Discus Fish Hatchery in Malaysia
Discus 13 years ago 193,484 views
More information on our discus hatchery as well as videos and pictures of our discus under: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/europadiscuscenter WEBSITE: http://europadiscuscenter.de/ On our last Malaysia journey, we visited together with Jeffrey Tan from IP Discus (Tony Tan) this beautiful discus hatchery. This discus farm is quite amazing, because it runs completely with a biological filtration system, which is also shown in this video. It is untypical for Malaysian discus farms to run with a central water filtration for the whole hatchery, because the water there is already perfect for discus keeping. So generally they do 2 times a day a 80% water change to maintain the health of the discus. The disadvantage is clear: you need lots of water. This Farm though safes a lot of water, thus lots of money, too. The biggest disadvantage of this method of keeping discus fish is the high risk of getting a big disease, like the discus plague. So you have to be careful putting in new discus. You need to do a proper quarantine to prevent illness. Nevertheless there were very beautiful discus colors, like outstanding Leopard Discus (I was selecting with Jeffrey), White Leopard Discus, Leopard Snakeskin Discus, Altum Flora Discus and many more interesting discus strains. At the end, we were very happy to be able to visit this beautiful discus hatchery!
my EMI:somchowhan97@gmail.com.
please Ripley.
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