Does he REGRET it?
Discus 7 years ago 51,172 views
As you may have seen from my social media, I flew out to Nova Scotia to tour Joey Mullen's Aquarium Gallery. While there, I took the opportunity to interview him about the experience. Enjoy! Make sure you are subscribed to Joey's channel as well for more collaborations! Instagram @msjinkzd Website and stocklist: Facebook: Buy me a coffee:
10. comment for Does he REGRET it?
20. comment for Does he REGRET it?
So please continue with your works and thank you for your many many sacrifices... we appreciate you!
Ps I can’t wait to order your book someday. Your fan and friend, Rudy.
30. comment for Does he REGRET it?
Thank you for sharing a great video. I enjoyed watching.
50. comment for Does he REGRET it?
Joey also had cool custom built "in wall" aquariums again that were "unique" & stood out from the crowd.
Joey also showcased "One of a kind show quality" fish such aa amazing Arowanas named Buddy few people even knew about etc.
Today Joey has a "racking system" that isn't unique but looks like any racking system you'd see at any Petco.
He's trying something new, just hope he doesn't forget what separates him from the rest of the pack by being "unique" right?
I may be totally wrong but its my personal viewpoint, peace ✌
Maybe you can make this into a series. Like interview a fishkeeper once a month and another video on the tours of their room. Like what Jake from Reefbuilders does.
This is so good. I can't stop saying that.
100. comment for Does he REGRET it?
But lately I am making room for both Rachel and Cory (from Aquarium Co-Op) ;) Both deserve people watching their videos
(now speaking for myself) I dont always watch them just to Iearn about this hobby (since I am in this hobby for many years) but I do like to watch people passionate about this hobby (and fish)
For example I can always understand when Joey is excited about a new fish (or when he said that most of us loves to bring home a new fish.. or at least I do @ Joey)
I often found myself when I watched his video: Yes man.. That is exactly how it is (or how I feel too)
For example I m not even a fan of arowans but seeing him so excited and hyped I started to like his fish and really hope they get along (cuz I also had moments in the past when I struggled with some fish to get along.. I am a big fan of having peace and harmony in my tanks and I hate when someone is a bully in the tank haha)
Same goes for Jennie.. To be honest I dont like (much) her Butterfly Telescopes Goldfish (when I had Goldfish I went mostly for fantails with normal eyes / not BIG eyes.. and they are still my favorite when it comes to Goldfish.. when they go BIG they have some beautiful tails and I like their overall shape). BUT I keep watching her because she is passionate and excited about fish (we all love fish and everyone of us is free to love whatever fish we want. So I will never say to Jennie something like: Quit keeping this type of Goldfish cuz I dont like it). Of course with Joey this ,,problem,, has been removed since he keeps more types of fish now :D (you have from where to pick your favorites)
Keep up the good work!! I love your videos Rachel and of course Joey’s too.
Merry Christmas guys
Being a beginner I look at lots and the number of times you see 'but Joey says' The three that people keep mentioning are ' Joey, Rachel and also Jennie from Solid Gold.'
Rachel thank you for this video. I love it.
- Question: "Do you think this project was dictated by the needs of your sponsors at all?"
Well, and I know I'm not liked for my comments on Joey's video's, but I think we need to take in account what Joey says as a catchphrase for selling his book. I was gona copy and paste, but his site is down currently. Anyways it went along the lines of:
"Look at you aquarium. what if I told you you spent at least twice too much on that? You could do it for half the price or less doing it yourself"
So, when I see somebody who is advocating a DIY stance on (topic) and tells everybody that they spent too much buying stuff from a store and really should've done it themselves, I find it odd that they reverse their stance. Joey used to totally advocate NOT buying from stores, but instead build it yourself. Thats what his whole book was about, that's what his whole channel used to be about.
Now he gets everything sponsored. And I'm supposed to go along with it. Yeah, I guess that book will get some use in lighting the fireplace? Because his channel right now isn't at all about DIY. It hasn't been about DIY for over a year (I've only watched a year to date, exactly) Now it is about what wonderfull things Ecotech has sent him. What brilliant decors thingy has sent him. What awesome racks other thingy has sent him. What beautiful sump somebody else made for him.
This begs the question. Would a king of DIY accept these bribes? Or would a king of DIY make it himself, seen as he must understand we're not all getting sponsored, would have to buy this stuff in the store etc, knowing we spent "way too much" in his majesty's own words (going by the books catchphrase, ofcourse). This doesn't compute.
- Next point, and I'm only addressing this because obviously people will take my skepticism the wrong way. Kind of like how 90% of people who keep fish tanks don't really know what they're doing, and think it's totally fine to overstock and not keep tabs on environment parameters:
"There has been a surprising amount of jealousy and nastyness that I really personally can't understand"
Well, I understand it's easy to just brush away my comments and say "well, he's just being jealous" or "he's just being nasty"
But the truth of the matter is, I could have build, and could still build 5 of those fishrooms without so much as asking for a loan. I'm just saying that to refute the "jealousy" claim.
As for nastyness, well, it is how you perceive it to be. If you don't like my house or what I done to my cars, I could say you're nasty too, but I don't. Ever. You're entitled to your opinion, and if it makes sense, I try to adjust what I'm doing, unless I'm too passionate about what your criticizing me off. In which case I kindly tell you to ** off, while continuing what I'm doing.
I have criticezed Joey for overstocking, which he himself admits he's doing. But don't worry, he'll get rid of half those fish somehow when they're grown out. I'm sure thats a real responsible way of looking at things in the hobby. I've criticized him of putting the wrong fish together, which he admits he did and is still doing. And I've ofcourse criticized him of going agianst his very own belief, his own name, and his own book. Which he is undisputably, still doing.
Now if this is a thing he's passionate about, he'd do what I would do: Just keep on going. However, this goes beyond the subjective. This is not about taste, or opinion. He himself says "Frank doesn't like anybody, and doesn't go with anybody" and then proceeds to put him in tank with rays and an arowana who "mysteriously" dies, and then puts Frank in a tank with a Bichir. Just to name an example.
"Online negativity is a reflection of themselves"
So that's how you tell yourself it's ok what you're doing... No wonder. If I were to take that serious, I must've have put fish together that don't go together. I Must have overstocked my aquarium with the intention of getting rid of half the fish when they are grown out, and I probably should get my book out of the stores, because thats part of what I'm in essence criticizing myself of, according to the king of DIY.
"I've raised 90.000 dollars in 48 hours, that would piss me off too if I saw somebody do that"
Way to make assumptions. Why would I be pissed off if you raised a bunch of money? Here. I just raised double that in 0 zero hours. Does that piss you off too? Just because Joey gets pissed off if somebody raises money, doesn't mean the rest of us are as narcistic as he is. Hell of a way to try and discredit people who criticize him. "yeah I just raised a bunch of money, so everybody who doesnt agree with me must be jealous and pissed off at me, because thats what I would do" In essence, you're saying you're exactly as low as what you assume your critics to be. Because "I'd be pissed off too "(his words) Just sayin'....
- Next point:
"Everytime I get a bunch of negative comments, I would get thousands of donations"
Arowana jumps against lid
(Did he fall back onto the wood? Meh, it only killed 1 Arowana, surely this one isn't going to jump and fall on that piece of wood like the other one did, no worries.)
Well, here you go. thousands of donations. Thanks to me, the guy who criticizes you. Have fun with that! I mean it. I do too. I mean, have fun with the money and stuff.
Now, I know you might think, was that really necessary? Well, in a livestream with Joey present, I asked how Rachel felt about overstocking. And immediately Joey jumped on the fence and got defensive. He knew I meant him. Btw, kudo's Joey, I did mean you. So that's why I wrote this all down. Because I know some of these questions where directly aimed at me and the other peope that criticize Joey, hence I felt the need to explain myself.
I also understand that Rachel's Youtube channel wouldn't be here without Joey, so I guess I have to thank him for that. But really, some of the things he does cannot be defended by anybody with a bit of sanity. I understand Rachels loyalty, but really.
Stop demonizing the people who make reasonable and valid claims. Stop calling them "jealous" or "nasty" when really, all they have in mind is the hobby and the wellbeing of the fish under your and other peoples care. I can only speak for myself, but that is exactly what it was about for me. I'm not jealous, I'm not nasty.
I just care.
Give him time he's just a little pumped up kinda like me starting up a new tank. Must go over it 10 times more because a that minute it's my favorite tank.
Merry Christmas and a Good New Year
Merry Christmas you pair
Keep up the passion and hard work and ill keep buying shirts
Love seeing two of my fave fishtubers in the same video!
You are my favorite two guys!
Did you two celebrite christmas together? Cheers Mikael
Hello, Nikos! Oh no I thought they did celebrite christmas together their families Joey's and Rachel's. But Rachel went home for the Christmas Eve to her family.
She only visit him!
Well it's nice then you wrote to me and asked what I meaned.
Merry christmas to you and your family cheers from me Mikael
Thats really nice to hear Wish both of your families a merry christmas and a happy New year cheers from me Mikael!
By the way Lovely to see you guys love what you do for our fish hobby!
go kick rocks
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