Discus fish of The British Discus Show - part 1
Discus 11 years ago 51,504 views
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV Like: http://www.facebook.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV Bookmark: http://definiteaquascape.tv The British Discus Show was organized on 23-24 March 2013 in Doncaster, UK by The British and International Discus Keepers Association (http://www.bidka.org). Altogether about 80 discus fish were presented, grouped into 6 classes. In this video I show discus fish which won the competition.
Hehe, moi anglojęzyczni widzowie mają dokładnie odwrotne zdanie ;)
Hej, zaraz, przecież Ty mówisz po polsku! :) Ale jaja, na początku się nie zorientowałem :)
Hey, but if there would be no commentary at all then no one would understand what is shown, right? ;P
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20. comment for Discus fish of The British Discus Show - part 1
30. comment for Discus fish of The British Discus Show - part 1