Discus Fish Competition 2018 India
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Discus Fish Competition 2018 India The All India Discus Fish Competition 2018 was Organized by Sanjeevan & Centre for Extra Mural Studies. The Discus Fish Competition was held at the Mumbai University in Santacruz (E), Mumbai. The Categories in Discus Fish were Solids, Pattern, Spotted & Striped. There were total 56 Discus Fish Participants of Various patterns displayed in different Fish Tanks. There was One Grand Champion Discus Winner. Each & Every Discus Fish was very attractive & lovely. It would have been a tough job to choose One Champion among them. The winner was selected on different parameters such as shape, size, color & behavior. The next All India Discus Fish Competition will take place in the next year probably in the month of May. Event Venue - University of Mumbai, Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai - 98
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