GERMAN BLUE RAMS- How to Keep German Blue Rams: Species Sunday

GERMAN BLUE RAMS- I miss my German Blue Rams. These Rams were kept in my old 125. I bought these German Blue Rams at the American Cichlid Association back when it was in Indy. Love me some Peaceful and colorful Rams Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: SMALL FISH TANK SERIES TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: Sunday Videos Aquarium TIPS and Tricks aquascaping Videos INSANE German Fish Store Koi and Pond Playlist SPECIES SUNDAY Facebook: Instagram: How to keep German Blue Rams. GERMAN BLUE RAMS are the . My daughters are also the (It was either them in the video or no video). So I got these fish from the American Cichlid Association in Indiana this past year, and I love them. They are NOT a beginner fish. Acclimate your German Blue Rams very slowly. They should be the last fish added to a well-established fish tank. You should have a very well-balanced tank, without PH swings (DIY CO2 causes PH swings). German Rams love a big school of fish. Welcome to Dustin's Fish Tanks YouTube Channel. My channel is made for FISH TANK PEOPLE! I try to focus on planted aquariums, how to grow aquarium plants, dirt as the planted tank substrate and low light aquarium plants. Planted tanks shouldn't be difficult. My goal is to make the planted aquarium hobby easy...Planted Tanks Made Easy! Dustin's Fish Tanks. TANK ON! Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Fish Tank People Social Community

GERMAN BLUE RAMS- How to Keep German Blue Rams: Species Sunday sentiment_very_dissatisfied 45

Discus 11 years ago 51,485 views

GERMAN BLUE RAMS- I miss my German Blue Rams. These Rams were kept in my old 125. I bought these German Blue Rams at the American Cichlid Association back when it was in Indy. Love me some Peaceful and colorful Rams Subscribe Most Recent Video Most Popular Video Support your Boy - Check out my aquarium plants for sale: Popular Video Playlists Below INSANE FISH ROOM TOURS: SMALL FISH TANK SERIES TOP 5 Fish Videos (Funny :P No Maintenance Aquarium Playlist: Sunday Videos Aquarium TIPS and Tricks aquascaping Videos INSANE German Fish Store Koi and Pond Playlist SPECIES SUNDAY Facebook: Instagram: How to keep German Blue Rams. GERMAN BLUE RAMS are the . My daughters are also the (It was either them in the video or no video). So I got these fish from the American Cichlid Association in Indiana this past year, and I love them. They are NOT a beginner fish. Acclimate your German Blue Rams very slowly. They should be the last fish added to a well-established fish tank. You should have a very well-balanced tank, without PH swings (DIY CO2 causes PH swings). German Rams love a big school of fish. Welcome to Dustin's Fish Tanks YouTube Channel. My channel is made for FISH TANK PEOPLE! I try to focus on planted aquariums, how to grow aquarium plants, dirt as the planted tank substrate and low light aquarium plants. Planted tanks shouldn't be difficult. My goal is to make the planted aquarium hobby easy...Planted Tanks Made Easy! Dustin's Fish Tanks. TANK ON! Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Fish Tank People Social Community

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Most popular comments
for GERMAN BLUE RAMS- How to Keep German Blue Rams: Species Sunday

Zidane ZiZu
Zidane ZiZu - 7 years ago
Nice tank and fish plus decent advice given but ...... I've never heard of anyone sexing Rams using your method .... The females have pink bellies and the female's fins are generally shorter than the males ..
Fresh Falcon
Fresh Falcon - 7 years ago
You don’t need to be annoying as video host. It does not enhance. Please take deep breath and attempt calmness.
shane maloney
shane maloney - 7 years ago
Cute kids and great tank brotha!
R Bhattacharya
R Bhattacharya - 7 years ago
What up Fish tank Peeka !!!!
kashif naveed
kashif naveed - 7 years ago
I will now take care from now on to not click on your videos. Please stop shouting in kid's ear. And please talk nicely
Aquatics And furries
Aquatics And furries - 7 years ago
Keeping it real with the kids about and still able to focus and get some info across, what a pro.
Glad i came across this, my next tank is between german blue rams or pea puffer... still cant decide though...
Tom Renowden
Tom Renowden - 7 years ago
can you keep just one in a 10 gallon aquarium with platys, rasboras, swordtail, Molly , variatus???
Smashit - 7 years ago
Tom Renowden probably not try a 20-30 gallon
Soumick Mazumder
Soumick Mazumder - 7 years ago
watup fistak pikol !
Gary Korisko
Gary Korisko - 7 years ago
Like a bad ESPN segment. My ears hurt.

10. comment for GERMAN BLUE RAMS- How to Keep German Blue Rams: Species Sunday

Light7447 - 7 years ago
If it's not in a planted take are they easier to have
Zidane ZiZu
Zidane ZiZu - 7 years ago
Light7447 why ?
Fidyy Cents
Fidyy Cents - 7 years ago
Great another Vanilla Ice kid
Vicky B
Vicky B - 7 years ago
Do German blue rams eat shrimp? I have a bunch of shrimp in my one tank but would rather they weren't eaten.
Clint Parsons
Clint Parsons - 7 years ago
Mine look just like yours, and I thought they might be sick because they aren't very blue? I guess the name german "blue" ram is misleading. They are only very blue at night when they are asleep.
Sector 001
Sector 001 - 8 years ago
LMBO! Children always increase any vid's likability!
Johnny Gonzales
Johnny Gonzales - 8 years ago
Your videos are great, but you HAVE to tone it down. Your loud obnoxious voice is like nails on a chalk board. I came here for valuable information, not to hear you yell
Soumick Mazumder
Soumick Mazumder - 8 years ago
fis tank phikole
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Check out these killer cichlid at Aquatic Experience 2016:
kiwibiwi - 8 years ago
You are good mate, but man the kids ruined this one, lol.
Shane Puthuparambil
Shane Puthuparambil - 8 years ago
As long as your water is clean and plant populations are high, the blue rams do fantastic!

20. comment for GERMAN BLUE RAMS- How to Keep German Blue Rams: Species Sunday

amy rains
amy rains - 8 years ago
I dont care what the people say. the screaming children are hillarious
amy rains
amy rains - 8 years ago
Omg I love it. the fish and the kids
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
What's up Fishtank People? I am doing a bunch of
30 second videos on Instagram- Follow me for more shorter random videos CLICK
Logan Hutchinson
Logan Hutchinson - 8 years ago
I'm sorry but I don't think your tank is very much planted but I love your Congo tetras
Zidane ZiZu
Zidane ZiZu - 7 years ago
Logan Hutchinson it's like the Amazon rainforest !!
Owen's Aquariums
Owen's Aquariums - 8 years ago
Those are diamond tetras.
mag gam
mag gam - 8 years ago
love your tank!
cielodelmare1 - 9 years ago
beautiful plant tank!
Ryan West
Ryan West - 9 years ago
Rams are probably my 2nd favorite fish next to Boesemani, I have had my ram(s) for almost 3 months now, the 1 of 2 died 4-5 days ago and now the other one is breathing heavy and hiding as of this morning. I think it has to do with the experimenting with my water because i cannot use my well water.
Ryan West
Ryan West - 8 years ago
The 6 of them that I have not I have had for 4-5 months now, i stopped using RO water and went back to my well water...very good now, still extremely high PH but no problems at all.
PajamaPantsMan - 8 years ago
+Ryan West (IIW3STSiD3II) there's too much things in well water, sorry about you rams.
Coolnicknameguy - 9 years ago
so no ph swings u say, another guy slash video said keep ph under 7... I made the mistake of buying a pretty fish I didn't know much about so now I'm trying to get educated so I don't kill her... sounds like I need to get her a male... I didn't know they do best in male and female pairs
127hellbilly - 9 years ago
She's probably crying because you're yelling in her ear!!
Vicky B
Vicky B - 7 years ago
Is he holding her next to his ear? Guess what? She can move. That's the dumbest thing people say. If you're trying to say he's loud just say it but don't say he should change for his kid when she is quite capable of walking away.
James Snow
James Snow - 9 years ago
haaaa what up!

30. comment for GERMAN BLUE RAMS- How to Keep German Blue Rams: Species Sunday

Scott Whitney
Scott Whitney - 9 years ago
You are correct about dither fish.  I had 3 rams in a tank and all they did was hid.  When I added zebras and platys, the rams became more confident and now greet me.
Activate Halo
Activate Halo - 9 years ago
fucking shut up!
stop shouting!
Squirles G
Squirles G - 9 years ago
you apparently have never been in a room with screaming children
BenjiBP - 9 years ago
calm down man... why so mad?
auhsyl bully
auhsyl bully - 9 years ago
What if your adding liquid co2???
Squirles G
Squirles G - 9 years ago
No good don't do that
Aiden Tolomay
Aiden Tolomay - 9 years ago
if i want to get a single GBR, is a male or female less aggressive/territorial?
Karl Donatella
Karl Donatella - 10 years ago
Day 3 and mine still won't pair :(
Jay's Aquariums
Jay's Aquariums - 10 years ago
I was thinking of getting a co2 injection system, but i have a pair of german blue rams in my tank, so should i install the co2 system or not
Noice - 8 years ago
+Carls Aquariums GBR do not like co2. PLEASE DON'T YOU WILL KILL THEM.
theeAQUATIC attic
theeAQUATIC attic - 10 years ago
great ram video dude! very cute kids ! close enough lol loved it!
Socko Bee
Socko Bee - 10 years ago
I just started to do live plants in my tank and i have two pairs of blue rams. I was thinking of doing co2, but you mention that will cause my ph to swing. What can I do for my live plants to grow without co2 then?
motley416 - 10 years ago
@theeAQUATIC attic
So don't start with two or three bubbles per second, but rather start slowly, monitoring your ph as you go. If it starts to rise, turn the co2 down or off. [Fixed]                              --------lol I couldn't help myself---------
theeAQUATIC attic
theeAQUATIC attic - 10 years ago
Just don't blast the Co2 adding it or turing it up slowly will not swing the Ph in any crazy way if i remember correctly. So don't start with like a three or two bubbles per second start slow and monitor you ph it its starts to raise turn the co2 off or down.
Benjamin He
Benjamin He - 10 years ago
hey i was thinking of breeding rams but how many can you keep together in an 800L tank? breeding is separate but will there be too many fries?
Golden State Warriors Fan
Golden State Warriors Fan - 10 years ago
I have a Bolivian Ram with my German Blue Rams
Tony Tanks
Tony Tanks - 10 years ago
nice tank and video man!!!!
kris lockert
kris lockert - 10 years ago
Awesome video wish I had got more info on the rams before I brought them as they didnt last long and they are a lovely looking fish
Jon molofsky
Jon molofsky - 11 years ago
Wow,that tank is sick! I liked the info on the rams but i kinda stopped paying attention and just looked at the plants. Keep it up cant wait to get mine rolling
Carter Goetzke
Carter Goetzke - 11 years ago
where would you find a GBR, i have been searching everywhere. i have already checked my local pet stores within a thirty mile radius.
dvdfrnzwbr - 9 years ago
I've seen them refered to as Blue Ram in some pet stores.
UhOhPopcorn - 11 years ago
Theo Gendarme
Theo Gendarme - 11 years ago
My german rams kick assss!
Vestora Cx
Vestora Cx - 11 years ago
Discus have the same requirements basically so if u have an established discus tank u can put them together also depends on ur water changes food ect
coopdawg1525 - 11 years ago
I cant keep these worth a damn. Already been through three. I hate it because I really love these fish...
OzzyCoop - 11 years ago
Great tank. Geez. I was all proud of my 20 gallon and now Im like "whaaaaaaaa!" All I can have is 20 gallons max in my apartment. Im still trying to find a cool setup with "woody" type plants like yours if that makes sense. I have a star grass going mad and some pearl grass and peacock moss but Im not feeling the plants I have. They are too thin and delicate looking. I like the stemmed Javas and Swords etc.... I wonder if i can do a scaled down version of your tank? Thanks for sharing
Christopher Su
Christopher Su - 11 years ago
@touchyfeely what are you a kid? Speak for your self
Sohil Parmar
Sohil Parmar - 11 years ago
For a 6 gallon tank do you think i would be able to keep a healthy and happy gbr with no tankmates except a couple otocinclus catfish? I have done a lot of research, and what this seems not likely, however i have heard many reports of keeping healthy german blue rams as the only fish in 5 gallon tanks. Thanks in advance, and i love your vids

50. comment for GERMAN BLUE RAMS- How to Keep German Blue Rams: Species Sunday

Patsplattheredstonisist - 11 years ago
cuase they are cute
FishTankArmy - 11 years ago
Shut the fuck up, don't talk about a man's children like that.
touchyfeely100 - 11 years ago
Why do you have to do this with those 2 retards
Juanarium - 11 years ago
I waited 10 mounths to intoduce a new fish to my platties. I'm so happy with my German ram. I lowered the P.H. 7.2 Slightly just to be able to keep a delicate fish.
Recon - 11 years ago
Yea! Fish tank pickle!
OhmannOcean - 11 years ago
They're difficult? They must be hardier as babies cause I have not been cautious with mine at all and even survived my attempt at lowering the PH of my water from 8.0 to 7.5. Loving mine and the rate they grow at is just nuts!
OhmannOcean - 11 years ago
Get them as babies, I got 2 of them at my LFS. Mine have grown double in size with little to no effort. I didn't even realize they were difficult to care for until this video!
Alex Virtue
Alex Virtue - 11 years ago
are they microgeophagus, ive read a few places they're an apistogramma? they dont seem like an earth eater. I didnt have much luck with my balloons, my store does have some beautiful adult german blues but I cant justify $50 a pair :P
chirs johnston
chirs johnston - 11 years ago
"please excuse the kids that may or may not be screaming through out this video" lol good job, great species Sunday
A Galv
A Galv - 11 years ago
I've always been too nervous to keep German blue rams, they're really cool though how long has he had them?
ADHDbeast - 11 years ago
"Ya close enough" hahahah
tyson Family
tyson Family - 11 years ago
Thanks for this video dustin im just about to get into these suckers!
MrButis27 - 11 years ago
Haha your girl just woke up and you're yelling in her face. Haha
lostsoul9987 - 11 years ago
True that. Also I gotta say your rams are friggin gorgeous, my friend
Vince Russell
Vince Russell - 11 years ago
D, you running CO2 in that tank?
pokemontoxicrpg - 11 years ago
could u pm me the size of this tank ?? I want to get a bigger thank and would like to build a tank that size :)
Evan Keller
Evan Keller - 11 years ago
Hey Dustin, I just set up my first dirted tank about a month ago. You got me addicted for sure! My plants are doing well and the fish are totally diggin it. You mentioned that rams are sensitive to pH swings. Have you ever considered experimenting with an oxydator? Basically reacting peroxide with a lead plant weight and bubbling the oxygen into the tank. This will make the pH very stable and also cut down on algae if you have any algae issues. Cheers and thanks for the awesome vids
AquaStudent - 11 years ago
Seems like its a bit hectic at the Wunderlich house. GBRs are gorgeous and definitely a great option for planted tanks. Stay cool Dustin.
5speedonly - 11 years ago
I just got some german blue rams last week! That's crazy how you made a video. Totally wasn't expecting it. Great info. They do love planted tanks. My rams laid eggs on top of my anubias about 4 days after I introduced them into my tank. From what I've read their first couple spawns they eat the eggs and that's exactly what happened. I'll be better prepared the next time they spawn.
StevenBlack6 - 11 years ago
Dustin! Thanks you nailed it. the mystery is solved. I have a pair of Rams and they stressed out and blued up almost to purple it took me a few weeks to get them to calm down. I was having issues with my CO2 and was in the process of lowering my PH. So like I said you nailed it they do not like PH swings I can attest to that. check out my "Pete's Aquarium Plants 4-21-13" its only 56 sec's and you will see the male and female RAM at the end and how blue they get when stressed.
alphonsedoinel - 11 years ago
I think the best thing you can do is make sure you know how to sex them. 10 minutes of research online is all you need. And yes, make sure you have an established tank, plenty of room to hide, and aren't messing around with DIY co2. I love Kribs too, but I've found they're harder to sex and more aggressive.
Your Honda Man
Your Honda Man - 11 years ago
LOL 3:38 "waiter pitang peckole" too cute
Garbage Man
Garbage Man - 11 years ago
Dustin can you talk about the Golden Rams next
Curtis Schmidt
Curtis Schmidt - 11 years ago
thats awesome
TomsAquariumsUKTV - 11 years ago
Nice vid on the german blues! Got one in my planted tank! Ace little busy fish! Regards from the UK!
Gus Stav
Gus Stav - 11 years ago
does using dirt mean no need for co2?
Ryan's Tanks
Ryan's Tanks - 11 years ago
Will the females flare up at each other? I supposedly got 1 Male 2 Females but one is constantly flaring up in front of the other until the third largest one chases it off. I cant sex them because if they fit one criteria some other rule makes me question it.
Ryan's Tanks
Ryan's Tanks - 11 years ago
HA I just got 3 GBR on Sunday!! 1 Male, 2 Female, but im not sure if they sexed them right. One is always flaring his fins in front of another one until the thrid one comes and chases it off. They repeat this 24/7. Not sure if I should take the flaring one back or what? Also, should I stop using API liquid CO2 now?
Bluenoser71170 - 11 years ago
Do some research. "low tech" tank, or Walstad tank. Lots of us don't run Co2.
Akwariomaniak - 11 years ago
... So is there any othere easy way that has same effect on plants as co2 but does not effect GBR ??? Thanks !
Akwariomaniak - 11 years ago
... So after they died and i run out of co2 (i didn't know that co2 causes ph swings that they don't like) so just few day ago i bought 2 gbr and bought co2 but haven't used it yet ! So is there any wa
Akwariomaniak - 11 years ago
Hello, i really like your Rams i had rams before however they died but at the time i was useing co2 in my fish tank ! So.
Marnie George
Marnie George - 11 years ago
the cuteness ! hehe , i also love my rams, check out the electric blue rams mixed with German blue rams, so good looking and not that hard !
geko traylor
geko traylor - 11 years ago
Omg those kids are sooo cute :D
fbexi1981 - 11 years ago
Your girls are so cute
Dan Barlow
Dan Barlow - 11 years ago
fish tank pinkle!
danyolmode - 11 years ago
danyolmode - 11 years ago
Ruben Kuiper
Ruben Kuiper - 11 years ago
if you suggest not using co2 how to you suggest tackling the lack of carbon?
danichan19 - 11 years ago
Love the Girls! They are almost as cute as the fishes! :P
Andy Lord
Andy Lord - 11 years ago
I've got three blue rams and they are awesome little fish. Is it because i havent got any rocks in my tank why they are not spawing?
Randy Urias
Randy Urias - 11 years ago
Yeah that works too. Also, the males usually have longer black spines on the front of their dorsal fin.
Randy Urias
Randy Urias - 11 years ago
google search for an aquarium forum and ask your questions there.
Micheal Shawn
Micheal Shawn - 11 years ago
Cute goldfishes!
keyair123 - 11 years ago
haha "close enough" that's cute
The Graceful Savage
The Graceful Savage - 11 years ago
Later fish tank pickles! Haha cute kids Dustin.
danturbo316 - 11 years ago
get your water tested. what are the temps,are they constant?
jeremiemcd - 11 years ago
Electric Blue Rams Sorry lol:)
jeremiemcd - 11 years ago
Great vid check out my huge electric Rams, Keep p the great wrk:)
Collector-itis - 11 years ago
Love my rams, they spawn monthly, girls also have super red bellies. they will actually breed on plant leaves as well. i've had them breed on my anubias. Thanks for sharing!!!

100. comment for GERMAN BLUE RAMS- How to Keep German Blue Rams: Species Sunday

Cole Hammond
Cole Hammond - 11 years ago
Sick tank! I just picked up a couple of those rams a few weeks back and they're awesome. They come up to the tank and look at me whenever I go into the room. Love em!
jrmakawoody - 11 years ago
Wouldn't an easier way to identify the females be to look at the reddish coloration on the belly?
xelA ppaR
xelA ppaR - 11 years ago
Thank you for doing a ram video. I went to my LFS and purchased 10 rams for 90 bucks and was given 2 extra for free so 12 for 90 bucks :) however, many of them have passed away :(
watch057 - 11 years ago
Awesome rams, cute kids!
backerj11 - 11 years ago
Cute kids :) another way to sex the rams is the pink underbelly; only the females have it. Great vid. Have a good week too! Cheers from Alberta, Canada.
Christopher Reinert
Christopher Reinert - 11 years ago
Ram's are sensitive, you want your tank to be established. Filter running at least a month. The PH swings as dustin mentioned are the biggest killer with GBRs, either add a substrate that lowers the PH (be careful some of them leak A LOT of ammonia for months), peatmoss, and/or a lot of drift wood. Ideally you want to get down to at LEAST 6.5. They seem to fare better and breed around the PH. But if the breeder raised in 7.0 then thats fine. Breeding requires 6.3 PH or below.
Christopher Reinert
Christopher Reinert - 11 years ago
One thing I noticed with the GBR (not the other color morphs), that not all rams males have a solid black dot. I have seen some females with a solid black dot and a pink red belly. The biggest thing with the male, is that they have more color (minus pink belly) and the 2nd spine on the dorsal fin is longer sort of like a mohawk that tips forward or back)
craftdinna - 11 years ago
your personality and enthusiasm are the reasons I love your videos! Keep up the good work. Also your kids are the cutest!
KOTD XChris - 11 years ago
OMG the end was To0o0o0o cute!
Quaker274 - 11 years ago
Im not a parrent! hehe =)
jimmys grampa
jimmys grampa - 11 years ago
just took my gbrs from my 75 yesterday and put them in my 29 with co2.....didnt know they couldnt handle ph changes well..hopefully there fine when i get home from work in a half hour :1
spacegamermonkey - 11 years ago
Great video more videos like this with the kids there going to be the new dustinsfishtank stars
Bexley75 - 11 years ago
oh, then it appears I def have 4 females :( apparently the other way to tell is the pink under their belly...
ricecracker604 - 11 years ago
Jim Xiong
Jim Xiong - 11 years ago
Have you heard of the drop and plop method? What are your thoughts on that vs drip acclimation?
Jason Stroman
Jason Stroman - 11 years ago
Love how they oick at the substrate they arebthe first to f iu nd my shrimp pellets. And they were added last so smart.
Jason Stroman
Jason Stroman - 11 years ago
'Perfect timing they coloured up greay. After two days of hidding they are all over the place. Such great personality they recognize me already.They Love the plants. Too bad they have suppsosed short life spans. Cute kids like to watch them grow. Gotta support you more man. You will hear from me.
Jason Stroman
Jason Stroman - 11 years ago
Yes thecoloured grcolored
Brad Johnson
Brad Johnson - 11 years ago
Good video with the kids! I've been thinking about getting some blue rams, good info thx!
Brianna Camp
Brianna Camp - 11 years ago
Aw your kids are so cute! :)
Mfscn - 11 years ago
I forget the article but it was in one of those fishkeeping magazines. They enjoy schools of slower moving fish (not fast) something with it shows them that it's safe out kind of eases there nerves because they can be extremely skittish.
carlmelo - 11 years ago
those rams look at home in that tank. I hope my 3 rams will do as well in my 20L gal tank.
Penny Duong
Penny Duong - 11 years ago
I had mine spawn in a little clay cave that was years ago I was so proud
Andy Nguyen
Andy Nguyen - 11 years ago
"Waddup Fish Tank Peacock!" haha so cute
Christopher Reinert
Christopher Reinert - 11 years ago
if you keep the rams at a PH of 6.2, temp 82 degrees, and feed them live food they will spawn once every week or 2 weeks.
Rick Giannini
Rick Giannini - 11 years ago
Ha nice I just commented on these in your last video. Awesome stuff!
drmittens100 - 11 years ago
Any plans yet for the greenhouse pond?
Brandon Lee
Brandon Lee - 11 years ago
Ryan Simonson
Ryan Simonson - 11 years ago
I just picked up a breeding pair from the Lfs on Friday.
GodofFishtanks - 11 years ago
Nice vid!! I love blue rams
benzjamin13 - 11 years ago
Nice! Been wanting a couple myself, but I was impatient and got the Balloon variants instead. I ended up with 2 Males when I thought I picked out a pair. In a 20g Long, the dominate one chases the other one, but no damage done.
ZachZottoTV - 11 years ago
Great vid btw. Looking forward to keeping these guys!
9385dee7 - 11 years ago
so cute. so cute. ' peekel ' adorable.
ZachZottoTV - 11 years ago
Happy birthday Maya!
JacksPlantedAquarium - 11 years ago
Where's the other angel
James Conrey Aquatics
James Conrey Aquatics - 11 years ago
Good video man. Love those fish
JacksPlantedAquarium - 11 years ago
Sick just bought some check them out
morgan franks
morgan franks - 11 years ago
WHAT UP FISH CHANK KEEPLE!! lol she is so cute
Bobby L
Bobby L - 11 years ago
species sundays are the bomb

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443 likes 134,049 views 10 years ago

This video shows my Discus, Angel fish, and German Blue Rams. Whilst filming this my Angel fish started to lay eggs....


Angelfish and German Blue Ram Fish Room Tour...

1,091 likes 119,123 views 8 years ago

Dean is a master breeder who works with Angelfish and German Blue rams among lots of other species of fish....


Keeping Angelfish: Freshwater Angelfish Species...

863 likes 104,315 views 10 years ago

-I was thinking about this the other day. I was going through and kinda listing- What are my favorite fish. Like...


How To Keep Discus Fish: Species Sunday:...

403 likes 98,283 views 12 years ago

Discus Fish are one type of fish that I am not trying to keep any time soon. Discus tanks are Steve's main thing....


Diskus Markt - A Great Discus Fish Store in...

225 likes 95,830 views 13 years ago

A few years ago, Peter Thode got a chance to visit a really nice German discus fish store called Diskus Markt. The...

About GERMAN BLUE RAMS- How to Keep German Blue Rams: Species Sunday

The "GERMAN BLUE RAMS- How to Keep German Blue Rams: Species Sunday" video is part of the discous aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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