Fluval Edge 6 gallon nano saltwater reef fish tank **FULLY PACKED** - Nov 3, 2013

Here's an update of my Fluval Edge 6 gallon nano saltwater reef aquarium tank - Nov 3, 2013. Added some more SPS, zoas, and a couple cyphastrea "Meteor Shower". Tank has been running for 9 months now. Excuse the algae on the glass. I'm supposed to clean it today after my water change. Btw, I got my 180 gallon and the yellow tang is in this tank now.

Fluval Edge 6 gallon nano saltwater reef fish tank **FULLY PACKED** - Nov 3, 2013 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 697

Discus 11 years ago 359,705 views

Here's an update of my Fluval Edge 6 gallon nano saltwater reef aquarium tank - Nov 3, 2013. Added some more SPS, zoas, and a couple cyphastrea "Meteor Shower". Tank has been running for 9 months now. Excuse the algae on the glass. I'm supposed to clean it today after my water change. Btw, I got my 180 gallon and the yellow tang is in this tank now.

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Most popular comments
for Fluval Edge 6 gallon nano saltwater reef fish tank **FULLY PACKED** - Nov 3, 2013

just hobby
just hobby - 7 years ago
Hi, how about I sub you, you sub me?
Jose Medina
Jose Medina - 7 years ago
Amazing Nano
Connor Mcguire
Connor Mcguire - 7 years ago
My local fish shop would not sell me a tang for a tank any less than 55g even if it's a juvenile
Aidan Furey je fc
Aidan Furey je fc - 7 years ago
You need about a 75 gallon tank for a yellow tang they are territorial
Paul Naddaff
Paul Naddaff - 7 years ago
WAYYYY too small for for clowns and tangs. Shame on you!
Trippy Luckz65
Trippy Luckz65 - 7 years ago
Paul Naddaff that's big enough for a clown remember some are tank bread so they dont know how the ocean is like
Greenplant221 gaming
Greenplant221 gaming - 7 years ago
I really don't care what people say but I have a yellow tang In a 14 gallon biocube and he is so happy.
The Fishy Life !
The Fishy Life ! - 7 years ago
Good Lord people!! I just read in the description you have a 180 now for the tang, reading the comments maby I was the only one to read the description....I was wondering about the light? That light came with the Fluval edge?
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 7 years ago
The light didn't come with the Fluval Edge. It's a Fluval light though but one I bought separately. Link to website here: http://www.fluvalaquatics.com/ca/freshwater/aquarium-lighting/series/ultra-bright-led/
Hayden Ward
Hayden Ward - 7 years ago
Way to small of a tank for that many fish
Sam Osborne
Sam Osborne - 7 years ago
fully packed is a understatment to say the least! :(

10. comment for Fluval Edge 6 gallon nano saltwater reef fish tank **FULLY PACKED** - Nov 3, 2013

mymovievideos - 7 years ago
Poor tang, he wants out!
Ethan Barker
Ethan Barker - 7 years ago
Hey man. Solid yes on the clowns in a six gallon. The others however. Should move to the 180. Along with your tang. Personally I’m fine with a tang in a small tank for a while. But as you know they grow so I’m glad everything’s well.
bomberbang - 7 years ago
Take out that tang and you’re golden, beautiful setup
Thumper Bunny
Thumper Bunny - 7 years ago
So gorgeous. I want this tank
Canada Arrow
Canada Arrow - 7 years ago
Great tank can we see the 180 too?!! Like if this is your 6 gallon what's your 180 look like?!??
Ashley Silvia
Ashley Silvia - 7 years ago
What’s this song? It’s beautiful :) also great tank, bravo!!
Jordan Russell
Jordan Russell - 7 years ago
Hahaha when I saw that tang the first thing I did was go to the comments.
Young Blacksmoke
Young Blacksmoke - 7 years ago
Wat wave maker is that one on yours?
Young Blacksmoke
Young Blacksmoke - 7 years ago
Wat wave maker is good enough for a 5 gallon reef?
D33PAN-12 - 7 years ago
Did anyone else hear him breath at like 0:44-0:45?

20. comment for Fluval Edge 6 gallon nano saltwater reef fish tank **FULLY PACKED** - Nov 3, 2013

Aidan B
Aidan B - 7 years ago
Tangs need a 75 gallon aquarium for life. This is fine, that tang is still young.
Jason Berry
Jason Berry - 7 years ago
It's a temporary tank guys, chill out
Gavin Hammer
Gavin Hammer - 7 years ago
And I thought common sense was common... either you have been living under a rock or you just keep throwing out every piece of logic that floats your way. To be proud of something like that is way beyond pathetic and you should really know what you are doing before you post a piece of shit like this.
Steve Alvarado
Steve Alvarado - 7 years ago
yall fags love coming on people's videos to critique a fucking fish and it's "small" tank.
iGizmo - 7 years ago
Okay.... Yes, the tang needs more space, but compared to the ocean 200 gallons is like an atom.... the tang seems happy and healthy... good job jonathon!
jesse zhang
jesse zhang - 7 years ago
Guys, no fish should in the tank anyway , you can't judge them ifs too small or too big! You not the fish , maybe the fish likes it !my yellow tank live in my 3 gallon due to my rent in NYC is so expensive this consider is a luxury NYC deluxe condominium to me !
Justin Proto
Justin Proto - 7 years ago
two quick questions: what are the green and pink corals towards the center of the tank and also what type of circulator is on the back right of the tank?thanks and awesome tank
nico janeiro
nico janeiro - 7 years ago
Ok look , that tang looks like hes in great shape , but i have to agree that 6 is a bit to small , however this hobby wich i am a part of is mostly based in a limited understand of reef/fish . People also say things like certian species are agressive , yet i mite say the opposite. i say if the fish looks that good with no pitting on his face and no signs of stunting then he's doing somthing right . Also the man has a peace of acro in the middle left side , so dang his water is good just saying
Carlos Eduardo
Carlos Eduardo - 7 years ago
q luminárias vc esta usando
Cassie - 7 years ago
omg I want one

30. comment for Fluval Edge 6 gallon nano saltwater reef fish tank **FULLY PACKED** - Nov 3, 2013

Kale willis
Kale willis - 7 years ago
tang police done blowed this one up
MorrisUK1990 - 7 years ago
What's the name of the white anemone the clownfish are in?
Venkat Y
Venkat Y - 7 years ago
Did that yellow tang shrink to fit...
Michael Litle
Michael Litle - 7 years ago
That's too small even for the clowns
Benjamin Chaffer
Benjamin Chaffer - 7 years ago
It's okay if the tangs just a baby like it is now.....just when the tang gets larger, please don't keep it in a 6 gallon other than that, not a bad nano...
AJ15 - 7 years ago
can you tell me what light you use
Outdoor Survival
Outdoor Survival - 7 years ago
Where i live its elegal to have 2 clowns in under 20gallons
Outdoor Survival
Outdoor Survival - 7 years ago
Heath - 7 years ago
Claustrophobic anyone?
Random Stuff
Random Stuff - 7 years ago
I have a biger qt tank. That enough space for the clown, but the tang? Anyway nice video. Keep up
joe kellner
joe kellner - 7 years ago
I understand the tang comments it needs a bigger tank but with clownfish they only ever stay one end of a tank in their own "home" area anyway.
Pedarsag - 7 years ago
Is this a joke? You could have atleast gotten the 12 gallon. 6 gallon aquariums are for tiny fish. This tank is way over crowded with super expensive corals and fish if you had that kind of money you could have invested in the larger 12g edge or even better, a 30g marine setup. Marine water quality is more complicated than freshwater and marine inhabitants are way more sensitive to water parameters. A change of only a couple degrees in temprature can cause coral bleaching
Steve Gilbert
Steve Gilbert - 7 years ago
your reef and suck your current is so beautiful and perfect and right
Flame122345 - 7 years ago
Yellow tangs need big tanks not pico reefs
Havu the Pupper
Havu the Pupper - 7 years ago
THAT IS ENORMUSLLY SMALL man you really need to do more research 22 litres is what i use for baby puffer fish and they are getting an upgrade! things your doing wrong! 1. tangs can get bigger than that and require 200l minimum and can be very mean and can attack other fish in their territory in this case its very small.2. those clowns alone are too big for that tank and desperately need more space. 3. that wave makers too strong for that tiny tank. 4. those corals can get to be the size of that tank and need more room. My local aquarium marine specialist says 70l minimum for a pair of clowns this is definitely a disagreeing for tank size.
Lisa Lovelace
Lisa Lovelace - 7 years ago
how is your tank doing, do a follow up :)
Samuel MCGOVERN - 7 years ago
what coral have the clown fish hosted?
Dubsy Dabster
Dubsy Dabster - 7 years ago
Amazing tank dude
NanoReefS - 7 years ago
Your tank is beautiful. Looks like you cut it from the ocean.
Juanita Munevar
Juanita Munevar - 7 years ago
its beautiful but looks way too small for these fish
PrankThatGamer93 - 7 years ago
Why in the world would you put a yellow tang in a 6 gallon tank they need at least 60 gallons

50. comment for Fluval Edge 6 gallon nano saltwater reef fish tank **FULLY PACKED** - Nov 3, 2013

Johnnews561 - 7 years ago
what power head is that?
Lewis is a Deadman
Lewis is a Deadman - 7 years ago
To small for a tang
Angel Mendoza
Angel Mendoza - 7 years ago
What brand and model circulation pump are you using? I have been trying to find a small enough one to put in my fluval evo that will not look disproportionate in there or have too much power
Terri Miller
Terri Miller - 7 years ago
Olivia Pereda
Olivia Pereda - 7 years ago
The tang needs his bubbles...
Valerie Velvet
Valerie Velvet - 7 years ago
I'm new to this hobby. This is such a lovely colourful tank. Is there a a list of what's in this tank? Corals and fish? Thanks
Brandon James
Brandon James - 7 years ago
This is cute as hell
Harley Zhang
Harley Zhang - 7 years ago
love the aquascape, got great gear, nice fish, good corals, yet you just had to keep the yellow tang in a 6gal. Nu uh. Try 120 gal, please
Connor Fardy
Connor Fardy - 8 years ago
how is there a tang?
MaxamillionGrey - 8 years ago
It is a beautiful tank, but hopefully you've taken the tang out by now.
Kelen Painter
Kelen Painter - 8 years ago
Poor tang. Way too small
EDK ReefMeister
EDK ReefMeister - 8 years ago
Its thriving really well. But the tang is too much.
NOVAWOLF - 8 years ago
That's so over stocked
Ryan R
Ryan R - 8 years ago
Way overstocked. An Edge 12g is still too small for a single clownfish, let alone 2, a damsel and a yellow tang...
Harley Zhang
Harley Zhang - 8 years ago
Tang will wayyyyy out grow this aquarium. Get a 75gal
david boyd42
david boyd42 - 8 years ago
its bad ass but not packed
Ez 82
Ez 82 - 8 years ago
i have 2 fluval edge . one of them tropical another one will be salt water . my quiestion how hard to look after salt water fish tank ? any body ?
Daniel Raboin
Daniel Raboin - 8 years ago
500th dislike woo.
agent 333
agent 333 - 8 years ago
who cares if its fuckin small let him enjoy his fish.. nice tank setup bro you good.. who gives a fuck how small the tank is the fish don't seem to dislike it.. so shut the fuck up .. they look like their having fun to me
Austin Salgat
Austin Salgat - 8 years ago
Are you seriously comparing a 30ft range to half a ft in a tank and saying they are comparable? Just give it up man, now you making yourself look like a fool lol. I'm cracking up here haha.
agent 333
agent 333 - 8 years ago
I said two different animals two different areas of space needed clown fish are territorial so they don't need alot space and for the yellow tang he put I in a bigger tank .. fish are small .. ur in comparison to something totally oblivious homie .. clown fish in the ocean don't go more than 30 feet of their home and if they do.its to.find a new one
Austin Salgat
Austin Salgat - 8 years ago
Haha, in one breath you say you should take care of animals according to their specific needs, in the next you say it doesn't matter. Make up your mind hahaha
agent 333
agent 333 - 8 years ago
Okay let him do what he wants u his dad or what who gives a fuck nigga.. he ain't bothering anyone no.one tell u what to.do so let him do.his thing he said he put em in a bigger tank
Austin Salgat
Austin Salgat - 8 years ago
Exactly! And these fish are in a tank way too small for their species, which is the entire point!
agent 333
agent 333 - 8 years ago
two different animals .. different amount of space needed for each animal .. two different sizes ..
Austin Salgat
Austin Salgat - 8 years ago
Yeah man, and those people that buy dogs and keep them caged up all day in a crate, as long as you're not killing it who gives a shit right? Animals don't deserve humane treatment am I right? Right?
agent 333
agent 333 - 8 years ago
yeah I mean u put in a bigger tank so it's all good.. so ignore what people say
nathan hunt
nathan hunt - 8 years ago
your right that's a good tank for now but yellow tangs get up to 8 inches
agent 333
agent 333 - 8 years ago
Yeah nah I understand but it's like okay ur not killing it ... people are just pussies and btich about everything .. that one of the best tanks of seen good job ..
nathan hunt
nathan hunt - 8 years ago
its good but that yellow tang in the wild swims for miles a day and needs a 90 gal minimum tank
BloodySHiiNez - 8 years ago
stupid idiot...
GLL Designs Gabrielle Ledoyen Lambert
GLL Designs Gabrielle Ledoyen Lambert - 8 years ago
How long did that yellow tang last in there? did it seem okay? I want to do the same and then add him to my 150G
What do you have as filtration? I have the 12 G as a sw setup.
jesse florian
jesse florian - 8 years ago
And I thought a 30 gallon was small for a tang
The aquatic keeper
The aquatic keeper - 8 years ago
Seriously a 30 is small but 5 times better than a six
JuiceOg1 - 8 years ago
Clown fish are having a blast lol love it
AssBurgers - 8 years ago
What the fuck? Is this thing floating?
Takisanti Sumauraiku
Takisanti Sumauraiku - 8 years ago
what size circulating pump that is running?
Duilio Biccari
Duilio Biccari - 8 years ago
Oh my God. 4 fish in that small tank? Maybe its are too much...
Evan Eversole
Evan Eversole - 8 years ago
tangs need at least 80+ gallons
Aj Mac
Aj Mac - 8 years ago
What do you use as a filter? I assume the fluval filter that came with the tank?
DHC DeepBlue
DHC DeepBlue - 8 years ago
The tang is absolutely fine. The people who say 'tangs need a 125' are always the quiet kid at the back of the class with no friends.
Daniel Vázquez Guevara
Daniel Vázquez Guevara - 8 years ago
what setting did you use for the vortech? I want it for my 5-gallon fluval spec V
Stefan Flery
Stefan Flery - 8 years ago
In einem 22 Liter Becken 4 Fische und davon noch ein Doktor??? Bescheuerte Tierquäler
Michael Bonfante
Michael Bonfante - 8 years ago
This is one of my favourite videos on youtube
BADFISHHHHHH - 8 years ago
why the fuck was the tang in a 6 gallon tank!?
Melissa Okeefe
Melissa Okeefe - 7 years ago
Read the fucking description
Boon Doggle
Boon Doggle - 7 years ago
TheOgPork Marine aquarium.........salty. lol
TheOgPork - 8 years ago
BADFISHHHHHH lol why u so salty he could do whatever he wants with it fuck off he bought it he can but it in a 5 gallon fish tank he can do whatever he wants I mean I know that there are not that many yellow tang out there but she's happy and swimming so fuck off god man people really get salty over shit like this
EN Reefs
EN Reefs - 8 years ago
cuz he can do dat...
delson morais
delson morais - 8 years ago
Samir BoomX
Samir BoomX - 8 years ago
just wow.... stunning
Neil Hodkinson
Neil Hodkinson - 8 years ago
I love your tank setup. I have also a fluval edge setup for saltwater. what filter media are you using?
Hunter Ross
Hunter Ross - 8 years ago
im no aqurium expert, but im pretty sure tangs need a big tank like 40g
Hybrid gaming
Hybrid gaming - 7 years ago
read the description
Canada Arrow
Canada Arrow - 7 years ago
Read description
Ken Cress
Ken Cress - 7 years ago
Hunter Ross try about 100 gallons for the tang
squishy turtle
squishy turtle - 7 years ago
Hunter Ross he got a 180 gal
The aquatic keeper
The aquatic keeper - 8 years ago
Christian Walsh yeah he just wants attention
Christian Walsh
Christian Walsh - 8 years ago
Jon Hart that's not even close to true
The aquatic keeper
The aquatic keeper - 8 years ago
I totally agree and especially not a yellow tang
The aquatic keeper
The aquatic keeper - 8 years ago
NEED about 75 at least
Zachary Holmes
Zachary Holmes - 8 years ago
I would put no fish in there and just put shrimp instead
Chris Hibs
Chris Hibs - 8 years ago
+Rachel Dow I wouldn't even have my pair of clowns in a tiny tank like that. It's amazing how every one is always "moving it to a bigger tank soon" too. Poor fish!
Rachel Dow
Rachel Dow - 8 years ago
That specific tang requires a minimum of 90 gallons unfortunately... :/
Kelvynn Lee
Kelvynn Lee - 8 years ago
Those clowns look like they are having a good time
Al Guapo
Al Guapo - 7 years ago
Beverly Lopez an anemone
largepanda - 7 years ago
Beverly Lopez a sea pickle
Beverly Lopez
Beverly Lopez - 7 years ago
Kelvynn Lee what is that thing called the clowns are on?
wcdeich4 - 8 years ago
Wow, that is really packed!!! How's it doing? How much do you feed? How's the filtration working?
PROCOP GAMING - 8 years ago
Yellow tang in 6g WTF!!!!!
Mike Davis
Mike Davis - 8 years ago
how often does you need to change the water if all ?
Mike Davis
Mike Davis - 8 years ago
Joe Isola
Joe Isola - 8 years ago
What light are you using
Untarnished Thought
Untarnished Thought - 8 years ago
Tangs and clowns need a much larger tank. Small tanks cause them a lot of stress and they will die young.
DHC DeepBlue
DHC DeepBlue - 8 years ago
And here we have the typical loser. I'm buying a yellow tang for a 10 gallon just to piss you fags who say it needs 125 off
Shaiful Chowdhury
Shaiful Chowdhury - 8 years ago
What type power head is that in the tank?
Nasir Hussain
Nasir Hussain - 8 years ago
wat r the dimensions of ur tank plz
アルコルドロベルト - 8 years ago
i love it!
D Singh
D Singh - 8 years ago
Beautiful clean tank but need more space for fishies
Lgndsnvrdie02 - 8 years ago
Stunningly amazing:) how much and how often you change water?
Joey Torrez
Joey Torrez - 8 years ago
what kind of light did you put on top iam desperate for a new one I cant find one

100. comment for Fluval Edge 6 gallon nano saltwater reef fish tank **FULLY PACKED** - Nov 3, 2013

Danny Hoogenboom
Danny Hoogenboom - 8 years ago
nice tank u use a skimmer?
Connor Grist
Connor Grist - 8 years ago
Nevermind I read the description but still the clownfish a gramma need a bigger tank at Least 20 gallon
Connor Grist
Connor Grist - 8 years ago
Animal abuse
Connor Grist
Connor Grist - 8 years ago
Who puts a tang in a 6 gallon!!!!
Joey Torrez
Joey Torrez - 8 years ago
what type of light is that on top I was thinking about upgrading my light
Prithvish Mallikarjun
Prithvish Mallikarjun - 8 years ago
this is really small for those big fish to be in there this is basic logic
Zane Rianom
Zane Rianom - 7 years ago
Prithvish Mallikarjun you know what else is basic logic? Reading the description :)
Kingfish clodic
Kingfish clodic - 8 years ago
Le poisson chirurgien dans un nano c est pas tops car il doit manger le coraux après c est ton choix
Leo Yu
Leo Yu - 8 years ago
What lighting system are you using? I'm starting my own nano reef and need to find a good lighting system.
Ricardo Perea
Ricardo Perea - 8 years ago
hi nice setup, do you have a skimer on your tank? do you do week water changes and how much? thanks.
Andrew VanHoven
Andrew VanHoven - 8 years ago
Looks really great. How hard is it keep up the safe water parameters considering that there is so little water?
CBU2221990 - 8 years ago
I must know this music what is it?
Matthew Kirkpatrick
Matthew Kirkpatrick - 8 years ago
now THAT my friend is a nano reef
badboymarshall - 8 years ago
looks amazing
Snipercube - 8 years ago
The fish are fine and it's a thriving tank however that tang will outgrow it. I have a five gallon reef and I plan to add one or two ocelaris clownfish. Clownfish don't require much room the reason it's harder for a smaller tank is the bio load so by all means add a clown to a nano tank if you're ready to do water changes a lot.
R e e f f r e d
R e e f f r e d - 8 years ago
Michaelfromfremont - 8 years ago
Too many fish in this aquarium!!!
Let this be an example of WHAT NOT TO DO!!!
As a reef tank only, this would be entirely acceptable, but there is TOO MANY FISH!!!

Tommy Kazie
Tommy Kazie - 9 years ago
What LED lights are you using? Thanks
Isaiah Pinkerton
Isaiah Pinkerton - 9 years ago
your aquarium is beautiful.. but I think you should at least have a 20 gallon tank with all those decor, and especially with those types of fishes.
Wanda Nieves
Wanda Nieves - 9 years ago
Sebastian D Rodriguez
Sebastian D Rodriguez - 9 years ago
THEsweetums - 9 years ago
Doesent the fish get hurt with that much current in the tank? does all exotic saltwater fishtanks require that the fish being tossed around in current?

Really nice tank tho :)
nonames - 9 years ago
What kind of anemone is the white one that the clowns are hosting? Left side of the tank. Thanks. If you can list what you have in this tank in this video I would appreciate it. Thanks
Ck smith
Ck smith - 9 years ago
what kind of lights you have on the tank, I just got my fluval 6gal, and wanted to know
TotalNick41 - 9 years ago
fuck you and your tank bitch ass
TotalNick41 - 9 years ago
fuck your bitch ass
EastCoast Arachnids
EastCoast Arachnids - 9 years ago
get a life you gay virgin
TotalNick41 - 9 years ago
fuck u
TotalNick41 - 9 years ago
overcrowded the fish fuck u
TotalNick41 - 8 years ago
Wow, is that really Toom Brady!??!!? This is incredible, im putting this on my myspace page! I've never met a celebrity before!!
EastCoast Arachnids
EastCoast Arachnids - 9 years ago
+TotalNick41 faggot alert
TotalNick41 - 9 years ago
+RedMan read my cock as you deep throat it
RedMan - 9 years ago
Read the description
Jette Christensen
Jette Christensen - 9 years ago
7 Eleven
7 Eleven - 9 years ago
Why so many dislikes? This is awesome!
First Massage
First Massage - 9 years ago
most of the corals are thriving. must be hard to maintain just 6 gallons.
ISHIRIX - 9 years ago
Awsome pico setup :)
starkiller 86
starkiller 86 - 9 years ago
Far to small for these fish,it's more like animal cruelty,rehome them or get a bigger tank
Tray Sea
Tray Sea - 9 years ago
Anthony how is this tank doing? is it still up?
Damn Danno!
Damn Danno! - 9 years ago
Not a bad tank at all I think the only thing bad about this is the small tank it should be at least 20
robbbcruzzz - 9 years ago
really nice tank.. but its packed haha.. im starting my 10 g as we speak.. did you use live sand when you first started?
Jose Sanchez
Jose Sanchez - 9 years ago
poca madre tu pinche pecera, esta muy chingona
Matt Nielsen
Matt Nielsen - 9 years ago
Aws Joy
Aws Joy - 9 years ago
man its not 6 gallon its 16 or 18 gallon
Jack Roth
Jack Roth - 9 years ago
This tank is wayyyyy too small for a clownfish. Please do your research before buying. I would recommend a clown goby, or something of like size and behavior.

-Clownfish: 25 gallon min.
-Chromis: 10 gallon min.

A clown goby is a wonderful option for this tank, because it will stay small (1.5 inches max.), and they do not swim around much. Another option, would be a Yellow Stripe Clingfish. They stay small (2 inches max.) and they will hang around under your hammer. Again, please do extensive research on the type of fish you are buying. Look up maximum size, swimming patterns, reef safe, compatible with coral, etc.
alianisz - 9 years ago
A sharp looking tank but it could better do without the add on LED lighting system.
StraitClownin909 - 8 years ago
the coral needs the multispectrun led to survive fool
christopher correia
christopher correia - 9 years ago
i really like your tank , very beautiful and full of life . i have a 10g tank and would love to have it looking like yours .
Kylan G
Kylan G - 9 years ago
Super awesome man I am just getting started and would love if you could maybe message me a list or something of the equipment you used
Jack Roth
Jack Roth - 9 years ago
+Kylan G (Nalyk4321) If you're just getting started I wouldn't recommend any tank smaller than 30 gallons until you get the hang of what you're doing. More water volume means less fluctuations.
aaron verma
aaron verma - 9 years ago
Nice video love the yellow tang it's great that u moved it to a bigger tank
jerryg - 9 years ago
2 clowns barely fit, i say 20 gallons for this setup.
Paul Chris
Paul Chris - 9 years ago
With a Yellow tang, I say 75.
Wirty - 9 years ago
please take the clowns out jusus they must hate their life.
Wirty - 8 years ago
+Snipercube im the immature child? i miss type one letter and you start getting into a hissy fit about it... damn and all the foul language your using? you just semm like a salty butt hurt kid who thinks he/she know what there talking about hahahaha good day mate.
Snipercube - 8 years ago
+Witz End learn to spell. I actually happen to own a 125 gallon freshwater aquarium with rare species so yes indeed I've had experience. You're just another immature child. Bitch all you want.
Wirty - 8 years ago
your getting one in a 5 gallon... your insane you should just not keep fish at all... thats like you living in your bedroom for the rest of your life...
Snipercube - 8 years ago
Clownfish can live in small tanks I will be getting one for my 5 gallon reef. They host anemones in the wild meaning they rarely forage
Paul Chris
Paul Chris - 9 years ago
Clowns in the wild rarely leave their anemone, besides to search for food. In a tank, food is given straight to them. As long as the water quality is good, they are living like kings.
Ricardo Trujillo
Ricardo Trujillo - 9 years ago
How much did you spend overall?? Nice setup
The aquatic keeper
The aquatic keeper - 8 years ago
Thats what you think about they need about 20 at least and the YELLOW TANG needs at least 75 not a 6 gallon but yes they do need bigger this person is an idiot
veni_vidi_vici - 8 years ago
You could successfully keep clownfish in a 10 gallon. I have successfully kept a clownfish and a bicolor blenny in my 10 gallon for years. You could even keep a small clownfish in a 5 gallon.. You would have to relocate them when they get larger.
Pea Kapow
Pea Kapow - 8 years ago
+TheReminx you're every where idiot you keep a clownfish in 10 Gallon WTF it needs 20
veni_vidi_vici - 9 years ago
+ijerryg something like this with corals would be no where near 400. Just the corals for a 40-60 gallon reef would probably cost you 300-400 to make it look as full as this aquarium. A 40-60 gallon Reef with all the livestock and proper equipment would easily be over 2,000-4,000
jerryg - 9 years ago
+Anthony Tsai $1000? wow, this should be 40-60 gallon at that price
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 9 years ago
around $1,000 for everything
GRIZZLY CARP - 9 years ago
that is a great set up and the fish are so happy that tank is booming with life. there is nothing wrong with ya tanks size. people are just haters because they got nothing else to do. nice one
Rick Feeney
Rick Feeney - 9 years ago
this is gorgeous, i heard saltwater tanks are MUCH harder than fresh water tanks...where can i learn more about having a saltwater tank?
Jack Roth
Jack Roth - 9 years ago
+Rick Feeney Reading forums online is one of the best things you can do, also reading articles and books that people have written over the years is extremely helpful. Saltwater is definitely more expensive than freshwater, but they have different care requirements, one isn't harder than the other. With saltwater, all fish and coral stay in the same pH range (8.2-8.4), whereas in freshwater fish need 5.5-9.2 pH depending on what species they are and where they came from.
Sam Young
Sam Young - 9 years ago
would you think that a begginer should start out with a cheap little tank like this if they are budget concious
Sam Young
Sam Young - 9 years ago
Ok man thanks
Garrett Cooper
Garrett Cooper - 9 years ago
It would be best to get a larger tank. Roughly 20-40 gallons. If you are getting into the hobby, there is no cheap way. Maybe get a used tank on Craigslist for cheap, but you can't enter into the hobby thinking that it will host you only a couple hundred. It's a lot more. It's also very difficult starting with this size. I wouldn't do it for my first salt water reef. The water parameters change very quickly. Just do a lo of research before you start.
Gregory Marrero
Gregory Marrero - 9 years ago
I want to get into saltwater was this this tank hard to setup and maintain?
Jack Roth
Jack Roth - 9 years ago
+Gregory Marrero A tank like this is going to be much harder for a beginner to maintain, than say a 55 gallon. A 55 will be more expensive, but you will have a greater success rate, and if you make a mistake (don't we all) it will be easier to correct, and will be less detrimental to the tank. I started with a biocube 29, and it's been up and running for a year and a half now. Amazing tank, and best of all its not too expensive. The only upgrades I've done to it is a lighting upgrade to an AquaIllumination hydra 26 hd. Biocube 29's are great sizes, not too expensive, and you have a lot more flexibility with the tank than lets say a 6 gallon.
Paul Chris
Paul Chris - 9 years ago
If you're just starting out, don't do a small tank like this. It will be easier for fish to get sick, and easier for temp fluctuations, Ph changes, and other things to happen that can crash your tank. Start out with something above 55 gallons, if you can afford it. I am not trying to deter you, but be aware you will be spending thousands to have a nice looking tank.
Aligator Trex
Aligator Trex - 9 years ago
Hy how many litre this aquarium?
Aligator Trex
Aligator Trex - 8 years ago
Snipercube - 8 years ago
+Aligator Trex about 26
Aligator Trex
Aligator Trex - 9 years ago
+Aligator Trex sorry how much
Sam Young
Sam Young - 9 years ago
what size tank would you reccomend to a budget concious begginer
Paul Chris
Paul Chris - 9 years ago
As big as you can afford. The larger the tank the easier it is, and might you might save money in the long run.
sjcgm - 9 years ago
too samll for that fishes
Mario Berthely
Mario Berthely - 9 years ago
too much fish for the tank i guess
Michelle Gianni
Michelle Gianni - 9 years ago
Hi what light are u using?
mendy furst
mendy furst - 9 years ago
I have a 10 gallon with a blue hippo I put him in a 175g and he was dying I put him back to 10 gallon and he was fine I haven't seen any aggression or stress
Edgar Dias
Edgar Dias - 9 years ago
do you use a skimmer?
Ares The Troll
Ares The Troll - 9 years ago
fish will look better in a 20 gall at least
Laurentiu Muresan
Laurentiu Muresan - 9 years ago
Small but beautiful, you did a great job !
Impaeratorae - 9 years ago
Nice aquarium for sure though.
Impaeratorae - 9 years ago
Tang.. ur insane, just like ur fish will become.
Impaeratorae - 9 years ago
+Niall Struthers buzz off
Niall Struthers
Niall Struthers - 9 years ago
Read the description dumbass
Xanode - 9 years ago
i know nothing about salt water setups and aquariums in general and even i can tell your doing a lot very wrong...
Steven Goldstein
Steven Goldstein - 7 years ago
His fish look happier and healthier then I’ve seen in a 55. He knows what he’s doing
Jack Roth
Jack Roth - 9 years ago
+Kenny Kirk couldn't be any more true lol
Kenny Kirk
Kenny Kirk - 9 years ago
+Jack Roth any beginner willing to spend over $1000 on a 6g tank has more issues than incompatibility lol
Jack Roth
Jack Roth - 9 years ago
+Kenny Kirk good, and no, slight nitrate differences aren't detrimental. However; they're not ideal. I just don't want any beginners seeing this video and thinking that they can copy the setup(:
Kenny Kirk
Kenny Kirk - 9 years ago
+Jack Roth he has moved his fish out and anyone who keeps aquariums knows that organisms arent very much hurt by slight differences in nitrates
Jack Roth
Jack Roth - 9 years ago
+Kenny Kirk First off the tank is too small for all the fish in it. Clownfish need at least 25 gallons, as I've seen them pushing 4" in length (10cm). The chromis in there needs at least 15 gallons, as they're very active swimmers. Keeping sps and lps in the same tank can be difficult as well because lps require "dirty" water (has slight amounts of nitrates), and sps require water that is a lot cleaner, with nitrates preferably reading 0.
TheNuggetThatCould - 9 years ago
+Jacob Temple idiot read description
Kenny Kirk
Kenny Kirk - 9 years ago
+Jacob Temple Read the description fam.
Jacob Temple
Jacob Temple - 9 years ago
+Kenny Kirk first of all the yellow tang in the tank? they need at least 75 gallons of more, they are territorial and will double in size
Kenny Kirk
Kenny Kirk - 9 years ago
+Xanode Please explain mate.
cause he isn't doing anything wrong
Paul Chris
Paul Chris - 9 years ago
No he's not... You bandwagon.
Tim G
Tim G - 9 years ago
Love your tank man great job. May I ask what type of
Filtration system you are using?
Louie Perez
Louie Perez - 8 years ago
Anthony Tsai
NEMO20G - 9 years ago
+Anthony Tsai hi mate just wandering what that anemone is they are playing in pleeeease let me know ta bud :) also how long did it take for you clownfish to get used to the tank and spawn??
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 9 years ago
for this tank, it's just the standard fluval edge filtration system that comes with the tank
Alex Shelby
Alex Shelby - 9 years ago
That tang is stressed as fuck in that tank
Ethan Cheung
Ethan Cheung - 9 years ago
+Alex Shelby theres something called a description... read it
2019freddie - 9 years ago
a couple of clown triggers and you will be all set.....
John's Aquatics
John's Aquatics - 9 years ago
How many gph is that powerhead? Awesome tank, and nice yellow tang! :D
John's Aquatics
John's Aquatics - 9 years ago
+John's Aquatics Also what lights are those?
coralreef2001 - 9 years ago
how could u keep the tang in there for a year look how stressed he is
E The Potato
E The Potato - 9 years ago
way too small for a tang
Andrew Morphas
Andrew Morphas - 7 years ago
tank size doesnt matter. mattersthe fact that tangs are wild caught and shouldnt be bought.
angga yanuar
angga yanuar - 7 years ago
way too small for a plankton
muffemod - 7 years ago
WHOOP WHOOP! Pull over!
John Gorman
John Gorman - 7 years ago
Listen dickhead in the grand scheme of things fish should be in the sea! Leave the guy alone the tank looks good
MOSK - 7 years ago
E The Potato. That's way too small it's just animal cruelty.
Korean Reefer
Korean Reefer - 7 years ago
I knew it, there is always a tang police out there. ALWAYS
Jose Santana
Jose Santana - 8 years ago
E The Potato read the comment
HighRollahz808 - 8 years ago
+Bubba hahaha I was just messin wit ya bro! Have a good Friday and weekend my brotha!
Bubba - 8 years ago
+HighRollahz808 So spicy. Too edgy for me bro.
HighRollahz808 - 8 years ago
+Bubba F**K your opinion!!!
ray speed
ray speed - 8 years ago
wanker read :0
Bitter_Lemon - 8 years ago
Read the description
Bubba - 8 years ago
+Ace's Nano Reef I said IMO. I wouldn't keep a clownfish in a tank this size they need at least 30 gallons IMO.
Bubba - 9 years ago
+super boy111 Its too small for a clownfish IMO.
MikeTheGamingKid - 9 years ago
+mje19D i know
mje19D - 9 years ago
+super boy111 settle down hot shot.
MikeTheGamingKid - 9 years ago
Read the fucking description.
Angel Wings
Angel Wings - 9 years ago
other than that looks good, please tell me you took that out of there.
Brenner - 9 years ago
read the desc.
Angel Wings
Angel Wings - 9 years ago
rude a**hole. got that tang in a 6g you should be shot!
EastCoast Arachnids
EastCoast Arachnids - 9 years ago
stfu you dike and read the description before you spat your stupidity
Adam Mills
Adam Mills - 9 years ago
Evil fucking bastard. From the Tang poilce.
DuduTheDoraAmon - 9 years ago
omg.... so so pretty !!!!!!!!!!
Rodney Mohawk
Rodney Mohawk - 9 years ago
Hi Anthony I'm on a fact finding mission about this style of tank. So far I've read all negative on starting this kinda aquarium due to the complexity and threat of killing all the inhabitants and so on. I really love the look of the Edge but again I was told it might be easier to maintain a tank if it were larger. Also if I may be so bold as to ask you approximately how much would it cost to setup a tank like yours? Thanks for any input you or others may have.
Abhijeet Dutta
Abhijeet Dutta - 9 years ago
i donno why people hating this video..... !!!! mentally ill they may be..... talking about ur tank dude it looks awesome.... n greatt... specially those two clown fishes they are enjoying n the yellow tang moving in n out awesome view , which makes the reef tank looks so natural :)
really great job:::::
Bill Goody Aquarium Service
Bill Goody Aquarium Service - 9 years ago
that yellow tang is obviously very stressed out in there.......
Angel Varela Faroppa
Angel Varela Faroppa - 9 years ago
this is just nice!!!
Juan Carlos
Juan Carlos - 9 years ago
Hello I wonder what kind filter use
Mr scales924
Mr scales924 - 9 years ago
What kind of light?
UnknownSlappy - 9 years ago
Susan Solberg
Susan Solberg - 9 years ago
Thank-you for Not drounding it in Blue, looks a heck of a lot more natural and clear with the light setting you have. Love it!
ReviewCam - 9 years ago
It's gorgeous, but you might want to baffle your filter a bit.
bluetigerbee - 9 years ago
Anthony, you should be ashamed to have fish like that in such a small tankt (even if it were for 1 day). it should be 20 times bigger for this species.
You should be even more ashamed too be proud for showing it here.

To all these people here clapping their hands for this movie: you should be ashamed too!!
Paul Chris
Paul Chris - 9 years ago
You probably have no reef experience
Nunca Sabe
Nunca Sabe - 9 years ago
+bluetigerbee ...you should get a life. I love the tank. And the fish seem much happier than you do. Don't speak for the fish. Mind your tank.
Niall Struthers
Niall Struthers - 9 years ago
Read the description
edgar garcia
edgar garcia - 9 years ago
How often do you do water changes
Daniel Hyder
Daniel Hyder - 9 years ago
Tho over all very nice tank. : )
Daniel Hyder
Daniel Hyder - 9 years ago
Ok I get it you moved the Yellow Tang but still never do that again, its just a bad idea.
karl steatham
karl steatham - 9 years ago
Hi what light are you using?
Paulo Costa
Paulo Costa - 9 years ago
Very beautiful...
This very healthy this aquarium.    =)
Jan P. Goerl
Jan P. Goerl - 9 years ago
It looks very great but there are Too Much fish in the tank
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
+Jan P. Goerl there's a thing called description. read it
onatcan haydi
onatcan haydi - 9 years ago
Götverenler akdeniz bölgesinde oldugumuz icin 1 milyara patlio böle akvaryum
Moses boro
Moses boro - 9 years ago
I had a yellow tang for 6 years and its been in a 10 gallon tank for all those years. its was healthy beautifully bright yellow and loved its environment.

after taking ppls advice i upgraded to a 100 gallon tank the water perimeters 
where excellent but the tang wasn't doing to well in. it stopped eating and the color wasn't so vivid  more like pale yellow. so i decided what the heck let me set up the 10 gallon and throw him back in there so i did with in hours the color of the tang got bright yellow and it started eat. 

so, it doesn't really matter how big is your tank as long its healthy and happy besides you think a 100 gallon is still to small  comparing to the ocean.
Dark Rogue Wolf
Dark Rogue Wolf - 9 years ago
Wow really nice set up. Obviously you know your reefs thanks
crazy monkey gaming
crazy monkey gaming - 9 years ago
To smal for a tang
RayMondoART - 9 years ago
oooh how cute!!
reefclown - 9 years ago
Beautiful tank! I'm an experienced pico and nano reefer and I must say you've done a nice job! Forget the haters, they don't get it.
Brett Abbott
Brett Abbott - 9 years ago
Tell me that poor yellow tang isn't in there anymore....
Riz Ramadhan
Riz Ramadhan - 9 years ago
Nice tank!! And nice selection of music background. Mozart violin concerto no.3 :) whose the violinist in the recording?
ArmorPsi - 9 years ago
Best looking tank I've seen.What lighting setup do you have ?
MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 9 years ago
Love the Picasso clowns hosting that anemone. Tank looks awesome.
Ve Te
Ve Te - 9 years ago
What is the lighting and would u recommend it?
ArmorPsi - 9 years ago
Man those clowns are enjoying the crap out of that anemone
kyle sproul
kyle sproul - 9 years ago
Please make a video on how you did this with links to parts needed. I have a fluval edge and want to do this
neildowntome - 9 years ago
How much would a set up like this cost? I really want clown fish.
Felipe Zamudio
Felipe Zamudio - 9 years ago
Wow looks really Nice good job
theeAQUATIC attic
theeAQUATIC attic - 10 years ago
Even if you read the description it says the tang was moved. The clowns should have been moved also, minimum tank size for a pair is 25 gallons. But that's no reason to hate on a tank this beautiful. Asking as he monitors his fish and they are healthy it's all peaches and cake.
Nanobuds - 10 years ago
What light fixture do you use?
john yager
john yager - 10 years ago
Is that a condy they are hosting? What happened to the rbt??
mr wazir
mr wazir - 10 years ago
I love ur tank...ur doing good keep at it.

You dont need a bigger tank fuck what people say.

I too have a 6 gallon tank with big fishes. People are just too brainwashed oh u need a bigger tank.
savannah montano
savannah montano - 10 years ago
How many big fishes do you have in your tank? I have:
Two male fancy guppies
Four female neon tetras
And that's it.
kidsWearCrowns - 10 years ago
These are cool tanks. They must be a bitch to clean though?
A seahorse pair would be real slick in this tank.
and I'm still waiting for the day when FLUVAL makes a nice 5 footer just like this only huge.
cOsAiR - 10 years ago
What is your secret with the lighting?
Larry Daley
Larry Daley - 10 years ago
i have never has a salt water aquarium. would like to have one someday and trying to learn about them. i did'nt know you could do a salt water tank this small. it is beautiful and the fish seem to be enjoying their surroundings. i say great job.
Homur Seempsone
Homur Seempsone - 10 years ago
They spoil you. You'll never want freshwater again, they're so much fun. But the price  to make one hurts. One like this costs around $800, + another $400 for livestock
Joseph Ghannam
Joseph Ghannam - 10 years ago
hey the tank looks nice. im thinking bout doing the same to my 6g fluval as well, and to all u assholes talking shit abojut this tank....fuck you and worry about your fucking shit. who the hell are you to tell him what to do with his tank, he paid for it and did what he wanted to with it. it looks nice so fuck off.
ערן לוי
ערן לוי - 10 years ago
This is a sea anemone?
Roberto River
Roberto River - 10 years ago
Suleman Malik
Suleman Malik - 10 years ago
what is the name of the coral that the clown fish is bedding in?
Ethan Cheung
Ethan Cheung - 10 years ago
whats that anemone in the front left? and will ocellaris clowns host that anemone?
Ethan Cheung
Ethan Cheung - 9 years ago
AbstractXD - 9 years ago
+Ethan Cheung Careful tho they reporduce fast
AbstractXD - 9 years ago
+Ethan Cheung You must keep your water quality up, nice man :]
Ethan Cheung
Ethan Cheung - 9 years ago
well i got it... its still alive btw.... ;D
AbstractXD - 9 years ago
+Ethan Cheung Not a good idea, the water params could go bad horribly quick and Anemones and Corals are extremely sensitive.
Ethan Cheung
Ethan Cheung - 10 years ago
+Anthony Tsai oh and how fast does it grow?
Ethan Cheung
Ethan Cheung - 10 years ago
thank you for the quick response... is it hard to take care of a rose bubble tip anemone?
i am thinking of getting one for my ten gallon tank.
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
It's a rose bubble tip anemone.  And yes, ocellaris clowns will host.  In fact, practically every clown fish will host with a rose bubble tip.
Scot Marquardt
Scot Marquardt - 10 years ago
Short Lived!!!
Anthony Cocchi
Anthony Cocchi - 10 years ago
That's amazingly beautiful!
ryanjofre - 10 years ago
So nice, it makes me wanna say FUCK. Big bio load, I'd be paranoid about it crashing.
seb rocco
seb rocco - 10 years ago
gorgeous !
Christopher Botsford
Christopher Botsford - 10 years ago
im a noob here.  I understand the Tang situation, and Im happy to hear that it is now in a bigger tank. My question is I can do this same set up without a Tang? or would it still be crowded?
Christopher Botsford
Christopher Botsford - 10 years ago
+Anthony Tsai
Thank you for the quick reply!
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
+Christopher Botsford Crowded is in the eye of the beholder.  So in my opinion, yes you can do the same setup without a tang.
Christopher Botsford
Christopher Botsford - 10 years ago
btw, amazing tank you have!!!!
paulyohipoti - 10 years ago
How long did you keep the tang in there before moving it to the 180g
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
+paulyohipoti Tang was in there for almost a year.
Sumera Seraj
Sumera Seraj - 10 years ago
This is a very beautiful tank I'm glad you were able to move the yellow fish out to a bigger tank but like u said if the fishes are happy and it seems like ur taking great care of them than nothing else matter so others out there stop hating. Btw I'm about to start a 10 gallon with possibly 2 fishes. Could u please tell me how much a set up like your cost including everything the corals, rock the tank ball figure . thanks
mendy furst
mendy furst - 9 years ago
It would be in the $200-$300 range I that is very cheep I spent $160 with no fish and corals
Sumera Seraj
Sumera Seraj - 10 years ago
Not bad for the work u put into this
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
+Sumera Seraj Total cost including everything?  I tad over $1k.
patrick jullian
patrick jullian - 10 years ago
U. Just be a expert in salt water fish wow
Simon Tran
Simon Tran - 10 years ago
inspiration to us all
Shad Quill
Shad Quill - 10 years ago
Very nice.  got it dialed in.  best part about a nano is pushing the limit while keeping a happy healthy tank.
Nicholas Ortiz
Nicholas Ortiz - 10 years ago
Hello, i'm just starting my nano 5 gal and have been trying to find examples of the right equipment to do corals. I'm also trying to get helpful answers on easy corals to maintain in this size tank and the best way to keep the water in the right parameters. any help would be greatly appreciated!!  
Cherie Tellam
Cherie Tellam - 10 years ago
Great thanks been looking everywhere , ill have alook x
Cherie Tellam
Cherie Tellam - 10 years ago
Ho could you tell me what extra lighting you have and where you got it . The tank look awesome.
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
I got the extra add on lights (2 of them to be exact) that I placed on top of the tank from Fluval.  They're just rectangular LED lights that costed around $70 each.
Leesha B
Leesha B - 10 years ago
Gorgeous tank! Pleased to hear you have a 180 gallon!
Buddy Sheroka
Buddy Sheroka - 10 years ago
Thats a cool little tank happy reefing
Mateja Res
Mateja Res - 10 years ago
you need to get bigger tank
razedWrong - 9 years ago
Most people don't see the description. Unless they are old shcool and use laptops
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
+Abs Godwin Apparently many people don't seem to read the description
Abs Godwin
Abs Godwin - 10 years ago
Idk If people are doing this on purpose, did you read the discription??
Mateja Res
Mateja Res - 10 years ago
Ej deandre
Ej deandre - 10 years ago
He got a 180 gallon
TheSilverEnthusiast - 10 years ago
Hey you fucking haters, he has a 180 gal so shutup! Read the damn description.
Dan Loeliger
Dan Loeliger - 10 years ago
The tank looks great.  It appears to be larger than 6 gallons.
jkickz1772 - 10 years ago
how did you get your tank to look this good, what filtration did you use?
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
I only used the standard Fluval filtration system that came with the tank.  Other than that, no skimmer or anything else for filtration - just 20% water changes each week.
tapNAPorSNAP100 - 10 years ago
Poor fish need at least 45 gallons. That's literally like you living in your bathroom for the rest of your life. Some people man I swear smdh.
shechshire - 10 years ago
lol, you gotta love the sensitivity level with some people.
shechshire - 10 years ago
I'm planning on putting a freshly caught from the ocean yellow tail snapper in my nano cube soon.
Ej deandre
Ej deandre - 10 years ago
He got a bigger tank dude
FishTankArmy - 10 years ago
The amount of people that didn't read the description and started hating...
Jezabel Casillas
Jezabel Casillas - 9 years ago
+BadDriversOf Georgia |
sygy - 10 years ago
lol so many haters. they probly dont have any experience with reefs.
BadDriversOf Tennessee
BadDriversOf Tennessee - 10 years ago
When I start doing videos on my 10 gallon salt water tank I'm going to disable the likes and approve comments so the so called clueless haters cant hate.
prozack12 - 10 years ago
Lol yellow tang. You can fit some more fish in there
prozack12 - 10 years ago
A clown tang would do well in there haha
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
Maybe a purple tang so yellow and purple tangs can fight all day long? :P  (just joking of course)
marineaquaria101 - 10 years ago
The tank is stunning. No doubt. However, anybody who does enough research to run reef should surely know that you don't stock all these specimens together in such a tiny tank. Especially the yellow tang. The hell with having healthy fish, as long as it looks good to you, right?
tom riddle
tom riddle - 10 years ago
how about you read the description, marineaquariua? Anyone who uses youtube should surely know that you don't make assumptions without reading the details. The hell with being right, as long as you get to jump down someone's throat, right?
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
You can do whatever you want with your tank.  It's your tank, not someone else's :)  So do as you please!
Thomas Carroll
Thomas Carroll - 10 years ago
Sick tank, one of the better looking Fluvals I've seen. Have you noticed better growth for corals NOT using a skimmer? And if some people could please take the time to not be so fucking rude and illiterate, and read the part where he says the TANG IS NOW IN A 180 GALLON.. Would be swell.
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
For this small tank, since I never used a skimmer, I can't provide an answer to your question.  But yes, I would assume using a skimmer would make the water cleaner and as a result, promote faster coral growth.  But then again, do you really want your corals to grow that fast in a tiny 6 gallon nano tank?  There's only so much room.
Cen CaL'sReef
Cen CaL'sReef - 10 years ago
Really people that tang showed no signs of stress nor did any of the other fish and any experienced reefer knows you can keep any kind of fish as a juvenile in a nano, you really think he was gonna let that fish grow to full capacity in a 6 gallon?! Get real fuckin idiots lol
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 10 years ago
Very nice tank. I would suggest to move the tang to a bigger tank, like a 75G.
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 9 years ago
+Anthony Tsai awesome! Is your small tank still running? I hope it is, since it is nice!
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
Tang is in a 180G now
John Somerville
John Somerville - 10 years ago
Awesome tank, I am inspired. I started mine 3 weeks ago, this is kind of what I am hoping for. I also have been hoping to do it without a skimmer, really no room. I have been doing 20% water changes, weekly. It still has not cycled, but my ammonia is very low and my nitrates are very low, I am curious, did you ever get your nitrates to zero, I want to introduce coral but I still have some nitrates.
Thomas Carroll
Thomas Carroll - 10 years ago
Most corals are actually quite tolerant of Nitrates, with the exception of SPS. I run a 19 gallon system with no skimmer, Nitrates are usually between 5-10ppm, but I've ran them higher than that before with no ill effects on anything (25-40ppm). If anything, growth exploded with my corals running the tank a bit "dirtier" for lack of a better word. Just depends on what type of coral you plan to keep. Also, don't do a water change until your tank has cycled, this will just make your tank take longer to cycle.. Do a massive one (50% usually) at the very end and you'll be good to go.
Cen CaL'sReef
Cen CaL'sReef - 10 years ago
Ps. I got lucky I waited three weeks my tank never cycled! My live rock must have stayed in tact from the LFS plus I had live sand bought ten pounds
Cen CaL'sReef
Cen CaL'sReef - 10 years ago
I don't have a skimmer and my tank does just fine params perfect nitrates 0, are you using RO water? That could help
Andy Pham
Andy Pham - 10 years ago
Most smallest but coolest saltwater fish tank I've ever seen
Ariel McDade
Ariel McDade - 10 years ago
What filter do you have on there? Is it the basic one that came with the tank or did you put your own? How are you keeping that tank clean without a protein skimmer?
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
+Ariel McDade Just the standard Fluval Edge filter.  Nothing else.  You keep the tank clean without a protein skimmer by weekly water changes.  For such a small tank, it's easy to do a 20% water change every week.
Mofocookies - 10 years ago
Did you even read the bio? It says he put the tang in a 100 gallon.
Illusion xShadow
Illusion xShadow - 10 years ago
Glad you moved to 180 gallon nice tank though man
brian flores
brian flores - 10 years ago
How much did you pay for this
Penster 22
Penster 22 - 10 years ago
Great setup! I'd like to get an anemone for my clown in my Edge but can't seem to find lights that'll work through the small opening. I see your lights are sitting on the glass. I was told that light gets filtered this way and is not as effective for reefs.  What lights are you using and are they still working well for the reef?
adamcole111 - 10 years ago
What's the lighting bar on this??
Illusion xShadow
Illusion xShadow - 10 years ago
Yellow tang requires 55 gallon get rid of it or upgrade
DarterGaming - 7 years ago
Read the desc3iption numbnuts.
IHVHandmind - 9 years ago
+elementom1 - ick, do we need to be so disrespectful? lol Sure it's obvious but c'mon. ahaha. 
elementom1 - 9 years ago
It's called a description. Read it
Jake Allen
Jake Allen - 9 years ago
Read description
Illusion xShadow
Illusion xShadow - 9 years ago
I don't even fucken comment anymore u comment and a bunch of asshole normally reply yea I read wrong so what get the fuck over it
razedWrong - 9 years ago
Homur Seempsone
Homur Seempsone - 10 years ago
+Cody Deckard
Anyone who looks in the comments before the description honestly shouldnt be allowed on youtube
Cen CaL'sReef
Cen CaL'sReef - 10 years ago
Yea it's cool man I just got mad my bad lol
Illusion xShadow
Illusion xShadow - 10 years ago
I put later in the comments k saw he had it in the 180
Ej deandre
Ej deandre - 10 years ago
I know this is a little late but don't comment on people's tank and how this and that need what when you can't even keep 2 clownfish in a tank alive. Such a noob
IHVHandmind - 10 years ago
+Luke magnia  Or luke, you can stop being a mangina.
Cen CaL'sReef
Cen CaL'sReef - 10 years ago
You realize you can get rid of it once it gets bigger and trade it in for more than what you probably pay for it you fucktard
IHVHandmind - 10 years ago
Cody the next time you want to voice your' concern, try to be a bit more polite and read the video description and comments first.  You came off an asshole.  - Have a nice day. 
Katsuna2010 - 10 years ago
If you looked at the other comments, you would see that he has the tang in a 180g tank.
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 10 years ago
Idiot, you actually put an incredible pair of Picasso Percs and a tang in a 6 gallon?! Please upgrade.
Ironiic zero
Ironiic zero - 9 years ago
+Mansa Musa you do know in the description it clearly said he upgraded to a 180 gallon. learn to read
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 9 years ago
+tina w, newbs don't know what Cirrhilabrus cf. lanceolatus is. So leave.
Bettine H
Bettine H - 9 years ago
+Mansa Musa um...dude...OBVIOUSLY this dude knows what he's doing, you're the one looking like an idiot by not reading the description. this dude clearly doesn't need a newbs advice lol awesome Tank, thanks for sharing it with us!
Unicorn Stampede
Unicorn Stampede - 10 years ago
what are the clown fish doing in that thing
Cecilie Pagh
Cecilie Pagh - 9 years ago
+Anthony Tsai Nope, they have to rub against the anemone once in a while to hold their immunity to it. The clown fish produces a mucus that is activated by the anemone, that protects it from the anemone's sting.
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
+unicorn stampede they're just dancing around I guess :)
Kevin Tran
Kevin Tran - 10 years ago
What is that purple fish you have called??
Deh Nandie
Deh Nandie - 10 years ago
+Kevin Tran If not you certainly acted like one here atleast
Deh Nandie
Deh Nandie - 10 years ago
+Kevin Tran need to be so aggressive he just didn't know what you meant at first, what did he do do to get that kind of response? Are are you just a premature 12 year old who thinks its funny?
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
+Kevin Tran You referring to the purple firefish?
Kevin Tran
Kevin Tran - 10 years ago
No bitch
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
That fish is called a blue damsel.
Peter Lee
Peter Lee - 10 years ago
You do not even use any filter for this tank ?
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
+Peter Lee Nope.  You don't need any if you do 20% water changes every week.  Why waste money on equipment for such a small tank? Well there is the standard Fluval filter running which picks up some of the poop.
Stefan - 10 years ago
AC2GO777 - 10 years ago
Much respect, The 6 gallon saltwater reef is very hard to do, The aquarium tank is a work of art, ignore the jealous haters
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
+AC2GO777 Thanks very much for the kind words.  Appreciate it!
Umair Javaid
Umair Javaid - 10 years ago
Why isn't your sand particles floating in water due to high waves?
Dimitra Tassos
Dimitra Tassos - 10 years ago
+Anthony Tsai is the water pumps a hydor? I just started my saltwater tank - Fluval Edge 6 gallon. I have a Hydor 240 pump and I can't seem to find a position that won't create a bald spot on my bed.  
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
+Umair Javaid Because the water pumps aren't strong enough to blow the sand.  You have to position and adjust your pumps correctly in a nano tank.
Alexander Rodriguez
Alexander Rodriguez - 10 years ago
That tang is doing life in prison
jrfan8829 - 10 years ago
Would this tank work with just 1 or 2 clownfish without requiring a larger tank to move them to?
jrfan8829 - 10 years ago
+Anthony Tsai I was looking to get something small and thought a couple of those would be good without getting too big for the tank <---students budget lol. Thanks
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
+jrfan8829 Yes this tank would definitely work if you only want to put 1 or 2 clownfish
Jonathan - 10 years ago
Yellow tang in a 6g......tut tut!
blooduhz - 10 years ago
Beautifully lit tank, beautiful reef.. so clean so colorful. I silently weep looking at how the fishes are enjoying it while the symphony music in the background.
Josh Ya
Josh Ya - 10 years ago
Very nice.  Getting ready to start my first nano reef in an 8 gallon. 
Yasser Jugoo
Yasser Jugoo - 10 years ago
Hi Anthony thanks for being so kind and answering all the questions. My question is that whether you use a protein skimmer and if yes which one do you use. many thanks in advance.
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
I've never used a protein skimmer for this 6 gallon Fluval.  I just do 20% water changes each week to ensure good water quality.  For my larger 180G, I definitely do use a skimmer.  But for a small tank like the Fluval, there really isn't any reason to use a skimmer IMO.  The tank is so small that water changes are extremely easy and not a hassle.
DezernGirl - 10 years ago
What light are you using to support these? What kind of powerhead are you using? I'm experienced with freshwater planted tanks but not saltwater or reef tanks (although I've been researching them). I have a Fluval Chi (5 gal) that I've been wanting to make into a saltwater tank. Not sure I will even have any fish, but the corals are beautiful. Any advice? As far as equipment, I bought a 10" Finnex Fugeray for when I had freshwater plants. Anyone know if it will support softies? I've also heard some will have chemical warfare within a small tank... What are compatible species? Thanks in advance! 
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
Fluval external lights.  Powerhead is a Hydor.  Saltwater tanks is A LOT more work than fresh water, along with higher costs.
Κώστας - 10 years ago
awesome reef tank...!!!!! a good idea for a beginner in reef aquariums...! could you plz tell us how much did it cost?(including everything) 
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
Estimated cost was around $1,000.
Rakhu Rakhu
Rakhu Rakhu - 10 years ago
How much live rock you have in that 6 ga SW tank?
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
+Rakhu Rakhu It's about 6 lbs of live rock.  For a nano tank, I'd try to keep 1 lb or live rock for each gallon.
Oz C
Oz C - 10 years ago
Darn beautiful :-) . Too bad for the fish that it's so small :-(
andrew williams
andrew williams - 10 years ago
andrew williams
andrew williams - 10 years ago
@Anthony Tsai
andrew williams
andrew williams - 10 years ago

What kind of anemone is that I can't get my clowns to host an anemone lol
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
That's just a rose bubble tip anenome.  Buy one of those and your clowns should eventually host it.
The Splashrider
The Splashrider - 10 years ago
to little for this fisch
Paysongaming - 10 years ago
He already upgraded his tank to 180 gallons so the yellow tang is fine
Darragh Delves
Darragh Delves - 10 years ago
Awesome tank
Samuel Sucre
Samuel Sucre - 10 years ago
Whats that huge mushroom coral called?
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
It's called a leather toadstool.
Manuel Otillinger
Manuel Otillinger - 10 years ago
The fishes are Too Big for that tank...
Reefphreak - 10 years ago
Very nice tank! Except for the tang. Lol. Glad it's moved to your 180. Love the colors popping on this.
XVIIIZero - 10 years ago
In total how much did all of this cost you?
fUjiMaNia - 10 years ago
1:55 - 2:13 is this some kind of fish leisure quality time (massage) that is happening in that corner? I'm a newbie in this. please explain :-)
Gabriel Perez
Gabriel Perez - 10 years ago
I've never seen a 6 gallon tank so beautiful!!!
Canada Arrow
Canada Arrow - 7 years ago
Gabriel Perez thank you a none toxic comment
joe eoj
joe eoj - 10 years ago
Any updates on this
stijn - 10 years ago
Oh my! the clownfishes look soooo happy! its a pleasure watching this aquarium!
Carlson Moncrief
Carlson Moncrief - 10 years ago

This hurts to look at. Take out the blue damsel! It will stress out your fish! I would get rid of the tang too. It needs a bigger tank to be happy, but like most people you probably already know this and don't care.
Branden Herring
Branden Herring - 10 years ago
You say you know what your doing and if you did you would've never put a fucking yellow tang in a 6 gallon tank in the first place god damn your retarded
LRanee - 7 years ago
Read description dumb cocksucker
Beto - 7 years ago
And did you believe that ? hahahaha
Korean Reefer
Korean Reefer - 7 years ago
well he did say it is fully packed.
Seria Isaloner
Seria Isaloner - 8 years ago
Dude tangs grow fast! Thats stupid as fuck and how do you expect to get him out? Lol those clowns need to go, i own the same tank and have 1 juvenile tomato clown and hes to big
Austin Salgat
Austin Salgat - 8 years ago
It's animal abuse, of course some people are going to be upset over it.
Ej deandre
Ej deandre - 10 years ago
Dude really you get all buthurt
Alle  Mächtigen Laib
Alle Mächtigen Laib - 10 years ago
Well if you were smart enough to know that his tang is already in a 180 gallon tank dipshit
Caitlyn Robles
Caitlyn Robles - 10 years ago
Let's stick you in a 6 gallon and see how you survive.
chris houston
chris houston - 10 years ago
what kind of light is that that can support that kind quarrel 
Homur Seempsone
Homur Seempsone - 10 years ago
All these brainwashed idiots worrying about the tang... XD
Spoder mon
Spoder mon - 10 years ago
+Homur Seempsone wht hAp3nd tu m1G homur u z dizgRaec
Abs Godwin
Abs Godwin - 10 years ago
+Homur Seempsone The truth is people do not genuinely Care about the size of the aquarium, they are just jealous and will desperately use anything to put him down.
Homur Seempsone
Homur Seempsone - 10 years ago
+Abs Godwin indeed, I have a friend whos kept some sort of 8" puffer in a 10 gallon reef just fine. 
Abs Godwin
Abs Godwin - 10 years ago
They do not have a clue, I have seen fishes like this waiting to be bought in these kind of tanks..
James Head
James Head - 10 years ago
That tank is too small for ANY marine fish, even if it is temporary. 
greatest ever
greatest ever - 10 years ago
All in all what was the total cost of this tank and all of its inhabitants?
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 10 years ago
I'm glad to see that you already had long term plans in place for the fish. That is a sweet little edge setup.
Mad Rogers
Mad Rogers - 10 years ago
Beautiful tank but that yellow tang should be in a bigger setup...
Brittany LeBoeuf
Brittany LeBoeuf - 10 years ago
i can't believe you put a yellow tang in there... 
rhythmofhearts - 10 years ago
David Carr
David Carr - 10 years ago
Nice tank #jealous
mmWillie Mcdowell
mmWillie Mcdowell - 10 years ago
I love your tank it's very beautiful but your tank is nearly 10 times to small for that tang yet he seems happy your clowns will do just fine congratulations look at my tank it's nothing on yours though
Texas Flyer
Texas Flyer - 10 years ago
Really neat tank. Good job dealing with all the fish snobs so calmly. I haven't even set up my first tank yet and already I can tell I'm going to have to avoid them like the plague. I just got an Edge as well. It's going to be freshwater and don't tell the know it alls but I think I might put at least one fish in it. It might even be barely big enough to see!!!
Joe Mascari
Joe Mascari - 10 years ago
It cracks me up when people say get the tang out of there and put him in a 75gal tank. Im pretty sure 75g gor 6 is quite a small difference compared to the ocean LOL.Not to mention he said about 10 times hes moving it to a bigger tank. Chill out people.
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
Tang is already in my new 180 gallon tank
anna kozakova
anna kozakova - 10 years ago
when it will grow you have to release the fishes to the sea :),beautifull aquarium,people get mad comenting that there is not enough room for them but,rainbow trout can grow at a density of 200 kilograms per cubic meter
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
+Jekx all the fish already moved into my 180 gallon
anna kozakova
anna kozakova - 10 years ago
+Jekx yea ,your right about invasive species,anyway i said it more like a joke
Jekx - 10 years ago
Technically housing any fish is i humane compared to their real life surrounding but there are healthier alternative. Also he doesn't have to real ease any of these fish he could simply upgrade his size or give it to someone who has a larger tank like 75-100+ gallons also real easing is how we get invasive species yellow tangs are from Hawaii
FILM JAEGER - 10 years ago
Nice sps but bad to put tang in there
Babette Benjamin
Babette Benjamin - 10 years ago
This is soooooooo beautiful
Alessandro Vazquez
Alessandro Vazquez - 10 years ago
You fucking dumbass ehy is their a yellow tang in a 6 gallon tank
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
It was only a temporary home for the tang.  I was waiting for my 180 gallon which he's in there now.
Gavyn Smith
Gavyn Smith - 10 years ago
Dang and I felt bad for putting my yellow baby tang in a 40g
Christine - 10 years ago
how much roughly would this setup cost?
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
My guess is with everything in the tank, around $1k
Frxnchie - 10 years ago
Are you a fucking inbred? That yellow tang gets half the length of that tank..
Garrett - 10 years ago
I'm just getting into the aquarium hobby but isn't this way too small for the number of fish you have?
brsund06 - 10 years ago
get that tang out of there you dipshit its bad enough have two medium picasso in there, that tang needs 75 gallons minimum this is cruel
Lexus - 10 years ago
Really nice. Are you using a protein skimmer?
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
Nope I'm not using any skimmer.  Only filtering system I have is what came with the Fluval Edge.  I just do 20% partial water changes twice a week.
DWB 5 - 10 years ago
Hey man love the tank!! I have one I'm working on now. Do you leave your powerhead on 24/7 or do you turn it off some and what light is that across the top of the tank? Again I love the tank.
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
The powerhead is on 24 hours a day.  The light on the top is an external Fluval Edge LED light strip.
jacques tetreault
jacques tetreault - 11 years ago
Corvux IX
Corvux IX - 10 years ago
+Jekx The tang seems totally happy there anyway, I've even seen them in smaller tanks and they do just fine!
Jekx - 10 years ago
He has been moved people lol but all of you are right and I'm glad people are educated enough ( not a slam to you Anthony i follow you and know you upgraded) to realize these animals are wild and require large space to "survive " better the. In little boxes of water yet still do not always thrive.
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
My yellow tang is really happy and has a nice fat little belly.
Corvux IX
Corvux IX - 11 years ago
He seems happy, just look at him
jacques tetreault
jacques tetreault - 11 years ago
yeah cruelty to the poor fish, needs to swim MUCH 
Corvux IX
Corvux IX - 11 years ago
Tang police much?
Buk - 11 years ago
karibik style ^^
snake3billion - 11 years ago
snake3billion - 11 years ago
Hi I'm about to start a nano reef using the 12 gallon fluval edge tank my first salt water and I was wondering what kind of things do you use in the filter for your fluval edge?
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 11 years ago
For the filter, I just use the same filter media that came with the tank.  I didn't add any other filter stuff.
greg-nano - 11 years ago
criminal!!!! 6gallon---flav!!!!!
Jordan Gray
Jordan Gray - 11 years ago
beautiful tank! what circulation pump are you using? I seem to be having trouble with filtration and circulation in my tank.
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 11 years ago
I have a Hydor powerhead.  It does an extremely good job.
Miguel Moreno
Miguel Moreno - 11 years ago
what kind of power head you put on it
Miguel Moreno
Miguel Moreno - 11 years ago
alright thanks man
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 11 years ago
I have a Hydor powerhead.  It does an extremely good job.
CrazyFishFreak - 11 years ago
That's one amazing tank!
Carson - 11 years ago
What kind of powerhead do you have in a tank that size?
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 11 years ago
I have a Hydor powerhead.  It does an extremely good job.
Lucy Dear
Lucy Dear - 11 years ago
OMG and a yellow tang! Sorry but that's just cruel
Lucy Dear
Lucy Dear - 11 years ago
I'm sorry but that is such a small tank for two clowns of that size and all that coral!!! Really not fair on the fish
rozgon - 11 years ago
so clown fish can live in 6 gall tank?
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
I've had my pair for almost a year
Feroz Reef
Feroz Reef - 11 years ago
hey hi bro whats up..
plz check my fish tank..and is there any tips plz do let me know thank u so much
6 Gallon Nano Reef Tank.
N Oz
N Oz - 11 years ago
Are you able to keep all of them in one small 6 gal tank? I have a 6gal Fluval also, but everyone keeps telling me I need a HUGE tank to keep one fish. 
Jekx - 10 years ago
One fish or two I'd say but Anthony is clearly a daring fellow lol some things are moved I believe now to his larger tank i for one wouldn't push something like this, all the corals look great ( anemone looks bleached a bit ) but the fish I'd say two small like a clown and gobies no tangs people lol please for the better of the large animals
N Oz
N Oz - 10 years ago
Oh nice. Well. I think I will do something like this. Do i need to modify any LEDs, etc?
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 10 years ago
I have 5 fish in my fluval.  Only 1 fish?  Bah that's baloney
Trung Nguyen
Trung Nguyen - 11 years ago
how do you make that goniopora happy like that?
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 11 years ago
I don't target feed anything.  I've had it for 3 months I think.  test will be 6 months mark since most floral pots die within 6 months.  i hope what i'm doing works.  i feed my tank fish pellets, frozen mysis shrimp, and frozen cyclopeeze (along with seaweed for the yellow tang).  
Trung Nguyen
Trung Nguyen - 11 years ago
do you target feed your goniopora? how long have you been having it?
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 11 years ago
shrug.  just do a 20% water change every week.  if you have a lot of fish like me, which I don't recommend, then twice a week.
antony field
antony field - 11 years ago
Awsome tank
joe eoj
joe eoj - 11 years ago
And what happened to the rose one
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 11 years ago
Not sure what your question is
joe eoj
joe eoj - 11 years ago
What kind of anemone is that
joe eoj
joe eoj - 11 years ago
Also why is your water so low
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 11 years ago
My water is filled to the top.  It's not all the way up to the top due to evaporation.
joe eoj
joe eoj - 11 years ago
Very nice fluval edge I am thinking of converting mine into a reef. I know you are moving that yellow tang but how big of a tank is it going to and how soon it's looking a little jumpy, once again lovely tank and good luck from a fellow reefer
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 11 years ago
it's moving into a 180 gallon tank :)
Pablo Arias
Pablo Arias - 11 years ago
Nice tank,   I have a 29 gallon that I would like to convert into a salter water tank, possible reef.  I know nothing about the hobby.  the videos I seen thus far have very intimidating with all types of equipments and setup.    I like how your equariums looks, very clean, very little equipment in the backgroup.    Any suggestion on the type of equipment, lighting, filter, any anything else.
Feroz Reef
Feroz Reef - 11 years ago
Thank you so much.. always great to me...
Feroz Reef
Feroz Reef - 11 years ago
I m planning go get new lights..
And i m waiting for ur ans..
Can u plz tell md what kind of lights are you using ? Thank u
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 11 years ago
Eric Selden
Eric Selden - 11 years ago
TAKE OUT THE TANG!!!! It will get way to big for that setup!!!!!
Eric Selden
Eric Selden - 11 years ago
aight good.....
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 11 years ago
Chill out bro...  Just because you see him in this tank doesn't mean he's not moving to larger than when he gets bigger.  He'll have a new home very soon.
Jeffrey Farrow
Jeffrey Farrow - 11 years ago
That tang needs more space
Feroz Reef
Feroz Reef - 11 years ago
Bro what kind of lighting should i use for lps coral? Rite now i am using t5 bulbs
Is it fine ?
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 11 years ago
I've only had LED's because they don't use much electricity.  Not a fan of T5 & metal halides solely for the electricity costs.
NACTIAS - 11 years ago
what about the lighting? ( i got 2 led G4 6500k cold white and 3 blue led strips, is that enough? )
how often do you change your water?
do you put some elements on it?
your tank looks great, please answer me
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 11 years ago
I've also started using the Fluval Sea 3-Ions supplement.  I got a bottle free at a reef show where Fluval exhibited.  Corals seem to like it. http://www.petsolutions.com/C/Misc-Marine-Supplements/I/Fluval-Sea-3-Ions.aspx?utm_source=shopzilla&utm_medium=comparison&utm_term=15518273&utm_campaign=shopzilla
NACTIAS - 11 years ago
+Anthony Tsai
okay thank you !
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 11 years ago
I really don't dose the water but once in a while I add 2 drops of Kent Marine Coral-Vite.
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 11 years ago
Feroz Reef
Feroz Reef - 11 years ago
I have a LPS coral bro.i use Red Sea salt
And do you have protein skimmer ?
Some people said my tank is small i dont need skimmer and some people said i should get one.very confuse now..
N big problem is the fish store i always go he is big stoner and always high so dont know what to do..
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 11 years ago
You're using excellent salt IMO so your water should be good.  I don't use a protein skimmer.  I don't think we need one for such a small tank as long as you do your water changes.  If your tank is packed like mine, you should do 20% water changes twice a week.  If it's not packed, then 20% each week or two.  I'd only spend money on a skimmer if you have a much larger tank. 
Feroz Reef
Feroz Reef - 11 years ago
Bro sorry for asking more questions..
Actullay i new in this hobby..
My tank is same ur side..
My coral changed has color can you olz tell me what to do ? Or do i have mix anything in water ?
And last thing what u will recomand to feed them ?
Thank you so much
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 11 years ago
You probably don't have the correct water conditions.  What kind of coral do you have?  LFS? SPS?  What kind of salt mix are you using?  Whenever you see anything wrong, it's best to do a partial water change.  For my corals, I don't feed them anything.  They get all their nutrients from light & the salt water mix.  Some people dose their tank but I don't bother with that as my corals grow fine.
manuel Gamboa
manuel Gamboa - 11 years ago
Poor yellow tang
Jayson King
Jayson King - 11 years ago
Nice tank
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 11 years ago
@jjtorres25 - I'm using an Aqueon 50W heater.
ray speed
ray speed - 8 years ago
read people read, great tank mate, stupid people commenting ;)
Wynonah B
Wynonah B - 9 years ago
+ph4s3sh1ft noted in description that tang was moved to a 180 gal. I'm glad this vid is still up, it's lovely and inspirational!!
ph4s3sh1ft - 9 years ago
+william ashton agreed. That yellow tang needs at least 55 gallons. Take video down.... It's disgraceful.
Daryl Roccia
Daryl Roccia - 9 years ago
lovely setup
william ashton
william ashton - 9 years ago
Take the video down its too full and no one should copy this tank
Derrick Emery
Derrick Emery - 9 years ago
What light and pump is that? And how are you doing the filtering?
Jim Tsai
Jim Tsai - 9 years ago
+Anthony Tsai That's looks amazing, I've a same tank, and trying to figure out how to set it up, what else did you do besides the heater and what comes with the tank?
Derrick Emery
Derrick Emery - 10 years ago
That looks amazing. What is your setup?
jjtorres25 - 11 years ago
What heater r u using
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 11 years ago
@stephanroomenburg- He's going to get a new much larger home soon :)  New tank will be arriving.
Brandon Henao
Brandon Henao - 8 years ago
Anthony Tsai what type of anemone is that?
EN Reefs
EN Reefs - 8 years ago
it is an anemone.
WaterspoutsOfTheDeep - 8 years ago
What are the clowns enjoying so much? Is that an anemone or some type of coral?
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 11 years ago
@feroz - I don't know how many pounds of sand I put in but I just put in enough to have a 2" base. I didn't use live sand but it is recommended but not mandatory as long as you allow your tank to cycle in.
Feroz Reef
Feroz Reef - 11 years ago
And how many Kg sand did u put?
Feroz Reef
Feroz Reef - 11 years ago
Wow very beautiful tank.. Can you plz tell me do i need live sand or any other kind of sand for clownfish Anemone ? Thank you..love from Afghanistan
Anthony Tsai
Anthony Tsai - 11 years ago
@SkilfulLeader1 - yup I know. But I don't care. It is my tank :) Haters will not like it that I put in the anemone when the tank was only 1 month old.... As long as you know what you're doing, it's all good. The yellow tang loves the tank and has a nice little fat belly.
SkilfulLeader1 - 11 years ago
Great effort but you know your gonna get haters regarding the yellow tang in there, I feel guilty having one in a 60 gal....
Joris van der Kamp
Joris van der Kamp - 11 years ago

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GET MERCH NOW: https://shop.studio71us.com/collections/taylor-nicole-dean ------------------ Finally putting my...

Tropical fishing

EASY Way to Catch Saltwater Fish!!

3,033 likes 979,175 views 8 years ago

A tough day at the Destin jetties turns into a fun day of fishing after I switch to a very basic fishing technique!...

Pets & Animals

John Marcus Monstrous 10,000 Gallon Aquarium

2,827 likes 939,518 views 11 years ago

Credits goes to www.okeanosgroup.com/ and www.animalplanet.com Not my video but this is very cool! "John Marcus'...

Pets & Animals

3000 Liter Diskus-Aquarium | 800 Gallon Discus...

1,435 likes 892,336 views 11 years ago

Unser größtes Diskus-Aquarium mit einem Fassungsvermögen von 3000 Liter + 750 Liter Biofilter Volumen im...

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