Discus fish - living room at Xmas

Just tested my new 'HD Vado' camera and filmed the Discus Aquarium in our Living Room.....the lights are only around the fire at this time of Year! I will be moving at least 5 of the younger Discus to another Tank in the next day. The Congo Tetras are breeding and I have 2 other Mature pairs of Discus producing fry reguarly. A RAM, Rummy's and 4 Sterbai Corydoras are also in as Tankmates. They are generally peaceful but have the odd chase when I go near the Glass, as they think they are about to be fed!!

Discus fish - living room at Xmas sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Discus 15 years ago 90,636 views

Just tested my new 'HD Vado' camera and filmed the Discus Aquarium in our Living Room.....the lights are only around the fire at this time of Year! I will be moving at least 5 of the younger Discus to another Tank in the next day. The Congo Tetras are breeding and I have 2 other Mature pairs of Discus producing fry reguarly. A RAM, Rummy's and 4 Sterbai Corydoras are also in as Tankmates. They are generally peaceful but have the odd chase when I go near the Glass, as they think they are about to be fed!!

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Most popular comments
for Discus fish - living room at Xmas

Danny Roberts
Danny Roberts - 11 years ago
Must be a nice setup...no one's commentated on Eastenders playing in the background. Seriously, why didn't you just mute your TV?
Bryan Wilson
Bryan Wilson - 11 years ago
Great setup and awesome discus, jealous:)
udis udist
udis udist - 11 years ago
that pure orange one looks the best. like a fukin orange fruit
Aaron Le
Aaron Le - 11 years ago
Nice set up tank, where did you buy your discus?
Eric J
Eric J - 12 years ago
What a beautiful tank! So what's the key to keeping these fish??
discus lukas
discus lukas - 12 years ago
love the pigeon bloods there very nice
pokemonandchickens - 12 years ago
Your tank is way to small!
groovebear63 - 13 years ago
hi there what type of filtration are you using in your set up? ...........thank you
Chris Cheung
Chris Cheung - 13 years ago
what size is your tank?

10. comment for Discus fish - living room at Xmas

Luvmyfishes - 13 years ago
Beautiful tank!
Najib Adi
Najib Adi - 13 years ago
What type of substrate do you have? how easy it is to clean?
AdmiratorK - 13 years ago
Sandy Schreiber Bratzel
Sandy Schreiber Bratzel - 13 years ago
How beautiful they are!
GoldfishRsoDelicious - 13 years ago
Wow its like watching HDTV. My dad use to breed discus and it makes me think back to those days, some 20 years ago. Great tank my man.
Myke A
Myke A - 13 years ago
Excellent tank. Great to see excellent living conditions for these amazing fish. please check out my 7ft tank. Thanks
Dario Galvan
Dario Galvan - 13 years ago
how often you feed
Michael P.
Michael P. - 13 years ago
how to prepare water for them....thx for advice.
M Khan
M Khan - 13 years ago
Tooooooooooooo Gud !!!
catalynoo - 14 years ago
@Reardon171 we too have ramirez ciclid in romania :)

20. comment for Discus fish - living room at Xmas

quickglimpse101 - 14 years ago
This is the most beautiful private discus tank I have ever seen. O_o Wow. You should charge admission to your living room. How do you keep the sand from going anaerobic?
Poca Skillsz
Poca Skillsz - 14 years ago
how many gal is ur fish tank ?
Alger Lapitan
Alger Lapitan - 14 years ago
Those Congo Tetras look really beautiful. Just how big do they get?
rossyt99 - 14 years ago
@Reardon171 It was fully grown at around 3.5''.....(Male) Yes they are fine with Discus and can stand the higher Temperature.
blah no
blah no - 14 years ago
@rossyt99 ahh right that looks huge for a Ram do they get alone fine with all the Discus? Thanks for replying il check some more of your videos out.
rossyt99 - 14 years ago
@Reardon171 Thanks, That Cichlid is a 'German Blue Ram' ('Ramirez'; .....a Dwarf Cichlid species) I have lots more Videos already uploaded; type 'Rossyt99' + 'Discus', or 'Angelfish'
blah no
blah no - 14 years ago
what ciclid did you have in there at 0:37? Awsome Videos post more plz
rossyt99 - 14 years ago
@funkytwobucks Thanks; it is more pleasurable watching the Fish, rather than the crap on T.V.!
Niles Hughes
Niles Hughes - 14 years ago
Wow!!! With a tank like that who needs Christmas presents!!
rossyt99 - 14 years ago
@jjgentle1821 I use Peat-pelletts within a pillow (pair of tights, with a knot in.; new, clean ones!!) + bogwood. this brings my Tapwater of 7.0, down to 6.5< overnight.

30. comment for Discus fish - living room at Xmas

jjgentle1821 - 14 years ago
@jjgentle1821 just wondering what is the ph of your water,and how do you keep from fluctuating?
rossyt99 - 14 years ago
@jjgentle1821 Hi; No, I now use a 'HMA Filter; 'Heavy Metal Axe'......+ I have some SERA Ceramic noodles within my Fiter, which makes it clear. + regular water-changes helps.
jjgentle1821 - 14 years ago
hi,do use reverse osmosis filter?your water look so clear.
rossyt99 - 14 years ago
@h2opolo131 It is just Golden sand from an Aquatics Shop; You can get it cheaper from 'Argos' in UK; basically it is just Kids Playsand. it is already cleaned, but I washed it before adding.......it looks good.
rossyt99 - 14 years ago
@calidago I don't use C02; Just put the light on for about 9 hours per day......I have 2 Tubes; a 'Power-Glo and a Aqua-Glo. (Discus need a high Temp, so choose Plants which will survive in warmer water.)
George Palaziol
George Palaziol - 14 years ago
I have a 75 gallon hexagon and I'm dying to fill it with discus... Do you use CO2 or do the plants grow that way on their own? Your help is much appreciated :-)
rossyt99 - 15 years ago
Thankyou; I have moved a few out since then......the colours are brighter with the addition of White-worms's a food treat.
rossyt99 - 15 years ago
These ones a certainly curious; Wild Discus, or newly introduced Fish may be a different matter...more 'skittish'....but these are fine. They tended to go to the corner where the lights were a lot. (they are not there now. Xmas is over)
rossyt99 - 15 years ago
Thanks; Yes, I have 6 Aquariums; one a 5-footer which is homing 5 of these Discus now; + 2 other 4-footers and 2, 30''x18''x12''. The water is now ready for Discus in them all.......I may get a few more Sterbai Cories, but not others as my Temp. is 86F. I may get a few more Rummy's, but I vowed not to, after losing some a while ago. Congo's are now my Fav.Tetra! + Happy New Year to you and all other Youtube Subscribers!
RichyReef - 15 years ago
5 stars, camera seems great :) Fish all look very happy and healthy :) Water crystal clear. You planning to upgrade as theirs lots of growing to be done with these beautiful fish :) 8-10ft would be nice :D. I say this because i'd love to see a big shoal of rummynose in there and a bigger shoal of cories of different mix :)) Glad you have another tank to move the smaller discus into aswell :) Happy New Year :)
Jason L
Jason L - 15 years ago
Wow its beautiful 5/5
rossyt99 - 15 years ago
Thanks; The camera is only the size of a Mobile phone too...+ very, very Lightweight.
soltek art Fotografie
soltek art Fotografie - 15 years ago
The new 'HD Vado' camera is impressive.
Pondguru - 15 years ago
Looking great. Gave it 5*.

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