Please send your videos to after uploading them to a cloud service. Our Website: Support us on Patreon: Instagram: Facebook: Filming equipment we use: Main Camera : Sony a6500 Main Lens : Sony SEL1018 10-18mm Wide-Angle Zoom Lens Back Up Camera : Canon M6 Travel Vlog Compact Camera : Sony RX100 V Fish Macro Lens : Canon EF-M 28mm Macro Jimmy's Favorite Wide Angle for Canon M6 : Rokinon 12mm f/2 CineLens Underwater Camera : GoPro Hero5 Microphone : Video Rode Micro Secondary Audio Capture : Tascam DR-05 Lav Mic : Boya BY-M1 Small Tripod : Gorilla Pod SLR ZOOM Lightweight Tripod : Pedco UltraPod II Lightweight Favorite Versatile Mount : GoPro Jaws Flex Clamp Main Gimbal : Zhiyun Crane-M Phone Gimbal : Zhiyun Smooth Q Big Drone : DJI Phantom 3 4k Compact Drone : DJI Mavic Studio Equipment for live streams: 2 x Studio Microphone : Shure SM7B Vocal Dynamic 2 x Back Up Microphone : Blue Yeti 2 x Microphone Swivel Boom Arms : RODE PSA1 Swivel Mount Studio Boom Arm Audio Interface : Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (2nd Gen) Broadcast Software : Wirecast 8.0 Cory's 4K Webcam : Logitech BRIO Jimmy's Webcam : Logitech C922

FISH TANK VIEWER HOME SHOW! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 24

Discus 7 years ago 17,342 views

Please send your videos to after uploading them to a cloud service. Our Website: Support us on Patreon: Instagram: Facebook: Filming equipment we use: Main Camera : Sony a6500 Main Lens : Sony SEL1018 10-18mm Wide-Angle Zoom Lens Back Up Camera : Canon M6 Travel Vlog Compact Camera : Sony RX100 V Fish Macro Lens : Canon EF-M 28mm Macro Jimmy's Favorite Wide Angle for Canon M6 : Rokinon 12mm f/2 CineLens Underwater Camera : GoPro Hero5 Microphone : Video Rode Micro Secondary Audio Capture : Tascam DR-05 Lav Mic : Boya BY-M1 Small Tripod : Gorilla Pod SLR ZOOM Lightweight Tripod : Pedco UltraPod II Lightweight Favorite Versatile Mount : GoPro Jaws Flex Clamp Main Gimbal : Zhiyun Crane-M Phone Gimbal : Zhiyun Smooth Q Big Drone : DJI Phantom 3 4k Compact Drone : DJI Mavic Studio Equipment for live streams: 2 x Studio Microphone : Shure SM7B Vocal Dynamic 2 x Back Up Microphone : Blue Yeti 2 x Microphone Swivel Boom Arms : RODE PSA1 Swivel Mount Studio Boom Arm Audio Interface : Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (2nd Gen) Broadcast Software : Wirecast 8.0 Cory's 4K Webcam : Logitech BRIO Jimmy's Webcam : Logitech C922

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Most popular comments

The Fish man
The Fish man - 7 years ago
10 gallon nano I would do a betta splendid with a school of rasboras or some pea puffers
Aqua Apprentice
Aqua Apprentice - 7 years ago
The good ol' viewer home show, always enjoy these.
Richard Maloney
Richard Maloney - 7 years ago
I absolutely love that you would do a video like this for your fans. The 2nd and 3rd make me want to go nano again. I usually want to be all natural but nano tanks look ABSOLUTELY AMAZING when overdone.
Sandra Buckley
Sandra Buckley - 7 years ago
nice to see
sevenmile - 7 years ago
Congrats to everyone that made the show! Thanks for giving us a glimpse into what you are doing with the hobby.
Thiago Mariquito
Thiago Mariquito - 7 years ago
Hi, Cory, I'm from Brazil and I was wondering if you send Ich-X to Brazil?
Thiago Mariquito
Thiago Mariquito - 7 years ago
if you get someone to translate it will be a good one, because the automatic translation of youtube subtitles is really bad, how else are you going to do it?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
MAybe we can get someone to translate the subtitles :)
Thiago Mariquito
Thiago Mariquito - 7 years ago
Thank you, here in Brazil do not find this medication, sorry my English or I do not speak English and I'm using google translate, I'm from Brazil, but now your videos are all watched and learn a lot with you, too bad I do not understand because of the translation of youtube subtitles. I'm your fan!!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
We can’t unfortunately. Shipping meds out of country is real hard.
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan - 7 years ago
It's always great to see every ones imaginations with their home tanks.
ZeethK92 - 7 years ago
That last tank! All that red! I love it!
Jeff C
Jeff C - 7 years ago
I dig the viewer home shows! I enjoy seeing what other aquarium hobbyists come up with. I'm always interested to see the variety of tastes and styles of fellow fish keepers and their different plant and fish combinations. Every tanks is unique. The possibilities are endless. Keep them coming :)


James Hack
James Hack - 7 years ago
What are the red foreground plants?
Mr Few The Aquarium Dude
Mr Few The Aquarium Dude - 7 years ago
James Hack if your talking about the first video it’s red ludwigia, but I trim and replant frequently, and the high light makes it way bushier then it grows in my other tanks.
Joel Bacon
Joel Bacon - 7 years ago
How do you submit videos to be on this show?
ZeethK92 - 7 years ago
Joel Bacon I think you just email the video file to Hope that helps
GeoAquariums - 7 years ago
Cool set of tanks!! For the first vid where you're looking for something to put in the 10g.. Check into some shrimp! I have some examples of a few color variants on my channel, but they're super fun! I would definitely give it a thought!
Keegan Senyk
Keegan Senyk - 7 years ago
Hey Cory do you know if a dragon puffer would eat the shell of a clam on a half shell?
Jonathan Sliwa
Jonathan Sliwa - 7 years ago
This is so random but I just got 2 yo yo loaches and a king tiger pleco
D Martinez
D Martinez - 7 years ago
For the first person. Some cool nano fish I just came across is scarlet badis aka Dario Dario
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga
Lets Get It Fitness A.K.A Bigjayinga - 7 years ago
Great video everyone. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for showing my fishroom.
Prime Time Aquatics
Prime Time Aquatics - 7 years ago
Love the viewer home shows - keep them coming!
MsLR721 - 7 years ago
Love the tanks everyone! Feeling the fishy ❤. Thanks for sharing!
Mr Few The Aquarium Dude
Mr Few The Aquarium Dude - 7 years ago
I made the home Show!!! Thanks Cory! I am currently using the other ten gallon to breed those rainbows in! I have about 50 fry just growing up to hit the 55! I made a couple videos of me doing it but pretty amateur. Any advice would be awesome, and keep it up I love the viewer home videos!
MP112791 - 7 years ago
Hey what stand are you using?
Brandon Ho
Brandon Ho - 7 years ago
Hey man! Congrads on making it in the homeshow. I've been working in film for the last 6 years and just got into the aquarium hobby this year, if you want some tips or advice for your videos I'm more than happy to help. If you are interested, how would you like me to help?


Irvin - 7 years ago
How do you guys keep your water clear? Mine's always tinted yellow even when I do a 50% water change.
shanehamilton80 - 7 years ago
Irvin Seachem Purigen works wonders. You can also try soaking the wood in the hottest water possible as well. I soak new wood for about a week. Filling a Rubbermaid tote with hot water twice a day.
Irvin - 7 years ago
There's wood in it but that's been there for a long time and the water was clear even after I added it. I already let the tannin(I believe it is called) out before adding it to my tank before hand too. The water I use it not from a water well.
Heavy Metal Lion
Heavy Metal Lion - 7 years ago
did you recently put some wood in it? or are you on a well?
Fish Keeper Daniel the Great
Fish Keeper Daniel the Great - 7 years ago
Hey Cory, dude sup.. thought i ask a question.... I have a turtle with sand in the tank. The sand smells so bad. Water changes doesnt kill the bad oder at all. What can i use.? active carbon or even baking soda?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Perhaps it’s too deep and making hydrogen sulfide gas?
jimmy hunter
jimmy hunter - 7 years ago
What's the story ... All the talking in the backgriund
Sarah Rey
Sarah Rey - 7 years ago
I'm a new fish owner and I found one of my corys dead this morning. I had a 10g with 2 guppies and 4 corys, I did 2g water change every 4 days. I did water tests and there was 0 ammonia/nitrite and 5-10ppm nitrate when he died. I didn't think to inspect his body for infection but he wasn't showing any unusual behavior from the others and they've been there for about a month already.

This leads me to believe that maybe I'm just not feeding them enough. I feed 1/2 hikari algea wafer a day, I overfeed the guppies flakes (and I know the corys eat them because they gather where the filter pushes the flakes down), and frozen bloodworms once ever 3 days. Could temperature be another cause? I don't have a heater on the tank since I keep my house 74F, but I'm thinking that the temp dips down a bit in the night since its gotten cooler outside. Could temporary temps of ~71F be harmful? Am I underfeeding? I want to make sure the other guys are safe, and I know it wasn't a water quality issue.
Brandon Ho
Brandon Ho - 7 years ago
I've been having issues with some of my guppies and other fish dying after a few months, they seem fine but will just slowly lose energy and pass away. I've also done the tests and the petstores always say my water looks perfect. If you look up Cory's video on his 3 meds that he uses for all his fish and try it you may find that helps out, I'm 4 days in on medicating my tank and it looks like the fish that were showing signs of lethargy are improving. Time will still tell, but you should try looking into it yourself.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
It’s hard to say from just one post. But temps might have been a bit low. Also corydoras often time have tapeworms that if not dealt with will make them lose weight etc. if it was skinny I think that is the culprit. I normally use general cure with them.
Richard James
Richard James - 7 years ago
And when will you release (or film) Robert's fishroom?
Richard James
Richard James - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op that's ok
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
He has no desire to show his stuff off the the internet.
Richard James
Richard James - 7 years ago
Not my taste but it's good to know that the series is back
tinaTron3000 - 7 years ago
Richard James
Richard James - 7 years ago
I thought you ended this thing
PineTreeLooms - 7 years ago
I’ve entered this show with my Videos FIVE TIMES and I never got on the show :(
PineTreeLooms - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op ok! Thanks
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Submit it again. Perhaps you are not submitting via a cloud service? Lots of people submit behind a cloud that is set to private etc and we can never actually get to the footage.
shayna cope
shayna cope - 7 years ago
The tank at 9:30 is beautiful


KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 7 years ago
V. Stag
V. Stag - 7 years ago
Awesome video Thanks for all who shared these Great tanks #FishFam #NJAE18
Manny L
Manny L - 7 years ago
Love seeing other people's setup. I hope you do more of these! Maybe you can suggest they describe not just the fish but tank setup as well.
Alpha Aquarium
Alpha Aquarium - 7 years ago
@3:10 those water lily bulbs never grow, I’ve bought like 5 packs over the years from Petco and petsmart and I never learn my lesson.
Alex Gabriel
Alex Gabriel - 7 years ago
for that nano tank I would suggest scarlet badis and galaxy rasbora
M & M
M & M - 7 years ago
I want to buy some fish but I don't want to buy another tank for quarantine because I only have one tank. Can I use something else to quarantine the fish in? Maybe a plastic tub, I have a bunch of those lying around?
M & M
M & M - 7 years ago
Thank you for the answers
tarun bharathi
tarun bharathi - 7 years ago
Ecartts pffft yeah you can I use bottle caps for quarantining my bettas XD
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Plastic tubs are fine (but dont use the smallest you got) xD

..also.. if you want to watch them from the sides (not just from up) go for the transparent ones :)
tarun bharathi
tarun bharathi - 7 years ago
You could legit use anything that holds water
Cae Walker
Cae Walker - 7 years ago
Anything that's clean and holds water. I use 5 gal buckets.
Austen Whitcher
Austen Whitcher - 7 years ago
yes you can.
Unlucky - 7 years ago
I'm surprised I didn't see 50 comments about the guy with puffers in a nano tank with a betta none the less
Cae Walker
Cae Walker - 7 years ago
If it works. Who are we to judge!
Richard James
Richard James - 7 years ago
Unlucky yeah p puffers usually never get along with anything. But who knows maybe those two aren't nippy
Bettas And beardies
Bettas And beardies - 7 years ago
I love these videos
Kyles Wild World
Kyles Wild World - 7 years ago
I hope you continue to make these , always fun to see the community sharing their passion! lol there were some definite cases of MTS in those rooms ! Nice setups to everyone that shared!
James Bonner
James Bonner - 7 years ago
I can send u a video
James Bonner
James Bonner - 7 years ago
Can u show my tanks aquarium co op
jon97gamer1 bluesparkgames
jon97gamer1 bluesparkgames - 7 years ago
Cory, have you ever seen a blue and yellow freshwater angelfish. I was at a pet store a few months ago and i saw one. I did not have a phone or camera and i have not seen them since then. I did research and there is no results. :|
jon97gamer1 bluesparkgames
jon97gamer1 bluesparkgames - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op i would have bought it was $23 and i only had $13 :(
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I haven’t seen it myself.
Richard James
Richard James - 7 years ago
That's cool
James Bonner
James Bonner - 7 years ago
The first tank is really nice I like the two different lights
All Things Ray
All Things Ray - 7 years ago
What happened to this series? I sent my tank about a year ago xD
Wichita Falls Fishkeeper
Wichita Falls Fishkeeper - 7 years ago
Lots of great setups
AquariumCop - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing,
Kyles Wild World
Kyles Wild World - 7 years ago
yay viewer home show!!!!!
Kyles Wild World
Kyles Wild World - 7 years ago
Aquarium dude!!!! dude what kind of lights are those??? the amazon coral leds? they looked like 2 different colors? lol my parents golden retriever does the same thing
Mr Few The Aquarium Dude
Mr Few The Aquarium Dude - 7 years ago
Kyles Wild World Thanks! I actually made a video showing some adjustments, but they are marine solution brand.
Brian Diaz
Brian Diaz - 7 years ago
Is this reuploaded?
Terry McDonald
Terry McDonald - 7 years ago
I know these are well intentioned.. but just kinda shaky and rambling talking. Couldnt watch the whole thing..
Peter Pham
Peter Pham - 7 years ago
Terry McDonald same.


s_ r
s_ r - 7 years ago
second nano tank my personal favorite
s_ r
s_ r - 7 years ago
oscar camejo its beautiful man
oscar camejo
oscar camejo - 7 years ago
thank you that would be mine
s_ r
s_ r - 7 years ago
love younger newer hobbyist tanks
Darcy Nishi
Darcy Nishi - 7 years ago
All I know is you helped me a lot when it came to keeping mollies. Especially with the info on why store bought brackish water ones die a lot.
Jamie Philip
Jamie Philip - 7 years ago
love this concept
Reptiles,Fish,and amphibians
Reptiles,Fish,and amphibians - 7 years ago
And there was 2 re-uploads btw
Colin Peake
Colin Peake - 7 years ago
Planted platy tank is mine! Thanks for the inclusion! I love these because it is fun to see a bunch of average fish tank owners. Keep up the good work!
Anthony Ragan
Anthony Ragan - 7 years ago
Pretty tank. I love platys. :)
Brandon Ho
Brandon Ho - 7 years ago
Great work Colin! I've got a platy tank as well and it was nice to see them get some love! Mine is a painted platy tank in a 20 gallon long in my windowsill. They're a lot of fun and it was great to see an average fish owner doing something nice with them :)
Erika Kennes
Erika Kennes - 7 years ago
If you add more plants more fry will live
Joel Bacon
Joel Bacon - 7 years ago
That was my favorite one on there. Looks pretty good!
Whataboutbob? - 7 years ago
You should add some crypts in the forground to add more cover for the platy fry
Kyles Wild World
Kyles Wild World - 7 years ago
nice stand too! all my stands look like 2x4s hamered together , XD cause they are .
Jezzalinkco - 7 years ago
looks good man
LEMON1O59 - 7 years ago
Colin Peake it looks great btw
Reptiles,Fish,and amphibians
Reptiles,Fish,and amphibians - 7 years ago
Do you have saltwater Corey?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I don’t do any saltwater
Racing's Natural Aquariums
Racing's Natural Aquariums - 7 years ago
Great to see the home show back!
Shelley G.
Shelley G. - 7 years ago
Wow those were great, awesome tanks guys
Luke Drake
Luke Drake - 7 years ago
I’m going to try to breed guppies and i know what breeding tank to use which one should I use. Thanks i love your vids
Luke Drake
Luke Drake - 7 years ago
Kyle Weltner ok thanks
Kyles Wild World
Kyles Wild World - 7 years ago
are you saying you dont know which to use? the bigger the better since more water means less work and if for example a guppy dies it wont foul the water as quickly if your not there. but it can be done in a 10 gallon, though the people i know that use 10s have automated water change systems . i would suggest the biggest tank you can, and some plants like hornwort guppygrass and java moss since they all grow quick and offer cover to the fry
DReis 7
DReis 7 - 7 years ago
Jeff C
Jeff C - 7 years ago
I did get a sense of deja vu upon seeing the garage fish room with the 20g's and 40g's and the 55g. Might not have been the same exact video but I know I've seen that fish room before. Everything else was new.
SWhiskey Vision
SWhiskey Vision - 7 years ago
It's new. These entries were sent to me recently and we're unopened when I grabbed the files to put them in.
mickealm93 - 7 years ago
no it's new
Michelle Scheer
Michelle Scheer - 7 years ago
DReis 7 i was thinking the same thing.
Lonely Hound
Lonely Hound - 7 years ago
Cory can you do a video on how to set up a quaritine tank please that would help a lot!!
Ecartts - 7 years ago
Of course you need to have one cycled..

If you want quickly.. use some water from the main tank + a bit of fresh water mixed (like you do a water change but the % amount should be thought for the quarantine tank size)
TheAnonymouse - 7 years ago
There's no real difference between a normal tank and a quarantine tank. A quarantine tank doesn't have to look amazing...that's about the only difference.
Mark Zig
Mark Zig - 7 years ago
I would like to see a quarantine tank video, also. I am wondering how you do it. Does it have to be cycled? I don't buy fish much anymore, as my tanks are stocked, and I wonder how you set up a quarantine tank quickly if needed.
Luke Drake
Luke Drake - 7 years ago
Lonely Hound I’m going to try to Breed guppies I’m still confused about the breeder box that I should get
nerf guy755
nerf guy755 - 7 years ago
Hi Cory going to get a 10 gal what should I stock it with I need ideas thx
LEMON1O59 - 7 years ago
Some dwarf corydoras and a honey gourami, would look good.
nerf guy755
nerf guy755 - 7 years ago
Chuck Chuck
Chuck Chuck - 7 years ago
Chuck Chuck
Chuck Chuck - 7 years ago
Nice vid

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