Discus fish tank update + bonus tank updates
Discus 10 years ago 1,528 views
Sorry for the long over due update here is my 6ft discus tank stocked with many varieties of tropical fish To see where this tank started out click this link http://youtu.be/WlALLYPuPYU Thanks to all my new subscribers Any questions feel free to write in the comments box And remember to hit that subscribe button Rate comment subscribe
I have emailed pond guru and has advised me of about 10 kg of the media is required and have to wait at least 4-6 months for the media to work properly for the anaerobic bacteria to kick start. How good is the stuff do they really reduce nitrate a lot or not will i be able to reduce it to 10ppm with 30 wc every week or not thanks
Can't do water change every other day as working long hours. Loved the mammoth tank m8
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