Discus Fish Basics: Introduction to keeping Discus for the 'Newbie' 2018

This updated video talks about the basic requirements of setting up a Discus aquarium, what to consider before you set up your Discus tank, and pick your fist Discus! A Discus 101 if you like. What make good Discus tank mates? How many Discus should you buy? Where to buy your fish? What problems can you expect and how to avoid them. Listen to me ramble while having a look at my custom aquarium filled with Chens discus. Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AquariumAdven... Check out the Merch!: https://shop.spreadshirt.co.uk/Aquari... Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DiscusNewbie **Stuff I Use** 3-Axis Gimbal - http://amzn.to/2Ch5OjZ My Phone - OnePlus 3T : http://amzn.to/2ynzj0W Better Phone - OnePlus 5 : http://amzn.to/2xFPDel Webcam - Logitech c920 : http://amzn.to/2E4bxXI Lavalier Mic : http://amzn.to/2ga7pLG Better Lavalier (longer cable) : http://amzn.to/2xEOe7L Best quality Lavalier : http://amzn.to/2i9t3nr Shotgun Mic: http://amzn.to/2ghuobo Better Shotgun: http://amzn.to/2gizjci or Better Shotgun: http://amzn.to/2wVdx13 Wind guard: http://amzn.to/2icyYIt Rode SC6: http://amzn.to/2iaZemB Pistol tripod: http://amzn.to/2kP3J7g TubeBuddy: https://www.tubebuddy.com/discusnewbie Cloud 9 by Valesco - https://soundcloud.com/argofox/valesco-stay-with-me?in=argofox/sets/valesco-cloud-9 ndiana by Declan DP https://soundcloud.com/declandp Adventures by A Himitsu https://soundcloud.com/a-himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Music provided by Audio Library https://youtu.be/MkNeIUgNPQ8 Disclaimer: Some of the links above may be affiliate links - where I get a small commission if you purchase anything, at no extra cost to you - I have fish to feed!!

Discus Fish Basics: Introduction to keeping Discus for the 'Newbie' 2018 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 5

Discus 7 years ago 19,990 views

This updated video talks about the basic requirements of setting up a Discus aquarium, what to consider before you set up your Discus tank, and pick your fist Discus! A Discus 101 if you like. What make good Discus tank mates? How many Discus should you buy? Where to buy your fish? What problems can you expect and how to avoid them. Listen to me ramble while having a look at my custom aquarium filled with Chens discus. Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AquariumAdven... Check out the Merch!: https://shop.spreadshirt.co.uk/Aquari... Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DiscusNewbie **Stuff I Use** 3-Axis Gimbal - http://amzn.to/2Ch5OjZ My Phone - OnePlus 3T : http://amzn.to/2ynzj0W Better Phone - OnePlus 5 : http://amzn.to/2xFPDel Webcam - Logitech c920 : http://amzn.to/2E4bxXI Lavalier Mic : http://amzn.to/2ga7pLG Better Lavalier (longer cable) : http://amzn.to/2xEOe7L Best quality Lavalier : http://amzn.to/2i9t3nr Shotgun Mic: http://amzn.to/2ghuobo Better Shotgun: http://amzn.to/2gizjci or Better Shotgun: http://amzn.to/2wVdx13 Wind guard: http://amzn.to/2icyYIt Rode SC6: http://amzn.to/2iaZemB Pistol tripod: http://amzn.to/2kP3J7g TubeBuddy: https://www.tubebuddy.com/discusnewbie Cloud 9 by Valesco - https://soundcloud.com/argofox/valesco-stay-with-me?in=argofox/sets/valesco-cloud-9 ndiana by Declan DP https://soundcloud.com/declandp Adventures by A Himitsu https://soundcloud.com/a-himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Music provided by Audio Library https://youtu.be/MkNeIUgNPQ8 Disclaimer: Some of the links above may be affiliate links - where I get a small commission if you purchase anything, at no extra cost to you - I have fish to feed!!

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Most popular comments
for Discus Fish Basics: Introduction to keeping Discus for the 'Newbie' 2018

Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 7 years ago
Let me know what your top Discus tips are below in the comments!
MYTHO Eco Living
MYTHO Eco Living - 6 years ago
You have an amazing tank :-)
Captain Win
Captain Win - 6 years ago
I like the look to that tank. Very clean looks with minimum equipment spoiling the biotope. I had discus in my 1st tank, a Juwel Rio 300 I think, two of them paired up and bred and the others got to live in the corner!
McTaggart Family
McTaggart Family - 6 years ago
So great to find your channel, a Scottish aquarium channel!!! Been thinking about a Discus tank for a while & this is a great looking set up, congratulations! What filtration do you use & where did you get the wavemaker? Never seen one that "pulses" like that. Thanks & congratulations again.
Oleg Gavrylenko
Oleg Gavrylenko - 6 years ago
Aquarium Adventures hi I did try use sump with external work fine at the moment
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 6 years ago
Hi - The wavemaker is this one - https://amzn.to/2A3nqjt
I use a sump, filled with sponge, ceramic media and biohome for filtration. Thanks for stopping by!
Garry Mcgrath
Garry Mcgrath - 6 years ago
Nice looking tank
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 6 years ago
Alexander Lonigro
Alexander Lonigro - 6 years ago
What temperature is you fish tank. What temp would you recommend for community tank with discus
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 6 years ago
Hi - I would advise around 29 degrees Celsius.
Charles Robertson
Charles Robertson - 6 years ago
Trying to find american spec HMA discus replacement filters and who would ylou suggest for stenker discus as I am setting up my second discus tank already have 15 various in a 5+2+2 thanks charlie the borders
Charith Wickramasinghe
Charith Wickramasinghe - 6 years ago
My discus keep eating my neons and rummy noses. I am feeding them well as well. Can I do something for this ?
Charith Wickramasinghe
Charith Wickramasinghe - 6 years ago
I see.
Thank you for your reply. What my discus does is that they first kill them then eat them. It's really painful to watch. Because you know discus or neons they are all fish. Thank you again for your ideas :)
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 6 years ago
The basic rule is that if the fish can fit in it's mouth, there's a chance they will eat it. I've found neons too small and there is always a chance they will get eaten - Cardinals are better as they are a little larger and do well at Discus temps. Rummynose are usually fine if they are large enough when you add them.
It might be that you have to either grow out the tetras a bit more before you add them or try to source adults?
Watch Boss
Watch Boss - 6 years ago
When you change the water, how many liters of water do changed?thanks .
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 6 years ago
I change about 300l per week.

10. comment for Discus Fish Basics: Introduction to keeping Discus for the 'Newbie' 2018

Watch Boss
Watch Boss - 6 years ago
Is your plants are real or fake?
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 6 years ago
All real plants
Discus Keeper
Discus Keeper - 6 years ago
Where did you get your discus from which breeder may I ask ?
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 6 years ago
Good price and quality, and I like the way Francis does business. He and Tim at Corban Discus are my first ports of call.
Discus Keeper
Discus Keeper - 6 years ago
Aquarium Adventures did you buy from Chen mainly due to a good price and quality ? His price is very competitive
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 6 years ago
Yes I've seen them too - Steve at Durham Discus and Tim & Corban Discus import them together (Tim is near me in Sheffield) and they are very impressive. Hope to do a video on them soon!
Discus Keeper
Discus Keeper - 6 years ago
Aquarium Adventures I sold my old vision 260 which was 6 months old for 300 quid I now wish I’d bubble wrapped it lol , I see the Martin ng pigeon snakeskin from Durham Discus on facebook they are super impressive
Discus Keeper
Discus Keeper - 6 years ago
Aquarium Adventures was tempted to use them went eventually to devotedly discus ( great bullet proof discus ) now though I really want to get some Martin ng discus so either I sell up or a second tank
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 6 years ago
All the fish in this video are from Chens - https://www.chensdiscus.co.uk/
TechMantra - 7 years ago
Your tank is absolutely stunning. I'm sure you don't need me to tell you. Great work!
TechMantra - 7 years ago
What about water? I have hard water here and I'm considering an RODI unit.
TechMantra - 7 years ago
Our water here is famously run through limestone rock so no doubt it's on the extreme side of hard but I'd have to check.
TechMantra - 7 years ago
Well I will get back to you on that. I have yet to use my GH/ KH kit. I have measured TDS to be about 350 - 400ppm.
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 7 years ago
How hard? RO water and re-mineralising is perfectly acceptable, but a lot of work - I probably wouldnt consider it unless breeding.
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 7 years ago
Thanks! Lots of other Discus related vids on my channel too!
Truelove - 7 years ago
PEAT MOSS FILTER ( just add 1 or 2 cups of peat moss in a nylon stocking to your carbon filter=tannins ) BLACK BOTTOM (brings out color) BLACK SIDES EVEN...( calms fish...)
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 7 years ago
I wouldn't recommend black - you'll notice my tank has a black background and it is now causing peppering. A problem I didn't get with light coloured background or sides, though i've found covering the sides can sometimes spook fish if they can't see you coming and you suddenly appear in front of the tank! I like the tannins look though - might try that again one day!
TheDanny1872 - 7 years ago
Great video fellow Scotsman
Christina MacPherson
Christina MacPherson - 6 years ago
Aquarium Adventures how many neons u have? N how many discus can I get? I have a 5 x 2 x 2 ft tank around 500 l mate !
Jennifer A Shepherd
Jennifer A Shepherd - 6 years ago
Great to hear.
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 7 years ago
mizz wavvy
mizz wavvy - 7 years ago
what kind of fish are thoughs small blue glowing fish?
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 7 years ago
They are Cardinal Tetras
Ross Mckinnon
Ross Mckinnon - 7 years ago
Hi recently got my discus and was advised by breeder to feed frozen food witch I have been doing along with flakes but the problem I am having is it's really messy and I need to try fish out the waste as don't want it rotting in tank any advice on best way to feed frozen food with less mess? Thanks
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 7 years ago
Beefheart is messy, there is no getting away from it I'm afraid - I had best results with little and often.
Ross Mckinnon
Ross Mckinnon - 7 years ago
Beef heart
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 7 years ago
What frozen food are you feeding?
smiles_ tell _lies
smiles_ tell _lies - 7 years ago
I enjoyed just watching this tank. Beautiful aquascape and fish.
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 7 years ago

20. comment for Discus Fish Basics: Introduction to keeping Discus for the 'Newbie' 2018

Charles Robertson
Charles Robertson - 7 years ago
Glad to see you got rid of the angel fish
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 7 years ago
I've never had any angel fish?
Young Tank
Young Tank - 7 years ago
Amazing tank
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 7 years ago
SLOWZ33 - 7 years ago
Few of my discus are not eating and my water parameters are fine . How would you go about this?
Truelove - 7 years ago
VARIETY try something else!
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 7 years ago
Need a little more info - if you use Facebook feel free to post in my Discus Newbies group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/discusnewbies/ a little easier to discuss there?
Caroline Johnson
Caroline Johnson - 7 years ago
Hey just so you know its really hard to hear you unless my volume is all the way up and I'm wearing headphones! But your tank and discus are beautiful!!
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 7 years ago
OK thanks for letting me know - I'll keep an eye on it.
Sylvan Ng
Sylvan Ng - 7 years ago
How often do you change water in your fish tanks and what percentage of the water do you change. How many filters do you have in your fish tank .
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 7 years ago
The tank in the video has a sump underneath - but i have canisters, sponge and other DIY filters in my other tanks too. I change 50% a week at the moment.
James Upton
James Upton - 7 years ago
what PH is your water and how do you change the PH if you do manually
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 7 years ago
My PH is 7.2 or 7.3 (I must admit it has been a while since I checked). A little higher than what some people would say is "ideal" but i never make any attempt to change it. I prefer / advise stability of the water parameters is better than chasing specific values.
Discus Keeper
Discus Keeper - 7 years ago
I agree with numbers I’ve had much more success with 10
Discus Keeper
Discus Keeper - 7 years ago
Aquarium Adventures diffuses the aggression
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 7 years ago
Yes, they interact better with larger groups i find.
vidocha - 7 years ago
Your tank is amazing! I am going to use your setup for inspiration. I am getting discus soon, my tank is cycling currently. I have nitrates and higher ph from my tap, any recommendations for my situation?
viti339 - 7 years ago
I use RO due to nitrates of 40ppm from tap, and high ph8.4. Also use a external filter with bio home and an internal ocean free hydra50 filter, which is a very clever filter and very popular around discus keepers which should turn ammonia into ammonium, nitrite into nitrate and nitrate into nitrogen gas, my fish could survive in tap, but hate the crusty scale you get around top of tank with very hard water.
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 7 years ago
Nice one - good luck, enjoy!
vidocha - 7 years ago
Thank you so much for the reassurance. I am getting my discus from unclesamsdiscus.com, they are within 45 minutes!
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 7 years ago
Have a look at Biohome media for you filter to control / lower Nitrates - my mantra is to have a stable aquarium rather than chase specific parameters. Domestic Discus can adapt pretty well to a wide range of water parameters - but really the best advice is to find a local breeder / importer and take their advice.
John Bear's Fish Room
John Bear's Fish Room - 7 years ago
Those are very cool!
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 7 years ago
Mick Hicks
Mick Hicks - 7 years ago
Keeping discus is easy now. All they need is a very good filter a HMA filter for water changes and a good water change regiment.
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 7 years ago
Yep - Keep it simple!

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