Fluval Edge 6 gallon nano saltwater reef fish tank **FULLY PACKED** - Nov 3, 2013
Discus 11 years ago 359,705 views
Here's an update of my Fluval Edge 6 gallon nano saltwater reef aquarium tank - Nov 3, 2013. Added some more SPS, zoas, and a couple cyphastrea "Meteor Shower". Tank has been running for 9 months now. Excuse the algae on the glass. I'm supposed to clean it today after my water change. Btw, I got my 180 gallon and the yellow tang is in this tank now.
10. comment for Fluval Edge 6 gallon nano saltwater reef fish tank **FULLY PACKED** - Nov 3, 2013
20. comment for Fluval Edge 6 gallon nano saltwater reef fish tank **FULLY PACKED** - Nov 3, 2013
30. comment for Fluval Edge 6 gallon nano saltwater reef fish tank **FULLY PACKED** - Nov 3, 2013
50. comment for Fluval Edge 6 gallon nano saltwater reef fish tank **FULLY PACKED** - Nov 3, 2013
What do you have as filtration? I have the 12 G as a sw setup.
100. comment for Fluval Edge 6 gallon nano saltwater reef fish tank **FULLY PACKED** - Nov 3, 2013
Let this be an example of WHAT NOT TO DO!!!
As a reef tank only, this would be entirely acceptable, but there is TOO MANY FISH!!!
What LED lights are you using? Thanks
Really nice tank tho :)
-Clownfish: 25 gallon min.
-Chromis: 10 gallon min.
A clown goby is a wonderful option for this tank, because it will stay small (1.5 inches max.), and they do not swim around much. Another option, would be a Yellow Stripe Clingfish. They stay small (2 inches max.) and they will hang around under your hammer. Again, please do extensive research on the type of fish you are buying. Look up maximum size, swimming patterns, reef safe, compatible with coral, etc.
cause he isn't doing anything wrong
Filtration system you are using?
really great job:::::
You should be even more ashamed too be proud for showing it here.
To all these people here clapping their hands for this movie: you should be ashamed too!!
This very healthy this aquarium. =)
after taking ppls advice i upgraded to a 100 gallon tank the water perimeters
where excellent but the tang wasn't doing to well in. it stopped eating and the color wasn't so vivid more like pale yellow. so i decided what the heck let me set up the 10 gallon and throw him back in there so i did with in hours the color of the tang got bright yellow and it started eat.
so, it doesn't really matter how big is your tank as long its healthy and happy besides you think a 100 gallon is still to small comparing to the ocean.
You dont need a bigger tank fuck what people say.
I too have a 6 gallon tank with big fishes. People are just too brainwashed oh u need a bigger tank.
Two male fancy guppies
Four female neon tetras
And that's it.
A seahorse pair would be real slick in this tank.
and I'm still waiting for the day when FLUVAL makes a nice 5 footer just like this only huge.
i am thinking of getting one for my ten gallon tank.
Thank you for the quick reply!
Hello, i'm just starting my nano 5 gal and have been trying to find examples of the right equipment to do corals. I'm also trying to get helpful answers on easy corals to maintain in this size tank and the best way to keep the water in the right parameters. any help would be greatly appreciated!!
lol, you gotta love the sensitivity level with some people.
Anyone who looks in the comments before the description honestly shouldnt be allowed on youtube
What kind of anemone is that I can't get my clowns to host an anemone lol
This hurts to look at. Take out the blue damsel! It will stress out your fish! I would get rid of the tang too. It needs a bigger tank to be happy, but like most people you probably already know this and don't care.
plz check my fish tank..and is there any tips plz do let me know thank u so much
6 Gallon Nano Reef Tank.
And i m waiting for ur ans..
Can u plz tell md what kind of lights are you using ? Thank u
Is it fine ?
how often do you change your water?
do you put some elements on it?
your tank looks great, please answer me
okay thank you !
And do you have protein skimmer ?
Some people said my tank is small i dont need skimmer and some people said i should get one.very confuse now..
N big problem is the fish store i always go he is big stoner and always high so dont know what to do..
Actullay i new in this hobby..
My tank is same ur side..
My coral changed has color can you olz tell me what to do ? Or do i have mix anything in water ?
And last thing what u will recomand to feed them ?
Thank you so much