Goodbye old fish room. Hello new fish room!

Happy New year. First look at what the new fish room studio will look like for the real fish talk podcast! Sign up for our Deals Newsletter: Our Website: Support us on Patreon: Instagram: Facebook: Filming equipment we use: Main Camera : Sony a6500 Travel Vlog Compact Camera : Sony RX100 V Underwater Camera : GoPro Hero5 Microphone : Video Rode Micro Secondary Audio Capture : Tascam DR-05 Lav Mic : Boya BY-M1 Small Tripod : Gorilla Pod SLR ZOOM Lightweight Tripod : Pedco UltraPod II Lightweight Favorite Versatile Mount : GoPro Jaws Flex Clamp Main Gimbal : Zhiyun Crane-M Phone Gimbal : Zhiyun Smooth Q Big Drone : DJI Phantom 3 4k Compact Drone : DJI Mavic Studio Equipment for live streams: 2 x Studio Microphone : Shure SM7B Vocal Dynamic 2 x Back Up Microphone : Blue Yeti 2 x Microphone Swivel Boom Arms : RODE PSA1 Swivel Mount Studio Boom Arm Audio Interface : Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (2nd Gen) Broadcast Software : Wirecast 8.0 Cory's 4K Webcam : Logitech BRIO Jimmy's Webcam : Logitech C922

Goodbye old fish room. Hello new fish room! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 50

Discus 7 years ago 39,766 views

Happy New year. First look at what the new fish room studio will look like for the real fish talk podcast! Sign up for our Deals Newsletter: Our Website: Support us on Patreon: Instagram: Facebook: Filming equipment we use: Main Camera : Sony a6500 Travel Vlog Compact Camera : Sony RX100 V Underwater Camera : GoPro Hero5 Microphone : Video Rode Micro Secondary Audio Capture : Tascam DR-05 Lav Mic : Boya BY-M1 Small Tripod : Gorilla Pod SLR ZOOM Lightweight Tripod : Pedco UltraPod II Lightweight Favorite Versatile Mount : GoPro Jaws Flex Clamp Main Gimbal : Zhiyun Crane-M Phone Gimbal : Zhiyun Smooth Q Big Drone : DJI Phantom 3 4k Compact Drone : DJI Mavic Studio Equipment for live streams: 2 x Studio Microphone : Shure SM7B Vocal Dynamic 2 x Back Up Microphone : Blue Yeti 2 x Microphone Swivel Boom Arms : RODE PSA1 Swivel Mount Studio Boom Arm Audio Interface : Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (2nd Gen) Broadcast Software : Wirecast 8.0 Cory's 4K Webcam : Logitech BRIO Jimmy's Webcam : Logitech C922

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Most popular comments
for Goodbye old fish room. Hello new fish room!

Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Ugh, unfortunately the Youtube bug got us again and only rendered 480p ;(
BusyPetKeeping 101
BusyPetKeeping 101 - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op pls help
I went on vacation for Christmas
Dec 20-Jan 1
I know my fish would survive without food for that long but when i came back
The dominant fish had its tail bitten off and its left eye taken out
It is in a hospital tank by its self but need help on how to cure it and who did it to it
It was a Male Yellow lab and it was 3 inches, biggest fish in the tank
Its tankmates were:(by dominance)
Auratus cichlid(2.6 inches)
Tiger Oscar Cichlid(2.5 inches)
Red top Zebra(2.8 inches)
Red zebra cichlid(2.5 inches)
Auratus cichlid(2.3 inches)
Yellow lab cichlid(1.5 inches)
Albino red top zebra(1.4 inches)
Yellow lab cichlid(1.5 inches)
I know the Oscar is gonna grow too big and i will have a bigger tank in a few years
Neon Tetra Aquarist
Neon Tetra Aquarist - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op I love the neat and tidy look of the new room! New Year, new room
Everyday Fish Keeper
Everyday Fish Keeper - 7 years ago
The video looks good
Phil Collins Jr.
Phil Collins Jr. - 7 years ago
which tank broke?
Nate Vanderloon
Nate Vanderloon - 7 years ago
Video looked fine looks like your headed in the right direction I like what your doing with the fish room looks more like a hobbiest style room the old one had more of a utilitarian feel
Humakt83 - 7 years ago
It takes a while for Youtube to process higher resolutions.
jerry ebner
jerry ebner - 7 years ago
Didnt notice a change .
Aesyir - 7 years ago
have you ever kept newts?
Tim Lawrence
Tim Lawrence - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op I don't see anything wrong with the video
Collins fish
Collins fish - 7 years ago
Everyone hopping on the aquarium gallery train
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show - 7 years ago
I love what you are doing it already looks amazing.
Deep Blue
Deep Blue - 7 years ago
So clean and modern. Like how open it is. Kind of reminds me of my fish Nook.
Cut It Up Freshh
Cut It Up Freshh - 7 years ago
Now this is how you do a fishroom, a room with lots of room.
Aquaticfish7 - 7 years ago
Wow what a change to the fish Room! You could hold dances in the middle! It’s amazing how many people are renovating their fish rooms. It must of been real hard getting rid if some of your fish but having your store really helped with that. Looking forward to seeing the finished studio!
J. D.
J. D. - 7 years ago
Looking forward to the reveal.  Cory, any chance you can do a spotlight on platies?  I keep hearing you make quick casual reference to them and showing them occasionally, but always too fast for the camera to focus on them.  They are one fish I'd like to add to a large community tank but I'm starting to hear they aren't the best for planted tanks... please tell me this isn't true!  Would love to see some of yours.  Thanks for the update and happy new year!!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I only keep them in planted tanks often communities. One of my favorites!
Danny Brown
Danny Brown - 7 years ago
Corey and Jimmy! The new fish room is looking INSANE! Absolutely love it! Also, happy New year from Scotland!
Patché - 7 years ago
I miss seeing a room full of tanks and many different fish that i never thought of getting

10. comment for Goodbye old fish room. Hello new fish room!

goodall1bay - 7 years ago
True brackish fish tank please..
Catherine Kennedy
Catherine Kennedy - 7 years ago
Looks amazing Cory!
Lisa Combest
Lisa Combest - 7 years ago
Happy New Year!! Hope you have a wonderful one. The room is looking really great. I am looking forward to you doing your show from there.
shayna cope
shayna cope - 7 years ago
Its looking great Cory wish you all the best for the New Year you deserve it
Reece Gainsforth
Reece Gainsforth - 7 years ago
I have 125 gallon where can I get a puffer fish like yours too get
aquascaper 4lyfe
aquascaper 4lyfe - 7 years ago
Do you sell plecos really need one
Candi Overhuls
Candi Overhuls - 7 years ago
It’s absolutely gorgeous! Some people don’t know beauty when they see it. Joel you are a true artisan! Great job, Cory, Joel, and Jimmy.
Narumi Rose
Narumi Rose - 7 years ago
Keep up the great work!!
Hilton Aquatics
Hilton Aquatics - 7 years ago
Cory, you deserve this! Absolutely amazing
Mr Pokeboss
Mr Pokeboss - 7 years ago
Are jimmy and Cory related or?
Dorkula - 7 years ago
Jimmy works for the Co-Op.

20. comment for Goodbye old fish room. Hello new fish room!

Catfish Cave
Catfish Cave - 7 years ago
I understand what your goals are for this new fish room, (and it looks great so far!); but I have to ask, are you going to miss being able to keep so many different fish? Are you going to add smaller tanks in the 800g room? Is there an add-on to the current garage/fish building in the works?
Catfish Cave
Catfish Cave - 7 years ago
I was afraid you'd say that. I hope this is what you truly want; I know you do a lot for the Aquarium hobby and your followers, I just hope its not at your own expense of what makes you happiest. On the other hand, you can always change it back... Good luck!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I'm sure I'll miss it some. But I've been missing it for a year already. There isn't enough time in the day to interact with all of those fish and run the channel and business.
Melvin versus Aquaescape
Melvin versus Aquaescape - 7 years ago
Hello Corey happy new year to you and your family and Jimmy
Russell The Fish Guy
Russell The Fish Guy - 7 years ago
Man that looks amazing. Great build Cory
MasterAquatics - 7 years ago
Loving the new set up. Cant wait to see it finished. You are one of the hardest working guys in this hobby man.
Alex Whitfield
Alex Whitfield - 7 years ago
Damn this is dope, you've got a new subscriber
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Welcome aboard ;)
colinbarsby - 7 years ago
Great to watch the evolution, Happy New Year to All.
Valor Pets
Valor Pets - 7 years ago
Im gonna miss your large fish room
augoldfinger - 7 years ago
Look'n real nice.
Exotic Cichlids
Exotic Cichlids - 7 years ago
Haha nice man good job. Will you keep any dwarf cichlids?
Exotic Cichlids
Exotic Cichlids - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op aw common man i know you want some red fire Apistos! n Rams :)
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Not currently planned. Only the albino kribs in my 230 gallon.
purplekitty - 7 years ago
Man entitled assholes are EVERYWHERE! Even on a channel about fish you find people bitching about somebody not doing what they want. Cory’s had the old style of fish room for years! Let the dude change it up jeez. It’s exciting and I like it. It’s still gonna be all about fish people. Hell thats what the podcast are about. Fish! Your not gonna lose anything.

30. comment for Goodbye old fish room. Hello new fish room!

Joe T
Joe T - 7 years ago
Very nice fishroom!
Darryn Beverly
Darryn Beverly - 7 years ago
U should get a round table
Darryn Beverly
Darryn Beverly - 7 years ago
Oh yea u are definitely right. Can’t wait to see the finish room
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
We are going to build it ourselves, I think a round one would be much more difficult to do than the one we are planning. I think it'll turn out great though.
Gaina - 7 years ago
It's amazing how a simple change can make a room look so different!
Michelle Angel
Michelle Angel - 7 years ago
wOW, it's looking absolutlely beautifully! It's going to look amazing when it''s done! So sorry about the broken tank though!!! Happy New Year!!!
Cute fish
Cute fish - 7 years ago
Happy New Year 2018
JAZZ KING9810 - 7 years ago
Looks good!
ethan davis
ethan davis - 7 years ago
Hey cory what temp do you keep your goldfish at
Brandon McClellan
Brandon McClellan - 7 years ago
Omg amazing!
Martin Proietti
Martin Proietti - 7 years ago
Awsome Job Guys! Looks awsome! Really hyped for the upcoming studios!
El Dal-Cl
El Dal-Cl - 7 years ago
Surprised that you are using HOB's. What brand are they? What kind of treatment are you going to do on the floor?
It's awesome and look forward to seeing the evolution.
Mike Schwitzke Jr
Mike Schwitzke Jr - 7 years ago
Fun work I would have brought out a recliner looks amazing Corry, Jimmy and Corvous.
Bradley Vaughn
Bradley Vaughn - 7 years ago
Awesome work guys keep up the good work
Jacob L
Jacob L - 7 years ago
Please don't paint the racks blue or black.... I really like the wood look!
Bart Pixel
Bart Pixel - 7 years ago
is it me, or is there a guppy with red gills swimming cross the tank at 1:03? can't tell in 480p ...
Ed Staart
Ed Staart - 7 years ago
Wauw,the room gets really Nice,good job. Happy new year to all who s out there.
Bert Shackleford
Bert Shackleford - 7 years ago
We just adopted several new #fishfam members on Friday. Picked up a Fluval Spec V with all premium components including a Hydor 50w heater for the pump area in the back.
3 Scarlet Badis
2 Asian Stone Catfish
2 fancy colored shrimp (blue and red w/ white)
3 Tropica 1-2 GROW! plants (Gratiola viscidula , Helanthium tenellum 'Green' and Marsila hirsuta)
One handful of Water Lettuce
1 small bag Tropica Aquarium Soil Powder
Two pieces of Dragon Stone Rock and filled the tank entirely with RO water.

Parameters state that the conditions are ideal however my fastidious nature when it comes to living organisms makes OCD people seem sloppy at times. All the Scarlet's were eating a combo of frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp at the store and upon my observation last night, they appear to be eating the same food sources here at their permanent home. Here's where my meticulous nature can be a blessing and a curse. Please bare with me as I have a tendency to overthink these things (so I was told by my wife and Ben at the LFS)...

Current approximate temperature 74°F.

Any specific water parameters that are essential to the well-being of the Badis?

Perhaps some specific plants that these different species prefer?

Given the design of the Fluval Spec V, would the pump output nozzle benefit from a foam cover to regulate the severity of water flow? I've been experimenting with both and really cannot decide which is more beneficial.

I'm finding the metering of food (they recommend feeding twice a day at this young-tiny stage in life) to be slightly problematic. I'm constantly worried about over-feeding being that all the creatures in the tank are half an inch or less. My intention is to feed entirely live foods as they seem to be more interested in prey that actually moves and evades being that they are a micropredator. What would you recommend for live foods for the remainder of their incredible lives? I was thinking Cyclops but I honestly don't know what other viable options are available for such small fishes. Perfectly happy to cultivate them myself too.

Lastly, given the previous statement on feeding quantity. I was thinking about a small group of CPD's for some dithers(?) and to help with any extra food in the tank. There are a few more Asian Stone Cats available if they'd be a better clean up crew, but we're also willing to get more shrimp if necessary. But not to get too off track, we'd still like a little more of an active nano fish so we're also looking at the Ember tetras and various other nano fish such as Phoenix/Chili/Emerald Dwarf Rasbora's, CPD's and so on. But Celestial Pearl Danio's are my favorite so far. They look like mini trout!

We appreciate you all taking the time to read this novel as I am regularly known to wrote extensive essays. Please feel free to chime in with any advice. Knowledge is my obsession and I love to research things to the point of exhaustion.

Keep up the good work my friends.
B. W.
B. W. - 7 years ago
look's great so far!...even in 480p
Gavin Davison
Gavin Davison - 7 years ago
are you getting any fish tank
rebecca durbin
rebecca durbin - 7 years ago
love the new set up, the wood trimming is awesome. makes it look more spiffy better than metal wracks.
Matthew Wright
Matthew Wright - 7 years ago
I use to watch for fish seeing all unboxing an breeding looks like its slowly going :,(

50. comment for Goodbye old fish room. Hello new fish room!

g bear
g bear - 7 years ago
That’s a neat design we did that style on a reef system and high end planted system back in the 90s just watch those hinges and latches over the years for corrosion and a little warping but you should be fine my old boss didn’t believe in dehumidifiers lol. He also painted everything black and no lights in the area. Looks amazing to me and can’t wait to see the finished product
Justjump216 Ingram
Justjump216 Ingram - 7 years ago
Looks awesome and happy New year
Everyday Fish Keeper
Everyday Fish Keeper - 7 years ago
New Fish room looking great, all that room for activities lol
Asian Arawana
Asian Arawana - 7 years ago
I recognise this as the cinder block room. And that wall sink. This looks really cool . If you have a horse shoe of tanks and a desk. seeing your store and the good work you did for it, this looks great.
Never Naked Nails nail art
Never Naked Nails nail art - 7 years ago
Very cool !! Happy New Year
Alan Morris
Alan Morris - 7 years ago
I liked the old fish room better. It made more sense as a fish store owner to breed what you could for restocking the store when you could.
rich andy
rich andy - 7 years ago
Happy New Year! Nice update.
Brianna Leiter
Brianna Leiter - 7 years ago
Everyone is complaining about it no longer looking like the average mish mashed fish room we’d have at home but it’s NOT that hard if you are dedicated and follow his tutorials to add plywood cutouts and auto water change systems and make things more polished. You just have to put in the work. He PROVED you can continue to improve your fishroom over the years to something super polished and nice like this. I love it!
VortecV8 - 7 years ago
Cory, that looks really good. You're going to enjoy all that extra space. You and Jimmy built bunk beds and now you have so much room for activities!
Michael Nicoletto
Michael Nicoletto - 7 years ago
Your new setup is looking great! I enjoy your videos- I hope 2018 is your best year yet!
rurutu M
rurutu M - 7 years ago
all the tanks are gone, so much room in the middle for another 800g wink wink nudge nudge
JWA79 - 7 years ago
@Aquarium Co-Op , my goal for this year is to get my fish room up and running and would love to get the flush look you have with your tanks , do you have a link to where you got the hinges or remember what they were called ? , also Happy New year to one of the best Tubers of the fish keeping hobby , here's to more amazing content in '18
Little Bro Gaming
Little Bro Gaming - 7 years ago
Have you considered putting a arowana in the 800
bebebutterfield1 - 7 years ago
I love it Cory!! Good job.
Fun Kids tv
Fun Kids tv - 7 years ago
Puffer fish what
John Zimm
John Zimm - 7 years ago
Great job guys, looks good!
LittleLargeMouth - 7 years ago
SC Aquatics
SC Aquatics - 7 years ago
Glad for the new setup. My fishroom will be similar, big tanks with stockings that are manageable. What will be the backdrop ? Gonna miss the 800g for sure
the bearded fish keeper
the bearded fish keeper - 7 years ago
Looking good
GreeneNatives - 7 years ago
Thanks for the update.
Dan Wilcox
Dan Wilcox - 7 years ago
I subscribed to this site to see fish and tanks not a fancy hi-tech studio. In my opinion you are going in the wrong direction.
Heavy Metal Lion
Heavy Metal Lion - 7 years ago
Jade Miller there is a section of this conversation missing, so I don't know the full details but cory did not copy joey. Joey isn't the first person to have a tank rank set up, case in point: he ordered them from a company that makes them. Joey also has a themed "gallery" whereas cory has some of his favorite fish in a few tanks. Not to mention people in this community inspire each other everyday, so no need to try and pin two very different people/channels against each other
TheGolemHunter - 7 years ago
Jade Miller Are you talking to me?
Heavy Metal Lion
Heavy Metal Lion - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op I feel like we are seeing less fish and more talking. I understand and appreciate that you are very knowledgeable in this profession/hobby but honestly, it's boring to sit and watch people talk. I think a lot of us came for the unboxings and your fish room tours. I think we won't get as much of that if you only have a handful of display tanks.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Heavy Metal Lion, what should I be focusing on?
Heavy Metal Lion
Heavy Metal Lion - 7 years ago
agreed. i feel like this channel is slowly sinking. he is more worried about talking/podcasts, which aren't getting a fraction of the views that the fish videos do.
Jade Miller
Jade Miller - 7 years ago
lol im not even going to validatte the stupidity of your question rofl
TheGolemHunter - 7 years ago
Jade Miller In which way is he copying Joey? Completely different fishrooms/gallerys and Cory has a shop online and in real life so I don’t know what you’re on about...
TheGolemHunter - 7 years ago
Dan Wilcox Well I guess you gotta unsubscribe if you don’t like it.
Richard Huff
Richard Huff - 7 years ago
WOW, you have it looking super awesome now and not finished yet. Can't wait to see it all done. Happy New Year !!
SomethingReallyStrange - 7 years ago
Holy shit, that is stunning!
Krity Kat
Krity Kat - 7 years ago
Love the look!! I need that in my living room!! I missed the code when I placed my order. Lol. Seen it in my email when I got my confirmation email. Story of my life! As my Dad use to say, I'll be at the airport when my ship comes in! Lol Happy New Year, Aquarium Co-op fam!!
Caroline - 7 years ago
Looks stunning. Amazing work!!!
Discus Keeper
Discus Keeper - 7 years ago
Very nice guys sweet fish room
Jeff Eden
Jeff Eden - 7 years ago
Green Thumb Aquariums
Green Thumb Aquariums - 7 years ago
The racks are looking great!
Weet 93
Weet 93 - 7 years ago
very cool!
TheDrunkenAlcoholic - 7 years ago
while I like the new manicured fakeness of this new setup Joey.. Oppss I mean Cory, I really did like the old setup more, as it felt like it related to what your viewers are keeping at home in their fishroom's, I guess it was "keeping it real" feeling of your old setup that made it more appealing, just my opinion of cause.
TheDrunkenAlcoholic - 7 years ago
As I said I like this new one, just disappointed that he is making that room into a youtube studio instead of having tanks, I know its all about evolving and its clear Cory's channel has evolved into a business than a hobby channel these days , I have no issue it is his room and tanks, but I just feel the youtube obsession has started to take over what the old fish room was about, but there is many more channels(FishFam) these days dedicated to viewing fish rooms and showing footage of fish and the issues they encounter, so its really no big deal to switch over and follow those channels aswell, Like I said its only my opinion and means nothing
Candi Overhuls
Candi Overhuls - 7 years ago
purplekitty - 7 years ago
TheDrunkenAlcoholic Joey is not the only person to have a gallery styled fish room he’s just the only other person you know of. Cory has an entire store filled with fish tanks, plus the viewer home show, plus fish store tours. So what if his personal ones don’t look like yours anymore?
Courtz courtz
Courtz courtz - 7 years ago
Amazing Cory
JH Aquatics
JH Aquatics - 7 years ago
Im so Excited! looking Good! I know someday I will be in that room in person.! Cant wait!
Bronwyn Lines
Bronwyn Lines - 7 years ago
Looks frigging AMAZING!
Alejandro marquez
Alejandro marquez - 7 years ago
Hey how to know if we won the give away?
heatherwanderer777 - 7 years ago
Really sad to see so many tanks gone. I suspect maintenance will be easier with much fewer tanks, but still very empty looking now. :(
Deanne Sherriff
Deanne Sherriff - 7 years ago
It’s lovely Cory, but my worry is there won’t be enough tanks for you ... you and Jimmy have a great New Year. ⭐️
Veronica V
Veronica V - 7 years ago
Wow! Tons of work done, great job guys!! Thank you for sharing
sayurasem - 7 years ago
Sorry not liking it, I prefer the 800 gallon in the background.
Copper Canyon Aquatics
Copper Canyon Aquatics - 7 years ago
No more big pond in the center of fish room 2.0?
Pieter De La Rey
Pieter De La Rey - 7 years ago
Can i get n link for reel fish talk
乙O๔Iคᑕ - 7 years ago
Corey, how do u afford all these tanks ? When I buy a feeder goldfish from PetSmart I can't eat for like 4 weeks
Dorkula - 7 years ago
I work a full time job too.
Unlucky - 7 years ago
乙O๔Iคᑕ he owns a fish store and it's relatively large and popular due to his channel partially
Colt 159
Colt 159 - 7 years ago
Hey could I put a female betta with some neon tetras, some zebra dianos, 2 plecos, 1 black red tailed shark, 1 albino rainbow shark, 2 black tetras, 2 orange wag platies, and 2 fancy guppies, in 2 10 gallon tanks connected by a water bridge?
NYSportsHighlights - 7 years ago
I think that tank is a little over crowded, because depending on the plecos you get, they can grow out of a 10 or 20 gal, so maybe get some corydoras
jerry ebner
jerry ebner - 7 years ago
Looks very nice
MrCeo1978buddy - 7 years ago
nice clean set up i see in the future
Brian Scheuermann
Brian Scheuermann - 7 years ago
Happy New Year!!!
Melissa Berry
Melissa Berry - 7 years ago
Looks great! Happy New Year!!
Bentley Pascoe
Bentley Pascoe - 7 years ago
Fish room is already looking stellar, can't wait to see the final reveal (and maybe influence Jimmy's rainbow tank). Keep being awesome Co-Op team!
Fish Nation
Fish Nation - 7 years ago
Why no more sponge filters?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
There will be small ones as a back up if power goes out. But we are keeping it small for sound reasons.
Jack Brigden
Jack Brigden - 7 years ago
Like the dynamic of the new setup. It's so different to what other people are doing on YouTube. If your moving the studio into the main room will you be adding tanks to the 800 gallon side? Because from watching your videos you can't help taking fish home and now you don't have much tank space. Lol
Corey Neiss
Corey Neiss - 7 years ago
Looking for the coop fish tank decoration....sold out..:-(
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Yeah, the artist who makes them will make some again after the holidays. Sorry about that.

100. comment for Goodbye old fish room. Hello new fish room!

Kashka Armstrong
Kashka Armstrong - 7 years ago
Wait did i miss something? Which tank broke?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
a 75 gallon tank broke while installing it. Cracked at the bulkhead.
namepi - 7 years ago
This is the real King of DIY
namepi - 7 years ago
Asnl45 no I have I’m just really proud of the Co-Op crew for making their showroom
Asnl45 - 7 years ago
You didnt go and look at his Massive DIY catalogue of videos did you? Obvious by your ignorant reply.
Heavy Metal Lion
Heavy Metal Lion - 7 years ago
DIY - do it yourself. not hire someone to do it for you.
Asnl45 - 7 years ago
namepi you might want to go to his channel and watch all of the vids, coop has not done anything like Joeys DIY project or amount.
TheGolemHunter - 7 years ago
namepi ?? He made only a few diy videos lol.
jon james
jon james - 7 years ago
It looks beautiful Happy 2018 to you, Jimmy and all.
Chico the Human
Chico the Human - 7 years ago
Tanks are looking nice!
Cody's Aquariums
Cody's Aquariums - 7 years ago
What heaters are those??
FishyBrittyKitty - 7 years ago
Looking very nice! Happy New Year!
Barbara Jackson
Barbara Jackson - 7 years ago
Looking good! It really shows that you all have been working your tail fins off!
Alex Rubio
Alex Rubio - 7 years ago
I totally LOVE this gallery style!
Interp66 - 7 years ago
A lot of work!
MeloMoogle - 7 years ago
Lovin the new setup!
Jena Tucker Aquariums
Jena Tucker Aquariums - 7 years ago
Looks good! Those 125's are great!!!
CutTimeBrony - 7 years ago
are you guys still going to do an indoor pond you were thinking about?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
No pond. Plan to put in a giant table to we can have guests on the podcast.
unholyorders - 7 years ago
Best of luck in 2018 and nice fishroom Corey. The old fishroom is was still awesome!
Roberto Vitola
Roberto Vitola - 7 years ago
Hey corey quick question, do you ever siphon your tanks? Can I have substrate and just leave it as is, maybe siphon once a year. (with weekly water changes)
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Gravel vacs about once every 3 months.
Vince Smith
Vince Smith - 7 years ago
Looks amazing and I'm sure there is much more to come. What tank broke? Didn't see a video on that or hear it on the live stream.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Yeah was a bummer, had to take some fish there as we had to tear down another 75g, and drill it to install it today.
Vince Smith
Vince Smith - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op
I turned in late on the live stream last night so I didn't know that's why you were at the store haha. Keep up the good work fellas
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
One of the 75 gallon tanks when trying to install it.
Dean H.
Dean H. - 7 years ago
Happy New Year, guys!!! Have fun in the snow! ❤️
Mikaila Kelly
Mikaila Kelly - 7 years ago
Woohoo! I’ve been waiting to see this. Congrats!!!
Harish Mahanta
Harish Mahanta - 7 years ago
Jim Meeker
Jim Meeker - 7 years ago
Looks great! Has a bit of an echo right now. I'm sure you'll fix that though. Super excited to see this project underway!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Yep, We'll be working on the echo etc, once the table, chairs, monitors, backdrop is in etc.
Ryan Osborne
Ryan Osborne - 7 years ago
Very disappointed with the new set up yes it nice and pretty but don't touch I preferred the old set up looked like the average guy that has a fish tank problem
Ryan Osborne
Ryan Osborne - 7 years ago
Brett Dill can't wait big chief
Brett Dill
Brett Dill - 7 years ago
Hey Corey, if I'm understanding Ryan's scale correctly, I think I can more than make up for this with my fish room. About to go pick up some cinder blocks and lumber at Menard's, so I can get my 4 tank rack started...........only buying one tank though. Just an average guy with a new mortgage and a fish tank problem. I'll shoot a couple low quality videos and send them your way for the next viewer show. Get ready, Ryan!!! LOL
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Glad I could disappoint you.
Alejandro marquez
Alejandro marquez - 7 years ago
That looks amazingly bad ass man
Anthony Piti
Anthony Piti - 7 years ago
Please excuse me while I drool over this setup. Came out amazing. Happy New Years!
ChaosCorrupter - 7 years ago
Is that the only aquariums going in the fish room? I remember you talking about having a big indoor pond but it sounds like that idea is scrapped?
Anthony L
Anthony L - 7 years ago
Would be better to have a couch for your guests during interviews.
AdmiralBlackBeard - 7 years ago
So a big aquarium table.
ChaosCorrupter - 7 years ago
Cool! Can't wait to see the final product and what you do in 2018.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Currently a big table for the center for guests and the live stream.
TheUltimateGam3r63 - 7 years ago
What was the plant that were in the first 125? Happy new year
g bear
g bear - 7 years ago
No wonder why your sold out of bolbitus .... just kidding looks awesome can’t wait to see the finished product and happy new year
D Stowers
D Stowers - 7 years ago
I think it was Bolbitis African Fern.
Lamar Simpson
Lamar Simpson - 7 years ago
Happy New years my friend
Love the new fishroom
CL Roman
CL Roman - 7 years ago
Happy New Year, Thank you for all your knowledge that you share with all of us..
siddharth mohapatra
siddharth mohapatra - 7 years ago
Happy new year sir
madcypress L.L.
madcypress L.L. - 7 years ago
Awesome buds
ScienceGal - 7 years ago
Looks amazing, going to look great. Would love to have a show room some day like this for my channel. Definitely at dream room.
Steenfott Aquatics
Steenfott Aquatics - 7 years ago
OMG my eyes bleed, why is it so blurry, you should upgrade your camera
Steenfott Aquatics
Steenfott Aquatics - 7 years ago
Lyle Fish I guess not everyone is fluent in sarcasm lol
Lyle Fish
Lyle Fish - 7 years ago
Really? Video snob....get a life!
Martha Lopez
Martha Lopez - 7 years ago
Ruuude jk love both of your channels
Erik B's Aquariums
Erik B's Aquariums - 7 years ago
Looks great
octoblunt - 7 years ago
Yesss. So much better. Not that the previous setup was bad but this is just a price of art!
Unlucky - 7 years ago
Quite a price indeed!
Zach West
Zach West - 7 years ago
Hey corey i ordered some plants from you guys and its really cold in Chicago so they ended up being frozen when i got them ice on them, what do you recommend to help them?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Shoot us an email at and we'll ship you out replacements. For now just see if any of them make it in your aquarium.
Jorge Luis Gonzalez
Jorge Luis Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Look very godo happy new year from monterrey mexico
Savanna Morrow
Savanna Morrow - 7 years ago
Wow. Everything is looking Ah-MAY-zing! Can't wait to see everything once finished! Great job guys!
AquariumCop - 7 years ago
missed, Happy new year!
Freshwater Fish Freak
Freshwater Fish Freak - 7 years ago
looks good

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