Discus fish tank

My 160L community fish tank containing 5 discus fish/ 5 harlequin rasborra/ 6 rummy nose tetra/ 4 neon tetra/ 1 angel Types of discus fish are - Rare "A" grade Snow leopard Eruption -Red melon -Blue turquoise -Red checker board pigeon -Blue Eruption

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Discus 11 years ago 1,825 views

My 160L community fish tank containing 5 discus fish/ 5 harlequin rasborra/ 6 rummy nose tetra/ 4 neon tetra/ 1 angel Types of discus fish are - Rare "A" grade Snow leopard Eruption -Red melon -Blue turquoise -Red checker board pigeon -Blue Eruption

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Most popular comments
for Discus fish tank

goMANgo84 - 10 years ago
Hi Elsa,  to answer your question about Discus breeding you posted on my video yes you can breed different types. However if you are worried about color then there are some rules you should follow. First never, ever breed reds and blues. It looks like in your tank you have a Pigeon blood, Red turquoise, Classic Leopard, and Super Red Melon. Never let the PB or SRM breed with one of the other blues in your tank. you will get a fish that looks like them because their genes are dominant but it will look like someone threw coffee grounds all over them.(peppering) When you are ready it helps to know what "base" the fish is. You have brown base, blue base, green base, intermediates, red base(non PB), white base and pigeon blood base. There are more but that's a start. If you need more info just comment on the same video or maybe email me. Take care...
Esla - 10 years ago

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