FISH TANK FAILS - Top 5 what the heck were they thinking?!

Daily Dustin Video 037. In today's daily video, I tell my top 5 what the heck were they thinking stories! Hope you enjoy ;) there are some really good ones! Support Your Boy, check out our website! Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: SMALL FISH TANK SERIES TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: Sunday Videos Aquarium TIPS and Tricks aquascaping Videos INSANE German Fish Store Koi and Pond Playlist SPECIES SUNDAY Facebook: Instagram:

FISH TANK FAILS - Top 5 what the heck were they thinking?! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 18

Discus 7 years ago 5,535 views

Daily Dustin Video 037. In today's daily video, I tell my top 5 what the heck were they thinking stories! Hope you enjoy ;) there are some really good ones! Support Your Boy, check out our website! Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: SMALL FISH TANK SERIES TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: Sunday Videos Aquarium TIPS and Tricks aquascaping Videos INSANE German Fish Store Koi and Pond Playlist SPECIES SUNDAY Facebook: Instagram:

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for FISH TANK FAILS - Top 5 what the heck were they thinking?!

Chico the Human
Chico the Human - 7 years ago
One time I walk into a pet store to see a woman screaming her head off at an employee, saying she demanded a refund for her dead fish. When the person asked to see the fish, the lady pulls a bowl out of her purse with a DISCUS AND A CLOWNFISH, saying that it wasn’t even time for her monthly water change before they had died, and it was obviously because the store carries sick fish, and not because she was a moron......
Omid Saranj
Omid Saranj - 7 years ago
lol How do these people take care of themselves? let alone fish.
ElJeffo - 7 years ago
Savigirl 12
Savigirl 12 - 7 years ago
Chico the Human Omg! lmao
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Chico the Human this is a powerful story - wow
JP Fitzgerald
JP Fitzgerald - 7 years ago
That girl was insane hitting the poor fish
Doug's Fish Adventure
Doug's Fish Adventure - 7 years ago
I'm ready for number two of What the heck were they thinking. More stories.
Jon Leiend
Jon Leiend - 7 years ago
Love RMS
Jason Oneppo
Jason Oneppo - 7 years ago
OH I got one when working at an LFS a coworker told me he poured milk in his clients tank to kill ich, because he read somewhere that milk cures ich WTF and I still can't find that article.
Charles Bruno
Charles Bruno - 7 years ago
Suleman ibn Moosa
Suleman ibn Moosa - 7 years ago
Avsfreak24 - 7 years ago
When I was three I poured bubbles into my grandmas goldfish pond
therealbryan787 - 7 years ago
My mom decided she would help me out buy doing a water change took out 50% water and refilled with straight tap no declaration and wiped out half my mollies. She felt so bad.

10. comment for FISH TANK FAILS - Top 5 what the heck were they thinking?!

Adam Lyndaker
Adam Lyndaker - 7 years ago
A number of years ago my brother was working on a project in college and had been allowed to use the office of a ex professor. In that office was a large hex tank that was so covered in algae you couldn't see through the glass. Weeks go by and my brother sees something move in the tank. He found a large, emaciated convict with nearly no fins and major infection where the fins should have been. He brought me the fish and we were able to heal it up and it lived for quite some time except it never regrew it's dorsal or anal fins. Who knows what else was left in that tank to die.
Jesse Raderman
Jesse Raderman - 7 years ago
The guy who gave me my first aquarium quit the hobby because he thought using pool chlorine would be a good way to fight algae in his tank... thus killing all his poor angel fish.
David's Fish Tanks
David's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
right on sir !
Edward Chavez
Edward Chavez - 7 years ago
Can you do a dirted tank setup again using potting soil and show what to expect the following days?
Ruthlyss Targaryen
Ruthlyss Targaryen - 7 years ago
I used to work at a public aquarium in Southern California that had night events for the 21 and over crowd; local artists, live music, Fancy food and plenty of booze. I’d work these events at the touch exhibits and EVERY SINGLE GUEST with alcohol in their hands would ask “what would happen if I poured my drink in this tank?” and pantomime tipping their pricy cocktail into the touch exhibit. One lady was so tossed that she actually spilled some of her vodka cranberry directly onto an anemone, which promptly sucked itself into a tight ball and required on-call staff to shut the display down for emergency maintenance. The anemone died and the touch display was closed for a few days after that. Nothing else in that display was killed, fortunately.
david diehl
david diehl - 7 years ago
saw a customer buying extra large fish, rams, Oscars, 14" pleckos plus more. His wife asks him when he's going to put water in the tank.
crazy shrimp lady
crazy shrimp lady - 7 years ago
A friend of mine got drunk and vomited in her tank and the huge gold fish ate it and survived. She was drinking vodka all night and had a huge Italian meal.
ArkTiger4c - 7 years ago
Bought a brand new tank from my trusted fish store which was 600 dollars then bought gravel filtration lighting decoration ect another 700 dollars set it all up filled it with water the next day my whole study floor was covered in water i dont have carpets i have tiles so i was lucky not to slip and break my head tank over night lost 3/4 of its water and still leaking at the worst place possible at the bottom right hand corner missed work that day cleaning the mess up if i had followed the golden rule of testing the tank prior installment i wouldnt of had a much better day what the heck was i thinking this nearly ended my fish keeping because my wife was sooo angry you guys know how it goes ....
Russell The Fish Guy
Russell The Fish Guy - 7 years ago
I work in the aquatics department at Petco and have to deal with the craziness all of the time.
TheAussies BeforeTime
TheAussies BeforeTime - 7 years ago
I've heard of when someone put cheetos in a betta tank... also they put 2 betta in a half half gallon...

20. comment for FISH TANK FAILS - Top 5 what the heck were they thinking?!

Andy Soltis
Andy Soltis - 7 years ago
Rms is my fish store there at least 3 times a week , but they need your help Dustin with the plant selection lol
J C Biotank supreme
J C Biotank supreme - 7 years ago
When I was like 3 we went to granddads house after a wedding, the adults looked away for five mins only to turn back and see that I had stripped down to my undies and was swimming in granddads koi pond, luckily no sunscreen and the fish apart from being freaked out were fine... Moral of the story don't have kids
David Bogert
David Bogert - 7 years ago
Oscar in a 100 gallon tank. 18 pound Siamese cat eyeing oscar and oscar is eying him right back. Owner watching with interest. Siamese jumps on aquarium. Aquarium cover gives way under weight of the cat. Cat is struggling to get out of the water as fast as he can as oscar tries to take a bite out of him. Oscar 10, cat 0. It was hilarious.
bhillson - 7 years ago
So irresponsible of the LFS who sold a 1 grand fish to a customer without speaking to them about there set up. Shows they were all about the money and didn’t give a dam about the fish welfare.
Power - 7 years ago
Great vid Dusty
CREEPONATER Minecraft - 7 years ago
6:06 you put the comma in the wrong spot
Carla Rybicki
Carla Rybicki - 7 years ago
Actually,, he had one too many zeroes. He said twelve hundred dollars
Offishal Aquatics
Offishal Aquatics - 7 years ago
I have a friend who’s brother had a 10 gallon tank on his bedroom windowsill which is 3 stories high. He went to petco and he picked up a red tail catfish that was up for adoption and he put it in the tank by the window and the kid accidentally knocked the tank out the window
Seaside Geckos
Seaside Geckos - 7 years ago
Dustin there’s some crazy people out there
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster - 7 years ago
I heard about someone asking how many oscars could fit in a 10g tank...
Mine was adding two denitrifying bacterial supplements at once to my old 50g reef... Guess I was a little out of it. Next morning everything was dead, including my beautiful healthy Mandarin Dragonet that would eat NLS pellets. Miss that little guy...

EDIT: Oh, and despite my warnings a certain someone decided to move my 100g tank with about 2-3 inches of water in the bottom. It was placed in a hot moving van. Went to take it to our new place, and CRACK.
Carla Kron
Carla Kron - 7 years ago
I've learned so much from you, thanks as a new one. I loved this one! You mentioned some event here in WI. Where can I find out about it?

30. comment for FISH TANK FAILS - Top 5 what the heck were they thinking?!

Anthony's Malawi Predators
Anthony's Malawi Predators - 7 years ago
Potho pot plants
Cae Walker
Cae Walker - 7 years ago
My husband was the drunk guy and fell onto the aquarium, broke it,He had to go to court for drunk and disorderly, had to pay a fine plus compensate for the fish. The judge said "What were you thinking having a fish tank in the lobby of a hotel for drunks to fall into. , And as for you Mr #@$^$## I hope this teaches you not to drink too much in future ".
HarrisonCountyStudio - 7 years ago
Cae Walker ... back when I was in a college... at a party, a young man had gotten drunk and fell into a 20gallon aquarium. The aquarium broke and cut him severely. He was lucky to survive. After being rushed to the hospital he received a blood transfusion and over 60 stitches, some on his neck and most on his arm and chest. If the house we were parting at was not 5 minutes from the hospital, he may have not made it.
Teddy Bonkers
Teddy Bonkers - 7 years ago
A male betta with a bloated belly could be pregnant
Triple 10 Tanks
Triple 10 Tanks - 7 years ago
i know someone whos tank started to smell so they sprayed glade into the tank.....yep fish died
Blayde - 7 years ago
you wrote 12000 not 1200
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Blayde it was actually 120,000 fish
Mango Fisherman
Mango Fisherman - 7 years ago
I work at a pet store as a man came in and said his girlfriend threw a shoe at him in a fight and it hit his 125 and cracked the glass.
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics - 7 years ago
Throwing out all kinds of great vids! When I was a young lad like 3-4yrs old I put red Kool-Aid in my dad’s 55g Oscar tank. Because I thought they were thirsty. This was my first lesson in Aquarium Keeping. Should of named this confessions lol.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics i would kill to see the red water!
K RAE - 7 years ago
Coworker of mine kept 4 male bettas together in a 10 gallon aquarium because "they won't fight in such a large tank"
ErthFalln Horror
ErthFalln Horror - 7 years ago
So growing up my moms always had aquariums, in her mind she did things the best she could (which in her terms means better than the pet store) to give them proper care - just without research. At the time dial up in home was a new concept to our family so she found that the internet was unreliable so she would just kinda wing it as cheap as possible (but would splurge occasionally) and watch for results.
Ever since I can remember we've had tanks ranging from 10g to 55g and in every single one of these tanks over the years my mom always had to have two important factors (to her). A pleco (for cleaning) and an albino African clawed frog (her favorite tank friend ever). So for the last 20 years my mom has always made sure to have one of each of these guys in her tanks. We moved a lot and sometimes they'd die after a move, or my brother at a you gage would destroy the tank, but she always would set something right back up.
So here is where it actually gets silly.
My moms favorite fish in the whole world is a black and white molly. Knowing her frog eats live fish, for the last 20 years, 2-4 times a month, my mom would go to the pet store and get 5-6 feeder fish and 2-4 mollys depending on tank size (she over stocked her tanks still but we still thought it was better than what when on in pet store tanks). The thing is, thefong would ALWAYS eat the mollys. Within days. And every time my mom would be so upset. "But I got him his own baby fish!". For 2 decades this goes on. Since finding your channel (and solid gold and King of DIY to name a few more) I've educated myself a lot on her fish breeds and more, and recently tried to tell her over the phone because she was telling me of yet another story of her frog(s she has two now) eating her mollies. Shes learned the more hiding places the longer they survive, but it turned out they were babies the mollies would have that had survived to near adulthood, while the originals got ate. The success of ONE surviving baby made her comfortable enough to get the second frog. I tried telling her about how the frogs are extremely aggressive eaters, and need more space, especially her pleco, and she just cried because she's "doing the best she can". So now. Let it be known that my mom cannot keep any fish but very aggressive ones because of the 3-4 inch pleco, and 2 almost full sized clawed African frogs, and still. Just last week, she's still trying to buy mollies. And still, she gets so upset every time her frog eats them. But now it's like "at least the babies last for a little while".
ErthFalln Horror
ErthFalln Horror - 7 years ago
Yes she is lol she actually has mental health issues, and she gets stuck in her ways, but she's doing better these days. I think I can slowly get her to change a little here and there, maybe I'll just buy her a new set up and let her pick how to design it. She'll like that, and I can save her for tank friends lol but this story always makes me smack my forehead and shake my head.
Avsfreak24 - 7 years ago
No offense but your mom is stubborn with a side of dull
neuwave1 - 7 years ago
#5 “What’s Salinity?” OMG!
Raymond Peters
Raymond Peters - 7 years ago
Thomas Perkins
Thomas Perkins - 7 years ago
I was maintaining a pond back in 2008 the guy calls me because he is loosing water out of the pond apparently a 20lb snapping turtle was in the pond and he decided to shoot it with a 12 Gage shot gun. He emptied 5 shells of buck shot into the pond. I found the turtle alive and unharmed took it to the river.
eisenklad - 7 years ago
i was at a fish farm/shop/importer/export... Finding dory just came out. another family was there..

the middle rows of fish are marine fish tank racks. so naturally there are clownfish..and thanks to that movie, the kids want the clownfish.

the parents grab a bucket and fill it up with water from the Freshwater drum/top off tank.

i was like RIP clownfish... even the parents cant read a sign saying the drum is freshwater...

but before they scooped the fish into the bucket they had... an employee steps in..
but instead of recommending freshwater fish to the novice, he just helps them to bag the clownfish..
a sale is a sale, i guess. and i hoped the cashier tells them they need all the marine equipment not just a bowl of saltwater.

if the employee wasnt close, i would have stopped them.
Victor Cocco
Victor Cocco - 7 years ago
What were they thinking? I was on an air boat tour of the Everglades. The tour guide told us the entire lake and most of the river system is covered with an african aquarium plant probably dumped in from someones tank . Hundreds of acres of aquatic plants only " found in Africa " . Full throttle we went .
CRS Flowerhorn Aquatics
CRS Flowerhorn Aquatics - 7 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks love your videos mate. Thanks for replying.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
desertdawg twisted
desertdawg twisted - 7 years ago
Ok guys I need help I have a 36k gallon tank out side what type of fish should I put in it ?
John2891 - 7 years ago
Down the Worm Hole
Down the Worm Hole - 7 years ago
I can remember putting a few in a big bucket, but i was very young, I don't recall what happened to them in the end tho
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster - 7 years ago
Did you guys manage to rescue the fish?
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Down the Worm Hole ouch - that's a live create too

50. comment for FISH TANK FAILS - Top 5 what the heck were they thinking?!

Deet Martin
Deet Martin - 7 years ago
RMS is about 8 miles from Haven't been in there in quite a while, enjoy your videos.
Savigirl 12
Savigirl 12 - 7 years ago
Lol, That guy cheating on that girl was fd up and BIG no obviously... BUT Taking a sledge hammer to a tank is straight up psycho!!!! Im guessing the girl that felt she needed to do that and kill his fish and gorgous reef must have had anger issues to begin with and thats why he cheated!!! Those poor fishies and reef :(...I bet he didnt feel bad about cheating after she did that!!!!
WolfN Crows
WolfN Crows - 7 years ago
Obviously the guy that had his girlfriend use a sledge hammer on his reef tank didn’t listen to your “leave her and come back” tip.
Cheezit21 - 7 years ago
I once put an angelfish in the same tank as a gourami, and when the gourami started beating on the small angel. I moved the angelfish to a clear trashcan filled with water and an airstone. I was 12.
Mary RNH20 Schreck
Mary RNH20 Schreck - 7 years ago
exactly! I told the unit secretary to contact someone twice and even offered to get the fish out myself before lol
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Mary RNH20 Schreck umm. I wouldn't exactly be feeling good about the surgery I just had if dead fish were floating around in the lobby!
steve lacanne
steve lacanne - 7 years ago
My 4 yr old son scooped out my favorite killifish when i was still sleeping one morning and fed it to our dog (springer spaniel) needless to say i was pretty upset.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
DarkLemon - 7 years ago
I love your videos! Can't wait to see how the greenhouse turns out!
Speedy Outdoors fun fish tank fun
Speedy Outdoors fun fish tank fun - 7 years ago
i like what the heck were they thinking fun mine would be when i pleco got stuck in a randow rock from walmart so i use a hammer kinda broke one of its fins off still alive today
Seth Westmoreland
Seth Westmoreland - 7 years ago
Hilarious! The blow dryer story and Josh for added effect was superb.
fish tank noob
fish tank noob - 7 years ago
Seth Westmoreland is the tank in the bathroom or was he admiring his fish while he blowdried....multytasking maybe?
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Seth Westmoreland haha- josh is always a great edition
ThirstyRabbit Tanks2U
ThirstyRabbit Tanks2U - 7 years ago
Hi D hi J. Nice thro to josh. Wtfwtt when they walked in and seen kids in his tank. I got American cichlids i cant get my kids in it. Believe me ive tried.
antonio macias
antonio macias - 7 years ago
I liked the video but the outro with the super chubby shrimp was very relaxing.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
antonio macias nice- I do love those shrimp
Lyle Chipperson
Lyle Chipperson - 7 years ago
josh ;) it is f***kd up
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Lyle Chipperson Josh makes it all better
Robbin Yahood
Robbin Yahood - 7 years ago
Thank god for a dusty vid. This eagle project work book im working on is killing me.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
I don't know what that means. But thank you
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Hit me up on Instagram @dustinsfishtanks
Alex Osuna
Alex Osuna - 7 years ago
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Alex Osuna you win

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