Exclusive interview with Discus fish legend Marc Weiss

Ivan Mikolji interviews Marc Weiss, a famous aquarium hobbyist who specializes in Discus fish. Please help us improve the subtitles by going to http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?ref=share&v=5KkjagqH_5A Website: http://www.mikolji.com, http://www.aquatic-experts.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ivan.mikolji Marc Weiss: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Discus-Study-Group/232024580299499?ref=ts&fref=ts Support us on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/mikolji

Exclusive interview with Discus fish legend Marc Weiss sentiment_very_dissatisfied 16

Discus 11 years ago 51,348 views

Ivan Mikolji interviews Marc Weiss, a famous aquarium hobbyist who specializes in Discus fish. Please help us improve the subtitles by going to http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?ref=share&v=5KkjagqH_5A Website: http://www.mikolji.com, http://www.aquatic-experts.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ivan.mikolji Marc Weiss: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Discus-Study-Group/232024580299499?ref=ts&fref=ts Support us on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/mikolji

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Most popular comments
for Exclusive interview with Discus fish legend Marc Weiss

SaavY_ 46
SaavY_ 46 - 7 years ago
Hat's off sir.
seadooman o
seadooman o - 7 years ago
mark had the biggest discus I ever seen the size of dinner plates and one inch thick
Pedro Martinelli
Pedro Martinelli - 8 years ago
I am not agree with wild fishing because nowadays some especies it may dissapear as fishermen are looking for a fast profit only.
Pedro Martinelli
Pedro Martinelli - 8 years ago
I am not agree with wild fishing because nowadays some especies it may dissapear as fishermen are looking for a fast profit only.
Jessica Westberg
Jessica Westberg - 7 years ago
Pedro Martínez Over fishing is a big problem we are facing. But in the hobbyist areas today most fish are bred for sale. Fish that are bred in captivity have more controlled exposure to viruses and bacteria as well as standards of genetics from breeders. Hobbyists will rarely obtain wild fish.
Tropical MN
Tropical MN - 8 years ago
Way back around 1980 I bought 6 discus from a local breeder. I knew virtually nothing about them. I found a phone number for Marc Weiss in a TFH and took a shot and called the number. Marc answered, and proceeded to carry on an incredibly interesting and informative conversation for well over an hour. Got me started on the right foot. Thanks Marc, and thanks Ivan for offering this conversation.
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 8 years ago
Greg Campbell yes I do but the situation in Venezuela is quite difficult so the places to go are quite limited. There are few safe places.
Tropical MN
Tropical MN - 8 years ago
Hey Ivan, do you give fish collecting tours? I've seen your fish collecting trip videos, it looks like a blast!
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 8 years ago
Greg Campbell that is such a cool memory
Tropical MN
Tropical MN - 8 years ago
Ivan, way back then there was no such thing as the internet. You educated yourself however, whenever, and by whomever was willing to take the time to help you out. Of course its easier now, but back then the older, experienced folks help those new to the hobby personally, thru a phone call, personal correspondence, or a face to face meeting at a club or lecture meeting. This video really brought me back to those days.
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 8 years ago
What a great story +Greg Campbell !
vadik.73 - 8 years ago
Ivan Mikolji
I had some free time and made subs for this video. As I'm not a native english speaker, there are some mistakes and gaps. So, it's need to be corrected and filled by somebody from the USA who knows all the ingredients.
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 8 years ago
hi Vadik, wow, cool, please send me the subs by email. mikoljiatgmail, thanks
colinbarsby - 8 years ago
Wonderful interview. Thanks for making and sharing.
seadooman o
seadooman o - 8 years ago
in the 1990s this guy had the biggest thickest discus I ever saw large as dinner plates. wish I could find discus like that again in ny
genghis - 8 years ago
marc weiss ,cool guy, i remember i went to his place in the early 90s on lexington ave. in manhattan to look at his discus, they were the size of plates..

10. comment for Exclusive interview with Discus fish legend Marc Weiss

dvdfrnzwbr - 9 years ago
The average person only stays in the hobby for six months.  He stayed with it for 60 years. lol
amphimrca - 9 years ago
FIX that MIC sound is awfull
AquaWoman - 9 years ago
So much valuable information here. Many of us would LOVE to have an itemized list of ingredients used in your fish food. Not all of the ingredients were named and a couple were hard to hear. Learning Voodoo I'm sure is easier than learning best practices for Discus Husbandry online. While the internet is loaded with information, finding peer reviewed, scientifically proven methods to follow is frustratingly hard. I've been hunting for old literature and there too finding rare gems would be easier. I just joined your Facebook page and am looking forward to learning all that I can from you. Thank You!
FlameMirage - 9 years ago
I have no idea where to find these Ingredients haha :3
Boby Udrea
Boby Udrea - 9 years ago
The sound is horrible, also the fact that you cutback to yourself to ask the questions looks just really awkward.
I bet it's a good conversation, but the video is practically unwatchable.
David Fisher
David Fisher - 9 years ago
hi marc what is really the best food for african cichlids?
jaywill4ever - 9 years ago
It's good to see Marc after all these years. I visited him many years ago in Manhattan, back when his Discus showroom was in his apartment. I remember his daughter was there and there were parrots flying in the apartment while the cats were attentively watching. Marc and his daughter gave me some helpful advice about water quality and Discus setups. This video has also been very helpful and I am thinking about getting back into the hobby.
The Fish Closet
The Fish Closet - 10 years ago
Really fun to hear some stories from marc's experiences both within the hobby and his trips to south america. I'm curious about his meeting with tge great Dr. Herbert Axelrod, he mentioned it as if it was fun for a short time but sounded like it may have been a let down.
Marcos Vazquez
Marcos Vazquez - 10 years ago
has marc weiss come out with any literature covering what he said in this video?
TheLovatt123 - 10 years ago
Sounds Good . we could use a Tropical Fish / life experience book along with some Amazon eco system photo's thrown in as I walk through one of the last good fish stores here in New Jersey Shark Aquarium in HilIside I can't help but Wonder where the Hobby is heading I know it is booming through the internet but it kind of sucks when you can only get rare fish via the internet and none of the chain stores or Mom and Pop store's carry them it took many trips to Shark Aquarium to fill my collection but he is the only gig in town for the advanced Hobbyist All The Best Mark and start working on that Book

20. comment for Exclusive interview with Discus fish legend Marc Weiss

TheLovatt123 - 10 years ago
Sounds Good . we could use a Tropical Fish / life experience book along with some Amazon eco system photo's thrown in as I walk through one of the last good fish stores here in New Jersey Shark Aquarium in HilIside I can't help but Wonder where the Hobby is heading I know it is booming through the internet but it kind of sucks when you can only get rare fish via the internet and none of the chain stores or Mom and Pop store's carry them it took many trips to Shark Aquarium to fill my collection but he is the only gig in town for the advanced Hobbyist All The Best Mark and start working on that Book
Marmosetguy - 10 years ago
I thank you for your kind words. You can go to my discus Facebook page...DISCUS STUDY GROUP...for what I've been up to and my history with Discus Fish. Sorry for delay, and I'll answer some questions now....
Rico Suave
Rico Suave - 10 years ago
I hope it's not true what he said about u that you won't be recognized for doing all these videos I hope u become realized by others
Ivan Mikolji
Ivan Mikolji - 10 years ago
Thanks Rico and thanks for subscribing and for your support!  :)
RJN4444 - 10 years ago
Wow smart guy. Thanks for this.
Nick Jackson
Nick Jackson - 10 years ago
sound blows can't even hear him
Bao Nguyen
Bao Nguyen - 10 years ago
to sum it up. high protein food, lots water change, high temp. that will make ur discus grow lol
Adoinc - 10 years ago
In the beginning of the video you said fish have no carbohydrate requirement... Well, what about plecos? I have always learned to believe that some/most plecos in their juvenile state need vegetable matter in order to stay healthy. 
Adoinc - 10 years ago
+Marmosetguy Oh, didn't know that, thanks for the info.
Marmosetguy - 10 years ago
No fish has been proven to have a carb requirement. Plecos don't live on carbs. They may scrape algae when there is no other source of food aggressively but are benefitting from the microbial plaque on it and among it. I dild this research at INPA in Brazil years ago.It's all in the literature. Scientific literature. Aquarium literature is of minimal value on such things.
Mikolji - 10 years ago
I think he refers to discus fish in the interview.
utsuriman - 10 years ago
hi Ivan> Is there a break down of measures of Ingredients in marc's Recipe?? Id appreciate it Much TY
utsuriman - 10 years ago
+Marmosetguy OK Thanks Thats what i do> good day . 
Marmosetguy - 10 years ago
+utsuriman everyone's tap water is different. You have to determine what's in yours first. RO is always the safest basic water supply.
utsuriman - 10 years ago
Tap H20 vs RO/DI H20 ive read lots who say No Problemo using Tap H20 instead of RO
Marmosetguy - 10 years ago
+utsuriman I'm sorry. I don't understand the question. 
utsuriman - 10 years ago
yes > Im just wonderin about about the Tap H20 Vs the RO? U insist on RO?
utsuriman - 10 years ago
+Marmosetguy Ok TY Ivan! 
Marmosetguy - 10 years ago
I'm going to do a food breakdown on the Discus Study Group Facebook page. It's become a big task as eighty percent of discus lovers are not in the USA like I am. Most can't find the exact stuff I use, as I can't get some of their stuff...some of which I'd love to use. I'm trying to do the best I can on putting it together. I can release my binder by the end of the year which would help everyone and list as many substitute additions that I can think of or find. It's become a bigger project than I expected.
Money - 10 years ago
dam that was some good info!
Sergio Sinay
Sergio Sinay - 10 years ago
I want to try that food formula does anybody has all the ingredients list? I couldn't understand the name of that red powder 
Sergio Sinay
Sergio Sinay - 10 years ago
gracias !
Marmosetguy - 10 years ago
see above please. Red powder was the astaxanthin source.

30. comment for Exclusive interview with Discus fish legend Marc Weiss

cyberaquarist - 10 years ago
A great interview with a true icon in the aquarium hobby! Marc, Dr. Axelrod, Jack Wattley, and others have laid the foundation for our hobby, and most hobbyists today don't even know about them. We need more videos like this to keep their legacy alive.
Marmosetguy - 10 years ago
Thanks! I love discus history. I have almost a hundred years of it! Lot's of guys before those you mentioned. I am putting all on the Discus Study Group Facebook page. Enjoy!
MMODoubter - 10 years ago
Excellent, fascinating video.
Hannah Herskovits
Hannah Herskovits - 11 years ago
Superb...I couldn't wait to share this interview with my brother as well as my friends who partake in this hobby.
Cycnoches2012 - 11 years ago
Wonderful Vid !!!! History !! 
Do you have any idea what Marc thinks of the Repashy line of fish food ?
Cycnoches2012 - 9 years ago
+Marmosetguy Thank you!
Marmosetguy - 10 years ago
I looked it up. It's a good set of ingredients, but it requires hot water. Hot water destroys some nutrients and some can't be added because of it. My mixture uses room temperature water and less of it.
I never tried Repashy. It might be great. My final mix is over twenty years old and was first done in the late seventies, so I have much multigenerational data using it. Nothing is better yet.
TheLovatt123 - 11 years ago
That would be great , maybe a book in the near future since you are getting older ?LOL
Marmosetguy - 10 years ago
As I write for Facebook page, I save it. I'll put it all together at some point in time. I have a lot of my stuff written as long ago as thirty years and things written by others for fifty years before that,
Ayrton pacca fattorelli
Ayrton pacca fattorelli - 11 years ago
Great Marc! Congratulations!!!
Andys Aquatics Inkbull
Andys Aquatics Inkbull - 11 years ago
no joke best youtube video ever
Marmosetguy - 10 years ago
Now that's a compliment

Young Huynh
Young Huynh - 11 years ago
Thanks for the video. If someone can answer my question I would be very grateful.
I had 21 discus (med to lrg) in 120 gal tank for 1 year now. The last 2 months, one discus has died each 1 - 1 1/2 week. 7 have died in the last 2 months. I can't understand why they are dying one by one. Please help if you have had this experience or advice to remedy the killer. Thanks
Marmosetguy - 11 years ago
Jwhisher...thanks for your "love"! I'm trying to get the truth out! I'm flattered you appreciate my video.
Jwhiser1302 - 11 years ago
Superb! Have to love Mr. Weiss!
Jwhiser1302 - 11 years ago
YES BOOKS! I see way to much he said she said taken as gospel these days when the he or she saying it has maybe 10 or so years under their belt keeping maybe 3-4 species lol! The good ol books of the day and papers from peeps like Ad, Marc, Jeff, and many others are right there for the reading but people think a rating is more valuable! I'd love to be apart of that for sure! I'll go look for it right now and join. Thanks!
Marmosetguy - 11 years ago
+Jwhiser1302 Yes some are. Most seem to be infatuated by those that have promoted themselves to "fame" and keep false information flowing to benefit  themselves. My previous "partners in crime" have released me from confidentiality so hopefully by following what I say, they'll see a positive result. That worked in the eighties.The current, new hobbyist needs to go back to the literature of the day. , I look forward to your participation on the DISCUS STUDY GROUP Facebook page...as I don't know your real name, perhaps you are there already.
Jwhiser1302 - 11 years ago
That is for sure! To these younger hobbyist ignorance is bliss sometimes lol, some however are learning and growing in the hobby and taking the good quality info that has been proven.
Marmosetguy - 11 years ago
+bloodhound122 Thanks I hope to, but we have to straighten out this generation first. My generation had it figured by the 80's. Today they argue about settled science.
bloodhound122 - 11 years ago
One more thing lol this is why I love youtube what good is your knowledge if you don't share it for the next generation of hobbyist.
bloodhound122 - 11 years ago
Jwhiser1302 wish I could download his knowledge.
bloodhound122 - 11 years ago
Just a super interview.
Marmosetguy - 11 years ago
Thank you for your compliment! 
Pavel Chaloupka
Pavel Chaloupka - 11 years ago
every heart + spinach feeder should watch this couple times. Great stuff indeed. 
Edgar Ruiz
Edgar Ruiz - 11 years ago
Hi Ivan and a big thank you for this interview with my very good friend Marc Weiss. 
And Marc, you are looking good, it's been a couple of years. I plan to visit my Mom this Spring... hope to get together with you. God Bless and bring you more good health for years more. 
And Ivan, again, no one has done more than you in the social media for diffusion of the Ichthyology of our Native Venezuela, I am proud of you. I still remember years ago when you told me about selling your Renault 21 to invest the money in your tropical fish exportation project and how things turned out, but you gave it a twist, a very positive and highly gravitational twist which has turned into the most beautiful educational project dealing with Venezuelan fish fauna. This is what I call dedication and passion...best of luck and blessings.  
Ed Ruiz
plecocicho - 11 years ago
Very interesting interview from a knlowedgable guy. I think debate over discus diet could be solved once at for all if we took the C and N isotope smaples, since those are preatty good methods to determine the general diet of a species. Also peryphton is not all plant material, since it harbours a very complex fauna of uni amd multicellul animals and bacteria. As plant matteris not higly nutritous those fish need to consatntelly graze.And yes, Mikolji video can harbour a lot of informations about said bioopes, you only need to look carefully. I wish same type of videos could be made for other parts of tropical freshwater ecosystems.
plecocicho - 11 years ago
+Marmosetguy this could be an interesting topic for sure.
plecocicho - 11 years ago
Cool caint wait,
Marmosetguy - 11 years ago
+Marmosetguy I actually raise various fishes out the larval stage with home made periophyton. I can artificially raise discus too off of the stuff. I'll get to that on FB page or  website. Maybe a Miko video.
Marmosetguy - 11 years ago
+plecocicho I agree with you. My studies show that chironomids are first, in quantity consumed.Macrobranchium and/or their larvae are second and are the most value. This I got from the limnologists at INPA. I have a lot of info on the yeast based periophyton too. Perhaps we should expand upon this, on the web page, when built or now on the Facebook DISCUS STUDY GROUP page?
plecocicho - 11 years ago
I know, thats why i fed them red cherry shrimps whenever i am cleaning my filters (the larvea are sucked into my canister),Shrimps are single most important food source for amazon fish, since not a lot other macroinvertebrates are present in enough numbers to be part of fish diet. You must consider also influx of fallen/washed out terrestrial insect as a source of protein. Your mix is quite impressive since its based on fish digestive system (no bh, a lot of plant and fish oil, etc), Your recipe for peryphton is the same as the above? Mbuna keepers can replicate theiir fish diet by rock feeding method. I alwasys considered inmy mind to do the same but on roots for my wild discus.
Marmosetguy - 11 years ago
I spent a lot of time in "the Amazon" when I wanted to know what they eat in breeding season. I don't care what they eat when they are faced with starvation or even what they are willing to eat.
You are quite correct re: periophyton etc. but my optimal captive diet was determined by statistical analysis in captivity. All captive diets need to be deemed "experimental" - we can't duplicate nature. We endeavor to duplicate the nutrients. In nature, during breeding season the eat and UTILIZE Macrobranchium shrimp larvae, chironomids, and the periophyton. Yeasts are very significant in this. I artificially raised a styro box of Heckel larvae on the banks of the Rio Negro with periophyton for a few day before I let them go. This periophyton can be duplicated in the aquarium. The C:N ratios etc. are being established for food fish. For discus great success can be gained by empirical means, but the average discus guy is too invested in doing what was read in the last discus article they read.There is also the matter of practicality,  so some compromise is often necessary. 
Marmosetguy - 11 years ago
Thanks to all of you!  I hope to do more. Ivan is a terrific fish guy ands video talent.
The DSG website  is NOT LIVE yet. The Facebook page is: DISCUS STUDY GROUP Please like and join and you'll find out first when the website is up. For now on the FB page I'm going to be jabbering about Heckels.
Phil Grady
Phil Grady - 11 years ago
It is nice to know that are few relics like myself who were bitten by the Tropical Fish hobby at a very early age, and still are in the hobby.  Great history, Thanks for Sharing you story.
TheLovatt123 - 11 years ago
Mark you are a wealth of knowledge, I had visited you years ago when you where selling discus in new York and you are right keeping animals of any kind is a study in itself . I have kept fish for years and I am still learning looking at the things that make up an eco system. Great video keep them coming !!!!!!
Marmosetguy - 11 years ago
I hope Ivan will do more videos for and with me.
Plecocicho below has brought up some interesting stuff about aquarium ecosystems. I hope he'll pursue it further with me on the DSG FB page.
tu6tu6 - 11 years ago
Hi Ivan ,
is the http://www.DiscusStudyGroup.org still working?
Marmosetguy - 11 years ago
Sorry but it has not worked as of yet. It is new. The URL was published in error. Sorry. I wanted to popularize the DSG through Facebook first. Then I will craft a web site where we can expand on things.
I will announce on the DSG page and Youtube when it's ready.

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