Discus 6 years ago 15,574 views
Today I feed my discus fish! I hope you enjoy the planted aquarium and the relaxing and smooth shots of the aquarium and my discus! The discus tank setup video will be coming soon as well as a couple more discus videos! I feed the fish black worms and blood worms which is a very nutritious food that they love eating! Do you like aquariums and betta fish? Consider subscribing and hitting the bell! http://bit.ly/CTWSUBS ---------Support My Fish Addiction!--------- http://bit.ly/CTWSupport ---------Awesome aquarium Websites--------- https://wildpetsupply.com/ http://bit.ly/Aquacoop http://bit.ly/flipshrimp http://bit.ly/H2OplantS Watch My Fish Room Build https://goo.gl/DThJgT My Aquascape Week http://bit.ly/aquascapeweek WISH LIST: https://goo.gl/P5ajYX MY INSTAGRAM: (@jamesmorelan) http://bit.ly/JamesInsta MY TWITTER: (@jamesmorelan) http://bit.ly/JamesTweet MY SNAPCHAT:(@thejimmotion) http://bit.ly/JamesSnap MY OTHER CHANNEL: http://bit.ly/TJEffect Aquarium Shrimp: http://bit.ly/flipshrimp Awesome Plants http://bit.ly/H2Oplants ---------Fish Equipment--------- Pleco/Snail/Shrimp Food: https://goo.gl/LyxJZ9 Guppy Food: http://amzn.to/2BKHNO5 Cheapest/Best Light: http://amzn.to/2kB5rcw WaveMaker: http://amzn.to/2kAdhn4 Help My videos by writing https://goo.gl/uERVij ---------Business only email:--------- cw47wabe@gmail.com ---------Mail me stuff--------- James Morelan PO BOX #085925 Racine, WI 53408
10. comment for FEEDING MY DISCUS FISH!!
20. comment for FEEDING MY DISCUS FISH!!
30. comment for FEEDING MY DISCUS FISH!!
I really like the name Molly for one of the orange one's
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100. comment for FEEDING MY DISCUS FISH!!