Discus fish update 19.11.10 - Maintainence + Feeding and lots more!

First of, I would like to announce that I'm sorry for the late update, it is simply because I have been very busy lately and still am. I will try to make an update once every month or at the very most, two. Also, if you notice, the video contains a lot of trims, this is because I no longer have a working external memory card and now I have to rely on the internal memory on my digital camera which could only record up to 2.34minutes, therefore I have to transfer it onto my pc everytime before making another clip. Back on track...I am quite happy with my discus so far, I have two favorites (keepers) and two alright one, so what about the other one? Well not that much, therefore I plan NOT to use it as my future breeding stock, though it does hold a nice trait (high fin), this in turn may change my mind... I only do 20% water changes every day now since I'm very busy and have a tight schedule, I only feed them once or twice a day. I have not turned on the lights ever since the last discus fish update video since I don't trust it (seems like it would crack any moment!) I clean my sponge filter once every week or two since it gets saturated. In order for it to work efficiently, squeezing it will help remove the debris and nasties. I would recommend you using your tank water to clean your sponge but I have had success using tap water, but for the purpose of this video, I have shown you the appropriate measure since what works for me may not work for you. I wipe down my tank wall/floor at least 3 times a week, this is because of the slime being built up. If it isn't removed, then there may be nasties developing in your fish tank. The only discus that does not eat pellet is the Tiger Turquoise, the rest will gleefully accept it. I have not been feeding my discus flake food as I don't have the time to go out and buy some. As you can see, I do not feed my discus the Hikari brand pellet food now since I simply believe that the DiscusFood Tony Tan variant offers a better nutritional value and my discus can benefit it more. I have started this product a few months ago. I still feed them the black worms but I have been cutting down on that since I cannot find them available for sale these days; thats how good they are! Each discus is over 4inches tail length (TL). I have not gotten the chance to take them out and measure them. I do not plan to since it is stressful to the fish and I don't have the time to do so. Tiger Turquoise 9 months old, 262 days old as at 19.11.10 DOB = March 1st 2010 Red Turquoise 8 months old, 234 days old as at 19.11.10 DOB = April 1st 2010 It has now been 157 days since these 4 Red turquoise and 1 Tiger turquoise are in my possession

Discus fish update 19.11.10 - Maintainence + Feeding and lots more! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

Discus 14 years ago 22,960 views

First of, I would like to announce that I'm sorry for the late update, it is simply because I have been very busy lately and still am. I will try to make an update once every month or at the very most, two. Also, if you notice, the video contains a lot of trims, this is because I no longer have a working external memory card and now I have to rely on the internal memory on my digital camera which could only record up to 2.34minutes, therefore I have to transfer it onto my pc everytime before making another clip. Back on track...I am quite happy with my discus so far, I have two favorites (keepers) and two alright one, so what about the other one? Well not that much, therefore I plan NOT to use it as my future breeding stock, though it does hold a nice trait (high fin), this in turn may change my mind... I only do 20% water changes every day now since I'm very busy and have a tight schedule, I only feed them once or twice a day. I have not turned on the lights ever since the last discus fish update video since I don't trust it (seems like it would crack any moment!) I clean my sponge filter once every week or two since it gets saturated. In order for it to work efficiently, squeezing it will help remove the debris and nasties. I would recommend you using your tank water to clean your sponge but I have had success using tap water, but for the purpose of this video, I have shown you the appropriate measure since what works for me may not work for you. I wipe down my tank wall/floor at least 3 times a week, this is because of the slime being built up. If it isn't removed, then there may be nasties developing in your fish tank. The only discus that does not eat pellet is the Tiger Turquoise, the rest will gleefully accept it. I have not been feeding my discus flake food as I don't have the time to go out and buy some. As you can see, I do not feed my discus the Hikari brand pellet food now since I simply believe that the DiscusFood Tony Tan variant offers a better nutritional value and my discus can benefit it more. I have started this product a few months ago. I still feed them the black worms but I have been cutting down on that since I cannot find them available for sale these days; thats how good they are! Each discus is over 4inches tail length (TL). I have not gotten the chance to take them out and measure them. I do not plan to since it is stressful to the fish and I don't have the time to do so. Tiger Turquoise 9 months old, 262 days old as at 19.11.10 DOB = March 1st 2010 Red Turquoise 8 months old, 234 days old as at 19.11.10 DOB = April 1st 2010 It has now been 157 days since these 4 Red turquoise and 1 Tiger turquoise are in my possession

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Most popular comments
for Discus fish update 19.11.10 - Maintainence + Feeding and lots more!

Bass Player
Bass Player - 9 years ago
That's the biggest sponge filter I have ever seen...
Bav Lastp
Bav Lastp - 10 years ago
I do about 80% every 4-5 days and feed them on blackworms and bio gold about 4 feedings per day....I struggle to grow these...any tips? I have juwel rio 240 with8 discus around 3-4 inches.
Bav Lastp
Bav Lastp - 10 years ago
How much water changes do you do?
tomas dx
tomas dx - 11 years ago
Hi, do you use only tap water conditioner ? Or also discus buffer to lower ph?
Hervie Crisostomo
Hervie Crisostomo - 12 years ago
what is the Dimension of your Aquarium and what gallon?
VeryBadReputation - 12 years ago
I have noticed that you prefer sponge filtration on your tanks. Would you consider using a sponge filter in a 70gallon with 6 Discus?
wazeer3 - 12 years ago
btw what heater do you use?does you heater keeps the temperature the one you want or sometimes it drops or increases? because i have a heater and i've set it at 27 degrees but it turn off before it reach 27!.thanks
wazeer3 - 12 years ago
hi kevin. your sponge filter have beneficial bacteria in it, so when you are washing it, are you not destroying the bacteria from the filter?thanks in advance.
Adam Harness
Adam Harness - 12 years ago
thats such a boring looking tank....

10. comment for Discus fish update 19.11.10 - Maintainence + Feeding and lots more!

BrendenMiller - 13 years ago
Shouldn't you be easier on the discus when refilling the water? Whenever I do water changes i put my hand in between the tank water and bucket to break the fall so it doesn't stress out the discus
ted8 - 14 years ago
Where did you get that air stone ?
goldenmunky - 14 years ago
Good job!! Keep up the good work!
jasonlsch - 14 years ago
waht kind of pipe did you use to do the water change?
AvatarKid4 - 14 years ago
Do you put anything in the tank like wood our plants so they can be happy at least?
Pondguru - 14 years ago
Very important stuff there, Kev.
SolCalibre - 14 years ago
@DiscusKev Oh okay
France-animaux - 14 years ago
insert a clay pot of flowers for their doner at least one mark !!!!!
SolCalibre - 14 years ago
3 times a week 0_o And are those brown Luvdisc?
Brbara30 - 14 years ago
sehr schön

20. comment for Discus fish update 19.11.10 - Maintainence + Feeding and lots more!

Garnelenlucas - 14 years ago
Nice Video :)
p00nedlol2 - 14 years ago
Nice fish you got there!

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