Discus and Angel fish tank. . Like from me is money for you.
Discus 7 years ago 949 views
If you like to help me grow and support me. I put my paypal link in. Thanks in advance. paypal.me/greetje71 can not be full time during the live chat due to chronic illness. hope here for your understanding that it can take some time before I am back online on the chat box. kan tijdens de live chat niet gehele tijd zitten door chronische ziekte. hoop hier voor uw begrip dat het soms even kan duren, voordat ik weer online ben op de chatbox. Chat is in Dutch, unless I sit behind a PC. I do not have a translation program available on mobile. Chat gaat in het Nederlands, tenzij ik achter pc zit. Op mobiel heb ik geen vertaal programma bij de hand.
10. comment for Discus and Angel fish tank. . Like from me is money for you.