HOW TO: Keep Discus
Discus 9 years ago 703,083 views
How i made $20,000 in one month, selling Discus ► Where to BUY DISCUS: HOW TO BREED DISCUS ► How to keep Discus in your aquarium and all the discus care information you need! An introduction to discus. The different types and strains of discus. What discus need. A discus tank setup. Stocking a discus tank. Feeding your discus. Discus tank maintenance. Breeding discus. Medicating discus fish. How to choose healthy discus. How to buy discus. AND SO MUCH MORE!! Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ►
I wonder if you can help is there or can you recommend a submersible aquarium water pump that can extract water for a water change then be able to replace with clean water thereafter in the UK
Thanks Chris
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20. comment for HOW TO: Keep Discus
30. comment for HOW TO: Keep Discus
I've lacked to find a good "Oscar 101" video out there, and was hoping you might have one or maybe know of someone who has maybe already made this ;)
All in all, gotta admit i just heard about you over here in Norway (maybe just a coincidence), your content is great! :)
Keep it up!
Love from another fishkeeper, from other shores :P
I am Ryu from japan. I need your advice. I have set 120cm discus tank and painted its bottom and back in black color. My fish are very healthy and eating proper but i still don't see much brighter color yet and some people start telling me that may be its due to the dark color i painted. Is this is the case?
I don't want to undo the paint and stress the fish. What should i do? I should give them some time? By the way they are in this tank just for 2 to 3 weeks now.
I am feeding them discus hamburger, free zed worms and three types of dried food.
50. comment for HOW TO: Keep Discus
You have an incredible wealth of knowledge on Discus and was wondering if you could give my some advice.
I have 5 discus 3 of which died randomly over a 3 month period. The remaining two starting having eggs. At this point they were in 430L tank with lots of other fish, plecs, Shark, Clowns, tetra ect.
I wanted these eggs to hatch, so i move the two discus to a 100L tank. The tank was pre-treated with anti fungal and anti-parisite treament, a week later the fish moved. They have been in the new tank now for 3-4 weeks and seemed to be settling in until now.
I have been doing good water changes and have been monitoring water parameters which have all been good. Today they started shedding a slimey white coat.
Any ideas?
can you spread some light on Levamisole dosing during on the QT tank? Thnx!!
Usually , I trade 40% weekly , my aquarium has average small discus and large , my big problem is the internal bacteria , you do cleaning the substrate with Siphon ?
the look of the ragged fins look much more pleasing to me than the smooth fins for some reason
I have fed them garlic guard and did 50% water change every day for a week. Still no change.
(2) I have a planted tank, but have the plants in pots and raise the pot off the ground on a metal stand (i.e. metal candle holders) to prevent debris from accumulating underneath
(3) Discus will grow in any clean water and does not need to have a lower pH
(4) Discus in nature hides under tree stumps and plants. That is why Discus have compressed flat bodies to navigate between plants and stumps to avoid predators. Giving open space is good to view discus but by nature, Discuss likes dense plants
100. comment for HOW TO: Keep Discus
Breeding Discus ►
so.., (if possible) i request you to make videos of shorter length......
i got question , i live on the top floor of 6 story building is it ok keep discuss, caus i have seen a video where the guy says its not right discuss dont like that
Thanking You Peter
Quality information, delivered in a understandable and enjoyable way.
Highly recommended.
The easiest, most hassle-free planted tank for discus IMO is with little or no substrate and java fern. I set one up in the late nineties. A sumped 75 gallon tank with very large round stones on the bottom, and driftwood running the length of the back of the tank with tons of java fern on it. It looked great and didn't have water quality issues most planted tanks would present for discus.
I'm apart of the rat breeding world(not feeders but actually healthy pets)and we call them varieties cause basically their all the same species but breeding 2 similar rats won't owes yield rats that look like the lets say you picked 2 black hooded rats.breeding them may not result in all black hooded babies you'd get a mix of pink eyed whites,possible fawns,agoti maybe even might not even get hooded rats at all and wind up with capped,variegated or some other weird pattern from miss marking.
easier than what you think. Beautiful and social fish and you seem to care for fish. If you
treat them and show good care well then you will not have problems with them. :)
Good Chanel tho
Powerful joey!
Betta fish would probably be a better "cheap" fish but even then still should be given a larger tank then what I see people give them a lot
I have been a member of Simply for a lil over 3yrs now.Love that site.
It was great to see Al's mug in the video.
I have a fellow discus fan that also had his pairs bred in a community tank. But still, I think it's not very common for discus to breed in a community tank. Might be wrong about that though :)
I was wondering how common that is, since typically discus are bred in isolation in bare tanks.
Actually I have a crude project for a self-contained HOB algae scrubber. If you're interested give me a shout.
+The king of DIY
I've seen your video bloopers, the funniest video was the trickle filter system. You were filming in your backyard and you had nosy neighbours haha.
Thank you to Joey and Al for a successful educational video!
Totally agree! A compilation of bloopers would be very entertaining and certainly a change!
Do you still have the marine aquarium you set up a few years ago?
If so could you do an update video please