Discus Fish Care Guide FOR BEGINNERS

These are my experiences keeping discus fish and helping beginners keep discus. There is a lot of great expert advice on the internet but it can be overwhelming. Discus don't have to be difficult, but they can be particular. With these tips it sets you off on the right foot. ✅Buy From Our Online Shop ►http://www.aquariumcoop.com?ref=4 ✅Get Member Status on Youtube ► http://bit.ly/2MeT9nh ✅Co-Operative T Shirts Worldwide Sihpping ► https://teespring.com/stores/aquariumcoop On the Aquarium Co-Op aquarium channel we focus on freshwater fish, tropical fish, aquatic plants and in general all freshwater aquariums. Our goal is to help take your pet fish and graduate you to an aquarium hobbyist. Aquarium fish in general we find are a great way to learn about ecosystems. Your fish aquarium will reconnect you with nature. If you'd like to take it to the next level, subscribe to aquariumcoop and check out our weekly videos. Are you an influencer? Become an Aquarium Co-Op Affiliate: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/pages/affiliates

Discus Fish Care Guide FOR BEGINNERS sentiment_very_dissatisfied 7

Discus 6 years ago 16,700 views

These are my experiences keeping discus fish and helping beginners keep discus. There is a lot of great expert advice on the internet but it can be overwhelming. Discus don't have to be difficult, but they can be particular. With these tips it sets you off on the right foot. ✅Buy From Our Online Shop ►http://www.aquariumcoop.com?ref=4 ✅Get Member Status on Youtube ► http://bit.ly/2MeT9nh ✅Co-Operative T Shirts Worldwide Sihpping ► https://teespring.com/stores/aquariumcoop On the Aquarium Co-Op aquarium channel we focus on freshwater fish, tropical fish, aquatic plants and in general all freshwater aquariums. Our goal is to help take your pet fish and graduate you to an aquarium hobbyist. Aquarium fish in general we find are a great way to learn about ecosystems. Your fish aquarium will reconnect you with nature. If you'd like to take it to the next level, subscribe to aquariumcoop and check out our weekly videos. Are you an influencer? Become an Aquarium Co-Op Affiliate: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/pages/affiliates

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Most popular comments
for Discus Fish Care Guide FOR BEGINNERS

Time4aKiss - 6 years ago
I went to a pet store the other day & I saw several goldfish that were missing 1 eye. I even saw 1 goldfish that had no eyes, just eye sockets. Do you think that these fish were born that way?
turnip sucks
turnip sucks - 6 years ago
Love the comment "There fish. Put them in water feed, done." Totally agree when paying $65-200 each fish, it is another ball game, and you my man have given me a bit more confidence. I may en-bold myself to keep these large fish another day. I feel like a 55 is way to small for something the size of a IHOP pancake floating around the tank. Hopefully I can grow into a significantly larger tank justifying this sort of purchase.
Star Lord
Star Lord - 6 years ago
Thanks for the heads up cory
Charonda Motley
Charonda Motley - 6 years ago
I would love to have some dont know if I could keep them alive tfs
Makoy Unggoy
Makoy Unggoy - 6 years ago
I got back into Discus after a long break only last week and I'm loving them again, the only thing I would add though -
Always find out what food the Discus have been brought up on first before you get them, a lot of breeders will raise the fry exclusively on Beefheart to bulk up their size and when you get them home it can be hard sometimes getting them to eat other foods and the last thing you want is for your new fish to go on 'hunger strike' which they can do from time to time!
Arbear64 - 6 years ago
Cory,I have found out more times than not that these people who say you are to do this and do that and follow this rule to the T don't actually do what they preach. I have found that I tend to believe the people who learned though trial and era as you do. I keep Discus as well I have 14 in a 300 gal tank and I know I have some of the most beautiful color Discus that I have ever seen. Mine are all 100% healthy and happy. I too believe that my fish are the happiest kept in or around 85 F and mine tends to do very well in 6.5 soft and tend to stress at 7.0 ph but that is just mine because my sisters are happiest at 7.0 and hers thrive that. I think the PH is all in how they were raised. But I just wanted to say Thanks for your advise you give us. However I have one question if you can answer or a fan either one. You said they get big I have had mine going on four years now and mine has never gotten any bigger than about the size of a open palm of my hand. My water prims are always top notch I  test EVERYDAY, come rain or shine that water is tested. You think I might be doing something wrong to keep them from growing bigger or could it just be the breed I have?
Bob S
Bob S - 6 years ago
i once visited an old guy who bred discus years ago (1980's). he had the biggest discus i have ever seen paired up in 20 gal H tanks. he hogged them out on worms. at the time i didn't appreciate what i was seeing, no real interest, but thinking back on it, i wish i had made friends with the guy and learned his trade, helped him out. i cannot imagine what happens to the fish if he had to go in a hospital for a week.
A Willcome
A Willcome - 6 years ago
So I have a question about fish choices because I just got a 36 gallon bowfront aquarium and please reply if I should do AFRICAN CICHLIDS, TIGER BARBS, or a COMMUNITY AQUARIUM I would just like to hear some opinions every one.
Makoy Unggoy
Makoy Unggoy - 6 years ago
The number 1 rule with before buying any stock for your new tank -
Do plenty of research about if first before just buying anything on a whim as it could save you a lot of disappointment further down the line with certain food requirements, compatibility with other fish, eventual size of the fish you want etc etc...I know this seems obvious advice for most people but it's surprising how many people don't bother and then wonder why they run into problems afterwards!
princess Luna kusuma
princess Luna kusuma - 6 years ago
i bet those kind of people were rich white smartass

10. comment for Discus Fish Care Guide FOR BEGINNERS

princess Luna kusuma
princess Luna kusuma - 6 years ago
how to know if a discus is male or female, next video please
Demarre Brown
Demarre Brown - 6 years ago
I'm just wondering what are some good types of fish which can live happily in the heat which clown lochs thrive in , I love your videos Cory
Colton Larson
Colton Larson - 6 years ago
How would you think a school of discus and one single angelfish do?
kevin rollins
kevin rollins - 6 years ago
ACH Aquatics
ACH Aquatics - 6 years ago
I couldn't have given better advice myself. I've kept discus for 10+ years both domestic strains and wild caughts. I have never followed what everyone says of doing large water changes almost everyday, bare bottom tanks, etc. I've kept them in planted tanks, do 50-60% water changes once a week, feed pellets, crumbles and frozen foods and have never had any problems. Heck I had a planted 180 gal tank with wild and domestic discus and wild altum angels in it, and even had two wilds pair off and spawn in the tank.
Peter Landy
Peter Landy - 6 years ago
Discus are beautiful fishes but apparently they do better in breed specific/type dedicated tank. Thanks for your insight!
SilentScreamer - 6 years ago
I bought the Vibra Vibe because of your review. My angels love it!
Trevor Hughes
Trevor Hughes - 6 years ago
Can you do one of these for flowerhorns because I’ve been hearing a lot of different opinions on how to keep them.
Phil TheFishaddict
Phil TheFishaddict - 6 years ago
Love your content. Been following you a while. If I can give my opinion. Don’t apologize for your advice or opinion. Your content is taken with a grain of salt based on your experience. My methods may not work for you as well though successful for me. It’s a science based hobby supported by people who experimented. Just think Caesar kept eels, Koi were kept long before harnessed electricity and pond filters, and so on. We learn more and more along the way.
Zeloteus - 6 years ago
I have 5 discus and one of them stopped eating for a while.. I dont know what the problem is, I change water once every week and i keep them in 85 degrees with 70 cardinal tetras, 8 sterbai and a couple of plecos in my 90 gallon tank. i tried to turn up the heat 2 times now and it doesnt seem to help.. i also gave them some medicine for internal parasites.. it doesnt help.. Please help me..

20. comment for Discus Fish Care Guide FOR BEGINNERS

Grassypeak - 6 years ago
Nice video Cory. I wish you and everyone else out there a joyous and peaceful evening.
rmedinaw1 - 6 years ago
Great video . Stendker is super easy to take of as I am a first time discus owner
Shauna Macd
Shauna Macd - 6 years ago
I find with keeping apple snails , flower shrimp and crayfish that I don't have to do water changes so much. Maybe once a week or so, but my discus are very bright and active
MP112791 - 6 years ago
Ah man do I miss keeping discus. They are solid fish once you acclimate them properly. Just meet their needs and keep the water clean, don't slack off on water changes. Solid advice cory.
Bernard O'Connor
Bernard O'Connor - 6 years ago
I've got 3 in an 80 litre and there perfect
Mabel Ota Anderson
Mabel Ota Anderson - 6 years ago
Merry Christmas ..to you and your family................
iProdigy - 6 years ago
Discus - DISCU mfort
thestopmotion stop
thestopmotion stop - 6 years ago
Is 81-82 ok
art - 6 years ago
Been wanting a pair bit afraid of how finicky that i hear. I have reef picos thriving so it dont scare me about thr maintenance of the water just dont want to kill them
BlueShaman'sFriend - 6 years ago
I kept a pair of green discus back in the 70s for about three years until a cold snap took them one weekend. I was about 12 years old at the time. Very cool fish.

30. comment for Discus Fish Care Guide FOR BEGINNERS

Paul Cox
Paul Cox - 6 years ago
Thanks Cory, l love the fact you don't just repeat what the so called experts say, if a fish is healthy & breeds in your tank you are obviously doing something right. I used to keep just discus in two 150g they bred often & sometimes two pairs would be spawning in the same tank. My tempreture was 26°C that's 79°F l think.
ER1C0 5U4VE - 6 years ago
dicus are sweet
John Saye
John Saye - 6 years ago
You go rebel! You have too much knowledge not to value your recommendations!
John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy - 6 years ago
Video quality is insane.
Corona Ken
Corona Ken - 6 years ago
Well said. Happy Holidays
Andrew Strathdee
Andrew Strathdee - 6 years ago
Great way to start Christmas Day here in Australia.cory head over this way man you’ll love it
FamfritFW - 6 years ago
Thank you, Cory, for always sharing your own experience and advice even when it goes against the common wisdom.
Tyler Gordon
Tyler Gordon - 6 years ago
My exp has been the same, keep them hot, well fed and clean water. I had them in an 80, 125 and 180. The 125 was ok, but the 180 with 7 was by far the best
L777 - 6 years ago
What else did you keep right there
Cae Walker
Cae Walker - 6 years ago
My son just brought Discus, Thanks for the great advice. They seem to come alive at a higher temperature. Have a great Chrissy
Aaron Eustice
Aaron Eustice - 6 years ago
Thank you for making the discus snobs angry. Much appreciated.
mush- the snowman
mush- the snowman - 6 years ago
im a discus keeper and have been for over 30 years and your right on the money great advise once again keep the vids coming they will help all the new fish keepers out there
MrSteelface96 - 6 years ago
same with gurami, i bought just one gurami, then a few month down the line i bought 2 females, he straight up murderd them.
John Breeson
John Breeson - 6 years ago
I couldn't agree more. I have kept and breed discus. They're wonderful fish if you are willing to care for them properly!
Georgia .Warren
Georgia .Warren - 6 years ago
Aquarium co op you are my favourite “fishkeeping YouTuber”
I’ve learnt so much from your videos and you have a great personality to watch. Thank you!
D P - 6 years ago
Perfect advice...pragmatic and balanced! Thank you!
Michael Agostino
Michael Agostino - 6 years ago
Okay Cory, if you don't recommend Barbs and Tetras with Discus because they will be out-competed for food. Then what 2 or 3 fish do you recommend as dither fish for Discus?
KGTropicals - 6 years ago
gillpard - 6 years ago
I was always apprehensive about keeping Discus, because of people saying they are so difficult to keep. And you have to use RO Water with Minerals etc. And yes you have to feed only Beefheart.
I decided to wait and find somewhere with Stendker Discus That had been acclimated to local waters and had already gone thru the rough patch.

I feed mine on Tetra Pro Color Crispa, NT Labs Priobiotic, Cichlid Green and Red, Shrimp Enhancer, JMC Pellets, Tetra Prima, Tropical Shrimp Sticks and Discus Pellets. And they love the ONip tabs equivalent we have here in the UK.

Tankmates are Rams, Guppies, Cardinals, Cories, Glass Cats and a few BN Plecs.
BlueShaman'sFriend - 6 years ago
Really good post. Common sense and encouraging,
Kodane - 6 years ago
So you mentioned the water change elitest 100% everyday. You never mentioned your advice with the high temps and stable parameters. How often do you do water changes or is acceptable? Because MOST people don't have the time to do 100% water changes everyday. Now I know I'll get the "Well if you can take care of them don't get them" comments but lets be realistic here..
Kodane - 6 years ago
Whitney Benne that’s kind of what I was thinking. I might do bi weekly because I do want some dither fish and I also have a quad if threadfin acara in there too. I might go with a nice adult size group of 12. I could be wrong but I I’ve read it’s easier to keep the adults than smaller ones.
Whitney Benne
Whitney Benne - 6 years ago
depending on stocking and feeding
Whitney Benne
Whitney Benne - 6 years ago
I guess I spoil my fish in general but I treat discus like everything else. ur 240 gallon would be very diluted for discus and wouldn't need excessively frequent water changes, probably only once a week.
Kodane - 6 years ago
+Whitney Benne Thank you, that was more what I was asking. What do you do on your own discus tanks. They seem to do fine?
Kodane - 6 years ago
+Aquarium Co-Op Completely aware of that I apologize for not being very informative. Generally the guides say like 50-100% daily etc. Since your giving your opinions on tanks you've kept how often did you do water changes on them? In this case for me I do not own discus yet but am avidly looking into buying them. I own a 240 gallon and stocking wise I'm undecided. But if I could get by with weekly water changes that would be great. However if not possible then I understand.
Whitney Benne
Whitney Benne - 6 years ago
I change my discus water same as the other 4 tanks. 50% once a week does the trick for me
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
I never made a recommendation cause it would completely depend on the setup. How long does it take to make dinner? It would depend on what you're making, are you feeding just yourself from the microwave? a family of 6? including deserts? Is it thanksgiving dinner? Or is it a banquet of 300 people? There isn't a once size fits all when it comes to aquarium maintenance.
Anthony Galante
Anthony Galante - 6 years ago
Could you do one for fancy goldfish

50. comment for Discus Fish Care Guide FOR BEGINNERS

Sounak Ghosh
Sounak Ghosh - 6 years ago
Nice video Cory. Helpful and meaningful. I loved the video outlay more. This is the perfect cropped ratio that you should be doing these kind of videos in. #happyfishkeeping
W-_-T - 6 years ago
So Discus elitists are the Vegans of the fish world basically
Harvey M
Harvey M - 6 years ago
I'm 14 and discus are a breeze to keep.
Duty James
Duty James - 6 years ago
My fave fish and so cheap in london But the care vids i see on them really puts me off
Bay Area Fish Keeper
Bay Area Fish Keeper - 6 years ago
Yeah i agree. Ive kept discus in the past and temperature is a big key. You can keep them at lower temps but its much easier to run into problems. When i kept them in higher temps i noticed less issues. Also i ran into horrible problems when i bought 4 at a time. When i would get 6-8 at a time they would tolerate each other much more. I believe its a type of overcrowding mentality. More fish so there isnt anything to claim. Where if you have a few they each pick a corner and the new adds get bullied. Gorgeous fish but not for me. Just a bit too timid for my liking. Easy to breed as well once you get a pair, heavy feedings with slightly cooler water change (2-3 degreees cooler). Thanks for the share!
MALTA HIGH JACKER - 6 years ago
I like discus but if I was a beginner (I'd still own these now) I would go with uaru (waroo) or also called the poor man's discus not as colorful as discus and they are hardcore plant eaters but they aren't as timid and can handle cooler water temps also as the nickname implies they are usually a quarter to a third the price of a discus
Jaxson Singleton
Jaxson Singleton - 6 years ago
I loved the video Cory. Could you make a care guide for ghost knifefish?
Este Glez
Este Glez - 6 years ago
Anyone in Chicago aria know where I can buy German breed discuss
Michael McCarthy
Michael McCarthy - 6 years ago
A very good video. I'm not sure I fully agree on temperature (I would suggest 80 as an acceptable minimum) but that is my only "complaint" about the information provided. For first time keepers, wild fish (Blues, Greens or Browns) are easier IMO, they are a bit more forgiving of water parameters than the Asian bred fish which have spent their entire life in soft, acidic water (and have for generations).
Dark Er
Dark Er - 6 years ago
+TM Aquatics Well that's just horrible. One thing i realized when starting keeping fish was that there can be 2 different solutions to 1 problem.
TM Aquatics
TM Aquatics - 6 years ago
Dark Er Has nothing to do with how easy or difficult they are to keep. The elitists are those of the strong opinion there is a specific way to keep them. Bare bottom tank, tons of beef heart food, 50% daily water changes, etc.
princess Luna kusuma
princess Luna kusuma - 6 years ago
the problem is they themselves think theyre "elitists" and we agree with them , we played by their rules lmfao and we agree with it
Dark Er
Dark Er - 6 years ago
Hahahah Discus elitist what a joke. Discus are easy to keep if you just read a bit.
tanner get over it
tanner get over it - 6 years ago
I'm not worried and mine actually do have baby fry . I have a 75 gallon and I do a 50% every other day also tank is heavily planted . water temp like I said before more at 86 then 85 .
Duty James
Duty James - 6 years ago
Is baby fry a real thing???
Cichlids23 - 6 years ago
Great advice Cory...I think the stress and worry comes from missing one of your top tips, DON'T BUY the $350 pair at the LFS....Get the $15 small ones and buy a group; well done!
Manuel T
Manuel T - 6 years ago
So you cannot use CO2 in a tank with discus?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
sure you can, co2 is independent from oxygen.
Everardo Hernandez
Everardo Hernandez - 6 years ago
Would a tall tank work or do they been the space of a wide tank?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
It's all relative to the space we are talking about, 48 inch tall tank, and 18 inch wide tank is fine. Where as a 10 inch tall tank and a 4 ft wide tank wouldn't be.
Simply Betta
Simply Betta - 6 years ago
Thanks for demystifying!
tanner get over it
tanner get over it - 6 years ago
85 to 86 is spot on for temp
LammFamm aquariums go karts and trains & cockroach
LammFamm aquariums go karts and trains & cockroach - 6 years ago
cory i totally agree and they are not picky with the water parameters and i hope you will have a merry christmas until nexttime-lammfamm
Dave Mac
Dave Mac - 6 years ago
Good vid. I would just add not to buy from different sources to minimize the chance of a disease outbreak. And to get a nitrate test kit to know when to do water changes.
Dave Mac
Dave Mac - 6 years ago
+Aquarium Co-Op True, but this is a beginners' guide. They might not know.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
How is this any different from any fish you buy? It's not specific to discus.
aswin suresh
aswin suresh - 6 years ago
Hey cory,
I keep a planted sand bottom tank with dwarf sag and a few types of rotalia plants. Stocked with a baby pleco and male guppies. Also have a pond with an arowana redtail, catfish, koi, iridiscent catfish and a few african cichlids.
Hope this helps for the new video contents.
mary devereuax
mary devereuax - 6 years ago
I have always wanted to keep disus... maybe one day!
Pat O
Pat O - 6 years ago
One item I’m struggling to figure out as I prepare to keep Discus for the first time is with Discus color and food. Discus foods are always so Red enhancing. I want to keep a mixed variety tank with a nice group of yellows. How do I keep their colors yellow and them not turn to orange if I also want to keep a pigeon blood variety as well?

Btw those Discus in the videos with the bold black bars were gorgeous.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
Heres the trick, feed them normal food. You shouldn't need to feed color enhancing food to have great color.
Brandon Adriano
Brandon Adriano - 6 years ago
Cory you are so awesome for making these vids for the fish keeping community! Thanks so much for taking the time to do so! Appreciate you brother
Kizzle Cozzle
Kizzle Cozzle - 6 years ago
i can hear the discus elites scoffing through this whole video LMAO
Duty James
Duty James - 6 years ago
A Gamer's Wife
A Gamer's Wife - 6 years ago
I’ve always been intimidated by the supposed intense water change schedule. Maybe one day I’ll try it will a more understocked setup. Thanks for the encouragement and advice!
Anne Van der Borght
Anne Van der Borght - 6 years ago
I have also always been intimidated by what I read about discus : huge waterchanges, no plants, barebottem, difficult to feed, vulnerable to disease...
Because of that when I recently got back into the hobby as an adult and decided to get a 5feet tank, I didn't even consider discus. Even though I have always liked how discus looked + they are one of the few schooling cichlids. By now I am pretty sure that I will get a discus tank when I have more space. I will also defnitly go for a semiunderstocked setup.
Lito Loco 4 fish
Lito Loco 4 fish - 6 years ago
Great video!!! Just what I wanted to see !!!
Brian Kennedy
Brian Kennedy - 6 years ago
I'm sorry, the minimum tank size for a small school of discus is 8,000 gallons.
Duty James
Duty James - 6 years ago
Brian Kennedy
Brian Kennedy - 6 years ago
8,000 gallons isnt too bad when you get one at Petco's dollar per gallon sale.
Hendrik Haverkamp
Hendrik Haverkamp - 6 years ago
Okay, so let's talk about your brain size now...
Neil Young
Neil Young - 6 years ago
How do you feel on feeding them beefheart? I'm currently doing loads of research before buying and one of the main things I see is 'feed them beefheart only'
Neil Young
Neil Young - 6 years ago
+Alek Koomanoff makes total sense, no red blooded mammals in the rivers. Muscles and prawns I can understand and probably healthier overall.
Alek Koomanoff
Alek Koomanoff - 6 years ago
Germans say no mammalian food, especially beef heart. You get size but no colour. Messes with liver, like cirrhosis and consequently short life.
Neil Young
Neil Young - 6 years ago
+Aquarium Co-Op Thanks Cory, as you say better to have a selection.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
I personally think there are better options out there.
minihands _
minihands _ - 6 years ago
Discus elitists sound like the tang police of saltwater
tanner get over it
tanner get over it - 6 years ago
I own discus but long as you know what you are doing its easy..
JustAnotherInsectNerd - 6 years ago
minihands _ so true
Bug Gus
Bug Gus - 6 years ago
Whats the difference between the two vals you sell on the website?
AEROBOOK GAMING - 6 years ago
I keep my Discus at 25°C
Eihab Fitness
Eihab Fitness - 6 years ago
I kept and bred Discuss some 15 years ago when I was in Uni, they brought me lots of joy.
Patrick Kirby
Patrick Kirby - 6 years ago
Great vid but fix ur grill
Adam Till from Arctic Lights Aquatics
Adam Till from Arctic Lights Aquatics - 6 years ago
Patrick Kirby merry Christmas to you too
YouTubeDatBoi - 6 years ago
Just bought another set of discus. This time 6 wild blue discus for my 75 gallon. :-) I appreciate this Christmas special video, Cory! Thanks!
AQUA REGION - 6 years ago
I'm number 23.
Cichlids23 - 6 years ago
Me Too.....LOL
James Archer
James Archer - 6 years ago
You talked about giving away the extra males as time goes on; is there a way to tell males from females before purchasing them?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
Not really, no.
Fun with Fish
Fun with Fish - 6 years ago
Very informative Cory, can't wait for tomorrow's live show!!!!!
denzil andrews
denzil andrews - 6 years ago
Wishing you and your family a very happy Christmas.
Heidi's Fish Tank
Heidi's Fish Tank - 6 years ago
Cory I could not agree more. I keep German discus and tbh they are NOT that picky on water parameters at all. The biggest things I’ve found is temperature(which make me picking plants tricky), getting a good sized school, and feed often enough. The other tip I’d say is they are more prone to internal parasites than other fish in my experience so quarantining any tankmates and premedicating is extra important and you may need to occasionally do an additional metronidazole treatment whether that’s Seachem metroplex in food or just doing general cure in the whole tank occasionally. The other thing I’ve found is that they don’t need bare bottom tank and you don’t need a completely insane water change schedule. Just test your water and keep those nitrates low.
AEROBOOK GAMING - 6 years ago
I keep them too
Matty M
Matty M - 6 years ago
666 views I’m lucky
Duty James
Duty James - 6 years ago
999 upside down,So not lucky
sun wise
sun wise - 6 years ago
I love all the disclaimer / clarifying statements for the internet. Lol
Gerson -
Gerson - - 6 years ago
Who's ready for the Christmas live stream!!!
Golden Fish Tanks
Golden Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Great care guide on them, Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Chuck Chuck
Chuck Chuck - 6 years ago
Turbo Fish
Turbo Fish - 6 years ago
Still on the hunt for the vibrabites. They must sell quickly by me. Job well done Cory!
Hola It's Max
Hola It's Max - 6 years ago
Anybody else like the video before they actually watch it?
Jose Montalvo
Jose Montalvo - 6 years ago
Hola It's Max bad habits of watching Aquarium Coop
Duty James
Duty James - 6 years ago
No cos that would be stupid
SunbearSunday - 6 years ago
I do indeed. It's mainly because I like to binge Aquarium Co-Op videos and liking them helps me keep track of what I've seen.
AEROBOOK GAMING - 6 years ago
YouTubeDatBoi - 6 years ago
every time
AQUA REGION - 6 years ago
Viola Hops a lot
Viola Hops a lot - 6 years ago
If it's by him, you bet ya
Gabriel Martucci
Gabriel Martucci - 6 years ago
Jadren Aquatics
Jadren Aquatics - 6 years ago
Lol the dreaded discus controversy. My head use to kill me after reading all the post on the discus forms some of the most passionate people about the way that do things. Most don't appreciate other opinions.
HobbitHabits/ Bri Bri
HobbitHabits/ Bri Bri - 6 years ago
Cory, the audio is peaking a lot in this video. Cheers for this video though, super helpful.

100. comment for Discus Fish Care Guide FOR BEGINNERS

TerrariaOfThwKing11 Kowsary
TerrariaOfThwKing11 Kowsary - 6 years ago
My brother loves your videos
Daniel Mccoy
Daniel Mccoy - 6 years ago
Phoenix - 6 years ago
Jeeze gotta wait for the processing it's 240p right now Edit: it's good now
Nataniel White
Nataniel White - 6 years ago
First like the video
Connor Smith
Connor Smith - 6 years ago
Sam Denny
Sam Denny - 6 years ago
ur not first

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http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/blog/continuity-aquascape-video-gallery/ Aquascape Journal, Photos & Transcript...


Longboard BoardGuide Reviews: Pintails by...

10,051 likes 1,412,331 views 11 years ago

Find your Pintail: https://originalskateboards.com/longboards/ Pintail longboards by Original Skateboards: Classic...


Boat Neck Blouse Cutting Very Clarity With easy...

7,556 likes 1,287,708 views 6 years ago

How to Cut easy Method Boat Neck Cutting in Telugu, For Beginners. Online Telugu Tailoring Tutorials,Free Class By...


Step by step guide to breeding betta fish

4,709 likes 1,064,752 views 13 years ago

Here is a step by step guide to learn all the steps necessary to successfully reproduce the Betta fish. If you have...


Aquascaping Tutorial Guide- The Making Of...

4,675 likes 1,050,449 views 12 years ago

http://www.thegreenmachineonline.com/blog/reciprocity-aquascape-james-findley James Findley's latest Aquascape...


Aquarium Aquascape Tutorial Guide 'Crimson Sky'...

6,002 likes 987,537 views 11 years ago

Another shallow display aquarium for The Green Machine created by James Findley. Full Setup Specifications and step...

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Achintyada describes on a Kolkata Aquarium Club meet, on How to keep Discuss fish For beginners. For more details -...

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