Discus fish update 09.07.10 - Tank upgrade + Hand feeding + Pictures!

Firstly, I would like to comment that there was some lighting issues, hence the digital camera was not able to focus properly. Some part of the video was fast forward to reduce monotonous footage. The dimensions of the new tank is 42"L x 12"W x 16.5"H (water level is set to that high). The formula to calculate the gallons within a cube/rectangle tank is (LxWxH") = XXX / 277 [UK] OR 231 [US]. Hence, the gallons relates to 30 UK (Imperial) Gallons, OR 36 US Gallons. With the upgrade of this tank, it is simply running with a 500Litres Huey Hung Sponge Filter, it is attached onto a Rena 200 Air pump. The other equipment includes a heater, an 101 Fish Jumbo Asian Airstone running on a Rena 100 Air pump. Simply quiet and easy to maintain. I am aiming to make a minimum of 60% water change per day. This is made possible by using the previous tank as a water storage (it have been cleaned fully [filter, wipe down on the tank walls/floors.etc]) The tank get wiped down once a week to reduce a build up of 'slime' and risk of bacteria proliferation. It is important to feed juvenile discus fish with high protein food whilst they are still young, this ensure rapid growth before they start to slow down when they reach 10months old. These juveniles will be raised in a bare bottom tank, fed 5 times a day with various food, including my own Beefheart mix, Marine Formula One flake food, Hikari Tropical Discus Bio-Gold pellet food, Australian Freeze Dried Blackworms and many more. Frozen Bloodworms will be avoided, not that I had an issue with FBW, but I want to be safe than sorry as this will be my future breeding stock. The temperature of the water I raise them at is 30-32C (86-89F), this encourages appetite as the juveniles' metabolism increases. They will also thrive better in warmer water. Water parameter tested using an API test kit. PH: 7.6 Ammonia: 0 PPM Nitrite: 0 PPM Nitrate: 0-1 Tiger Turquoise 5 months old, 130 days old as at 09.07.10 DOB = March 1st 2010 Red Turquoise 4 months old, 99 days old as at 09.07.10 DOB = April 1st 2010 It has now been 23 days since these 4 Red turquoise and 1 Tiger turquoise are in my possession.

Discus fish update 09.07.10 - Tank upgrade + Hand feeding + Pictures! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4

Discus 14 years ago 10,900 views

Firstly, I would like to comment that there was some lighting issues, hence the digital camera was not able to focus properly. Some part of the video was fast forward to reduce monotonous footage. The dimensions of the new tank is 42"L x 12"W x 16.5"H (water level is set to that high). The formula to calculate the gallons within a cube/rectangle tank is (LxWxH") = XXX / 277 [UK] OR 231 [US]. Hence, the gallons relates to 30 UK (Imperial) Gallons, OR 36 US Gallons. With the upgrade of this tank, it is simply running with a 500Litres Huey Hung Sponge Filter, it is attached onto a Rena 200 Air pump. The other equipment includes a heater, an 101 Fish Jumbo Asian Airstone running on a Rena 100 Air pump. Simply quiet and easy to maintain. I am aiming to make a minimum of 60% water change per day. This is made possible by using the previous tank as a water storage (it have been cleaned fully [filter, wipe down on the tank walls/floors.etc]) The tank get wiped down once a week to reduce a build up of 'slime' and risk of bacteria proliferation. It is important to feed juvenile discus fish with high protein food whilst they are still young, this ensure rapid growth before they start to slow down when they reach 10months old. These juveniles will be raised in a bare bottom tank, fed 5 times a day with various food, including my own Beefheart mix, Marine Formula One flake food, Hikari Tropical Discus Bio-Gold pellet food, Australian Freeze Dried Blackworms and many more. Frozen Bloodworms will be avoided, not that I had an issue with FBW, but I want to be safe than sorry as this will be my future breeding stock. The temperature of the water I raise them at is 30-32C (86-89F), this encourages appetite as the juveniles' metabolism increases. They will also thrive better in warmer water. Water parameter tested using an API test kit. PH: 7.6 Ammonia: 0 PPM Nitrite: 0 PPM Nitrate: 0-1 Tiger Turquoise 5 months old, 130 days old as at 09.07.10 DOB = March 1st 2010 Red Turquoise 4 months old, 99 days old as at 09.07.10 DOB = April 1st 2010 It has now been 23 days since these 4 Red turquoise and 1 Tiger turquoise are in my possession.

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Most popular comments
for Discus fish update 09.07.10 - Tank upgrade + Hand feeding + Pictures!

JunWei98C7 - 12 years ago
I m from Singapore!!! And i love discus too!!
wazeer3 - 13 years ago
great discus man!!!!if i put 4 juvenile discus in a 24 gallon tank.will they be ok?
Hasheem Nawaz
Hasheem Nawaz - 13 years ago
can you let me know , how old they are in this video ?
ZZMann33 - 14 years ago
Is that all you keep in your tanks? Where is all the decoration or gravel? Are you just a breeder? Whats going on here and with the rest of your videos?

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