Discus fish: your thoughts on keeping all of one species of Discus in Steve's planted Aquarium

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Discus fish: your thoughts on keeping all of one species of Discus in Steve's planted Aquarium sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

Discus 12 years ago 13,248 views

Support your Boy- Check out my aquarium plants for sale: https://goo.gl/uQcXev Subscribe https://goo.gl/8Sa20Z Most Recent Video https://goo.gl/p4EUdq Most Popular Video https://goo.gl/ZU6YdC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DustinsFishtanks Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dustinsfishtanks/ Other Popular Video Playlists No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cV6qqzZ7e3I&list=PLnw3D5LLGih3ry49t00hLjsktfBV-hG6f Insane German Fish Store: https://goo.gl/eAcndx Koi and Pond Playlist: https://goo.gl/EQVBRj INSANE Fish Room Tours: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VDOnZdGE2A&list=PLnw3D5LLGih10emjTgmqODUG8LUfiRyTO GET AN AWESOME TANK! https://goo.gl/bRejwR/ How to Keep Discus Fish - In a Garden Pond- oh yeah! https://youtu.be/zNlWF9topGo Fry-day Update. Discus fish Fry in Steve's tank. Discus Fry in a 55 gallon tank https://youtu.be/TiEPcrBY43Y Steve's Tips on How to Care for Discus https://youtu.be/q6CEwgu0k9M Discus https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnw3D5LLGih2_MecJzTU0-hRFWCgr8RlI The 220 has slightly improved, but obviously i got a little excited/distracted out in the yard. So what should Steve do with his 72 bow front? All of one species of Discus or 6 different ones. (I say all one species, personally) What do you all think? Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=dustinsfishtanks Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale! https://goo.gl/Bmmm4G Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: http://www.dustinsfishtanks.com Facebook: https://goo.gl/gkDOxP Fish Tank People Social Community http://fishtanktv.com/

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Most popular comments
for Discus fish: your thoughts on keeping all of one species of Discus in Steve's planted Aquarium

Scott Bridgeforth
Scott Bridgeforth - 9 years ago
Terrific attitude great intel
GSDXephyr - 11 years ago
Yeah, I like the rocks
Social Playground
Social Playground - 12 years ago
Dustin is the man!!!
Mr.Blue - 12 years ago
how do you get your clowns out so much?
Jeffrey Swanigan
Jeffrey Swanigan - 12 years ago
Where do you find big rocks like that?
Utubeanimalguy - 12 years ago
6 all the same!!! Keep it legit. Some guy once said, "This isnt Noah's Ark!" i think his name was Dustin or something... And yes i know Noah's ark had 2 of everything.
PaNdeM0niuM - 12 years ago
different discus strains can breed with each other. So you can mix all different species together. But visually, it will look better if they are all the same species imo.
Mikey - 12 years ago
6 of different species.
noah burridge
noah burridge - 12 years ago
no do 5 red and like 1 yellow

10. comment for Discus fish: your thoughts on keeping all of one species of Discus in Steve's planted Aquarium

noah burridge
noah burridge - 12 years ago
6 all the same!!
Flick - 12 years ago
Either do 1 discus and 5 of another species or 6 discus. 1 will be fine by itself, with 5 other species. 6 will form a hierarchy. Anything in between with the discus and you run a good chance that an alpha will kill the other via excessive abuse.
Thomas Hammer
Thomas Hammer - 12 years ago
3 red spotted golden, 3 red melon, 3 blue diamond, 3 cloud leopard. i wouldn't get more than 12 with a 72.
resistxthis - 12 years ago
Loving the channel keep it up
maplestar67 - 12 years ago
I have a 30 gal tank with guppies in it but they keep getting stuck and dying in the filter, the filters pretty normal power, is this normal?
Matthew Sharp
Matthew Sharp - 12 years ago
Agreed +1 on Steve starting up his own YouTube Chanel!!!!
mike gordon
mike gordon - 12 years ago
tyrel fourie
tyrel fourie - 12 years ago
in my opinion go with one strain as it would look more affective and he should maby go for more than 6 i think as they are a schooling fish
xpistalpetex - 12 years ago
6 wilds
tigereyes8961 - 12 years ago
I would go with 2 of each color. But I like the colors.

20. comment for Discus fish: your thoughts on keeping all of one species of Discus in Steve's planted Aquarium

martyb0y1981 - 12 years ago
got to be all the same species
Nathan Keck
Nathan Keck - 12 years ago
All of one
jhummer7 - 12 years ago
You could pair them up, 1 male and one female of the same type. 3 different types. Alot of color and happy discus. Possible breeding opportunities as well
FishFirst - 12 years ago
I like all 6 of the same, but with different species it looks colorful!
Sassy gaming
Sassy gaming - 12 years ago
Go with all one species or maybe two , because i part own a 8ft fish tank with only adult discus in it which are over 7inches. The dicus in the tank are all different species but i would much rather all the one species eg allGiant floras or red turqs
ShinyCard255 - 12 years ago
Then you aren't looking enough cuz there is cheaper. I give extra plants when people order from me too on my forum, a lot of people do that, not just Dustin. If you want to know what I am selling, hit me up. No minimum order, shipping starts at $6...
jarog99 - 12 years ago
ay i have a QUESTION HOW large do the rainbows grow and where did u get them from and are their some large danios in the 220\again huge fan
Steven Yu
Steven Yu - 12 years ago
All blue diamonds... Yeah...
Timm VII
Timm VII - 12 years ago
all 6 of one species :D blue diamond discus
Noah Smith
Noah Smith - 12 years ago
Do pairs of 3 of his favorite discus!

30. comment for Discus fish: your thoughts on keeping all of one species of Discus in Steve's planted Aquarium

Shakudo - 12 years ago
Steve + own YouTube Channel= win
Shakudo - 12 years ago
1 species, looks better, more natural, killer effect.
TheStingrayV - 12 years ago
In terms of schooling it doesn't matter if they are different colors but i always feel an odd number of one morph looks way better than a random mix of a bunch of patterns and colors
Omar Hameed
Omar Hameed - 12 years ago
you are the best
therealjonnyk - 12 years ago
I believe all one species will create a more natural appearance and probably let the fish display more natural behavior too. I'd also like to say from an aquascaping point of view odd numbers will look better then even numbers so I would say either 5 or 7 fish would be better, this would apply to rocks/driftwood as well.
Jack Sutter
Jack Sutter - 12 years ago
all of one
exxcel19 - 12 years ago
definatelly one species espically if some shoal or school their feel more secure that way and less prone to bully.plus it'll look better.!
Neii234 - 12 years ago
Sarah Blakey
Sarah Blakey - 12 years ago
One species.
sloppi1234 - 12 years ago
get all 6 of on specie
888888 888888
888888 888888 - 12 years ago
Credit/Debit Card.
Tommy Thai
Tommy Thai - 12 years ago
may i ask how'd u pay for ordering stuff from aquatic jungles? and real bummer on the duckweed xD i talked some of my lfs into giving me a few free plants on purchase :P and surprisingly it was a petco once
mybackpocket - 12 years ago
Different species!! mix it up.
ThePencilShredder - 12 years ago
Dustin can you make a vid on how much to feed ur fish??
888888 888888
888888 888888 - 12 years ago
Aquatic Jungles is cheaper than most places, it's the minimum order amount where they make their money. Otherwise everyone would be buying from him. On top of that, Dustin usually gives you a few extra plants with your purchase. And local fish store is gonna go extra skimpy on you. I got charged for a cup of damn duckweed before -___-
ShinyCard255 - 12 years ago
aquatic jungles is expensive, go somewhere else to buy plants
wonderboy2402 - 12 years ago
Check out AngelFishPlus. It is where I get all my fish food from and they have quality discus.
DJ Dr Sean
DJ Dr Sean - 12 years ago
Amano does same species, but I've seen cool tanks with mixed species of Discus. That tank is going to look sick.
Laurence Ignacio
Laurence Ignacio - 12 years ago
I say 1 species too. Def agree will have a cleaner look. Having 6 diff kind will look like colored saucers swimming around.
godricko8o - 12 years ago
looks good

50. comment for Discus fish: your thoughts on keeping all of one species of Discus in Steve's planted Aquarium

Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 12 years ago
i like diversity in a tank, but like it all depends on which types of discus he gets he could do one species tank, but it might look good if he mixes them....it could go either way
9385dee7 - 12 years ago
6 of all the same. they look so much better together
AquaMarine Crayon
AquaMarine Crayon - 12 years ago
One species, What plant will the tank have Dustin? Or is it gunna be a hard scape, I don't really know discus well at all
mattsaquariums - 12 years ago
I keep discus. And they are my favortie for colors and how they swim. I say he should do like 2-3 differnt species. Looks very nice if you choose the right colors. I think it would look really nice with some blue, red and another color of his choice like a pigeon for orange. that would look really nice
TheJSchup - 12 years ago
In a display tank, all one species is the way to go, no doubt.
Aquascaping the World by BM
Aquascaping the World by BM - 12 years ago
Im thinking 1 species, thats just me...
James Capps
James Capps - 12 years ago
tell him to get 2 species of 3 different ones like a pair of 2
AquaJtang - 12 years ago
KALZONE850 - 12 years ago
the scape is really coming together dustin. glad you are taking the time to work on it and update us on it :)
Carmador - 12 years ago
all one species, looks cleaner
MrHoney2U - 12 years ago
What are the tall/long plants in that tank.
Emmadril - 12 years ago
driftwood and rocks look so freak in great in there... and my vote is one species! love species tanks.
sam - 12 years ago
all one species and by the way Dustin, Where do you buy your fish ???
AReadythen - 12 years ago
i like this short videos. its nice if you could do a video every day or every other day. short but sweet
Lawrence Belcher II
Lawrence Belcher II - 12 years ago
All one species.
jeniffer ponce
jeniffer ponce - 12 years ago
Bob Nugget
Bob Nugget - 12 years ago
I think he should ge two of each type
TheRick2325 - 12 years ago
Your loaches are looking good
Reptile Creation
Reptile Creation - 12 years ago
Tell steve to stick with one species. The tank will just look all around better if they are more uniform... i guess thats just my opinion hahah
d0dg377 - 12 years ago
That is a sweet tank! Great job. Looking forward to more.
check2wice - 12 years ago
better chance of breeding
Cirena Aripez
Cirena Aripez - 12 years ago
6 Discus of all one species. There's no other way. Rocky Mountain Discus, kickass!
check2wice - 12 years ago
all one :D
Cirena Aripez
Cirena Aripez - 12 years ago
I loveee all the driftwood in the 220. Hells yeah.

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