Discus Fish Classification: Striped Turquoise Discus - Aquatics Live 2012, pt.13

FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV PAGE: http://definiteaquascape.tv The common discus Symphysodon aequifasciatus is a tropical aquarium fish, originating from South America. There are three wild varieties of this fish, Brown, Blue and Green, and many domestic varieties, bred in aquariums of fishkeeping hobbyists and tropical fish breeders. The classfication of these domestic varieties is somewhat complicated, and only recently Polish discus fans proposed a modified classification, which (in my opinion) is the most accurate and most clear. So, I used this classification for presenting discus fish displayed at Aquatics Live 2012 show in London :) "Striped turquoise" is one of the color variety of domestic discus fish. Fish of this variety can have various appearance, but they have some general features in common - the bluish horizontal stripes are present not only on head and fins, but also on the sides of the body, and the iris of the eye should be red. In this video I show various examples of striped turquoise discus fish. Enjoy! :)

Discus Fish Classification: Striped Turquoise Discus - Aquatics Live 2012, pt.13 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Discus 12 years ago 11,165 views

FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV PAGE: http://definiteaquascape.tv The common discus Symphysodon aequifasciatus is a tropical aquarium fish, originating from South America. There are three wild varieties of this fish, Brown, Blue and Green, and many domestic varieties, bred in aquariums of fishkeeping hobbyists and tropical fish breeders. The classfication of these domestic varieties is somewhat complicated, and only recently Polish discus fans proposed a modified classification, which (in my opinion) is the most accurate and most clear. So, I used this classification for presenting discus fish displayed at Aquatics Live 2012 show in London :) "Striped turquoise" is one of the color variety of domestic discus fish. Fish of this variety can have various appearance, but they have some general features in common - the bluish horizontal stripes are present not only on head and fins, but also on the sides of the body, and the iris of the eye should be red. In this video I show various examples of striped turquoise discus fish. Enjoy! :)

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Most popular comments
for Discus Fish Classification: Striped Turquoise Discus - Aquatics Live 2012, pt.13

Issame Chihrar
Issame Chihrar - 11 years ago
i bought a some babies from a couple of red turquoise,, can you say to me wich type is it exactly ???
this is the picture from the parents 
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
Magnificient fish! :) Looks like blue turquoise to me, but I'm not an expert at all :)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 11 years ago
It's some sort of Tetra internal filter, not sure which one exactly.
mexiphatso - 11 years ago
What type of filter is in these tanks? Gratitude.
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Hehe, me too ;) ;)
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Thanks a lot for your kind words! :) I'm really glad that you like what I do - after all, I do it for the viewers (having some "selfish" fun along the way, of course ;) )
DefiniteAquascapeTV - 12 years ago
Yup, after watching all those discus I wouldn't mind to have a discus tank myself... :)
almcloud - 12 years ago
I hope I will have a large enough tank one day, that way I will have room for my fish and a small Discus colony. Nice vid!
leann lewis
leann lewis - 12 years ago
Crystal clear footage of these amazing fish. At times I thought they seemed shimmery when they would turn & the black stripes would appear even darker. You do a wonderful job at capturing what makes aquariums shine. Then you share it with us. Thanks
gravexchannel - 12 years ago
I love ur job :)

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