Discus Fish Hatchery in Malaysia

More information on our discus hatchery as well as videos and pictures of our discus under: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/europadiscuscenter WEBSITE: http://europadiscuscenter.de/ On our last Malaysia journey, we visited together with Jeffrey Tan from IP Discus (Tony Tan) this beautiful discus hatchery. This discus farm is quite amazing, because it runs completely with a biological filtration system, which is also shown in this video. It is untypical for Malaysian discus farms to run with a central water filtration for the whole hatchery, because the water there is already perfect for discus keeping. So generally they do 2 times a day a 80% water change to maintain the health of the discus. The disadvantage is clear: you need lots of water. This Farm though safes a lot of water, thus lots of money, too. The biggest disadvantage of this method of keeping discus fish is the high risk of getting a big disease, like the discus plague. So you have to be careful putting in new discus. You need to do a proper quarantine to prevent illness. Nevertheless there were very beautiful discus colors, like outstanding Leopard Discus (I was selecting with Jeffrey), White Leopard Discus, Leopard Snakeskin Discus, Altum Flora Discus and many more interesting discus strains. At the end, we were very happy to be able to visit this beautiful discus hatchery!

Discus Fish Hatchery in Malaysia sentiment_very_dissatisfied 23

Discus 13 years ago 193,484 views

More information on our discus hatchery as well as videos and pictures of our discus under: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/europadiscuscenter WEBSITE: http://europadiscuscenter.de/ On our last Malaysia journey, we visited together with Jeffrey Tan from IP Discus (Tony Tan) this beautiful discus hatchery. This discus farm is quite amazing, because it runs completely with a biological filtration system, which is also shown in this video. It is untypical for Malaysian discus farms to run with a central water filtration for the whole hatchery, because the water there is already perfect for discus keeping. So generally they do 2 times a day a 80% water change to maintain the health of the discus. The disadvantage is clear: you need lots of water. This Farm though safes a lot of water, thus lots of money, too. The biggest disadvantage of this method of keeping discus fish is the high risk of getting a big disease, like the discus plague. So you have to be careful putting in new discus. You need to do a proper quarantine to prevent illness. Nevertheless there were very beautiful discus colors, like outstanding Leopard Discus (I was selecting with Jeffrey), White Leopard Discus, Leopard Snakeskin Discus, Altum Flora Discus and many more interesting discus strains. At the end, we were very happy to be able to visit this beautiful discus hatchery!

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Most popular comments
for Discus Fish Hatchery in Malaysia

Kerimin Pet Dünyası
Kerimin Pet Dünyası - 6 years ago
Nice video.
David Tan
David Tan - 6 years ago
Rafael Raihan
Rafael Raihan - 6 years ago
Where is this farm located?
reza oktriana
reza oktriana - 6 years ago
Som Chowhan
Som Chowhan - 7 years ago
my name som ,from-india(kolkata).you sale discus fish wholesale price.
my EMI:somchowhan97@gmail.com.
please Ripley.
vaishali kshirsagar
vaishali kshirsagar - 7 years ago
Marathi mdye
Barcelona Treble Winner Twice
Barcelona Treble Winner Twice - 7 years ago
kat mne kilang dia ek?...
Marcelino flores nielfa
Marcelino flores nielfa - 8 years ago
Hola buenos días desde España los importais q precio y cantidad gracias buen fin de semana
Francisco Guardian Sanchez
Francisco Guardian Sanchez - 6 years ago
Me sorprendieron
Estubo de lo maxsimo...
sameer. sheikh
sameer. sheikh - 8 years ago
beautiful fish very nice
Izumin Le
Izumin Le - 8 years ago
sameer. sheikh to hhh

10. comment for Discus Fish Hatchery in Malaysia

Sourav Manna
Sourav Manna - 8 years ago
Beautiful fish of the world discus,so nice.
Chris Lutchman
Chris Lutchman - 9 years ago
How do u know male from female discus?
Kiran Halder
Kiran Halder - 9 years ago
how to remove my Discus fish peppering
Steven Wooller
Steven Wooller - 7 years ago
Kiran Halder that's the way they are fool. if you don't like peppering, don't fn buy it idiot
Nguyễn Thanh Tú
Nguyễn Thanh Tú - 9 years ago
tetra neon
tetra neon - 9 years ago
i live on asia but cannot find any discus near beautiful
the cheakerboards of mine does has no red
tetra neon
tetra neon - 9 years ago
i live on asi a but
Lagranarob -
Lagranarob - - 9 years ago
and people say that my aquarium is overstocked.
NataSha Roman
NataSha Roman - 9 years ago
In Malaysia, the water is not that expensive. I got 78 tanks(55 gallon) I change twice daily 100%, it only cost me around RM30-35 = USD10 per month.
eddy xu
eddy xu - 6 years ago
NataSha Roman k
Steven Wooller
Steven Wooller - 7 years ago
PopicalGold ...its not be you moron
Steven Wooller
Steven Wooller - 7 years ago
PopicalGold it'd not be you moron
PopicalGold - 8 years ago
totally BS
Joel Nishanth
Joel Nishanth - 9 years ago
100% water change twice daily??? R u for real? :O
subhodeep das
subhodeep das - 10 years ago
sir ur filter media??
Ace Aquascapes
Ace Aquascapes - 10 years ago
i wonder if they are cheap compared to Thailand hatcheries...

20. comment for Discus Fish Hatchery in Malaysia

Subhodeep k
Subhodeep k - 10 years ago
why the water colour looks green???
BirdBoyGippsland - 10 years ago
i think its the glass, as the glass above water level is also green tint
Yann.H Fanatik-Discus
Yann.H Fanatik-Discus - 10 years ago
I miss this video!!! wow
Ángel Arroba
Ángel Arroba - 11 years ago

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