Discus fish tank / Diskus @ Kölner Zoo [22/52]
Discus 15 years ago 45,459 views
Homepage: http://www.fischbottich.de/Zoo-Koeln.72.0.html Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Fischbottich Twitter: https://twitter.com/n03lz +++ This is a tank of the Zoo Aquarium of the Cologne Zoo called "Kölner Zoo". It's the footage of the 3rd Zoo Trip for fischbottich.de. +++ We have a video of each tank in this Zoo. 27th of March 2009 (27.03.2009) For scale: The front glass panel is 1,2 meter (3.93 feet) high. +++ The population of this tank: Discus / Diskusfisch (Symphysodon aequifasciata) Chessboard Cichlid / Gabelschwanz-Schachbrettbarsch (Dicrossus filamentosus) Dwarf Suckermouth / Orgitter-Harnischwels (Otocinculus sp.) Threestripe Cory / Dreibinden-Panzerwels (Corydoras trilineatus) +++ Veröffentlichung mit der freundlichen Genehmigung des Kölner Zoos. Weitere Informationen unter http://www.koelnerzoo.de/
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