Discus fish tank / Diskus @ Kölner Zoo [22/52]

Homepage: http://www.fischbottich.de/Zoo-Koeln.72.0.html Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Fischbottich Twitter: https://twitter.com/n03lz +++ This is a tank of the Zoo Aquarium of the Cologne Zoo called "Kölner Zoo". It's the footage of the 3rd Zoo Trip for fischbottich.de. +++ We have a video of each tank in this Zoo. 27th of March 2009 (27.03.2009) For scale: The front glass panel is 1,2 meter (3.93 feet) high. +++ The population of this tank: Discus / Diskusfisch (Symphysodon aequifasciata) Chessboard Cichlid / Gabelschwanz-Schachbrettbarsch (Dicrossus filamentosus) Dwarf Suckermouth / Orgitter-Harnischwels (Otocinculus sp.) Threestripe Cory / Dreibinden-Panzerwels (Corydoras trilineatus) +++ Veröffentlichung mit der freundlichen Genehmigung des Kölner Zoos. Weitere Informationen unter http://www.koelnerzoo.de/

Discus fish tank / Diskus @ Kölner Zoo [22/52] sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3

Discus 15 years ago 45,459 views

Homepage: http://www.fischbottich.de/Zoo-Koeln.72.0.html Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Fischbottich Twitter: https://twitter.com/n03lz +++ This is a tank of the Zoo Aquarium of the Cologne Zoo called "Kölner Zoo". It's the footage of the 3rd Zoo Trip for fischbottich.de. +++ We have a video of each tank in this Zoo. 27th of March 2009 (27.03.2009) For scale: The front glass panel is 1,2 meter (3.93 feet) high. +++ The population of this tank: Discus / Diskusfisch (Symphysodon aequifasciata) Chessboard Cichlid / Gabelschwanz-Schachbrettbarsch (Dicrossus filamentosus) Dwarf Suckermouth / Orgitter-Harnischwels (Otocinculus sp.) Threestripe Cory / Dreibinden-Panzerwels (Corydoras trilineatus) +++ Veröffentlichung mit der freundlichen Genehmigung des Kölner Zoos. Weitere Informationen unter http://www.koelnerzoo.de/

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Most popular comments
for Discus fish tank / Diskus @ Kölner Zoo [22/52]

FischbottichTV Nils
FischbottichTV Nils - 12 years ago
I also like natural tanks the most! =)
TheBSideDJ - 13 years ago
natural so the best !!! beautiful
FischbottichTV Nils
FischbottichTV Nils - 14 years ago
@thestick169 Yes, true.
Toby P
Toby P - 14 years ago
FischbottichTV Nils
FischbottichTV Nils - 15 years ago
FischbottichTV Nils
FischbottichTV Nils - 15 years ago
Ashraf Farid
Ashraf Farid - 15 years ago
just like the queens of ENgland. Except for the beautiful part
FischbottichTV Nils
FischbottichTV Nils - 15 years ago
Hi, I'm from Kaarst (near Düsseldorf), Germany. Grüße
kerkoshj - 15 years ago
where are u from?

10. comment for Discus fish tank / Diskus @ Kölner Zoo [22/52]

FischbottichTV Nils
FischbottichTV Nils - 15 years ago
I think that depends on what causes the particles, but generally there is nothing bad about it. Maybe your filter isn't packed properly, and instead of filtering the particle it whirls them around.
Ashraf Farid
Ashraf Farid - 15 years ago
I can see small floating particles in the water. Just like mine. Is that bad?
Cielo Evely
Cielo Evely - 15 years ago
gravel is better, if you planning to have plants, in another view the sand take longer to set because fine particles and clog the filter faster, but the main reason for no usin sand it.s beacuse acoording to Jack Wartley the discus expert , sand will have dead spots inside the tank cause the water doesn´t flow on compapct sand and bacteria who eat detritus live on gravel better . you can use a smal gravel about 2 o 3 mm instead
FischbottichTV Nils
FischbottichTV Nils - 15 years ago
Sand is much cooler, but i think the discus don't care. It's more important for ground-dwelling fish.
FischbottichTV Nils
FischbottichTV Nils - 15 years ago
That kinda what my homepage banner says: Discus vs. sunfish. ;)
FischbottichTV Nils
FischbottichTV Nils - 15 years ago
They are very beautiful but their behaviour is kinda boring.
FischbottichTV Nils
FischbottichTV Nils - 15 years ago
They are some of the most beautyfull fish.
Benjahmmin - 15 years ago
discus are one of the most boring fishs
FischbottichTV Nils
FischbottichTV Nils - 15 years ago
5-6 cm (2-2.4 inch)
FischbottichTV Nils
FischbottichTV Nils - 15 years ago
Dwarf Suckermouth and Threestripe Cory.

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