1,435 likes 892,487 views 11 years ago
Unser größtes Diskus-Aquarium mit einem Fassungsvermögen von 3000 Liter + 750 Liter Biofilter Volumen im...
3,018 likes 852,038 views 13 years ago
Featured in Tropical Fish Hobbyist's (TFH) September 2011 issue in the Adventures in Aquascaping column, we take you...
2,119 likes 782,217 views 14 years ago
150 gallon /560 liters. Eheim 2180, Fluval fx5, air pump but no Co2.6 Discus, 4 clown loaches, 4 corydoras sterbai, 2...
1,662 likes 775,824 views 13 years ago
My 240G planted Discus tank.
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DISCUS AQUARIUM FISH!! I loved sitting back and watching how the team at uncle sams unbox and add their discus. Some...
3,679 likes 703,084 views 9 years ago
How i made $20,000 in one month, selling Discus ► https://goo.gl/6xEySN Where to BUY DISCUS: https://goo.gl/YOo1iR...
2,119 likes 782,217 views 14 years ago
150 gallon /560 liters. Eheim 2180, Fluval fx5, air pump but no Co2.6 Discus, 4 clown loaches, 4 corydoras sterbai, 2...
1,662 likes 775,824 views 13 years ago
My 240G planted Discus tank.
3,679 likes 703,084 views 9 years ago
How i made $20,000 in one month, selling Discus ► https://goo.gl/6xEySN Where to BUY DISCUS: https://goo.gl/YOo1iR...
1,195 likes 701,195 views 13 years ago
second vid from my 450 liter tank running since March 2011 - have fun :)
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HOW TO BREED DISCUS VIDEO INDEX: (click show more) Where to BUY DISCUS: https://goo.gl/YOo1iR Introduction @0:05...
The "HOW TO: Make DIY fish food - Best recipe - DISCUS FOOD" video is part of the discous aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for HOW TO: Make DIY fish food - Best recipe - DISCUS FOOD
20. comment for HOW TO: Make DIY fish food - Best recipe - DISCUS FOOD
Its making my water cloudy. Did you add gelatin to it??
30. comment for HOW TO: Make DIY fish food - Best recipe - DISCUS FOOD
You need to remember that, if an animal has evolved to eat other animals (omnivores and carnivores), then forcing them to stop eating animal flesh or animal protein could be considered cruel or even possibly detrimental to their health.
So, it's really up to the "vegan". How far do they want to take it?
50. comment for HOW TO: Make DIY fish food - Best recipe - DISCUS FOOD
I have a few questions and eventually suggestions:
1. Using beef heard is leading to some throw outs (for sure comes still cheaper then buying petstore food though ;) ). So do you think that if I only clean the fat which is not well digestable because of the fish systems I can blend all the rest together in high power blender (3 hours poweers or more than 2.5-3Kw) blender like Vitamix, Blendtech etc. I am sure it will make it extremely fine and homogenic, however not sure if the heart arteries would cause harm. The way I see it, they should add some benefit as they contain gelatinous compounds and looking in the nature, no fish eats smaller separating its heart or any other organs.
2. If I replace the beef heart with beef liver which I am certain that contains more proteine as well as way more minerals than the heart do, would that be considered as a nod good idea? For sure noone wants to buy liver from an animal that had heavy vaccines and growth hormons that can either harm the fishes in the tank but also kill them. I am talking about some grass fed beef liver. Eventually if it does not hurt, I can mix 1/2 heart and 1/2 liver to make the mixture more vital and nutrient dense.
3. I have managed to involve our 3 kids in the fish feeding process, so giving them some frozen food to toss in the aquarium might ruin their desire to continue doing it. So I was thinking to have the food dehydrated and eventually grounded in the form of powder or small chunks depending on the fish size. I know that dehydrating might be messy sometimes, but I am a nutritionist so am used to using my tools I specifically selected for prepping the food ASAP repeatedly with the same results.
4. Where can one buy the Astaxanthin as I am hearing of this for the first time, but as earlier it was mentioned, it is used on humans too. Hopefully it is not used for changing human skins color though ;)
So it came a bit long, but I hope you or someone else in the topic would not mind sharing the pros and cons of my idea.
My question is, m i losing anything for this wash ?
In India beef heart is not easily available.. so do give any replacement for beef heart..
my suggestion, can we use lamb heart instead of beef heart...
Thanks and do reply asap!!!
You made all hobbyists understand clearly..
Would u please upload the result of this Food, at least image.
you could have upload video a clear making of the food . this would will be more clear ..
I am confused with mixture of bonding part . people use gelatin , eggs etc. Please give us a video on this ..
I tried many times ended up with very hard Food using gelatin .
Need to know which is safe and easy on making diy food .
Thank you ...
I have recently taken up fish keeping (six weeks ago) and have a 250 litre (66 US gallons) tank, I have gone for a heavily planted, dirt substrate tropical set up with a pressurised CO2 system and an electronic PH controller. My tank is now cycled and I have started stocking it with fish. Considering that this is my first attempt at fish keeping, things have been very successful so far, but I could not have done it without the wealth of information I have acquired by watching YouTube videos put out by yourself and others such as Dustin's Fish Tanks, KG Tropicals, and ADU Aquascaping, to mention just a few.
I hope to post a video of my set up in the not too distant future, in the hope that it will inspire others to get into the hobby which I am now totally hooked on.
Thank you, and keep up the good work.
can u give me any other subs for Astaxanthin....... as i am unable to find it here ..!!
100. comment for HOW TO: Make DIY fish food - Best recipe - DISCUS FOOD
I think probobly because they are carivores and
you made a mix instructions, but just wanted clarifacation...
thanks in advance
I have wanted to make my own fish food since I really got into the hobby.
Your time and effort is greatly appreciated
And I have reffered to your knowledge many times for assistance when considering a new tank and filter system.
In what temperature to freeze and how long? Or is it okay to air dry?
PS : si quelqu'un veut bien mettre des sous- titre en Français ce serai supert !
Eric (from Paris)
Thanks for your time.
I came here searching it online in form of powder, can't seem to find any reliable seller. Where do You get it?
If you google "buy Astaxanthin powder" a ton of results will show up. I dont like to say where i get things as i dont like to vouch for places i dont use a lot.. I have been burned doing that before.
greets from portugal
Just a question: is it possible to add the shrimp shells as well in the mix if we blend them separately, they are full of calcium so it'd be really nice to add to feed fishes/shrimp especially!
I really wanna do DIY fish food and this sounds awesome not only for the nutritional reasons but the convenience of being able to freeze and store quite a big amount, I await your reply :)
Love your channel.
It´s pretty hard - almost impossible - to purchase pilatia, in Denmark.
Would it be possible to replace this with pangasius, which is common available, over here?
Thank you for your great work - it´s a source of inspiration!
I have a bunch of new projects coming out this year that you will like. I am going to see if i can do more videos this year than ever before.
cool thats good news. in your opinion with the quantities you listed for the recipe in this video, how much gelatin would you use? also about how much is this going to make and how long will it keep in the fridge? im only feeding about 6-8 south american cichlids and plecos so they dont eat too much. i also feed once a day in the mornings; do you agree with that or have a better suggestion? sorry for all the question but you seem to be the "know how." bought your book btw! AMAZING!
2tbs spirulina
2tbs astaxanthin
Then you say 2 teaspoons of astaxanthin.
Tbs stands for tablespoon. So, is it teaspoon or tablespoon?
What about the spirulina? is that teaspoon or tablespoon?
Your DIY Video have helped a broke beginner hobbyist so much!
I have watch almost all your videos and looking forward to your new ones :D
One last question, you feed your fish this food on daily? I heard some say feeding fish beef heart too often is not good for them?
Also it seems like I can only get Spirulina in a tablet form, from Pure Hawaiian- Spirulina Pacifica. Under the Other Ingredients: Silica, Chicory Inulin and Vegetable Magnesium Stearate.
Is it safe to use this for the DIY still?
Please watch it, as a simple yes or no will teach you nothing.
Continue watching from there to get exactly what will do it.
Happy New Year
Also, around how much would you say these ingredients cost all together?
Thought we lost ya there for a while mate.
Keep up the good work.
Going to apply this information and make my own Cichlid food.
Yes, you can keep your gravel clean by RARELY touching it. You need to make sure you have 1" or less of depth of it to start. From their, simply insure you have enough circulation within the tank. However, if the grain size is large, than it will trap waste no matter what you do. You could also do underwater jets under the gravel. Perhaps i should do a video on it. ;)
You will still need to vacuum it from time to time no matter what you do.
Which is why i never really made consistent videos before. Im trying a lot harder as of late to do 6 videos a month though.
For my DIY videos, it takes 30 minutes of work for every 1 minute of video.