Exclusive interview with Discus fish legend Marc Weiss
Discus 11 years ago 51,348 views
Ivan Mikolji interviews Marc Weiss, a famous aquarium hobbyist who specializes in Discus fish. Please help us improve the subtitles by going to http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?ref=share&v=5KkjagqH_5A Website: http://www.mikolji.com, http://www.aquatic-experts.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ivan.mikolji Marc Weiss: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Discus-Study-Group/232024580299499?ref=ts&fref=ts Support us on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/mikolji
I had some free time and made subs for this video. As I'm not a native english speaker, there are some mistakes and gaps. So, it's need to be corrected and filled by somebody from the USA who knows all the ingredients.
10. comment for Exclusive interview with Discus fish legend Marc Weiss
I bet it's a good conversation, but the video is practically unwatchable.
20. comment for Exclusive interview with Discus fish legend Marc Weiss
I thank you for your kind words. You can go to my discus Facebook page...DISCUS STUDY GROUP...for what I've been up to and my history with Discus Fish. Sorry for delay, and I'll answer some questions now....
30. comment for Exclusive interview with Discus fish legend Marc Weiss
Do you have any idea what Marc thinks of the Repashy line of fish food ?
I never tried Repashy. It might be great. My final mix is over twenty years old and was first done in the late seventies, so I have much multigenerational data using it. Nothing is better yet.
I had 21 discus (med to lrg) in 120 gal tank for 1 year now. The last 2 months, one discus has died each 1 - 1 1/2 week. 7 have died in the last 2 months. I can't understand why they are dying one by one. Please help if you have had this experience or advice to remedy the killer. Thanks
And Marc, you are looking good, it's been a couple of years. I plan to visit my Mom this Spring... hope to get together with you. God Bless and bring you more good health for years more.
And Ivan, again, no one has done more than you in the social media for diffusion of the Ichthyology of our Native Venezuela, I am proud of you. I still remember years ago when you told me about selling your Renault 21 to invest the money in your tropical fish exportation project and how things turned out, but you gave it a twist, a very positive and highly gravitational twist which has turned into the most beautiful educational project dealing with Venezuelan fish fauna. This is what I call dedication and passion...best of luck and blessings.
Ed Ruiz
I know, thats why i fed them red cherry shrimps whenever i am cleaning my filters (the larvea are sucked into my canister),Shrimps are single most important food source for amazon fish, since not a lot other macroinvertebrates are present in enough numbers to be part of fish diet. You must consider also influx of fallen/washed out terrestrial insect as a source of protein. Your mix is quite impressive since its based on fish digestive system (no bh, a lot of plant and fish oil, etc), Your recipe for peryphton is the same as the above? Mbuna keepers can replicate theiir fish diet by rock feeding method. I alwasys considered inmy mind to do the same but on roots for my wild discus.
You are quite correct re: periophyton etc. but my optimal captive diet was determined by statistical analysis in captivity. All captive diets need to be deemed "experimental" - we can't duplicate nature. We endeavor to duplicate the nutrients. In nature, during breeding season the eat and UTILIZE Macrobranchium shrimp larvae, chironomids, and the periophyton. Yeasts are very significant in this. I artificially raised a styro box of Heckel larvae on the banks of the Rio Negro with periophyton for a few day before I let them go. This periophyton can be duplicated in the aquarium. The C:N ratios etc. are being established for food fish. For discus great success can be gained by empirical means, but the average discus guy is too invested in doing what was read in the last discus article they read.There is also the matter of practicality, so some compromise is often necessary.
The DSG website is NOT LIVE yet. The Facebook page is: DISCUS STUDY GROUP Please like and join and you'll find out first when the website is up. For now on the FB page I'm going to be jabbering about Heckels.
Plecocicho below has brought up some interesting stuff about aquarium ecosystems. I hope he'll pursue it further with me on the DSG FB page.
is the http://www.DiscusStudyGroup.org still working?
I will announce on the DSG page and Youtube when it's ready.