HOW TO: Make DIY fish food - Best recipe - DISCUS FOOD

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HOW TO: Make DIY fish food - Best recipe - DISCUS FOOD sentiment_very_dissatisfied 74

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If you liked this video, you will LOVE my book: Follow me: DIY fish food do it yourself fish food home made fish food food for your aquarium fish

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Most popular comments
for HOW TO: Make DIY fish food - Best recipe - DISCUS FOOD

Denise Sim
Denise Sim - 7 years ago
what about duck weed and black soldier fly larvea? they are good source too
Suhail Abbasi
Suhail Abbasi - 7 years ago
Hi..can anyone help me please i have prepared discus food with beefheart shrimps spinach vitamis and garlic..and beefheart was about 1 kg...i added 2 tbs spirulina which makes my food alot gree ..i have 3 blue anf torquoise discus and 2 red discus..i am curious if its ok to feed this food to red discus as well?
McPotin - 7 years ago
most intresting video i have seen!
Robert Barbella
Robert Barbella - 7 years ago
Hey JoeyI was told that since my discus are 5-6 inches that they don't need beefheart.They are eating a staple diet of Sera Discus granules.What are your thoughts?
ArkTiger4c - 7 years ago
I have caught carp while cleaning them for consumption i noticed some of the females were loaded with eggs ...can you use this as a fish food for aquarium fish i know all fish love fish eggs ....but i worry about the bacteria it might contain being wild caught or will freezing kill them ???
blackbearburrito - 7 years ago
this is fantastic! I've been thinking about getting some gold dust moray eels in the future and i think this would be the best way to feed them!
cord gray
cord gray - 7 years ago
Thank you for a video like this one, the advice and knowledge are on point. Subscribed.
burgerking fries
burgerking fries - 7 years ago
can you add edible food coloring to help enhance the color of your fish?
burgerking fries
burgerking fries - 7 years ago
Princess Lunchbox ok
Princess Lunchbox
Princess Lunchbox - 7 years ago
burgerking fries No.
Craig Robinson
Craig Robinson - 7 years ago
can you use this for any fish?

10. comment for HOW TO: Make DIY fish food - Best recipe - DISCUS FOOD

Scott Davis
Scott Davis - 7 years ago
Joey, I have 2 Discus that spawn on a regular basis. None of the eggs ever survive. Any suggestions?
We gamer never forgive never forget we are legion
We gamer never forgive never forget we are legion - 7 years ago
Um me and my sw fish are vegetarians can you make something on this topic please not for me just the fish
Chode - 7 years ago
Man, I love your style of videos. You don't edit out any stutters at all so it actually feels like I'm there with you, in the room. You're a great inspiration to many.
Keith Yohai
Keith Yohai - 7 years ago
Great video, don't get me wrong, but I keep nothing but dirted planted tanks with lots of bottom feeders, and lots of plants. If the fish don't eat it at first when I feed them in the morning, the night timers, or daytime bottom feeders will. I also keep the lil fish, although I do appreciate watching your excursions into bigger and bigger fish keeping. So, these pieces are too big for me, and I need food that floats for fish such as gouramis, peal danios, angels, tetras etc. Interesting info about the anaxathin (sp.?) and such and as always a great presentation. Thanks for all you do for the hobby.
82nd Airborne 2/508th PIR
82nd Airborne 2/508th PIR - 7 years ago
can i feed this to my RES?
Daniel Cassar
Daniel Cassar - 7 years ago
Hi joey first of all thanks for the videos!! Can you suggest a replacement for tilapia as locally (in malta) I cant find anything
വസീലി സയത്സേവ്
വസീലി സയത്സേവ് - 7 years ago
Can we sundry this food for better storage
വസീലി സയത്സേവ്
വസീലി സയത്സേവ് - 7 years ago
The best diy fishfood video on yt... kidoos
crazy shrimp lady
crazy shrimp lady - 7 years ago
When Joey is talking about beef heart, his lips stop moving at one stage and then we hear "has a high melting point". This edit, really made me giggle as it looked almost alien. We really need a Joey out take video!
Mike Palace
Mike Palace - 7 years ago
Do you use 2 tablespoons or 2 teaspoons of spirulina and Astaxanthin? You wrote tablespoons (tbs) but say teaspoons (tsp). Thanks!

20. comment for HOW TO: Make DIY fish food - Best recipe - DISCUS FOOD

mandaTron47 - 7 years ago
Some people cook their beef heart, shrimp, and fish while others don't. What's your recommendation?
Princess Lunchbox
Princess Lunchbox - 7 years ago
mandaTron47 fish don't eat cooked meat in nature. Feed it raw.
Sea treasure
Sea treasure - 7 years ago
hey can i add carrots and boiled potatoes are they good
Christopher Dixon
Christopher Dixon - 7 years ago
will this food work for neon tetras and cherry barbs ? how about guppies?
Evan Eversole
Evan Eversole - 7 years ago
I grow spirulina can I use it for the food
Fish Tropic
Fish Tropic - 7 years ago
Both Canadian boys !!! Thought i'd say hello .. Been sub'd up for a while..
Richie Tonmoy
Richie Tonmoy - 8 years ago
I don't get one thing. Why doesn't this food make your water cloudy.
Its making my water cloudy. Did you add gelatin to it??
Sai Krishna Mittapalli
Sai Krishna Mittapalli - 8 years ago
where can i buy beef heart in NJ. I want to prepare my own food.
Tommy Tjung
Tommy Tjung - 8 years ago
u talk too much
Tommy Tjung
Tommy Tjung - 8 years ago
SophiaGrace328 Last time i checked i never asked your opinion...i can write whatever that i want. So next time mind your own business.
SophiaGrace328 - 8 years ago
Tommy Tjung then don't watch the video idiot. The whole point of this video is to give as much information as possible in a small amount of time. Last time I checked, that means you have to talk
Bilguun Gerelkhuu
Bilguun Gerelkhuu - 8 years ago
can i feed this to my frontosas?
Shyam Chinnan
Shyam Chinnan - 8 years ago
thanks joey for such valuable information

30. comment for HOW TO: Make DIY fish food - Best recipe - DISCUS FOOD

X-d caraig
X-d caraig - 8 years ago
nice HERBAVOR haahhahaha
Imran Awaldien
Imran Awaldien - 7 years ago
X-d caraig ur a dick head
BigRalphSmith - 8 years ago
Just a bit of minutia, astaxanthin is pronounced (asta-ZAN-thin).
Caio Ferreira
Caio Ferreira - 8 years ago
Your videos help me a lot
Tha Healthy Truth
Tha Healthy Truth - 8 years ago
He had me at spirulina. Lol. Good video. As a biology major, I appreciate the background information provided. Can't wait to implement this in my home aquaponics system.
Devarsh Bhoir’s Aquamarines
Devarsh Bhoir’s Aquamarines - 8 years ago
hi I have a motoro stingray can I feed it beef heart and is it safe
angry Boiii
angry Boiii - 8 years ago
What if you are vegan
angry Boiii
angry Boiii - 8 years ago
BigRalphSmith Thanks my fish don't eat a lot so I guess not a lot of animals die. Maybe I'll get herbivors fish next time I have neon tetras and platys now
BigRalphSmith - 8 years ago
Being a vegan means you don't consume animal products. It doesn't mean that your fish or pets don't consume animal products. Of course, it depends on how far you want to push the concept. A case can be made that the term "vegan" actually means that you aren't allowed to keep fish or have pets of any kind.
You need to remember that, if an animal has evolved to eat other animals (omnivores and carnivores), then forcing them to stop eating animal flesh or animal protein could be considered cruel or even possibly detrimental to their health.
So, it's really up to the "vegan". How far do they want to take it?
Jack Stead
Jack Stead - 8 years ago
could I use this for bettas guppies or African chiclids
Craig Woodhull
Craig Woodhull - 7 years ago
Use liver insted of beef heart No nutritional value in beef heart. Add any COLD water fish for their fat comtent.
Eurico - 8 years ago
so i add the caratenoid for the color the fish im gonna feed?
RP Vines
RP Vines - 8 years ago
can i feed this food to guppies and others
Dawid Klemczak
Dawid Klemczak - 8 years ago
great idiea I made my self sum tonight took me about half hr I just saved at least 150 bucks in good for my fish thanks..
Dawid Klemczak
Dawid Klemczak - 8 years ago
except I'm feeding Africans so the diet I kinda fooled around with
sumathy vaheesan
sumathy vaheesan - 8 years ago
the only channel that helps with fish and the best fish channel
Evan Eversole
Evan Eversole - 8 years ago
I grow spirulina can I use it
Evan Eversole
Evan Eversole - 8 years ago
Green AND Blue yes it is healthy for people and easy to grow
Sparkles - 8 years ago
Great channel so glad I found you!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Sparkles welcome!!
Chris Khatibi
Chris Khatibi - 8 years ago
Ok so I made some food, used 1/2 lb green peas, 1.5lb raw shrimp and 1.5lb tilapia. Could not get beef heart. Blended it up and froze it. Discus seem to not like it very much and I attribute that to the peas maybe. Help. How do I change their diet?
Daniel goldney
Daniel goldney - 8 years ago
maybe try mixing some food that they do like with it to make the transition easier
Heather Smith
Heather Smith - 8 years ago
I made this food exactly and it is very dark green.
andy milligan
andy milligan - 8 years ago
you could save a lot of time by just showing us how to make it . your video should be one or two minutes . your video is not very useful , but thanks for trying
vishwajeet khandagale
vishwajeet khandagale - 8 years ago
does shrimp makes the mix sticky
Ray Lee
Ray Lee - 8 years ago
can I use pork heart?
angry Boiii
angry Boiii - 8 years ago
Ray Lee Same as beef heart dummy
Joe ghost
Joe ghost - 8 years ago
awesome video I definitely leveled up my fish care skills just now.liked and subscribed. I searched for a DIY fish food video because I wanted to feed my first aquaponic fish the best stuff.mission complete.
Michael O'Brian
Michael O'Brian - 8 years ago
Thank you for these videos. If I decide to make my own food for my sword tails, how will I know if enough food will be leftover for my 3 corries?

50. comment for HOW TO: Make DIY fish food - Best recipe - DISCUS FOOD

Caroline Israel
Caroline Israel - 8 years ago
who noticed that herbivore was spelt wrong
Ihab HATIM - 7 years ago
you spelled Palestine wrong as well...
pinakabudlayngapangalan ngamapaminsaranko
pinakabudlayngapangalan ngamapaminsaranko - 8 years ago
Caroline Israel ye right says the guy who has great grammar
Red Lazuras
Red Lazuras - 8 years ago
ive had a betta and 7 neon t's for a week and a half so im definitely a beginner and your videos have been helping me so much with cycling, feeding and everything else so thank you very much.
Brent Alcantara
Brent Alcantara - 8 years ago
hey joey what if you dont have spirulina? what should I replace it with? :)
Brent Alcantara
Brent Alcantara - 8 years ago
thanks mate!
SaxonNL - 8 years ago
Brent Alcantara spinach!
Sema Gkin
Sema Gkin - 8 years ago
thank you so much for find the effort to make this video. it was soo helpful. iv just started looking after fish myself ( guppies/molly/ swordtail.) so its very exciting and colourful. i have a quick question. do i put in the egg yolk boiled or raw?
Mari Kurokawa
Mari Kurokawa - 8 years ago
you deserve more subscribers
Next Level Gaming
Next Level Gaming - 8 years ago
where can i buy some fertile males?? (discus)
Hi Joey,Pls give us fish receipy for koi and gold fish. Every one looking for this question. Also consider about beef Hart for another ingredient. As a example for use Soybeans etc
Milen Kostadinov
Milen Kostadinov - 8 years ago
Hello. I really enjoy watching your videos and your explanations about the food of the fish are actually reminding me of myself teaching people how to cook for themselves. It is another story, however the ingredients are similar ;)

I have a few questions and eventually suggestions:

1. Using beef heard is leading to some throw outs (for sure comes still cheaper then buying petstore food though ;) ). So do you think that if I only clean the fat which is not well digestable because of the fish systems I can blend all the rest together in high power blender (3 hours poweers or more than 2.5-3Kw) blender like Vitamix, Blendtech etc. I am sure it will make it extremely fine and homogenic, however not sure if the heart arteries would cause harm. The way I see it, they should add some benefit as they contain gelatinous compounds and looking in the nature, no fish eats smaller separating its heart or any other organs.

2. If I replace the beef heart with beef liver which I am certain that contains more proteine as well as way more minerals than the heart do, would that be considered as a nod good idea? For sure noone wants to buy liver from an animal that had heavy vaccines and growth hormons that can either harm the fishes in the tank but also kill them. I am talking about some grass fed beef liver. Eventually if it does not hurt, I can mix 1/2 heart and 1/2 liver to make the mixture more vital and nutrient dense.

3. I have managed to involve our 3 kids in the fish feeding process, so giving them some frozen food to toss in the aquarium might ruin their desire to continue doing it. So I was thinking to have the food dehydrated and eventually grounded in the form of powder or small chunks depending on the fish size. I know that dehydrating might be messy sometimes, but I am a nutritionist so am used to using my tools I specifically selected for prepping the food ASAP repeatedly with the same results.

4. Where can one buy the Astaxanthin as I am hearing of this for the first time, but as earlier it was mentioned, it is used on humans too. Hopefully it is not used for changing human skins color though ;)

So it came a bit long, but I hope you or someone else in the topic would not mind sharing the pros and cons of my idea.
Ryan Osborne
Ryan Osborne - 8 years ago
has anyone added gelatin to this mix???
Adam K
Adam K - 8 years ago
Beef Heart vs Chicken Breast? apart from Iron, Chicken breast seem to be better, Higher in Protein and lower in Fat.What do you think? Also I cant seem to get Astaxathin Powder here (Australia), will buying the capsules and breaking them open be the same?
Jude Jacinto
Jude Jacinto - 9 years ago
should I use a boiled egg yolk or raw egg yolk ?
angry Boiii
angry Boiii - 8 years ago
Jude Jacinto how old are you
Jude Jacinto
Jude Jacinto - 8 years ago
cj walsh what is that
angry Boiii
angry Boiii - 8 years ago
Jude Jacinto Do you want your fish to get salmonella
Jude Jacinto
Jude Jacinto - 9 years ago
what is the meaning of DIY?
Meg Montales
Meg Montales - 8 years ago
Do It Yourself
Jay Evangelista
Jay Evangelista - 9 years ago
Hi joey, any suggestion on color enhancement for silver arowana? Also, your first diy food video had gelatin in it, why not include it now?
JJluck - 9 years ago
Do you cook the egg yolk with this recipe?
Brenda K
Brenda K - 7 years ago
I would imagine not because it is being used as a binder.
Md Shafiqual Alam
Md Shafiqual Alam - 9 years ago
Hi, this is another nice presentation from you. Very helpful. I have a questions on this. I am also feeding my discus(s) and fry BH mix. Ingredients are same as you advice. Differ is, I usually wash my beefheart using very very hot water just before blending which helps keep water less mass. And also added 1teaspoon of garlic for same meet ratio.
My question is, m i losing anything for this wash ?
Lidien pk
Lidien pk - 9 years ago
can i use trout instead of tilapia ?
fkujakedmyname - 9 years ago
+Lidien pk only if you have a really high water flow they need flowing streams not ponds
Chris Lutchman
Chris Lutchman - 9 years ago
Can i use chicken heart and liver...???
sam matha
sam matha - 9 years ago
Am i in a nutrition class for fish?
Jason Springer
Jason Springer - 9 years ago
I love this video and because of it I have now started making my own fish food. Thank you for that and the lessons that go with each ingredient. Keep it up as I really love watching all your videos. That said, I was really distracted by the pronunciations of a couple of the words you used. astaxanthin is pronounced = as ta zan thin or asta zan thin. also zeaxanthin is pronounced as zee ah zan thin. The part that is xanthin is pronounced zan thin. The health food people will look at you cross eyed and giggle at you if you try and pronounce them the way Joey pronounces them but then again he may be coming from a Canadian French pronunciation that I am not aware of. If you doubt the way I express pronunciation, then I invite you to goggle the pronunciation and play it back a few times.
rebiceman100584 - 9 years ago
hi there just wanting to know if kale is ok to give to fish
buttermytatas - 9 years ago
could I just use shrimp, lettuce, and some egg yolk?
buttermytatas - 9 years ago
+JayX well i didnt so thats good lol. Thanks
JayX - 9 years ago
Not healthy but yeah. Iceberg lettuce is basically just water with fibre and a minute amount of nutrients so Id recommend not using it.
pradhan poovaiah
pradhan poovaiah - 9 years ago
bro how to make food for flowerhorn fish
Edison Yap
Edison Yap - 9 years ago
Hi! Where can I buy astaxanthin liquid? Thanks!
Shakil Shaikh
Shakil Shaikh - 9 years ago
can someone tell me if i can use this food for goldfish?
159cats - 9 years ago
+Shakil Shaikh Of course. Just focus more on veggies and less on meat.
Jared Ganesan
Jared Ganesan - 9 years ago
+the diy king in terms of astaxanthin. Is it wrong to use astaxanthin capsules that are made for human consumption? Example half capsule which will be like 5mg for 5 lb beef heart.
Shubham Tarafdar
Shubham Tarafdar - 9 years ago
Hi Joey!!!
In India beef heart is not easily available.. so do give any replacement for beef heart..
my suggestion, can we use lamb heart instead of beef heart...

Thanks and do reply asap!!!
Fearbleeds - 9 years ago
Wow, what kind of discus is shown at 1:16? Its so beautiful
anh le
anh le - 9 years ago
+Fearbleeds Those are large adult pigeon blood. There are a variety of names that breeders call them
Drew Vliet
Drew Vliet - 9 years ago
+Fearbleeds Good question, it is a pretty sweet fish
Sydni Bienvenu
Sydni Bienvenu - 9 years ago
My fish look so happy when eating these treats! I Also gave some to my turtle! :3
litutje - 9 years ago
paprika is the dutch word for bell pepper. Are you talking about the spice?
Hikari Kokage
Hikari Kokage - 9 years ago
I'm pretty sure he is speaking pure english so, just paprika no bell pepper
tony gillespie
tony gillespie - 9 years ago
hi there just a quick question would deer heart and liver be good for discus mate got a mate that go's hunting for deer alot so could get plenty stuff of him and what about bird meat as well ie pigeon pheasant ect
TheGreat_JMB - 9 years ago
This is a good question. I could get pounds of deer heart each year between my family friends and myself. Could it be used and could chronic waste disease be a issue?
Jeff Carreiro
Jeff Carreiro - 9 years ago
hey joey can I use this recipe for my saltwater fish
Jordyn Pooler
Jordyn Pooler - 9 years ago
This was so informative I took notes
Nema Ime
Nema Ime - 9 years ago
Can i use chichen hearth
Tankyard - 9 years ago
Why to use beef heart? Instead my recommendation is chicken breast. Meat from chicken breast have also high amount of proteins and it doesn't have fat like beef heart, and fat is a biggest killer for our aquarium fishes
Princess Lunchbox
Princess Lunchbox - 7 years ago
Tankyard terrible idea since fish shouldn't eat cooked meat and raw chicken can contain dangerous bacteria. Ever hear of salmonella?
Michael Sam
Michael Sam - 8 years ago
Tankyard so do you boil the chicken breast.
Vinod Kumar
Vinod Kumar - 9 years ago
Thanks for such a great video !!!.
You made all hobbyists understand clearly..

Would u please upload the result of this Food, at least image.

you could have upload video a clear making of the food . this would will be more clear ..

I am confused with mixture of bonding part . people use gelatin , eggs etc. Please give us a video on this ..

I tried many times ended up with very hard Food using gelatin .

Need to know which is safe and easy on making diy food .

Thank you ...
Jojy Varghese
Jojy Varghese - 10 years ago
Hi Joey, can i use Organic SpiruZan®: Highest Rated Organic Spirulina & Astaxanthin - USDA Certified Organic it says Purest & Most Effective Source of Blue Green Algae in the World 120 tablets/30 servings. if yes then how many tablet shall i use for above qty.
Somen Mukherjee
Somen Mukherjee - 10 years ago
Can I use Goat Heart instead of beef heart for making Food For my Discus Fish? 
craig hale
craig hale - 9 years ago
+Somen Mukherjee Im pretty sure i heard somewhere you could. A quick google search would help possibly. Hope i helped
rallekralle11 - 10 years ago
paprika is the swedish word for bell pepper :3
Artist_Helen HYHC
Artist_Helen HYHC - 10 years ago
Gotta say, your videos are just awesome!
Dixon Cider
Dixon Cider - 10 years ago
awesome video, and so much valuable information. thanks!
Fred Morris
Fred Morris - 10 years ago
Hi Joey, you are definitely the main man when it comes to anything about fish keeping! It shows that you are so passionate about your hobby by taking the time to acquire so much in depth information about your topics. I take my hat off to you buddy, I have watched all of your videos and always look forward to the next one you put out.

I have recently taken up fish keeping (six weeks ago) and have a 250 litre (66 US gallons) tank, I have gone for a heavily planted, dirt substrate tropical set up with a pressurised CO2 system and an electronic PH controller. My tank is now cycled and I have started stocking it with fish. Considering that this is my first attempt at fish keeping, things have been very successful so far, but I could not have done it without the wealth of information I have acquired by watching YouTube videos put out by yourself and others such as Dustin's Fish Tanks, KG Tropicals, and ADU Aquascaping, to mention just a few.

I hope to post a video of my set up in the not too distant future, in the hope that it will inspire others to get into the hobby which I am now totally hooked on.

Thank you, and keep up the good work.
AnnaBananaoh11 - 10 years ago
Beef Heart is not highly available here. I couldn't find it anywhere! No one sells it, none of the grocery stores or butcher/meat stores. :/
Macelroy - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY Chicken Liver? I know that I can get this, but I don't know about beef heart.
fkujakedmyname - 9 years ago
+AnnaBananaoh11 they have it you may have to ask for it
craig hale
craig hale - 9 years ago
+AnnaBananaoh11 Check out a butcher's of course you could get beef heart there
AnnaBananaoh11 - 10 years ago
+The king of DIY Great! Will be keeping a look out! Yeah.. the last batch was pretty rough.. and the ingredients i chose smelled up the entire house pretty foul.. But i still have some left! Wouldn't want to do it again tho..Glad next one will be easier :)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
+AnnaBananaoh11 Check back tomorrow. I have a new video on this coming out. MUCH easier to make. 
Fleece Johnson
Fleece Johnson - 10 years ago
A lot of commercial fish food is made from dried, ground up carp. If you lived in an area that had an invasive carp problem, you could have a never ending supply of cheap food for your pets.
dicousafl - 10 years ago
try it in a Spanish food store ,,, for sure they have ,,
sirius inkheart
sirius inkheart - 10 years ago
AnnaBananaoh11, try the meat section of local chinese super market.
AnnaBananaoh11 - 10 years ago
+The king of DIY Great, can't wait to hear it! I used talapia for last months supply and followed other ingredients on this video. But i would like to see you show the portions as well bc i think i used too much garlic and talapia. Granted, you probably make way more food at a time than i do.. so not sure if you can show how much portions size you use. Thanks
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
I have a new recipe coming out soon that doesn't include beef heart. 
rohit dhyani
rohit dhyani - 10 years ago
what did u do with the egg yoke...........
can u give me any other subs for Astaxanthin....... as i  am unable to find it here ..!!
Dixon Cider
Dixon Cider - 10 years ago
i found it on  You can also purchase the spirulina there.
Viet Phan
Viet Phan - 10 years ago
Joey, why don't you use DIY mix for your arowana? I thought the color enhancing supplement helps with the color.
Recon9143 - 10 years ago
I noticed you left out the gelatine?
beating2 - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY Is there some kind of chart what each species require in their diet? I mean not only discuss. Thanks
craig hale
craig hale - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY Is it possible to use an extra egg yolk if you are having trouble binding the mix?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Its optional and not really needed. If you find the food falls apart too much, you can use it though. I dont anymore though.
Mike Sheils
Mike Sheils - 10 years ago
Hey Joey, what are your thoughts on using beef liver in the fish food? It is high in vitamins and protein and low in fat. I would appreciate your opinion. Thanks.
carmen picker
carmen picker - 10 years ago
Benjamin Maula
Benjamin Maula - 10 years ago
Thanks, I keep fish (tilapia ) for six month but they weight 250g, what is the problem
Metalfishead - 10 years ago
Hey Joey, I'm about to make my own food and I using your video as a guide, now where can I get Astaxanthin and Paprika powders? Plus when found how much paprika should I add to your recipe? Thanks for the video btw, it's really helpful.
David galvez
David galvez - 10 years ago
will glodfish eat it

100. comment for HOW TO: Make DIY fish food - Best recipe - DISCUS FOOD

Werner John
Werner John - 10 years ago
Is it OK to feed this food to a betta?
I think probobly because they are carivores and
you made a mix instructions, but just wanted clarifacation...
Cranky Engines
Cranky Engines - 10 years ago
how much Astaxanthin would i use 450g of food?
Cranky Engines
Cranky Engines - 10 years ago
+The King of DIY™ (Aquariums)  ok thanks for the fast reply.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
A level tablespoon is what i would go with. You might want to make you first batch with half that though and watch to see the effects on the fish. My measurement comes from experimenting. 
Leonardo Garcia
Leonardo Garcia - 10 years ago
Fuck this id rather make myself a meal
Corey Gunter
Corey Gunter - 10 years ago
hey joey, love your videos.. I'm having some trouble feeding my Jaguar Cichlid... had been eating some pellets but stopped eating them for some time now.. haven't actually seen what he's been eating but he is still in great condition and seem to be doing well.. wondering if you could help me come up with a diy food for him and his tank mates..
thanks in advance
Steve Viles
Steve Viles - 10 years ago
Is it a bit wierd using beef? Im thinking about replacing the beef heart with kangaroo steak due to higher protein and its 99% fat free do you think it would be a good enough substitute? (Not a joke by the way roo meat is available readily at my supermarket) love the vids will be ordering your book asap
Michael Sam
Michael Sam - 8 years ago
Steve Villes I live in India and I don't get kangaroo steak
Steve Viles
Steve Viles - 10 years ago
works fine fish love it :D
Blenny Boy
Blenny Boy - 10 years ago
I'm wondering to because a friend hunts Roos all the time..
shorteeayy - 10 years ago
if i were to add pellets to this, how much should i put in?
claire goodlet
claire goodlet - 10 years ago
you should do some program on tv..thank you
tamal nandan
tamal nandan - 10 years ago
how many days can i keep the (DIY) food? (after make it)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
Freeze it for a few months
sebastien T
sebastien T - 10 years ago
i really loved this video. Not many people know what to give to predator fish. i allready give fish but i give sole but my meat i give pork liver instead of beef hearth, and i also give shrimp. i never though of vegetable for my redtail and alligator gar... also astaxanthin i will definitely look for it, my redtail could take it. Once again thanks a lot for your video. do you think pork liver is a good source of protein ?
Jane Mcguire
Jane Mcguire - 10 years ago
I can't find organic purre pea baby food anywhere so have to use frozen peas. do i HAVE to remove the skins? can fish proces them? thanks
Alfonso Perez
Alfonso Perez - 7 years ago
Jane Mcguire they cant prosses
Dylan Maricle
Dylan Maricle - 10 years ago
i am getting ready to make my own food and where i live i cant seem to get beef heart but i can get beef liver. i have seen people using beef liver but i wanted to ask you first. thanks and hope the hand heals well.
Zane Deering
Zane Deering - 10 years ago
loved the vidio. u say that fish get colour from algae. and there are a lot of fish that live of it as well. so how can u add algae to this food. i am setting up a algae scruber and would like to know about your thoughts about adding the algae that i grow on that to this food
gillespy589 - 10 years ago
just another tips, i also added garlic to the mix as natural antibiotic to prevent disease.. :) just fyi
gillespy589 - 10 years ago
thankyou very much for sharing. u have given me inspiration to make goldfish foods by myself. thankyou
Greg Collins
Greg Collins - 10 years ago
Astaxanthin is pronounced ass-tuh-zan-thin. Great video none the less! Thanks for sharing!
Chode - 8 years ago
Hehe ass
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
I mangle a lot of pronunciations. When i know i am, i provide the proper spelling like in this video though. 
jamie mitchener
jamie mitchener - 10 years ago
Thank you joey
I have wanted to make my own fish food since I really got into the hobby.
Your time and effort is greatly appreciated
And I have reffered to your knowledge many times for assistance when considering a new tank and filter system.
Hannah Daniel
Hannah Daniel - 10 years ago
Oh how do I blend the stuff without using any liquid? My blender will not move if it is not fulid enough
Hannah Daniel
Hannah Daniel - 10 years ago
what can I susbstitude beef heart with? I don't buy beed nor eat it, thanks
BairCichlids - 10 years ago
great videos as always! keep up the good work and thank you for the videos!
Gustavo Perry
Gustavo Perry - 10 years ago
Great video! It not only explains HOW but most importantly WHY . Thanks for your help. Gustavo from Argentina
Ahmed Farik
Ahmed Farik - 10 years ago
In what temperature to freeze and how long? Or is it okay to air dry?
dgaarddk - 10 years ago
Can i use pig heart?
최성호 - 10 years ago
Wow, this is the most informative fish keeping video on youtube... Does not even compare with Dustin fishtank channel... Most times it is not even relevant...
Artur Gareev
Artur Gareev - 10 years ago
For angels how much meat?
Eric Albert
Eric Albert - 10 years ago
Votre video est...magnifique !
PS : si quelqu'un veut bien mettre des sous- titre en Français ce serai supert !

Eric (from Paris)
L. Freeman
L. Freeman - 10 years ago
How long would this last in a fridge and NOT in a freezer?  I live in South Korea and don't own a freezer - just a college dorm type fridge with a cold shelf. 
Trochartist - 10 years ago
You are quite the fishologist. I am saving a ton of cash by learning from you..
Thanks for your time.
saicheshire - 10 years ago
I can't seem to find beef heart anywhere, is there something I can use as an alternative until I can find it?
Nikola Jovicic
Nikola Jovicic - 10 years ago
Nice video, bravo! Astaxanthin is pronounced a bit differently ;)
I came here searching it online in form of powder, can't seem to find any reliable seller. Where do You get it?
Rolando Herrera
Rolando Herrera - 8 years ago
is the beef heart cooked or uncooke?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
I pronounce a lot of things wrong. lol .

If you google "buy Astaxanthin powder" a ton of results will show up. I dont like to say where i get things as i dont like to vouch for places i dont use a lot.. I have been burned doing that before.
c. Lo
c. Lo - 10 years ago
Great informational vid Joey! Ur pro tips and DIYs are very beneficial. I can see ur passion in this hobby! Keep it up! U r doing a gr8 job :)
Richard Masterson
Richard Masterson - 11 years ago
Do you have a facebook page?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 10 years ago
link is in the description.
drcharney1 - 11 years ago
IS  the egg yolk a good enough binder that the food will hold together in the water once defrosted?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
yes, it holds together long enough for your fish to eat it, yet rips apart easy enough for them to actually eat it.
Rómulo Pereira
Rómulo Pereira - 11 years ago
I love this guy! 
greets from portugal
Koot GAMING - 11 years ago
will my jack dempsey and my greent terror's eat this?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Almost all fish will.
DViau Aquascaping
DViau Aquascaping - 11 years ago
Very nice video! Thanks a lot, I will try this for sure!!
Just a question: is it possible to add the shrimp shells as well in the mix if we blend them separately, they are full of calcium so it'd be really nice to add to feed fishes/shrimp especially! 
Austin Thompson
Austin Thompson - 11 years ago
Can you use this for saltwater fish
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
You can adjust the ingredients.
Johan Rodriguez
Johan Rodriguez - 11 years ago
Great my frien Congratulations!!!!
janemac1711 - 11 years ago
Love all your videos. Thank you for sharing your expert knowledge with us. Can you share the source of information you used to formulate the daily requirements of fish.  I am going to be trying to formulate a floating tilapia food and would like to find some accurate sources to start from.
mef1975 - 11 years ago
13:41 I heard carrots used to be purple, in the natural environment, before the Dutch got their hands on them. 
mef1975 - 11 years ago
I thought herbavors were only suppose to eat plants?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
they need more plant protein than animal protein. 
spacegamermonkey - 11 years ago
hey joey is it true that Astaxanthin will turn all fish male and is there another option instead of it as i can not seem to find it and can you add paprika to the mix when already using Astaxanthin and Spirulina 
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
No, that is not true. Its the most common fish food color enhancer. You can add paprika to it as well. Both are different from each other. 
Chris Smith
Chris Smith - 11 years ago
Hey Joey! Great videos! I wish I had the skill, (and space) to build a huge tank! I have discus and am wanting to try making this food. My only problem is I cant seem to find astaxanthin anywhere in the UK as a powder. Is there anything I can use instead which might be easier to source? (I have red discus)
Asnl45 - 11 years ago
Hi Joey, this recipe is a hit with my discus! They actively look for me and chase down the food. I substituted the beef heart for kangaroo (high protein less fat) a lot less time to prepare due to solid muscle and less sinew. Great recipe and research on its ingredients.
Gloday81 - 11 years ago
Thank you for the video, very informative
eroggero - 11 years ago
Will this recipe work for an outdoor pond full of koi? Thanks and keep up the great work.
TroyL - 11 years ago
Great videos. I was searching for the astaxanthin online and I find a lot of capsules. Are you cutting them up or can you actually buy it in powder form? I can get most of the stuff at our local Co-op/health food store.
Boywithafishtank - 11 years ago
Good video! :) As usual
trungfhn - 11 years ago
May i use beef meat to replace the beef's heart? Not easy to buy the beef's heart
Souvik Sarkar
Souvik Sarkar - 11 years ago
Hi king, you are great. You and Jacob are the reasons that my 2 gold fish, 1 oranda, 1 black moor and 1 common pleco are still alive. Can you make a list of ingredients for my fish? And where I live Beef-Hart is not available. Thank you.
Cycnoches2012 - 11 years ago
Great Vid !!!  thanks for sharing !!!
gneseuhc gnoix
gneseuhc gnoix - 11 years ago
Great vid! By any chance did you cooked the beef heart to eliminate the bacteria?
Taylor Blake
Taylor Blake - 11 years ago
incredible work!
Michael Szumny
Michael Szumny - 11 years ago
i wish i knew how to make DIY Dry foods.
Steven Bailey
Steven Bailey - 11 years ago
Your recipe calls for tilapia but I'm raising tilapia I don't want cannibals what now
Sonya Serna
Sonya Serna - 11 years ago
i have  a out side pond  the first few yrs the fish did great plants did great. i read some place to add salt for there gill function, and to fight of ick so i added some.. since then my plants have been strugling to live, i had great lilys and i added water hycins and lettuce well the last 2 yrs the fish that where black white and orange have turned white the white and orange fish have turned all ornage what have i done how can i get my balance back  i have up graded my filter to a biological one 3 times the size of the one i had   and the food is just pond pellets for koi
Pineapple Dylan
Pineapple Dylan - 11 years ago
Joey I've got 5 pretty large Fancy Goldfish (from which I understand are omnivores). Would the same diet you use for your discus probably work for my fish? Obviously not the same vast amount, I have 5 vs. your 200 lol. But you know what I mean. Just take down the scale but use the same ingredients? They are all pretty much orange, blood orange, red/pinkish, white and black colored.

I really wanna do DIY fish food and this sounds awesome not only for the nutritional reasons but the convenience of being able to freeze and store quite a big amount, I await your reply :)
Ben Evans
Ben Evans - 11 years ago
How much should I feed my fish in grams and how often should I feed this to them?
PalJoey1957 - 11 years ago
Excellent.  I do it like you do it.  But I like to dice up the frozen food pancake chunk with a single edge razor blade and saucer to roughly the size of the fishes mouth.  This prevents the fish polluting the tank as much while they pick a larger food block apart.  Not really any trouble to do and obviously easy with medium to large sized fish.
Dorin GTR
Dorin GTR - 11 years ago
hi joey,nice job explaining everyting to us,I can really use your help with a project that i want to start,can you make a tutotial step by step makeing a protein skimmer,cheap of course :),i want to make salt water tank,i m subscribed to your canal and i ll be checking for updates, thanks your the best ;)
BerlinAquaponics - 11 years ago
What do you think about garlic for discus? I hear they love the taste and eat more eagerly.
Love your channel.
BerlinAquaponics - 11 years ago
Your recipe has been tried and the discus love it. I added garlic though :D
BerlinAquaponics - 11 years ago
Plz one answer. Just one?
matt atherton
matt atherton - 11 years ago
be careful with spinach, in karge quantanties it can bind to calcium and make the calcium unreachable.
Charlie Rutledge
Charlie Rutledge - 11 years ago
Thanks for this video! Its great. Thumbs up man.
Trung Phan
Trung Phan - 11 years ago
In my local area, the tap water is a very high pH. How can I lower the pH of my water in order to raise Discus?
Ryan Andersen
Ryan Andersen - 11 years ago
Very very very nice work joey! I love the new videos. Your insights are so valuable to the new and experienced fish keeper! THANK YOU
ryan hernandez
ryan hernandez - 11 years ago
Can this work for salt water fish? clown and damsel
Matt Pritchard
Matt Pritchard - 11 years ago
fantastic video! simple and full of info about WHY we add different things. thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge and experiences. Can you suggest an alternate fish to Tilapia? looks like it's illegal in all states of Australia so probably going to be very hard to find.

The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Haddock, cod and halibut are all good alternatives. 
Zack Hitchens
Zack Hitchens - 11 years ago
Hey joey this is important. I am a stingray keeper also and I was wondering how did you get your stingrays to anything but live shrimp or earthworms? I'd like to get him on raw shrimp. Did you use the starve method? Please help thanks. Joey please respond
Zach Gilbert
Zach Gilbert - 11 years ago
You should make a video on DIY ballasts
Zach Gilbert
Zach Gilbert - 11 years ago
Good to know.  I'll leave all the ballast wiring kits I keep finding to the pros.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
i dont think anyone but a licensed electrician should do that. One mistake and you burn your house down. No insurance company would cover it. Which is why you ill never see me doing videos on electrical items. 
jamie cottam-howarth
jamie cottam-howarth - 11 years ago
what a great video
Priority Vids
Priority Vids - 11 years ago
Great Video!  Question – have you ever tried using a dehydrator to make dry fish pellets?  Thinking that they might not pollute the water as much but I'm not sure.
Lars Darel
Lars Darel - 11 years ago
Hi Joey,

It´s pretty hard - almost impossible - to purchase pilatia, in Denmark.

Would it be possible to replace this with pangasius, which is common available, over here?

Thank you for your great work - it´s a source of inspiration!
Ross Ellis
Ross Ellis - 11 years ago
Well done joe the best vid on the topic. We appreciate the long hours to make these vids. You're keeping a lot of people's fish heathy. :)
Benjamin Benc
Benjamin Benc - 11 years ago
Thanks Joey, I've been following you for a few years now and have built both glass and acrylic tanks, cabinets, sumps, refugiums, filters, skimmers, and a whole lot more from your videos, and this video is back to your best. Keep it up and thankyou.
Benjamin Benc
Benjamin Benc - 11 years ago
+The King of DIY™ Looking forward to them, they are much appreciated. Thanks again.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Thanks for the long time support pal!

I have a bunch of new projects coming out this year that you will like. I am going to see if i can do more videos this year than ever before. 
olizardokingo - 11 years ago
I'm glad to see you have a book. This is yet another great video.
Aquatic Creations
Aquatic Creations - 11 years ago
This is great Joey. hope i can try this soon. Never thought paprika could be used In fish food! Really appreciate the effort and time you put into these man. Keep it up!
Bigmunoz11 - 11 years ago
awesome vid brother.
Venturon - 11 years ago
Nice background. And thanks for showing us this. It never accord to me to make food for fish.
HamsterHelp312 - 11 years ago
You are brilliant. Bravo.
Carl Busby
Carl Busby - 11 years ago
No gelatin?
j parks
j parks - 9 years ago
+Carl Busby The food is frozen so it naturally clumps together. The gelatin type food needs it because the main ingredients are powdered.
Tuxedo Flamingo
Tuxedo Flamingo - 11 years ago
hey joey this video is awesome! thanks for the info. Question tho! in your other video about making fish food you blended it with GELATIN and refrigerated it so it was more rubbery than frozen solid. can that still apply with this video recipe? thanks and love the videos!
Tuxedo Flamingo
Tuxedo Flamingo - 11 years ago
+The King of DIY™
cool thats good news. in your opinion with the quantities you listed for the recipe in this video, how much gelatin would you use? also about how much is this going to make and how long will it keep in the fridge? im only feeding about 6-8 south american cichlids and plecos so they dont eat too much. i also feed once a day in the mornings; do you agree with that or have a better suggestion? sorry for all the question but you seem to be the "know how." bought your book btw! AMAZING!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
For sure! Gelatin will do that to almost anything, including this.
fishlaw1 - 11 years ago
Awesome video Joey!!! I really have to try making my own fish food. Thanks for sharing.
ClipsOps - 11 years ago
I've been watching your videos for a while now and amazed by each video! Love seeing the channel grow!
9StickNate - 11 years ago
Excellent Video! My girlfriend is going to love it when she looks into the freezer!
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 11 years ago
Great video!  I'll have to try this for my Discus!
Eric Knight
Eric Knight - 11 years ago
I am just starting out in this hobby and have quite a few pink convicts that are already breeding like crazy. I want to keep it real simple for now and am wondering if this recipe would be good to feed them?
Ray Chipchase
Ray Chipchase - 11 years ago
If they taught this stuff in high school chemistry, I might have actually paid attention
Jared - 7 years ago
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
and i might have graduated...
Blanc - 11 years ago
if you blend peas with shells can it not be theb ingested by fish
solstis21 - 11 years ago
help, i cant find any astaxanthin in my area. can i replace it with carrot instead?
leetommytyl - 11 years ago
In this video you used egg as a binder. Would it come out looking like the one in your video where you used the gelatin instead of the egg yolk as a binder?
ChingHern Tay
ChingHern Tay - 11 years ago
what is the diff in astaxathin and antioxidants in for fish? I only see antioxidants
All Things Fishy
All Things Fishy - 11 years ago
In your ingredient list you list
2tbs spirulina
2tbs astaxanthin

Then you say 2 teaspoons of astaxanthin.

Tbs stands for tablespoon. So, is it teaspoon or tablespoon?
What about the spirulina? is that teaspoon or tablespoon?
All Things Fishy
All Things Fishy - 11 years ago
+The King of DIY™
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Spirulina is tablespoon for sure. Astaxanthin is either or. i used heaping teaspoons or just a level table spoons. The difference is minimal. 
Yi Lin
Yi Lin - 11 years ago
In your old video u used Knox gelatine unflavored. Do you recommend it here to reduce the cloudiness?
Yi Lin
Yi Lin - 11 years ago
+The King of DIY™ Thank you! 
Your DIY Video have helped a broke beginner hobbyist so much!
I have watch almost all your videos and looking forward to your new ones :D

One last question, you feed your fish this food on daily? I heard some say feeding fish beef heart too often is not good for them?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
+Yi Lin i'd try to find 100% spirulina. You only need a very small amount per 5 pounds. Do some Google searches like "buy spirulina powder"
Yi Lin
Yi Lin - 11 years ago
I guess I'd deal with small amount of cloudiness for some real food for my fish.
Also it seems like I can only get Spirulina in a tablet form, from Pure Hawaiian- Spirulina Pacifica. Under the Other Ingredients: Silica, Chicory Inulin and Vegetable Magnesium Stearate.

Is it safe to use this for the DIY still?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Yup, go for it! I find without it, fish more readily accept the food, but its not a huge difference. I feed so many fish at once that i need them to be able to rip it apart quickly so everyone gets a bite. 
Andrew Leslie
Andrew Leslie - 11 years ago
Have you had experience with red hook silver dollars? (Mylossoma duriventre) if so, will this food enhance the colour in the anal fin as well as the breast area?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
From 10:58-12:45 will answer that question. 

Please watch it, as a simple yes or no will teach you nothing. 

Continue watching from there to get exactly what will do it.  
Wooden Tool Man
Wooden Tool Man - 11 years ago
Awesome video Joey. I like it
Centar Bob
Centar Bob - 11 years ago
Ricky Smotherman Jr
Ricky Smotherman Jr - 11 years ago
Great video with all of the info you need. Your how-to segments are always informative
Clive Jolley
Clive Jolley - 11 years ago
Hi Joey another brilliant video. After the ingredients are in my bags and flattened out I use the edge of a metal ruler to make indents an inch each way. It is much easier to snap off when froze n
Sean Williams
Sean Williams - 11 years ago
hey joey! great video and im glad you decided to revisit this topic. One thing i feel you forgot to mention tho when making DIY fish food, is the smell... I constantly dry heave when im making my fish food and often have to take a step away to take a fresh breath haha.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Really? I dont find that at all. 
Anita Lee-Yu
Anita Lee-Yu - 11 years ago
OMG..u r the best...Happy New Year n do feed us more videos for 2014!!!
Daniel Anderson
Daniel Anderson - 11 years ago
"facebook" = 40% coupon code for book
Happy New Year
Mike Foster
Mike Foster - 11 years ago
Wicked vid joey!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Thanks Michael!
rob jones
rob jones - 11 years ago
Around how many grams of food will this make?
Also, around how much would you say these ingredients cost all together? 
NeonAera - 11 years ago
Thanks for sharing this video on how to make DIY fish food and fish nutrition, Joey! Neat, and AWESOME! Happy New Years 2014! Good job on all of your DIY videos seriously! Your DIY water clarifier idea using a water pump to draw water thru a cotton bedding inside a bottle has worked for me nicely as of late. Thumbs up for this video.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Thanks pal!
regurii - 11 years ago
though about shrimp, you didn't mention how important it is to know where the shrimp comes from as I would never want to put any unknown/illegal chemicals in my fish:
gabe3366 - 11 years ago
Instead of putting the mix in bags could I role it up into pellet shapes and dehydrate them in a dehydrator?
Damian A. Corona
Damian A. Corona - 11 years ago
dude you should have aquariums on the screen to give it a great use nice vid tho
sfrrob - 11 years ago
Finally, we're back on track with quality the DIY videos.
Thought we lost ya there for a while mate.
Keep up the good work.
Going to apply this information and make my own Cichlid food.
Samy Ismael
Samy Ismael - 11 years ago
How can we make it so it holds its consistency after it's thawed? I have big fish that don't like frozen food.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
i have bigger fish that love it. Its typically designed to be picked apart by smaller fish, but larger fish eat it in one bite. You can add gelatin like in my previous DIY food video to hold it together longer if you like.
Phat Rat
Phat Rat - 11 years ago
Oh, and I've heard that a lot of fish go crazy for little bits of garlic.  In your experience, is this true?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
it can sometimes entice them and act as a parasite guard. However, with proper quarantine practices, its simply not needed. Most fish go nuts for this food as is.
Phat Rat
Phat Rat - 11 years ago
Hey Joey, I just bought your book, and I really like it so far :)  I haven't gotten that far in, but I have to ask if there's a way to keep your gravel clean without your intervention, like pushing the water that returns from your sump underneath it and up into the tank?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
+Phat Rat Thats awesome! All my tanks are DIY... everything that i can possibly do is DIY. I have not been into a pet store to buy something in literally YEARS! I have saved THOUSANDS of dollars in the last 2 years alone by building everything my self.. 
Phat Rat
Phat Rat - 11 years ago
That would be great :D  I'm almost done setting up my tank, I need to get more acrylic to finish dividing my sump tank because my drill press destroyed what I had today.  I'm trying to go DIY as much as possible, I'm even building my own lighting system
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Thanks for the support brother!

Yes, you can keep your gravel clean by RARELY touching it. You need to make sure you have 1" or less of depth of it to start. From their, simply insure you have enough circulation within the tank. However, if the grain size is large, than it will trap waste no matter what you do. You could also do underwater jets under the gravel. Perhaps i should do a video on it. ;)

You will still need to vacuum it from time to time no matter what you do.
BayAreaAquatics - 11 years ago
Finally a full length video! I'll definitely be trying this with my baby discus  
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
These take forever to make! This one took about 3 hours to film. Then another hour for a script(my first ever, but too much info to include and i wanted to stream line it) then about 4 hours to edit. So about 8 hours to make this video at least. (And that was using a lot of my pre-made templates.)

Which is why i never really made consistent videos before. Im trying a lot harder as of late to do 6 videos a month though.

For my DIY videos, it takes 30 minutes of work for every 1 minute of video. 
mike litorus
mike litorus - 11 years ago
Good video man. Two thumbs up for the diy guy!
NickMach007 - 11 years ago
Nicely done. Looks like a good recipe. Once I go through some of my flake food, I may have to give this one a try.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
Your fish will thank you!
Dominic Florio
Dominic Florio - 11 years ago
I make my own dog and cat food and I have started to make food for my fish.  I have been feeding them half commercial and half homemade. Thanks, I will now be switching to 100% homemade.  I hate all of the fillers and junk ingredients in commercial foods.
WeDoNot Joke
WeDoNot Joke - 11 years ago
Joey what is the best food to feed my cichlids they are about all over 4 inches to 8 inches. I also have a 11 inch spoted gar and 10inch red belly pacu.
Gus. - 11 years ago
This is a great diet for humans too! :D
Biswadeep Bhowal
Biswadeep Bhowal - 11 years ago
hi...I have only 10 pieces of Amazon trees. how can I decorate my 20 gallon aquarium with that??? Any ideas!
Tom's Fish Tanks
Tom's Fish Tanks - 11 years ago
Thanks for sharing this. I will definitely try this and see if I can get my Discus switched over. Seems like a great way to save a little $$$.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
You will notice a big difference in the fish in as little as 2 weeks if adding in color enhancers.
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 11 years ago
Happy New year Joey. Love the idea. Thanks for all your great diy advice in 2013. All the best and greater in 2014.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 11 years ago
no problem!

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1,662 likes 775,824 views 13 years ago

My 240G planted Discus tank.


HOW TO: Keep Discus

3,679 likes 703,084 views 9 years ago

How i made $20,000 in one month, selling Discus ► Where to BUY DISCUS:


Discus Tank 2012

1,195 likes 701,195 views 13 years ago

second vid from my 450 liter tank running since March 2011 - have fun :)


Discus Mon Amour

2,663 likes 695,876 views 15 years ago

Discus fish breeding. Hatchery and reproduction in a nature-like environment and under the best conditions in every...


HOW TO: Breed Discus fish

4,072 likes 647,415 views 8 years ago

HOW TO BREED DISCUS VIDEO INDEX: (click show more) Where to BUY DISCUS: Introduction @0:05...

About HOW TO: Make DIY fish food - Best recipe - DISCUS FOOD

The "HOW TO: Make DIY fish food - Best recipe - DISCUS FOOD" video is part of the discous aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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