GoPro Underwater video!!! 600g Planted Discus Tank
Discus 9 years ago 113,536 views
Shot with my new Go Pro Hero4 Silver :D First day out of the box. Low res and badly compressed video. Need to get used to video editing and getting around YouTube video compression. Gonna get the accessories soon. Only half of the tank lights are turned on. As you can see the plants are doing horribly... due to the hot weather over here this year. Tank temperature is still around 30C. The Discus are loving the heat though. The biggest of the lot is at least 5.5 to 6"" now
How often do you do the water changes ?
Discus go: nice, but first, let me take a selfie!
10. comment for GoPro Underwater video!!! 600g Planted Discus Tank
20. comment for GoPro Underwater video!!! 600g Planted Discus Tank
30. comment for GoPro Underwater video!!! 600g Planted Discus Tank
Amazing tank.
Wow that is some serious amount of T5 wattage :)
It's hard to keep the anubias algae free under that much light from my own experience. Do you use CO2 or ferts?
the lighting is T5HO
8 X 54W and 4 X 39W
every single fish in there was smaller than 2" when I added them to the tank
Kenny quarentines them for a couple weeks before any go out. I actually pick mine up from him since he is local to me. The fish are absolutely amazing. He also ships and his packaging and customer service are second to none
Yes they are. Just a word of advice from a discus lover to another. Unfortunately I leaned the hard way. If you haven't read up on the simplydiscus forum I'd highly recommend it. Also would recommend purchasing from one or their reputable sponsors. The difference in quality of fish is amazing compared to a LFS. Personally I went through Kenny. I couldn't be happier. I now have 7
I'd have to disagree. 2 discus in a 55 community tank is not a recipe for success. A breeding pair in a 55 BB sure. A group of juvies in a 55 BB sure. Discus are a schooling fish and should be in groups of 6 or more. That is typically why they are not kept in tanks less than 75G. The 1 per 10G rule applies to full grown adults
Rule of thumb is 10 gallons per discus I think.
The best choices are:
German Rams: Share the same water parameters as Discus. Compliments Discus colors.
Cardinal/Rummy Nose Tetras: Same water Parameters, good dithers. Small Size compliments Discus nicely.
Corydoras Catfish: Good for helping clean the tank and keeping the water pristine. Very Adorable.
More risky things Ive seen work out include:
Dension Barbs, Geophagus Cichlids, Pearl Gourami, Keyhole Cichlid, Bettas, Rasboras, Congo Tetras, Apple Snails.
I once saw some Angelfish with Discus. Typically, most Discus owners tell you to steer clear of Angelfish.
But perhaps the most insane things I saw with Discus are Black Arowana. Yep. AROWANA.
50. comment for GoPro Underwater video!!! 600g Planted Discus Tank