Discus Fish Care - Tank Size, Food, & Prices
Discus 9 years ago 100,445 views
Discus fish are the coolest freshwater fish to keep. In this video I talk about taking care of discus fish in 5 steps. I know the step thing is sort of stupid but it's good for me to stay on track haha. Let me know what you guys think of the discus care guide. Come join us on facebook "Discus Fish Keepers" -here are some example topics. What could this be (white bump on tail fin)? Looks to me like a lump of scar tissue. No new tank mates in over 10 months, please excuse the photo-bombing platys. Fish is a Blushing Skirt Tetra. Bump seems hard, not fluffy or irritating the veins. Just odd. What are some of the biggest, most unique, or most colorful fish that I could have in a filtered, heated, planted 29gal? I don't want them to just be able to survive, but I want them to be comfortable and thriving. Pictures would be great too! Thanks! Hi people, My DIY CO2 generator was kicked by my dog and leaked into the 50 gallon planted aquarium when I was away. This happened yesterday and it seems that almost half of the bottle was displaced to the aquarium (around 40oz or so). After a couple of hours the water turned cloudy and fishes and snails started to come to the surface (perhaps due to lack of oxygen?). I did a 50% water change last night and another 50% after 12 hours, but I see almost no improvement. No dead fish yet, but it seems that some fishes are less active than before. Any idea about the possible fix without removing all fish and washing the aquarium and plants? I have angle fish, cories, guppies, tetras, serpae, apple snail and gouramis. Thanks AquaClear 110 filter Review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zv8pQXHYh4w Emperor 400 filter review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZocIpP43UDE Penguin 200 is also a good filter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-WhOk9HQVg Discus fish really aren't that hard to keep in your aquariums people! Talk to me about ramshorn snails. I bought some because they were pink and I thought they were so cute. I have had them a couple of months now and they have multiplied from 4 snails to about 8-10. People keep warning me to get rid of them, saying they will take over my tank and my filter, but so far I am not seeing it. Like I said, after 2 months, I still only have maybe 10 max and I could easily pluck them out and dispose of them if I wanted to. I think my fish eat a lot of the eggs, and I also suck out eggs with a turkey baster when I see them. Do you think it is OK to keep these snails in my tank? Do any of you keep them and have good luck with keeping their population under control over a long period of time? Or am I just setting myself up for long term disaster here? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thanks! bought several pink because like you I thought they were cute. We now have will over 200 snails in three tanks. I will never buy anything but nerites again. The other bad part is if they hatch and you don't realize it they will clog up and ruin your filter. Yeah I'm having the same issue. Mine came with a plant. Now they are everywhere. frown emoticon slowly but surely picking them out and throwing them away. One day I picked 30 something.... if you find a little slimy sac with white dots throw that out too! What a pain. I have pond snails, ramshorns and assassin snails. I probably over feed the fish a little to be nice to the snails, but not enough that they're going crazy. And the assassin snails would take care of that if I did. They're interesting! And I don't have a lick of algae. said bout they produce by how much they eat.... if they mass produce its not their fault its yours "the hobbyist" because u over feed ur fish, i have pond, mts, ramshorns, assassin and even rabbit snails, out of all my snails the assassins produce way more then any of them, thats because they r over fed which over feeding causes mating hanks guys! I will keep an eye on them and be mindful to not overfeed the tank, and keep removing extra eggs. I do think my fish are eating some of the eggs too. I bet they love them! I do love snails. I just don't want hundreds of them. I also have 1 blue mystery and 1 yellow mystery snail in with my female bettas, and I have 2 nerite snails and 1 black devil snail in with my male betta. I actually always have gunk in my substrate, no matter how many times I vacuum, and I have algae on my glass too. My otos and ramshorns don't take care of it at all! Grrrr. I just ordered a python and I am hoping it will do a better job cleaning the gravel than my cheap hand-pump one. Just wanted to show off my new baby. I know she's not fish related. She's a land turtle Wood turtle. Supposed to be 10 months old but We truly do love our discus fish.
Water softness and water ph are totally 2 different things!!!
Ph at 7.8 is considered high for discus!
Discus live in acidic water and max would be 6.8- not more then 7.
No doubt you have amazing looking fish and it means you know what are you doing.
Keep a good work really enjoyed your video!!
10. comment for Discus Fish Care - Tank Size, Food, & Prices
Yes 7.8 is rather high.. My Ph was 7.4 to 7.6. called my supplier, his water is 7.4. I was doing 50% W/C's a day. Then my Ph dropped to 7.0 !!!! Another major W/C. The fish stopped breathing fast and all is well.
THE POINT HERE IS: Look at your fish closely if they are "spooky" or breathing fast there is a reason, check your water parameters
20. comment for Discus Fish Care - Tank Size, Food, & Prices
Great video ! SO glad I did not hear "one Discus per every ten gallons of water" ! Discus are Cichlids and will act like their bros. Chase , Lip lock, face off etc. The "trick" to Discus is just what you said, water ! Water change, water change, water change goes a LONG ways ! Keeping Discus with the rule of one fish per 10 gallons of water is bull. Discus do best in groups of at least 10 ,but not 'juve's"! The little ones are cheap but will kill one other. Buy 3.5 to 4'' at the very smallest.
because i've got a 350-60 litres(75-9 imperial,92-95 us)
30. comment for Discus Fish Care - Tank Size, Food, & Prices
Denison Barbs
Torpedo Barbs
Roseline Sharks
50. comment for Discus Fish Care - Tank Size, Food, & Prices
Something about them captures elegance, grace and beauty. Especially in a nice aquascape with plants.
I'm realizing this. Discus habits and personalities are what cause the hair tearing out not keeping water quality, that part has been easy so far. Labor intensive but pretty clear cut.