I'm feeding all my discus today! Stay tuned and watch as my little ones eat right out of my hand! My Pigeon Blood and Brilliant Turquoise Discus have grown since you last saw them and are coloring up! I honestly didn't expect them to become so fabulous!!! Enjoy :D To see what discus are available, click here : ►http://www.quebec-cichlides.com/livestock?cat=4 ___ MORE FISHY STUFF Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/QuebecCichlides Instagram: http://instagram.com/quebec_cichlides Twitter : https://twitter.com/cichlid_geek Website: http://www.quebec-cichlides.com/ AWESOME CICHLID GEEK T-SHIRTS https://teespring.com/stores/quebec-cichlides ___ PRODUCTS I RECOMMEND (CANADA & USA) CANADA MY BOOK SELECTION (CAN) Check it out here : https://goo.gl/TgtSS6 FOR WATER CHANGES (CAN) Python No Spill Kit (for water changes): https://goo.gl/ZbvsQo Seachem Prime: https://goo.gl/7H6K6M Test kits: https://goo.gl/zSUaaq BEST FISH FOOD (CAN) Northfin fish food: https://goo.gl/8xNdbN USE THESE PRODUCTS FOR CICHLIDS (CAN) Seachem Malawi Buffer : https://goo.gl/hWu932 Seachem Cichlid Salt : https://goo.gl/A8e2oD ___ USA FOR WATER CHANGES (USA) Python No Spill Kit (for water changes): https://goo.gl/9CjQvS Seachem Prime: https://goo.gl/Wif9ud Freshwater Test Kit: https://goo.gl/kcM3c9 USE THESE TO ADJUST YOUR WATER PARAMETERS (USA) Seachem Malawi Buffer: https://goo.gl/2RZizc Seachem Tanganyika Buffer : https://goo.gl/EiyRwc Seachem Cichlid Salt: https://goo.gl/j2BA55 BEST FISH FOOD (USA) Northfin Marine Formula : https://goo.gl/V8e48U Northfin Cichlid Formula: https://goo.gl/cctZy6 Northfin Veggie Formula: https://goo.gl/dmFY4i Northfin Jumbo Formula: https://goo.gl/crLfjM MY BOOK REFERENCES (USA) Konings, A., Tanganyika Cichlids in their Natural Habitat: https://goo.gl/5Sg1qB Konings, A., Tropheus their Natural Habitat : https://goo.gl/zj6dpT Konings, A., Malawi Cichlids in their Natural Habitat: https://goo.gl/DgQ3Rd Konings, A., Back To Nature : Malawi Cichlids: https://goo.gl/FxBXfa Konings, A., Back To Nature : Tanganyika Cichlids: https://goo.gl/xyoy5w MY FILMING EQUIPMENT (USA) My lighting Equipment : https://goo.gl/EcFGGo My Tripod : https://goo.gl/WCcVY8 _ NEWSLETTER The ULTIMATE way to get news straight in your inbox and exclusive content that isn't on Youtube! Sub here: https://goo.gl/aqVnMF _ Music : Chris Zabrinski #cichlidgeek #discus #aquarium #fishkeeping #fishgeek #cichlid

HAND FEEDING MY DISCUS FISH sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0

Discus 6 years ago 2,144 views

I'm feeding all my discus today! Stay tuned and watch as my little ones eat right out of my hand! My Pigeon Blood and Brilliant Turquoise Discus have grown since you last saw them and are coloring up! I honestly didn't expect them to become so fabulous!!! Enjoy :D To see what discus are available, click here : ►http://www.quebec-cichlides.com/livestock?cat=4 ___ MORE FISHY STUFF Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/QuebecCichlides Instagram: http://instagram.com/quebec_cichlides Twitter : https://twitter.com/cichlid_geek Website: http://www.quebec-cichlides.com/ AWESOME CICHLID GEEK T-SHIRTS https://teespring.com/stores/quebec-cichlides ___ PRODUCTS I RECOMMEND (CANADA & USA) CANADA MY BOOK SELECTION (CAN) Check it out here : https://goo.gl/TgtSS6 FOR WATER CHANGES (CAN) Python No Spill Kit (for water changes): https://goo.gl/ZbvsQo Seachem Prime: https://goo.gl/7H6K6M Test kits: https://goo.gl/zSUaaq BEST FISH FOOD (CAN) Northfin fish food: https://goo.gl/8xNdbN USE THESE PRODUCTS FOR CICHLIDS (CAN) Seachem Malawi Buffer : https://goo.gl/hWu932 Seachem Cichlid Salt : https://goo.gl/A8e2oD ___ USA FOR WATER CHANGES (USA) Python No Spill Kit (for water changes): https://goo.gl/9CjQvS Seachem Prime: https://goo.gl/Wif9ud Freshwater Test Kit: https://goo.gl/kcM3c9 USE THESE TO ADJUST YOUR WATER PARAMETERS (USA) Seachem Malawi Buffer: https://goo.gl/2RZizc Seachem Tanganyika Buffer : https://goo.gl/EiyRwc Seachem Cichlid Salt: https://goo.gl/j2BA55 BEST FISH FOOD (USA) Northfin Marine Formula : https://goo.gl/V8e48U Northfin Cichlid Formula: https://goo.gl/cctZy6 Northfin Veggie Formula: https://goo.gl/dmFY4i Northfin Jumbo Formula: https://goo.gl/crLfjM MY BOOK REFERENCES (USA) Konings, A., Tanganyika Cichlids in their Natural Habitat: https://goo.gl/5Sg1qB Konings, A., Tropheus their Natural Habitat : https://goo.gl/zj6dpT Konings, A., Malawi Cichlids in their Natural Habitat: https://goo.gl/DgQ3Rd Konings, A., Back To Nature : Malawi Cichlids: https://goo.gl/FxBXfa Konings, A., Back To Nature : Tanganyika Cichlids: https://goo.gl/xyoy5w MY FILMING EQUIPMENT (USA) My lighting Equipment : https://goo.gl/EcFGGo My Tripod : https://goo.gl/WCcVY8 _ NEWSLETTER The ULTIMATE way to get news straight in your inbox and exclusive content that isn't on Youtube! Sub here: https://goo.gl/aqVnMF _ Music : Chris Zabrinski #cichlidgeek #discus #aquarium #fishkeeping #fishgeek #cichlid

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Most popular comments

QuebecCichlides - 6 years ago
If you're curious about the tanks I'm keeping my discus in, you HAVE TO watch this video :

Ben and I built them an aquarium system, just for them!
Enjoy ❤
Corona Ken
Corona Ken - 6 years ago
excellent, thanks
Paul Cox
Paul Cox - 6 years ago
Hi Richelle, wonderful fish, l moved away from discus to Africans a couple of years ago, but so tempted to move back, so not sure if l should thank you! Please carry on ranting, we live on a wonderful planet & we really should take care of it.
Fr. Jose Maria
Fr. Jose Maria - 6 years ago
Now, folks. If she gets to pet them, and the discus like to be pet... forget it. She won’t sell them! https://youtu.be/CR1cqK6EGV4
Fr. Jose Maria
Fr. Jose Maria - 6 years ago
Make sure that if you sell them they must be sold in a very minimum group of 6. They only thrive in groups. If a discus is lonely or lives only with couple of friends... they will die.
The Budget Aquarist
The Budget Aquarist - 6 years ago
Perhaps that is your experience, but tons of people keep 2 at a time, as mating pairs, for years with no issue. Just thought I'd pass that on.
Cj Fish
Cj Fish - 6 years ago
Beautiful fish and their owner.
Allan H
Allan H - 6 years ago
I am pretty sure you will sell those now. Those fish are beautiful.
Chap Schaap
Chap Schaap - 6 years ago
Beautifull fish i love discus fish. But you should do Some research over feeding them beef heart. I am not a expert on this,but here in de netherlands there is a lot of discussion over it
cascade ghost
cascade ghost - 6 years ago
Top shelf discus!


Catfish Cave
Catfish Cave - 6 years ago
Now that they have eaten out of your hand, I know they will never be sold. You're hooked!!
QuebecCichlides - 6 years ago
We got some huge blizzards in the past weeks so there's slushy snow everywhere. ☃️ There are a lot of skiiers that are happy.
JustMyFish - 6 years ago
+QuebecCichlides I would love to visit Canada some day. What is Quebec. Like is it snowing right now. ☺
Garry Mcgrath
Garry Mcgrath - 6 years ago
There eating well
Garry Mcgrath
Garry Mcgrath - 6 years ago
Sweet heart the human races is fucked anyway bit a beef heart ain't going to change anything
raymondvl44 - 6 years ago
Lovely... Just love these guys but it scares me to start a tank of Discus? Hear they need a lot of special care???
raymondvl44 - 6 years ago
QuebecCichlides Merci Richelle... J’apprecie tes conseiles ... Merci beaucoup..
QuebecCichlides - 6 years ago
Well then do that.... Even if it worked with your experience doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.
Many people smoke their whole lives and don't get cancer. They still should t go around telling experts they're wrong.
Good for you if your discus didn't die (or something like that, it's honestly hard to understand your writing). In the end, do what you want. I'm just here giving people the information they need to put the chances on their side.
dacz gegrbt
dacz gegrbt - 6 years ago
+QuebecCichlides You are absolutly wrong they much harder than you think, and spesialists like you keep pushing people away from buying discus.After watching videos alike i was so nervas buying my ferst discus i was thinking they will die on me just the very moment lm off the shop. l changed aged water 50 pc every day. then l got my ferst fry and things got worse ,2 waterchages a day and full time work as a bricklayer made me exsoted and l said f..ck em let them die lts no fun anymor.And know what no one died ,l change water(ph8 gh16)once in 7-10 days rigt out of my tap l feed fry like pigs l run my own diy enternal filter and everybodys hapy.And l kept 22 4inch juves in 40 gl for 2 months til selling them.And sorry to say those small pb will not get any better they grow big and pale as they are. l culld discus like those.
Lito Loco 4 fish
Lito Loco 4 fish - 6 years ago
Omg so gorgeous!!!! All of them gorgeous!!! The red one is really popping!!! Wow Richelle
QuebecCichlides - 6 years ago
Thank you :D I didn't expect such magnificent colors!
Chris Fryer
Chris Fryer - 6 years ago
Thats pretty cool!
QuebecCichlides - 6 years ago
Thank you :D
MELODY MUNRO - 6 years ago
I can't wait to get my discus.
QuebecCichlides - 6 years ago
What are you still doing at the office??? Go home!!!!!


QuebecCichlides - 6 years ago
Yay! I figured you'd love them. I added extra footage just for you ;)

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