Discussin' Discus - Filtration

Discussing the different types of filtration for discus; some thoughts on pros and cons on different types of filtration options

Discussin' Discus - Filtration sentiment_very_dissatisfied 13

Discus 8 years ago 12,085 views

Discussing the different types of filtration for discus; some thoughts on pros and cons on different types of filtration options

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for Discussin' Discus - Filtration

The Drip
The Drip - 7 years ago
Your command of the English language is appalling.
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 7 years ago
+The Drip well thank you. I never mean to offend anyone but inevitably it does happen.
Craig Woodhull
Craig Woodhull - 7 years ago
NO SUCH THING as to much filtrationin a Discus tank. (kind of like to many water changes) NOT !!!!!
Craig Woodhull
Craig Woodhull - 7 years ago
Another reason NOT to feed BH. I have three filters for my Discus and Rams,
1 Canister eHeim 2217. 2 HOB Fluval /aqua.clear and 3 sponge filter. Keep my water moving with a wave maker (brings all the waste to the intake )

reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 8 years ago
how often do u clean your filter
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+fish mad Once a week. I clean my intake each water change.
Joe's Fishroom
Joe's Fishroom - 8 years ago
right! doing my 50 percent now!
Joe's Fishroom
Joe's Fishroom - 8 years ago
I use a filter sock over my canister intake. keeps all the beefheart junk out. some use sponges. but an hob isn't an option for my tank, it's just to big. I would love a sump though, there awesome!
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+Joe's Aquarium We all find ways to make what we have work. I know that!
jlogan2664 - 8 years ago
I put sponges over the intake tubes on my canister filters as a prefilters. Keeps the inside of my filters cleaner longer and tank maintenance easier. Give the prefilters a quick rinse and the bioload of the canister filters remains intact.
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 7 years ago
+James Wilson happy for you. Check out simply discus. There are a number of expert opinions there on filtration. Thanks for commenting
James Wilson
James Wilson - 7 years ago
I also cover my intakes with sponges. The benefits are awesome. They save the media inside my canisters, I pull them off twice a week and clean them off...makes it supper easy, and most off all...my discus pick at the food that gets stuck on it, none of it if at all goes into my canisters. My water is pristine. I swear by it.
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+jlogan2664 Awesome!
jlogan2664 - 8 years ago
I do it to my HOB filters as well. LOL It really does save on filter media!
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+jlogan2664 That is a really good idea. I do the same on my HOB for exactly the same reason and it also acts as a second place for benificial bacteria to establish. Thanks for sharing!
Daves Rift
Daves Rift - 8 years ago
great info steve. i was just in the middle of asking about a sump and you mentioned it. lol. im a big advocate for sumps. i use filter socks for mechanical in mine. so many benefits with minimal maintenance. but i can see why for your set up why youd take the route you did.
Daves Rift
Daves Rift - 8 years ago
not a problem. keep the vids coming man. id like to learn more on discus. i thought the optimal set up for discus was heavily planted tanks, with driftwood adding tannins to the water. but youve shown me otherwise.
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+Daves Rift Each has their own place in the hobby and the individual preference of the hobbyist. I really appreciate your support!
snakehead36 - 8 years ago
I agree with this method of filtation. I've used the combination of a sponge filter and a HOB for many years and have found it to be very effective. Of course keep up with the water changes, I do a 50% water change a week. It's a simple, cheap and effective way to keep most types of fish healthy.
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+snakehead36 A man after my own heart!

10. comment for Discussin' Discus - Filtration

wombraider091 - 8 years ago
Hi, This is a really interesting video on a great topic.
You're right, Sumps are definitely the best way to go but unfortunately not everybody cant have one either because the tank has been established already and as a saltwater hobbyist myself it's just too risky to attempt drilling and besides, this is my first tank and its only 3 feet wide and the cabinet under it doesn't have a lot of space.
When i upgrade however, a sump is the way to go for me.

I run a canister filter with sponge and Marine Pure bio media which had anaerobic bacteria but i lost them when i treated the tank with reef safe medication and i have never got them back and its been 7months now.

The battle with the nitrates is constant and exhausting. I purchased Seachem De Nitrate for my reactor its been 4 weeks and they are doing something but its not enough and i cant fit anymore in the reactor. A guy on youtube called 'CyberAquarist' recommended seachem Pond Matrix which i purchased (1liter) and is seeding/soaking in a bucket with seachem Stability to be installed in my canister tomorrow will hopefully help and remove Nitrates faster than the rate of production for me.

When my Anaerobic bacteria died of my Nitrates were higher than 160ppm, i lost a few corals but never lost any fish but i could see they weren't happy though. They wouldn't eat and they weren't as active, i felt so bad for them. I did 25% waterchanges every day and didn't feed them for 2 days after which they got their little appetites back and the water was a lot healthier and although Nitrates are no longer at undetectable levels ( about 20ppm) i cant get them lower by myself.

Sorry for the Essay! but i wanted to put everything on the table so you know where im coming from.
Thanks for the upload and i welcome any and all replies :) Thanks
Joe Lautier
Joe Lautier - 8 years ago
is carbon good for filtration
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+Joe Lautier yes and no. Gotta be careful if you want to run activated carbon to make sure you change it often. It can build up toxins and then leech this back into the water if the carbon gets too old.
Decapper - 8 years ago
Also get yourself a ups for $100 and you can run your air pump for hrs on end if you do lose power
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+Brian Dodd Great comment and advice.
Justin Reef aquarium
Justin Reef aquarium - 8 years ago
great video Steve
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+J.T fish world Thanks man. I appreciate the support.
MELODY MUNRO - 8 years ago
I hate canisters...the only tank I have that runs on a canister is my mbuna tank... my 180G (700L) oscar + severum tank has a sump for the biological and I also run a aquaclear 110 for the mechanical...planning a 110G angelfish tank..already have the tank and it is already drilled at back so will run a sump under that...planning on using my spare 4 foot as the sump but planting the shit out of it as well so it also becomes a refugium....best filters are HOB and sponges + sump/refugium if you can do it.
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+ORANGE FISHHEAD Awesome reply and I hope to see some videos on this!
twoFEETunder - 8 years ago
great upload... !
MStebbz36 Cichlids
MStebbz36 Cichlids - 8 years ago
awesome topic dude, i use sponge filter for my fry, brilliant things dude, like u said tho, cichlids r messy shitters lol, so i use a canster on them, would love to hook up a sump tho, as u have seen ive had a major problem with my tank recently, but im gonna bounce back, keep up the good work pal, love you vids..and im not a discus keeper lol...peace.
Andy Mercado
Andy Mercado - 8 years ago
Hi Steve . New subscriber here. Great channel. I love how you get to the point. I was curious where you get your driftwood. I am getting everything together for a 60 gal Discus tank. Iwill keep watching for sure. Andy
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+Andy Mercado Local Fish Store.  Sorry!
Andy Mercado
Andy Mercado - 8 years ago
+Scuba Steve Excuse my ignorance to the abbv. LFS? Nevermind. I figured it out. DUH
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+Andy Mercado I picked mine up from my LFS; about 75 for the big piece and 50 for the smaller ones. Highway robbery! LOL I'm glad you like the format!
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 8 years ago
I agree with you 100% homie. It's funny I never had a canister filter or wanted one either. I am in the process of setting up a sump system however because it 1. Increases the volume of water in your tank. 2. Aerates the water well. 3. Promotes aerobic bacteria growth that's oh so good for the fish, and 4. It can house all your in-tank equipment like heaters and/or sponge filters (if you wish). So loads of benefits there and mines is DIY so its a fraction of the cost of a professionally built one. I rely on my Hamburg matten filter currently (I think you saw that build) and my HOBs. Air filtration is absolutely the best way to go in my books. Good video Steve.
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 8 years ago
Get a sump! :)

20. comment for Discussin' Discus - Filtration

Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+Budget Stark Thank you. I'm glad to see whenever I am contributing. I'll sub you back for sure!
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 8 years ago
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 8 years ago
hey scuba Steve just subbed came over from KGTropicals where I heard from you, but I have seen you before commenting on other videos.;)
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+Kevin Green Thanks! I try to be involved which is the reason all of us fish nuts are here, right! :) Nobody else wants to hear us talking about our fish!
Adam C
Adam C - 8 years ago
Hi Steve, I decided to sub and check out your channel after john with KG tropicals recommended it. I keep a 220 hap tank but I'm interested in learning more about discus so here I am! looking forward to checking out your videos
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+Adam C Thank you! I'll for sure sub you back. I hope my videos can help in one way or another!
Phil Wessling
Phil Wessling - 8 years ago
love the videos, I have a few breeding pair of German blue rams do you recommend pulling the eggs and putting into separate tank or letting the parents figure out how to raise the fry?
Phil Wessling
Phil Wessling - 8 years ago
+Scuba Steve I have a pair of German blue rams that spawned in a community tank with other rams and 4 Cory cats, should I pull the eggs so they don't get eaten?
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+Phil Wessling I don't see why not?
Phil Wessling
Phil Wessling - 8 years ago
+Scuba Steve could I build them out of like 1x2's?
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+Phil Wessling I would for sure replace the frames.  The King of DIY has a good video on aquarium frames.  As far as where you could buy them, you can buy them from Marineland.
Phil Wessling
Phil Wessling - 8 years ago
+Scuba Steve one of my pairs spawned last night. I have 2 other pairs that have spawned once so far. I also breed a few species of killifish. I have another question not related to breeding I just picked up a 55 gal tank (free) but the bottom and top frames are broke, do these need to be replaced and where can I find these frames?
Phil Wessling
Phil Wessling - 8 years ago
+Scuba Steve one of my pairs spawned last night. I have 2 other pairs that have spawned once so far. I also breed a few species of killifish. I have another question not related to breeding I just picked up a 55 gal tank (free) but the bottom and top frames are broke, do these need to be replaced and where can I find these frames?
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+Phil Wessling Absolutely! These farm fish are a problem and I just hate the way they're treated. They "strip" the parents and ship off the fry as soon as they're big enough so the youngsters don't learn how to take care of their offspring properly. But life always finds a way! GBR's live for 3 years and as a result, they spawn all the time once a pair is formed. I'd love to see a video once that happens! A side note, make sure your water is soft. If the eggs aren't fertilized properly, then the parents also eat unfertilized eggs. They do this to get ready for the next batch. The sperm won't penetrate the eggs if the water is hard. One of the reasons I am a proponent of keeping softwater fish in soft water IF your goal is to breed them and have large hatch rates!
Phil Wessling
Phil Wessling - 8 years ago
+Scuba Steve that is what I thought but just wanted to make sure that is right this their 2nd spawn, I am willing to be patient.
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+Phil Wessling Okay, this enters into the area where the source of the GBR's was one where the parents were removed from the spawn at an early age and the offspring never learned from their parents. This is common in farm raised fish. So the fish you have weren't allowed to learn from their parents; this will pass if you can be patient. I'd allow the parents to continue to spawn and lay eggs. They'll get it right and either the dad will beat the crap out of the mother or vice versa. One of them will have that instinct kick in. You can expect them to spawn continuously since they are now a pair. Good luck!
Phil Wessling
Phil Wessling - 8 years ago
+SpiceyG what if the parents eat the eggs? they laid their eggs on a rock this is their second spawn and they ate all the eggs from first.
SpiceyG - 8 years ago
+Phil Wessling As soon as they can eat on their own, you can remove the parents. GBR's are mouth brooders so you certainly won't hurt them by leaving them together but if you wanted to move them then that would be the right time.
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+PsychedelicBabe Glad to see you weigh in on the subject!
Russ Polk
Russ Polk - 8 years ago
great video...fluval makes a great hob filter..i use them i have the c4 and the c2 really great filters..they are a step above the aqua clears. i highly recommend them
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
I have a Marineland HOB right now on that tank. it works pretty good.
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
Thanks buddy! I've never had an aquaclear but I keep hearing good things about them.
Justin P
Justin P - 8 years ago
Awesome info as usual. I can definitely tell the water starts to smell a little more right before I clean my canister. Makes sense.
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
I'm happy you got something out of it! The more we all share our experience the better off all of us are.
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 8 years ago
Good info Scuba.
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 8 years ago
+Scuba Steve thanks Steve. Same to you.
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+NYCity Cichlids Awsome. I love your tanks bro!
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 8 years ago
+Scuba Steve. Ohh ok. I squeeze them in tank water every couple of months. But nothing too thorough.
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+NYCity Cichlids I just knock off the heavier debris but there are people that have had their sponges for 20 years and never really thoroughly clean them. If they get clogged or the bubbles stop flowing good then I'll give them a tune up but really not at all. I just let them roll. How about you? DO you have a schedule or preference for cleaning yours? Thanks for stopping by my friend!
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 8 years ago
So how often do you clean your sponge filters.
Antonio de Luca
Antonio de Luca - 8 years ago
Canisters should be cleaned every few days to avoid those toxins. Btw beefheart is something I don't use, it seems to make the water dirty. Just live food and discus pelets.
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
Yes but you and I know that canister filters are difficult to access and when a task is difficult it sometimes doesn't get done the way it should. Thanks for the comment and for watching!

30. comment for Discussin' Discus - Filtration

DEA- Exotics
DEA- Exotics - 8 years ago
I hate canister filters for discus just because if they got off then back on junk goes in the tank so I agree with you
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
Thanks bro, I appreciate you weighing in on the subject!
dope sack
dope sack - 8 years ago
you're right Scuba Steve I hate canister filters it's always better at it hang on the back cancers are overrated I have a hang on the back it's like a canister it's the Fluval c4 is perfect for my tank
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
+dope sack I appreciate your comments as always! Thanks for weighing in and adding your support!
Dan Hiteshew
Dan Hiteshew - 8 years ago
good video Steve. in your case, biofiltration is your chief concern. like you said, your water changes take care of the solid waste.
I'm glad you said that about your water. lol
I'm want to shoot a video about being water keepers. lol. if you're doing it right, you're fish will live.
the mist important thing in your tank is the water.
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
This was for sure a topic I had to get to because one isn't necessarily right for all. Different tanks require different filtration systems. Thanks for the support as always my friend!
Thai Aquascapes
Thai Aquascapes - 8 years ago
Great video man. Something ive learnt over the time ive kept discus is that its a good idea to rinse the sponge filter right in the aquarium. this allows for the beneficial bacteria to get sucked up by ur sponges allowing for 100% effectiveness by your sponge. after 10 to 20 mins ur water will clear up again and all of the debris will sit at the bottom enabling you to vaccum the debris at the bottom and doing ur water change shortly after.
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
Good stuff and great idea. I look forward to seeing more from you!
T Holz Aquariums
T Holz Aquariums - 8 years ago
I couldn't agree more Steve. I use aqua clears or whispers on most of my tanks including two aqua clear 70's in my discus tank. I clean the pads out at every water change. Canisters are too hard to take apart and clean every water change so most people won't clean them out often enough.
T Holz Aquariums
T Holz Aquariums - 8 years ago
+Scuba Steve Your welcome and thanks! I hope I have things going the right way I'll be getting a couple more discus soon.
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
And that's because you do things the right way! Thanks for the support my friend!
IFG - 8 years ago
Damn good video. Preciate the shout out. You know what time it is
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 8 years ago
You know what time it is! Spreading the love around!

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