HOW TO: Drill Your Aquarium

Today I want to show you how I drill my aquariums and how we did it for our new breeding rack. Please leave any questions you have below! Shop: - Music: Kronicle - Another Chill Day

HOW TO: Drill Your Aquarium sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Discus 6 years ago 2,828 views

Today I want to show you how I drill my aquariums and how we did it for our new breeding rack. Please leave any questions you have below! Shop: - Music: Kronicle - Another Chill Day

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Most popular comments
for HOW TO: Drill Your Aquarium

DiscusParadise - 6 years ago
Hello, do you use UV sterilizer?
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 6 years ago
Yes we do. All central systems have one.
Harshaka Madushan
Harshaka Madushan - 6 years ago
And I’d like to ask, in this system “what about power off with out knowing? All the water going out?? Or is there any strategy to hold water??
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 6 years ago
1.5" check valve doesn't allow water to return and whatever excess water builds up there is an 1.5" overflow bulkhead that permits the water to escape down the drain. Once power is returned the float valve underneath compensates for any water that was discharged and therefore level is always kept.
Harshaka Madushan
Harshaka Madushan - 6 years ago
Awesome video!! Sir I would like to ask, how can we keep same temperature in all tanks?
Harshaka Madushan
Harshaka Madushan - 6 years ago
Thank you sir!!
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 6 years ago
Single large heater in the sump will maintain the temperature throughout.
Adam 78
Adam 78 - 6 years ago
Great video it's given me some good idea's. Thanks you.
Suresh Sahu
Suresh Sahu - 6 years ago
what medications do you use on a regular basis?
Suresh Sahu
Suresh Sahu - 6 years ago
+Jack Wattley Discus can u please tell the quantity you use,or the process?
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 6 years ago
We use potassium permanganate once a week and we also do Formaldehyde/malachite green once a week.
The Penkovsky
The Penkovsky - 6 years ago
I got Questions though, so basically that is a sum water system for 78 tanks right? let's say what if one of the tanks/fish got parasites or any diseases that can spread. is it gonna spread to all 78 tanks? or you had a spesific treatment to prevent that? thank you
The Penkovsky
The Penkovsky - 6 years ago
+Jack Wattley Discus yeah i'm still torn between seperate hose or sump. Okay, you are all doing the precaution treatment before all the bad things happen, that is make sense. Thank You for your answer. keep posting new video I need this :D
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 6 years ago
The tanks would become contaminated by doing water changes anyway. Unless you want to have a separate hose for each tank. The way we prevent is by doing water changes daily. There is a 75 watt UV sterilizer and we also treat weekly with Potassium Permanganate to maintain a low bacteria level.
Anu - 6 years ago
thank you
vipin pandey
vipin pandey - 6 years ago
Please put some light on percentage of water change requirements because lots of people made it very complected by saying change 100% water change daily :) Whether algae is good or bad for the fish.
Edgardo Escovar
Edgardo Escovar - 6 years ago
Muy buen video Gabe !!!! Quería saber a las parejas reproductoras cual es la frecuencia y el por ciento de cambio de agua. Gracias anticipada. Sigue haciendo videos....
Edgardo Escovar
Edgardo Escovar - 6 years ago
+Jack Wattley Discus gracias
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 6 years ago
10% diario.

10. comment for HOW TO: Drill Your Aquarium

M Olaver
M Olaver - 6 years ago
Awesome video and great information.. Keep it up!!
Adam Till from Arctic Lights Aquatics
Adam Till from Arctic Lights Aquatics - 6 years ago
Looks very interesting. Is the tower arrangement really better than sponges in each tank? Ganging tanks together seems like it risks biocontrol. Great video, thanks for sharing!
Adam Till from Arctic Lights Aquatics
Adam Till from Arctic Lights Aquatics - 6 years ago
Jack Wattley Discus makes sense, thanks!
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 6 years ago
We have a 75 watt UV in the system. That and the water changes daily keep the system prestine.
CrowntailHalfmoon - 6 years ago
Awesome video
How do you prepare water to make fish safe and dane paramaters before using in tanks? How often do you change water in tanks and growouts?
Can you explain more with the type of pump and how you select them on specifics of water needed to be circulate and how you select bulk heads?
Also could u do s more indepth video of the sump build and how you utilize float valves to refill sump?
How do u prevent flooding if electricity is cut off? Where do the excess water go from sump?
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 6 years ago
If the electric goes the wet dry underneath has an overflow drain which goes into our drain. Once the electric comes back the system turns on and the float replaces the water that went out.
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 6 years ago
We store filtered water in two 550 gallon holding tanks. Our submersible pump in the grow out section is rated for 2000gph it has 12 20 gallon tanks.
Fabiano Henrique
Fabiano Henrique - 6 years ago
yout temperature , where to do you do control ?
Fabiano Henrique
Fabiano Henrique - 6 years ago
Thank you for asking me. I am your fan. Very good structure.
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 6 years ago
Temperature is kept high on the small discus to stimulate more appetite and faster growth.
Fabiano Henrique
Fabiano Henrique - 6 years ago
Why is this temperature so high? 88F are 31 Cº right?
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 6 years ago
Heater is in the sump set at 88F there's a digital controller
Jim Hanley
Jim Hanley - 6 years ago
Excellent video Gabe!! What do you keep the system water temp at?
Jim Hanley
Jim Hanley - 6 years ago
Jack Wattley Discus thank you Sir
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 6 years ago
Breeders are kept at 82F
Jim Hanley
Jim Hanley - 6 years ago
Jack Wattley Discus what about the breeders?
Jack Wattley Discus
Jack Wattley Discus - 6 years ago
88F for the small babies

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