Discus Fish Basics: Introduction to keeping Discus for the 'Newbie' 2018
Discus 7 years ago 19,990 views
This updated video talks about the basic requirements of setting up a Discus aquarium, what to consider before you set up your Discus tank, and pick your fist Discus! A Discus 101 if you like. What make good Discus tank mates? How many Discus should you buy? Where to buy your fish? What problems can you expect and how to avoid them. Listen to me ramble while having a look at my custom aquarium filled with Chens discus. Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AquariumAdven... Check out the Merch!: https://shop.spreadshirt.co.uk/Aquari... Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DiscusNewbie **Stuff I Use** 3-Axis Gimbal - http://amzn.to/2Ch5OjZ My Phone - OnePlus 3T : http://amzn.to/2ynzj0W Better Phone - OnePlus 5 : http://amzn.to/2xFPDel Webcam - Logitech c920 : http://amzn.to/2E4bxXI Lavalier Mic : http://amzn.to/2ga7pLG Better Lavalier (longer cable) : http://amzn.to/2xEOe7L Best quality Lavalier : http://amzn.to/2i9t3nr Shotgun Mic: http://amzn.to/2ghuobo Better Shotgun: http://amzn.to/2gizjci or Better Shotgun: http://amzn.to/2wVdx13 Wind guard: http://amzn.to/2icyYIt Rode SC6: http://amzn.to/2iaZemB Pistol tripod: http://amzn.to/2kP3J7g TubeBuddy: https://www.tubebuddy.com/discusnewbie Cloud 9 by Valesco - https://soundcloud.com/argofox/valesco-stay-with-me?in=argofox/sets/valesco-cloud-9 ndiana by Declan DP https://soundcloud.com/declandp Adventures by A Himitsu https://soundcloud.com/a-himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Music provided by Audio Library https://youtu.be/MkNeIUgNPQ8 Disclaimer: Some of the links above may be affiliate links - where I get a small commission if you purchase anything, at no extra cost to you - I have fish to feed!!
I use a sump, filled with sponge, ceramic media and biohome for filtration. Thanks for stopping by!
Thank you for your reply. What my discus does is that they first kill them then eat them. It's really painful to watch. Because you know discus or neons they are all fish. Thank you again for your ideas :)
It might be that you have to either grow out the tetras a bit more before you add them or try to source adults?
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