck - 9 years ago
What type of plecos do you have in there.
Eddie To
Eddie To - 9 years ago
+Pam Bruck in this tank i has L273, LDA105, L253, L025, L600, L079, L082, L027, L046, L333, L174, plus others. I've since sold some, lost some and transferred some to a group-out tank.
Andreas Claesson
Andreas Claesson - 9 years ago
Please post more videos of this tank. It is absolutely amazing!
Peter Lawrence
Peter Lawrence - 9 years ago
Eddie To
Eddie To - 9 years ago
+Peter Lawrence thanks!
GRQ JOYEUX - 9 years ago
Wow that's so beautiful
Eddie To
Eddie To - 9 years ago
+GRQ JOYEUX thank you!
Jasper Neale
Jasper Neale - 9 years ago
+Eddie To Honestly best discus tank ever! I am going to model my 125 gallon after yours! How much are those plecos going for? Thanks!! Awesome Tank!!!!
Eddie To
Eddie To - 9 years ago
+Jasper Neale thanks Jasper! i can't tell you here how much the plecos were, otherwise my wife will kill me...! :)
John's Aquarium
John's Aquarium - 9 years ago
What type of sand do you use?
Eddie To
Eddie To - 9 years ago
ADA brand sand. I think the variety was La Plata or Nile
BraddaMike123 - 10 years ago
what size tank?
Aron Skipp
Aron Skipp - 7 years ago
How much gallon of ltre
Eddie To
Eddie To - 10 years ago
5 x 2 x 2
dogglet1234 - 10 years ago
How much did u even spend on this pleco
Erik Cohen
Erik Cohen - 10 years ago
Eddie, what are the pair of white spotted plecos at the 2:00 mark?
Eddie To
Eddie To - 10 years ago
L082. one of my favorite plecos, but rather shy and picked on by more aggressive plecos so I ended up selling them.
Paul shockley
Paul shockley - 10 years ago
more like discus, pleco, and corydoras tank! all exotic species! great video!
Alex Ayala
Alex Ayala - 10 years ago
i love ur collection of plecos!
Will B
Will B - 10 years ago
Where those butterfly Clown Plecos?
Eddie To
Eddie To - 10 years ago
Not sure if their common name is clown plecos...maybe? 
jamie bayless
jamie bayless - 10 years ago
thats really beautiful. how often do you do water changes?
Eddie To
Eddie To - 10 years ago
Thanks! usually 30% once a week
Guppy Breeder
Guppy Breeder - 10 years ago
Looks so good man !
Blaine Lewry
Blaine Lewry - 11 years ago
Hi, what is the pleco in the centre of the screen at 0.21 seconds, black and white with orange edged fins ? Thanks
Fredrick SuperAquaMan Johansson
Fredrick SuperAquaMan Johansson - 8 years ago
L273 Titanicus Pleco
Andreas Claesson
Andreas Claesson - 11 years ago
Asome video.
After 13 seconds There are 3 plecos black/grey and white together. Not the L046. Do you Know what they are called? I have a cople Myself but i cant decide what kind of L number they are.
Eddie To
Eddie To - 11 years ago
i think they are L066.
edgar treminio
edgar treminio - 11 years ago
Awesome tank.
Tom Littlewood
Tom Littlewood - 11 years ago
What did you feed?
mtimbreza16 - 11 years ago
Those are realy nice... love the pleco°° what kind of plecos are in there if you dont mind me asking...
Eddie To
Eddie To - 11 years ago
Thanks. Quite a few plecos....
L25, LDA105, L65, L273. L79, L46, L66, L174, L400, L260, L82, L33, "L56Y" - some may have been added after this video.
Tony Ngo
Tony Ngo - 11 years ago
Very nice

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