Discus Fish Tank Aquarium

A tank full of fish, what can I say?

Discus Fish Tank Aquarium sentiment_very_dissatisfied 61

Discus 18 years ago 583,505 views

A tank full of fish, what can I say?

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Most popular comments
for Discus Fish Tank Aquarium

Prince Rhem
Prince Rhem - 11 years ago
suck my fat black ass dick you skunk smelling tomato squashing ass nigguh fuck this video and your ugly ass fish and eat my cock you squmball laughing clown joke telling ass nigger eat my shit you misqutoe biting nipple having ass bitch and i hope you pizza nazi eating ass have a long harsh firey death in hell with no chance of parol
YOGESH KHATRI - 12 years ago
very nice animation
DiscusMagic - 12 years ago
Nice fish, they look very happy.
An Nguyen
An Nguyen - 12 years ago
how many time u guys change the water per week for the discus tank like this .. ?
mariah b
mariah b - 12 years ago
what size tank do you have them all in? how many discus do you have in there?
captainhelmet69 - 12 years ago
Hey are you from Sheffield if you are cool so am I check out my discus see what you think peeps
Natasha Grace
Natasha Grace - 12 years ago
whats the song name?
b - 12 years ago
can you put discuss fish with dino birches and rainbow sharks??
WolleytheMonster - 13 years ago
DO you have to use a ro water filter with discus. I know it would be better is it necessary. i do 50 percent water changes twice a week using prime.

10. comment for Discus Fish Tank Aquarium

יהב הולמן
יהב הולמן - 13 years ago
My discus fish
Galen Schultz
Galen Schultz - 13 years ago
Beautiful fish and nice video. Thanks for sharing!
TheGeordiePedro - 13 years ago
@aSilentGentleman Theres no yes or no answer tbh, but if the tetras are put in first and are adult size then they should be fine :) make sure the tank has hiding places just in case.
Marcus Warner
Marcus Warner - 13 years ago
@TheGeordiePedro The discus wouldn't eat the tetras, would they? At least, by the time the discus are full size I should think they'd be about 8 inches length, making tetras seem like quite a tempting dinner!
TheGeordiePedro - 13 years ago
@krshsuman yes you can, they will go together perfectly :) just make sure to rember that for every 10 tetras you need 10 gallons of water and for every 1 discus you need 10 gallons of water, so make sure you have a large enough tank! :)
Suman Mukherjee
Suman Mukherjee - 13 years ago
hey can i keep neon tetras with discus fish.....? what are discus mate fish... plz give me some info.. thnk you...
zatt14 - 13 years ago
i want a discus
spearman481 - 13 years ago
How much did all the discus fish cost seems like a lot. By the way it looks really good.
Hisoka - 13 years ago
@D4rkAnG3L1984 Ok, thanks
Chris Cheung
Chris Cheung - 13 years ago
@savke222 by 100 %, it means you remove about 80% of the water and fill it up and keep removing the water until you feel that the water is 100% clean

20. comment for Discus Fish Tank Aquarium

mqatarm1 - 13 years ago
Nice tank bro
Patricia Pats
Patricia Pats - 13 years ago
second song name please:)
threetrends - 13 years ago
Great Video! I picked up few tips like Significance in Choosing Discus Fish Tank, on this side: discusfishsecrets. net Reed More
Hisoka - 13 years ago
Will someone please explain to me how 100% water changes are possible, because some aquarist say that all good bacterias are gonna die and so on, and it is not logical that I have to change my 250 liters aquarium water every single day, so will someone solve this mistery for me???
borhanus - 13 years ago
so you don't keep paired fish .all are single and different color
Sydney Discus World Aquariums
Sydney Discus World Aquariums - 13 years ago
I like your style! Check out our Discus videos too! We uploaded a breeding pair and fry. Let me know what you all think!!
Gemeral dis
Gemeral dis - 13 years ago
if only they could dream through the glass and see a different u nivers e.
WolleytheMonster - 13 years ago
Nice tank man looks great!!
MagicalUnicornTurds - 13 years ago
My kitten loves this video :)
Emanuel Nunes
Emanuel Nunes - 13 years ago
Nice that's a great looking discus, really nice tank... They look very happy. Well done!

30. comment for Discus Fish Tank Aquarium

Myke A
Myke A - 13 years ago
Great Tank, Buddy. Discus take some effort to look after, but well worth it. Please check out my 7ft discus tank :)
Tim Morales
Tim Morales - 13 years ago
wow. beautiful tank! i'm really hoping to get some discus sometime in the near future. any tips?
Eddard Liebber
Eddard Liebber - 13 years ago
Vivi Lee-Ford
Vivi Lee-Ford - 13 years ago
are discus fish always good in community tanks, or are yours an exception?
ObviouslyAwsome - 13 years ago
@jenniferfayeful Hey! Now I look back at that comment, 4 months later to see where I am now. 2 more tanks, 1 saltwater, 2 freshwater breeding tanks and about $3000 poorer. It's all worth it though!
LangYee - 13 years ago
Wow, I can watch this ALL DAY!!
Matthew Parra
Matthew Parra - 14 years ago
Is tht salt? Are they tropical semi or less aggresive??
Joshua Biggins
Joshua Biggins - 14 years ago
Your discus tank is poor. They are stunted
Poca Skillsz
Poca Skillsz - 14 years ago
how many gall is ur fish tank
sharon balk
sharon balk - 14 years ago
What a beautiful tank ! Your Discus are super too. I can remember back (I won't say how long ago...) when the only color of Discus you could get was brown...and if you had some with hints of colors, they were really exotic...lol! It was love at first sight with me, along with my elephant nose "Thor", we managed to be good friends for a long time! Keep up the good work...your results mirror your effort (no doubt)...Keep uploading!!!
AViolentCobra - 14 years ago
Awesome, i never thought of doing a double layer bottom!! facepalming real hard at the moment! Its looks fantastic! I love discus, my fav specinen!! but i cant get them yet due to the fact that a while back i bought tiger barbs when i set the tank up so that i knew it was habbitable along with the water tests i did and coz they were cheap, and so i can currently only have short finned fish because the barbs will nip. little bastards! lmao, may move them out of my big tank! then can get discus!
salimun khan ali
salimun khan ali - 14 years ago
hey bro ,,, very nice collection ,, i also have some discus fish ,,, may be one day i will have an aquarium like urs ,, its beautiful bro,, plzz keep updating ur videos ,,,
FreshAlmighty - 14 years ago
@brandonkr cool
FreshAlmighty - 14 years ago
@brandonkr hmmm what type of filter do you have? I use aquaclear 20, top fin 10, and marine bio wheel 20 to keep my tank really clean
FreshAlmighty - 14 years ago
@brandonkr A underwater filter will be alright
Julian L.
Julian L. - 14 years ago
are discus fish hard to take care of and well i be able to get at least one or two in a 20 gallon tank with angel fish and posbbily other fish and a 20-50 bio filter?? please answer back thankss
FreshAlmighty - 14 years ago
@brandonkr Then put water conditioner, put all your fish back in the tank, turn the filter on, then wait for the next day check on your fish see how they are doing, hope this helps :)
FreshAlmighty - 14 years ago
@brandonkr is gone then get a bucket, put some gravel into the bucket, clean the gravel the same thing you would do when you first get the gravel, put the clean gravel in another bucket, get the rest of the gravel and do the same, clean your plants and ornaments too. Once thats all done clean the inside of your tank with a cloth (etc). Put the gravel back in the tank, same with the decoration, put water, put the appropiate water temp for your fish, put aquarium salt if you have it only a bit....
FreshAlmighty - 14 years ago
@brandonkr Dude that sucks, I have my fish tank next to a window, (but the sunlight never comes near the tank) its good to have a tank next to a window b/c when my fish tank gets really dirty, I get my vacuum I place the outer end of my tube to the window, my vacuum sucks in the water the water then comes out through the window, (its much easier and faster) take all your fish out of the tank, put them in a container, use you vacuum to suck all the water out from the tank, when 99% of the water
blackghostknife11 - 14 years ago
hiya! checkout my video black ghost knife-awesome fish!

50. comment for Discus Fish Tank Aquarium

Julian L.
Julian L. - 14 years ago
can discus fish get along in a tank with tropical community fish? because arent discus semi aggressive
serraguy - 14 years ago
All from the Amazon rivers...
SteelCityFilms - 14 years ago
@ObviouslyAwsome that sux!
SteelCityFilms - 14 years ago
@XXTheCutiePieXX Thank you.. I need to upload a new vid
ObviouslyAwsome - 14 years ago
You have a very active tank! I have a tank with a Plocastomus, Goramis, Skirt tetras and were getting some community angel fish soon! We had beautiful ram ciclids, but they didn't make it when the filter got messed up :(
XXTheCutiePieXX - 14 years ago
beautiful!! great work
middletonplaya99 - 14 years ago
id tap that
Jesse Galloway
Jesse Galloway - 14 years ago
You can make mad money breeding and selling these to pet stores.
TheAfricanSoul - 14 years ago
Willow Whiteflame
Willow Whiteflame - 14 years ago
My kitten wanted to get the fish she was swatting at them
Dothedew042 - 14 years ago
awesome bob marley song
Jim Howard
Jim Howard - 14 years ago
@confuse Because almost everyone was working. Not like today. Plus it would be a summer job only. So great for a young person out of school. Plus we had a lot of young customers that loved fish. Today yes.. might think of hiring a retired person ..but back then a young person would have been great. Plus we could not have paid much. Of course if I worked those three months as a welder we would have had a nice income from that. We had the shop four year. Made money in winter.
Jim Howard
Jim Howard - 14 years ago
@confuse Part 2: The Church of God pastor sold the business later to a young man. Years later I went into a pet store and the young man behind the counter said "Mr. Siggee" don't you remember me? It was a young kid that would come and buy fish.. at our shop. He became a high school science teacher and he is the guy that got my shop from the Church of God pastor. My name is not Siggee by the way! That was a name the wife came up with for the shop.
Jim Howard
Jim Howard - 14 years ago
@confuse Good question. Well back then everyone was working. We had a lot of young customers and some of them had been buying fish for years. I am sure one of them would have loved working at the shop. I could have worked welding for during the summer. One of our young customers did end up owning Siggee's Aquarium. I told the shop to a Church of God pastor and told him he HAD to be open on Sunday. Our big day. He sold the business later to a young guy. End of Part 1
Jim Howard
Jim Howard - 14 years ago
@confuse Not goldfish but we did try selling Koi and pond supplies during the summer. We were so busy during the winter months but during the summer are sales were almost zero. So we tried Koi and pond supplies. If we had been smart we would have just closed during the summer. Or hired some young person to just work during the summer. But my wife and I were very professional .. best fish..best live plants..I even sold our own fish medication. Did a community college class on it.
Jim Howard
Jim Howard - 14 years ago
@confuse I would agree with you about parrots for sure. If they are out of the cage they are not flying around in trees and a place like the amazon. But fish, if the tank is setup right and big enough, have a nice world around them. Might be better than their real world. Also I understand that parrots are very smart ... so on parrots we might agree. I owned a tropical fish shop for four years (back in the late 60s). I know a lot about fish. We sold a few birds.
Jim Howard
Jim Howard - 14 years ago
@saucy7000 If you know what you are doing and your fish and feed them well you would be surprised what you can do with fish.
Jim Howard
Jim Howard - 14 years ago
@Michael7klufas6 The fish in this tank look like they are getting along OK. But I think they might be best most often in their own take with out other fish. But Corydoras cats would be good. I love plecos. The Cardinal Tetras should looked good in that tank. So if you have to add other fish come Cardinal Tetras or Neon Tetras. No Cichlids even thou the Discus is a Cichlid. NO Barbs. NO Gourami. I love Discus and have not had any for 40 years or so.
Jim Howard
Jim Howard - 14 years ago
@confuse I guess is that they will live longer in a fish tank that in the wild. Of course these fish tank raised and not got from the wild. They look happy and well cared for if you ask me. Not everyone needs the hobby of playing doom. People should be allowed to have other hobbies and interest. Plus I think if we see fish like this it will want us to save the oceans and rivers for the ones in the wild.
Ben Wheeler
Ben Wheeler - 14 years ago
AMAZING tank I'm so jealous I have a question Im a long time aquarist and I would like to purchase a discus, maybe, where would I find one? ( oh and don't worry I've done a lot of research into discus care)
My hips don't lie
My hips don't lie - 14 years ago
@thomcap how are they goldfish by any means? goldfish are coldwater fish. discus are tropical. plus they look completely different
rhymepays - 14 years ago
@SteelCityFilms Hey man, what kind of hardware are you using on that? What size tank? Looks mucho excellent!!! My 55 is coming along, but not quite as sweetly as yours is!
CatspitProductions - 14 years ago
That's nice. Cool Discus tank. Good choice, very colorful
Richard Pang
Richard Pang - 14 years ago
i like that blacklight color flashing on the fishes
finger11yo - 14 years ago
i herd discus are hard to take care of do you have any tips
meowey55 - 14 years ago
are discus better as pairs? or by themselves?
SteelCityFilms - 14 years ago
@SteelCityFilms above I meant.
SteelCityFilms - 14 years ago
@MrMattperry Thank you. click below for more...
jijo thomas
jijo thomas - 14 years ago
SteelCityFilms - 14 years ago
@rakdos1235 not at all, go for it.
InvisieMoto - 14 years ago
@alesexy21 lol i got an update on my 29 gallon check it out please its very nice
Rotten Brain
Rotten Brain - 14 years ago
nice tank, will fake plants be ok for a discus tank? cause i had bad experience with live plants(little snail infestation)
Sa Ré Ga Ma
Sa Ré Ga Ma - 14 years ago
@axcarf hey no it's called the "panda" gene some discus have it, the spots are called peppering...
NgoHoe - 15 years ago
hi, do discus fish have scales? and do you add salt to relieve stress and if you do what type of salt? is sea salt good?
axcarf - 15 years ago
Is that discus on 1:15 have some illness because of that black spots on body?
Brandon Semus
Brandon Semus - 15 years ago
amazing, amzing tank. the selection of fish is wonderful.:)
zach stevens
zach stevens - 15 years ago
you got a beautiful tank i love discus there my favo fish
manuel castillo
manuel castillo - 15 years ago
brandon blair
brandon blair - 15 years ago
How much do these fish cost? also how big do they get? Are they comm,semi aggressive or very aggressive? Also what fish do and dont they like to tank with. THANKS
KnifeofRoamance - 15 years ago
Your Discus don't give your Neon Tetra any problems?
James Dugan-Weeks
James Dugan-Weeks - 15 years ago
nice striper dude and awesome tank
jaime mierow
jaime mierow - 15 years ago
bloodworms, yum
Noam DeFacto
Noam DeFacto - 15 years ago
this tank reminds me of the prison down the street, it has: 697 Mexicans 701 Blacks 489 Whites 217 Asians 409 Italians 48 Native Americans and 62 staff.
skitllesman98 - 15 years ago
do u hav a link to his website???
Steven Kim
Steven Kim - 15 years ago
order! jack wattley has some great ones
skitllesman98 - 15 years ago
i live in canada, where could i find discus fish because i really want one, would petland, petsmart carry them or should i order them???
Juan Carlos Leyva
Juan Carlos Leyva - 15 years ago
I wish i could have soft and acid water where i live. Maybe then i could think in safe keeping discus. Sadly here water is like rock juice. lol.
Sam G
Sam G - 15 years ago
nice tank! i love the striped baby discus.
cleancutamerican - 15 years ago
Really nice job on the tank. Beautiful fish!
InvisieMoto - 15 years ago
okay thanks dude yeah i probly cant get diccus becuase i cant find any

100. comment for Discus Fish Tank Aquarium

Impalascraper - 15 years ago
hahaha i love people asking do they have a saltwater version of a freshwater fish... the secret beauty of freshwater is being unveiled
InvisieMoto - 15 years ago
i mean liek how many angel fish and dicus can i fit in a 29 gallon ?
SteelCityFilms - 15 years ago
Cardinal Tetras, Rumy Nose Tetras, Penguin Tetra, Cory Cat fish, sometimes Rams.
InvisieMoto - 15 years ago
hey dude can u give me a good list of fish that can go in a 29 gallon tank with atleast 1 dicus and 1 angel fish or more
FlashTube - 15 years ago
0:39 i haz these fishes :D (NOT BIG SUPRISE xD)
Vija78 - 15 years ago
2 funny , I have the exact kind of discus that you have. I had neons with them to but for some reason the discus were scarred of them. So I traded them for corys and rams.
Vito Cavataio
Vito Cavataio - 15 years ago
see those really small fish in your tank? do you think they have those for salt water? the ones at 0:37
Vito Cavataio
Vito Cavataio - 15 years ago
salt water or fresh?
1992pattrow - 15 years ago
I was thinking about getting some Discus fish but never got around to it because they are pretty expensive.
cragz rogers
cragz rogers - 15 years ago
music reminds me of goodfellas
The Frazier Files
The Frazier Files - 15 years ago
Wow! Gorgeous fish!
creyag - 15 years ago
lovely tank pal. i've got some neons aswel.
this is cardinal tetra
Nick Amos
Nick Amos - 15 years ago
They are cardinal tetra's...
Ali Zaheer
Ali Zaheer - 15 years ago
very nice tank... i love discus..can you tell me what the size of your tank? and how many discus are there?
Kevin Nguyen
Kevin Nguyen - 15 years ago
your music really kills it.
Daniel Gómez Gil
Daniel Gómez Gil - 15 years ago
beautiful, really. Your plants, and discus, are perfect, congratulations dude
snotbog1 - 15 years ago
Exquisite tank. Stunning. One of the best I've seen on here. 5 stars. If I could give 10, I would
Juan Gonzalez
Juan Gonzalez - 15 years ago
are discus a hard to maintain? can anyone help me out...i'm looking into getting some myself for my 40 gal.
HydroxicAcidBoy - 15 years ago
Who ate all the blood worm? The greedy red one, that's who! But seriously, a lovely crystal clear and clean set up. Well done.
Stranzon - 15 years ago
do you have any tip how to keep the aquarium that clean? =D
allmc23 - 15 years ago
I have a 55 gallon fresh water tank, with community fish in the tank. My fish seem to be stressed out alot , hidding in the corner of the bottom of the tank. I have a filter , heater and air pump but something is stil wrong. Please let me know somebody.
LivingLegendPDH - 15 years ago
what size tank is that? im thinking about making a vid showing off my 55 gallon discus tank
Margaret - 15 years ago
Are you sure that the water is dechlorinated? It's best if you leave it sitting for at least 24-25 hours, depending on the quantity. And also, are the fish at the top of the tank or at the bottom when you find them? Are their bodies intact or is there fin rot/signs of stress?
allmc23 - 15 years ago
Man I am having problem with my fish dying. Can you give me any advise, i have check everything and check my water at pet-co. My ph was high but I bought some solution to get it low. My fish dies after a week in the tank. Please help SOMEBODY
sloppi1234 - 16 years ago
hi very nice fish tank 5/5! i got 120litre aquarium (2m long) is it good when i will buy about 5 discuses to there and 40 neon fishies? is it enought room for em? plz help me i got the fish tank but i dont know how many dicuses+neons can i put in there..
Eddy Hollowell
Eddy Hollowell - 16 years ago
you need at least 50 gallons per oscar to be able to keep the nitrates in check with one weekly large wc
cloud1974 - 16 years ago
if you have enough live plants in the tank they will utilize the ammonia, nitrates/ nitrites efficiently enough you wont have to do water changes. they will also help in keeping the PH down to discus acceptable levels. will still have to do the monthly vacuuming and water adding. but the less often you have to intrude on the tank the happier the Discus will be. unlike most cihlids discus are very docile and timid.
cloud1974 - 16 years ago
i can't wait, im in process of setting up my 75 for these guys but still months away from any actual discus :(
K Hanley
K Hanley - 16 years ago
I jus loooooovvvveeeeee these fishes!!! They are my favourite!!!!! Cichlids r awesome
Zalkoth - 16 years ago
Woo hoo Cory Catfish. I have the same peppered Corys in my tank.
historian111z - 16 years ago
discus eats ur tetra no?
Ernesto Rivero
Ernesto Rivero - 16 years ago
speechless nice...
Richard Murphy
Richard Murphy - 16 years ago
not much at all
cloud1974 - 16 years ago
tanks come in all shapes but the typical 3 types are: 50 Long 48 x 18 x 13 Tall 50 Tall 36 x 18 x 17 Tall 55 Gal. 48 x 12½ x 21 Tall
ErickPOLX - 16 years ago
MTechnologic - 16 years ago
Is it saltwater?
Liam Smith
Liam Smith - 16 years ago
them fish cost about £114 pounds each or summit ridiculous like that
SabreMK42 - 16 years ago
hi, I have 2 juvenile red bellied piranha and 1 tiger oscar, does what your saying mean they wont out grow my tank, its 65 gallons by the way
turbodad99 - 16 years ago
you dont need the worm cone unless you are feeding live worms. Dropping them frozen in as a cube as you are is good, or you can dissolve them in to a cup of water and then dump them in. The discus will pick them up over time off the bottom, which is their natural way of feeding in the wild anyway.
Fifyfoefum12 - 16 years ago
this has being bugging me for a while, do fish such as discus forw to the size of the tank if bought at a yuong age? Ben
Skyler Marsh
Skyler Marsh - 16 years ago
love the music!
Bradley Brown
Bradley Brown - 16 years ago
Beautiful tank! Well done!
slugmess - 16 years ago
wow yo the begining of your video is really really gay
dong won
dong won - 16 years ago
how many gallons is that?
dong won
dong won - 16 years ago
wah! thats crazy O_o i thought discus will get eaten
Patrick Ramone
Patrick Ramone - 16 years ago
nigger babies eat my shit fuckin chode indian chubi dot cunt
Salmonero79 - 17 years ago
Great Fish Tank.
Petey Botts
Petey Botts - 17 years ago
im getting 3 discus for my 38 gal, along with 3 bolivian rams, if you scroll down you will see my old setup for the fish, but im giving the tetra's to the lfs.
Petey Botts
Petey Botts - 17 years ago
and i'm saving up for t-5 lighting so i can grow swords and some vallis, but it's for 65 bucks and i have 29 so i need to do some work
ArEsZuEs - 17 years ago
i would go with three.
Petey Botts
Petey Botts - 17 years ago
not getting discus anymore, settling on south american community(black water stream) I have 3 bleeing heart tetra's, 2 painted skirt tetra's and 3 bolivian rams,live plants
Petey Botts
Petey Botts - 17 years ago
never mind. my tetra's that ive been cycling with have died, well 2 out of five anyway
dong won
dong won - 17 years ago
you can have 3 but i think you can squeeze in 4.
jakenjoi - 17 years ago
definitely can
Hawken Valhalla
Hawken Valhalla - 17 years ago
well maybe you can squeeze 2 in there.
Hawken Valhalla
Hawken Valhalla - 17 years ago
umm, 38 gallons = 1 fully grown discus.
loveflowers39 - 17 years ago
Getting your own back are you?
Petey Botts
Petey Botts - 17 years ago
how big is the tank? i got a 38 gal. tank how many discus can i have in it i'm thinking of about 4 maybe less , but four is my dream.
killajakez - 17 years ago
My cardinal tetras had offspring in my tank. Very rare and hard to do. Come home one day and see a bunch of little guys.
Salmonero79 - 17 years ago
Great Fish Tank!!!!
chieftx - 17 years ago
discuses are nice. I bet they are expensive though.
majmun692 - 17 years ago
i like the red flame discus wik
jakenjoi - 17 years ago
Isn't it true that the small discus wont grow because the hormones being put off by the bigger ones?
SteelCityFilms - 17 years ago
I don't know. I know it's hard to do.
Justin Ó Bradáin
Justin Ó Bradáin - 17 years ago
do you know how i could get my zebra danios to breed without moving them to a breeding aquarium? ive been feeding a lot of bloodworm and flake foods.
SteelCityFilms - 17 years ago
you poor bastard.
john mackay
john mackay - 17 years ago
That is hypnotic! Real nice tank and mix of fish.
SteelCityFilms - 17 years ago
tons of filtration.....
SteelCityFilms - 17 years ago
you buy PH 6.5. It's an additive.
SteelCityFilms - 17 years ago
pigeon blood, marlboro red, blue diamond, turqoise blue and red
SteelCityFilms - 17 years ago
They're are Cardinals. Neons have half blue and half red across. Cardinals have all blue and all red across.
SteelCityFilms - 17 years ago
no problem... good stuff
SteelCityFilms - 17 years ago
Simmer Down by Bob Marley and Atlantis Donovan.
SteelCityFilms - 17 years ago
if you like this video, check out my latest Discus video (they eat from my hands) at my steelcityfilms channel.. thanks...
SteelCityFilms - 17 years ago
You can set up a 40gallon for cheap.. Buy small Discus to start...
BeaverBrent - 17 years ago
Nice fish! I tried going with Discus many years ago and didnt have much luck. High maintenance!
SteelCityFilms - 17 years ago
yeah, they seem to be stunted left and right. It's all about the water quality... Unhappy fish do not look beautiful....
SteelCityFilms - 17 years ago
check out the new Discus video....it's out.
SteelCityFilms - 17 years ago
start off w/ about 5 small Discus of the same size for your 30g.
oskey123 - 17 years ago
They all are wonderful and very beautiful. I love them all. I have a lot of favorite fish and discus are among them. Looking forward to your new video of them.
SteelCityFilms - 17 years ago
40 gallons. I now have 8 Discus and about 30 tetras.
SteelCityFilms - 17 years ago
Get ready for a new Discus video coming tonight!!
SteelCityFilms - 17 years ago
They are not for sale, but they were purchased at Yo's Aquarium in Los Angeles. Thank you.
chieftx - 17 years ago
thanks for the info. but how do you support a fresh water tank with sand? and are those discus expensive?
SteelCityFilms - 17 years ago
The cory's now have sand. Thanks...
SteelCityFilms - 17 years ago
The checkered fish are called, "Rummy Nose Tetra."
chieftx - 17 years ago
great tank I love neons and corys so cute. what were those small checkered taild fish at 1:11?
Thomas Kristensen
Thomas Kristensen - 17 years ago
Very nice tank. Beautiful setup and nice choise of fish. If I have to put my finger on one thing it's that You have cory's and the bottomlayer is too large and rough for them to use their mouths and tentacles to find food. This may frustrate them alot. But otherwise, good choice of soundtrack and absolutely fantastic discus.
Dannie Jensen
Dannie Jensen - 17 years ago
I have six in an 80-gallon tank. I've had them for six months now and they all have names based on individual behavior. It's a wonderful creature except when they panic. No sharp items in the tank ... learned that one the hard way.
blubim - 18 years ago
hey, do you use a co2 for the plants in you discus tank?
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 18 years ago
hey, if your interested I put up a video of my 90 gallon with my discus...
SteelCityFilms - 18 years ago
Sweet! Thanks for checking them out. I'll have a new vid up soon. Looking forward to checking the 90g.
Jonathon Page
Jonathon Page - 18 years ago
Beautiful tank! Absolutly gorgeous! I have 4 Discuss myself, along with a slew of other fish... stop by my page to check out my 55 gallon Chiclid Tank, and I'll have vids of the 90 gallon tank of Discus soon!
SteelCityFilms - 18 years ago
If you're asking about using heat, then you are definitely not ready for Discus. 85 degrees.
SteelCityFilms - 18 years ago
thanks dude, I appreciate it and work somewhat hard on the tank...
Thomas Major
Thomas Major - 18 years ago
You have some fantastic fish nice work man
yehon100 - 18 years ago
are these blood worms?
britoca - 18 years ago
very nice
Justin God Chan
Justin God Chan - 18 years ago
Thx, I've tried Hikari's guppy formula in the past and it worked wonders.
SteelCityFilms - 18 years ago
feed them as little frozen bloodworms as possible. maybe once a week. stick w/ dried food. try Hikaki for Discus and Tetra Color Bits.. Flake is good. good luck
Justin God Chan
Justin God Chan - 18 years ago
is it better to feed the frozen blookworms you are feeding or hikari foods for better colour? Cuz I'm still deciding which ones to get.
SteelCityFilms - 18 years ago
thank u
SteelCityFilms - 18 years ago
MG Phenom
MG Phenom - 18 years ago
Nicely done video, I love those vidceos that look almost like.. the coral reef or something.. and while you can tell its a tank.. it has that underwater feel to it.

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