HOW TO Start an aquarium in 8 ways

Today i go over 8 different methods you can use to cycle your freshwater aquarium fish tank. While this is a focus on freshwater aquariums, many of these methods can be used for saltwater as well. JOIN MY TEAM: Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Check back daily as I make a video almost every day! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos: My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by:

HOW TO Start an aquarium in 8 ways sentiment_very_dissatisfied 154

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Today i go over 8 different methods you can use to cycle your freshwater aquarium fish tank. While this is a focus on freshwater aquariums, many of these methods can be used for saltwater as well. JOIN MY TEAM: Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Check back daily as I make a video almost every day! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos: My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by:

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Most popular comments
for HOW TO Start an aquarium in 8 ways

Willi Billi
Willi Billi - 6 years ago
I've also heard that people actually introduce ammonia itself into the water - fishless of course...and let that cycle the water.
Pet Tube
Pet Tube - 6 years ago
The insignificant fish cycle
But my aquariums for commet goldfish
The Bongripper420420
The Bongripper420420 - 6 years ago
I learned a lot today
josh p
josh p - 6 years ago
thanks joey
JoeylapsMusic - 6 years ago
So I have always done fish in first day cycle never lost a fish. Have used my method 4 times
Toni Horse
Toni Horse - 6 years ago
What about human ammonia? Haha kidding
Jake Harris
Jake Harris - 6 years ago
Went with the shrimp cycle! Has worked for the last few years! But have used other methods also!
Andre - 6 years ago
This guy is so sexy
Mr Grim
Mr Grim - 6 years ago
Wanna know what's crazy? Politics

10. comment for HOW TO Start an aquarium in 8 ways

Алексей Мариныч
Алексей Мариныч - 6 years ago
I've got into hobby when I was 7 years old(now I'm 26). The first tank was 10 liters(2,6 gallons I guess) with a bunch of guppy fish, at that time even though it was my fathers idea, cause he was into hobby himself, I didn't knew anything bout cycling aquarium. All of my first fish died in a few months. but than I've got another, along with a "smart book for dummies", and that where my real hobby began. Through this years I kept many different fishes, snails, shrimps and even frogs. =)
Eduardo Rodriguez
Eduardo Rodriguez - 6 years ago
you have nice backgrounds to it.. the tree barks. is that something we can buy or you make this.. nice tanks btw
Grace Donaldson
Grace Donaldson - 6 years ago
Eduardo Rodriguez u can buy 3D backgrounds :)
Larry Jones
Larry Jones - 6 years ago
I’ve used urea fertilizer as a nitrogen source. Avoids the risk of pathogens
JB_policedogs Van Dijk
JB_policedogs Van Dijk - 6 years ago
Does the bacterie of a goldfish aquarium help for a tropical aquarium?
Tyler Perlow
Tyler Perlow - 6 years ago
JB_policedogs Van Dijk it should be similar, goldfish live in freshwater, therefore they produce the same waste and eat the same food, the waste in the filtration system is filled with and is what helps establish algae and good bacteria in a gush tank. To put it simply no matter if it’s goldfish or any other freshwater fish yes it will work the same. Hope this helped!
Dylan Zrim
Dylan Zrim - 6 years ago
I kept some fresh(ish) water change water aside for quick cycling an emergency auxiliary biofilter. Seems to have worked so far,
Dylan Zrim
Dylan Zrim - 6 years ago
From a borderline overstocked goldfish tub. New tank soon
Eugenio Vazquez
Eugenio Vazquez - 6 years ago
Love these types of videos you must go more in depth on this topic
Terry G. Shaw
Terry G. Shaw - 6 years ago
Used snails, freshwater clams and fresh water shrimp and a device call fish safe dial
niles55 - 6 years ago
I like the sacrificial molly method...
TheXJthatCould - 6 years ago
Lmao! I do that, but my Molly’s are still alive after 3 tanks cycles and high ammonia
Mark Rudolph Espanueva
Mark Rudolph Espanueva - 6 years ago
+JPack 95 same :c
JPack 95
JPack 95 - 6 years ago
niles55 sadly I’m doing that rn:(
Alex 2002
Alex 2002 - 6 years ago
Can you just take shrimp or any meaty item?
TeunH 2406
TeunH 2406 - 6 years ago
Alex 2002 I think you can take any meaty item since all will rot and feed bacteria but I’m not sure so don’t fully trust me
Nicki Fisher
Nicki Fisher - 6 years ago
Seriously the best way to explain this to beginners! Thank you so much this helped a lot!

20. comment for HOW TO Start an aquarium in 8 ways

hamitup - 6 years ago
This may sound crazy but I’ve heard of people using urine to cycle a tank
hamitup - 6 years ago
I actually used stability by seachem
Quin Sedge
Quin Sedge - 6 years ago
hamitup you should go on wiki how, it has a good guide on how to cycle a tank, you can use fish flakes or pellets to start the cycle
hamitup - 6 years ago
Quin Sedge true true. Whats a good bacteria to start.
Quin Sedge
Quin Sedge - 6 years ago
hamitup the extra stuff in urine would kill the fish
Sara Crawford
Sara Crawford - 6 years ago
So what happens when you have a cycled tank and need to change the filter cartridge do you have to start all over again?
Paul Hopkins
Paul Hopkins - 6 years ago
There should be some room in the filter, I assume it is a HOB filter to keep sponges, or some bio media behind the mechanical filters. Those you will never change, just rinse them off in old tank water when you do a water change when they get too funky.
AirMover49 - 6 years ago
Sara Crawford you’re basically getting rid of a lot of your bacteria. Your substrate still has some but not nearly as much as your filter does since all of your water goes through it. So you’ll end up the majority of your bacteria. What you can do is just clean your cartridge in dirty tank water in a bucket or whatever. Or if that’s not an option, stick your new cartridge into the tank or filter, let some bacteria grow and then switch them out
Sara Crawford
Sara Crawford - 6 years ago
+Lost Zucchini but like what do I do when I have to change the cartridge in the filter, will that kill off all the bacteria?
Lost Zucchini
Lost Zucchini - 6 years ago
Sara Crawford
Yea, basically. Filter cartridges are a marketing scheme. Rinse the foam in dirty tank water every so often.
audigex - 6 years ago
This video totally misrepresents the fishless cycle. A fishless cycle does not mean you just run an empty tank and hope for the best. A fishless cycle is where you add ammonia to simulate fish in the tank, without adding fish - at the end the filter is fully cycled and full of bacteria, and you can fully stock the tank safely.
Michael Short
Michael Short - 6 years ago
He does talk about this. he says he puts shrimp meat in there which generates ammonia.
Frank Bruno
Frank Bruno - 6 years ago
So sorry to hear that you are sick. Hoping you get better soon. I so enjoy your videos I have learned so much from you. I do my best in viewing all your videos. your up beat attitude makes your videos so much fun to watch. Keep up thr good work
Shady K
Shady K - 6 years ago
I actually used quick start, then I added 2 fish for a couple days then added two more, the a month later I added my other ones in! And how long should it take for a regular filter to filter a 55 gallon tank and make the water clear?
Mrfunnyguy Films
Mrfunnyguy Films - 6 years ago
I used quick start, and one of my 4 fish died within 12 hours. I went back to pet co and they told me to fully dose the tank every day, and all but one died. It eventually cycled and I was good. I'm glad to hear that quick start worked out for you though!
Pretty Vega
Pretty Vega - 6 years ago
I love your videos. Thank you for the good info. I just started cycling a new 75 gallon and I used some of the water from my other aquarium.
YOW Gyrl
YOW Gyrl - 6 years ago
you have some beautiful tank set ups, gorgeous fish.
21 savage bank
21 savage bank - 6 years ago
YOW Gyrl I have a question please answer do I have to do a water cycle when I used my water test kit which showed all my ph and nitrate /nitrite with ammonia levels are very low and just sayin I filled up aquarium with water 4 days ago..
Liz Dyson
Liz Dyson - 6 years ago
Are your stingrays full grown?
Udeeksh Sood
Udeeksh Sood - 6 years ago
People invest in shares, gold, property etc you on the other hand invested in Priceless aquarium room. What's your fish room net worth?
Andy Armstrong
Andy Armstrong - 6 years ago
You said it, priceless
Fgygcfhhvggh Hfhxyfdhyxchxjd
Fgygcfhhvggh Hfhxyfdhyxchxjd - 6 years ago
When i started my first aquarium i started with some feeder fish, bacteria, and substrate that came from a healthy river that is filled with plants, and fishes i did this in order to establish a good and already cycled tank and then i put in the new fishes and exchanged it and then putting them back where i took the fishes

30. comment for HOW TO Start an aquarium in 8 ways

Stacy McCants
Stacy McCants - 6 years ago
Amazing video, I started my last aquarium with bacteria in a bottle following the directions closely and monitored my water parameters by testing. However, I’m starting a new aquarium and will be trying using substrate from my estimated aquarium in a mesh bag placing into filter, and mulum from my pre-filter that idea is genius. Thanks for the advice
Rysie Sullivan
Rysie Sullivan - 6 years ago
I'm so proud that there are people like you on the internet now! My family and I didn't know much about fish years ago, so we would lose several fish whenever we would start up an aquarium. We weren't educated about the nitrogen cycle; I actually didn't know most of the details until I went to college for Biology. All we used was the dechlorinator drops. Now that I know about these videos, I share the info with my family. I plan on starting a 20 gallon soon because I'm so interested in having a successful aquarium. Thank you, Joey!
Adam DAhlberg
Adam DAhlberg - 6 years ago
Great video like always. I started with the fish in method in a nano tank. Like the fish store told me. Fish died and the tank ended up cracking on the curve from top to bottom. Not the worst $1000 I've ever spent. But pretty close. Now I want to start 2 10g or 20g tanks with a water bridge linking them,and a 10g sump. This will all be in a 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 foot area.
Jeffrey Newinski
Jeffrey Newinski - 6 years ago
I have a new 10 gallon tank and I want to know if I can put fish and shrimp together?
Jeffrey Newinski
Jeffrey Newinski - 6 years ago
Hope thanks for the information.
Hope - 6 years ago
this is a tip from the fish store I HIGHLY trust: don't add shrimp and angelfish together (freshwater angelfish) because they eat your shrimp. It happened to me too. I think ghost shrimp (freshwater) work with them but you'll have to do research about that
Jeffrey Newinski
Jeffrey Newinski - 6 years ago
Cole Bowers thank you ill keep that in mind.
Cole Bowers
Cole Bowers - 6 years ago
i did red cherry shrimp but just know they breed really fast they overpopulated my tank but dont mix them with aggressive fish
Lucas R
Lucas R - 6 years ago
Just tap water and chlorine disolvent
Mikey Collazo
Mikey Collazo - 6 years ago
Thank you this video was very helpful and a big help for me on my tank problems
Vesta Freyja
Vesta Freyja - 6 years ago
I first started keeping first I was 12 or 13 years old and I had no idea what the heck I was doing; that was about fifty years ago.
It was a lot of dead fish and trial and mostly error in the beginning. Back then pet stores tended to be more interested in selling you something then actually helping you solve the issue.

The best suggestion that I have is most cities tend to have an active aquarium clubs or societies - these are one of the best places to get help, advice and etc. There is a large collection of knowledge available from these people and most are willing to help people new to the hobby. Most societies have monthly meetings - just introduce yourself and mention that you are new to the hobby and you will probably be inundated with members offering to help you with just about any question you have.
usagi1ify - 6 years ago
Vesta Freyja I
Jonathon McCann
Jonathon McCann - 6 years ago
Many live plants actually harbor beneficial bacteria. Unfortunately though, plants in tanks with fish can introduce disease to your tank. Kinda have to be careful.
Jonathon McCann
Jonathon McCann - 6 years ago
I think you’ve got the term “fishless cycle” a little confused. I always thought a fishless cycle was the category of cycling that had an artificial introduction of ammonia to start up the cycle. That can be pure ammonia, fish food, raw shrimp, etc. What you described as the fishless cycle wasn’t anything other than letting a tank sit and settle.
audigex - 6 years ago
Yeah, you’re completely right and Joey is wrong on this one. A fishless cycle is where you add ammonia to simulate the fish, topping it up daily and testing the water until the filter is handling the ammonia
The Magnificent Sans
The Magnificent Sans - 6 years ago
Im getting ready to set up my own tank right now and doing my research. All I'm wanting to start with is some snails and aquarium plants and get a couple shrimp if it goes alright, maybe a catfish or plecostemus(?) Eventually.
My question here is do I need to have a filter for this kind of set up or can I rely on the substrate and a circulation pump? I really don't understand how the bacteria and ammonia work, just that everyone is saying it's important
The Magnificent Sans
The Magnificent Sans - 6 years ago
ThatDutchIdiot thank you!
Simon E
Simon E - 6 years ago
Do research on everything first. A 'catfish' might sound cool or look awesome, but pet stores often sell fish that grow really big. Same goes for a Pleco, they can grow to like 30~40cm long and bulldoze every plant in your tank
Devin Barham
Devin Barham - 6 years ago
I have started tanks with out a cycled tank . My first tank i only had two oscars and i just added them to the tank . I did not know anything about cycling . I added the water that the fish came in to the tank with them and thats probably how i got my process going and had no idea of what i was doing
bookmouse770 - 6 years ago
I'm not a kid....I didn't know what I was doing when I was 12 yrs old and got my first aquarium, (fish died and I really had no idea why)....I'd do yearly complete water changes and clean everything outside with the garden hose. The fish that did survive were guppies and black mollies. I did know that you were suppose to let the water air out for a few days to get rid of the chlorine. The pet store owners always just told me to put an inexpensive fish in the tank to start with and I had no idea why.
Charles Haney
Charles Haney - 6 years ago
9 fish died we only had a frog and the banjo cat made it through all this happened in one day no one ever told me about the cycle. So yah really sucked, btw that is how I found your channel after the fish incident.
Caitlin Husband
Caitlin Husband - 6 years ago
I'm doing a fish in cycle right now in my first aquarium with my betta. I'm frequently testing perameters and have several gallons of treated water and a bottle of Prime on standby ready to do a water change the moment ammonia and nitrites go up. So far so good!
Ashifinator - 6 years ago
When i started i used the fish less cycle and only 1 of my black telescope goldfish died.
Lorenzo Rodriguez
Lorenzo Rodriguez - 6 years ago
Very helpful video and cheapest solutions
nessa lyn
nessa lyn - 7 years ago
What if you only have a fish tank.. lol could you use the stuff from that to help?
io mio
io mio - 7 years ago
You could add some info about:

1: way of speeding the fishless cycle WITHOUT estabilished tank media; like rising the temperature, adding sugar, adding more then one filter to add surface for the bacteria, etc.
'cause, you know, old tank may probably have some killer bacteria, parasite, etc. and new tank may be needed before now!

2: it wold be worth speaking about "sterilizing" the good bacteria from the bad and parasite with salt, temperature or some % of ammonia, in order to use old tank media in a safe way.

3: the right amount of ammonia in the fishless cycle (i've heard from 1-2 ppm to 4)

4: keeping the bacteria alive (like in freezer fridge, or some staff like gel

5: how much time can bacteria stay alive without oxigen (like in a stopped external filter).

6: fish small enought to not produce enought ammonia to die from it, like newborn guppy... so the fish grow producing more ammonia at the some time the filter mature... my first acquarium I cycled putting some little food inside, but after like 10 days put one female guppy in there (60Lt) and she was fine.
Luciana Raimondi
Luciana Raimondi - 7 years ago
in my opinion
in my opinion
in my opinion
in my opinion
in my opinion
in my opinion
in my opinion
in my opinion
in my opinion
in my opinion
Cherie Sublett
Cherie Sublett - 6 years ago
my opinion
in my opinion
in my opinion
in my opinion
in my opinion
in my opinion
shorter girls are short
Tuan An Nguyen
Tuan An Nguyen - 7 years ago
how to keep the wood stand in discus tank ? Do u have any video about working this tank ?
Ahmed Mohamed
Ahmed Mohamed - 7 years ago
you can use Silicone

50. comment for HOW TO Start an aquarium in 8 ways

STEVE NESSENSON - 7 years ago
I learn a lot about cycling aquariums in fact 8 ways.
Michael Bird
Michael Bird - 7 years ago
How I have done it all my life is a combination I start with a fully scaped and planted tank with no fish I get some mulm from a friend or the fish store then use pure amoniona I use a dropper and bring the levels high max out the scale on the test when the amoniona can drop to zero in 24hr from a maxed test I do a 95% water change to bring the nitrate down then I can fully stock the tank with whatever I want takes about a week to a week and a half never had a crash this way
Brandon Paquet
Brandon Paquet - 7 years ago
So I just set up my tank two weeks ago, I took an old filter piece from my big tank and have that in it as well as using fish food as ammonia, should I do any water changes during this process just in case I added too much food or what should I do now at this point?
Steven Bright
Steven Bright - 7 years ago
fishless cycle even with bacteria ... waste of time
so used 2 guppies instead and prior to that i added bacteria out of the bottle over 3 days (fluval cycle) + the aqua bombs and doing 2 weekly changes a week
Jens Kristiansen
Jens Kristiansen - 7 years ago
Ain't that shrimp gonna stink up the hole house?
Amanda4NC - 7 years ago
This video is exactly what I needed my first and so far only fish a betta Mr.Limpet pasted recently because of a tumor on his body. Because I don’t know what caused the tumor I wanted to cycle it from scratch just to be safe then sorry. The shrimp method is what I’m going to go with thank you so much and thank you for your videos it helps to see a full tank when your only tank is going to be empty for a couple of months.
Chani P
Chani P - 7 years ago
you used the shrimp method? did it work ?
L G - 7 years ago
I may have missed something....are we supposed to do partial water changes with the raw fish/bacteria in a bottle during the cycling process?.
Scott Gross
Scott Gross - 7 years ago
I'm sad you're sick and felt lousy, because you're always in a good mood and make people be treated kindly and be in a good mood. So, all I can do is advise you that someone told me Aleve Gel caps work best to relieve headache. You said you had a headache, and I know that Aleve has taken away every headache I've ever incurred. It is way better-feeling than Tylenol or other stuff which all have different main ingredient! Good luck, man. I liked this information for getting an aquarium going. It's not as easy as water+fish, and any of this knowledge is needed, I know.
Turbogeek 21
Turbogeek 21 - 7 years ago
Wow I didn't know about the shrimp one
K Eddy
K Eddy - 7 years ago
How would you keep your filter bacteria alive if you were moving?
mike 05
mike 05 - 7 years ago
Kyle Eddy five gallon buckets with lids from home depot or lowes and take as much water with you to the new location .
The Base Builds Guy
The Base Builds Guy - 7 years ago
I have a turtle does it go the same way?
Tino And Freinds
Tino And Freinds - 7 years ago
Red Devil
Red Devil - 7 years ago
How does he get so good aquarium backround's
mike 05
mike 05 - 7 years ago
Red Devil a company that sells them sends him a anything he wants it free advertisements
Dylan Derry
Dylan Derry - 7 years ago
I just used a dirty filter bag from my friends aquarium and stuck it in my filter
Michael Ginther
Michael Ginther - 7 years ago
do you have a video on how to make the mangrove root look like the ones in the discus tank?
Jackie daboss898969
Jackie daboss898969 - 6 years ago
Michael Ginther he didn’t make them he brought them. Just use like thick tree branches and wash them and paint
Alex Osuna
Alex Osuna - 7 years ago
Hey joey, im currently wanting to cycle a filter, i did your last step to get the bacteria filled water, and put it into a container with the filter running it through, will it cycle well?
I love My job
I love My job - 7 years ago
I'd add Seachem Stability to speed up the process, I've had a lot of success with it in the past.
Joey Bekius
Joey Bekius - 7 years ago
I didnt start my first tank, at the time i didnt know what cycling was and i lost all the fish
Anthony Bartley
Anthony Bartley - 7 years ago
Raw shrimp. Now that IS fish gold.
christian vacker
christian vacker - 7 years ago
My first aquarium I used the feeder fish method without knowing about it or anything else
Sławek B.
Sławek B. - 7 years ago
So how did I start my first aquarium? Used all new stuff, set everything with some basic decorations (plants, roots), basic filtration (sponge filter) and waited and waited and waited (couple of weeks, it was really difficult to wait that long). Added some fish that survived (basically 3 guppies in 30 litres) and some shrimps that died. That was the first time. Of course later on I gained experience and slowly, slowly I began to understand some basic principles (with help of some books and Internet).
ryan born
ryan born - 7 years ago
Amazing video sir very informative
Kevin Leong
Kevin Leong - 7 years ago
I loved this video please do one on the nitrogen cycle!!!
User99 - 7 years ago
Where do you get your back drops in the tanks?
Allan Viray
Allan Viray - 7 years ago
For me this is the video of the year! Great informations for a generous guy..
Kyle Paeth
Kyle Paeth - 7 years ago
i used ammonia to Cycle my first aquarium, it worked but definitely not my preferred way, now a days i add a bunch of plants once ive got them to a point where their growing decently ill add a bunch of mulm,a cycled sponge filter, and start to slowly stock with fish or if impulse buy to many fish than ill start feeding lightly than gradually work up to my target food amount over a week or two
Mokaphyyr - 7 years ago
My opinion would be, every year or two, re accomplish top 10 basics for new fish hobbyist. I know the content gets old to produce, and even old for long standing subscribers. You could even Challenge fellow YouTuber's (rachel, solid gold, dustin) to produce the videos. Kinda like how the Ice-bucket challenge hit the internet. The content helps the new subscribers, and healthy reminder for others. Like this video helped people who want to expand. Thank you again.
Kate Lunney
Kate Lunney - 7 years ago
Can you establish a filter and leave the tank fishless? Or should there be fish to keep the cycle going?
Kate Lunney
Kate Lunney - 7 years ago
Ron Black that's what I was thinking. Just feed the bacteria with out necissarally having fish, thanks it will only be for a few days or hours so I'll go with that thanks :)
Ron - 7 years ago
You need to have ammonia or something to produce ammonia (like fish or food) in the aquarium. Remember the bacteria are living organisms and their food source is ammonia. I have left filters in clean water for up to 6 hours without fish without a problem, but most people would say that 2 hours is the longest your established filter can last without an ammonia source.
Tj serkiz
Tj serkiz - 7 years ago
when I started a 55 gallon ciclid tank I just put a cheep jack Dempsey  in there and yes, i still have him today
Cyprian - 7 years ago
When I started my nano tank I just soaked its filter in a bucket of water left over from cleaning my 29g's canister filter. I attached a air hose to give the bacteria oxygen and let it sit for an hour. Then I just filled the new tank with water, slid the old tank water soaked filter in, and added about a gallon of the mulm water too. I dropped fish food in, and waited a day. 0,0, 20 was my ammonia,nitrite,and nitrate reading. After a water change I ordered my school of cpds and they have been thriving. They are so active, and after a pond snail explosion and being able to successfully spawn cherry shrimp I am upgrading everyone to a 20g tall. (Except the pond snails.
They are assasian snail food now)
Oscar Larin
Oscar Larin - 7 years ago
Hello Joey, I was wondering what test kit so you recommend to test water for cycling? Thanks
Cyprian - 7 years ago
Oscar Larin API Master test kit. It last a while and so much better than test strips
Taylor McLean
Taylor McLean - 7 years ago
Hii Joey, so I work in a well know petstore corporation and knew nothing about fish when I started about a year and a half ago. I just wanted to let you know your videos are not only knowledgeable but interseting and have helped me in many ways.
Would you be able to do a basic starter, how to video on starting a freshwater tank, like dealing with ick, fin rot, that stability is more important them chasing the perfect ph. Or how temperature when doing water changes, or using the right conditioner can help make a huge difference.
Delaney Ward
Delaney Ward - 7 years ago
I just put anti chlorinator and keep it running for like a week, my fish have always been good... I don’t do fancy things
Lucas Miller
Lucas Miller - 7 years ago
talk about setting up saltwater and give us an update on the saltwater tank. BTW I !!!LOVE!!! the vids keep up the good work. Hopefully I will meet you. You should visit Georgia!!
Arthur Gravenor
Arthur Gravenor - 7 years ago
He got rid of the saltwater fish
Schroeder AC
Schroeder AC - 7 years ago
the salt water tank is being used for beans now
Andy V.B
Andy V.B - 7 years ago
i still remember my 1st tank i did not do any of these methods. i just put water and anti chlorine. after that i just dump 2 silver arowana 3 inch size in it. Thankfully both still alive until now. when they grew about over 1 ft i put them on my pond. now i just hope they will make some babies soon.
Florida Fisherman Pace
Florida Fisherman Pace - 6 years ago
babies yet?
Rizar Adri
Rizar Adri - 7 years ago
Well i start my first aquarium with a fish cycling method i put 13 neon tetras and 3 guppies so far it works for me
Clean Living
Clean Living - 7 years ago
Damn that one tank with the orange fish and trees is amazing
Jackilyn Rochford
Jackilyn Rochford - 7 years ago
Clean Living the discus do look amazing because it is circles with lines
Lucy Spittle
Lucy Spittle - 7 years ago
I started my first ever tank with a fishless cycle! I dropped a bit of fish food into the tank every now and then, but that was it! I left it for about a month and it worked for me! But with my other two tanks I used already cycled media and left that for a few weeks
Christopher Lamar
Christopher Lamar - 7 years ago
Thanks for the advice dude.
I used lava rock from a tank I took down to cycle my other tanks and i use the old filter water method also.
All where great methods you talked about but last one was best my choice.
XSlyb0ltz36oX - 7 years ago
Your awesome
epic rc guy
epic rc guy - 7 years ago
what should i do having to add ten peacocks to a 55 gallon? should i do 5 at a time?
( i already have some cycled media and its in the tank and its running)
Christopher Lamar
Christopher Lamar - 7 years ago
I always do pairs no more than two fish at a time, some do more but works for me no dead fish in 6yrs.
best of luck to you
Raditya Wicaksono Adjie
Raditya Wicaksono Adjie - 7 years ago
Where the knife fish in Asian tank?
Lokesh Chaudhari
Lokesh Chaudhari - 7 years ago
Can someone help me my are fsh gold fish
fighting with my other fish 2 died because of it pls help
Lokesh Chaudhari
Lokesh Chaudhari - 7 years ago
Thanks alot guys my fish are not fighting and i am so happy with you guys thx so much
Jackilyn Rochford
Jackilyn Rochford - 7 years ago
Lokesh Chaudhari how big is your tank
mickeybigbuds - 7 years ago
try sepperating the males and females if able goldfish are cold water and the other two you mentioned are tropical and need their own tanks.had goldfish for years and had a lot of fighting until i sepperated males/females now very rarely i may see a fish trying to establish itself as top fish.
Christopher Lamar
Christopher Lamar - 7 years ago
out of respect I want keep goin back and forth.
but mine or just fine, I helped friends put up tanks there fish all well.
I've had a few of my setup for over two years no issues.
Thanks for sharing your experience with me god bless
JessyMetal - 7 years ago
Christopher Lamar keeping fish in higher or lower temperatures than they require will greatly shorten their lifespan. Especially with goldfish since it speeds up their metabolism quite a bit. This also makes them produce much more ammonia. Just because your fish seem fine, that doesn't mean you should aim to keep them outside of their temperature range that they prefer.
Christopher Lamar
Christopher Lamar - 7 years ago
That is not true very sorry.
I keep gold fish in most my mix community tanks. with all tanks having different temps.
There all health and well I can show proof with pictures of fish and temperatures.
If tank well balanced they do just find in high or low temps tanks.
god bless my friend
JessyMetal - 7 years ago
Lokesh Chaudhari goldfish shouldn't really be mixed with other types of fish for multiple reasons, the main one being a huge temperature requirement difference. I'd separate them immediately.
Christopher Lamar
Christopher Lamar - 7 years ago
I have a few gold fish in a community tank, there nippers man.
that can start a fight among them.
Lokesh Chaudhari
Lokesh Chaudhari - 7 years ago
Gold fish, koi,anglefish,scavenger
Hippopot 123
Hippopot 123 - 7 years ago
Lokesh Chaudhari what other fish do you have
Graa Tata
Graa Tata - 7 years ago
For my first tank..... I had a tiny wild largemouth bass. I "cycled" the tank by literally taking lake water and dumping it in the tank. I put the bass in 10 minutes after putting the lake water. It actually was fine and i had it a while before releasing it.... (totally fucked up i know)
CMLee81 - 7 years ago
Raw shrimp! Genius.
I'm going to do this on my next tank to try it out. I generally don't mind waiting and used to use the starter fish method cause I thought that was the only way. I recently set up my first fishless cycled tank and it was a success but did take a while of ghost feeding and adding in the aquarium start up liquid. Thanks for this, it was great even with a cloudy head. I would ❤ to see more beginner videos like this. Have fun in NY! Come to NC soon!
Matthew Zito
Matthew Zito - 7 years ago
I cycled my first aquarium by understocking it with a few small, hardy fish. However, I did frequent, heavy water changes and selected species I planned on keeping long-term. Since, then I've tried swapping a used filter cartridge from an established filter to a new one, which seemed to work well.
kalingzeye - 7 years ago
Yes, more simple beginner videos!!! I've watched a number of vids on this topic in the past, and have always come out feeling overwhelmed and discouraged, like I'd never be able to set up a tank. This is the first such video that made it sound simple and accessible enough for me to actually do someday. Thanks Joey! I'd love to see something on basics of checking water parameters.
IcarusCAE - 7 years ago
Wow, that didler fish technique works like magic.
Simon Vang
Simon Vang - 7 years ago
Where did you get those tree from, I’m looking at the discus tank. More information?
Punchy Scyllarus
Punchy Scyllarus - 7 years ago
method #9: pee
Mostlyharmless1985 - 7 years ago
DirtySheets75 in the same sense that salt is mustard gas
Brandon Sheets
Brandon Sheets - 7 years ago
... which is basically pee lol
Mostlyharmless1985 - 7 years ago
Uh... you could just get urea...
E Santana
E Santana - 7 years ago
Do you have a video of your drip system? How it is set up and how it drains?
Jeffrey Tellis
Jeffrey Tellis - 7 years ago
I think I started mine, like Joey's and many others. I had no clue what is what, and just wanted fish in my tank! LOL

100. comment for HOW TO Start an aquarium in 8 ways

SubieStripes TRZ
SubieStripes TRZ - 7 years ago
It's already been 9 months? Damn time flies
xCLU7CH Cl7Yx - 7 years ago
yess do more beginner videos!!
Crazy About Tanks
Crazy About Tanks - 7 years ago
Can I take the cycle media from a freshwater tank to cycle a saltwater tank??
Xivm - 7 years ago
Crazy About Tanks no
MK Soul
MK Soul - 7 years ago
I prefer the sushi method. Go out and treat your self to some good sushi. Take some left overs home with you. Take a piece of left over tuna, salmon, etc. and toss it in your tank. You get fed, the bacteria get fed, your future fish will eventually get fed. Everyone wins.
SubieStripes TRZ
SubieStripes TRZ - 7 years ago
MK Soul I might try that when or if I start a new tank
Real Bajan
Real Bajan - 7 years ago
When cleaning a tank and you rinse the Medea with the tank water, if you was to add sink water to the filter would this kill the bacteria?
SubieStripes TRZ
SubieStripes TRZ - 7 years ago
Real Bajan if the sink water has chlorine or chloramine it will kill bacteria
Rookie4321de - 7 years ago
Keep doing these beginner videos please. They are helpful to me, (a beginner) and full of lots of good information. :)
Kate Lunney
Kate Lunney - 7 years ago
setting up my first large tank soon. I have only had small ones. I'm trying so hard to be patient yet I I can't stop planning. I got caught Google's white clouds at work and filtration haha this video will definitely help my need for quicker progress
siddhesh petkar
siddhesh petkar - 7 years ago
Can stingray live with pleco
Xivm - 7 years ago
siddhesh petkar yes but not the best combo. Pleco can damage the ray. Why would you want to chance that?
siddhesh petkar
siddhesh petkar - 7 years ago
Make video of how to setup permanent fish tank for stingray
Tyler Hawkins
Tyler Hawkins - 7 years ago
Any one else waiting on more than three videos a week? I’m addicted to this channel and there isn’t enough anymore lol
Kate Lunney
Kate Lunney - 7 years ago
Tyler Hawkins I am also addicted in Australia they come out usually around 5-6am Monday and Wednesday. I'm usually one of the first hundred viewers.
윽 윽
윽 윽 - 7 years ago
Nice to meet you.
I have one question.
How to gender division of datnioides?
I do not know that.. please answer
Mr. Matt
Mr. Matt - 7 years ago
Dude. I started watching your videos and became addicted to keeping fish. My wife HATED all the aquariums I was buying and putting in our house. Well, she just filed for a divorce and moved out. Now I have an empty house and a broken heart. Now I have all this space and extra time on my hands. And I plan on using both to further my new hobby! Lol
Michael Herlihy
Michael Herlihy - 7 years ago
I'm no expert but if you going to get married again, make sure she likes fish!
Gary Flores
Gary Flores - 7 years ago
sounds like a win win
Mr. Matt
Mr. Matt - 7 years ago
It's not directly related to the aquariums but they didn't help. I think they were the straw that broke the camels back.
loosejuice - 7 years ago
Mr. Matt Sounds like a win lose
Robert Keith
Robert Keith - 7 years ago
I would love a discussion about how Gh and Kh affect Ph.
James D
James D - 7 years ago
Robert Keith this is good information to understand. I second your comment with a thumbs up.
HOMIE CROC - 7 years ago
Rip clown knife
Kieley Peterson
Kieley Peterson - 7 years ago
Love it! I am new to the hobby and this is amazing help! Thank you!
Debbie Wright
Debbie Wright - 7 years ago
I have an established 75 gallon aquarium with a Fluval 110 HOB filter. I would like a bit more movement in the water throughout the tank. can I add a smaller Fluval HOB filter without having to establish bacteria in it? What do you suggest?
Xivm - 7 years ago
Yes you can. There is no reason to worry because you aren't taking your other filter off.
Michael Scott
Michael Scott - 7 years ago
Debbie Wright
Add some used media such as a sponge from your cycled tank and you'll be good to go in a few days with a filter running on the new tank with the old sponge
Yoshi278 - 7 years ago
These videos would have been killer when I got into my aquarium keeping
Ahmed Amair
Ahmed Amair - 7 years ago
Why don’t you add pleco.
It will clean your 2000gallon tank man
If there is the reason for that u can say me so that I can also remove it
Ahmed Amair
Ahmed Amair - 7 years ago
Zachary Roff-Smith oh
Zachary Roff-Smith
Zachary Roff-Smith - 7 years ago
I think the pleco may damage the disks of the rays and eat their slime coat.
Ahmed Amair
Ahmed Amair - 7 years ago
Pat Squallee I am also having a monster tank in n that pleco is there so I would like to ask is any defect is there in pleco fish I can remove it
Pat Squallee
Pat Squallee - 7 years ago
I don't understand that last phrase: " If there is the reason for that u can say me so that I can also remove it"
Nikhil Kumar
Nikhil Kumar - 7 years ago
how to remove snails ? it's growing fastly.
James D
James D - 7 years ago
Barry Allen coppersafe kills snails and all inverts and scaleless fish (catfish, plecos, loaches )
Mostlyharmless1985 - 7 years ago
What works for me is trapping. Sera makes a nice little trap that works well. Or you can make a water bottle trap. If you put a chemical in your tank it can indeed kill all your snails. Which then rot. Which then spike your ammonia, which then kill all your fish. Snails are pretty benign and can actually be helpful.
Nikhil Kumar
Nikhil Kumar - 7 years ago
ohk..i got it...thank you..for your help.
Cyberhawkzz - 7 years ago
nothing that I know of. As a base, people try not to use any chemicals to rid thing like pest snails. From what I know, you either use things like assassin snails, which kills any other snail. Or just pick them out, squish them, remove the ones that you find manually. Pest snails won't hurt a tank, if that's your worry. Just can sometimes get unsightly.
Nikhil Kumar
Nikhil Kumar - 7 years ago
any medicure available for this ?
Cyberhawkzz - 7 years ago
Get an assassin snail. They eat every other snail.
Nikhil Kumar
Nikhil Kumar - 7 years ago
is there isn't any kind of medicure for this ?
bsmb091011 B
bsmb091011 B - 7 years ago
Barry Allen pea puffer clown loathes anything that eats snails
Nikhil Kumar
Nikhil Kumar - 7 years ago
how you made inner decorations for discus tank ? Can you make a video of that inner wood decorations ?
adam woods
adam woods - 7 years ago
All so just for the people in Australia pure Ammonia is illegal tried for a long time trying to get it and could not
Giber - 7 years ago
I really like these informative videos and I'm looking forward to more.
Prithaj Das
Prithaj Das - 7 years ago
You should get some frontosas as well
Danny Mulligan
Danny Mulligan - 7 years ago
I was pretty rugged when i started. absolute amateur that jumped in feet first in to the deep end. felt like it anyway. 125 liter tank (30gal) Bottle of Seachem Stability bacteria and a bottle of Seachem Prime and stocked with neons pretty much straight away. not long after an angel fish and a baby sailfin pleco. I have been one of the luckiest people i think. Its been nearly 2 years and never really had any issues the whole time, still feel like an amateur though. lol
SubieStripes TRZ
SubieStripes TRZ - 7 years ago
Danny Mulligan I got lucky when I started my first tank too lol
Michael Herlihy
Michael Herlihy - 7 years ago
No arguement from me!!! I think I'll stick with fish!
Danny Mulligan
Danny Mulligan - 7 years ago
no, thats the problem with the world.
Michael Herlihy
Michael Herlihy - 7 years ago
HA!! No worries! What would the world be without a sense of humour? Australia does have a down side though! TOO MANY POLITICIANS!!!!
Danny Mulligan
Danny Mulligan - 7 years ago
lol, joking bro.
Michael Herlihy
Michael Herlihy - 7 years ago
Ouch ! That hurts !!!
Danny Mulligan
Danny Mulligan - 7 years ago
Um... no... we dont talk about that place... lmao
Michael Herlihy
Michael Herlihy - 7 years ago
Hey!!! Don't forget Australia!!
Joshua Tinson
Joshua Tinson - 7 years ago
now he has at least two lmao
Danny Mulligan
Danny Mulligan - 7 years ago
hes had at least one fan from New Zealand for a long time. lmao ;)
dragon blade
dragon blade - 7 years ago
i started with a 37 gallon i played hell till i got a 55 gallon filter to combine with the one that came with it. it was a pond filter so it had some good stuff for it.
Hakeem Shayekh
Hakeem Shayekh - 7 years ago
bro can we feed Flake food for betta fishes ?
Danny Mulligan
Danny Mulligan - 7 years ago
some shops will sell betta flake. apparently some of them help enhance there colours.
Hakeem Shayekh
Hakeem Shayekh - 7 years ago
tq bro
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 7 years ago
motoxposse - 7 years ago
Dr Tims one and only and use dr Tims ammonia
turtlemaster45 - 7 years ago
I don't even cycle my tank, i just do 50% water changes every 2ndays
Kamirose - 7 years ago
I feel like you completely misrepresented the fishless cycle. You don't just add some bacteria, wait a few weeks, and hope it's okay when you add your fish. You add an ammonia source (and maybe some seeding bacteria), *test the water daily*, adding more ammonia when the level starts to drop and nitrite starts to rise. Then when your nitrites drop and nitrates rise (while you continue to add ammonia), you know your cycle is established enough to support a certain amount of fish life.

Edit to add/clarify: Fishless cycle just means cycling while fish aren't present. It still requires an ammonia source, it's just not from a live fish. Your shrimp example is a fishless cycle, for example, and so is your household ammonia example, as long as you haven't added any fish yet.
Kookamongus - 7 years ago
I just had a parasite outbreak that paralyzed two of my fish and killed them, autopsy revealed the cause of death was worms
Xivm - 7 years ago
Well thats terrible. Do you not qt new arrivals? Or do you feed feeder fish?
Heather Ki6yjser
Heather Ki6yjser - 7 years ago
I love the informative videos, and I look forward to more of them in the future.
McKenna Shuler
McKenna Shuler - 7 years ago
For my very first tank, the people at Petsmart didn't tell me anything about the nitrogen cycle or about how I would need to cycle the tank first - so I didn't. Two years later, I still have one of my original fish (the other two died as a result of unrelated problems), and I used the method of adding food to start the cycle in my second tank.
McKenna Shuler
McKenna Shuler - 7 years ago
Yeah, they were goldfish. Super resilient fish.
Xivm - 7 years ago
Yeah some fish are really resilient.
Love of Pets
Love of Pets - 7 years ago
Great information!
John Price
John Price - 7 years ago
Joey can you tell me what other types of fish can stay with peacock cichlid or African cichlids im having troubles with other cichlud killing their own kind... Please help ive 5,5 feet long tank 3 feet tall
Xivm - 7 years ago
That's what cichlids do. You need to overstock with all one sex or you will have issues. Some are better than others. If you pay attention to the videos Joey explains all that.
Nicholas Komhyr
Nicholas Komhyr - 7 years ago
After watching your videos I have dictated to upgrade form a 45 gallon tank to a 75 gallon tank
oakland002 - 7 years ago
The last one can be dangerous too, especially if the other tank has some sort of illness or parasite
Michael Mocan
Michael Mocan - 7 years ago
So I did this yesterday.. I put a beta & bacteria in a bottle in my tank! That’s really it lol
Quarks - 7 years ago
Michael Mocan what's your ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate level
Hippopot 123
Hippopot 123 - 7 years ago
I put the bacteria in a bottle and put in fish 3 weeks later , they are all alive and have been for two years
Hippopot 123
Hippopot 123 - 7 years ago
I also gave them a new tank for christmas
Hippopot 123
Hippopot 123 - 7 years ago
Jamie Mackie Yeah I am so happy they are living
Xivm - 7 years ago
Yeah you got lucky
LordofStuff12 - 7 years ago
not all bacteria in bottle products are created equally, and their viability is really dependent on things like the temperature they were shipped at.
Edwin Brown
Edwin Brown - 7 years ago
Strange I would’ve thought that those bacteria would’ve died by then of starvation for sure
lukas zaganski
lukas zaganski - 7 years ago
I cycled, using the bacteria bottles, but still I waited 4 weeks, before I added my first fish, I studied for like 8 months in advance in order to get an aquarium, and then 3 months ago, I got one as a present, a 15 gallon, and I have nano stuff, such as platys and guppys.
Lister-of-Smeg - 7 years ago
Go Joey, All the nuts and bolts, simply, nature is best, keep om blogging bud ;-)
Daniel H
Daniel H - 7 years ago
Shame to say, I use the fish-feeder cycle for my first aquarium.
In my defence, this was in the 80's and I was 9 years old, and this was the info I got from the pet-store.
Add 2 fish every week until the aquarium is fully stocked.
Guess I was lucky, no fish died.

I would never do the same now, my latest aquariums have either been with pre-prepared filter media or adding filter gunk (I think you called it moalm?) straight into the filter and stock the aquarium low the first weeks or months, and watching water parameters.
LordofStuff12 - 7 years ago
Back in the day this was the most common method. Almost all the old school hobbyists I know started off with this method
Daniel H
Daniel H - 7 years ago
Kourosh Jalilvand Yes, I have.
But the particular store I frequented in the beginning of the 80's didn't mentioned it to me or my parents at that time.
I learned later, from another pet store, that the aquarium need the good bacteria for the fish to thrive.
But I was in my teens before I joined an aquarium club and actually learned anything at all about the nitrification cycle. And since then, technology have advanced and knowledge are both better and more easily available.

Including knowledge among pet store employees.
Kourosh Jalilvand
Kourosh Jalilvand - 7 years ago
Daniel H Never heard a pet store talk about the nitrogen cycle?
Ishafizan Ishak
Ishafizan Ishak - 7 years ago
basic knowledge, but u made it so engrossing to watch. well done joey!
josh Cordova
josh Cordova - 7 years ago
I peed on my tank and threw goldfish in it
SubieStripes TRZ
SubieStripes TRZ - 7 years ago
josh Cordova lol
Matthew Gonzalez
Matthew Gonzalez - 7 years ago
Joeri Jordens
Joeri Jordens - 7 years ago
I see that you have Cyanobacteria in your rainbow tank?
PaNdeM0niuM - 7 years ago
You talk with your hands alot !
BAS Aquariums
BAS Aquariums - 7 years ago
4 fancy goldfish withstood at least 3 cycles maybe more but since then I always keep 2 cycled sponge filters on my breeding tanks in case I need to set up an emergency tank
Jonathan Haddad
Jonathan Haddad - 7 years ago
My first aquarium is a 10gallon saltwater tank and I got the water from my fish store from a cycled aquarium full of bacteria and from my first day I put a star fish in it and he is still alive till now (my aquarium is running from 6 mounths till now) in the summer I'm gonna buy a bigger tank 70g or 100g and thanks joey for the good information in your videos even if it's on freshwater looking forward to see your saltwater aquarium in your gallery
KaoticBombingAssassins _
KaoticBombingAssassins _ - 7 years ago
Hey joey I wanna get a baby arowana for my kids . You think a 10 or 20 gallon tank would be fine for it. (Any Tips)
Xivm - 7 years ago
Depending on the type of arowana I'd say a 4x2x2 is not big enough for most to be its forever home. Just don't get it.
SubieStripes TRZ
SubieStripes TRZ - 7 years ago
Lil_ Jay if you wanna get an Arowana get a 120-150 gallon
Nazmi Sarkawi
Nazmi Sarkawi - 7 years ago
You should at least have 4 x 2 x 2 aquarium for Arowana.
Ethan Wright
Ethan Wright - 7 years ago
Get an African butterflyfish instead, they are related to arowana and look like mini versions of them with longer fins. They grow to 4 inches and would be fine in a 20gallon long for life. But do more research first before you buy. If you do go for the arowana I would recommend getting the full size aquarium before you get the fish, despite it being a baby, to make sure that you do get the right size aquarium for when it does grow up. Just incase something happens financially that stops you from getting the big tank when you need it.
KaoticBombingAssassins _
KaoticBombingAssassins _ - 7 years ago
The arowana I see was like 5 inches what size tank should i get for it. Once it gets better ill buy a bigger tank for it.
Adriana Nguyen
Adriana Nguyen - 7 years ago
The "bare minimum" is around 120 gallons. These fish grow to be very large.
Ian Roughley
Ian Roughley - 7 years ago
**You missed a big one** (maybe!). Having done a little work at a koi breeder, the guys their setup big holder pens and they would after 5-7 days with the filtration and media going (no fish) just plain piss into the holder pens. It works a treat. Natural ammonia for free. Not a job for everyone tho :(
SubieStripes TRZ
SubieStripes TRZ - 7 years ago
Ian Roughley maybe I'll try that when I move and have more room to get a bigger tank lol
Kate Lunney
Kate Lunney - 7 years ago
If my established tank has ich at the moment can I still us the media/ gravel/ detritus method?
Xivm - 7 years ago
Your tank would then need to remain fallow (fishless) for 6 to 8 weeks. You can increase the temp to the upper 80fs to increase bacteria production and speed up the life cycle of the ich also.
Terr Ram
Terr Ram - 7 years ago
yep. that is ok
Adriana Nguyen
Adriana Nguyen - 7 years ago
I meant, you can do it, but make sure you have no more ick. If you use it to cycle the tank, and no fish are going to be in there, the ick should die since they have nothing to feed off of.
Terr Ram
Terr Ram - 7 years ago
sure. why not spread ich to your other tanks.
Adriana Nguyen
Adriana Nguyen - 7 years ago
NOOR Aquatics
NOOR Aquatics - 7 years ago
Awesome very helpful video
Amélie Hébert
Amélie Hébert - 7 years ago
I cicle my new aquarium with old substrat because I always do natural aquarium with no filtrer. My filtrer is a small aquaponic systeme but still added bacteria to my first aquarium. I love natural aquarium.
Maximilian Mösler
Maximilian Mösler - 7 years ago
Thx! Wonderfull and inspiring as usually!
Naerwyn - 7 years ago
Thanks for the shots of the tanks and fish while you speak!
Chimefish - 7 years ago
Yes, Aquarium live cam please! Arrowana cam? Frank cam? Then I can play it on my tv and pretend I have an aquarium too.
A0A0SM - 7 years ago
Great video! you should make more of these!
edwardsdeacon - 7 years ago
Excellent video! Thank you for making and sharing it!
Ever Grim
Ever Grim - 7 years ago
this could explain why my guppies died so fast; I put too many at once! my tetras and my betta did amazing from the beginning, and are thriving since I started my tank up in October. I added 2 shrimp last month and now they are thriving too. i certainly learned the hard way to take it slow but I am glad there is an explanation behind it.
I have no extra media yet but I am delighted that gravel could work too since I am starting up another smaller tank soon.
yasas rm
yasas rm - 7 years ago
Thanks Joey..
Amyn Zahid Shah
Amyn Zahid Shah - 7 years ago
Hey joey, please make a full video for beginners on setting up an aquarium including the setup of filtration and nitrogen cycle and easy ways for beginners in stocking fish and maintaining their aquariums without fish loss.
Yvonne Galloway
Yvonne Galloway - 7 years ago
Get well soon.
Kaminsky Evans
Kaminsky Evans - 7 years ago
Great vlog. Thanks for this wealth of knowledge.
Sachin Raj
Sachin Raj - 7 years ago
please make a video on maintenance of smaller aquarium
Ragnarok - 7 years ago
When you know all this but watch anyway :P
Russell Allday
Russell Allday - 7 years ago
black neons, bomb proof little buggers and relatively cheap to start a cycle.
Java Fern
Java Fern - 7 years ago
This is just what I needed. I made some mistakes recently with my fish tank, and its cycling at the moment. Very helpful
Prime Time Aquatics
Prime Time Aquatics - 7 years ago
Nice summary. I personally love having some extra sponge filters on hand, which are great for instant cycling.
Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis - 7 years ago
for my first 55 gal I found someone that was abandoning the hobby and I took in their fish. A bottle of bacteria on day one and subsequent daily water checks resulted in no casualties. The community consisted of 9 adults so it was a pretty big bio load to just toss in but it worked out
Usama Pervez
Usama Pervez - 7 years ago
CLowns look amazing..thankyou..olz find a way to show them more often
Jimmy Salmi Vallo
Jimmy Salmi Vallo - 7 years ago
Probably had first runing within an houer and with fish.. miracle that nothing died :D
Ashutosh Kumar
Ashutosh Kumar - 7 years ago
after the gallery project came in,, finally a video with title "HOW TO" :-)
Christopher Sæther
Christopher Sæther - 7 years ago
Stop kissing the kings Ass
Ashutosh Kumar
Ashutosh Kumar - 7 years ago
The king of DIY : I guess I was too busy enjoying the gallery I didn't noticed.. :-)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
I have done over 100 how to videos since i started the gallery... just didn't put it in the title or make it into a step by step.
Jared L.
Jared L. - 7 years ago
As always, great info Joey. I cycled my first tank, a 20 gallon long with 4 rosy red minnows. I also used some ceramic media from my pond , already cycled. They all survived and are still alive 2 years later! I built a 10 gallon sump last month for my 29 display tank, overkill I know but the bio media chamber gives me tons of room for extra media. I have over a kilogram of ceramic media in bags and a fluidized filter with a gallon of K1 micro. It's enough bio media for a 75 gallon display. This allows me to only do water changes twice a month instead of weekly. Plus I have tons of extra media to help start up my pond in the spring and any new aquariums quickly. I use Xtreme Green Clean liquid bacteria for all my aquariums and pond. You dose it every day for 2 weeks then twice weekly. My water tests prove to me it works. Not pushing or plugging their product I just know it has worked for me for the last few years. Hope you feel better soon Joey! Thanks again.
CONNIE DALOIA - 7 years ago
Very helpful video Joey! Keep up the good content. As a long time fish keeper the sad but true fact is I and so many other fish keepers were taught to start a new aquarium with what we called "Cycling fish." Often these would be zebras. NOW, I love the concept of adding mulm or moving an established sponge filter to start a new aquarium and then giving it a squeeze in the new tank. I often run a hang on back filter like Aqua clear with a sponge filter in the same tank. My question is: I maintain several tanks outside of my home, and often wonder how long the bacteria will live on the sponge filter during transportation?? BTW, I love my Frank shirt!
CONNIE DALOIA - 7 years ago
Thanks! That makes sense when you think of it that way. I've transported sponge filters to new tanks in the past like I was moving a heart transplant. lol
Jared L.
Jared L. - 7 years ago
CONNIE DALOIA , keep the sponge in tank water and as long as there is bacteria for the good bacteria to consume it will surive indefinitely, with something to eat.
Zach Presnell
Zach Presnell - 7 years ago
Michael Mortimer it’s meant for both saltwater fish and fresh water, and it comes frozen so it’s easier to get the right amount off it.
Michael Mortimer
Michael Mortimer - 7 years ago
Michael Mortimer
Michael Mortimer - 7 years ago
Zach Presnell Yeh, I have been told about shrimp, might be somthing I look Into, thanks
Zach Presnell
Zach Presnell - 7 years ago
Michael Mortimer Mayeb try some brine shrimp?
EZ Reapers:Megatron
EZ Reapers:Megatron - 7 years ago
I know what you got on ur mind for the next sex weeks!
Karina Valdi
Karina Valdi - 7 years ago
freudian slip lol
kevos fish&reptile room
kevos fish&reptile room - 7 years ago
Thanks alot this is help me alot
Allie Thomas
Allie Thomas - 7 years ago
This video was perfect timing! My husband and I finally have out new 55 gal set up and we are working on cycling it now.
gary tan
gary tan - 7 years ago
my first aquarium is to put in pallet food for a week then water change and stock 1 small goldfish for another 2 weeks then slowly stock my goldfish up. I have a question.. my fish tank now is 2 by 1 by 1 feet. does it mean if I have a big sump I can stock more gold fish?
gary tan
gary tan - 7 years ago
i have no idea. thats why im asking for joey advice. is it technically i have 0ammonia and around 40 nitrate will do
YellowFellow04 - 7 years ago
You can only have like maybe max 3 adult gold fish if you ask me but if you think I’m wrong please tell me
greg mckee
greg mckee - 7 years ago
good video!!!
Daniel Dulu
Daniel Dulu - 7 years ago
I used my own pee. It has always worked. I add every week for 6 weeks until I get zero ammonia reading and some nitrate readings. Not too worried about nitrite reading as it is pretty well taken care of by the time you get nitrate.
Daniel Dulu
Daniel Dulu - 7 years ago
In a new aquarium it will not be decaying matter that produces ammonia. It will be the fishes pee and poo to put it You Tube friendly terms. On my second tank I put the filter material in with the existing filter of my 29 for a couple of months then I just put the filter in the hang on the back of the ten gallon I was going to use and added two guppies and never saw any ammonia at all
moomin troll
moomin troll - 7 years ago
Faisal Miah
Faisal Miah - 7 years ago
Daniel Dulu lol
Ross Nolan
Ross Nolan - 7 years ago
Great video Joey I'm cycling my new tank and followed your guide for using the bacteria off existing tank/filter for new one.. would like to see you do more marine fish any plans for that ?
Hawk_ Eye
Hawk_ Eye - 7 years ago
You upgraded your camera didn't you? Colours are way better now, you might wanna look into LUT's to bring over the true colour of the fish even better.
The Iron King
The Iron King - 7 years ago
Thanks Joey! My first tank was a ten gallon, I am on well water so it was pretty hard water to start, but i filled the tank, strapped on a couple filters, threw a 3x3 moss pad in there and away it went! about a month and a half later everything was stable and good to go. Great video!
Dragonhda Armstrong
Dragonhda Armstrong - 7 years ago
Fill with water
Let sit over 24 hour period
Place gold fish in
1st time
mark fart spreader
mark fart spreader - 7 years ago
cracking vid
Elissa Jackson
Elissa Jackson - 7 years ago
Nice refresher video. I could use some help with the role of circulation in aquariums.
Joseph Coates
Joseph Coates - 7 years ago
I set up the new tank and let it run for a few days to make sure everything worked, then I changed the filters in the old tank, and pt the old filter media into the new tank for a few day and added the bacteria in a bottle. I waited another week, feeding the tank flake food daily, then I checked my water before adding the my fish. I checked the water daily and at the end of the week did a 50% water change. Easy peasy.
Chris Littrell
Chris Littrell - 7 years ago
Freshwater start was tough.
Shrimp is my now recommended method when you have no cycled media to use.
That for both Fresh and Salt.
My Salt tanks get cycled rocks and water which is an instant cycle. Fresh the media sharing is awesome.
Jake Meidl
Jake Meidl - 7 years ago
What are your thoughts on temperature changes for the bacteria? Will a temperature change of 10-15 degrees kill all the bacteria? I move koi from an indoor heated pond to an outdoor, unheated pond in the spring and I am always worried about shocking the system.
Praveen George
Praveen George - 7 years ago
Glad to see something interesting coming out of your channel in a while.
beatles - 7 years ago
for my tank (if I remember correctly) I started with a fishless cycle for ages then got cycled media from my brother's tank he added some bacteria balls as well and then we added our first fish, it was a while ago, but it was my bother that convinced me to get fish in the first place and he introduced me to your channel, he has also got my mum back into keeping fish. your videos inspired him to get fish sooooo it's all your fault joey, thank you x
Kyle Romano
Kyle Romano - 7 years ago
@thekingofdiy What if you need to replace a filter system! How do you approach that? Can you just hang the new one on or do you need to cycle it again?
Ross Nolan
Ross Nolan - 7 years ago
Run the old filter at the same time as the new one until the new filter is cycled possibly about 3 weeks. Also could ad bacteria in a bottle straight to the sponges in the new filter.
Mister B’s -fish and things
Mister B’s -fish and things - 7 years ago
There’s the guy we like! Good video, informative. Keep winging the videos.
Graham S
Graham S - 7 years ago
For my first tank, I did a fishless cycle, and that tank did great up until the point when my baby sister somehow got a hold of the fish food... i dont need to tell you what happened next :/ Surprisingly one of those fish actually survived and is still alive today, in my bigger tank (I got the big one used, so it already had cycled media)
Kim's Reptiles the Netherlands
Kim's Reptiles the Netherlands - 7 years ago
I came here because of the thumbnail. I think this is the nicest aquarium you have.
Kit Bentley
Kit Bentley - 7 years ago
I just pee in my tank.
Mikel Moro-Usabiaga
Mikel Moro-Usabiaga - 7 years ago
Amazing like always
convict 242
convict 242 - 7 years ago
with small tanks, just buy the fish you like and do a waterchange every 2nd day. and feed less food
Kri Bu
Kri Bu - 7 years ago
Waay back during HS days, when I didnt watch videos about aquarium I just placed decors and anti chlorine then add the fishes... No wonder I had so many dead fishes (guppies). But now after watching a bunch of aquarium videos, I fed my empty aquarium (with decors and working filters) with fish food for at least a month before adding my fishes. I still have so many to learn but I think I somehow improved already.
NDH 217
NDH 217 - 7 years ago
Interesting video, however some of these methods do not seem suitable for tanks smaller than 50 litre / 11 gallons that only have a basic sponge filter mounted internally. A video on how to start and cycle an average sized aquarium would be really useful!
Luca Dorrough
Luca Dorrough - 7 years ago
Ah-ha!! I see clown loaches!
Yohan - 7 years ago
I will be honest Joey, the way i cycled my first aquariums could be seen as cruel, but what I was doing back in the days was starting the tank, putting an alive bacteria product you can buy at the pet store, let it sit for 3 days and i then add a convict cichild generally for a month, im a big fan of those, and knowing them for a long time, they are very VERY hardy, it always worked for me i dont want to jinx myself but in years the only time i lost one was because after a few years he got the white dot on the body disease, certainly due to alive worms i gave them once that made them sick, one out of the 3 getting sick died unfortunately, but honestly when i did the cycle i never saw it as cruel for them, like i said in my experience they are extremely tolerant in terms of water parameters and also very hardy, in my opinion, the hardyness and tolerance of the fish matters in terms of cruelty of a cycle with fish, i never considered the first added convict i added back in the days as a 'feeder', i knew he would be fine.
Jonathan Lee
Jonathan Lee - 7 years ago
I cycled all my reef tanks the best and easiest way. All I had to do was let it borrow my bicycle and it started cycling and was ready in 2 days.

In reality tho, all I do is buy a bottle of bacteria, dose the bacteria following the dosage then phantom feed the tank. It should be ready in 3 days. But according to the company as long as you're dosing and have a source of ammonia be it a fish, fish food or straight up ammonia it should work fine. My first ever reef tank I started just by adding a capful off bacteria after the tank has been running for 2 days then added the fish in a few hours later and it worked fine. Well it may stress the fish but I was younger and just wanted to get fish in the tank.... My most recent reef setup I dosed bacteria and phantom fed for a month and it cycled in a week but just to be sure I waited extra 3 weeks
mariustoica80 - 7 years ago
There's also Diana Walstad method for planted aquarium using carefully researched and tested potting soil. Starting a tank with this method you will cycle your aquarium in 4-6 weeks. The soil used contains tons of bacteria and ammonium to cycle your aquarium. I have four nano aquariums that I started this way.
Zach Presnell
Zach Presnell - 7 years ago
So does this work with Saltwater?
Jonathan Lee
Jonathan Lee - 7 years ago
Zach Presnell yes of course
Zach Presnell
Zach Presnell - 7 years ago
Jonathan Lee
You have to use freshwater because salt doesn’t evaporate. You top off with freshwater because the salts still in the tank
Zach Presnell
Zach Presnell - 7 years ago
Jonathan Lee well I have had them now for over 11 days and they’re doing good. My crabs eat and my snails eat the algae off the live rocks and any brine shrimp I have left after feeding it just goes to the bottom and they eat it and I have about 4 sand sifter snails that all pretty much just filter sand.
Jonathan Lee
Jonathan Lee - 7 years ago
Zach Presnell honestly I added fish and snails the moment my tank cycled because if you didn't know, with a newly cycled tank you're gonna have algae. So I prepped for that and got some snails early and they've been alive for 10 months now. In my previous nano tanks I added snails but they all died within 10 days or so so I asked the guy at the LFS and he said he has the same problem with snails dying 1 week after adding them to tanks. So I stopped buying them for my nano. I purposely left algae for them to eat but they still die.
Zach Presnell
Zach Presnell - 7 years ago
Jonathan Lee well I knew that, live rock is crucial for beneficial bacteria along with snails, hermit crabs, and just a small fish or 2 clear up until you're into your first cycle then you can add coral and bigger fish and more bottom dwellers.
Jonathan Lee
Jonathan Lee - 7 years ago
Zach Presnell yes but freshwater bacteria supposedly dies in saltwater so you can't use cycled freshwater media for saltwater. Thats what I heard from maybe 50 people lol.
Tom Evans
Tom Evans - 7 years ago
I started my frestwater and saltwater tanks by phantom feeding and fishless cycles. Took some time but simple and not really any room to make a mistake
nesekaba - 7 years ago
I'm super terrified of cross-contamination, like what if one of my tanks has something bad in it that I could carry to the next tank and then it will show up in the next tank and kill everything? Maybe it's just me being paranoid. Feel free to let me know. I always struggle with setting up new tanks and waiting for things to cycle.
Prime Time Aquatics
Prime Time Aquatics - 7 years ago
If your existing tank is parasite free you're probably going to be fine. To be safe, wait about four weeks after adding your last fish before you take media from that tank to put in a new one.
Geese Beemps
Geese Beemps - 7 years ago
A great method I've found has been using microbacter into a planted tank and letting it sit. Doesn't take long at all, much much faster than your standard cycle
Chai Vang
Chai Vang - 7 years ago
I never knew how to cycle a tank until I got into discus. I cycled my tank using the liquid ammonia method. I cycled my tank for about 2 months. Testing the water every week. Making sure it was cycled before adding any discus.
Then after watching your channel, I started using cycled media from my canister filter. I found the cycled media was easier and faster. Watching your channel has made me a better fish keeper. Thanks Joey.
XxPandaAgentxX Faris
XxPandaAgentxX Faris - 7 years ago
Chai Vang thumbs-up
2spechitter - 7 years ago
How do you avoid changing the water to making it smell better, i dont mind changing water from one aquarium to another but if that water doesnt have a pleasant smell i kinda have to resort into changing that water.
G. Benj
G. Benj - 7 years ago
I started my first aquarium by adding plants little by little and a bit of fish food, that process take 5 weeks till I start adding fish two at a time till get 10 or so. I was teaching by my dad, he is an old school aquarist and refuses to let me use any kind of bottle bacteria hahaha he even set a biological filtration system on the bottom of my tank where the substrate was the filtration material :D
Lappies Labuschagne
Lappies Labuschagne - 7 years ago
Joey great video boetie, hope this is the start you moving back in the info giving type videos like when I started to watch your videos, love what it has been transforming to also but miss the DIY/ Info giving type videos way, way more. Thaks for your efforts.
Jonathan Riddles
Jonathan Riddles - 7 years ago
All these aquariums look great!
Robert Abila
Robert Abila - 7 years ago
great vid love the info knew about most of it alrdy but this is the stuff that made your channel great :D
Connor Newkirk
Connor Newkirk - 7 years ago
Why raw shrimp specifically?
Connor Newkirk
Connor Newkirk - 7 years ago
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 7 years ago
its just an example, anything rotting will produce ammonia.
cool dude 1234
cool dude 1234 - 7 years ago
My god after seein this video I realised I was in the wrong path . But I don’t understand one thing i have a small aquarium with 36 fish in it and every month I do 100% water change which means I clean all my filters and throw all my sponge filters . Once I am done I add the fish immediately and they are doin great I don’t know how they are doin so good without the good bacteria. And to be honest I don’t have proper aquarium equipments and don’t know how to test the presence of ammonia.
Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis - 7 years ago
also your bio load may be low enough that within one month you don't have enough ammonia to be toxic.
cool dude 1234
cool dude 1234 - 7 years ago
KG cichlids see 100 percent water change means cleaning everything u might be right I am lycky
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 7 years ago
it could be your gravel, decor, or even your glass keeping your beneficial bacteria going, now if your cleaning every single thing and they are doing just fine you might be very lucky.
Phuong Thai
Phuong Thai - 7 years ago
Although i did lots of research back in those days, my first tank was a huge failure. Many fish died, i learned it the hard way.
Tracey Mann
Tracey Mann - 7 years ago
I think you did a great job. I like that your videos seem so unscripted. You must have a great memory for keeping it all straight. Good job. Fellow Canuck...
ben jones
ben jones - 7 years ago
I did the fish in method before I had access to the internet, now I use the same method as you but I think you should do a step by step video of what order things should be done. I think it would be good to see how it's done
The Dude
The Dude - 7 years ago
But with these cycles, would adding leaf litter or other organic debris cause the same ammonia production since they also have amino acids in their make up ? Or just add pure ammonia in the tank ? Thoughts ? Sorry was to early to post a comment, my apologies
nays needle
nays needle - 7 years ago
Cycled my first tank fish-in and no cruelty was involved. Started off with three little tetras and plenty of plants in a 40 gallon, never had ammonia or nitrite show though I tested daily for weeks and weeks, added fish slowly and never even had any nitrates until we hit 27 fish.

In my country you can't buy ammonia without added detergents, so I made up a solution of sulphate of ammonia (aka ammonium sulfate) and used that in conjunction with bacterial products to cycle my second tank fishless and that worked great too. I didn't find it hard to get the ammonia level right; just add no more than 2ppm and ensure it doesn't bottom out.
Michael Herlihy
Michael Herlihy - 7 years ago
Looks like we're both sticking to the fish! A good choice!
nays needle
nays needle - 7 years ago
Thanks but unfortunately Australian Politicians are considered a pest species here also...
Michael Herlihy
Michael Herlihy - 7 years ago
You can have all our politicians but, please, do not return to sender !
nays needle
nays needle - 7 years ago
NZ. Don't get me started on the things we can't get...!
Michael Herlihy
Michael Herlihy - 7 years ago
By any chance, do you live in Australia? We can't get pure ammonia here either.
fossphur - 7 years ago
My first aquarium was a very small tank which was solid with vallisneria plants that I was growing for my pond. My sister gave me three juvenile rosy barbs and I put them in with the plants, and did small daily water changes. The fish were fine and I guess the plants did most of the work while the bacteria was building up. When it came time to move the fish into their own larger tank, I had plenty of mulm and filter squeezings to move to the new tank. Every new tank I have set up since I have transfered filter media, mulm, plants, even old dirty water change water to get the new tank started and so far I have never had problems getting the tank safe and cycled.
JPs Pet nation
JPs Pet nation - 7 years ago
This is the kind of video I like from u mate
VdubSPAZ - 7 years ago
I know this sounds kind of gross and a little odd but could you use human urine as it has ammonia in it
JPs Pet nation
JPs Pet nation - 7 years ago
I agree with u mate it is not a good idea mate
Zara Elizabeth CPO
Zara Elizabeth CPO - 7 years ago
Don't use urine it contains urea and a lot of harmful chemicals that are toxic
JPs Pet nation
JPs Pet nation - 7 years ago
I would not do that it be best to use fish treatments or what have you because it is meant for them
Matthew Scheenhouwer
Matthew Scheenhouwer - 7 years ago
Hey joey, I’m living in Australia and was planning on getting a bigger tank (maybe around the 120L mark or a little more) and I was wondering if you had any tips on possible filters I could use and what fish I could get for stocking, I’m fairly experienced and have had a aquarium for a few years now with all sorts of fish (smaller ones though) your input would be greatly appreciated, thanks p.s anyone else’s input if also greatly appreciated:)
Matthew Scheenhouwer
Matthew Scheenhouwer - 7 years ago
K.Minne thanks for the input mate I was actually looking at those myself but I was wondering if there was a slightly cheaper alternative, thanks
Matthew Scheenhouwer
Matthew Scheenhouwer - 7 years ago
Jonathan Kool hey my fellow Aussie, I just wanted it to be different ya know, maybe some odd balls and some slightly larger fish (not huge fish keep in mind) to make it my own, I haven’t had time to look into certain types of fish but that’s what I was wanting input on :)
K.Minne - 7 years ago
Look into EHEIM canister filters. I have used one for about 15 years and it just now died on me. they are pretty expensive but more then worth in in my opinion.
Jonathan Kool
Jonathan Kool - 7 years ago
Matthew Scheenhouwer Hey mate im an Aussie too imyself have a 4x2x2 or 120gallon system stocked. The question is more what do you want to accomplish with the tank and then what fish would be suitable? That would decide it more than anything else. Chose what you want from it then you can decide the fish that would work with that and be happy and healthy in that system.
Przemysław Dybionka
Przemysław Dybionka - 7 years ago
Nice Video :)
ABcd - 7 years ago
Awesome video!! I used shrimp and a little ceramic media from my old tank...Joey how about plants and how they effect the filtration system of a tank for beginners, intermediate and advanced fish keepers?
JPs Pet nation
JPs Pet nation - 7 years ago
That's a good idea and it will help a lot of people who keep plants too
TeeGee EyeEff
TeeGee EyeEff - 7 years ago
1 quarter on my miracle mud from my sump and molm. also old media from the same tank ina bag. Place that ona small area close to my return pump. That alone for a week then add some plants. no fish. plants for a week. then fish on week three! i'll send u an email of the tank brand new!
You Can't Stop The Scout
You Can't Stop The Scout - 7 years ago
You forgot the last way to start a fish tank: Incorrectly
Jack P
Jack P - 7 years ago
Nice to see the 3000 gallon filter system again. Would be cool to have a new vid showing all your current filter systems in the fish room
JPs Pet nation
JPs Pet nation - 7 years ago
That's a good idea mate
Melissa Kielty
Melissa Kielty - 7 years ago
Hey Joey! Love your videos! I recently started a second aquarium. The method I chose was to add media from another tank, add bottled bacteria, add fish food, and lastly add the fish waste from an established canister filter. It worked great! I moved angelfish fry and they are going strong. Thanks for all your knowledge.
Murry Ambrusfy
Murry Ambrusfy - 7 years ago
This is my story my fishing started I got a 20 L and I started getting fish I couple months later I moved houses and I to move aquariums and it was my birthday around that time so I got a new 70 L aquarium and i put them in my room. At that point I didn't know how much sunlight was burning down onto it so for a couple months just having something to keep going green which meant constant water changes then I finally moved on to another room and I just put a lot of that allergy remover in my tank is currently super clear and I hope it stays like that
Murry Ambrusfy
Murry Ambrusfy - 7 years ago
Ps I have 2 gormouis 2 Molly's 3 cat fish sucker fish and 1 neon getting more it's a 3 hour drive to get most of my fish
exotex1 - 7 years ago
When I started, I knew I wanted a planted tank so I started off with a simple aquascape and quite a bit of plants. I figured the die back will cause an ammonia spike and start the cycle. For good measure, I added some bacteria in a bottle. I let the tank stand for a week, feeding it a small amount of cheap flake food daily and when the week was up, I added in 10 neon tetra, all of which I still have.

I started in the hobby a year ago and watch this channel religiously. I learnt a lot here!
Mr. Very Kool
Mr. Very Kool - 7 years ago
I lost a few fish for my first 10 gallon. I learned relatively slowly about the nitrogen cycle and ammonia but now I can "overstock" it (nothing too extreme, just a few extra guppies) and I have a schedule for water changes that seems to work out for me. I can't wait to set up my next tank as I plan to get into bigger territory.
chandan v
chandan v - 7 years ago
Rainbow fish are seeing less in number??
Matthew Cahill
Matthew Cahill - 7 years ago
happy pets He moved a few into the Asian tank with clown loaches as a dither fish
1wf - 7 years ago
I cycled my first tank with a goldfish, because I hate goldfish....
1wf - 7 years ago
Big Toe? To each his own...
Zara Elizabeth CPO
Zara Elizabeth CPO - 7 years ago
1wf Goldfish are so underrated and misunderstood. They're beautiful
DaDonBossMan - 7 years ago
I’ve used all methods at some time but first tank I was 12 and clueless as to what it anything was
Nishchaya Pallav
Nishchaya Pallav - 7 years ago
Thanks Joey, very Informative. Was wondering about this for a while and today you answered it by yourself. :)

Love from India.
Joey Tribbiani
Joey Tribbiani - 7 years ago
I never did these, maybe that's why I lost my fish. Thank you so much for the information Joey.
Love from India ❤
Nishchaya Pallav
Nishchaya Pallav - 7 years ago
Exactly man, our Indian shopkeepers just throw in the fish right away... Most of 'em don't even know and care about these things.
Josh Granstrom
Josh Granstrom - 7 years ago
I used the pure ammonia method. But after this video I now know I way overdosed my tank with ammonia......Oops
Zara Elizabeth CPO
Zara Elizabeth CPO - 7 years ago
Josh Granstrom yeah you wanna keep it below 4ppm otherwise that cycles gunna crash
Craze's Corals
Craze's Corals - 7 years ago
Five years of saltwater reef success but I still love beginner videos. :)
Craze's Corals
Craze's Corals - 7 years ago
JPs VlogUK blue tang, purple tang, yellow tang, clown fish, velvet damsel, diamond back goby, scooter blenny, queen Angel, ect.
JPs Pet nation
JPs Pet nation - 7 years ago
What salt water fish do u keep mate ?
Nilima Amre
Nilima Amre - 7 years ago
Joey make a video on converting mini fin anglefish salt water to freshwater
Nilima Amre
Nilima Amre - 7 years ago
Mini or mono fin Angel
Robert Walters
Robert Walters - 7 years ago
I used the "cruel" method. I stayed on top of checking ammonia levels twice a day and doing 25 to 50% water changes every day to every other day.
Robert Walters
Robert Walters - 7 years ago
I think it took about 3 months for the system to stable out
Zara Elizabeth CPO
Zara Elizabeth CPO - 7 years ago
As long as you keep the ammonia at 0.5ppm and NO HIGHER it works, but takes way longer (because the cycle needs lots of ammonia)
Matthew Cahill
Matthew Cahill - 7 years ago
Robert Walters I agree that when you do it this way it's ok as long as you keep up with the water changes (and dosing prime to detoxify) but I know some people won't do any changes and got to feel sorry for the fish who go through this
Ramon Maldonado
Ramon Maldonado - 7 years ago
Started with my 30 gallon while my 50 gallon was waiting I had a fluval canister filter. Stuffed with extra bio media . After it was established I took some of that bio media and jump started my 50 gallon . Am doing the same for a 20gallon it’s going to keep my angelfish babies.
Fish For Thought
Fish For Thought - 7 years ago
Joey is animated when he talks like Gordon Ramsay :P
Arthur Coronel
Arthur Coronel - 7 years ago
Freshwater : cycled my tank for a month, fishless and just added flakes for ammonia.
Saltwater : grabbed live sand, live rock, dirty water and did a fishless cycle for 2 weeks then added hermits, crabs. Month later added my first clowns.
Dan D
Dan D - 7 years ago
Hey joey, hope you’ll make a video on in depth stingray care!
MickMaan - 7 years ago
9. Planted tank.

I used plants - lots of plants! Set up the tank and load it up with plants and simply leave it. The new plants start to melt a few leaves as they get acclimated and I just left them to rot, that created ammonia and my cycle was on its way. Left it for about 6 weeks without a water change and the cycle was complete. 75% water change and then started adding a few fish every week. By the time I added fish the plants were already established and thriving which is also better for the new fish. I also over-lit the tank for the 6 weeks to establish same algae on the rocks.
evadrrab - 7 years ago
This video couldn’t have come at a better time as I started an aquarium3 days ago. Aquascaping inspired by you asian tank. Great vid.
Bigsly Hoover
Bigsly Hoover - 7 years ago
U are the man fish tank king
Bangles Marshall
Bangles Marshall - 7 years ago
I was told by the pet store that all I needed to do was run my tank for seven days with no fish, and then it would be fine, although they did also sell me some bio starter stuff to put in the water.
Nathan Vann
Nathan Vann - 7 years ago
Could you do a video on how to cure driftwood for tanks
Ahblin Goblin
Ahblin Goblin - 7 years ago
More in depth science videos please
Abhishek Anand Raj
Abhishek Anand Raj - 7 years ago
U can use animal dung usually dried herbivore animal dung to start ammonia cycle
Curly Smith
Curly Smith - 7 years ago
My very first set up was a small planted shrimp tank. I used aquasoil in hope that it would help my dwarf hairgrass carpet thrive (which it did), I used the ammonia leached from the aquasoil which ended up taking around two months however it let my plants grow in well enough to already have a carpet of dwarf hairgrass when i added the shrimp.
K D - 7 years ago
My friend got me into the hobby many years ago, and helped me setup a 10 gallon. He gave me a Gold Calvus cichlid he didn't want, along with two pearl danios. He said they would cycle the tank for me, and that I could add more in a few weeks.

I had then started working for a huge tropical fish store, and learned so much in those two years. I'm 21 now, and have kept dozens of different tanks. I'd never have used fish alone (even feeders) to cycle a tank... it's just not necessary. Thankfully, I do still have the gold calvus in my mixed cichlid community :)
Lynx Joker
Lynx Joker - 7 years ago
I learn't the hard way in the beginning about the cycle and what not. Over a year ago when I had a new tank I'd drop in one of my comets right after a feeding, watch for a poop then pull him and drop him back into his regular setup. But now to cycle a tank I'll take a sponge from an established tank and squeeze it directly into the new filter. So basically the molm method. If I impulse buy a new fish I have extra filters already in a couple tanks. With my betta purchase last week I used an extra filter from one of those tanks and a plant from the same tank. He started out with no color. He's now got a glimmering blue green color mid back to tail and some red showing in his tail fin. He's in a 3 gal, the filter is rated for 5 gal. Last night I added a bamboo plant to his filter.
Andre Law
Andre Law - 7 years ago
Thanks Joey thats a lot of great information, I always wash the molm away everytime I clean my aquarium and when do water changes, and now my turtles/fish are sick. this videos save me, Thanks!!
Shining Asteriscus Luck
Shining Asteriscus Luck - 7 years ago
Wonderful Video, Joey. I've used Mulm from my other aquariums when seed shrimp were eating the bacteria from one of my thanks Sponge filter, and it works Great!
Shamsa M.
Shamsa M. - 7 years ago
Hello I have a question what do you think about the holiday food blocks I used it and my fish died any recommendations in using it?
simon suckerr
simon suckerr - 7 years ago
wow. im loving them fishes. adorable setups
Brooke Eubanks
Brooke Eubanks - 7 years ago
Hey Joey! I have a small 2.6 gallon Fluval Spec III and I plan on putting just a betta in it. What would be the best way to cycle it? It has been in a fishless cycle now for about two weeks now.
TriplusTutorials - 7 years ago
Recently I have been looking up information on the "silent cycle" which uses plants to absorb the ammonia, nitrites, ... from the water. With a small piece of established media (half media of a tank that was only 15% of my new tank) and 15 plants made me able to put a few fish in after 1 week without having any spikes. Plants are key here!
Andrew Mabbott
Andrew Mabbott - 7 years ago
I really like this style of video, somewhat back to the basics but still in depth enough to be really interesting and informative. Keep it up!
American Reefing
American Reefing - 7 years ago
Great video Joey! Love the channel!
Neil Becker
Neil Becker - 7 years ago
Tons of great info, another great video.
Supremo Raj
Supremo Raj - 7 years ago
King of diy do the last 3 asian arowanas that u added have their own certificates of authenticity.. how come you never did show us the certificates.. looking forward showing them in your subsequent and coming videos
Kbrous74 - 7 years ago
he did show them
Lo wo
Lo wo - 7 years ago
My first acuariun was a mix betewing an old acuariun whater and sock some fish and they all survive also i have a question how can l assignate a filter to diferent acuariuns?
(Sory for the bad english I am from costa rica)
DogHumpsMonkey - 7 years ago
If you’re a noob, I’d recommend against starting out with multiple tanks. Setup one tank and use that to learn the hobby. Keep in mind that a lot of people get into the hobby and then six months later they have their equipment for sale on Craigslist, so start out with one and make sure this is a hobby you want to stick with, and use that time to learn. As for multiple tanks on a single filter, I just wouldn’t, at least not where you are now.
Alex Chavez
Alex Chavez - 7 years ago
He wants all of his tanks to be connected to only one filter
Lo wo
Lo wo - 7 years ago
No the filter is ok but what l need to do in order to use just 1 big filter for 2+ acuariuns l'm a noob on this
Lo wo
Lo wo - 7 years ago
Alex Chavez
No sé espanol pero si español y pregunto como conectar varias peseras a un solo filtro de gran tamaño
Xero - 7 years ago
If you mean seeding a filter, you get a component from your original filter, like a few bioballs to add the bacteria then you give them a source of ammonia, like shown in the video, such as a piece of dead shrimp.
Alex Chavez
Alex Chavez - 7 years ago
Andres Lobo Capos pregunta en espanol
TheMagpieRoost - 7 years ago
Loved this awesome informational video! Thanks!
Mike E
Mike E - 7 years ago
I was Ignorant.. Stocked right away, lost everything!! That was 30 years ago.. Today I am a much better aquarists.. Now I seed my filtration, and stock slowly...
Alicia Loh
Alicia Loh - 7 years ago
When my family started out with fish keeping after a hiatus, they dumped a big pile of fish into small tanks and used Quick Start lol.

Nowadays, as I sometimes have random sponge filters in a hatchery tank, I use them if I need an immediate hospital or quarantine tank. Otherwise, grabbing media from established tanks worked quite well for me lol.
headz88 - 7 years ago
Mike E i stock right away never had a problem
Nikhil Deshmukh
Nikhil Deshmukh - 7 years ago
Can't wait to see the new aquascape of the 2000g
natedogg2329 - 7 years ago
Joey u champ, thx for all yr interesting video's hope u feel better
Jackieluvscheesecake - 7 years ago
love you Joey :)
Jacob Allen
Jacob Allen - 7 years ago
Best method for me has been to seed the filter with another and use pure liquid ammonia to feed the bacteria then it's good to go. Also when I was just starting (at age 9) I just added 2 mollies without cycling, miraculously they lived. And the one even gave birth the day after I got them
headz88 - 7 years ago
Airy74 - 7 years ago
First tank i cycled was a ten gal. Threw some tetra safestart in it waited an hour and put my betta female in it. Did a water change everytime ammonia or nitrite got to .5 or higher. Only took fourish weeks. Not as hard as joey makes it sound.
khaki91 - 7 years ago
That is because you added one fish. Bettas generally do not produce that much waste (ammonia). Joey is mainly talking to people who wants to start a community tank with tons of fish.
Sunny Antony
Sunny Antony - 7 years ago
Thankyou joey it was the right video at the right tym
Eric Nothing
Eric Nothing - 7 years ago
Thanks Joey. My friend is setting up a tank for her daughter and I put some extra media in one of my tanks for her. Unfortunately she doesn't have a HOB filter. Just the under water sponge. I Have been contemplating over and over how to help. I always have dirty fish tank water and use it to clean my sponges. Definitely sharing this video with her, it's not easy to explain the aquarium cycle to people. Thanks again and happy new year
khaki91 - 7 years ago
Yepp! Rinse your filter sponges in a bucket of tank water and pour it in the new tank!
Sean Crerar
Sean Crerar - 7 years ago
I used live rock sand and various nutrients on my first tank, loved the video joey keeper comin
Rebecca Evans
Rebecca Evans - 7 years ago
I used stability for my 220g, 75g, 37g, and 20g it took a couple weeks if I remember right, but worked great. I currently have some media patiently waiting in the sump of my 220g for the next tank I can talk my husband into! Lol
DepravedTaka - 7 years ago
Stability is good because it also contains ammonia to feed the bacteria, its not just bacteria.
M4gnumCM - 7 years ago
My first tank wich is a 50 Gallon ive searched a lot on foruns, otherwise my little 5 gallons i used "the gunk" to cycle and i could put my betta in it in 10 days.
Nathaniel Touch
Nathaniel Touch - 7 years ago
Would you recommend A UV-sterilizer for ponds/tanks ??
Cobra Fan
Cobra Fan - 7 years ago
Ghost feedings work well for me, however, after I set up my first tank, I used spare media for the additional tanks.
Dan D
Dan D - 7 years ago
I used those bacteria in a bottle when I first started my aquarium. Waited a week tho just to make sure although it stated that I was able to stock it almost immediately. Turned out with no problems!
Dheeraj Naik
Dheeraj Naik - 7 years ago
Discus tank is awesome
Cassandra Wolf
Cassandra Wolf - 7 years ago
You did this at the perfect time I’m moving out of one apartment into another and my fish are also moving from a 20 gal to a 75 gal the filter on the 20 right now is large enough to handle over half of the 75 and I was planning on using that in addition to one more of the same size so I could just transfer the filter to the larger tank for a couple weeks and put a older smaller one on the 20 and the 75 should be perfect for them!?
Chad Ashton
Chad Ashton - 7 years ago
Fishless cycle using liquid ammonia works perfect if you do it right...there's calculators that you can use to get the numbers correct. It's not rocket science.
Bakedsaiyan - 7 years ago
great to see the loach's out and the black on the discus tails is just gorgeous.
Karl Frederick Mir Fernandez
Karl Frederick Mir Fernandez - 7 years ago
I used the feeder fish method with daily water changes..none of them died..hardy little bastards I tell yah..
Clive Barker
Clive Barker - 7 years ago
I do not cycle my tanks. I live in the tropics. Can this be the reason
funny8us2 - 7 years ago
Can you do a 50% water change from a established tank and take that water and use it for a new tank
Karl Frederick Mir Fernandez
Karl Frederick Mir Fernandez - 7 years ago
funny8us2 bacteria don't live in water though. They need a surface to grow on. They're not free floating
donnyl420 - 7 years ago
I use hang on the back filters. Took filter cartridges from my years old 90 gal to cycle my new 40 gal. Stocked it a few days later no dead fish. Needs another 20 gal tank set up for fry will use the last method and sponge filter on that tank and now confident I will be ok after watching this video. Thank you
N Alzaabi
N Alzaabi - 7 years ago
the cameras focus has difficulty catching up with joeys hyperness hahaha
Chaz *
Chaz * - 7 years ago
A lot of information! As always lol... you still sound a little bit stuffy but waaaay better... glad to see you feeling better.
Jeremy Berry
Jeremy Berry - 7 years ago
Like l waited for the temp to equel out then put in the fish
Jeremy Berry
Jeremy Berry - 7 years ago
I put a angelfish in a aquarium and it lived for years and it killed all the other angel fish
Rhianna Fullerton
Rhianna Fullerton - 7 years ago
What size tank is your discus and if you remember what was the tank name?
Jessie Garner
Jessie Garner - 7 years ago
Rhianna Fullerton It's a 120 gallon tank.
ItsAlleged - 7 years ago
Wow! First time those iranians have looked red! Good job Joey :)
Tropical Aquariums N.z
Tropical Aquariums N.z - 7 years ago
I did the mulm method with extra stability by sea chem
fishybidnes - 7 years ago
So Joey, you don't put much faith in the bacteria in a bottle? I'm restarting my 75 gallon after years away from the hobby, and was really hoping they worked. Thanks for the hours and hours of videos I've watched on your channel to get ready for this redo
Black2001SS - 7 years ago
I was instructed to use the feeder fish method (white skirts) with bacteria in a bottle.
I would like to try the shrimp method instead now.
I have so many questions for you about my tank and how it's set up. I'm looking forward to these "beginner" videos as I'm always looking for a better way to maintain my tank.
Black2001SS - 7 years ago
Also my first and only tank I have is a 125 gallon, with dual canisters and under gravel filter.
Lamont B
Lamont B - 7 years ago
Great video Joey! I used recycled media from one of my established aquariums and then monitored the water parameters closely.
Jess Logan
Jess Logan - 7 years ago
Thank you for this video! Your timing is perfect! Even though i have been following fish-tubers for over a year now, i am just finally getting ready for my first tank have recently started to plan everything out. I've been contemplating I was gonna attempt cycling and you posted this! As always, super informative. Thank you!!!
Tropical Aquariums N.z
Tropical Aquariums N.z - 7 years ago
Simply love this video you have hit the nail on the head with this video
Dawson Brown
Dawson Brown - 7 years ago
Upgraded from a 10 to a 36. Got rid of any chems in the water then got it to the same temp and then cleaned the filters out in the new tank along with gravel from the old tank and some decorations. Slowly added fish in
Adrien Ginekis
Adrien Ginekis - 7 years ago
I had a 50gal tank when I first started up but I used the bottle method and waited which worked out for me was able to keep angle and discus and they were able to both breed
Andrés Ibáñez
Andrés Ibáñez - 7 years ago
I haven't started my first aquarium yet :(
Infinite Loop
Infinite Loop - 7 years ago
Andrés Ibáñez zebra danios*
Sagemcdonald - 7 years ago
Legit buy two Zebra Tetras and they will survive the ammonia with ease. Fastest way to start a tank.
beth98362 R
beth98362 R - 7 years ago
Joey... Why not throw a bubbler in your sump while cleaning?
sean DB7
sean DB7 - 7 years ago
Love these informational videos
Ricky SP
Ricky SP - 7 years ago
About 30 years ago i used a mates liquid gold, I found that to be the easy way for me. I think once again you done a great job with the video. Hope your well soon and thank you for the great close up of your tanks. Just a thought but how about a vid on the bad things people can do with there tanks and setups, for everyone dose the good stuff or correct stuff, example: I know a person that put tree bark in there tank, Mmm bad ! just a thought.
Raging Rob
Raging Rob - 7 years ago
Could you attach the second filter for a already established tank and use that bacteria? I've done that before with my 3 tanks and its worked just fine
StormCaller5 - 7 years ago
I use several of Joey's methods, plus one other. If I need to set up a new tank, I schedule it around doing water changes on the established tanks. All the water removed from the established tanks, gets put into the new tank.
Rion Sealtiel Garcia
Rion Sealtiel Garcia - 7 years ago
We're testing for ammonia nitrate and........ nitrate
HarrisonCountyStudio - 7 years ago
nitrites and nitrates.

Nitrites in low levels may harm your fish. Nitrates in low levels will not harm your fish, but will benefit your aquatic plants.
kenneth mills
kenneth mills - 7 years ago
I love your videos Joey I learned a lot from watching your YouTube channel hope you get over that cold
Greyson Graham
Greyson Graham - 7 years ago
Pls do bacteria vid btw
Greyson Graham
Greyson Graham - 7 years ago
Loved the vid, I’ve been looking for ways to cycle my aquarium and this really helped
Shelly Moens
Shelly Moens - 7 years ago
Loved this video!! Super helpful! Thankyou! I would love to see a video on bacteria!!!
Matthew Xia
Matthew Xia - 7 years ago
do beneficial bacteria grow on your fish?
GO - 7 years ago
Matthew Xia no, and doesn't in water also
Matt Denefe
Matt Denefe - 7 years ago
Growing up my mom was a super cleaner. When it came time to clean my fish tank every couple of weeks she would tell me to drain the whole thing and put the rocks and decorations in boiling water to sanitize everything.....lets just say she had no idea about the nitrogen cycle and my fish never flourished.
Chris Watson
Chris Watson - 7 years ago
My dad showed me and now im teaching my girls well at least the 4 year old and the 5 month old likes watching the fish they are gonna have a 30g in there room soon
Raging Rob
Raging Rob - 7 years ago
Grammar Nazis inbound
Ciara vanderWoning
Ciara vanderWoning - 7 years ago
I didn’t know anything when I first started my aquariums. Through watching your channel and a few others I learned a lot. Now, about 2 years later, I have 5 planted nano tanks. When I start a new tank now, I have filters that have a sponge with 2 cutouts. I have bio media in each cutout. When I start a new tank I take one of the old bio media out of a tank and put it in the new tank’s filter. I let it do its thing and before adding fish I add plants and let that grow for a month or more before adding fish.
Trevor Cameron
Trevor Cameron - 7 years ago
I knew nothing either and just got 2-3 "dumby" fish and figured they didn't die after a week so I fully stocked my tank and haven't lost a fish yet.
Artashes Harutyunyan
Artashes Harutyunyan - 7 years ago
Thanks for the videos. You ARE THE KING OF DIY and I love to watch your videos and learn a lot from them. I just finished my heating controller with STC 1000 as you show in your video. Thanks a lot.
I got a question about bio-filtration and media. I have a concrete pond outside with koi. Every spring I have an explosion of ammonia and I am guessing that during winter it accumulates waste and because of cold weather it does not discompose. Once it gets warmer all of it goes bad very fast and i have to drain the pond, clean and replace the water. Is it to say that cold temperature kills the bacteria and it takes months to develop again???
jennie draws
jennie draws - 7 years ago
I knew nothing about cycling when I had my first aquarium. I lost a lot of amazing fish that way. Finally did my research and it's now been a year that I've had my babies.
Infinite Loop
Infinite Loop - 7 years ago
jennie draws same here! I felt bad afterwards when i found out what i did wrong in the first place
Fish keeper
Fish keeper - 7 years ago
Please make update on beans
TheJake7689 - 7 years ago
Drinking game: everytime Joey says "opinion" take a shot lol
Vicki K
Vicki K - 7 years ago
Awww Feel Better, Joey!
daniel shahabi
daniel shahabi - 7 years ago
where is the knife fish?
MELODY MUNRO - 7 years ago
I stash extra sponge filters in my sump for when I need cycling material....When I ran canisters I had one tray full of sponge off cuts that I could use as well.
Matty - 7 years ago
Mulm is my favorite methods.  I don't remember my first one, but my second was with neons.  Working right now on setting up a tank at my work, dong fishless and its been running now for a month, already added a couple sacrificial plants to it. Going to get some mulm from my main tank this weekend. Fish next week.
Preston Shearer
Preston Shearer - 7 years ago
I LOVED this video. Well, I love all the videos. But this one had lots of great info!
I started my 60 gallon (first one of 6 aquariums) with building your 5 gallon canister filter. While setting up the tank, I had 5 gallon bucket of lava rock cycling in my pond for months. Then just filled the canister filter, filled the tank, and started it running. It's a dirted tank, so had to wait little bit longer to add fish. But worked extremely well! I've used the cycled media from the canister to start 5 more tanks. No dead fish yet, doing it this way!
Katrien Vaes
Katrien Vaes - 7 years ago
i just used rain water
Tyler Prow
Tyler Prow - 7 years ago
I used gravel from a friend’s aquarium and finished the cycle in about a week and a half
Hữu-Lộc Trương
Hữu-Lộc Trương - 7 years ago
I keep wondering why many people use moving media? I use a lot of ceramic media and many people say they are one of the best for bacteria surface but why bioball/moving media?
Hữu-Lộc Trương
Hữu-Lộc Trương - 7 years ago
I understood it now, just watched his old videos.
Ed Wolfram
Ed Wolfram - 7 years ago
The key is to get all 3 Nitrogen spikes to show. If your making nitrate you can start adding as soon as nitrite is gone.
Greg Bleckler
Greg Bleckler - 7 years ago
I missed these types of videos from you. Great job!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
I have been doing this in almost every other video. Just not making them into a full video. I have been mixing them in is all. There is some form of education in all of them.
Timothy Andrews
Timothy Andrews - 7 years ago
How is the betta doing? I remember you set up a little 10 for it.
Look At My Cannon
Look At My Cannon - 7 years ago
I want to do the shrimp thing and tell people "This is my shrimp tank.".
David J
David J - 7 years ago
Recirculate mode on the ultima doesn't agitate water in the spear. it takes water from the pond and passes thru the top port. Its used to medicate pond so medication does affect good bacteria.
The Water Box
The Water Box - 7 years ago
I normally start planted tanks so I usually just fishless cycle with plants and the plants produces what's needed. It takes longer but I'm never in a rush to stock. But now that I have a couple of established tanks, I use mulm or I have a bag of media running in one filter to move to a new filter/tank.
T.W. - 7 years ago
Vitamin C Joey 3000 mg a day! Hope you feel better!
mia animals150
mia animals150 - 7 years ago
my first tank(10 gallon) I just put all of my fish in the tank with water then put in my filter and heater and left them and they lived!(surprisingly) ... they are still alive three years later lol
Timothy Andrews
Timothy Andrews - 7 years ago
mia animals150 you need to use water conditioner as you got very lucky. Unless you got hardy fish but still.
Les Hanton
Les Hanton - 7 years ago
Joey i love your vids but i don't think you fully grasp the fishless cycle method. You are supposed to add pure ammonia to the tank every other day to maintain an ammonia level of 2-4ppm to keep the cycle going. You do a 50% water change when nitrate goes off the testing scale and thats it. Wait a month, stop adding ammonia, check to see if it and nitrite drop to 0 in a day, if so do a 90% water change and you are ready for fish. Its the safest and best method for the health of the fish if you don't have cycled media on hand.
Luís Gândara
Luís Gândara - 7 years ago
Have you thought about trying an anoxic filter? i saw dr kevin novak videos about it and im realy curious
emiel cooreman
emiel cooreman - 7 years ago
I take a piss in my aquariums lol , ammonia for days

just kidding, please dont do this
Ricky SP
Ricky SP - 7 years ago
Travis Hiatt
Travis Hiatt - 7 years ago
What test kit do you use ??
Hữu-Lộc Trương
Hữu-Lộc Trương - 7 years ago
for me I use API, they are easier to use than som.
Jimmy Noname
Jimmy Noname - 7 years ago
Thank you for not going over your new room and getting back to teaching!
Dead Inside
Dead Inside - 7 years ago
Hope you get better soon Joey
LivEdEviL - 7 years ago
This was great timing for me but could you do it step by step with a new aquarium in front of you. Maybe a 75 gallon.
EDK ReefMeister
EDK ReefMeister - 7 years ago
You make me want to start an Freshwater tank. :)
Wes 82
Wes 82 - 7 years ago
i used the carbon filter off my established 10 gallon tank and placed it in my new 30 gallon filter. i also used a few decorations from my 10 gallon.. i added the fluval biological enhancer as prescribed.. waited 12 hours and stocked my tank with 2 one year old goldfish..
do you think this will be enough?
TheTysonmc - 7 years ago
Thanks Joey for shining some light on the not so dun part of getting into the hobby.

One thing I really messed up on when I started was I was adding my decloranator at the same time as my bacteria in a bottle. After time I of course realised that was not a smart move and lost a couple fish because of it. Stuff happens and you learn from it I guess
Craig Scarboro
Craig Scarboro - 7 years ago
I would love a video delving into the nitrogen cycle specifically.
JO65 - 7 years ago
Bacteria doesn't live in the water column you never want to use dirty tank water to cycle a new aquarium
gustavo - 7 years ago
I started my first aquarium last week, I plan to buy the fish next month, hope everything goes well
Justin Bernard
Justin Bernard - 7 years ago
I’m lucky enough to have a super healthy koi tank where I work so I just threw a sponge filter in the sump for 8 hours and then cycled my tank at home
Adrian Lopez
Adrian Lopez - 7 years ago
Thanks for the amazing vid
cdrawdy23 - 7 years ago
I definitely plan on using my 85 gallon tank to establish my new 120. I'm guessing you have a simplified version of water testing already? I'd love to know more about that and how to correct unfavorable parameters. Keep it up bud!
Aina - 7 years ago
Added plants and good bacteria on day 1 or 2, more plants, 3 guppies, and a betta a few days later, and more good bacteria. I wasn't planning on the betta, but he was 1/2 off and better in the tank than anything anyone else would have put him in. I've been slowly adding fish since. So far, I haven't lost any fish that I can't pinpoint the cause being the water change not perfect, or a heater disaster. Its been a couple months now and I just added some neon tetras, so this is the real test.
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 7 years ago
Mulm plus water from am established aquarium had been the go to for me over the years. Great video
JO65 - 7 years ago
I use the bacteria in a bottle every time I change the water I still test though my tank is well established I also use aqua safe
David Bogert
David Bogert - 7 years ago
Great video! Just need to point out a disconnect. In your second method you say beneficial bacteria in a bottle (which has probably sat on the shelf for many months) "kind of may" start up an aquarium. You then say that if you shut down a tank the beneficial bacteria will die in 24 hours. As I understand it most beneficial bacteria and arachnea live one to three four months without food. Just a different viewpoint.
Nolan H
Nolan H - 7 years ago
If you have a hang on filter you can put it on a cycled tank for a week then put it on your new tank and you should be good
Jeovany Hernandez
Jeovany Hernandez - 7 years ago
2.31 he said sex instead of six
Timothy Andrews
Timothy Andrews - 7 years ago
Jeovany Hernandez i legit scrolled through the comments to see if i was not the only one who caught that. I have done that same thing but talking to a teacher... cronge
Jake Torregrossa
Jake Torregrossa - 7 years ago
I cycled my tank with the instant bacteria let it go for a week or so and added a dwarf gourami. Him being a Labyrinth Fish might contribute to his success in that environment but he's still going strong almost 6 mouths later. His name is Enzo Gourami after the famous Italian stunt man Enzo Gorlomi.
SC Aquatics
SC Aquatics - 7 years ago
Good vid. Nice information for all to use as needed.
2crrqr34rew - 7 years ago
Your rainbow fish are lookng better and better~
Carlos Claros
Carlos Claros - 7 years ago
i enjoyed to see all the different types you covered. i did a fishless cycle first and gradually added some goldfish. once that was running great i took some of that started media and started my second tank and after the third. i still have all my fancy goldfish in one tank and a variety of other types in the other. Like Jenny from Solid Gold, i do have a preference for telescope butterfly tale fish.
David Miller
David Miller - 7 years ago
My 1st freshwater tank I set up with feeder goldfish then I learned the media and mulm method. My fist saltwater tank was a 40 breeder and I started it with 40 lbs live sand and 40 lbs of live rock with small daily doses of flake food for 2 weeks
DripN Said
DripN Said - 7 years ago
i used Kleen Off Household Ammonia for the people that live in the uk that want to use this method to cycle their aquariums. Its 9.5 percent strength
whitewolf86118 - 7 years ago
Hey Joey! Absolutely needed this video. I cleaned some of my hob filter sponges, and ended up disrupting the entire system too much. I had fries out of nowhere the following week, and I ended up with ammonia spikes and having to re-cycle the 2 tanks from almost scratch. Can you make a video of how to do proper filter maintainence and how to prevent possibly destorying your already established nitrogen cycle?
zzajB - 7 years ago
You clearly don't understand what a fishless cycle is. With a fishless cycle, you dose ammonia so the bacteria cultivates; you dose about 6 times and then wait until the ammonia reads under .5 parts per million. Please don't spread false information. Love your videos by the way!
zzajB - 7 years ago
Void Rewind duh, my point is anything above will kill fish. I personally wait until it’s .1ppm or lower
Nolan H
Nolan H - 7 years ago
.5 parts per million is abit high
SnX TiF - 7 years ago
You know, sometimes I set up my aquarium and cross my fingers for next "sex" too.
Raymond Peters
Raymond Peters - 7 years ago
When I first got in to fish I unknowingly did a feeder fish cycle RIP Goldie the goldfish (btw the idea of using substrate as a way to start a new tank is brilliant! Definitely trying that!!)
Enmanuel Alba
Enmanuel Alba - 7 years ago
My first aquarium I screwed up I got a one gallon tank and 4 comets
Russell Garcia
Russell Garcia - 7 years ago
I use atm Colony and have had no issues.

As for my first aquarium I didn’t know what I was doing and immediately put fish in it the same day I put water.
Jonathan Williams
Jonathan Williams - 7 years ago
First aquarium recommendation: fishless cycle adding fish food daily in the same amount as I would be feeding the fish.
Dakota Brown
Dakota Brown - 7 years ago
You touched on the idea of ghost feeding with the shrimp but that’s another method of cycling an aquarium, feeding as if you had fish but without the fish.
Ali A
Ali A - 7 years ago
i love your discus and angels, such gorgeous creations! :D
Sjejse - 7 years ago
i did loads of research and decided to do the last of your methods since I couldn't get established media and the bottled bacteria wasn't on board since I was getting Axolotls. But it's worked great and my nitrate levels are bottomed here after 3 months.
Fox Gaming
Fox Gaming - 7 years ago
Nitrite twice, damn must be deadly.
Lucille Walwich
Lucille Walwich - 7 years ago
being a Canadian, Septo-Bac is your friend. The Spore form of the bacteria can be dry and accelerate the cycle.
Chris Meredith
Chris Meredith - 7 years ago
Canadian here, is Septo-bac available?, and effective I'm guessing?
Jesse - 7 years ago
Thank you for this. I was hoping for more informational/instructional videos. I already knew most of the information, but reassurance from the king with some supplemental knowledge is always good. Please do more instructional stuff along with your gallery setup updates and stuff.
Frost StoneCold
Frost StoneCold - 7 years ago
this was super helpful, i hope to make a pleco tank soon and this is gonna help loads!!
Big Stank
Big Stank - 7 years ago
Finally an informative video
Eleanor Gorsoski
Eleanor Gorsoski - 7 years ago
This is such good info, I have used fishless with a bag of fish food instead of the shrimp, I do find it creates high phosphates though and I kept my lights on in my marine tank when doing this and the diatoms went crazy, if I did it again I would use the shrimp and leave my lights off.
Michael Adkins
Michael Adkins - 7 years ago
I almost always do the mulm method to cycle my tanks. (Has never failed )Tank does look bad but it's always clear by morning.
Don Dedrick
Don Dedrick - 7 years ago
Liquid gold.
Alexy619 _
Alexy619 _ - 7 years ago
Joey you should definitely do a large saltwater aquarium project!
France Filiault
France Filiault - 7 years ago
My daughter's betta died in Sept of last year ( a gift from us for Christmas the year before in which my husband promised to take care of with her and which they didn't of course) so he brought 5 fish for a 3.5 gal... needless to say I had to learn quick since they had all the common dieses they get with stress and poor water conditions. I'm proud though that 3 are currently still alive. Oh,and we got a 36 gal tank because fish keeping is addictive for me! Lol
dave eng
dave eng - 7 years ago
ha have you ever done a beta fish tank?
Merik Keoni
Merik Keoni - 7 years ago
I am gonna do #8
3drhodes - 7 years ago
That gallery looks so nice
Mark Davis
Mark Davis - 7 years ago
How do you treat for ich? I've looked for any videos of yours related to ich but can't find any... btw, awesome fish room
Raymond Peters
Raymond Peters - 7 years ago
Mark Davis turn up your heater then put that in a teaspoon of AQUARIUM salt but be sure to not add too much salt every day and do your water changes
Keith Keith
Keith Keith - 7 years ago
Yes more of these please
FatSkittz - 7 years ago
The next sex weeks what are you doing to your aquariums Lol
Type R
Type R - 7 years ago
Great video and topic - would like to see more like this. This applies to everybody. I loved how you staged each scene in front of a different aquarium and we got to watch the fish some while you talked.
I started my aquarium with ammonia a few years ago, then slowly added fish after the ammonia and nitrites went down, and nitrates showed up. I'm starting a new tank soon, and have picked up a lot from you - have been planning on using the malm/cycled media method.
Cooper Moncrief
Cooper Moncrief - 7 years ago
i have a ten gallon tank and i have some kulhi loaches in it, today one died :(
Addi B
Addi B - 7 years ago
Fritz turbo start!! Best damn thing I've ever used. Hands down
Jt Powell
Jt Powell - 7 years ago
I killed some feeder goldfish when setting up my aquarium on the advice of my LFS, (they wouldn't give or sell me any BB). I didn't find it cruel since they were going to get eaten anyways. Since you said it is cruel I will use the shrimp method if I ever have to start from scratch again.
Barbatanas - 7 years ago
Back in the day when I startes 15years ago, we used to use some sorce of amonia, either fish food or guppies. :) Now I just use cycled media all the time :)
Alice Lewellen's wonderland of pets
Alice Lewellen's wonderland of pets - 7 years ago
I did fishless cycle when I leaned about it as an adult. But when I got my first fish (a female betta) as a teenager I just used the quick start stuff though now I would not do that. Now two of my three tanks are going to get a make over into nano tanks so that should be another learning curve for me but now I am a lot better at doing my research.
Patrick Kavanaugh
Patrick Kavanaugh - 7 years ago
Yo so I'm going to college in a few years (junior in HS right now) and I have a 29 gallon tank, anyone know the rules and limitations the average college has on tanks in dorms?
AnnaKraF - 7 years ago
happy boyes
AnnaKraF - 7 years ago
Those discus are so happy and adorable.
The Assasin Huzi
The Assasin Huzi - 7 years ago
What a coincidence, I am eating fish and chips
Bryan Stinson
Bryan Stinson - 7 years ago
Great video. Very informative
Craigtheshoeshiner - 7 years ago
I killed a lot of fish when I first started. The instant bacteria method has actually been good for me, but I've never added 60 fish to any tank.
Hyper - 7 years ago
Does anyone know if you can put any algae eaters in with goldfish ?
drainedrain864 - 7 years ago
Bristlenose Pleco. Be sure to supplement with algae wafers as needed.
Jt Powell
Jt Powell - 7 years ago
Sure, why not?
John Hulse
John Hulse - 7 years ago
I do salt water reef tanks and I use live rock to start my new tanks, works great for salt water tanks
Gerson - 7 years ago
Love this video! Perfect timing. Just picked up a rack of 2 20 gallon longs that I'm slowly setting up, so this was a great refresher. Thanks! One of my favorite videos in recent memory.
brian bernard
brian bernard - 7 years ago
1 botle of starter and feeding tank with frozen bloodworms every week three weeks ready for fish.
hangarace - 7 years ago
One of your best...excellent.
Caskadia Nation
Caskadia Nation - 7 years ago
I just feed the tank flakes and used bottled bacteria to set up my most recent aquarium, but I am cycling a nano tank/fountain bowl with the gravel and gunk from my established 15 gallon Betta tank.
Daniel Brodeur
Daniel Brodeur - 7 years ago
Upside diy
Upside diy - 7 years ago
This really seemed the idea I have. Getta a bunch of grass and leaves. Rinse them off and put them in a pillow case. And add to an aquarium to cycle. Using powders and chemicals made a coral substance on my heater. Charcoal filter media and everything in a tabk should be fare ly santised. As if the fish and capitalism a gamble to enjoy.
Craw BlackFOX
Craw BlackFOX - 7 years ago
Hey, thanks dude
the_ v01d
the_ v01d - 7 years ago
I just got a whole science lesson XD
rachel dempster
rachel dempster - 7 years ago
The fishless cycle to me is better no suffering of your fish from the fish in method, if you make a mistake in fishless it is easily corrected. It took me a month to cycle with using seachem stability and pure ammonia. I added then 2 Bolivian rams first then waited 2 weeks before adding anymore fish. I have a 55 gallon aquarium with my 2 Bolivian rams, 6 black phantom tetras and 4 Roseline Sharks , I have never any issues with any my levels, I do my weekly water change and all is good . Fishless cycle works fine to me it is the only way to go
Courtney 3:16
Courtney 3:16 - 7 years ago
rachel dempster same i find it cruel using fish to cycle a tank
Esqueleto 134
Esqueleto 134 - 7 years ago
So I am going to be starting to first fresh water tank and my first ever tank how do you think an air stone is required to have
William Christian
William Christian - 7 years ago
I have started all of my aquariums with the fishless cycle and added flake food at least 2 times a week for six weeks on freshwater aquariums and on my one and only saltwater aquarium I done it for 4 months. I called it the ghost feeding cycle lol
18difway2liv - 7 years ago
the next sex week!
AzzaBro59 - 7 years ago
great video. some of it is obvious but maby do a video just on maintence. how much water to change safely cleaning filters. and do i need test kits established. your ways and how a person with a bucket can do it :)
Ashley DiSantis
Ashley DiSantis - 7 years ago
Great video. Good for those starting out, all the information in one place! My first fish was a jack demsey when I was a kid my dad had always had fish so we used old media. Could you do a video disgussion species compatibility it's not always apparent
SDD525 - 7 years ago
Why not just connect your aquariums to a Tesla Powerwall? I mean if funds permit you to of course. I was thinking of getting one for my aquariums. Just to keep them up and running for 24 hours in the case of a power outage.
DogHumpsMonkey - 7 years ago
SDD525 He’s got battery backups, they’re covered in one of the older gallery videos. I think the powerwall is a good solution for a fishroom, though. If I ever move to a place where I could set one up, I’d definitely consider using one.
Chris Hillock
Chris Hillock - 7 years ago
Water and sand from Lake Michigan, or you can use pond water
Brandon boss
Brandon boss - 7 years ago
For my first 40 gallon tank cycle I put a little bit of fish food in the tank by itself for the first 3 days then I put some cheep little goldfish in for a couple weeks then used some of the media that I filtered while I cycled the tank and set up a goldfish tank with it then I added fish in the 40 gallon slowly and was fine
Tobori - 7 years ago
For my betta tank I just used water from my 50gal and did daily water changes with water from that established tank for a couple weeks.
Leon Köglmeier
Leon Köglmeier - 7 years ago
I cycled my first aquarium with the fishless cycle method but i was 6 years old so i thought the people in the petshop know what they are talking about

But after all of this i started researching in the internet and i used the last method for all aquarium i have cylcled since then:D

Greetings from Germany
prakash257 - 7 years ago
Very nicely put Joey. One of your past videos motivated my to put a bunch of Sponge in my Over Head Sump to have additional Media.
jez kinder
jez kinder - 7 years ago
mulm a must for setting up a new tank.
David Pierce
David Pierce - 7 years ago
Fair goldfish, big 2 gallon pickle jar, add water. I've come a long way since then. Now I have a sump dedicated to cycled media for any occasion, including my friends new planted tank.
ATF intheHouse
ATF intheHouse - 7 years ago
Good job Joey! 50 years in the hobby and this was nicely done. The one thing you should caution about is the potential, less so in freshwater than salt, of introducing disease and cross contamination of tanks. Which can happen. Perhaps a nice video on that. Pretty good job though for being under the weather.
Still have those fish for you if you want.
Alex Rodrik
Alex Rodrik - 7 years ago
How would you recommend keeping a canister filter alive when you're moving cross country? If you drain some of the water (just enough so that it doesn't splash out of the top holes where the tubing connects), and then keep it dirty inside, will the bacteria stay alive for say a 2 to 3 day trip? Or will the tank crash when you set it up again?
Alex Rodrik
Alex Rodrik - 7 years ago
The Fairly Odd Couple Thanks for the idea!
The Fairly Odd Couple
The Fairly Odd Couple - 7 years ago
Some may survive, but you could always try a battery operated air stone or something like that. Even of you don't do that getting the filter/tank established again should be fairly quick, once its set back up.
perfecto1986 - 7 years ago
I pour that liquid gold in my vegetable garden, plants seem to love that to :D
SDD525 - 7 years ago
Correct. Why not water a compost heap with it as well?
perfecto1986 - 7 years ago
I pour that liquid gold in my vegetable garden, plants seem to love that to :D
Nick Defreitas
Nick Defreitas - 7 years ago
Its your channel, its ALL your O pinion. No need to keep saying it.
mushlove - 7 years ago
Well glad to see you have common sense nick.. not so common anymore.
Tobori - 7 years ago
Yeah I agree that he only needs to say it once, but you have to know where he's coming from. He's seen as an authority in the online fish community, at least by his subscribers, and if he says something will or won't work and the opposite happens with someone they'll point it out, and sometime they aren't polite about it. He just wan't them to know that his word isn't law.
BellaBoo - 7 years ago
If he doesn't say that people constantly complain. If you don't like it, don't watch.
Just4fun -Family
Just4fun -Family - 7 years ago
Was curious if anyone could throw some input on an idea I just had… Regarding the squeeze the sponge out and use that bacteria water trick… What if you were to store it in a 5 gallon bucket with the air stone and always have that water on hand?… Would that keep the bacteria live so you could always have a non-contaminated bucket of bacteria?
Just4fun -Family
Just4fun -Family - 7 years ago
Daniel Clegg - I will have to look into and if I have a revelation I will lyk for sure ..
Daniel Clegg
Daniel Clegg - 7 years ago
Just4fun -Family I looked into utilizing paracoccus denitrificans a few years ago but didn't get anywhere with it.
Just4fun -Family
Just4fun -Family - 7 years ago
Both good points, thank you guys… I guess with a little more research into it I’m sure there’s a way to make it work… The big box companies do it, so can’t be that hard LOLSometimes I feel like us hobbyist have more knowledge then they do.
Daniel Clegg
Daniel Clegg - 7 years ago
Just4fun -Family you would need to monitor the ammonia nitrite and nitrate levels in the water. Too much or little can cause die off, I'm not too sure how bottled bacteria maintain without being lypholized.
ATF intheHouse
ATF intheHouse - 7 years ago
Just4fun -Family - would have to feed it regularly too
David Prins
David Prins - 7 years ago
When I first started fishkeeping 30 years ago, I was only 13 years old so it was truly a winged venture. Fill a fish bowl with tap water and dump won-at-fair goldfish in. My parents had a well so chlorine was not an issue. Water changes were 100% and thus pretty much a restart of the nitrogen cycle (the fish was temporarily moved to a large mixing bowl). Somehow the fish lived long enough to make the move a 10 gallon tank.
Beth Ward
Beth Ward - 7 years ago
Mat Hurren
Mat Hurren - 7 years ago
Rad video and awesome editing
wolflupin5 - 7 years ago
Its because of your channel that i would start a aquarium to, but i do not really know how to start because is like 15 years ago when we had an aquarium and i was to little to understand then. i would like to try the 8th methode you said. but it is my first aquarium so i need to rethink about that. so I do not know what you would recommend me to do?
Jaden - 7 years ago
I thew 20 feeder goldfish into a ten gallon for my first tank... poor guys. What a shameful time.
graphite - 7 years ago
Ummm ... we use pee. Our own.
graphite - 7 years ago
SDD525 Urea + ammonia + nitrite + phosphate.
It's free and is good for cycling a newly innoculated tank, also allows plants to get bacterial root colonies as they take up the phosphate.
Mainly though... it's free.
SDD525 - 7 years ago
Ummm.... why.
RyanWake bradtelle
RyanWake bradtelle - 7 years ago
I ran the 10g Tank for 3 days with bottled bacteria and 3 guppies. I didn't know what I was doing but it was suggested by my aunt who give me a ride to the store. I got new tank syndrome just a white cloudy water, I was told not to worry about it and when the three days is up I could get some Goldfish. I also rehome say Guppies with my aunt she has more Guppies in a 20 gallon they she said they lived over a year which was good for Walmart Guppies.
SavianJonesArt - 7 years ago
Bacteria in a bottle is great! I used it and let my tank run for about a week! I took my water to get tested and all ammonia was gone and my water read beautifully. Just wait about a week to be safe
Xd Schief
Xd Schief - 7 years ago
Savian Jones what kind? I used feeder minnows and tetra safe start plus and I started cycling on Sunday 1/7/18
shottymydotty - 7 years ago
fishless cycle with bottled bacteria it was useless
SDD525 - 7 years ago
Because you have to feed the bacteria.
Robin Waters
Robin Waters - 7 years ago
I started my first aquarium using plants from established aquariums. I work from home so I'm able to monitor the levels and do water changes if necessary.
Erdem - 7 years ago
Someone knows if Joey has a video with “How to keep Discus” ???
Erdem - 7 years ago
Thank you
Roni stitch
Roni stitch - 7 years ago
He has a few videos on discus i found them pretty helpfull when trying to pick what i wanted to stock
Brennen Anderson
Brennen Anderson - 7 years ago
I can hear you are sick. Hope you get better soon.
thegreatalyssa - 7 years ago
You are a very nice winger, and reputable too.
Travis Michaud
Travis Michaud - 7 years ago
When starting from brand new, couldn't one put some fresh pee in the system?
Anew522 - 7 years ago
When I did my first tank, I just put in tap water cleaner after filling the tank and waited a few days before putting my fish in. I didn't keep the tank clean enough my first time, so the fish didn't make it, but it was a learning experience. My favorite tank setup, though, wasn't setup well enough so ich sowed up and ended the entire aquarium, so that really sucked.
Bailey Tanner
Bailey Tanner - 7 years ago
Do an update on your kids aquarium
Elizabeth Johnston
Elizabeth Johnston - 7 years ago
Is there a way to measure the actual amount of good bacteria in a tank? It would make a good comparison series for cycling tanks. What method establishes the bacteria best?
Melissa Berry
Melissa Berry - 7 years ago
I keep extra sponges in my hob filters and I keep sponges on the intake as well....always ready to set up a new tank ;)
Jason Rochester
Jason Rochester - 7 years ago
Thanks Joey! I’ve been wanting to see a new cycling video from you. I’ve just got in the hobby with a 20 gal tank and these kind of videos help a lot
Jessica Fortin
Jessica Fortin - 7 years ago
Loved the video will watch again we are setting up 3 new tanks in addition to our 10 gal. We are adding a 29 gal, a 40 gal and another 10 gal. When we set up our first the pet store said wait 2 days then add them. Well some lived some died. We were clueless. Since I have been watching you and Rachel and are adding more tanks as we grow and learn. Thank you for the info!
Andrew January
Andrew January - 7 years ago
I started my first 30 gallon with starter bacteria followed by adding a small cap of ammonia. Tested the water right after adding ammonia and then 24 hrs later. Once it hits 0, I added more. Kept doing that until the ammonia and others tested 0 within 24 hrs. Did it one or two more times to be sure and then added fish. Took just under 2 weeks.
ButterBench FB
ButterBench FB - 7 years ago
Hey Joey! Do you still have the similis(shell dwellers) tank? That was my favorite tank and I was going to create a smaller version on my own.
Nishchaya Pallav
Nishchaya Pallav - 7 years ago
Same here thats my fav too.
Khang Pham
Khang Pham - 7 years ago
You should start a female betta tank thats full of female betta
CDA441 - 7 years ago
I used numerous bottles of bacteria in a bottle, some fish died off but yeah. Now my tank is as lively as ever, new baby molly fry, platy fry all healthy little fish
ButterBench FB
ButterBench FB - 7 years ago
Hey Joey! Do you still have the similis(shell dwellers) tank? That was my favorite tank and I was going to create a smaller version on my own.
Arctic Beluga
Arctic Beluga - 7 years ago
Bradley Zanteson He got rid of it, sadly.
cyber king 5
cyber king 5 - 7 years ago
Melissa Squibb
Melissa Squibb - 7 years ago
I needed this... I am trying to cycle a tank and I am failing so bad..
Graeme Waterfall
Graeme Waterfall - 7 years ago
Joey , would love to see you cover anoxic filtration using biosenosis baskets/bed. There seems to be little info out there which covers this simple cost effect DIY filtration approach.
TheSigurdsson - 7 years ago
When I started my first aquarium, I dumped a load of bottled bacteria into the filter and actually buried a few flakes of goldfish food into the substrate. It seemed to work. But I think when I start fish keeping again, I will use the shrimp method to start my cycle, I think.
RenzAdriann - 7 years ago
I had ny first aquarium 20 years ago (i'm 26) and i really don't know anything about the cycling. Honestly i never got die offs, i only knew about cycling when i was in college and by then i've had alot of tanks. What i suspect is the tap water that i have already has bacteria in it since we get our tap water straight out of a spring without any treatments.
JD Aquatics
JD Aquatics - 7 years ago
Great info Joey, hope you feel better soon. I started my 2nd hand 75 gallons with the previous gravel and filter media. Added water and lots of mulm from my 20gal tanks filter and some fish. Great start. Thanks again for all your hard work.
steven greer
steven greer - 7 years ago
Great video. I personally did a fishless cycle for 3 weeks, then added some cheap tetras to help to cycling along. 5 to be exact. In full disclosure, all 5 tetras survived this process and now have bred leaving me with about 30 now. They have there own tank now.
A topic for future videos I personally would like to see, caring for a tank with problems. I'm now going thru a fungal issue with my guppies. I've added medication for a second time, which I think I've finally fixed this issue, but I'm kinda worried my media is still infected. I was wondering the best way of knowing if I have gotten rid of the problem, or if this a on going battle that requires me to drain and sanitize the whole tank.
Elizabeth Johnston
Elizabeth Johnston - 7 years ago
What I always wonder is.. What is the bacteria in the bottle living on while it's in the bottle? Or, how much live bacteria can there be if the bottle has been sitting for months?
TheYoplover - 7 years ago
Where do you get your wood from and can any wood be used ? Can you do a video on safe tank decor both neutral and not ?Ha
Love the videos helping loads xx
hatching draggon
hatching draggon - 7 years ago
The fishless cycle isn't about setting up your tank and doing nothing for 6 weeks. The idea is to add small amounts of pure ammonia to the water and allow the beneficial bacteria to colonise. The idea is to get to a point where the dosage of ammonia is converted to nitrite and then into nitrate within 12 hours. Once this is the case, it'll be safe to assume that any ammonia created by the fish you add will be quickly eaten up by the bacteria colonies you have established.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
I suppose the definition of what a fishless cyle could be, could be different to everyone. I touched base on the ammonis as well though. To me though, a fishless cycle has always been how i described it.
ramsey590 - 7 years ago
Question, I have an established 55 Mbuna tank. I also have a 125 empty tank with a filter. Can I take the 125 canister filter, run it on my 55 for a week or so and establish the bacteria?
Derek Checketts
Derek Checketts - 7 years ago
Toad - 7 years ago
In your discus tank it looks like you just have random wood collected from outside! Is that the case? would i be able to do that for my tanks instead of buying the expensive drift wood?
Socks. - 7 years ago
if you go through his channel you'll see exactly how he sets up that specific tank :)
WWylie91 - 7 years ago
Quality video Joey! Feel better soon
Kung fu hustle
Kung fu hustle - 7 years ago
Should my 15 gallon aquarium take 20 days to cycle? I've had spikes on ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. Today the water tests showed ammonia and nitrites 0ppm and nitrates 10ppm. This is my first aquarium and am unsure if it's ready for a few cherry barbs.
Hattie Pettit
Hattie Pettit - 7 years ago
No problem! Good luck!!! Cherry barbs are great fish :)
Kung fu hustle
Kung fu hustle - 7 years ago
wheey :) I'm going to wait 24 hours before adding fish. Also do the water tests to make sure. Thank you for your reply :)
Hattie Pettit
Hattie Pettit - 7 years ago
Niall Trewin if you don’t have ammonia and nitrites you should be cycled :)
Jonathen Davis
Jonathen Davis - 7 years ago
If I am moving a fish to a bigger tank can I drain all the (good) water from the old tank to the new tank. Would this work
Quintan Wilson
Quintan Wilson - 7 years ago
Yes this will work. But more importantly you need to use the same media from the filter, as that is where all your beneficial bacteria transfer all the media from your current filter into your new one on the bigger tank..or just move the whole filter over to the new tank if it's sufficient enough..
ethan spruiell
ethan spruiell - 7 years ago
the devil of fowlerville iv done that with my first aquarium and didn't have any problems ... still don't know if it's recommended tho
Avery Luttropp
Avery Luttropp - 7 years ago
the devil of fowlerville that’s what i’ve done and I have had no problems.
notbadsteve - 7 years ago
I was told, I had to have my tank running for a couple of weeks before I could stock it. So I filled it with water, put in a heater and internal filter, and just left it all running for a fortnight. Then stocked it and killed all my fish. No one told me about the nitrogen cycle, until I looked on youtube for reasons my fish died.
Good vid joey.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Sorry to hear! Thats usually the case though. I knew nothing about it at first either.
Michał Żuk
Michał Żuk - 7 years ago
I'm usually adding substrate from established tank to new one than cover it with new substrate. Than instead of throwing away water from water change I just add it to new tank. Also swap filters from old tank to new one and clean filter to old one.
Day By Day Aquariums
Day By Day Aquariums - 7 years ago
Could a keep a filter alive by just adding food.
Brian Hiltbrunner
Brian Hiltbrunner - 7 years ago
Thank you for thinking of us total noobs. I would suggest a video on how to properly test your aquarium. Another great video is how to treat sick fish effectively.
wolflupin5 - 7 years ago
yes how to use the tests and which ones are most needed?
Christy Alcroft
Christy Alcroft - 7 years ago
I’m Scottish, so I know the way I say things can be weird, but the way you say “opinion” is amazing!!!
AQUA FUNK W/ ANGEL FREAK - 7 years ago
Christy Alcroft LOL to funny, I spent most of the time watching him waiting for him to say O-pinion
y2kiwijn - 7 years ago
I had plenty of time when setting up my aquarium ready for Discus. I added substrate, planted the aquarium and had it running for 6 months to let plants establish and grow and monitored levels before adding the discus.
Magali - 7 years ago
In my first tank, I had sooo many plants and I never got nitrite or nitrate, even after weeks. I was sure my kit was broken or I was doing something wrong for so long. I was very scared to add fish. Everything is fine now. Never got any nitrite or nitrate though
wolflupin5 - 7 years ago
wow nice
Tanks and Critters
Tanks and Critters - 7 years ago
Exactly as you said borrowed cycled media and substrate then yucked there water and added mulm from my other tank waited 12 hours and stocked my tank
Johnny Carreiro
Johnny Carreiro - 7 years ago
steven greer nice
steven greer
steven greer - 7 years ago
Johnny Carreiro I typically watch his videos on my work breaks

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