FRANK the flowerhorn gets a new tank! Bichir moved to the 2000G aquarium. PLUS and update on the asian arowana. (SPECIAL GUEST APPEARANCE AS WELL!) Rachels channel: SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos: My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by:

FISH MOVING DAY and ASIAN AROWANA UPDATE! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 154

Discus 7 years ago 225,200 views

FRANK the flowerhorn gets a new tank! Bichir moved to the 2000G aquarium. PLUS and update on the asian arowana. (SPECIAL GUEST APPEARANCE AS WELL!) Rachels channel: SUBSCRIBE ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Join me each SUNDAY, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY for a new aquarium related video! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos: My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by:

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Most popular comments

The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Everything is working out as planned... CAN NOT wait for the rescape of the 2,000G aquarium though. I JUST got back from orlando, but in le4ss than 2 weeks, i'll be speaking in New York! See you there? (check me out on facebook for the details under events) -
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof - 7 years ago
ILLYANA WIJAYA - 7 years ago
The king of DIY can I have Frank pls
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof - 7 years ago
JRMG YT - 7 years ago
Shout out my name in your next video pls my name is renzo
matt 2022
matt 2022 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I'm glad everything is going great there. I'm hoping to start something like your doing but the only fish I have so far is a male Betta and I have to wait several weeks till I get another one. So good luck with all of your fish and I hope they don't die.
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof - 7 years ago
you should get some altums and have them grow out to 15 inch-tall discs.
Jerry Baker
Jerry Baker - 7 years ago
The king of DIY it looked like a smaller ray or some kind of fish stuck to one of the stingrays
Zing Zaber
Zing Zaber - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I took the exact same vacation this week! What a coincidence.
Austin Day
Austin Day - 7 years ago
The king of DIY what about the clown knife
FiveStar Plays
FiveStar Plays - 7 years ago
Joey you should do a predator tank
devon animates
devon animates - 7 years ago
The king of DIY do you like Oscar's?
Oli Fish
Oli Fish - 7 years ago
frank needs more spirulina and krill based diet not too high in protein. make him shine. he has lots more potential. ph around 7.8- 8.0. groom him would love to see what he turns out like. cz help crossbreed is a great pellet for fh.
Jeffrey Tellis
Jeffrey Tellis - 7 years ago
Wow what a way to end a year , and start a new one. HAPPY NEW YEAR YALL
Aniket Salvi
Aniket Salvi - 7 years ago
Voilet fusion arowana for that tank
Larry Tay
Larry Tay - 7 years ago
The king of DIY
Solo Frieza
Solo Frieza - 7 years ago
The king of DIY I have a bichir and it's like my coolest fish he's in with some angel fish and some other fish that are pretty small and they do ok I was worried because he's was alone in a small tank but their was one small albino sucker who has 3 new friends and they play around a lot but anyway I thought he might eat the smaller fish especially the guppies because I've seen people feed them guppies sometimes but he does great and is now in a tank that is triple his last tanks size which was to small for him
Kamil Ariff
Kamil Ariff - 7 years ago
happy new year...i'm your fan from malaysia
Naomi Wing
Naomi Wing - 7 years ago
The king of DIY r
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
Loved today's video mate looking good
Dans Reef
Dans Reef - 7 years ago
Do you still have the drop off tank if you do can we see a new vid?
Spencer Pascoe
Spencer Pascoe - 7 years ago
The problem comes about during feeding. Both being bottom feeders, bichirs are aggressive feeders and poor eyesight they can bite the Stingrays causing the Stingrays to sting them which is fatal for the bichirs. Like I said IMO I wouldn't risk it
ritesh Gamer
ritesh Gamer - 7 years ago
The king of DIY make a video on how to prevent my arowana from biting me. It always bite me
dt meyer38
dt meyer38 - 7 years ago
Joey where do you buy your fish tanks?
Breydon Ball
Breydon Ball - 7 years ago
The king of DIY you are my favorite youtuber I just want to thank you for everything you do.
Ecartts - 7 years ago
I like that Joey visits Jennie everytime he s in the area :)

Cant wait for those videos to be uploaded ;)
brad clark
brad clark - 7 years ago
The king of DIY what about the peacock bass
Lia White
Lia White - 7 years ago
Joey can you go to Scott smiths all animal expo? You seem so passionate about snakes I would love to see you try out other animals.
Hemant Vanjari
Hemant Vanjari - 7 years ago
Plz help me! my baby silver arowana is not eating anything, what should I do? plz help me
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
lol... its a 2,000G aquarium. TWO THOUSAND. I welcome opinions, but i prefer when people tell me something is a bad idea, to at least back it with similar tanks and experience. Feel free to post your tanks on my facebook page if you can. I'll have a look.
Spencer Pascoe
Spencer Pascoe - 7 years ago
An ornate in a tank of that foot print will be 30" in 5 years. IMO bichirs are not good tank mates for stingrays.
bestjaylon king
bestjaylon king - 7 years ago
hi king of Diy i like you i have an aquarium too and its going great for now could you mention me in one viedo pls if you want
Aslam Kasimov
Aslam Kasimov - 7 years ago
Happy New Year. Even i find you really cute, and I'm a guy. Keep up the good work. Learned a lot from you the past 2017 and looking forward to lots of educational videos from you in 2018.
I Am Unhappy
I Am Unhappy - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Joey buy a ropefish! They look so majestic swimming around!! and can be quite curious of their tank!
Jerry Cat
Jerry Cat - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Get a mbu Puffer?
Octipus Crime
Octipus Crime - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Im really happy for you Joey!! Keep up the good work. :-D
n - 7 years ago
Jon Lee
Jon Lee - 7 years ago
I want some of the platinum angel fish. Where can I find them?
Jive Turkey
Jive Turkey - 7 years ago
Frank looks like a pustulent sore.
Mysterious Box
Mysterious Box - 7 years ago
Hahaha that's pretty true
Bobby Walter
Bobby Walter - 7 years ago
Their tails and fins look pretty bad. Let’s hope they get less aggressive.
wolflupin5 - 7 years ago
the bichir is so cute! all of your fish are fabulous!
Masongt 2005
Masongt 2005 - 7 years ago
U should put a big koi in there
Happy Fish
Happy Fish - 7 years ago
How could you mistake frank with the Beans? 0:
Jordan Pabian
Jordan Pabian - 7 years ago
Add more sand please


Lori Green
Lori Green - 7 years ago
Hi Joey, I'm a new subscriber and new to the hobby. Do you use 100% tap water in all of your tanks?, mix with R/0?, and what are the parameters of your tap water?.
Lori Green
Lori Green - 7 years ago
So I'm assuming hard water with high PH??
tarun bharathi
tarun bharathi - 7 years ago
joey runs on a well so he doesn't need to use conditioner but you should buy sechem prime. its the best chlorine and chloramine remover
Happy Fish
Happy Fish - 7 years ago
I use tap water then condition it Later with some kind of conditioner, just my doing.
NeonGaming YT
NeonGaming YT - 7 years ago
When i heard you saying that you were in florida for a few days i already knew you would make a video with solid gold again :)
Michael Black
Michael Black - 7 years ago
Hey Joey. I read bichir shouldn't be kept in a tank deeper than 30" is that not true?
Chris Leung
Chris Leung - 7 years ago
Great tanks! Loving your videos and your passion. Keep up the good work!
I was just wondering how often you remove the stingray's sting, and how do you do it with such a big area to cover? Is this also why you are re-scaping, to make it easier to maintain?
JoeBo Rocks
JoeBo Rocks - 7 years ago
Get frank a friend
Generic Name
Generic Name - 7 years ago
“Rachel I’m the king of diy” just great
Aquatic Gouramis
Aquatic Gouramis - 7 years ago
Joey I know you don't have much time to interact with subscribers like me but I was wandering if you could put in one of your videos how to sex a flowerhorn
Jerry - 7 years ago
She seems great! I subbed
Corpse Bride
Corpse Bride - 7 years ago
Pearl just looks like a pancake
Sox Game Replays
Sox Game Replays - 7 years ago
LOL at Frank giving you the stink eye from the corner when he first went in.Makes me want a Flowerhorn.


andrew moon
andrew moon - 7 years ago
For your tank that you plan on having go from floor to ceiling. The Piller looking one you should try a jellyfigh and or seahorse tank with some other small salt life fish
BIZR BlaZe - 7 years ago
Add oscars
RussianSpetsnaz0123 - 7 years ago
I love Rachel she is sooooo great I always watch her and yourself. It's great to see the both of you working side by side.
fahad mohammad
fahad mohammad - 7 years ago
what happened to the clown knife ?
Darth Flayder
Darth Flayder - 7 years ago
Now I want a bichir!!!
Darkscore W
Darkscore W - 7 years ago
Darth Flayder i no its my dream fish too :)
Hermann Blues
Hermann Blues - 7 years ago
Will take more than 5 months to get scales n tails fully back normal Joey, good luck=)
SMRRF - 7 years ago
Theory is Frank is an electronic robotic fish
SMRRF - 7 years ago
Rachel was a great camera MAN
thedonothan - 7 years ago
First, off I love what you're doing, I watch all of the uploads. With that being said, be careful with the ornate bichir, they have a tendency to be slightly more aggressive than most bichirs, I only say that because I've seen them bite at the discs of smaller stingrays, not in the effort to kill the ray but, even with accidents I'd hate to see you loss one or have one be damaged. Just something to be mindful of moving forward.
Nita F
Nita F - 7 years ago
Can frank and beans share a tank?
jonstfrancis - 7 years ago
Unless you want an episode from Spartacus, no.


Jude Jacinto
Jude Jacinto - 7 years ago
Can you add arapiama or catfish to the 2000g aquarium.
Raymond Bourdon
Raymond Bourdon - 7 years ago
hey buddy can you set lights to there time zones
Simpson Co
Simpson Co - 7 years ago
Get an arapaima
Armando Sandulan
Armando Sandulan - 7 years ago
Try delhezi bichir or senegalus bichir
Armando Sandulan
Armando Sandulan - 7 years ago
And I think I wanna buy a flower horn but I really need a suggestions on how to keep it and tank mates for it and proper gallon tank for it
John Micheal
John Micheal - 7 years ago
I dont think there will be many options for tank mates...and you’ll need atleast a my opinion
Twichl - 7 years ago
There are plenty of care guides out there for those who look
Armando Sandulan
Armando Sandulan - 7 years ago
If arowana do that jumping again out of aquarium um you should really search for the wheelchair for fish but I don't really think that's what they call it well it worked for my fish snakehead and also my goldfish yeah I'm sure it will work
Akilesh P Joseph
Akilesh P Joseph - 7 years ago
Were is bean ?
Vinicius Marinho
Vinicius Marinho - 7 years ago
Get some big algae eater fish like Pterygoplichthys pardalis
Thirsty Rabbit
Thirsty Rabbit - 7 years ago
Just watched again and just had to say.

Im loving the dragon ray tank mate
Forest Exotics
Forest Exotics - 7 years ago
Good video enjoyed
Haydog _322
Haydog _322 - 7 years ago
Get a peacock bass for South America
BlueMoon - 7 years ago
Kurnia Andre
Kurnia Andre - 7 years ago
the tails looks broken
CL Roman
CL Roman - 7 years ago
Great..I glad they are ok...
Caden Selley
Caden Selley - 7 years ago
You need to do a “wild” tank with freshwater sunfish and bass
BlueMoon - 7 years ago
Cant in the racking system.
Bors de Ganys
Bors de Ganys - 7 years ago
I saw a video of a fully grown Knife Fish. They’re MASSIVE!
creep - 7 years ago
Man I kind of think your 2K is kind of the worst tank of the setup. It really ruins the flow of that room...
Amethyst Plum13 Moonlight
Amethyst Plum13 Moonlight - 7 years ago
Mr. Joey why don't you buy a betta fish?
Bryce Nichols
Bryce Nichols - 7 years ago
It's in one of his videos
Bryce Nichols
Bryce Nichols - 7 years ago
Amethyst Plum13 Moonlight his daughter had/has one
Marc Justin
Marc Justin - 7 years ago
Aww dude I could’ve gave you free tickets to seaworld
Autumn Rose
Autumn Rose - 7 years ago
sea world is evil
Noah Fagello
Noah Fagello - 7 years ago
Get a laser pointer and have Frank chase it


Rae Cruickshank
Rae Cruickshank - 7 years ago
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof - 7 years ago
creep - 7 years ago
Didn’t you just go on vacation ?
James awesome Fishing life
James awesome Fishing life - 7 years ago
Rip buddy rip
MeikelDaVinci - 7 years ago
And again Frank got moved....Just poor him..
creep - 7 years ago
MeikelDaVinci ikr frank is cooler than those ugly arowanas they’re like the wannabe koi
Abbie Haines
Abbie Haines - 7 years ago
That's not fair frank has gotten used to being with other fish and now he has to be all alone FOREVER please please move him into a bigger tank with other fish
Aaron Scarborough
Aaron Scarborough - 7 years ago
remember when buddy died he swam into franks territory
sqace face
sqace face - 7 years ago
he is a flowerhorn which are large aggressive and territorial fish that usually don't like other fish he also has joey to interact with so frank should be ok
Bob's Dank Tanks
Bob's Dank Tanks - 7 years ago
I had a bichir with my stingrays for a few months but he got pinned down and killed
Eirik Olstad
Eirik Olstad - 7 years ago
be careful with pipes that the bichr can fit in, Mine crawled in one pipe and got stuck....
Jonathan Lopez
Jonathan Lopez - 7 years ago
Pooor frank.. Always getting moved around
Kevin Hayes
Kevin Hayes - 7 years ago
Coming along nicely my friend. Keep up the awesome work.
SC Aquatics
SC Aquatics - 7 years ago
The bichir is a good addition to the 2000g. Look forward to the evolution of the gallery.
Dr.Proteinman Mcgains
Dr.Proteinman Mcgains - 7 years ago
She's still there :D you dog
Andrea Shelton
Andrea Shelton - 7 years ago
Thanks for the video!
Bradyn Shumpert
Bradyn Shumpert - 7 years ago
You should give Frank a friend like the same species
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof - 7 years ago
flowerhorns will fight each other. did your adoptive mother drop you on your head?
Channaholic - 7 years ago
Add more bichirs plss. They're so cool
Ramona 18
Ramona 18 - 7 years ago
I'm glad you're rescaping it I feel like the current scape just doesn't make the tank look as good as it can I mean it's huge and with a nicer and better scape it'll look a lot more amazing
devon animates
devon animates - 7 years ago
Hey Joey do you like Oscar's?
Blaze 125
Blaze 125 - 7 years ago
Boris the Baicher? :3
Lorraine Harris
Lorraine Harris - 7 years ago
So poor Frank is moved yet again, poor chap, the only fish with true character, I'm real sad, I can't watch you anymore sorry
Alan Todd
Alan Todd - 7 years ago
Was at Myrtle Beach and brought home some parrot's feather
Jarred Little
Jarred Little - 7 years ago
The fins on the arowanas are terrible.
Aaron Taylor
Aaron Taylor - 7 years ago
Plus joey knows what he’s doing, he always says people don’t like what they don’t know
JsAquaStuff - 7 years ago
What do you expect? Its been a week. They are still establishing dominance.
MT Lizard
MT Lizard - 7 years ago
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof - 7 years ago
not any more
Konan - 7 years ago
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof He has (or had, at least) a small saltwater tank.
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof - 7 years ago
Michael Stifter
Michael Stifter - 7 years ago
Kevin b
Kevin b - 7 years ago
i like the look of multiple arowana's. the fins however look horrible
Christopher Colliers
Christopher Colliers - 7 years ago
I wanna see you shirtless.
Sa Sa
Sa Sa - 7 years ago
yess my two favorite youtubers :)
That Girl
That Girl - 7 years ago
I havent watched one of your videos since last year
INSANEBACON 21 - 7 years ago
Hey Joey my flowerhorn Clive died a few days ago and I was wondering if you could name one of the arowana Clive in his honor
Jonathan Antunez
Jonathan Antunez - 7 years ago
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof fucked up but funny af
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof - 7 years ago
wtf kind of name is clive?
StayAlone Paul
StayAlone Paul - 7 years ago
KeeP up this vlog type vdos.... u r gd at it
FOXstrat - Gaming & Tutorials
FOXstrat - Gaming & Tutorials - 7 years ago
Do you know how to prevent or remove calcium buildup in aquarium? its always my problem since i got into the hobby .. pelase help me
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof - 7 years ago
use some ADA softenizer. if you have any rocks, test them for the ability to affect pH and hardness
Pascal - 7 years ago
As The Plat Dream said your KH is probably high and you could lower it by using Hydrochloric acid (never mix it directly into tank (EVER))
The Plat Dream
The Plat Dream - 7 years ago
FOXstrat - Gaming & Tutorials if you mean on the sides you just have to use something else (like clr? I'm not sure) to make it easier to remove it, it means your water source for your tank is very hard. You could use a water softener to fix this or change the water you use but be careful of things like pH
David Low
David Low - 7 years ago
I would say remove those wood as soon as possible
N Pace
N Pace - 7 years ago
omg. frank an beans... lma0 ..
Dragon Knight
Dragon Knight - 7 years ago
Can’t you do a procedure to remove the stingers on the rays to make it safer for all the fish and you?
Gina Goth
Gina Goth - 7 years ago
No need to do that
Brandywine6969 - 7 years ago
Well, really, he doesn't need to. When he was in there with them, he just made sure to give them time to get used to him and that kept them calm. There was no danger to them or him the way he did it.
Emma Laing
Emma Laing - 7 years ago
At the aquaruim in toronto they apparently trim the tips of them and it makes them blunt but they dont remove them. I wonder if thays a option? But the ones at ripplies seem a lot more use to people so.....
James Williams
James Williams - 7 years ago
He talks about that in another video. It is very painful for the rays and they grow back so he would have to do it a lot. It is kind of like declawing a cat where they basically chop off the first knuckle of their paws.
Spen - 7 years ago
So now your fish will have nowhere to hide? So your saying how the the tank looks >> happiness of the fish?
Thivanka Gamage
Thivanka Gamage - 7 years ago
what is the best backgroung colour to red fin giant guramis and i want to know how you make franks tank background.
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof - 7 years ago
hey david brown ur a nigga
Thivanka Gamage
Thivanka Gamage - 7 years ago
Hey didn't you like to have some guramis to your collection.
SocialStoner - 7 years ago
happy new year!
Adnaan Chu
Adnaan Chu - 7 years ago
However. With that said
k0olmini - 7 years ago
Love the bichir action
Dripping_Faucet - 7 years ago
matt 2022
matt 2022 - 7 years ago
I finally convinced my mom to get a fish.
Orange Kaiju
Orange Kaiju - 7 years ago
Bichirs are my favorite fish, they have lots of personality and are tough as nails. I had one bichir jump out of the tank, and i found it after my dog had given it a chew. The fish was fine, the scales kept my fish safe from the dog and it gulped air so it only suffered a few ripped fins from the ordeal.
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof - 7 years ago
kys no one wants to watch ur retarded videos
Jirachi Umaki
Jirachi Umaki - 7 years ago
i love frank <3
Pets And Gaming
Pets And Gaming - 7 years ago
please more bichirs try to find a congicus if you can
Tyler P
Tyler P - 7 years ago
What are you going to do with the ray's and arowana(and bichir) when you re-scape?
Gobinda Gopal Pal
Gobinda Gopal Pal - 7 years ago
What about your Nano aquarium??
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof - 7 years ago
hey david brown kys
Volume UpFTW
Volume UpFTW - 7 years ago
Whos watching im 2018?
Jirachi Umaki
Jirachi Umaki - 7 years ago
Volume UpFTW meee
Rosalie W
Rosalie W - 7 years ago
Volume UpFTW meeeee
Ketav Sodhi
Ketav Sodhi - 7 years ago
Update on bass
Ketav Sodhi
Ketav Sodhi - 7 years ago
Update on baby flowers horn
Cow Steve
Cow Steve - 7 years ago
Cant Frank go back into the 2000g tank now that all the other arowana are in there?
Murod Vlogs
Murod Vlogs - 7 years ago
Guys go watch my video
flamzy150 - 7 years ago
I can't wait to get a Australian arowona (Saratoga)


livelaughForte - 7 years ago
I'm surprised you haven't painted the largest tank a darker color so it doesn't look dirty 24/7 (even though a little scum is normal)
R_ M0412
R_ M0412 - 7 years ago
All I watch is beauty channels yet I’ve been hooked on your channel for six months
Social Boy 23
Social Boy 23 - 7 years ago
Please make a video on bean ur new flowerhorn
Muhib Maknojia
Muhib Maknojia - 7 years ago
When r u setting the reef aquarium in one of your 120's
Jerome Newsome
Jerome Newsome - 7 years ago
Lol they been tearing each other up
Robbin Yahood
Robbin Yahood - 7 years ago
I think itd be neat if you added another bicher, maybe a fire eel and or a gar. I can tell your going for a prehistoric looking tank. Happy new year!!
TB_Dolmen - 7 years ago
gars works better whith more peaceful arowanas, like black or silver. both specis lives in the top layer of the tank, and it gonna be a fight for the space
Chris Parker
Chris Parker - 7 years ago
I know the juvinile ray ate one rainbow fish but it looks like there are way less in the tank did he eat more or did u get rid of them ?
Melisa Sanchez
Melisa Sanchez - 7 years ago
Chris Parker I think he said in a video that he’s been getting rid of some as they grow
JP Fitzgerald
JP Fitzgerald - 7 years ago
Frank (floats out of net) "why have you disturbed me Joey mullen " "you must parish" (shoots Lazer out of face and destroys earth)
Bounmy Bounpraseuth
Bounmy Bounpraseuth - 7 years ago
pls be stone background
Danielle Hansen
Danielle Hansen - 7 years ago
Such a joy to see the bichir enjoying his massive new home and being more active. I'm very happy to hear that you're removing the wood.
ReeferGil - 7 years ago
Bounmy Bounpraseuth
Bounmy Bounpraseuth - 7 years ago
would franks bite hurt i picture it to be like a piranha he seems kinda like one
Discus For Me Yay
Discus For Me Yay - 7 years ago
Bounmy Bounpraseuth yes it would. Flowerhorn have some nasty teeth.
Torrey Jones
Torrey Jones - 7 years ago
nice video, don't forget to bring a pair of nippers or a knife when you start to remove the wood, I seem to recall you tying it all together.

Happy New Year!
iWuvHuskys - 7 years ago
Is Frank aggressive? It's probably been asked (maybe even by me) I'm just wondering why he isn't in the 2k and is alone now
Oli Fish
Oli Fish - 7 years ago
flowerhorns are aggressive and do better on their own.
Cow Tiger
Cow Tiger - 7 years ago
iWuvHuskys it’s because in a bigger tank, he will have less personality and interaction as Joey enjoys or something like that
Eagleironic - 7 years ago
holdingoutforahero - 7 years ago
Do you support the 10g minimum for bettas ?
holdingoutforahero - 7 years ago
Garrett oh yeah, I keep my two bettas in a 10g and 20g. I'm just asking if he supports the German standars.
Garrett - 7 years ago
If you want Bettas, a ten gallon tank is perfect. Anything less is simply cruel, especially the cups and bowls people typically keep them in.
damienayon50 - 7 years ago
add frank or is he still to mean?
Kevin Leong
Kevin Leong - 7 years ago
Why does your tank look SO cloudy?
Wyatt Wesselski
Wyatt Wesselski - 7 years ago
Very impressive about catching the bichir cuz I heard that a lot of times their back spine gets caught in the net, but I only have a small baby bichir, although I would like to know about the type of bichir you have. Thanks
Kevin Leong
Kevin Leong - 7 years ago
I LOVE your ASIAN AROWANA!!! They look and are Amazing!!!
MegaEhmcee - 7 years ago
Editing and story telling are awesome in this episode.
light - 7 years ago
What about the Australian tank!? Or is that kinda gonna be the reef tank with a lot of Australian reef fish?
Thomas WιΙde
Thomas WιΙde - 7 years ago
@The King of DIY- U should dry adding a school of blue Gills or Maybe a bass in there. If u get Blue Gills make sure they are decent size so they dont eat them. If u get a bass make sure it is small but not too small. Blue Gill would be a better choice but bass is good too but they can be agressive at times and to be honest they could have fights but who knows but it will get them used to not just having other of the same fish around
Pets And Gaming
Pets And Gaming - 7 years ago
no bass
The Redstone Archer // Yong Jie
The Redstone Archer // Yong Jie - 7 years ago
Rachel Im THE KING OF DIY, I can do it myself LMAO!!
ExPlOdEr1 - 7 years ago
Happy new year!
MINE TUBE - 7 years ago
Aaron Bahin
Aaron Bahin - 7 years ago
Joey u were in Orlando and didn't tell me you were in my area........that is grimy
Avisek Dasgupta
Avisek Dasgupta - 7 years ago
I am sorry but your planning skills are pretty pathetic. You just keep changing their tanks and stressing them out. Go for a "Planning & Organising Skills" workshop soon.
Avisek Dasgupta
Avisek Dasgupta - 7 years ago
Emily not long. But just as he specialises in fish, I specialise in human behaviour correction. He demonstrates clear lack of planning and organising skills.
sejima79 - 7 years ago
Agree. I enjoyed his project videos much more. As much as he preaches that he knows what he is doing, he is constantly demonstrating bad practice by his poor planning. The resulting constant changes, moves, etc., feel more like searching for content for the sake of youtube (which I'm sure he now is making good coin from) rather than the best interest of the fish. I know he is trying to be inspirational, but the average beginner hobbyist may be misled to think these kind of antics are actually OK.
Emily - 7 years ago
how long have you been watching him for?
Justin Chiang
Justin Chiang - 7 years ago
Joey the Mermaid
Classic Selene
Classic Selene - 7 years ago
Joey got some booty
Larsen Santos
Larsen Santos - 7 years ago
Beans update ??
Kayla & Sophia
Kayla & Sophia - 7 years ago
You said Rachel is gonna be the the camera man but she's a girl
paulwhite959 - 7 years ago
Those rays are growing, dang
Millon-Devigne Alexis
Millon-Devigne Alexis - 7 years ago
Coucou sa va bisous mon pote alexis
Fish Bish
Fish Bish - 7 years ago
Maybe you should make the sand two times thicker in the rescape.
Pescia Films
Pescia Films - 7 years ago
Hey joey how’s the peacock bass going
Locky Pagano
Locky Pagano - 7 years ago
Who’s your favourite arow? mines the snake skin
Martha Lopez
Martha Lopez - 7 years ago
Locky Pagano same
Stitching Jules
Stitching Jules - 7 years ago
Loving all the changes you're making!! Love the Bichir in the big tank!!
Martha Lopez
Martha Lopez - 7 years ago
Stitching Jules true
Des420 - 7 years ago
If he hadn't gone in there before that moment, then who's footprints were going into the building?
APURV SHUBHAM - 7 years ago
Happy new year Joey.
Emi BeeKay
Emi BeeKay - 7 years ago
May you please add in auto-generated captions? It’s says it’s not an option for this video ):
Fish keeper
Fish keeper - 7 years ago
Where is beans
Sumudu V. Nagodavithana
Sumudu V. Nagodavithana - 7 years ago
A platinum gar will fit in nicely in that tank.
Sumudu V. Nagodavithana
Sumudu V. Nagodavithana - 7 years ago
Thanks, I didn't know that.
Pets And Gaming
Pets And Gaming - 7 years ago
no the arow's are to aggressive and gar's are calm
Khayewylagne Walker
Khayewylagne Walker - 7 years ago
Hello li'l bisher
Matthew B
Matthew B - 7 years ago
Will Frank and Bean's be in the 2k tank eventually? you said forever when speaking about frank in the 120, im assuming that was a mistake of the tounge. Or is frank/bean not compatible with arowana's?
Matthew B
Matthew B - 7 years ago
Okay, thanks :) happy new year.
Happy Gillmore
Happy Gillmore - 7 years ago
Matthew B He sad in a previous video that Frank would harass the other fish and he wouldn't be able to put any arowana in the tank.
Libby Chong
Libby Chong - 7 years ago
When you rescape the tank do it live
GingerAle4Life - 7 years ago
Should throw in another bichir maybe a Palmas?
Hey_it's_Samantha •ω•
Hey_it's_Samantha •ω• - 7 years ago
This is really great I loved them so much
Mark L
Mark L - 7 years ago
Nooo! Put Frank in the big tank!
The Skeptic Raptor
The Skeptic Raptor - 7 years ago
I think a torn fin that’s not too bad actually looks good on arowwana
Ervan AA
Ervan AA - 7 years ago
My favorite dragon fish tank.
why not
why not - 7 years ago
what happened to frank's bichir buddy?
why not
why not - 7 years ago
which video?
Sam Thomson
Sam Thomson - 7 years ago
why not yeah he got about a month ago
why not
why not - 7 years ago
now i want to see what happened to the clown
why not
why not - 7 years ago
Sam Thomson
Sam Thomson - 7 years ago
why not yes
why not
why not - 7 years ago
wait he has a clown knife?
Sam Thomson
Sam Thomson - 7 years ago
What's gonna happen to the clown knife though
why not
why not - 7 years ago
oops nevermind
shortwave - 7 years ago
Fish missing scales? Must be out of tune. I'll see myself out now.
The Saucy Sirs
The Saucy Sirs - 7 years ago
I was planning on killing myself tonight, somehow you made me happy and want to keep going. thank you Joey. Kind regards, Connor.
Sander Breuker
Sander Breuker - 7 years ago
The Saucy Sirs don't kill yourself you have so much to live for
AquaZone Aquarium Services Mtl Izabella
AquaZone Aquarium Services Mtl Izabella - 7 years ago
My best advice ... unfuck yourself . Stay strong there’s no other way
Hosts With The Most
Hosts With The Most - 7 years ago
Keep pushing bro
Irie Islo
Irie Islo - 7 years ago
hope you doin great by now get into hobby, you wont regret it, have a happy new year!
Thirsty Rabbit
Thirsty Rabbit - 7 years ago
The Saucy Sirs keep ya head up mate
Love of Pets
Love of Pets - 7 years ago
Will you ever come to Toronto? Come to a Big Al's Fish Store.
Love of Pets
Love of Pets - 7 years ago
I loved how you kissed Frank! Lol, I am the King of DIY! Lol. You sure are!
MegaPoxie - 7 years ago
Give Frank a really happy new year and get him a Francene! Have a great 2018.
Jtesta02 - 7 years ago
Hey Joey ever think about adding a little school of fish to the 2000g not sure if it’d work with the other fish in there already but I think it make the tank look more active
J money
J money - 7 years ago
Hey joey im new to owning aquariums and looking to raise a pair of oscars just wondering what would be best to feed them to get them to grow big and healthy ?
iDetail - Mobile Car Detailing
iDetail - Mobile Car Detailing - 7 years ago
Isn't that fin rot on the aros?
Logan Kimball
Logan Kimball - 7 years ago
iDetail - Mobile Car Detailing no the tears are from the aros nipping at each other. He states that
white _skillz
white _skillz - 7 years ago
what is thorn finn they don't bite it because the damage is to smal or am i wrong ?
Libby Chong
Libby Chong - 7 years ago
I am 12 year old my name is Dhivaan I use my mother's account I live in Malaysia
Libby Chong
Libby Chong - 7 years ago
Be careful because Frank's kok can deflate when being too stress
Hakaishin Roken
Hakaishin Roken - 7 years ago
The dragon tank is my favorite tank
GreenAmazingMoltenEnergy - 7 years ago
oh those fins were more torn then i thought
ahboy02 - 7 years ago
There are multiple dark spot on your arowana body and this is a sign that the water temperature is not right for the fish. Do keep a look out as this might kill the fish ✌
Jerry's Shed
Jerry's Shed - 7 years ago
ahboy02 that's where they are missing scales
The Bell Tolls
The Bell Tolls - 7 years ago
Can you build me a cube aqarium like your cube you recently built?
The Bell Tolls
The Bell Tolls - 7 years ago
K B ohh
K B - 7 years ago
The Bell Tolls he doesn't have time..he's off to NEW YORK
Chalitha Kodikara
Chalitha Kodikara - 7 years ago
Happy new year joey
03CAAT52 0331
03CAAT52 0331 - 7 years ago
Question for Joey or anyone else who has some knowledge on the subject. I have a 125 gal (6.5'Lx2'Hx1.5'D) and want I want to put a juvie Jaguar Cichlid in there and was wondering if a Bichar would possibly work as a tank mate. Thanks! Happy New Year!!!
Thirsty Rabbit
Thirsty Rabbit - 7 years ago
Happy new year king
Good day to watch your video
Still in recovery mode big night for me with family and friends
Joshua Damasco
Joshua Damasco - 7 years ago

Samuel Amberg
Samuel Amberg - 7 years ago
What will you do with the four arowanas during the scape? And what about all the stingrays and the bicher? I think you should leave the moss covered wood. It looks awesome! Or you could saw off the moss part and have it for the Corentine tank. I don’t know how to spell that, but you know what I mean. I won’t be affended if someone corrects me! Happy new year everyone!
Jonniethai - 7 years ago
I would cover the back and right-hand side of the tank top to bottom with plants.
Madison Cunningham
Madison Cunningham - 7 years ago
I'm in Florida for a Florida vacation this week
Hey joey, what will happen to the clown knife and the peacock bass?
Samuel Amberg
Samuel Amberg - 7 years ago
You mean camera girl!
Hey joey, what will happen to the clown knife and the peacock bass?
Samuel Amberg
Samuel Amberg - 7 years ago
I don’t know about you, but their fins look ugly. At least they’re re alive! I hope the time fixes it
Matthew Bradley
Matthew Bradley - 7 years ago
A cheap security camera setup in your fish room would help
Nutty 16
Nutty 16 - 7 years ago
What about the clown knife and peacock bass
Mitch - 7 years ago
im excited for the solid gold aquatics video
Kristina Kyidyl
Kristina Kyidyl - 7 years ago
There's something about Rachel that reminds me of P!nk. She seems cool.
FiveStar Plays
FiveStar Plays - 7 years ago
Doesn’t he have to aqua mate them or are they on the same system??
catrosenight - 7 years ago
FiveStar Plays Welcome! I hope you enjoy it around here! Joey talks about his systems and his set up every few months, so if you binge watch some previous videos you may find out that. Or he’ll mention it in a video soon I bet!
FiveStar Plays
FiveStar Plays - 7 years ago
catrosenight ya I did thanks I’m just starting out with the hobby
catrosenight - 7 years ago
FiveStar Plays do you mean acclimate? No, Joey keeps all his tanks at around the same temperature (they’re all heated)
Mike Pizza
Mike Pizza - 7 years ago
When the arowana get more established see if they'll eat feeder goldfish
Discus For Me Yay
Discus For Me Yay - 7 years ago
The only things that I would feed my fish live are black worms, earthworms, mosquito larvae, and shrimp.
Thirsty Rabbit
Thirsty Rabbit - 7 years ago
Also Feeding live food will bring the agresion up in the tank
Feeder goldfish carry tons of disease most of the time
catrosenight - 7 years ago
Mike Pizza feeder goldfish are super unhealthy. To properly (and safely) feed them, the feeder fish would need to be quarantined for 30 days to make sure they don’t have any illnesses or bugs. Even then, you don’t get any benefits nutritionally from live fish (especially goldfish are quite fatty!) you don’t get from frozen. Really, feeder fish are only appropriate on either large scale in house fish farms due to cheapness of them or for sadists who want to watch their fish eat other fish.
David S
David S - 7 years ago
Frank is my favorite by far!
Angels animals
Angels animals - 7 years ago
looking forward to the video you did with solid gold :)
anay rajani
anay rajani - 7 years ago
What about the clown knife
Vampman 12
Vampman 12 - 7 years ago
polar bear18
polar bear18 - 7 years ago
Make a native tank
Vincent marceau
Vincent marceau - 7 years ago
Pleasr tell me all those plants and woods will be use in another tank
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga - 7 years ago
Great video. Do you have cameras on your tanks.?
Nicholas Cano
Nicholas Cano - 7 years ago
What happened to the peacock bass
Ryuku2005 - 7 years ago
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!! Its 2018 in hungary MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Ryuku2005 - 7 years ago
Yes sir i will give myself up.
Windex - 7 years ago
Time traveling is a felony sir.
Dj Masked
Dj Masked - 7 years ago
Ryuku2005 Your from the future lol
Wibbs - 7 years ago
Frank looks like he's stiking his tounge out at him so funny
All about Fun
All about Fun - 7 years ago
Is the the bottom going to get hurt by the stingray
Wibbs - 7 years ago
When he's taking the bicher out of the tank You See 2 angels fighting
Joel Smith
Joel Smith - 7 years ago
Where’s beans
Andrew Vermeltfoort
Andrew Vermeltfoort - 7 years ago
You neeed a fresh water turtle. They have so much personality you'd love them. They have the kind of personality like Frank
Brent Perschon
Brent Perschon - 7 years ago
Hahaha Frank is a camera hog .... Love how he comes to the corner will Joey is introducing Rachel
Golden Gray
Golden Gray - 7 years ago
All the jumpcuts are just great
Chrissy Polans
Chrissy Polans - 7 years ago
Bichir is adorable
THE VLOG DANKERS - 7 years ago
Hey Joey, it's isaiah. I was wondering why the seal/silicone where the acrylic on the main viewing panel meets the bottom of the tank on the inside, is all black/brown and nasty looking. On the 2000g of course
blessedgraphix - 7 years ago
I thought you were going to do 2 saltwater tanks in your gallery??
blessedgraphix - 7 years ago
saltwater / minireef tanks are absolutely gorgeous if adequately scaped and maintained. I've been running mine for over 5 years and love the growth of my corals and colorful livestock. I just thought that it would be nice to see a variety but that's always up to what HE wants for his gallery. I respect his choices either way.
Ricardo DLT
Ricardo DLT - 7 years ago
No.. His last 2 tanks are meant for salt water still. He hasn't changed that
uNiTy - 7 years ago
lol where have you been? He got rid of his Saltwaters, they aren't much fun anyway.
John Robinson
John Robinson - 7 years ago
Hi Joey, happy New Year to you and your family and fish. And a happy 38th birthday to me. Always glad to see your videos. I love your dinosaur bichir. I've had mine for 4 years.
The Gecko
The Gecko - 7 years ago
Name suggestion for the bichir
Spots, Billy, Edward, Charles
Yue Pheng yang
Yue Pheng yang - 7 years ago
Bichir finally gets moved !
broken keys111
broken keys111 - 7 years ago
The bichir can be a cheerleader because its fine can wave those pom poms well
dontask996 - 7 years ago
What aboit Beans? What is the update on him?
RoxMeisterAK - 7 years ago
I love Rachel. I'm so glad you guys did all these videos together.
renea lee
renea lee - 7 years ago
Happy New Years to you and your family. Thanks for bring quality videos and information to the masses in 2017. I bet your 2018 vids will be even better!
AwesomeAndrhhg 492
AwesomeAndrhhg 492 - 7 years ago
I’m in florida
Judey Kun
Judey Kun - 7 years ago
Now that you got more arowana, could you put frank back in the 2000g?
Aquabat zap
Aquabat zap - 7 years ago
Besides the fins the fish look fine in the 2000G
Dominick Brown
Dominick Brown - 7 years ago
Tails all bitten
Lokidonner - 7 years ago
Trending #14 yay
lane D
lane D - 7 years ago
“I’m the king of diy I can do it myself” -joey
Ten Dragons
Ten Dragons - 7 years ago
The Asian Arowanas tails look like hell and the Panda's is terrible. "No worse for wear" . Seriously !
peter ngo
peter ngo - 7 years ago
What team are you on...

Team Frank or Team Beans?
Abby Grimit
Abby Grimit - 7 years ago
Come on guys, it's not beans fault Frank has so much personality
Tristan Lobo
Tristan Lobo - 7 years ago
Erik Galvan
Erik Galvan - 7 years ago
You can't even compare them frank is the boss
ThePepsidewcola - 7 years ago
Nathan Roon
Nathan Roon - 7 years ago
Team Frank
colton mcdermaid
colton mcdermaid - 7 years ago
that’s what she said
Djhi Normas
Djhi Normas - 7 years ago
im sad the wood is going it is a work of art :(
Sam Wise
Sam Wise - 7 years ago
All I need is a double double to keep me warm in these Canadian winters
xXceejaybeeXx - 7 years ago
If you're serious about fully representing the hobby one of those last tanks needs goldfish!
Ricardo DLT
Ricardo DLT - 7 years ago
Last 2 tanks are saltwater
Abby Grimit
Abby Grimit - 7 years ago
He can't represent the entire hobby. He has to pick areas to display and I guess he has decided that goldfish isn't going to be one of them.
Benz Girlz
Benz Girlz - 7 years ago
Frank is alone again. He needs a buddy he won't kill.
Mack&cheese plate
Mack&cheese plate - 7 years ago
I could watch frank all day
adeel shaikh
adeel shaikh - 7 years ago
Happy New Year
Dominick Fede
Dominick Fede - 7 years ago
What happened to the peacock bass
Kevin1993 - 7 years ago
half of them are still their !
Ray D.
Ray D. - 7 years ago
Hey Joey,
I’ve seen Bichir accidentally stung by rays, since they have very poor eye sight and live predominantly on the bottom where the rays do, they do not avoid those poisonous barbs well.
I know you know what your doing but I’d hate to see that Bichir go.
derek centeno tinoco
derek centeno tinoco - 7 years ago
Joey what was the big white mark on one of the rays?
skk supa
skk supa - 7 years ago
Unfortunately Bichir is a delicacy out here. Roasted and smashed with onions, garlic, ginger, chilli, soyasauce, salt, mustardoil, lemon and roasted brinjal.
Gio Delosreyes
Gio Delosreyes - 7 years ago
Abby Grimit
Abby Grimit - 7 years ago
Is it good?
OtherGuyHD - 7 years ago
You should get a one fish two fish decal for your wall
BadaBum13 - 7 years ago
6,35 nice reflex Joey, and HAPPY NEW YEAR to all :)
Mega MindyLou
Mega MindyLou - 7 years ago
5 freshwater rays, 4 Arowana and a Bichir in a pear tree.
Eliott Morgan
Eliott Morgan - 7 years ago
Tou tube doesn't buy all that what do you do outside of making videos
Carter K
Carter K - 7 years ago
Anyone else feel uncomfortable watching Rachel stare at Joey all the time?
Connor - 7 years ago
Tortoise of Doom
Tortoise of Doom - 7 years ago
Carter K I genuinely thought she was looking past him at the fish!
Thomas Brown
Thomas Brown - 7 years ago
What happened to the peacock basses
Nick Cowan
Nick Cowan - 7 years ago
Joey! please do a quick update on the peacock bass !
Thomas Schwarzinger
Thomas Schwarzinger - 7 years ago
" the Bichir" needs a name :D
YourBrother - 7 years ago
Happier New Year Y'all
Kristopher Priedkalns
Kristopher Priedkalns - 7 years ago
The bichir waves and I waved back
pro builder
pro builder - 7 years ago
Me when Frank was being moved:

Bakedsaiyan - 7 years ago
the bichir has a total different personality !! shieet thats amazing
Why - 7 years ago
Another great hobby video. Thanks Joey for these video's, thanks to you I didn't abandon a hobby I have been doing since the Mid 80's as a kid. My 125 Frontosa tank blew a brace and after selling my 5 Front's to my LFS, I was going to trash the tank and call it a day. I came across your channel and have watched hours of your video's over the past two weeks motivating me enough to fix my tank, re-seal the silicone and get ready to do another tank. I'm going to do Tropheus this time around and am working on a few other tank ideas to do a possible (yet not nearly as impressive) gallery. I hope to maybe have a Frontosa tank again (one of my favorite fish), a Tropheus tank, and possibly a Uaru Tank.

Happy New Year and keep up the great work. I know it is a ton of work, but without your efforts on the hobby, many might not know how to properly care for their tanks, or in my incident, abandon the hobby all together.
Magnus Nikolai R. Vinje
Magnus Nikolai R. Vinje - 7 years ago
Love how you experiment with you filming and try out new things, it looks really cool how you did the vacation shot placements
Geno - 7 years ago
Any idea when the clown knife will go in?
Chloe Grundy
Chloe Grundy - 7 years ago
WazZuP AttiTudE17
WazZuP AttiTudE17 - 7 years ago
What if his buddy’s that gave him the filters made me one hide custom backdrop
Kameo Hosley
Kameo Hosley - 7 years ago
You called Frank Beans.
Cameron Collins
Cameron Collins - 7 years ago
What ever happened to the peacock bass?
Thomas Brown
Thomas Brown - 7 years ago
Cameron Collins that’s what I’m wondering
Austin Watts
Austin Watts - 7 years ago
Solid gold collab!
18difway2liv - 7 years ago
The tail fins are ruined :((((
Billy Collins
Billy Collins - 7 years ago
They'll continue to get munched...
Kameo Hosley
Kameo Hosley - 7 years ago
18difway2liv they will grow back
el villarreal
el villarreal - 7 years ago
Watching your channel made me want to finally become an owner of a fresh water stingray you really do motivate people hopefully every thing goes good with my ray
Skylar durrant
Skylar durrant - 7 years ago
Shows how much he loves frank he can’t remember his name

JK we all get confused
Lana Talbot
Lana Talbot - 7 years ago
My mom mixes up the names of me and my sisters too! I think it's a sign of love and comfort when you mix up the names of your babies lol
Gameing Fish
Gameing Fish - 7 years ago
Frank is my favorite fish that you have he is the best of you thing that frank is the best like if you think so then like
Bors de Ganys
Bors de Ganys - 7 years ago
Watching Frank get moved I felt like Frodo. When Sméagol was captured by Faramir’s men.
“Frank don’t struggle!”
“Don’t hurt him!”
Randy Farquar
Randy Farquar - 7 years ago
Joey please get at least one more bichir I have four two ornate two albino they are amazing to watch as a group very social they all live with my fire eel and my albino ancistrus in our sea of monsters aquarium
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 7 years ago
The bichir looks Fired Up in the 2k.
jovan itzab
jovan itzab - 7 years ago
my little pearl is all grown up.
NeON GaMiNg - 7 years ago
Rachel I'm the king of diy
NeON GaMiNg - 7 years ago
Akayy ! Whos cringe
Akayy !
Akayy ! - 7 years ago
Alex cordova
Alex cordova - 7 years ago
Dude I didn't hear anything about ur trip to the Coney island Aquarium??? How did it go.
Thang Vu
Thang Vu - 7 years ago
Viper_SRG _Official_
Viper_SRG _Official_ - 7 years ago
What species of Bichir do you have yours got HUGE mine I have had for about 2 months and mine is no we’re near that size
Thomas Brown
Thomas Brown - 7 years ago
Viper_SRG Official He has an ornate bichir
likethebigbigboss - 7 years ago
Will you add more sand?
Elizabeth Nicole
Elizabeth Nicole - 7 years ago
The rays just move it
ohad goldfarb
ohad goldfarb - 7 years ago
Hey Joey war can i get an agen arowana like you have my arowana is dide today ):
so i want to get a newone please help me
anyway love you channnle
ohad goldfarb
ohad goldfarb - 7 years ago
Jonny Mleziva yhe i know... but thanks you anyway
Nathan Dose
Nathan Dose - 7 years ago
guess i gotta go to the doctor and see if i have dyslexia now
Jonny Mleziva
Jonny Mleziva - 7 years ago
ohad goldfarb depends on where you live. If in us, then no. Asians are also very expensive
Brennen Fish N Shrimp
Brennen Fish N Shrimp - 7 years ago
Hey joey. You should get another arrowannna. And a few more Bichir
Brennen Fish N Shrimp
Brennen Fish N Shrimp - 7 years ago
Kiełbasa Sklepowa yeah. They look really cool.
Kiełbasa Sklepowa
Kiełbasa Sklepowa - 7 years ago
ayy no fam, this tank is PERFECT now
maybe 1 or 2 more bichirs, not more
anthony braun
anthony braun - 7 years ago
Hey Joey, have u thought about getting one of those nest cameras for vacations and trips?
ziitablist - 7 years ago
The algae are giving a natural look to the background, don’t take them off, please.
Roberto René Aguilar Villarreal
Roberto René Aguilar Villarreal - 7 years ago
Joey!! I love your channel. Hey have you ever considered getting an OCTOPUS? wouldn't that be cool? They are very intelligent and curiuos
Alucard - 7 years ago
Roberto René Aguilar Villarreal also salt water...
Roely Batista
Roely Batista - 7 years ago
can you make one of the big tanks a saltwater coral reef tanks plz just one at least?
Jared Calkins Fish Vlogs
Jared Calkins Fish Vlogs - 7 years ago
Hey Joey, I have just finished my very own aquarium gallery and I can’t figure out what fish I could get. I live in I Idaho and I can either get angle fish, a flower horn, or discus. In your opinion which one should I get
Jared Calkins Fish Vlogs
Jared Calkins Fish Vlogs - 7 years ago
zzajB nice my grandparents live out. Do you like fish?
zzajB - 7 years ago
cool I'm in east boise :)
Jared Calkins Fish Vlogs
Jared Calkins Fish Vlogs - 7 years ago
zzajB meridian
zzajB - 7 years ago
you in the treasure valley?
Jared Calkins Fish Vlogs
Jared Calkins Fish Vlogs - 7 years ago
zzajB niceeee
zzajB - 7 years ago
ayy I live in Idaho too
Jared Calkins Fish Vlogs
Jared Calkins Fish Vlogs - 7 years ago
Hey you helped me decide on the fish you get to name it
That Friendly fish keeper
That Friendly fish keeper - 7 years ago
thats up to you
Jared Calkins Fish Vlogs
Jared Calkins Fish Vlogs - 7 years ago
Also what should I name it
Jared Calkins Fish Vlogs
Jared Calkins Fish Vlogs - 7 years ago
Thanks. I will be getting my flower horn in about two days. I just ordered it. Thanks for your help
That Friendly fish keeper
That Friendly fish keeper - 7 years ago
get the flower horn you will get a-lot more enjoyment out of him/her, but if it is a smaller tank get angelfish, because they are easy to take care of they aren't shy and they seem very majestic.
Avi Patel
Avi Patel - 7 years ago
What happened to the bicher?
Xtreme Pro Exotics
Xtreme Pro Exotics - 7 years ago
Would you every own jardini arowana?
Hi Hoha
Hi Hoha - 7 years ago
Can you make an update on Beans and the peacock bass and the clown knife?
Thomas Brown
Thomas Brown - 7 years ago
Hi Hoha especially the peacock,he hasn’t said anything even in the quarantine update video
The Waaagh! Productions
The Waaagh! Productions - 7 years ago
frank's like a little puppy!
Sergio G
Sergio G - 7 years ago
I love your videos it’s my favorite channel right now
Nilesh Shivrajya
Nilesh Shivrajya - 7 years ago
Happy New year sir have a great year ahead
Ayaan Yousaf
Ayaan Yousaf - 7 years ago
Happy new year!!! :D
Joycie - 7 years ago
Welcome back Joey!
Hazmi Berman
Hazmi Berman - 7 years ago
I've only watched 4 to 5 of his videos and i think 'However' is his word..
GhostFox - 7 years ago
Hazmi Berman LOL
Xtreme Pro Exotics
Xtreme Pro Exotics - 7 years ago
I live in Wyoming and last night I walked outside stepped off the last step and KABOOM fell right in my ass... There was a thin layer of snow on 2" of ICE!!! It's been snowing here quite a bit and it's been 0°-20° F
Xtreme Pro Exotics
Xtreme Pro Exotics - 7 years ago
TheGolemHunter - 7 years ago
Xtreme Pro Exotics lol
Allison Holly
Allison Holly - 7 years ago
Joey, I have a ton of Java moss that has nothing to cling to. I’ll take some of that wood off your hands
EDGY PAPIx - 7 years ago
PLEASE do an Australian style tank!!!!
Tony ARC
Tony ARC - 7 years ago
Happy new year and all the best man
Ryan Harrichand
Ryan Harrichand - 7 years ago
You should set up a 24 hour live stream on YouTube and have a go pro in the tank with out sound
Keith Allen
Keith Allen - 7 years ago
I didn't think I'd say this, but I love the Bichir in the 2k. He was a reclusive oddball in the 120. In the 2k, he's still an oddball, but at least now we'll have a better chance of seeing him. He'll bulk up nicely now too.
Aashissingh Chatrapati
Aashissingh Chatrapati - 7 years ago
Happy New Year
Amos Neeper
Amos Neeper - 7 years ago
can I have some of the wood??
Figueroa reptiles
Figueroa reptiles - 7 years ago
I think the bichir is underrated and we should see more of him
Blank - 7 years ago
Nooooooo I want Frank on main frame. I hate the new place so much!
Allison Holly
Allison Holly - 7 years ago
Blank Frank is right in front of Joey’s desk, so for Joey, he is main frame. Frank looks odd with all those other tanks around him
SCFishin - 7 years ago
do you think that fancy goldfish can live with peacock eels?
Queen Ciel
Queen Ciel - 7 years ago
Update on Beans??
SCFishin - 7 years ago
you should get some spiny eels like fire eels, peacock eels, etc for your gallery
Mavi Beyaz
Mavi Beyaz - 7 years ago
Excitement never ends
Dennis - 7 years ago
What do you think of putting a livecam in your 2k after the rescape?
Domo Notell
Domo Notell - 7 years ago
Not trying to be too rude but Rachel did not do a very good job with the camera she did ok but you do better...
P-Diddy - 7 years ago

Joey, are you kidding us?
Ryan Cook
Ryan Cook - 7 years ago
if you are looking to get rid of those pieces of wood i have a 125 gallon that needs it bad Email me or what ever
Dexter Italy
Dexter Italy - 7 years ago
Joey " catch em all " , like that crazy guy from Florida who catch every thing is moving underwater , in any way !
He has a YouTube channel .. I think his name is Zack .
Happy new year man .
62millwood - 7 years ago
you make me not want fish. you make it a job instead of fun.
Heather Barrett
Heather Barrett - 7 years ago
although it is fun, its also hard work. its not as simple or easy as people think
Alucard - 7 years ago
62millwood well unless your thinking about getting 3000+ gallons of tank it’s not that hard
Allison Holly
Allison Holly - 7 years ago
62millwood it is a chore. It has to be something you really love and are willing to dedicate time to. With how much time he spends filming and editing and taking take of all those tanks it’s a wonder he has any time for his family.
Tink_47 Bell
Tink_47 Bell - 7 years ago
Awesome, can't wait to see the end result of your rescape with all 5 rays!!! I'm so excited
Matthew Moreno
Matthew Moreno - 7 years ago
So I guess in the future we can expect not just the baby Pearl but also the peacock basses and knifefish... Can we have at least one more bichir?
Jack Power
Jack Power - 7 years ago
How many angel fish can I have if I have 63 gallon if I I have other tetras and guppies
Jack Power
Jack Power - 7 years ago
Untame Duck Productions
Untame Duck Productions - 7 years ago
Jack Power I Did A 75 Gallon Tank With 2 Angels And 15 Tetras With 2 Yo Yo Loaches 2 Hillstream Loaches 2 plecos and 1 catfish
Bella Stead
Bella Stead - 7 years ago
Don't mix angles and guppiesc they'll nip the fins and kill them
Shawn Thornhill
Shawn Thornhill - 7 years ago
Love it!!!!!
VanillaSpoon - 7 years ago
oohhhhh i bet joey helped jenny set up all her racking systems!
DEE TEE - 7 years ago
By Christian Cozart
By Christian Cozart - 7 years ago
Fix you lighting
Marisa Schneider
Marisa Schneider - 7 years ago
You were with jennifer lynx from solid gold aquatics
Owen Hudson
Owen Hudson - 7 years ago
Frank moving greatest anime betrays
Allen - 7 years ago
Well.. I'm drunk can't see anything
Wobbe gong
Wobbe gong - 7 years ago
What are you going to do with those peacock cichlids I saw in the quarantine tank.
TheRetiredtrucker - 7 years ago
Do you have a stand by generator for your fishroom yet?
Alucard - 7 years ago
TheRetiredtrucker he has had one for ages
BEERM0NST3R - 7 years ago
Happy new year Joey keep up the great content
Noah Lowe
Noah Lowe - 7 years ago
Have a good day
Rico's Reeftank
Rico's Reeftank - 7 years ago
Another awesome video
luis barranon
luis barranon - 7 years ago
Are you doing the saltwater set up for the last 2 tanks? Remember you said you were doing a predator tank? You haven’t talked about it so I’m curious
Kingly Beast
Kingly Beast - 7 years ago
How tough it is to clean all these heavily planted tanks
Melissa Berry
Melissa Berry - 7 years ago
Happy New Year's Eve!
WillowandJuliette - 7 years ago
Happy New year!
Emilia Cann-Sagoe
Emilia Cann-Sagoe - 7 years ago
Happy New Year Joey. Thank Q for all your hard work! see u on the other side x
#BossTime - 7 years ago
Is it ok to put a rectail catfish with rays
Maxi 1610
Maxi 1610 - 7 years ago
No they will get rect.

Jk.. It depends on how many fish you will put there and how big your tank/pond is
Kouka The Aquarist
Kouka The Aquarist - 7 years ago
FOR YAH - 7 years ago
knife fish where are you?
Bors de Ganys
Bors de Ganys - 7 years ago
It seems like the majority of the fish in the Asian aquarium hide in the plants. I imagine Joey will either re-scape it, or I think I heard him mention adding some dither fish to it which will probably bring them out.
Kouka The Aquarist
Kouka The Aquarist - 7 years ago
Happy New Year! Can't wait for the rescaping!
Braxton Mclean
Braxton Mclean - 7 years ago
Were is the bichir
Cajun Queen
Cajun Queen - 7 years ago
Braxton Mclean watch the video.
Derk Vernelen
Derk Vernelen - 7 years ago
happy newyear
Cory Agee
Cory Agee - 7 years ago
Good to see everyone in the 2000g is getting along for the most part.
I am a Bsian
I am a Bsian - 7 years ago
Love ur videos ~( 'w' )~
EDK ReefMeister
EDK ReefMeister - 7 years ago
If you remove the wood, will that remove your bio-filtration?
Devin Ross
Devin Ross - 7 years ago
EDK ReefMeister very little, not enough to make a difference. most of the beneficial bacteria is in the filters and substrate
drainedrain864 - 7 years ago
EDK ReefMeister no bio bacteria is in the filter.
FreshWater/SaltWater - 7 years ago
The editing is amazing Joey!!
Keep it up
Eli D BASSIN - 7 years ago
Do a update on the clown knife and peacock bass. Is the clown knife still alive?
JPs VlogUK
JPs VlogUK - 7 years ago
Would of watched it when u added the video but I was uploading a video my self so I had to wait lol haha . Anyway watching it now bro
johnduma98 - 7 years ago
why not put a divider in the middle of that 120 and put both frank and beans in so they can be in one tank
TheCheesewalrus - 7 years ago
not true. joey himself has said repetitively mentioned flowerhorn preferring tighter quarters. a 120g standard is 48"X24"X24". half of that would be completely fine.
Cajun Queen
Cajun Queen - 7 years ago
johnduma98 because that’s too small for such large fish.
Heridio Prima Yoga
Heridio Prima Yoga - 7 years ago
the bichir will more difficult to breathe some air in 2000G ?
Devin Ross
Devin Ross - 7 years ago
It’ll be fine the only way it would pose a problem is if he got stuck and was unable to climb to the surface of the water. It’ll probably take him an extra 2 seconds to get to the surface.

If seen polys in much larger tanks
Maddy Grabham
Maddy Grabham - 7 years ago
Nice shoes
Julius  Mc Millan
Julius Mc Millan - 7 years ago
Hey. I have a long nose gar about a foot n a half and a needle nose gar, 6 inches. I'm in the process of breeding some bettas as well. I had some bichirs but they died out due to the water I used on them. My question is how do I get my needle nose gar to tap into his hunting instincts? And also what is a perfect substitute food for my long nose gar. He eats white mice btw.
Braxton Mclean
Braxton Mclean - 7 years ago
Why was your original arowana paler then the new one
Bors de Ganys
Bors de Ganys - 7 years ago
Joey mentioned in a previous video that lighting affects the colors of the arowana. He used to keep it in the blacked out tank to encourage the red coloring and mentioned that he’s losing the ability to draw out individual colors by adding more arowana.
Cajun Queen
Cajun Queen - 7 years ago
Braxton Mclean they’re individuals. Just like people. We aren’t all the same shade.
Ben’s Aquatics
Ben’s Aquatics - 7 years ago
Hey Joey! I love your videos and can not wait to see what you have planned for the 2000g rescape :)
ferny 12340
ferny 12340 - 7 years ago
how much is one Asian arowana?
Alucard - 7 years ago
ferny 12340 500 is the least I’ve seen and that itself was pretty shady
ripperbeast - 7 years ago
ferny 12340 usually a few thousand
Nick - 7 years ago
I'd think it's be cool to do a lily pad scape in a tank. You'd see all the stalks and life underneath like it would be in the wild
siddharth mohapatra
siddharth mohapatra - 7 years ago
Happy new year brother
Watersocs 32
Watersocs 32 - 7 years ago
Great video as always!!
hahayourfunny94 - 7 years ago
How are the peacock bass?
Michael Kinion
Michael Kinion - 7 years ago
Hey sir, Where the heck is Beans at and when will he get his own showing?
Kay Sack
Kay Sack - 7 years ago
Michael Kinion Beans is in a tank in his house which in turn will help him become as friendly as Frank
Breydon Ball
Breydon Ball - 7 years ago
You should get another bishar

edit: like if you agree
Michael B
Michael B - 7 years ago
tommy riordan
tommy riordan - 7 years ago
Childishtiger52 - 7 years ago
Joe you're such an amazing person I'm glad to be one of your subscribers
coleman thomas
coleman thomas - 7 years ago
Can't wait to see a blue base xb in there.
I already know what you're gonna say Joey,the same thing you told me last time, "you got 3000 bucks to get one". Then you end up with 3 more lol. You are the King of Dragons
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
sugarland77478 - 7 years ago
This turned his house into a fish store
Alex Mullens
Alex Mullens - 7 years ago
Phuong Thai
Phuong Thai - 7 years ago
OMG the Bichir is so active and so confident swimming around the tank!!! I think the Bichir just found his natural habitat in the 2k gallon right there.
Faris Ahmad
Faris Ahmad - 7 years ago
What would you do if you permanently had to move to a different place?
Do you like dismantle all the equipment and keep the fish in temp travel tanks ?
I can just imagine how hard it might be
Faris Ahmad
Faris Ahmad - 7 years ago
The king of DIY oh sorry I guess I was over thinking my bad
Anyway those arowanas would look amazing once they are adults! Those 4 beasts in one giant tank
People say your house is a fish store
I say t's an aquarist's dream
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
I own my home. Why would I move?
Marshall Hauck
Marshall Hauck - 7 years ago
You should get a silver arrowana so we can see the difference in color with the Asian arrowana
kelman liu
kelman liu - 7 years ago
Torn fin will lead to fin rot
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Sure would! In a tank with dirty water for sure. These tails have been like this for a week though. Water is pristine. Welcome to the channel!.
It's Ethan!
It's Ethan! - 7 years ago
Nebraska Reptile Owner it’s actually death
Ellie Macushla
Ellie Macushla - 7 years ago
kelman liu don’t you think he knows that?
Nebraska Reptile Owner
Nebraska Reptile Owner - 7 years ago
kelman liu torn brain will lead to stupidity
Zubair Auhammud
Zubair Auhammud - 7 years ago
Happy New year Joey.
NJGamer2 - 7 years ago
Give frank more friend!!
x Gengar
x Gengar - 7 years ago
The king of DIY, I know that feel. I have a dwarf gourami in his own 10 gal. after he killed a platy in my community tank. I cannot add shrimp since he has killed various shrimp and I’m scared that he will kill anything I add so I’d rather leave him as a lone fish.
NJGamer2 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY u do have a point there nvr
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
For frank to kill?
Desno Walrus
Desno Walrus - 7 years ago
TwinkieBuddy - 7 years ago
Seeing that Bichir makes me miss mine! I rescued mine since the store owners were desperately trying to find him a new home and no one wanted him. He was a deformed little fella since his previous owners kept him in a TINY tank but i loved his charm. As a result his body was really plump and more like wobbled around the place instead of gliding. Sadly lost him in a tank crash when the tank sitter overfed the tank while we were on vacation :/
Breydon Ball
Breydon Ball - 7 years ago
Maxi 1610 right
Maxi 1610
Maxi 1610 - 7 years ago
TwinkieBuddy i think that is why joey doesn't want to take the risk of leaving his auto feeder unattended
Breydon Ball
Breydon Ball - 7 years ago
TwinkieBuddy sorry for your loss
Brandon Craig
Brandon Craig - 7 years ago
the arowana are going to work it out just okay.
Ecartts - 7 years ago
I must say.. I wasnt a fan of the Bichir.. but in this bigger tank I am starting to like him

He looks more interesting swiming in that big tank
Austin outdoors
Austin outdoors - 7 years ago
Do a amazon tank
Austin outdoors
Austin outdoors - 7 years ago
The king of DIY oh lol
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
I have one.
bannana is nice
bannana is nice - 7 years ago
do a video of beans and rescaping please
bannana is nice
bannana is nice - 7 years ago
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
I will be
Kasparas R.
Kasparas R. - 7 years ago
Waiting friend for new fish in 2000g aquarium
Boden Whitmore
Boden Whitmore - 7 years ago
that little bichir is awesome
Asian Arawana
Asian Arawana - 7 years ago
How was the time edited? It was before xmas (7days) you moved frank and bischer with rachael. And than went to florida. Got back and uploaded this.
Jay Em Nazareta
Jay Em Nazareta - 7 years ago
does the 200G and 120G at the same temp because you didnot acclimate the bachir :)
Jay Em Nazareta
Jay Em Nazareta - 7 years ago
The king of DIY thanks for the reply joe! :) i cant recall which video you said that i have watched a lot of your videos
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
The whole room and every tank match
Jay Em Nazareta
Jay Em Nazareta - 7 years ago
Elizabeth Arcudi i remember that on his episode about the 120Gs tanks. Im not sure bout the 2000G being same with 120s i cant recall
Elizabeth Arcudi
Elizabeth Arcudi - 7 years ago
Jay Em Nazareta I think he said he keeps all of his tanks the same temp somewhere
PvhEP - 7 years ago
Doesn't the bichir need wood in its aquarium? there must be plenty of space for him/her to hide with all those big fish around.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Are you asking me a question and then answering it yourself? lol
Shane Katz
Shane Katz - 7 years ago
Add a Buddha statue in Franks new tank
Redeyed BlackPiranha
Redeyed BlackPiranha - 7 years ago
The first fish that you ever kept was PIRANHAS. I had very high hopes that you would set up a piranha tank. :(
hahayourfunny94 - 7 years ago
Redeyed BlackPiranha no no. Not Piranhas... Piranha. Just one. A single piranha in a ten gallon tank with clown puke gravel.
... I kind of want him to do a piranha tank with multiple fish... but the clown puke gravel has to make a return
Tom Willshaw
Tom Willshaw - 7 years ago
I think if you added schools of nano fish like neons the tank would just look insane I think 100ish or more neons would just be incredible. I also think you should heavy plant it. It would look so cool.
Silas Mayes
Silas Mayes - 7 years ago
Tom Willshaw the arowana would eat them and he doesn't like live feeding. I do like that idea something similar would be awesome!!
Cameron Sinclair
Cameron Sinclair - 7 years ago
What’s the coolest meat eating fish I could get in a 45 gallon
Alucard - 7 years ago
Cameron Sinclair piranha
wendigolycan - 7 years ago
Shawn Amin
Shawn Amin - 7 years ago
you can get a school of tiger barbs
Kevan Vu
Kevan Vu - 7 years ago
Cameron Sinclair 2 senegal bichirs
Saxena Aquarium House
Saxena Aquarium House - 7 years ago
Nice video. Quick question will blue medicine impact a cycled aquarium?
Saxena Aquarium House
Saxena Aquarium House - 7 years ago
Nice video. Quick question will blue medicine impact a cycled aquarium?
Saxena Aquarium House
Saxena Aquarium House - 7 years ago
Nice video. Quick question will blue medicine impact a cycled aquarium?
SDD525 - 7 years ago
It can be used as a type of antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic compound among many other uses. Ich medication can contain methylene blue or malachite green... or both. So yes it will impact your tank. Will it cause all your bacteria to die? Probably not at reccomended doses and if all instructions are followed. Melafix also impacts your bacteria.
Saxena Aquarium House
Saxena Aquarium House - 7 years ago
SDD525 yes.
SDD525 - 7 years ago
You mean ich medication?
Simeon Ivanov
Simeon Ivanov - 7 years ago
Saxena Aquarium House ty to u 2
Saxena Aquarium House
Saxena Aquarium House - 7 years ago
Simeon Ivanov happy new year 2018 in advance
Saxena Aquarium House
Saxena Aquarium House - 7 years ago
Simeon Ivanov thanks
Simeon Ivanov
Simeon Ivanov - 7 years ago
Saxena Aquarium House Yes it will
Frank Goodavish
Frank Goodavish - 7 years ago
Make a tree trunk on the side of the tank, so it looks like the tanks are connected!
Brian Romero
Brian Romero - 7 years ago
Silas Cole
Silas Cole - 7 years ago
I got my own frank
Brandon Morris
Brandon Morris - 7 years ago
What will happen to the bass?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
They are 1”..... let me grow them out first lol
Matt Iannuzzo
Matt Iannuzzo - 7 years ago
How do you take care of your beautiful Asian Arawana
big214mike triple D
big214mike triple D - 7 years ago
!!!!!!!!!!!SAND WATER FALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Luna The Pomchi
Luna The Pomchi - 7 years ago
big214mike triple D yasssss!!!
PI SURVIVAL - 7 years ago
Gaming Narwal
Gaming Narwal - 7 years ago
Debbie Swan
Debbie Swan - 7 years ago
Happy New Year Joey, wishing the Best to you and your family.
Q H - 7 years ago
So pleased the Bichir seems more active. Please say there will still be some plants and wood scaping in the new look tank?
powerful LANCE!
powerful LANCE! - 7 years ago
Where are the peacock bass???
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 7 years ago
powerful LANCE! I think that are in the quarantine tank
Miguel Cintron
Miguel Cintron - 7 years ago
I love the videos and Happy New Year
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 7 years ago
Miguel Cintron happy New Years
bebebutterfield1 - 7 years ago
Yup you've got big wood Joey. hahaha
Luna The Pomchi
Luna The Pomchi - 7 years ago
bebebutterfield1 lmao
Loud and Clear
Loud and Clear - 7 years ago
Great vid ur content is fantastic!
Daniel Bartnicki
Daniel Bartnicki - 7 years ago
Get a bass
Joey Bekius
Joey Bekius - 7 years ago
Daniel Bartnicki he has bass, they’re just in quarantine
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 7 years ago
Daniel Bartnicki he has some Peacocks
Lyda Swogger
Lyda Swogger - 7 years ago
I just love how many times you said sorry to Frank
bebebutterfield1 - 7 years ago
I enjoyed this Joey and I'm glad Frank is staying in your fish gallery. He's such a joy to watch.
Music and Fishes
Music and Fishes - 7 years ago
I can’t believe Rachel hasn’t got a Hugh boost in subscriptions from these vids...she’s awesome
SDD525 - 7 years ago
Yeah, what do u mean bro?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
I sent her over 5,000 from these alone.... The largest boost any aquarium collab has ever done. Plus thousands when i introduced her 2 years ago... and many since with shout outs, etc... Not sure what you mean.
Vivek Jharia
Vivek Jharia - 7 years ago
I think there would be some thing like large background... possibly a large custom Aquadecor background or something like that for 20,000G. i know you leave such clues that could be a possibility... btw Happy New year
Devin B
Devin B - 7 years ago
The king of DIY didn't say no about the background. Hmm.. It would be hard to silicone into place half filled with water I imagine, but a 3d background that size could be EPIC
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 7 years ago
It’s 2,000 gallons
Vivek Jharia
Vivek Jharia - 7 years ago
sorry about that typo
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
I wish it was 20,000G haha
Mari Schwab
Mari Schwab - 7 years ago
Happy New Year Joey, hope u and your very adorable little family have a fun and prosperous 2018. ( on a side note I signed up for your FB site and can’t seem to find it anymore )
Tanks with Tad
Tanks with Tad - 7 years ago
Who was buddy can anyone tell me please ❓. I have a flowerhorn named Buddy
Tanks with Tad
Tanks with Tad - 7 years ago
Okkkkkkkk I get it
Tanks with Tad
Tanks with Tad - 7 years ago
Okkkkkkkkkk I get it
Kodashot - 7 years ago
That was his old arowana that went behind the wood and got scared and jumped well he hit the wood and he passed away.
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 7 years ago
Buddy was Joeys huge blue cross back Asian arowana you an see him in a lot of his older videos but sadly he passed away a few months ago. R.I.P Buddy
Tanks with Tad
Tanks with Tad - 7 years ago
Oh I was wondering what his name was
el masturbator
el masturbator - 7 years ago
Tanks with Tad

Joey's first asian arowana i think
RepStunkose - 7 years ago
buddy was his asian arowana that died like 2 months ago...
sean mulhall
sean mulhall - 7 years ago
i think you need more bichirs
Frezarules - 7 years ago
Have a great NEW YEAR!!!
Frezarules - 7 years ago
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 7 years ago
Frezarules/bluedogrules you too
D' Jajuls
D' Jajuls - 7 years ago
Nice bro
Aaron Harris
Aaron Harris - 7 years ago
I would really like to see you make a jellyfish tank with moon jellyfish! I think that would be pretty damn rewarding
Ben H
Ben H - 7 years ago
How long do you think it will take for the new Arowana's to transition from pellets to the normal seafood diet that you use for the rays and your original ultimate blood read? Just curious
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
They already eat it. Took me a week.
Rahul Rajendran
Rahul Rajendran - 7 years ago
Bichir wave
Robin Dahlberg
Robin Dahlberg - 7 years ago
Sick editing
Matt B
Matt B - 7 years ago
What about the peacock bass now that there is 4 arowana?
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 7 years ago
Maybe that means a new tank??
Ron Lessner
Ron Lessner - 7 years ago
Good morning joey glad you did update on 2000gal my new update will be a 1000gal tank Diy home made tank got old eguna cage turn 1000gal fish tank will show update vid on it have a great day always think positive
Ruzselle dela Cruz
Ruzselle dela Cruz - 7 years ago
5:36 Why are you singing the graduation song? :P
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 7 years ago
Because frank got a new tank
His graduation for a new level
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
He graduated to a tank of his own...
Edward O'Brien
Edward O'Brien - 7 years ago
Wow I was #18 when I logged on and now it's 5552! I love those Arowana and I hope the Bichir adapts well in his new home. I will offer one criticism on this Joey/Rachel series, and it is that you need to be more comfortable working with a guest. I know Rachel can be shy on camera : )but she is an experienced fishkeeper and would have liked her to give more input on the Bichir move. I do like your relationship on camera, but I think you are used to doing a one man show and in time you will get better at interacting with guests.
Devin B
Devin B - 7 years ago
Edward O'Brien haha Joeys one of the best hosts ever, I loved the slightly awkward interaction, it's like when you put a new fish in an established tank. The new fish is a little shy and awkward in the new environment,while Joey does some barrelrolls and shows off lol.
Edward O'Brien
Edward O'Brien - 7 years ago
Thanks for the reply, please take the criticism as it was intended only meant to be constructive. Oh name the Bichir "please", some of your viewers will get it.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
I am used to making videos alone. I wont get used to guests. I rarely do it.
Mike Liu
Mike Liu - 7 years ago
I’m in Kissimmee aka great Orlando area right now and I’m leaving to go home to Seattle tomorrow lol
TRSPOKEHUNTER - 7 years ago
those arowanas already look gorgeous in there
KASHANEE - 7 years ago
Happy new year from Thailand
Crystal Silva
Crystal Silva - 7 years ago
I'm excited for the new video with Jennie!!! My king and queen of YouTube! Happy New year to you and your family!
Griffin Boeson
Griffin Boeson - 7 years ago
Going to Detroit anytime soon?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
I was there last year, no immediate plans to go back. I will one day.
Mikel Moro-Usabiaga
Mikel Moro-Usabiaga - 7 years ago
Tyshawn Wilson
Tyshawn Wilson - 7 years ago
Happy new year eve
Ruzselle dela Cruz
Ruzselle dela Cruz - 7 years ago
I really like the Arowanas they look so beautiful and elegant
sad puppy
sad puppy - 7 years ago
Are you adding the peacock bass to the 2000g
Arun Bhatt
Arun Bhatt - 7 years ago
coyote lady 613
coyote lady 613 - 7 years ago
Damn those fins looking rough but to be expected, they are working on establishing a hierarchy
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
yup! Technically... i was expecting much worse and have seen much worse. But you never see this part to establishing a community. You only ever see the end result.
Smiley 08
Smiley 08 - 7 years ago
That bisher kind of looks like a baby arowana
Predatory Fish Tanks
Predatory Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Get a gar
Predatory Fish Tanks
Predatory Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Diego Arana
Diego Arana - 7 years ago
Like Rachel
Tanks with Tad
Tanks with Tad - 7 years ago
Feed Frank more
Zachary Holmes
Zachary Holmes - 7 years ago
How about those baby Peacock Bass?
Ally Fiorido
Ally Fiorido - 7 years ago
Cyn Walling
Cyn Walling - 7 years ago
You have a habit of filming in a certain area and Frank was always in view. Time to change your filming view. WE NEED to see FRANK in every vlog. It's his channel remember? :)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
All frank. All day.
RITU THAPA - 7 years ago
Happy New Year 2018!! I always love to watch your video...!! You always inspire me....!! Stay happy and healthy as you look...
coyote lady 613
coyote lady 613 - 7 years ago
FRANK!!!!!! ❤❤❤
K Digiacomo
K Digiacomo - 7 years ago
Cheers Rachel!
Jose Santana
Jose Santana - 7 years ago
Brant - 7 years ago
Was hoping you'd feed the rays
M. Stam
M. Stam - 7 years ago
i thought that there are fish in europe?

happy new year
Lochlin Bly
Lochlin Bly - 7 years ago
when is the video with solid gold coming out?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Matthew Wauben
Matthew Wauben - 7 years ago
The fins look rough...
Alucard - 7 years ago
Matthew Wauben still trying to find who’s the boss
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Same as the next day i added them. Doing MUCH better than i was expecting though. Looks rough to peop-le not familiar with what happens during the begining stages of establishing a community like this though... Im starting to think no matter how many times i say this in comments and on video, it doesnt get through to a few lol
The Lamborghini Chris beat Rihanna in
The Lamborghini Chris beat Rihanna in - 7 years ago
Matthew Wauben yeah they really beat up the original red
jd rob
jd rob - 7 years ago
Consulting_Lion - 7 years ago
I laughed so much at "Rachel... I'm the King of DIY... I can do it myself..." XD
Graham Mackie
Graham Mackie - 7 years ago
Nice to see your doing a collaboration with Jenny at solid gold again can't wait
Jared Calkins Fish Vlogs
Jared Calkins Fish Vlogs - 7 years ago
Happy new year joey
Dhananjay Patra
Dhananjay Patra - 7 years ago
Happy new year
Connor Needham
Connor Needham - 7 years ago
Luv your vids and happy new year :)
aoD Electa
aoD Electa - 7 years ago
Isn’t home always the best tho...
virussss2rushhh - 7 years ago
Happy new year joey loved it
The Nerfing Emu
The Nerfing Emu - 7 years ago
What about the peacocks and the clown knife
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Let me grow them out more from being bite size first. They were 1" just a few days ago after all.
Afnan Photo
Afnan Photo - 7 years ago
Happy new year joey!! From Malaysia
Ashutosh Kumar
Ashutosh Kumar - 7 years ago
now i love this 2000G
Amy Froud
Amy Froud - 7 years ago
I need Frank in my life , He needs to find a female version of him and breed them and have more little Frank's lol, I'd have one a little mini Frank
X13lackjack21 - 7 years ago
If the dragons were bigger and you didn't feed them for 5 days.. Good Luck.. and your showing people its okay to go on vacation for 5 days and not feed your fish and they will be fine.
Heather Barrett
Heather Barrett - 7 years ago
fish can go a week without being fed and still be healthy
Alucard - 7 years ago
X13lackjack21 you’re an idiot
Arctic Beluga
Arctic Beluga - 7 years ago
Do you realize that fish can go multiple weeks without food?
Kristina Strait
Kristina Strait - 7 years ago
X13lackjack21 because they will be fine. Do your research.
RyderDaSpyderTM - 7 years ago
A couple of funny little sharks would be cute in your 2000G aquarium..
RyderDaSpyderTM - 7 years ago
I'm talking about the small shark fish that you'd find in a store like Petco. The little black finned ones that usually bottomfeed.
J delta737
J delta737 - 7 years ago
RyderDaSpyderTM unfortunately, those little sharks will grow
Jordan Nelson
Jordan Nelson - 7 years ago
What if it didn't work for the bichir? Can you picture trying to catch him in the 2000G
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
I will be removing them all from this tank anyways for the rescpae. All wood removed and tank drain. Super easy.
Lynkevmusic - 7 years ago
thanks for the video's, Joey, Happy new year to you!
iobocasper bos
iobocasper bos - 7 years ago
When are the goldfish comming back
iobocasper bos
iobocasper bos - 7 years ago
Why are thee nevver comming back
Alucard - 7 years ago
iobocasper bos never
Francisco Mora
Francisco Mora - 7 years ago
Yvonne Galloway
Yvonne Galloway - 7 years ago
Calum Preece
Calum Preece - 7 years ago
When I started watching your videos I had no fish tanks but then I got a small tank with a small fish and now you have inspired me to get 3 tropical tanks and a pond and I am loving it thank you for your amazing videos
владимир Поляков
владимир Поляков - 7 years ago
Успехов,мой виртуальный друг.ПРЕКРАСНО!
Savage Catz
Savage Catz - 7 years ago
Wait why can’t Frank go in the 2000G?
Cade - 7 years ago
He was to territorial and aggressive
Savage Catz
Savage Catz - 7 years ago
aries oh ok :)
aries - 7 years ago
Savage Catz Frank did go into the 2000G but was later removed. His earlier videos explained and showed Frank inside the 2000G :)
Lochlin Bly
Lochlin Bly - 7 years ago
the arowana
Just Dempsey
Just Dempsey - 7 years ago
Jesse Bobo
Jesse Bobo - 7 years ago
First cause I watched the video
aaa rafi
aaa rafi - 7 years ago
plz add frank to the 2000g
Aaron Scarborough
Aaron Scarborough - 7 years ago
he doesn't do the tricks that he does in the 120
aaa rafi
aaa rafi - 7 years ago
I didn't get it
Aaron Scarborough
Aaron Scarborough - 7 years ago
aaa rafi no because then frank does not interact with joey
Arun Bhatt
Arun Bhatt - 7 years ago
Same on u joe
Bread Guy
Bread Guy - 7 years ago
Arun Bhatt no why
Chico the Human
Chico the Human - 7 years ago
Wow! I’m early!
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 7 years ago
They will start to kill each other and fight badly when they start getting way bigger
powerful LANCE!
powerful LANCE! - 7 years ago
Anary tegulizard 4 may be a bad scene... I feel like a couple more may be coming in the future. (And 4 is super unlucky)
Cade - 7 years ago
I've seen it done many times before
Minsajang - 7 years ago
Anary tegulizard It is possible for them to get a long (I've seen it happened before with a pair). Even if it doesn't work out it won't be a big problem since he can always separate them into different tanks or sell them.
Lochlin Bly
Lochlin Bly - 7 years ago
also Anary Tegulizard maybe you should learn to spell before you criticize peoples' tanks, I highly doubt you have ever had an arowana community tank
Lochlin Bly
Lochlin Bly - 7 years ago
it is still possible
arowana-aquarium - 7 years ago
Ive known people who are experienced for years on end, and they have had arowas for years, and they have killed each other and started fighting when they have become big from juveniles. so not really.
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 7 years ago
No as arowanas are known to attact each other when big unless you can prove ones a male and ones a female.
Lochlin Bly
Lochlin Bly - 7 years ago
you can have an arowana community you just have to be experienced with those fish
Sunav Thapa
Sunav Thapa - 7 years ago
The arowanas aka dragons look great.
Ben Mason
Ben Mason - 7 years ago
Joey and fans, I’m having a really big problem and I can’t find any solutions on the internet. My electric blue ram cichlid is dying. I put him in a 10 gallon isolation tank and I’m changing a gallon of water a day. He’s not eating and can barely keep himself off of the bottom. Is there anything else I can do to help him?
Ben Mason
Ben Mason - 7 years ago
Loud and Clear I did and they said I’m doing everything right so there’s not much more I can do.
Ben Mason
Ben Mason - 7 years ago
Lochlin Bly thanks..I’m really hoping he’s gonna pull through..
Loud and Clear
Loud and Clear - 7 years ago
Ben Mason u might be changing too much water or u should go to ur lfs and ask them what they suggest
Lochlin Bly
Lochlin Bly - 7 years ago
you're welcome sorry about your fish :(
Lochlin Bly
Lochlin Bly - 7 years ago
it will be hard to get medicine for it because dropsy is only a symptom and can be from bacteria, virus, or parasites
Ben Mason
Ben Mason - 7 years ago
Lochlin Bly well that’s depressing, but thanks for the info.
Lochlin Bly
Lochlin Bly - 7 years ago
he might have dropsy which in most cases can't be cured but you can still try
Ben Mason
Ben Mason - 7 years ago
Lochlin Bly yeah
Lochlin Bly
Lochlin Bly - 7 years ago
does he seem to have risen scales?
Lochlin Bly
Lochlin Bly - 7 years ago
where did you get him, in some chain pet stores they buy bluerams that have been inbreed to have brighter colors which can cause early death
Bash Erexx
Bash Erexx - 7 years ago
Happy New Fish Year Joey...

Look at the bright side Concerning the arrowanas, you were kinda worried that one of the new ones had a part of his tail bitten off at the store, now as an act of soliderity, all of them desided to go for the matching 'bitten off tail' look
Josh Hibbs
Josh Hibbs - 7 years ago
Joey, how long does it take for you to ween them off the dried food and get all of them eating the prepared food that you make for them?
Josh Hibbs
Josh Hibbs - 7 years ago
Alucard Ah, okay. I did not catch that. Than you for answering.
Alucard - 7 years ago
Josh Hibbs he’s said he’s already done it and it only took him a week
Mc Zar
Mc Zar - 7 years ago
Happy New Year Joey! Looking forward for more awesome videos and fishes this year!
Melissa Byers
Melissa Byers - 7 years ago
I think you got a custom made Aqua Decor background for the 2k...which would look amazing!!!
Happy fishy new year
Elizabeth Rios
Elizabeth Rios - 7 years ago
Happy new year!!
Bass Boi
Bass Boi - 7 years ago
Name the bichir sausage
stefan setz
stefan setz - 7 years ago
Why jou dont ad frank tho the big tank ?
xkillerdog - 7 years ago
he was already in there, he was less personable and hid constantly.
NoodlzOodlz - 7 years ago
"nobody's looking any worse for wear"

Were their tails that jacked up before you left?
Crimson Cross
Crimson Cross - 7 years ago
Looks just like what happens in female betta communities. They will stop when they've established a pecking order
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Yup! Did a video on them. Go look. This is normal though. The interesting part to introducing an arowana community to you guy is seeing the response and how little people know about them. I'll be fixing that though. :)
CΞNK TR - 7 years ago
Cool video i waited for this
David Campsall
David Campsall - 7 years ago
Happy new year
Gedeon Ruelo
Gedeon Ruelo - 7 years ago
happy new year!
A GAMING CHIP MOVED - 7 years ago
Never been this early in my life
Alien Zer
Alien Zer - 7 years ago
i'm early
XxPandaAgentxX Faris
XxPandaAgentxX Faris - 7 years ago
the bichir needs a name...
Alucard - 7 years ago
The Dope Man
The Dope Man - 7 years ago
Bishir bob
Happyfins . co
Happyfins . co - 7 years ago
Hay joey u cornered Frank
his not gonna spare you anymore
Jakes Aquatic Addiction
Jakes Aquatic Addiction - 7 years ago
hey joey! thanks again for the great content!
Mithras - 7 years ago
Happy new year from singapore
Fikri Zeus
Fikri Zeus - 7 years ago
Melissa Byers
Melissa Byers - 7 years ago
I was just showing my hubby a Frank video while wearing my Frank shirt when this notification popped up! LOVE FRANK!
Mr Fish
Mr Fish - 7 years ago
Can you do an update on your African shell dwellers we have not seen them in a long time
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
I already did
bigwill375 - 7 years ago
Mr Fish He got rid of them
It's the E
It's the E - 7 years ago
Tell beans I said hi
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
will do!
colin_ sbmx
colin_ sbmx - 7 years ago
Did you just call Rachel a camera MAN
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Sorry... My mistake. We are both older than the snow flake era though. No worries.
Rachel O'leary
Rachel O'leary - 7 years ago
Wish I was there to help with the massive project!! See ya in NY!
Caramelized Onionz
Caramelized Onionz - 7 years ago
the 2000g looks rlly good, why would you change it
Alucard - 7 years ago
Caramelized Onionz but it can look better...
Caramelized Onionz
Caramelized Onionz - 7 years ago
it looks really good tho
Alucard - 7 years ago
Caramelized Onionz so it can look better?
sanjeev veeramani
sanjeev veeramani - 7 years ago
joey buy giant gourami
Jordan Nelson
Jordan Nelson - 7 years ago
When can we see this 120G salt water tank!?!? Is it going to be the very last tank?
Fred Mitchell
Fred Mitchell - 7 years ago
Congrats Joey!
Durpy Donut123
Durpy Donut123 - 7 years ago
I love frank
kalpesh tambe
kalpesh tambe - 7 years ago
Happy New Year from India to all of you
JustAnotherName JustAnotherSurName
JustAnotherName JustAnotherSurName - 7 years ago
Poor Frank
JustAnotherName JustAnotherSurName
JustAnotherName JustAnotherSurName - 7 years ago
Haha I do this on most of the popular channels i watch to see the annoyed reactions first time I've had a calm response (or even a response) from the actually youtuber xD , the Bichir is my favourite anyways.
MintChocolate - 7 years ago
The king of DIY Frank is a pampered flowerhorn for sure! It's obvious you love him and all your fish
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
yeah... poor frank getting a 120 gallon to him self when most flowerhorn get 50-60 gallons.
Matarese28 - 7 years ago
Asian arowana are going to look so beautiful when theyre older
Gaming Central
Gaming Central - 7 years ago
Happy New year to all
F Faulkner
F Faulkner - 7 years ago
Is just me or Rachel reminds me of P!nk a lot.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Seen this a few times! You're not alone.
neil john villanueva
neil john villanueva - 7 years ago
happy new year from Philippines :)
suicidalpancake - 7 years ago
Joey someone left my basement door open so my Betta fish bowl was under 40 degrees and there was ice on the rim but my betta survived so I just wanted to ask you how that’s even possible
Lia White
Lia White - 7 years ago
I lost my betta to an overheated tank a while ago so make sure you get a reputable heater. Mine is in a 10 gal tank now with a 50 watt terra heater and a nice filter.
MintChocolate - 7 years ago
Best to give your Betta an aquarium with a heater so mistakes like this won't happen again. Bowls and tanks under 5 gallons aren't suitable for most bettas
Saucenz _
Saucenz _ - 7 years ago
The king of DIY happy new year
Lia White
Lia White - 7 years ago
I would also upgrade him from a bowl to a 5 gallon minimum :)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
it happened slowly over time. Wasnt a flash drop in temp. Betta can withstand low temps, but not for long.
「團」NABZZ - 7 years ago
suicidalpancake i dont know maybe a betta fish open the door and make a party?,dude wth why u ask joey,joey is not one home with u
Mike Heaton
Mike Heaton - 7 years ago
Joey trust us the weather's never truly decent in Florida
Joe Jefferson
Joe Jefferson - 7 years ago
Yeah but it's a nice place, supposed to rain tomorrow when I was going to go fishing sadly
Mike Heaton
Mike Heaton - 7 years ago
Wrong joey
Joe Jefferson
Joe Jefferson - 7 years ago
I'm at sanibell island up by Fort Myers
Mike Heaton
Mike Heaton - 7 years ago
Any particular area Joey?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
A little disappointing... But i'll be back in april.
Mike Heaton
Mike Heaton - 7 years ago
Oh yeah compared to up north yeah but we have 2 seasons in Florida rain and snowbird. Most of us will take the rain
Joe Jefferson
Joe Jefferson - 7 years ago
I'm here on vacation and it's perfect it's like 55 degrees, which is amazing but a bit hot, btw it's -9 at home
#SimpleThings - 7 years ago
Happy New Year Everyone!
Have a great 2018!
Caramelized Onionz
Caramelized Onionz - 7 years ago
CastleMan - 7 years ago
Happy New Year Joey!!!
Daniel Kim
Daniel Kim - 7 years ago

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