Discussin' Discus, Bare Bottom Tank discussion continues
Discus 9 years ago 3,239 views
A look at the safest way to keep discus and some of the risks present in a tank with substrate. This tends to be a controversial topic among discus enthusiasts as visual appeal versus a pristine tank divides a lot of hobbyists.
I have had Discus for almost 40 years now. Raised them, made my own food etc. Never have I used Beef Heart. As you know Discus are a very hardy fish, just not for the lazy fish keeper. All Discus need clean water, as you well know. My Discus live grow mate ALL WITHOUT B.H. There are way to many fantastic foods out today. Just my 2 cents. With all your knowledge, I am very surprised you use beef heart.
Way to many newbies keeping Discus to even talk about BH.
or is seachem equilibruim/replenish required as well?
thanks in advance
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