HOW TO medicate sick aquarium fish - Cure for ICH

How to cure aquarium fish ich A full tank of aquarium fish was contaminated and became infected with parasites... But not for long.. i beat them. Heres how! Come see me in Maryland: Come see me in colorado: JOIN MY TEAM: Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Check back daily as I make a video almost every day! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos: My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by: My aquarium backgrounds are made by:

HOW TO medicate sick aquarium fish - Cure for ICH sentiment_very_dissatisfied 250

Discus 7 years ago 358,233 views

How to cure aquarium fish ich A full tank of aquarium fish was contaminated and became infected with parasites... But not for long.. i beat them. Heres how! Come see me in Maryland: Come see me in colorado: JOIN MY TEAM: Get the ultimate DIY book ► LIMITED EDITION SHIRTS!! ► Facebook ► Instagram ► The king of DIY aquarium projects, education and inspiration! Check back daily as I make a video almost every day! MAIL TO: PO BOX 25054 Truro, NS B2N 7B8 Canada How to build aquariums: How to build aquarium filters: How to build aquarium stands: How to build aquarium equipment: How to build aquarium lighting: How to build aquarium decorations: Varius aquarium tutorials: ALL Thursday videos: ALL Sunday videos: My aquarium pumps, circulation and lights are by: My aquarium racks and the aquariums within them were made by: My aquarium backgrounds are made by:

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Most popular comments
for HOW TO medicate sick aquarium fish - Cure for ICH

Blake Mesken
Blake Mesken - 5 years ago
I just spent like 6 weeks and nearly 100 bucks thinking that breeding tubercles was ich not knowing any better.. they should really put this info in more ich videos..
Mr steal Your girl
Mr steal Your girl - 5 years ago
Get a pea puffer tank
Carlos-Daniel Cruz
Carlos-Daniel Cruz - 5 years ago
It should be stressed that Ich is always within any body of water and is dormant. Factors such as wounds, bad water quality, and stress can cause fish to be susceptible to ich. Constant water changes are key, raising the temperature to 87 F ( Raise by 1-2 degrees every 12 hours) will kill ich at it’s early stages. If severe, malachite green or methylene blue, as well as API ich cure or API salt, may be used. This is all on my experience, please correct me if I am wrong. Cheers.
Sweet Science
Sweet Science - 5 years ago
My fish have been flashing/scraping against rocks/plants for about a month now. None of them have any white spots so i figured it must be gill flukes. However I’ve dozed with prazi pro about 5 different times and they’re still flashing. My water parameters are good and I really have no idea what else it can be. If it was ick shouldn’t they have at least 1 white spot? And wouldn’t they be dead by now? And if it’s flukes shouldn’t the prazi have cured them? Any ideas what it could be? Anyone?
Taylor Made
Taylor Made - 5 years ago
I have a green terror who has white fungus looking spots on his pectoral and tail fins. I originally noted it when I had him in another tank about a year ago. I added a lasalle Cichlid which I had previously quarantined. I added the lasalle and after a week of being in the tank I noticed kind of a haze on the sides of the fish. Then, the green terror had white spots. I started treating the whole tank with different cures. I wasn’t sure what I had. Eventually I just tried general cure and it went away. However, it split the tail fin and ate away a piece of a pectoral fin. I recently set a 125 and put the green terror in there and now the white fungus (looking) came back. I also noticed some white stringy poop. It has been years since I had ich in a tank. Could this be ich? Or do you have any other ideas? The fish is not exhibiting any strange behavior.
VeeSentDays’ Endz
VeeSentDays’ Endz - 5 years ago
Awesome and very informative!!! You have to teach us how to cure ich in a planted aquarium without melting the plants and staining the glass/acrylic tank,decor,and silicone in maybe a future video.
Armando Ebk
Armando Ebk - 5 years ago
Garlic helps with ich
Tristan and Family
Tristan and Family - 5 years ago
What type of fish r seen from 13:40 - 15:25?
grazer - 5 years ago
Tristan and Family Asian Arrowana
Anevey Chavez
Anevey Chavez - 5 years ago
Ahhh ick...yep my guppies have ick. Will have to run to the store to get ick treatment
Anevey Chavez
Anevey Chavez - 5 years ago
+billy 201 salt..the big chunks not the fine, water changes every day and warming up water temp!
billy 201
billy 201 - 5 years ago
Anevey Chavez mine got it as well !! wat have u done ??
Missy West
Missy West - 5 years ago
I had success treating ich in a community tank simply raising heat and adding small amount of salt with lots of water changes (also washed and salt treated nets etc). I did have to remove a few fish I wasnt sure if theyd cope with salt so they got a short bath in this treatment and transferred to another tank. Maybe I got lucky but this worked. Hope I never have to deal with it again as it did panic me but all was fine in the end.
I forget the dose I used for the 4 ft tank affected, maybe a teaspoon or two. It wasnt bucket loads thats for sure lol. I researched at the time and saw the heat+salt+water changes being claimed as a good natural treatment as many raised concerns about the 'ich medications' on the market.....I was no expert and chose to give it a try (seemed safer for me). This happened many years ago, sorry I dont remember doses etc. Love to hear others thoughts on this remedy, did I just get lucky or is it proof that its a good treatment.
El Tigre007
El Tigre007 - 5 years ago
I am using same technique since 11 years and it always worked . Salt + heat and water changes .

10. comment for HOW TO medicate sick aquarium fish - Cure for ICH

Martin Williams
Martin Williams - 6 years ago
Hi can anyone help . I have a gold Severum with Popeye on one side I have a medication by NT LABS disease 6 which contains ( Acriflavine + Methylene blue which I have added to my aquarium will this help treat my fish guys .?
A Serious Lollygagger
A Serious Lollygagger - 6 years ago
If all anybody sees is videos of how great fish keeping is, then they aren't ready for the many challenges. Thanks for sharing both the good and the bad, to give a realistic impression. I had my new fish 3 weeks before the ich appeared. I knew something was wrong on my birthday when three of my pregnant guppies dropped fry and another absorbed hers. The girls got thin and pale overnight. Spent the next day trying to figure out what was wrong with the water parameters when I spotted a couple white spots. I cross contaminated that community 10 gallon with my other betta tanks and the new 5 gallon that the male guppies were moved to. Used the same cleaning tools without taking the proper precautions, moved decor to another tank, my bad. So far, after the first treatment, the fry are still ok but the fish that came in sick was the one that absorbed her fry and may not make it. I noticed other signs of illness before the ich spots appeared. I'll tell you, my cleaning process will have some new protocols and I will always quarantine for a solid month from now on.
dusty tables
dusty tables - 6 years ago
is using garlic will cure it a myth?
Ed D
Ed D - 6 years ago
Why do fish get ich? Do I need a separate fish net for all my fish?
Clexalovedits - 6 years ago
I just got some guppies that had a huge ich outbreak this really helped thanks but I have one guppie that is just sitting at the bottom of the tank, think I may be overfeeding.
A Serious Lollygagger
A Serious Lollygagger - 6 years ago
My guppy that infected the tank is the worst off, sitting on the bottom. She won't eat and is struggling to breathe. She was pregnant but reabsorbed the undeveloped fry. Since the store I got her from is suddenly sold out of ich medication I can guess where it originated from. I hope your guppies recover, best of luck in your fishy endeavors.
l'm minho
l'm minho - 6 years ago
Can anyone tell me about one wing freeze Molly fish , what's that disease? What should i do?
Shah Auckburaully
Shah Auckburaully - 6 years ago
Why not use ginger?!
Shah Auckburaully
Shah Auckburaully - 5 years ago
+L CHAMPAGNE it does
L CHAMPAGNE - 5 years ago
Because it doesn’t work.
l'm minho
l'm minho - 6 years ago
Shah Auckburaully Can anyone tell me about one wing freeze Molly fish , what's that disease? What should i do?5
Hek Lik
Hek Lik - 6 years ago
How about uv light.
does the medicine stains the glass ?
sarah lauland
sarah lauland - 6 years ago
This was incredible helpful!!!!!! Thank you!
Dusk Wolf
Dusk Wolf - 6 years ago
I'm glad you made this video so I know what to do if I get a fish with ICH.

20. comment for HOW TO medicate sick aquarium fish - Cure for ICH

AhMeD Al-wAhDaNi
AhMeD Al-wAhDaNi - 6 years ago

Can I put submersible wood with the golden fish?
Tawni Willis
Tawni Willis - 6 years ago
What about cotton wool desease??!? My poor betta is still alive and looks like a cotton ball HELP!
CursedArtifact - 6 years ago
Well I can't respond to that
Tawni Willis
Tawni Willis - 6 years ago
+CursedArtifact he died I did a water change and used the betta cure I had to go to work unfortunately and by the time I got back the cotton wool had spread throughout his whole entire head it grew so fast
CursedArtifact - 6 years ago
Changing the water and using antifungal treatments might help
Toasted Tannerite Fishing
Toasted Tannerite Fishing - 6 years ago
Absolutly golden info. The Azul Peacock bass we have got ich. No other fish in the aquarium got it... wierd. Thumbs up amd thank you
Tony Martin
Tony Martin - 6 years ago
So let me get this right, adding salt to fresh water tank will kill ick? Fish have it as I write this. Seems like I’m doing treatment every 6months. Could it be just in the water? I’m using well water
Prince of the Water
Prince of the Water - 6 years ago
how much salt would i need to put in a 55 gallon
Prince of the Water
Prince of the Water - 6 years ago
+Tyler Perlow thx so much
Tyler Perlow
Tyler Perlow - 6 years ago
MasterFisherb0y if you go to the store and buy aquarium salt(do not use table salt there is salt specifically for aquariums) the label should give you the salt to gallon ratio on how much is good for 55 gallons. It usually doesn’t cost more than 10 bucks
KnightHawk35 - 6 years ago
And this is why this morning i got rid my of sands, gravel, and plants. All the water on it, cleaned it and put it back clean and transparent.
Slayer T-rav
Slayer T-rav - 6 years ago
I have a pet large mouth bass and ive had him for almost 10 months now and i fed him wild chreek chubs out of a creek im kept fish from before and i noticed ick on him. I hope i can get it off of him. Prayers for bubba bass
a l
a l - 6 years ago
Dude fuckn relax on the adderall
a l
a l - 5 years ago
+Mister Moose does that struck a nevre with you? Does that bring back memories of you sucking dick for pills?
a l
a l - 5 years ago
+marmitenot i never watched you mongoloid
a l
a l - 5 years ago
+Tyler Perlow he has a video where he goes in depth to his adderall addaction, he pays for it by sucking dick on streets at nite
im in your mouth
im in your mouth - 5 years ago
a l
I bet you liked your own comment
marmitenot - 6 years ago
Dude fuckn don't watch if you don't like it.
Tyler Perlow
Tyler Perlow - 6 years ago
He’s just very passionate about the hobby. Don’t like it don’t watch the video that simple.
Mister Moose
Mister Moose - 6 years ago
Dude "fuckn" relax on the hatred and assumptions.
GumZie - 6 years ago
I have a 55 gallon tank and all my fish had ich and died so now my tank is empty with no fish, can my tank he infested with ich? What should I do?
Lunar Skies
Lunar Skies - 6 years ago
Hot water and bleach also, good rinses. Dry in sunlight.
Redpulsar2011 - 6 years ago
Just be patient! Wait 1 week to be sure. All the parasite will die cause no more fish to "eat".
ֆʊքɛʀ ċɦǟʀɢɛ
ֆʊքɛʀ ċɦǟʀɢɛ - 6 years ago
Wash it out ( ik that u cant use soap)
SMGBrothers - 6 years ago
Ich dies in 48 hours if it doesn't attach to a fish.
Ben Johnson
Ben Johnson - 6 years ago
What do I do with a planted tank?

30. comment for HOW TO medicate sick aquarium fish - Cure for ICH

C29 xXRae
C29 xXRae - 6 years ago
Y wouldnt u mention the brand of antibiotics?
Dreadnautxx - 6 years ago
he did...
Troy - 6 years ago
Great video. Your tanks and fish look great. I use a small amount of salt in my African Cichlid 220 gal tank on a regular basis. I am unaware of any data that supports this practice compromising immunity. Your channel is excellent! Big Fan....
Lilian Moses
Lilian Moses - 6 years ago
Should I remove my snails in my tank, the before adding salt?
HacksForLife - 6 years ago
If you want to melt them..... no
arch and fish
arch and fish - 6 years ago
R i p frank
David Gans
David Gans - 6 years ago
I use to do the same routines for quarantining fish. For treating or as a preventative I use to use Aquari-Sol and it worked great, but unfortunately you can't get it anymore. Not that I condone this, but it does work for me, I don't quarantine as long as I use one thing and that is a Vortex Filter from Innerspace Products Inc. It does not cure Ick, it filters down to .3 microns and removes the cysts out long enough to break the life-cycle. Living in Arizona, Ick is a common aquarist problem and this method has some advantages: 1) no quarantine needed, but Vortex must run for about a week 2) no malachite green, so no tank staining or invertebrate/live rock issues 3) no water changes or temperature changes 4) existing filtration can be left on and 5) no medication residual. If it has a water-borne cycle and is not viral, the Vortex can get rid of it. One catch, only use their DE, it's a much high grade than pool DE. Last note - I do not use their SUPER-CHAR, too difficult to work with (stains anything if you spill it).
Rellink Relinquished
Rellink Relinquished - 6 years ago
Omg didn’t know we had the same birthday feb 2 also ayy gust found this vid help me fine thanks
Ishan 3103
Ishan 3103 - 6 years ago
My one tiger Barb got fin rot I thought It was fungal infection I put basic aid and put methyle blue in my aquarium but he died rest of the fish didn't show any sign on infection after his death I did a 100 % water change and I don't want that thing back In my aquarium can anyone tell me what do exactly ?
Matthew Ferguson
Matthew Ferguson - 6 years ago
9000th like! woohoo! That aside, this is a very informational video.
Ethan Hartstonge
Ethan Hartstonge - 6 years ago
Does anyone know how to treat mouth rot? I have been doing about a 10% water changes daily but its having no affect. I have dwarf neon rainbows and all are infected with mouth rot. Like what everyone says I added in a little bit of aquarium salt and it did absolutely nothing to help cure it. I had eight neon rainbows but now only have four and two look like their about to die. :(
B J I - 6 years ago
Ethan Hartstonge yep, like the last comment said get an anti fungal treatment and dose as directed.
haden knapp
haden knapp - 6 years ago
Ethan Hartstonge you can use “api fungus cure” it treats multiple things including fin and mouth rot
Mr. Juro Rems
Mr. Juro Rems - 6 years ago
i use Methylene Blue but i remove first my biofilter which is pumice so the beneficial bacteria wont die. after the medication a put a activated carbon to remove the methylene blue and partial water change. i do this every time theres an ich infestation in my aquarium i dont know where it came from.
Pizza Catt
Pizza Catt - 6 years ago
I sadly did not catch mine in time :( RIP
Anne CP
Anne CP - 6 years ago
If fish are flashing but there are no other signs of ich, what do you suggest could be irritating the fish to cause flashing? I recently lost 4 fish. The first death caught me by surprise but the next 3 presented these symptoms in order: flashing, rapid breathing, lack of appetite and activity, and death. This takes about 3 days. Water params are
Amm: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 5 to 10
Water changes seem to help, when done 25% every 2 days. I have good water agitation with spray bar and an air stone in tank.
I can't figure out what is going on. Someone suggested Meth Blue which i did for 4 days as per directions with temp at 86. There were no deaths during treatment but the flashing is back. Can anyone suggest anything?
Michael Alverastine
Michael Alverastine - 6 years ago
I use UV light and its gone the next day.
Craig Bigelow
Craig Bigelow - 6 years ago
So your that guy!
Sadistic Overlord
Sadistic Overlord - 6 years ago
Does ich effect inverts like clams, shrimps, and snails?

And just making sure I get this ich happens if you get something foreign in your tank like the water from the bag and a net ?
George Camacho
George Camacho - 6 years ago
Did he do treatments for 2 weeks, or was it water changes for 2 weeks?
Lunar Skies
Lunar Skies - 6 years ago
You have to keep their water clean. I currently have a fish tank with ich and been doing water changes and cleaning substrate.
terry zander
terry zander - 6 years ago
Huge help
Andrew - 6 years ago
He’s like so hot lmao
moe jem
moe jem - 6 years ago
Andrew he is attractive as heck
Tank Boss Aquatics
Tank Boss Aquatics - 6 years ago
Did you learn how to draw in prison?
datBVB fan
datBVB fan - 5 years ago
Wtf that's not nice
Tank Boss Aquatics
Tank Boss Aquatics - 6 years ago
lol joking
I learned how to draw in prison
Fish Keeper
Fish Keeper - 6 years ago
Hello Joey,
I just recently noticed that my fishes got ich and I was wondering is it bad to quarantine the fish in the display tank oppose to getting a separate tank?

Thank you,

50. comment for HOW TO medicate sick aquarium fish - Cure for ICH

Douglas Bujara
Douglas Bujara - 6 years ago
New aquarist here. I am so happy I landed on your videos. You have some really amazing videos. Thank you so much for filming these and helping us grow this hobby
Alex Knoot
Alex Knoot - 6 years ago
Hey love your channel and watch all your vids. Just wanted to let you know I appreciate how much you share and know that you have saved many fish today! haha
Danny M
Danny M - 6 years ago
I have learned so much from you. Thank you for the great videos!
magzire - 6 years ago
i had ich in my pond before but only on the goldfish, the koi werent affected somehow (?).Tetra Medifin did wonders and didnt lose any. One goldfish took 4 weeks to recover though. Didnt eat or barely move, cant believe he pulled through.
Desminique Rowell
Desminique Rowell - 6 years ago
When I put goldfish in my tank all my fish got ich. Today, I took all the goldfish back to the store.
The Irishman
The Irishman - 6 years ago
Does Frank have a tankmate in this vid?
Anuj Kapur
Anuj Kapur - 6 years ago
Hi my oscar fish is having cotton wool fungal growth. Can you please advice me how to treat them. If you can share your email id then i can share pics.
Robert Donaghy
Robert Donaghy - 6 years ago
make sure your water temp is up .78 -80 degrees... ph should be 7.2 , and and most likely came from some live food you feed them , use ick med or Methylene Blue , and if salt , 1 teaspon per gallon , and take all your carbon filter out of your filter.... treatment must last at least 2 weeks , if you do partial water changes, treat new water with salt and MB... Oscars are sensitive to cold , happened to me
Tom Gorski
Tom Gorski - 6 years ago
how much Aquarium salt per gallon to treat ICK along with temp raise? thx guys and gals !!
Cmac - 6 years ago
1 tbsp per 5 gallon slow rise to 80 is what my salt box says
Mark Anthony
Mark Anthony - 6 years ago
i having the ich problem right now. and its really giving me a hard time. but im definitely gonna follow you instructions on how to get rid of it. and we have same burth daayyyy...
iDrPanda - 6 years ago
I do too I think it's from the live plants I got
Upfront gaming
Upfront gaming - 6 years ago
Hi wondering what tank to get with a budget of around £100
TecH SavagE
TecH SavagE - 6 years ago
If you use sea salt how much do you use per gallon at the early stages to rid the ich ? Great Videos
TampaBayFilm - 6 years ago
+TATTOO TECH You would probably have to figure out the exact amount of a tablespoon and scale it up for larger amounts. Dr. Axlerod recommended 5 tablespoon per gallon in an old aquarium book that he wrote. I used that, raised the temperature just a little (not a lot), and it cured the ich without me losing a single fish. The slightly saline characteristics of the water help the fish with fluid transfer, etc, and the only unpleasant side effect that I experienced was salt creep on deposited on the exterior of the tank as water evaporated, and metal nearby rusting. After curing the fish of ich, however, you could always reduce the salt content gradually though water changes and use a hydrometer to monitor specific gravity of the water to determine salt content.
TATTOO TECH - 6 years ago
For 150 gallons that would be alot, no ?
TampaBayFilm - 6 years ago
Dr. Axlerod recommends 5 tablespoons per gallon. That is how I cured an outbreak of Ich, and I did not lose a single fish.
Ashtan Williams
Ashtan Williams - 6 years ago
Are you supposed to take out the filters while your treating them. I was told the carbon would filter out the medication and it wouldn't work??
LordEndore - 6 years ago
Most of the time, many treatments will tell you to remove any chemical filtration from the filter, such as carbon. If you are using a hang-on filter with a replaceable cartridge, it usually contains a bit of carbon inside.

they want you to remove the chemical filtration because it can absorb some of the medicine, so removing it is usually a good idea.

A lot of aquariumist will use chemical filtration after a full treatment, they use it to remove any of the dyes and remaining medicine from the tank.

Unless it is a chemical that they are using regularly, maybe to lower iron levels or something else of that nature, they will just put it back after the treatment.
lee8830 - 6 years ago
carbon maybe in home fish tanks not so much in fish keepers tanks dout ur find any carbon in filters of any utuber fish keeper :) iv had fish since 76 never had carbon in any filter
stallion fish keeping/gardening
stallion fish keeping/gardening - 6 years ago
Thanks joey learned a lot from this I gave you a shout out on my latest video. This ich I got is stubborn 4 treatments in still fighting it but learned a lot from this video especially the cycle ich is the most important part in eradicating it
Jesse Abel
Jesse Abel - 6 years ago
Raise temp. Medicate. Feed fish shredded GARLIC as it tends to boost immune system response and prevent spreading.
Amy Holland
Amy Holland - 6 years ago
my fish is dying from ich..from what I think, in the stage its in now, it's suffocating!! what do i do..its the only one i have left from the freshwater tank i ran!! please help (if there is still time)
luis vera
luis vera - 6 years ago
Hi, just wanted to know what you would recommend to cure ich on goldfish? Any help would help thanks.
Amelia Reyes
Amelia Reyes - 6 years ago
Can you kill ich even when they are on the host
Novel 'ᄉ'
Novel 'ᄉ' - 6 years ago
Wind - 6 years ago
Thanks Joey!
cristina lexy
cristina lexy - 6 years ago
The best explanation about how fish get infected I have seen.thanks
Chris Tijerino
Chris Tijerino - 6 years ago
Just getting back into the hobby and started with an infected angelfish, the ich spread and killed off two angels a tetra and a Corey. Super discouraging, but the breakdown helps incredibly
Isaiah tocool
Isaiah tocool - 6 years ago
5:37 Frannnkkkkk!!
Lu cohen
Lu cohen - 6 years ago
hey bro .. so today I inspect my tank I notice on of my fish has some white spot on the fins, not a lot but noticeable. I treated the tank, but I also have a new uv sterilizer that I have never used, should I use it to treat the ick?
Alyssa Mcdonald
Alyssa Mcdonald - 6 years ago
Just wanted to thank you for sharing this video. I too haven't dealt with ich in a long time but recently my fish got it and I felt horrible! But this video help a lot! So thank you!
Jonathan Beetge
Jonathan Beetge - 6 years ago
I have ich for the first time in 8 hears and iv never seen it this bad before and never fought this hard to get rid of it..
Matt DeChalk
Matt DeChalk - 6 years ago
Is it good to pre med you fish with General care and for fungal and white spots I trust what you say
HappyRed50 - 6 years ago
thank you so much
Matt DeChalk
Matt DeChalk - 6 years ago
How's it going I'm new to the Hobby I hear a lot of people say use aquarium salt how do you feel about that
Novel 'ᄉ'
Novel 'ᄉ' - 6 years ago
Aquarium salt will not help for ich, use methylen Blue
Debi Herbert
Debi Herbert - 6 years ago
??? Can this treatment be used with invertibrates (shrimp) and or snails???
Debi Herbert
Debi Herbert - 6 years ago
+Bryan G nice
Bryan G
Bryan G - 6 years ago
read the fucken instruction.
Debi Herbert
Debi Herbert - 6 years ago
Not an answer...
MenOfBusiness - 6 years ago
If you want everything to die then go for
First Last
First Last - 6 years ago
I'm having a really stubborn fungal problem with my fish... any suggestions? None of the generic stuff at the pet store is working :(
Michael Valentine
Michael Valentine - 6 years ago
Water changes! Test your water to make sure your parameters are within proper ranges. Usually water changes and water quality management will get you back to good.
xdsmastermia - 6 years ago
nice video, I have 1 fish that I saw ick on. what would I do? I keep a 46gal 10 cichlids 2 crayfish 2 clown loaches, 3 snails
DJ Muffinz
DJ Muffinz - 6 years ago
Separate the sick one. They will give the other ones it. I'm having the same problem. Get some ick guard and some aquarium salt.
Kid Refugee
Kid Refugee - 6 years ago
Solid info! Next time will need more caffeine to keep up with your movements.
Novel 'ᄉ'
Novel 'ᄉ' - 6 years ago
Rip fish
RON2ND2NONE AQUARIA - 6 years ago
Ignore the haters and naysayers champ
Babette Wright
Babette Wright - 6 years ago
Thanks mate. Great info. Great presentation. Hi from Australia.
Heather Clark
Heather Clark - 6 years ago
Great info and you sure are handsome!!
Danny Walley
Danny Walley - 6 years ago
Great video man, well said! Very informational and great advice
flash ben
flash ben - 6 years ago
Nic Video my koi is suffering from infection this will help me
And please more video about taking care from infection
ArkTiger4c - 6 years ago
Man thats hard core treatment i never realised ich would take this much effort to kill it .....I have had some fish infected with white spot but never the whole tank now im concerned if i see fish with this condition ....I did have a trouble aquarium only a 40 gallon which i removed all the fish & let the tank sit without fish for 3 months it was a planted tank still doing all the ferts and water changes also feeding my snails ......then i put fish back into it its super fine now a year later
Brandon Roberts
Brandon Roberts - 6 years ago
Is it deadly to invertebrates or frogs to treat the tank with ich.
gabz groove
gabz groove - 6 years ago
What's the best ich medication that I can use that will not hurt my plants or crustaceans?
Vic P
Vic P - 6 years ago
paraguard killed my snails
gabz groove
gabz groove - 6 years ago
Nick Johnson Thanks for your reply. Great tanks man!
Nick Johnson
Nick Johnson - 6 years ago
I used Paraguard by seachem. It destroyed my ich infestation in 7 Days with the tank at 80 degrees. The tank was completely planted with snails. Nothing was harmed.
João Gonçalves
João Gonçalves - 6 years ago
Loved this video. Great info
DonnaSmith1988 - 6 years ago
my 5 year old son has 3 platys hes had them since may 4th its now august 4th a week ago the smallest one had what looked like salt on it so i ran to the shot and got the only thing they had (interpet anti white spot )formaldahide 5000mg malachite green oxalate 47mg the box says dose the tank 1ml per 10 liters and agen 4 days later iv done this and still i can see a white spot on the smallest fish so iv took the substrate and deco out done a 70% water change and removed the carbon filter im hoping this works as my son is no normal 5 year old hes an animal lover who literally reads his fish a book at night i dont want him to go through the upset of loosing them dose anyone know if the product im using is a good one also any tips pleas
DonnaSmith1988 - 6 years ago
aww thank you its fixed we had another episode a week ago but thanx to your directions its gone agen they have had it 3 times since the 4th of may and i only ever see the spots on the small one (tunip) lol mabe hes a sikly fish
Alek Koomanoff
Alek Koomanoff - 6 years ago
You have a great kid so encourage him all u can.
Alek Koomanoff
Alek Koomanoff - 6 years ago
Medicine is good but carbon renders it ineffective. Dose twice 48 hrs. apart, do big water change then You can put carbon back. I donut use carbón mostly.
Scalaris - 6 years ago
You ordered some ich online?
LadyJinyxx Majestic Bitch
LadyJinyxx Majestic Bitch - 6 years ago
Ich medication, not ich itself
Michelle Sotelo-Mercer
Michelle Sotelo-Mercer - 6 years ago
I have treated my betta from ick using garlic, stuck a clove in the return flow, worked well... made my living room smell like garlic but it worked so I was happy
Roverfield - 6 years ago
Michelle Sotelo-Mercer yeah it was upsetting and the garage is very lonely but I’m glad there pain is over
Michelle Sotelo-Mercer
Michelle Sotelo-Mercer - 6 years ago
+Roverfield I'm so sorry, I never got the notification for your Q.... yes regular garlic works, just squish it n drop it in... I'm sorry that they died before my response
Roverfield - 6 years ago
Novel 'ᄉ' they died a month ago
Novel 'ᄉ'
Novel 'ᄉ' - 6 years ago
+Roverfield yes
Roverfield - 6 years ago
Michelle Sotelo-Mercer wait so I use a regular garlic ?
ayan chatterjee
ayan chatterjee - 6 years ago
Aggression is a reason for ICK- so here is my Tank situation
I have a Blood Parrot about 2 - 2 and a half inch and then i have a Tiger Oscar about 3 Inch -
My Parrot is super aggressive towards the Oscar and the Oscar keeps defending himself and sometimes fight back
How to control this aggression?
The Pen Show
The Pen Show - 6 years ago
Aggression in cichlids are part of the package. They usually fight to establish territory in the tank. Usually some minor fights happen but if its constant there are a few things to fix it
1. Add more decorations to show "landmarks" of territory
2. Get a bigger tank so thar there is larger space for both of them to establish territory. This and adding more decorations usually solve any problems
3. If only its possible with a big enough tank and a big enough filter, get more fish. This diffuses any aggresion between the dominant males.
In my experience this helps solve any aggression.
the lost journal of mystifying things
the lost journal of mystifying things - 6 years ago
i had a dream about you. I dreamt that you sold me one of your old aquarium rooms. you were helping me to customize it . After conversing for a bit you invited me to go camping with you and your friends. The next day we drove to the camping site . While we were driving you started touching me "down there" and rubbed in circles. I moaned and looked up at you as my body naturally responded to the sensation. then I woke up .
Sketchalater - 6 years ago
I'm currently combating a mild case of ich, only a white spot or two on my platy and neon tetra, I've got eagle eyes! My method is first upping the temp, I'm at 86-87 with an airstone. Daily 30%-25% water changes, and soaking food with garlic. It's a planted tank, so I can't use salt. Haven't seen any spots yet, and it's day 3. Everything seems to be going well, but I still ordered Ick Attack, and I want to try out a small dosage. All in all, the more early you catch it, the easier and quicker to cure it. On another note, is it just me, or is freshwater ich is so much more easier and simpler to kill? I used to have a saltwater tank, and ich was a pain in the butt to kill >:( I did hyposalinity, and tank transfer, and it stressed the fish. Saltwater ich freaked me out, and now that I'm into freshwater, I don't fret as much.
Danny Games
Danny Games - 6 years ago
Our Oscar had ick
Huehue Beep
Huehue Beep - 6 years ago
Update: Ich is gone from my fish, im using the same med as for now for thoese ich that fell.
Criptic Inpules
Criptic Inpules - 6 years ago
Mitch D I had same problem. I used medication and it nuked my tank. Super pissed off. Only fish that lived were my loaches and catfish which i have no clue why bc they are scaless
Huehue Beep
Huehue Beep - 6 years ago
I just followed what you did. But without the temp as i lived in a hot country, and im broke. Alre put the medication in and water change, gonna do it for few daya
Lance Farrell
Lance Farrell - 6 years ago
So once you identify the fish order that brought the ich in do you then notify the fish seller? Do you think less of them for sending sick fish to you? I needed to watch this as I have not seen ich in my 25 years in the hobby but I only keep a few tanks and keep fish a very long time so not adding fish a lot. Thanks!

100. comment for HOW TO medicate sick aquarium fish - Cure for ICH

JadeRain Hans
JadeRain Hans - 6 years ago
I normally treat for ich and every disease fungus and etc I treat it all for the first week then I stop
Lonnie Farrare
Lonnie Farrare - 6 years ago
Great vid!
Preston Mitchell
Preston Mitchell - 6 years ago
Can peackok bass and clown knifes withstand 80 degrees
Eli D BASSIN - 6 years ago
Preston Mitchell yes
Gaby G
Gaby G - 6 years ago
Use garlic its the god cure
mr pink
mr pink - 6 years ago
never use that green bs. use salt and raise the temp...ffs
mr pink
mr pink - 6 years ago
huehue read about what ich is. all you need is temp but salt helps the fish slime coat and get the parasites off them. then when the parasite falls off the high temps kill it. also my tank is fully planted with shrimp. still adding salt. salt isnt for 'curing' ick. its to help with the process of removing the spots. and its not necessary but helps a lot.
Stankfinger1976 - 6 years ago
Salt will kill a planted aquarium. No good
Huehue Beep
Huehue Beep - 6 years ago
mr pink U never watched the fulll video. Yes salt and heat can cure it but not 100%. And either use salt or heat. Salt and heat can cause reaction, so i advise not to use heater and salt together. Either use a heater to 30° For few weeks or aquarium salt with every water change
Handled Quasar
Handled Quasar - 6 years ago
mr pink you didnt watch the video
Chris Meredith
Chris Meredith - 6 years ago
I've just gone through a nasty ich infestation, and jungle's liquid ich treatment (malacite green/formalin) began clearing up my neons literally overnight. 25% water changes daily and only hal dosed. Worked amazingly well. I was actually taken back by it's effectiveness.
CJ Bart
CJ Bart - 6 years ago
I know his name is Frank. But I’ll call him Fronk. Leave me alone.
Kfc Potato
Kfc Potato - 6 years ago
Can I use aquiraum salt permantly for goldfish in their tank for preventive measures
Kfc Potato
Kfc Potato - 6 years ago
God bless u both
Kfc Potato
Kfc Potato - 6 years ago
Thank u Mr pro's!
Brittany Strauss
Brittany Strauss - 6 years ago
He says in the video not to do that bc you are just making the ich bacteria immune to the salt. So when you do get infested, it wont work......
bxkid7 - 6 years ago
you can add salt on every water change or every 2 weeks or 1 a moth
Brian Wallace
Brian Wallace - 6 years ago
I just subscribed to your channel. You're very knowledgeable, and I agree with everything you say thank you very much.
Brian Wallace
Brian Wallace - 6 years ago
In the background I noticed your bubbler was bubbling really good how do you do that?
Brian Wallace
Brian Wallace - 6 years ago
Nice set up man.
Just(A)Theory - 6 years ago
holds up egg This is your fish smashes egg with pan This is your fish on ick xD
Love Goldens
Love Goldens - 6 years ago
i went to check my fish last night before i turned the lights off and all my black neon tetras have ich. luckily the other fish dont have it yet.
whats the best medication to use? i have live plants, a snail, some shrimp, plecos and a few other fish in the tank
Bryan Soto
Bryan Soto - 6 years ago
Ich-X is probably the best medication.
Awesome Guy
Awesome Guy - 6 years ago
Love Goldens mm
Alex Vojtko-Proctor
Alex Vojtko-Proctor - 6 years ago
As Joey said -- anything containing malachite green and formalin works wonders. I like Seachem Paraguard, because even though it uses a formalin alternative, it has the same effect but with less toxicity. There's also Ich-X, Rid-Ich and Ich-Attach which are quite popular.

If the medication is green/blue and smells pungent (don't sniff too hard!), it will work.
Cryzon - 6 years ago
Thank you so much! I just realized I was treating ich wrong the whole time !
R Flex2hard
R Flex2hard - 6 years ago
Do u know how to treat ich in arowana and red tail catfish?thanks
BlkiceMike - 6 years ago
raise the temp and add 1tblspoon salt for every 10gallons,.. do this for 10 days.. that's method i use & it works very well so far..
Angie Mayer
Angie Mayer - 6 years ago
Kind of reminds me of head lice in humans such a pain to get rid of and spreads so fast
iRecruit Fish
iRecruit Fish - 6 years ago
Joey you kinda seemed buzzed in this video. :)
Tap in -IG
Tap in -IG - 6 years ago
When you Corentine your fish do you add bacteria to the quarantine or do you use just fresh water ....?
Leobardo Felix
Leobardo Felix - 6 years ago
That focus though.
TheSatnine - 6 years ago
Nilo Chinilla
Nilo Chinilla - 6 years ago
This guy just talks about himself. Focus!
Devin Barham
Devin Barham - 6 years ago
A teaspoon of salt ever 2 to 3 gallon and raising the temp slowly to around 85 to 90 degrees until they finish the life cycle the ich.. I have used this treatment and it worked and i never seen it again . i did two water changes every week for a month . i also removed all the substrate. I used this treatment and i let the water stay salty for 14 days
Love Goldens
Love Goldens - 6 years ago
any suggestions on how to cure it with shrimp and plecos in the tank. (and no i cant remove them from the tank)
MrMerk1991 - 6 years ago
What kind of salt can I use
Gui - 6 years ago
Devin Barham man 85 to 90 degrees and salt... I'm surprised your fish could handle those conditions whil e already being ill
JayJays Vidz
JayJays Vidz - 6 years ago
NOO I JUST GOT ICH YESTERDAY! OMG THANK YOU FOR UPLOADING THIS! I needed this omg, if u didnt put this up i would not have known what to do. Lets hope the way you do it works for me too!
LilymonX - 6 years ago
doesnt that medicine stain the silicone and tank decor?? How did you prevent that
Andrew Barney
Andrew Barney - 6 years ago
and water changes every few days
Andrew Barney
Andrew Barney - 6 years ago
activated carbon right after treatment
Tom Hughes
Tom Hughes - 6 years ago
great exaplantion man, dealing with in a loach tank. any advice, been treating for a few days but havnt uped the temps
krillicool - 6 years ago
What is he talking about regarding a backlash or peoples opinion on him? Joey or someone please answer.
Handled Quasar
Handled Quasar - 6 years ago
krillicool he always gets comments saying the does not treat his fish properly through water changes or feedimg
09092008harrison - 6 years ago
Why you did change the name it was called my fish are sick
09092008harrison - 6 years ago
They were on a different sump
Joe N
Joe N - 6 years ago
Any problem using this product with sand or live rock in the tank?
Saahil Shujaau
Saahil Shujaau - 6 years ago
Can a tetra be tank mate's with a shrimp
Huehue Beep
Huehue Beep - 6 years ago
Saahil Shujaau red and blue shrimps are find. Just not so small
Huehue Beep
Huehue Beep - 6 years ago
Saahil Shujaau yes
Marty Browning
Marty Browning - 6 years ago
I'm about to give up!! My brackish tank is doing great!! My freshwater tank, not so much, I thought I might had ick, treated, did nothing, then I thought maybe it algie, nope! I have lost have my fish!! I'm about to pull my loach...aka worm, I can't lose him!!! I know he is a cheaper fish but couldn't replace him... Had his from day 1 my first fish!! And he let's me pet him! What to do!!!???
Gil Finnigan
Gil Finnigan - 6 years ago
Raise temp, ad salt.... Lots of water surface disturbance... Should work. Maybe try hicari X if not. Good luck mate
Marty Browning
Marty Browning - 6 years ago
I did remove the infected fish soon as I noticed...but keep spreading, and I think it was the new fish, been about a week sense I got him, now one...yes, put new fish in own tank for at least 2 weeks!!!
Joseph Morgan
Joseph Morgan - 6 years ago
What type of air stones do you use ? They put out a-lot of air i have a strong air pump but it still does not put that much out
south florida exotic adventures
south florida exotic adventures - 6 years ago
I have a tank with a redtail catfish it had 4 loaches it ate one that was to small the other three after about 2 weeks got ick my redtail catfish doesn’t have any signs of ick I still quarantined him added 3 air stones lowered the water level to 3/4 full and raised temp from 75 to 80 degrees and added 1/3 of a tablet of jungle ick clear anything else anyone could help me if I am forgetting something if
Philthy Tanks
Philthy Tanks - 6 years ago
south florida exotic adventures for me, dosing Ich-x and turning the temp up to 80-84 (depending on the fish) works miracles
GreenThumb Scapers
GreenThumb Scapers - 6 years ago
For ich always treat for 3 weeks or 21 days... There are also safer treatments than using embalming fluid... formaldehyde is nasty stuff... as is malachite green. I use metroplex/focus from seachem soaked in food with garlic, treat for 3 weeks, its shrimp plant and snail safe as well and wont stain your aquarium decor or seals.
Philthy Tanks
Philthy Tanks - 6 years ago
GreenThumb Scapers ich-x works best for me
Tahir - 6 years ago
Hi Joe I'm a new fish keeping fella start from 20 gallon tank I just want to know why none of your tank has any pleco or any rubbish or algae eating fellas in your tank
Allen Self
Allen Self - 6 years ago
Drea Benson
Drea Benson - 6 years ago
I was preoccupied by Frank playing in the bubbles and couldn't pay attention to the diagram. Lol he's a funny fish.
ThisGuyGaming - 6 years ago
Aashraya Ghimire yup
Sahadi420 - 6 years ago
too much to take care of.
Huehue Beep
Huehue Beep - 6 years ago
Sahadi420 Its a hobby people love it. If you dont i dont understand why are you here
Justin Osorio
Justin Osorio - 6 years ago
Would the medication affect beneficial bacteria?
Dana Chalifoux
Dana Chalifoux - 6 years ago
iv had ick numerous times never use meds use salt and bump the temp thats all no need for chemicals
Goodtimes - 6 years ago
How much salt per gallon?
ichopu44 - 6 years ago
if you were to take all the fish out of the aquarium that dont have white spot, and quarantine the one with it, would that kill the white spot because it wouldnt have a host??
Henley Black
Henley Black - 6 years ago
I use the Kordon brand to treat any Ich that pops up in my aquariums. However, I've found that their 100% natural formula (just called Ich attack and its has a green color on the label) works really well and since it doesn't contain malachite or methylene it is safe for scaleless fish like catfish (never lost any when I treat). I know everyone had different opinions/ experience using all kinds of treatments but thought I'd share something that's worked for me.

Also, thanks for sharing this video with us. I like that you share the struggles/problems you have with the hobby and not just the "perfect" moments. It's much more authentic and relatable. :)
whysoserious54 - 6 years ago
Yo Joey is off the walls hyper in this video...slow down and stop pacing back and forth.
wildsprig - 6 years ago
If you buy only from a trustworthy LFS, they have already properly quarantined the fish, before selling them to you. But, if you buy fish in bulk, from overseas, quarantining is essential.
Sahadi420 - 6 years ago
only one unnecessary comma. The one after fish. All others are correct.
Scottie M
Scottie M - 6 years ago
wildsprig so ,many unnecessary, commas.
aapls - 6 years ago

I noticed (1) white spot on the back fin of my new pea puffer, the other (2) didn’t have it. I have them in a bare bottom, completely empty quarantine tank now. Heater is on, with air bubbles going, and ick medication started.

My first question I have is, HOW LONG do I CONTINUE to treat ick with the medications even after the fish appear healed and healthy?

I feed my puffers their worms via metal tongs. Second question, what is a good disinfection process for my tools so as not to re-contaminate the fish?

I would like to actually keep them in this smaller quarantine tank once they’re healed and healthy, and eventually decorate this tank. I would change out the filter — but third question is it recommended to completely disinfect the tank first?
ALT KNIGHT - 6 years ago
aapls I have never kept puffers as they are illegal in my country so I'll give you the standard way. I'm not sure if you have fixed the problem, but I would you increase the temperature, treat with formalin/malachite every 3-4 days.

To disinfect equipment, plain bleach and the sun is the most effective way to go. Soak equipment in bleach for around 30mins and rinse a million times. Then let it completely dry in the sun and rinse again in a bucket of water with heaps of prime or a similar product.

Don't use bleach on porous things like sponges, filter media etc.
Stanley Taylor8
Stanley Taylor8 - 6 years ago
Do you got gold fish
Andy Erosa
Andy Erosa - 6 years ago
Nice diagram lol
Ragnar - 6 years ago
what are those tetras called ?
Scotchy Scotch Scotch
Scotchy Scotch Scotch - 6 years ago
Emperor Tetra
Ken Early
Ken Early - 6 years ago
Too many comments to read them all now, so if I am covering ground someone already been covered, I apologize.

I don't think you mentioned in the video that malachite green and methylene blue are both toxic to smooth skinned fish and invertebrates. Copper is also used, but it is definitely toxic to invertebrates, and I believe once you put in the tank, it is either always there, or is for a very long time. I have had success using methylene blue and malachite green at half strength without killing smooth skinned fish or invertebrates. However, that's assuming you catch the infection early. If you don't notice it until the fish are covered with parasites, they're probably not going to be strong enough long enough for the half strength dosing to work before the fish die.

Also, both blue and green will permanently stain everything in the tank; sealant, rocks, plants, everything. Blue is much worse about this than green.
Koolers Aquatics
Koolers Aquatics - 6 years ago
Great video. Just posted to a fish forum to help someone with an ick problem. Thanks for the videos and all the info. It has really helped
Nick schmitz
Nick schmitz - 7 years ago
what is your favorite/best ich medication
Craig Woodhull
Craig Woodhull - 7 years ago
Was waiting for SALT you caught the temp. With Discus kick up yout temp to 90 and add salt Thats all
kit Kat
kit Kat - 7 years ago
I think what u do is awesome
PlanetCentral - 7 years ago
Where do you buy your fish online?
Franklin Eyman
Franklin Eyman - 7 years ago
Kordon rid-ick plus the best
Kill me.
Kill me. - 7 years ago
I want an Asian Arowana
Akik Miah
Akik Miah - 7 years ago
Hi joey I have a 100g community tank .today morning 1 of my clawn knife died. And there is some slimy things floating in the water .please help tell me what to do.thanks
Akik Miah
Akik Miah - 7 years ago
Blaster •
Blaster • - 7 years ago
Put methalyne blue in and raise the heat. (Methalyne blue is ick super cure) (it works on all bacterial infections.
Eric K
Eric K - 7 years ago
I don’t think Ive ever seen a video where joey is gravel vacuuming. He had no substrate in his tanks for SOOO long.
Isis-Elise Cousins
Isis-Elise Cousins - 7 years ago
I like to quarantine for a full 10 weeks (70 days) for all my new fish. It's annoying but worth it
Cute fish
Cute fish - 7 years ago
You are supposed to dip the new freshwater fish in saltwater or ich medication bath in a bucket for 1 minute then rinse in freshwater and then put in the main display tank.
This will help kill parasites.
Cute fish
Cute fish - 6 years ago
I know saltwater or ich medication bath will not kill ich that is already on freshwater fish but this will help kill parasites in the store bag of water with fish
since most fish stores use one fish net for all their tanks. Saltwater or ich medication bath is an extra precaution to prevent ich or pest snails from being carried by fish, aquatic plants, and water. It does not hurt to do this. It can only help. Ever since I do this bath I have not gotten ich or pest snails. I also dip my new plants in a bath before I put them in my main tank.
francisco menjivar
francisco menjivar - 7 years ago
Great video bro.
ryan kersell
ryan kersell - 7 years ago
Get your head out of your butt and quarintien your fish. I died lol.
Cheryl Forgues Beaird
Cheryl Forgues Beaird - 7 years ago
Do you work with bettas?
12345apeters - 7 years ago
Coppersafe has always worked for me.... The only downside is there can’t be any shrimp or snails when using this stuff.
Ken Early
Ken Early - 6 years ago
Not only can invertebrates not be present, but the copper will remain in your tank because it gets absorbed by porous items and will leech back out and kill them. I've seen terms of "up to a month," but I've always understood that once you put copper in a tank, it can no longer be used with invertebrates. I think that applies more to decor items, unless it can be absorbed into sealant, but I'm not sure. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

Copper can be very effective, but you have to really be careful with it if you plan on having invertebrates in the tank after you use it.
djclown7pb - 7 years ago
My nephew was just born on 2/2
satarell - 7 years ago
hey fellow groundhog birthday :D
TheCichlidman - 7 years ago
I was also born on 02/02, groundhogs day. Congratulations!
TheDisliker74 - 7 years ago
Sick fish!?!? Capital D Colon!
Mar Wil
Mar Wil - 7 years ago
Hi Joey You have so many subscribers haha number higher than number of people in Luksemburg
paul bingham
paul bingham - 7 years ago
Cupramine can sort ich out real fast as long as you don't poison the fish and there are not inverts in the aquarium
Destiney K.
Destiney K. - 7 years ago
Hold on. ‘On February 18th I received a shipment. On January 23rd I aired that video’

Huh?? You’ve had these fish a year?
Destiney K.
Destiney K. - 7 years ago
Okay! That makes more sense. I was like ‘you kept them a secret from us for that long?!’
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
I meant Jan 18
Localguy - 7 years ago
I worked at a lfs for a few years we always kept the nets in a bucket with medicated water and dipped before using them in another system
Inez Santospirito
Inez Santospirito - 7 years ago
how do i convince my parents to let me get fish! and what should i get if they say yes? (for a beginner)
elfeyes - 6 years ago
On how to convince your parents do a lot of research. Know what you want and why you want. How to care for them and why you need to care for them that way. Organize all information so it is easy to ready. Spreadsheets and paragraphs. Start with a 20 gallon tank if you can or the largest tank size you can. I recommend that you take time looking at fish and decide which ones you like best. No animal is a short term purchase. You are going to have these fish for years so you want to be really excited for them. Good luck!
Jewell Boettcher
Jewell Boettcher - 7 years ago
Get a simple betta community tank with a male betta, some molly's, placats, guppies, ghost shrimp, things like that :)
Crazed Toaster
Crazed Toaster - 7 years ago
Alaska wow, nice
Alaska - 7 years ago
^ not only do you need water changes you need to cycle the tank for 7-8 weeks before you get the fish (watch the cycling video for creative pet keeping or anyone).Making sure the fish won’t die from the ammonia spikes. Having a good sized tank and filter for the fish will be better for the fish as well. If you are willing to do the work tell your parents it’s your responsibility and just point out fish are easier to care for than dogs and cats, get good grades maybe. I would recommend Betta fish but I recommend plakat types since they are more hardy for beginners, halfmoons are a bit harder with trying to prevent fin rot which takes quite a while to help them grow back. Bettas don’t really need a ton oxygen inside the water they breathe off the surface, but they still use their gills. I would say get 2.5-10 gallon tanks, add a heater since they are tropical unless you live somewhere very warm 76-80 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not put males together they just fight each other. LOL didn’t realize how long this was, good luck to convincing your parents and getting a fish. (P.s if you decide to get bettas do more research like sicknesses, how to spot and treat them)
Aquatic ventures
Aquatic ventures - 7 years ago
who will do the water change?
Me and my Oscars
Me and my Oscars - 7 years ago
I once made the mistake of adding the water that I purchased a fish with in my aquarium and gave my Oscar skin rot. I did my research and was able to cure the rot and save my Oscar.
bigdreams - 7 years ago
Great video! And happy belated birthday!
The Gamingdude
The Gamingdude - 7 years ago
Wut happen to the other flowerhorn?
Mohd Razee Salleh
Mohd Razee Salleh - 7 years ago
He gave Beans away to a a fan.
Forsaken 77
Forsaken 77 - 7 years ago
People should keep in mind that treating ich for freshwater is much different than saltwater or reef tanks. These chemicals can/will kill certain species. There are more gentle ways to treat ich where it's not as stressful on the fish. Do your research based on what you're keeping.
Forsaken 77
Forsaken 77 - 7 years ago
solar clapson
Garlic isn't a treatment for anything. The best treatment for marine ich is copper. Chloroquine Phosphate works very well also. Then there's the tank transfer method (TTM) and hyposalinity. Certain strains of marine ich can also spread through the air to tanks up to 10ft. away.

Malachite Green is a good treatment tool for ich, but hardly the most effective, or appropriate one every time as it will kill corals. There's a lot of people that view this channel and shouldn't think that treating ich is the same across the board, which is why I said to research what you keep. There's a bit more to it than just salt.
solar clapson
solar clapson - 7 years ago
Salt, garlic and heat.
Mikey Kemendi
Mikey Kemendi - 7 years ago
Try get a ghost cart or carp not sure on the real name soz
Shivashish Das
Shivashish Das - 7 years ago
Kudos to you for sharing this Joey. Ich is a pain in the wrong place for millions of fishkeepers around the world. The bad part is that it can stay unseen for long periods and hit when least expected; the good part is that if the fish survive the outbreak their immunity against a reinfection goes up greatly.
Νικος Δεσποτακης
Νικος Δεσποτακης - 7 years ago
You are right Joey even the most experienced fish cepers makes mistakes.... nice video!!!!!
william amely
william amely - 7 years ago
Sorry that your Urarus got Ick. I hope they all fully recover..
Andrew Holland
Andrew Holland - 7 years ago
Haha Happy birthday mine is on the second to
jon Johnson
jon Johnson - 7 years ago
Quality and informative video!
Tom Fish
Tom Fish - 7 years ago
One of your BEST Video Joey !! I learn SO MUCH from you
I dont speak english at all and you know what ? I understand your language perfectly fine because you talk for we understand !! You take the right time for your viewers and this is amazing you the BEST !! I fellow you from QUEBEC and im wearing your FISHKEEPER TSHIRT You amazing I never had the Ick but I know I will have one day and your video gonna save my fish I just wanted to say you that WE LOVE YOU
William Arenas
William Arenas - 7 years ago
Great video but I need to tell you that many people (including me) have invertebrates in our tanks and looks like this product will kill them all, that will be a good information to add in your video, thank you!
Snes Guy
Snes Guy - 7 years ago
Haha I only keep inverts. That comes with all it's own issues, but yeah they're delicate to a lot of things.
Leni Parsons
Leni Parsons - 7 years ago
How many fish do you have? And what is your favourite?
Donald Gillis
Donald Gillis - 7 years ago
I just purchased a used 100 gallon aquarium how do I clean the aquarium to ensure I don't get my fish infected
Mr. Nero
Mr. Nero - 7 years ago
Donald Gillis soft sponge, warm water, new clean rags. Absolutely no chemicals.
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof
Mr. Peener Pounder of Hitchgoof - 7 years ago
i literally just got some first symptoms of ich before i saw this. this really helps
gutiersa - 7 years ago
Excellent video, as usual!
jake burr
jake burr - 7 years ago
Why don’t you pre treat whenever you get fish in, just to be safe
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Why put healthy fish though stressful treatment if they don’t have anything? I sometimes do if I want to quicken the QT process, but I usually prefer to monitor over several weeks.
Dawn Ruhl
Dawn Ruhl - 7 years ago
Loved learning about diseases. More please! I am in love with your Angel fish tank. Breathtaking. They're my second favorite freshwater fish, Bettas are my favorite. But your Angels are what made me subscribe, and your content has me looking forward to your videos.
Lavinia de Mortalium
Lavinia de Mortalium - 7 years ago
awww, our birthdays are a day apart. Happiest Birthday, Joey! Thank you for the informative video on Ich. Definitely one of the most common maladies for beginners.
NIKESH STHA - 7 years ago
up-vote if you want joey to put black ghost knife on his 2000g :D
Saul Guerrero
Saul Guerrero - 7 years ago
I love the video Joey , so much great info here, its awesome. I personally do E.M Erythromycin, General Cure, and Ich X when I quarantine my fish. Its plant safe, shrimp safe, snail safe, fry safe. I do it for a week (7 days). I monitor my fish after the 7 day period, if the fish look healthy and happy I put them in the main display tank. I have never had an issue with this process. You can mix all 3 medications without any problems.
Luka Zivkovic
Luka Zivkovic - 7 years ago
It’s like you are plotting a secret evil plan all you are missing is one light right on top of the white board
Luka Zivkovic
Luka Zivkovic - 7 years ago
I love you drawings you are good
Debdeep Podder
Debdeep Podder - 7 years ago
What happened to the drop eye problem with one of your arowanas?
Luka Zivkovic
Luka Zivkovic - 7 years ago
Debdeep Podder ohh yeah
Fairy Tail
Fairy Tail - 7 years ago
What's the progress on the drop eyed arowana? i can't tell the difference between those two blood red.
PARAEZFLY - 7 years ago
A Vortex Diatom Vilters will remove all ick from your water.Get one
Victor Liang
Victor Liang - 7 years ago
This is great. Nice shot with the frank tank in the back.
Kael Barron
Kael Barron - 7 years ago
You’re like the Vsauce of fish
Tegeika Stormwind
Tegeika Stormwind - 7 years ago
Belated happy Birthday ^^"
Sheena Bailey
Sheena Bailey - 7 years ago
So smart. It’s very attractive!
Josselyn O'Prey
Josselyn O'Prey - 7 years ago
WOW. I can’t stress enough how informative this video is. THANK YOU so much for going so in-depth about this. As a young fish hobbyist I found this video really helpful and never really came across someone who went as far as to explain a fish illness. Thank you again Joey for being so great!
Robin Singh
Robin Singh - 7 years ago
Use heater
Bob McCann
Bob McCann - 7 years ago
So we share the same birthday, we're both water signs and we both enjoy fish as our hobby... Interesting. Happy belated birthday!
Cole Slater
Cole Slater - 7 years ago
Hi Joey I’m new to the hobby one of my fish has white fluff developing on its tail is there a cure to this and or how can I help it
Mrsunmaid - 7 years ago
Joey, 2/2 Happy Birthday. Your birthday, 2/2, is the first date of the year where all the digits are even.
My birthday is 8/28 the last date of the year where all the digits are even.
Does the Malachite Green permanelty stain some stuff in the tank?
Razorfin Tech
Razorfin Tech - 7 years ago
Lol i use the same titanium heater
MrHominid2U - 7 years ago
Why doesn't anyone use Mardel's Coppersafe for ick? I haven't had a case of ick in decades but back when I first started fish keeping I used Coppersafe and it cures ick immediately (you can't have invertebrates in the treated tank but that's the same with all ick medications). In the olden days aquarists use to put copper pennies in their tanks to keep them clear of parasites.
CarMeets - 7 years ago
I use coppersafe aswell. Works great for certain applications.
Cher - 7 years ago
Thank you so much for your honesty! I'm new to the hobby and it's really nice to see the dirty, scary side of it, to keep my head up with my mistakes. And as always, thank you so much for all of the information!!
Fish keeper
Fish keeper - 7 years ago
very informative thank you :)
Aquarium Hobby
Aquarium Hobby - 7 years ago
Good for you getting them cured and didn't lose any of them! I have 2 neon tetra sick! I think is white mouth fungus and I just start the treatment a day ago for all my fish! I have a 48 gallons thank and I had to take out my 3 amano shrimps and 48 swordtail baby's in a 2,5 gallons so the medicine don't kill them but all the shrimps and baby's died in the time I was at work! Hope all the rest of them get better!
Adam T
Adam T - 7 years ago
Maximilian Mösler
Maximilian Mösler - 7 years ago
Thanks for the great and educating video.
ryman8 - 7 years ago
theres no need to included any responses to neysayers in your videos; the huge majority of us are just watching thinking "who says these bad things... dammit that was a whole sentence dedicated to internet trolls when it should be something interesting about fish" =P
i can imagine it is difficult to ignore any negative comments though, so ill give you some slack lol
Todd Entingh
Todd Entingh - 7 years ago
Thank for all your videos. It has got me back into having a hobby again. And correct my bad habits. Now I can have living fish again.. lol
Jake Senior
Jake Senior - 7 years ago
Assuming the parasite came from the Vieja did you medicate the Vieja tank as a precaution?
president of random
president of random - 7 years ago
It happens to the best of us
Clownfish4005 - 7 years ago
Get cleaner shrimp
They it eat parasites
Clownfish4005 - 7 years ago
The king of DIY sorry did not know if they had a fresh water version
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Thanks for the advice... but this is a freshwater aquarium.
Leah Kuckelkorn
Leah Kuckelkorn - 7 years ago
I have 7 neon tetras in a 15 gallon aquarium, 2 of them are sick, I can't really identify it. It looks a bit like a sort of fungal disease.
What should I do? If I put those 2 in a separate tank I think they are more likely to die of loneliness then the actual infection, right?
mark west
mark west - 7 years ago
30 yrs experience tells me uv and increase temp is best cure for these problems
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
UV will only kill what it comes in contact with... IF the flow rate is slow enough over a strong enough bulb... Usually not worth the effort/ expense... not to mention a UV can potentially weaken a fish by never being exposed to any pathogens... would be like living in a bubble all your life... then walking outside. I size UV for algae... that’s about it.
Jonny Burli
Jonny Burli - 7 years ago
One of the best explanations I've heard and I've worked for LFS as a specialist before. glad to see you tackled the problem head on. and no matter what you do, you will always catch backlash. Thanks Joey
Alejandro Reyes
Alejandro Reyes - 7 years ago
What should I do if my fishes stomach looks sunken?
gabby smith
gabby smith - 7 years ago
Oh yeah, it's not a guarantee. But its worth trying. It also stimulates eating which helps make sure sick fish eat.
Clownfish4005 - 7 years ago
gabby smith it doesn’t always work
Clownfish4005 - 7 years ago
gabby smith ok but I tried it didn’t work
gabby smith
gabby smith - 7 years ago
my guppies had sunken stomachs due to parasites and I have no access to medications so all I could do was feed them garlic. I lost a few but many recovered.
Clownfish4005 - 7 years ago
gabby smith wrong about the garlic
gabby smith
gabby smith - 7 years ago
Alejandro Reyes this is usually a sign of parasites. I would get a medication for them. It will also help if you feed your fish garlic.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Feed them! haha (could be an internal parasite too though)
Michelle Collins
Michelle Collins - 7 years ago
I would like to get tickets to Aurora gig but cannot find the link
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Apparently you have to buy them in store.
Seth Martin Official
Seth Martin Official - 7 years ago
If you have stable, healthy, & strong fish ecosystem, shouldn't your fish immune systems be strong enough to fight off ich before it begins?
Seth Martin Official
Seth Martin Official - 6 years ago
The king of DIY valid point, although I've had many experiences with my tanks where only 1or2 fish get infested (usually the older fish) while the main school stays vital and healthy. Even cases where it cleared up by itself. & I've read tht ich is very often present in substrate, but only flaring up when fish are stressed or sick. --- Also, your amazing, love your videos : )
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
It’s not a cold.... it’s a live parasite... nothing to do with their immune systems.
Stop Motion Lego Creator
Stop Motion Lego Creator - 7 years ago
Hope they get better eats fish while hoping his fish get better
Elder Toad
Elder Toad - 7 years ago
We need more videos like this! Edit- I don't want you to have more sick fish. Just want more information like this
daddyj88 - 7 years ago
Thanks for this video homie I'm always so paranoid bout this and not really sure on wat to look for exactly
Lucy Spittle
Lucy Spittle - 7 years ago
I love the drawing of the fish Joey!
Cobalt Cox
Cobalt Cox - 7 years ago
I just got some new tiger barbs from a pet store I'd never shopped from and they have ich as well. Trying so hard to treat them right now too
Noswad 9
Noswad 9 - 7 years ago
colloidal silver is your friend!
Shari Bice
Shari Bice - 7 years ago
I think the newer fish are probably more hardy than the Uaru.
Stephen - 7 years ago
I been keeping fish all my life and i didn't know about the life cycle. Thank you Joey for explaining that. By the way when are you coming back to the UK hope it will be near London again.
Eric Pollentes
Eric Pollentes - 7 years ago
my fish has a parasites called anchor worms pls.. help me
Michael Montgomery
Michael Montgomery - 7 years ago
I love your explanation of the disease. You should do a little video for all the common diseases.
Dawn Ruhl
Dawn Ruhl - 7 years ago
For sure! We want more info on common fish ailments, please?
stephen kane
stephen kane - 7 years ago
really hope he reads your comment and addresses common diseases
Tim Peebles
Tim Peebles - 7 years ago
This is one of those videos I've always wanted but never wanted to ask for because it felt like it would be asking for your fish to be sick and for you to share their misery for our benefit. Treating an accidental illness and educating us as a result is probably the best possible situation for you to share this kind of information.
SAID ANDDONE - 7 years ago
Nice vid bro, got a vid on popeye?
waterintowhine - 7 years ago
I bet the slime coat makes them more prone to ick.
Notyourmama - 7 years ago
Great video!!! Thank you
J C - 7 years ago
That slow zoom was mega dramatic lol
jurgen Boes
jurgen Boes - 7 years ago
I never did quarantine my fish until I get velvet in my salt tank..
all fish died within a week... I will do it from now on with all of them what i buy..
this was 12 weeks ago and my next fish I'll buy will go in quarantine for that same time too..

the thing is a tank with corals can't be treated with copper base.. so I had to leave the tank empty for 12 weeks before all ick died out.
in my quarantine tank I will use copper based products and for corals I'll just have to wait 8 to 12 weeks
Courtney Parchment
Courtney Parchment - 7 years ago
Happy birthday
Lynn Fisher
Lynn Fisher - 7 years ago
If your established tank
contracted Ick from the newcomers, did you treat the newcomers for it as well even though you didn't see signs of it on them?
si bland
si bland - 7 years ago
wow Frank is getting big ;)
Maddy Grabham
Maddy Grabham - 7 years ago
Aww poor fish, hope they get well soon <3
Nathan Byler
Nathan Byler - 7 years ago
Nice vid, man!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! ;-)
Cindy Gravatt
Cindy Gravatt - 7 years ago
Wouldn’t you have to treat the fish that brought in the ich?
I would also like to suggest that some of your viewers..... get their own channel. I am a fan of you and it irritates me that they have the nerve to write these long comments.
Critters N Cars
Critters N Cars - 7 years ago
how long do you wait after the ich has dissipated to call your aquarium ich free again. ive heard of peoples ich re appearing after 6 months. my quarantine tank became ich infected and i treated it with temps and meds, the ich cleared after about 5 days but ive been holding the fish in quarantine for 10 weeks now with no signs of infection. scared to put em in my 1000g terrarium that has a 180g built into it.
Jasmine Collins
Jasmine Collins - 7 years ago
Daryk S If it shows up that long after, with no signs of it in between, it's a new outbreak. If they've been isolated for months, they're as safe as you can make them.
Scottie_ R_Jr
Scottie_ R_Jr - 7 years ago
February 18th? It's not even the 17th yet.. you're living in the future lol .... Anyways I love the vids man glad to see someone educating ppl on the hobby keep it up man
EingeL - 7 years ago
Sorry Joey but i dont speak perfect english so i lost the part of the medicine...whats the name? Or what kind of med is that.
William Arenas
William Arenas - 7 years ago
Kordon Rid Ich Plus #37656 - 16oz
Frederik - 7 years ago
Hi Joey!
I’m a big fan of your work, and I follow your channel closely.
However as a Biologist (and a fishkeeper for around twenty years), I have to correct you on a few things in this video :)
I don’t mean to sound patronizing at all, but since this is a educational video I hope you will listen to my comments – if you ever get to read them... Or maybe somebody else will.

You mention that the airbubbles themselves don’t actually contribute to raising the oxygen level while going through the water column. This is not exactly true. While circulation definitely helps a lot with the uptake of oxygen into the water column the diffusion of oxygen from the airbubbles into the water are most definitely of high importance. This is partly why smaller bubbles add more oxygen despite of a lower amount of surface movement – however smaller bubbles might also add to the overall circulation of the water column.
The fact that the water bubbles travel fast through the water column only amplifies the effect – this is expressed by “Fick's first law” as the “diffusion coefficient” (D) is proportional to the velocity of the particles in question.
Velocity is simply not preventing diffusion but rather facilitating it.

I’m not an expert on pathogenes but as far as I could tell most of what you explained about Ichthyophthirius seemed very accurate. However I would argue that almost all fish in the aquarium hobby today can withstand temperatures upwards of 30-32 degree Celsius (86-89 degree Fahrenheit) as long as the oxygen level is high enough (however that can be a real pain from 26/80 degree Celsius/Fahrenheit and up).

I agree with your comment on adding salt (table salt, mind you ;) ) and raising the temperature, however the reasoning behind this is NOT that the higher temperature and salt will kill of the parasite itself. Rather the temperature will help speed up the lifecycle (just as you explained) and the salt will relieve the osmotic stress of the fish, so more resources can go to fighting of the parasite through the immune system. The temperature also helps with this. But you are definitely right that salt should only be added occasionally!

Also just a quick comment about the use of quarantine systems since I believe that the use of these systems heavily relies on what type of setup you have and where you get your fish from! The use of quarantine systems are usually a good tip, however it can be a bit too much when getting fish from a responsible dealer that have already kept them in quarantine and if your aquarium are relatively small and easy to treat that is.
On larger systems and with self imported fish I definitely believe that quarantine systems are a must.

Furthermore, everything is a chemical, so please be careful with using the word too liberally – but I’m sure you already know this :)

Great video!

Nathan Sederholm
Nathan Sederholm - 7 years ago
Frederik Will it kill them? Overdose yes but probably not. The point is you are not thinking like a novice. Table salt to a novice is (OK, I have a a big tub of Mortons salt here, I'll use this). Mortons is like 45% iodine. Bottom line is freshwater fish don't need salt at all and they definitely don't need the extra stuff. In the event they are already weak and sick why risk it? Regular aquarium salt is fine.
Frederik - 7 years ago
Hello Again Nathan. Could you provide me with any sources stating that the amount of iodine in table salt have any harmful effects on your aquarium? Regarding anti caking agents and sugar I have not familiarized myself with the role of these substances. However I was ONLY commenting on the type of salt and NOT whatever substances anybody might have added to the salt.

Again. Table salt is simply the common name for NaCl. It does not apply to any other agents that might have been added to the product that you are buying.

Nathan Sederholm
Nathan Sederholm - 7 years ago
Frederik You said table salt. I bet everyone's run of the mill table salt has iodine in it and the only time you would need iodine is if you have saltwater crustaceans. Plus anti caking agents and even sugar. Otherwise salt is good, that's all.
Frederik - 7 years ago
Could you please supply any kind of sources for your claims? Thank you.
Otherwise I encourage you to read up on basic chemistry of salts and aquatic toxity of substances.

Frederik - 7 years ago
A certain concentration in conjuncture with higher temperatures can help to get rid of the pathogen. But not by killing it. Rather by relieving the osmotic pressure/stress on the fish, and thus helping the immune system to function better.

I like to use 250 grams/liter to treat Ich, in most cases - a rather high concentration, I know :)

Nathan Sederholm
Nathan Sederholm - 7 years ago
w13rdguy Aquarium salt yes, not table salt like he said.
w13rdguy - 7 years ago
I thought a certain concentration of salt would clear ich, in conjunction with temperature elevation. Worked for me before..I also did an erythromycin regimen, for secondary infections. I mostly keep angels, which don't seem to be susceptible to ich anyway.

Not a big deal, but it should also be mentioned that these "green," or "blue" medications WILL stain your glass aquariums silicone sealant.
Nathan Sederholm
Nathan Sederholm - 7 years ago
I disagree with you on a couple things. First off no, you don't want table salt. You don't need a bunch of iodine in your tank or anything else they might add. That's bad advice. And second, he's right about the airstone. It doesn't do much unless it either violent or in conjunction with circulation. Powerheads are perfect example I'm getting at. As well as smaller bubbles. Smaller bubbles are more likely to float around the aquarium do better in oxygen exchange. So your kinda both right.
Hailey Waterworth
Hailey Waterworth - 7 years ago
biotechnologist here, THANK YOU FOR SHARING!
Graham S
Graham S - 7 years ago
Happy late bday! My bday is the day after yours!!
J G Harris Consulting
J G Harris Consulting - 7 years ago
Joey: "Quarantine, is now my favorite tank"
Joseph Scicluna
Joseph Scicluna - 7 years ago
the ick is called white spot.
SomethingReallyStrange - 7 years ago
the 2000g looks phenomenal in the back
Renek Jorgenson-Massad
Renek Jorgenson-Massad - 7 years ago
I have been watching your videos for years. By far, one of your best videos in months! i encourage you to do more "trouble shooting" videos for your viewers. thanks for all your videos!
Aaron Windsor
Aaron Windsor - 7 years ago
The same applies to people with stds haha
jim halpert
jim halpert - 7 years ago
nah it's really not
PvhEP - 7 years ago
Good video! And yes, it looked very much that things were always very easy for you with purchasing fish and caring for them.
Anime and Things
Anime and Things - 7 years ago
Naerwyn - 7 years ago
w13rdguy - 7 years ago
Vlog life I run "half and half" on my planted, yup! (Half blue, half white) My tank is very easy to maintain, it is nearly balanced (about 70%).
heraldthemighty - 7 years ago
UV isn't necessary. I'm not saying it doesn't work but in a properly maintained tank it is minimally effective. It would not have stopped the ick outbreak.
Alex's Animal Channel
Alex's Animal Channel - 7 years ago
Love this educational video Joey. Need to do more like this man even if you're fish aren't sick :)
Jacob Formosa
Jacob Formosa - 7 years ago
i was looking to buy a new fish tank and was wondering whether for a tank 6foot*2*2 is 10 mm glass ok.
austin owens
austin owens - 7 years ago
Does any one know what type of water conditioner he uses????
Nathan Sederholm
Nathan Sederholm - 7 years ago
austin owens He doesn't. He's got well water. Much better water.
Annieke Koegelenberg
Annieke Koegelenberg - 7 years ago
Hey Joey, could I make a suggestion? Could you perhaps name the videos according to what advice/DIY that you are going share. Like today you explained how to cure ich. The reason for this being is just so that when we refer back to a certain video it would be easier to find :)
Tonto Tube
Tonto Tube - 7 years ago
Annieke Koegelenberg he could rename it "MY FISH ARE S(ICH)"
Mark Valdez
Mark Valdez - 7 years ago
Damn I've had fish for 5 years and never quarantine. I should start doing it. I knew I should be doing it but just never did it.
Tera Kloc
Tera Kloc - 7 years ago
Such a common parasite. Great video. Love the explainations, I shared your video to my fb fish page for everyone.
fabriglas - 7 years ago
Sharing helps people learn ...
Matt Productions
Matt Productions - 7 years ago
did anyone else realize that it started on the 13th day?
Satu Howlader
Satu Howlader - 7 years ago
you get a pond like jenny of solid gold aquatics
Jonathan Sims
Jonathan Sims - 7 years ago
Hi Joey... Any chance of you setting up a Wild Discus tank? Just an idea. Jon from Birmingham England
Erica - 7 years ago
Love your videos dude, thank you! Think i had some parasites that came in with a cherry barb and none of them made it :(
brandon HVAC/ANTS
brandon HVAC/ANTS - 7 years ago
My 5 yr old does a better job with her fish.
superken14 - 7 years ago
My 5 year old makes better videos than you, you bum lol. Stop recording with that razor phone.
Ashab Rahim
Ashab Rahim - 7 years ago
brandon HVAC/ANTS everyone makes mistakes , if ur going to be so judgemental , don't watch any videos on YouTube
Marko Az
Marko Az - 7 years ago
My African Cichlids are dying one by one every other day showing no signs of being sick until the day of there death and they lay at the bottom, I've been doing 20% water changes every day since then and it slowed the death rate down, what do I do? (no external parasites found)
Marko Az
Marko Az - 7 years ago
would an ammonia spike cause bubbles to form at the surface of my tank?
S p a g s
S p a g s - 7 years ago
And there we go
Marko Az
Marko Az - 7 years ago
Dana F how do I test for that
Dana F
Dana F - 7 years ago
What's your ammonia levels?
Marko Az
Marko Az - 7 years ago
I also haven't added any fish to the aquarium for 2 months
Fancy Fish
Fancy Fish - 7 years ago
Please keep goldfish
Scott Harrison
Scott Harrison - 7 years ago
What controls ich in the wild???....seems like all fish would have ich in the wild
Sławek B.
Sławek B. - 7 years ago
temperature - most of the time :)
Fernando Marturet
Fernando Marturet - 7 years ago
Think of the life cycle. In the wild a fish will lose its ick and then it simply rests in the bottom hoping for another host. The reason ick kills so many fish in the aquarium hobby is due to it being contained in the aquarium, hence repetitively feeding off the same fish. In the wild a fish getting bombarded in such a fashion is rare. Currents move substrate and carry the ick away or the fish move to other location. Ick itself is not a life or death parasite in the wild. Also its important to take into account that ick usually affects fish with compromised immune systems.
Kyle Freeman
Kyle Freeman - 7 years ago
:( can you tell me what type of fish i could put in a 45 gallons tank
Sławek B.
Sławek B. - 7 years ago
every nano fish - various tetras, danio fish etc
LordRae - 7 years ago
I've got a 40 gallon with 4 Gourami. 1 gold,1 Opaline and 2 Blue. Makes for a pretty tank with lots of movement. Gourami are so hardy too... tough to screw it up.
Katie Lynch
Katie Lynch - 7 years ago
Kyle Freeman You could get a few axolotls!!
DyFelz YT
DyFelz YT - 7 years ago
Kyle Freeman you can put 2-3 fancy goldfish
Pintoo - 7 years ago
Had similar encounter with anchor worm 2 months back which came with new fish. Didn't knew the importance of quarantine untill then. It took me some time to cope with initial panic, identify the disease, do some research, ordering medication and medication arrival. Only after which i started treatment. Lost 2 already existing fish and 1 new fish because of that delay. But thankfully saved 8 badly infected fish. I had my lesson.
Roel - 7 years ago
I got scared that my fish had it
smudge - 7 years ago
can you do a video on filters and filtration systems?
smudge - 7 years ago
Wasting Time *haha ffs
smudge - 7 years ago
Wasting Time sorry i didnt realise there already was one gaga
wasting time
wasting time - 7 years ago
smudge look through his older vids
AzzaBro59 - 7 years ago
Guilty of never quarantineing them. Bottle of multi fix is ready. I inspect the fish i buy fking hard. If i see 1 dead fish or an unhealthy fish in a single tank i refuse to cpnsisder anything from that tank.
AzzaBro59 - 7 years ago
But the king dam well explained why he does it.
hahayourfunny94 - 7 years ago
Professor Joey and his white board
Jonathan Brown
Jonathan Brown - 7 years ago
how long do you quarantine angelfish
vigilhammer - 7 years ago
Hmm good Info man.
Blake Taranto
Blake Taranto - 7 years ago
I hope ur fish get better!
Ma Veeran
Ma Veeran - 7 years ago
You are a great teacher, joey
ppHD - 7 years ago
our goldfish got attacked by one lice parasite. what to do now?
it sticks on her head.
Commie The commie
Commie The commie - 7 years ago
What happened to bean
Fulminello Scc
Fulminello Scc - 7 years ago
Vidar Of sorrows he gave it away to a kid
Fishing And Hunting
Fishing And Hunting - 7 years ago
good works done by you we have few of them thanks
Eazar Keith Solis
Eazar Keith Solis - 7 years ago
Just use garlic after 30 mins all the flea of the fish or white spots be gone
Jasmine Collins
Jasmine Collins - 7 years ago
No, it doesn't work that way. It's not like fleas. Not that garlic actually gets rid of fleas, but they're not fond of garlic, and will avoid it. Ich isn't affected by it at all.
Anna Morgan
Anna Morgan - 7 years ago
TheSavage Moto garlic doesn’t nothing to treat ich. It’s good to encourage fish to eat. That’s all.
beanepicninja - 7 years ago
"ick-sternal parasites" dammit Joey xD
Glen Gonzales
Glen Gonzales - 7 years ago
Hi frank
Vishal R
Vishal R - 7 years ago
Change the water and pour heat water a bit
Vishal R
Vishal R - 7 years ago
,man I had the same symptoms
Alex Vickers
Alex Vickers - 7 years ago
Ich is a protozoan disease (fungi) that is often called 'white spot disease.' The scientific name for the disease is ichthyophthiriasis and the causative agent is Ichthyophthirius multifiliis
William Arenas
William Arenas - 7 years ago
jack jiang, looks like you don't understand when people contribute with good information, maybe you are not old enough to understand. I hope one day you could.
Soham Das
Soham Das - 7 years ago
Alex Vickers do ur research protozoan ain't fungus but a parasite
Jasmine Collins
Jasmine Collins - 7 years ago
Ich is a protozoan parasite.
Jasmine Collins
Jasmine Collins - 7 years ago
It is parasitic. Protozoa can be parasitic, and ich isn't a fungus.
Alex Vickers
Alex Vickers - 7 years ago
but i dont see you knowing what it is... so thank you be nice.
Alex Vickers
Alex Vickers - 7 years ago
for the scientific names of it yeah but the rest no... i do this in college. that what stumped me when he said "parasite".
Cedric Leveille
Cedric Leveille - 7 years ago
Nice to see that you can use google search
Alex Vickers
Alex Vickers - 7 years ago
stating a point cuz he said it was a parasite. which it is not.
jack jiang
jack jiang - 7 years ago
Alex Vickers no one asked
Erik Zayas
Erik Zayas - 7 years ago
Screw the backlash of the negative people.
Keep doing your thing DIY King.
DREDUTORO - 7 years ago
Where can I buy that plastic sump? thanks
Fish Tales
Fish Tales - 7 years ago
Hi for ick I also put garlic into my tank which my fish eat it helps to kill the ick off. Hope this helps
Erika Blub blub
Erika Blub blub - 7 years ago
It helps, but smells soooo bad
nodoubter9204 - 7 years ago
you should treat the vija even though they are not showing signs
Dan G
Dan G - 7 years ago
Are you ever going to put a live stream on any of your tanks ? You said you was going to but ...... still waiting
Stasha K
Stasha K - 7 years ago
Have you treated the tank above? Because maybe those fish carry parasite but have inaparent infection?
Sleepy Frog
Sleepy Frog - 7 years ago
Frank playing in the bubbles >.<
Gregos UK Repens
Gregos UK Repens - 7 years ago
I use the same medicine few months back when I ordered my fish and they arrive with ick ! successful !!!!!
THOTxPATROL - 7 years ago
You look tired. Must've been stressful
Emmanuel Llonora
Emmanuel Llonora - 7 years ago
ReeferGil - 7 years ago
Great vid, Thanks for sharing
UrbanImmortal - 7 years ago
so quarantine....what is your method of quarantine? do you add meds? put them in a tank and do nothing for those weeks?
Smith tuff Gamer
Smith tuff Gamer - 7 years ago
UrbanImmortal he explains this in older videos
Gelums - 7 years ago
Ich attack 100% natural herbal formula is the best version, worked very well for my tank with fish, shrimp, snails, etc.
William Arenas
William Arenas - 7 years ago
Gelums, I really appreciate your help.
Gelums - 7 years ago
William Arenas "KORDON 100% Natural and Herbal Formula Ich Attack-Ich Treatment" is what I recommend. You can double/triple dose safely with it as well for really bad ich conditions. Safe for fish, invertebrates, plants etc.
William Arenas
William Arenas - 7 years ago
Gekums, any special brand/product that you can recommend? Is a good point thinking about all species including invertebrates and not only fish!
Steve Crawford
Steve Crawford - 7 years ago
Really great video man. Informative, honest and interesting. Lovely stuff.
Kirsten Parsons
Kirsten Parsons - 7 years ago
Thank you for sharing, i always learn so much from your videos. :)
7MileKing DNELLZNFGENT - 7 years ago
My birthday is the 1st happy belated birthday
DEEPAK PUTHRAN - 7 years ago
Good job ! Keep it up.
DEEPAK PUTHRAN - 7 years ago
What's the size of the tank and glass thickness in which the aurvona and a ray fish is swimming?
Sofie Richter Damm
Sofie Richter Damm - 7 years ago
This was very informative, thank you. Love your videos.. Can you maybe do a series on the different common health issues you might expect with you fish, and how to treat them? We just lost our little betta to dropsy, and couldn't find anything informative as to how to treat it or look for symptoms of the sick in the fish. In fact any time he were sick, we mostly had to guess for the cause and treat by that estimat. Do you have any chart or book you refer to incase of sickness in your aquariums?
Perceval Randall
Perceval Randall - 7 years ago
Sofie Richter Damm it shouldnt be that hard
maddie646 - 7 years ago
Sofie Richter Damm ooh yes! I second this
Daniel Scerri
Daniel Scerri - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing its good to show and teach. glad it went ok. Yeah i dont understand why people put salt for no reason its the same as regular medicating when not needed. Keep up the good work joey.
Comrade Hangery
Comrade Hangery - 7 years ago
Once I had African cichlids and they were knocking off scales and I thought it was ich lol
Salehhuddin Jurimi
Salehhuddin Jurimi - 7 years ago
To much talking
Fili O.
Fili O. - 7 years ago
The drawing is really nice
James Wilson
James Wilson - 7 years ago
Fun fact Joey: my bday Feb 1st, my daughter shares yours, Feb 2nd. I had a feeling you were an aqurius. Anyways, I have treated ick by always just cranking the heat for 10-14 days. Like you said depends if your fish can handle it. My other fish that can't handle heat I'm forced to use meds
Ryan Ward
Ryan Ward - 7 years ago
Joey why do you move left to right all the time? I know you have fish but thought you may be trying to dodge some ants below you! Do you secretly breed ants! :) Just a joke! love the Videos and much love from South Africa!
Ryan Ward
Ryan Ward - 7 years ago
ag yeah i know! also helps settle the nerves. but it was a joke! love the videos mate! thanks for the reply!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Because standing still and not moving while talking is creepy.
Maxim Pfeiffer
Maxim Pfeiffer - 7 years ago
You should get a painter xD
Kelsey Drummond
Kelsey Drummond - 7 years ago
And it all started with a net. It’s so simple, it kind of blows my mind.
Three Tykes
Three Tykes - 7 years ago
Been watching your videos for a while now. It's funny, because when I saw you had put this video up yesterday, I too was dealing with the first case of ick I've seen for years...
I noticed a couple days ago that my two festives had it. Then yesterday my electric blue acara.
The festives are the two newest editions (about two months ago) they've been stressed out by the firemouth chasing them and I believe that is what has allowed the parasite to take hold...

My only problem is, I have turtles in the tank, so meds are a no go unless I remove them. So for now, I'm hiking temperature, increased air flow, and trying something different....feeding garlic.

They've had two feeds so far, and this morning they are looking happier. The acara, who only started showing spots yesterday, now has none and isn't holding his fins flat...

Apparently, a type of acid in garlic kills parasites. I believe the theory is that this is more effective in the blood stream, but I'm also hoping having it in the water will also help.
In the mean time I will keep gravel vacuuming...
I do have meds and a spare tank for the turtles ready, just in case, but hopefully I can deal with this the natural way!
NanoTLG - 7 years ago
This is actually the first time i see one of your videos and convince me you know what your doing. Luckily you didnt come with an i used garlic solution to battle the ick :). To bad your not an salt water reefer since that`s aquatics on an completely different level. Which i think you could be doing well at. Its great and refreshing to see you educate your viewers well. Keep it up
Sandeep Ho
Sandeep Ho - 7 years ago
Weaking weaking weakaningggg!!! Lol that epic expression when you just said that lol
Fish with Mitch
Fish with Mitch - 7 years ago
I have these white spots on the side of my tank does anyone know what they are and if they are dangerous? I rub them off every waterchange(weekly) but they come back
Fish with Mitch
Fish with Mitch - 7 years ago
Anna Morgan no, but I do have a couple of small bristlenose plecos
Anna Morgan
Anna Morgan - 7 years ago
Do you have snails?
Fish with Mitch
Fish with Mitch - 7 years ago
Sandeep ho lol
Sandeep Ho
Sandeep Ho - 7 years ago
For Reel Fishing & Outdoors yes ! You are going to die
DyFelz YT
DyFelz YT - 7 years ago
Is it true that Methylene Blue can cure ich?
DyFelz YT
DyFelz YT - 7 years ago
Anna Morgan oh.. Ok
Anna Morgan
Anna Morgan - 7 years ago
NeonGaming YT that’s commonly the active ingredient in ich treatments.
oooTDLooo - 7 years ago
Great video man, i lost about 10 guppies because i didn't leave my new ones in quarantine long enough.
APM Gaming
APM Gaming - 7 years ago
If u dont have any meds for ich...just take a couple of garlic cloves smash em and add em to the tank...the ich will disappear within 3-4 days
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
It’s ich.... not a vampire.
Fred Beer
Fred Beer - 7 years ago
APM Gaming garlic doesn’t kill inch only copper kills ich. Garlic just entices the fish to eat which allows the fish to build up its immune system to fight off the ich
candy277 - 7 years ago
Omgggg frank is sooo cute he literally has like my whole attention
fossphur - 7 years ago
Camallanus worms are another parasite that is very insidious, invisible for a really long time. Weeks and weeks before the telltale red wigglers at the vent.
Snakebytes4324 - 7 years ago
vieja means a trip in spanish, at least thats what my spanish teacher told me
candy277 - 7 years ago
Snakebytes4324 that’s viajé.... viaje means trip... vieja means old lady
heather jarrell
heather jarrell - 7 years ago
Oh frank!
Oh.. Nice pic joey
Back to the pictures
Frank and bubbles!
Back to the pic..
F R A N K!
back to pic. Explodes yes Joey I'm paying attention..
Oh frank!
Theodors Travels
Theodors Travels - 7 years ago
Quarantine really is a pain. I recently got a new fish, it was the very first time I added a fish to others, who were already in the main aquarium. So far I have had species only. It was the longest month, I have experienced for a long while.
Reg Pollock
Reg Pollock - 7 years ago
You showed us a very important lesson. One many hobbyist don't take serious. Thank you.
Mr Bubbly
Mr Bubbly - 7 years ago
I’m new to fish keeping and u inspired me to make a fish channel I rec with me iPad only so it won’t be great quality but I only have a plexiglass gold fish and a beta beta is in its own tank and can u get a plecos and a koi pond this is just ideas if u already don’t have them
Colossus2xL x
Colossus2xL x - 7 years ago
I'm new to the hobby your videos are very informative and great. I really appreciate all the information
ROHIT MESHRAM - 7 years ago
all ya fishy are healthy and thats nice and the main thing that matter! . also should i quarantine my new fishes in other spare container or directly add it to the tank (tank has no fish. only java moss, deco, stones and filter). also should we quarantine plants? we do not get any tissue culture stuff here.
Ben Edwards
Ben Edwards - 7 years ago
Well done joey, solid advice, love Frank he is awesome, you've created something bigger than you there Joey lol.
My Saltwater Journey
My Saltwater Journey - 7 years ago
we have ich in saltwater tanks to.. But we have a cleaner wrasse that eat ich and love it so he get rid of al ich.
Gina G
Gina G - 7 years ago
Solid wisdom.
Aye Moe
Aye Moe - 7 years ago
Try a product called “CLOUT” it eliminates ick within the first day
Rod Hurst
Rod Hurst - 7 years ago
I'm with you, I've never seen or heard of WEEKS of DAILY med treatment for ick.
Chilli - 7 years ago
had my eye on frank the whole time
Roberto Tabo
Roberto Tabo - 7 years ago
As long Frank is all good! Get Frank and your other FH far from it!
Gail Fisher
Gail Fisher - 7 years ago
Thanks to you, Rachel O'Leary and a few others my introduction to fish keeping has been relatively easy - have I had problems, yup, ich, worms, velvet (fish stores here are not nearly as good as they could be) but as I've quarantined from the start, even when I'm aching to see the new fish in the community tank those problems have been treated in a separate tank using dedicated quarantine equipment and yup... probable jinxed it now :D
Carly Stockley
Carly Stockley - 7 years ago
Sorry missed the explanation - was watching Frank play in the bubbles
Do dO
Do dO - 7 years ago
The title of this video should be “Quarantine your fish !!!”
A piece of history : 17th century, France. To avoid spreading of a disease, people are asked to be isolated for 40 days. 40 is written “quarante” in French. Quarante... quarantine.
That’s for history.

I am a fan of your videos. But sometimes I am wondering...
No quarantine ?
No acclimatation?
You make some mistakes but you learn always about them.

At the beginning of your video you talk about your net.
I have only 5 tanks, but each tank has its net. I learned always not to introduce anything from a tank into another.
We have so much to learn in this hobby.

Keep tanking Joey !
ChunkyLover53 - 7 years ago
Ive always treated ich with heat and salt, which seems to work. The first time i had ich before i knew what it was i lost 10 african cichlids. It was very upsetting.
Nathan Coleman
Nathan Coleman - 7 years ago
Frank sure loves his bubbles XD
Brenda Carr
Brenda Carr - 7 years ago
Awwww. Frank is playing in the veil of bubbles. I love you Frank!
Laura H
Laura H - 7 years ago
I love the shimmering of the water below the waterline in the 2kg. It seems the new background really shows it off since I didn't notice it before. Thank you for reminding us of the importance of quarantine, as well as how to treat ich. Another great video, thanks again!
thamw rland
thamw rland - 7 years ago
U used the same net for FRANK
RippedHamster - 7 years ago
I also had ich and about 10 of My fish died
Jeffrey Tellis
Jeffrey Tellis - 7 years ago
Joey I have a doubt. A couple weeks ago i got new fishes, guppies and some other type . I put them directly in my new nano tank/or bowl, which is the main display . Based on your video of the viege (the new fish) is it ok. Also the nano is a display/quarantine until I move them into a larger tank
xBeau Gaming
xBeau Gaming - 7 years ago
Anupa Anupa
Anupa Anupa - 7 years ago
Is live feeding important for arowana pls reply
Caleb Ott
Caleb Ott - 7 years ago
Feeding live fish is not important for any fish. A pre prepared diet like Joey makes or a quality pellet will almost always be better than live food as it will contain more nutrition and no risk of parasites or diseases being introduced to the aquarium.
Sagar Yadav
Sagar Yadav - 7 years ago
Anupa Anupa once in a week
be sure that the feeding fish is not infected
Tombrad Brady
Tombrad Brady - 7 years ago
You are full of knowledge brotha keep up the good work!!
Sir Pineapple
Sir Pineapple - 7 years ago
This has definitely just convinced me I need to set up a quarantine tank for sure
Parker Shipes
Parker Shipes - 7 years ago
I love the science man.
Leigh Kuglin
Leigh Kuglin - 7 years ago
We share a birthday! Feb. 2nd.
Aishwarya Kulkarni
Aishwarya Kulkarni - 7 years ago
Feeling sad because my silver arowana died good news is I got new one but I still miss the older one
Fish keeper
Fish keeper - 7 years ago
Because I added parrot fishes in the tank first day they were looking fine but the other day they attacked on arowana in that time I was gone for tuition so I did not get chance to save him
Ariel Mizrachi
Ariel Mizrachi - 7 years ago
Aw that's sad, why did it die?
Angel Gil
Angel Gil - 7 years ago
you should get a catfish tank.
Doug Williams
Doug Williams - 7 years ago
I smoked the hell out of some ICK in 3 days with API super ick cure. It will stain items in your tank however. But whats more important? Your cave not having a slight blue tint, or your fish not floating?
William Murray
William Murray - 7 years ago
Did you mean January 18 instead of February 18 at the start of the video?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 7 years ago
Yes lol
john langston
john langston - 7 years ago
So, what effect does the medication have on the beneficial bacteria? Will the cycle crash and restart? Thanks for the video. Never had this problem, but I know it happens to the best sometimes as well.
Roberto Launizar
Roberto Launizar - 7 years ago
I guess it kills bacteria, chemical and mechanical filtration should be increased
Ashley M
Ashley M - 7 years ago
This video was so helpful! Thanks for explaining every so throughly so we know why each step is important.
I’m guilty of not quarantining in the past and lost my favorite fish because of it. Lesson learned. Have my quarantine tank set up now!
wayne gendron
wayne gendron - 7 years ago
Dear Juey, that was very informative, can you teach us on more ways to deal with viruses, explain more on pothogens ect..
CrystalReef - 7 years ago
Good video a lot can be learn from this
Rachel R
Rachel R - 7 years ago
Soooooo no one is gonna make a back to the future joke here?

The drawing board & the temperature being 88...

I havent seen one person say anything about the movie, this is heavy.
Rachel R
Rachel R - 7 years ago
Saif Shariff that's to weird lol. I live in a ridiculous small town & only have 1 friend to play with so I don't have a single legendary but I've made it this far so I'm doing something right lol
Saif Shariff
Saif Shariff - 7 years ago
Wow same here playing as i watch the video lol level 36 too
Rachel R
Rachel R - 7 years ago
Saif Shariff lol I still play everyday. I'm level 36. Giant proud dork :)
Davis Benn
Davis Benn - 7 years ago
Did you also treat the Vieja tank as well since that’s likely where it came in from?
Charlie's Angelfish
Charlie's Angelfish - 7 years ago
Thank you for stressing the need for quarantine. I myself have received so much grief for even suggesting that people would have much fewer problems with their tanks if only they were to quarantine any new fish for six weeks.
I stress quarantine for everything including fish, invertebrates and plants. Even on your DIY Fishkeeper FaceBook page I get attacked for even suggesting such a thing.
Like you, I rarely have problems with illness in my tanks.
However about six months ago one of my big tanks blew a seam and I had to partially rebuild and reseal it.
Shortly afterward this tank was inundated with bloat and I lost several of my favorite breeding Angels and all my scaleless fish from that tank.
That said........
The sickness came and went without me being able to identify the actual cause of the problem and my plants and fish are slowly returning to "normal" with no losses for the last 9 weeks.

Again, thank you for stressing the need for quarantine.
If they won't listen to me, Hopefully they WILL listen to you.
Charlie's Angelfish
Charlie's Angelfish - 7 years ago
I lost an entire tank of mollies in a week after adding two apple snails and a mini crab to it.
Was it something with the inverts?
I don't know, but I'll never do that again!
Liam But
Liam But - 7 years ago
I don’t understand why people would have to QT invertebrates, they almost never have any diseases. Quarantining corals make sense cause they almost always have parasites like flatworms and sea stars. But I do believe that anybody MUST QT, especially is saltwater because 99.9% of marine fish are from the wild and have a very long collection/shipping process. These fish come very stressed and skinny.
Ashton LeBlanc
Ashton LeBlanc - 7 years ago
I was too distracted by frank to pay attention to the useful information he gave. Frank is such a good fish.
Lamont B
Lamont B - 7 years ago
Greatest video ever, Joey!! Thank you.
Fish Life
Fish Life - 7 years ago
Lamont B l.
angry avacado
angry avacado - 7 years ago
man I love your videos because you treat your fish very good with nice tanks compared to other people I see on YouTube
System of a tank
System of a tank - 7 years ago
Very informative...joey !
Elwyn Ballesteros
Elwyn Ballesteros - 7 years ago
Preach the quarantine process!!!✊✊✊
Wendy H
Wendy H - 7 years ago
OMG My fish got ick this week too. I have three aquariums and only one got it somehow.Thank you so much for the information on ick biology. Unfortunately The tank that got it is a small grow out tank for Guppies and the heater I have in it is not adjustable. I resorted to meds after the salt didn't work after 2 days. I am wondering how I I got it though. I did introduce a Neurite about two weeks ago, do they carry ick? I think that when I did my 50% water change today and added the med it has stressed them out, the fry that were healthy are now looking not so good. :(
Wendy H
Wendy H - 7 years ago
THank uyou Golden Gray
Golden Gray
Golden Gray - 7 years ago
Wendy Harvie A nerite snail? They can carry ich. Fry are fragile without having an illness, so try not to be too hard on yourself if some of them don’t make it! It sounds like you’re doing everything right! You could always buy an adjustable heater from the Internet and wait a few days for it to come in the mail (if you can afford one) Good luck on the ich treatment!
Jacob Watson
Jacob Watson - 7 years ago
"February 18th" this dude in the future
Jeff Delgado
Jeff Delgado - 7 years ago
This all interesting Joey, but when are you going to do an Oscars tank?
Jingkai Yu
Jingkai Yu - 7 years ago
Well that means I share the same birthday as Joey!
Chaz *
Chaz * - 7 years ago
I'm totally listening but, Frank playing in the bubbles :D
Saiyed Nazia
Saiyed Nazia - 7 years ago
You are simply amazing man!
rakiest - 7 years ago
If only it was this simple in salt water! Be happy you don't have your SW fish with Ich.
SeasonsTube - 7 years ago
Awesome commitment to your fish. This was really helpful.
Carolyn Smith
Carolyn Smith - 7 years ago
Great informative video. Love your choice on pronunciation "Leave me alone." Haha. You go Joey.
Just Wendy
Just Wendy - 7 years ago
So much great info. Glad your fish are all ok. I have to mention that seeing Buddy do his little flips behind you when you were at your desk made my day.
Just Wendy
Just Wendy - 7 years ago
Yeah, my meds were kicking in. lol I knew it didn't sound right when I typed it. :(
Melinda Keppler
Melinda Keppler - 7 years ago
Frank not Buddy. Buddy passed away.
Kameo Hosley
Kameo Hosley - 7 years ago
Happy birthday! My birthday is in February too!
metal is life
metal is life - 7 years ago
Good too see, you had no loses
Plasma Chaos
Plasma Chaos - 7 years ago
Need help fish for a 75 gallon
zac's Channel
zac's Channel - 7 years ago
This is to much stop water boy
Pinki2019 - 7 years ago
This was a really informative, helpful video. Thank you!
Graphics archive
Graphics archive - 7 years ago
Thanks Fish man! great explanation and procedures 4 thumbs up..
hope your fish get a different types of diseases >:) so you can produce another educational videos about curing them ^__ ^
TheJake7689 - 7 years ago
Off topic but those angels are getting pretty big.
Aquastian - 7 years ago
Hi joey. my fish sometimes get ich, white spots. i always use salt and they will be cured.
Planarian 17
Planarian 17 - 7 years ago
I always move my fish using my hands, yes i wash my hands with baby soap.
Moto Moto
Moto Moto - 7 years ago
Random Guy me too, me too
xTooDank420x - 7 years ago
Random Guy i do the same but i dont use baby soap i use this Method brand antimicrobial hand soap
Shawn Hineidi
Shawn Hineidi - 7 years ago
great info. many thanks for sharing your experience. One question though, if I choose to treat ich with temperature and salt, would the salt damage my aquarium plants? Can anyone please advise! thanks.
Shawn Hineidi
Shawn Hineidi - 7 years ago
Yeah that's what I thought. Thanks for the advise Aaden.
Aaden Trn
Aaden Trn - 7 years ago
If you have live plants then I wouldn't recommend using this method. It'll melt your plants. It's safer to use a general ick medication.
Michelle Berber
Michelle Berber - 7 years ago
How do you treat ick on goldfish????
By the way love your vids!
Danielle Shafer
Danielle Shafer - 7 years ago
I can't tell is i have ich in my saltwater aquarium, because my fish has white spots but I can't tell if it is just copepods and isopods. What should I do?
Danielle Shafer
Danielle Shafer - 7 years ago
Anna Morgan thank you i don't think it is ich
Anna Morgan
Anna Morgan - 7 years ago
If it’s on the body then it’s likely saltwater ‘ich’. Only treatment if you have live rock or inverts is by using a quarantine tank and treating that.
Danielle Shafer
Danielle Shafer - 7 years ago
Thank you for all the help it makes me fell better that I have suport with this.
Danielle Shafer
Danielle Shafer - 7 years ago
I am pretty sure I am just over reakting cause this is my fisrt saltwater tank.
Jeff K
Jeff K - 7 years ago
saltwater ich is not the same organism
Max Xiang
Max Xiang - 7 years ago
its ich, use a Q/T tank with Cupramine
Joey Versacie
Joey Versacie - 7 years ago
Danielle Shafer if it’s on their bodies then it’s totally ick for sure
cichlid guru nyc
cichlid guru nyc - 7 years ago
That's the best product to kill ich
Isaac Boatman
Isaac Boatman - 7 years ago
Can you do more videos explaining aquarium diseases?
Luis Rojas
Luis Rojas - 7 years ago
Hi DIY, Can u tell me the volume of your discus and angelfish tank please.
Luis Rojas
Luis Rojas - 7 years ago
TheJohnGalt1945 Thank you so much :)
Bakers_Dozen - 7 years ago
Luis Rojas They’re 125 gallon tanks
KRSwop1 - 7 years ago
Ayyyeeee vieja! high 5 lol
The Barefooted Gardener
The Barefooted Gardener - 7 years ago
I thought that ich was caused from bad water quality? I’ve had terrible experiences, I’d do 25% water changes weekly and have big die offs every time I’d add a few new Fish, about 1x month. They didn’t show disease when they died either, they’d just drop. My koi are so much easier!
Julia Rizzi
Julia Rizzi - 7 years ago
Ich is a protozoan disease. It is caused when the parasite attached to the body and attacks the gills. Stress can cause the immune system to suppress - causing ich to take over. It also lives through different life cycles.
Eduardo Racoma
Eduardo Racoma - 7 years ago
New or old, cross contamination procedures are really important. Hope all the fish gets well
Venus - 7 years ago
How DO you clean fish nets or scrubs??? Just with regular water and soap or no soap? I usually just put them under my canopy after every use and don't wash them at all. I need to start changing that.
Liz Winfrey Ventura
Liz Winfrey Ventura - 7 years ago
Most people would recommend having a net for each tank, but obviously with this many tanks, he’d have a million nets lol
Liz Winfrey Ventura
Liz Winfrey Ventura - 7 years ago
Kongmeng Xiong super hot water, no soap, try to allow to completely dry
Ki8ClOuD - 7 years ago
I just use ick-x
cole moore
cole moore - 7 years ago
the horror story of ick lmao
Annabella Nuth
Annabella Nuth - 7 years ago
Loveeeee the vid keep it up!!!!
Mei ling Tan
Mei ling Tan - 7 years ago
Frank is playing with sand and bubbles in the background awww
D1234 - 7 years ago
Does the ick medication effect plants?
scott12black - 7 years ago
Kolton D Some certainly can. Be sure to read the label of what you use.
ZabrockiMusic - 7 years ago
Thank you!
Mary Ross
Mary Ross - 7 years ago
Thank you Joey!  Great info!
Mike Hernandez
Mike Hernandez - 7 years ago
Happy belated birthday Joey ! Thanks for the info on ick
Valerie Davis
Valerie Davis - 7 years ago
I've lost an entire tank to ich...
XxPandaAgentxX Faris
XxPandaAgentxX Faris - 7 years ago
I guess the parasit just wanted to celebrate your birthday joey!!
Eric - 7 years ago
How much time do you spend in the gym each day?
zzospreyzz55 - 7 years ago
No way! You and my son share a birthday! Groundhogs Day
Bárbara R
Bárbara R - 7 years ago
We al learn the hard way to never put the fish recently obtained into the tanks XD great vid! I... learned in the wrong way, I got some very nice silver tetras, and they were dying in the quarentine tank and i freaked out (i though it was my fault) and put them in the main comunitary tank... and tada, ich. Tried for a month with natural aproach. Didn't worked, ended up with medcation and it was gone in 3 days
Queena M
Queena M - 7 years ago
Learned so much from this video. I work in a pet store (we don’t have fish, but we have supplies )and you have helped me learn so much!
Jeremy S
Jeremy S - 7 years ago
Thanks for this video! Luckily haven't had any ich yet, but I do that with my nets all the time without thinking. So going to keep a closer eye on that, especially with new fish. Really debating BFD, I feel it'll be worth the 5 hour drive.
Crystal - 7 years ago
Super informative! I never understood how to really treat that parasite so I have lost a few fishes to it. So thank you for passing your knowledge.
Pd Lc
Pd Lc - 7 years ago
I think we've all had ich in our tanks at one time or another.
seba jun
seba jun - 7 years ago
So informative.. thank you joey're the best :)
jim james
jim james - 7 years ago
who else was ignoring Joey and watching Frank showing off for the Ornatipinnis?
joe 212
joe 212 - 7 years ago
We just had a issue with ick For the 1st time in a few years. Thanks for the info and my 1st go to was aquarium salt
_harley_045 _
_harley_045 _ - 7 years ago
February 2 is my birthday as well. Lol
J money
J money - 7 years ago
Ever think about keeping oscars?
ANoyceGuy - 7 years ago
This is a very good, informative video. Thanks Joey!
Webis Tebis 492
Webis Tebis 492 - 7 years ago
Frank in the background wow
Karl Jenkins
Karl Jenkins - 7 years ago
I thought my angels just had fun rot but every symptom u just said suggest they had ick wen I treated then heavily for finrot it must have killed the ick , thank u it helps that I know for the future xx Ly Joey ur awesome
Dominic Bleau
Dominic Bleau - 7 years ago
Great information overall, ty for the video
Blank - 7 years ago
I’m worried about Stain. I can feel he needs a piece of something to kind of hide. He is not happy like that all exposed
Cloud - 7 years ago
Tee hee, stain.
I agree, though, I thought the same thing.
iqbalrc - 7 years ago
great info and thx for sharing !
Catherine Kennedy
Catherine Kennedy - 7 years ago
Another thing is cleaning your nets after adding fish. Or having dedicated nets and hoses to a certain number of tanks I believe that's what Rachel does. Well I think it helps with cross contamination anyway. Don't you think Joey? Thank you for explaining the life cycle and when ick can be killed, very useful info. I've often wondered, because the only thing I've ever seen is different ways to treat it. Thank you.
Kurt Johnson
Kurt Johnson - 7 years ago
Truly a great video.
Chase Thomas
Chase Thomas - 7 years ago
Thank you for making this vid, my tanks just got hit by ick
John Nguyen
John Nguyen - 7 years ago
pro status
Fancy Fernhaven
Fancy Fernhaven - 7 years ago
Frank looks SO HAPPY in his new tank!
Malachi The German Shepherd
Malachi The German Shepherd - 7 years ago
The way I quarantine my fish are even if the fish appear healthy, I medicate the water and cycle it completely with several medications. I never had a problem doing it this way. Melafix and pimafix is what I mainly use. Of course water changes weekly as well.
Abigail x3
Abigail x3 - 7 years ago
Easiest way to get rid of ick is to use a heater, turn it up to 84 and put in aquarium salt every time you do a little bit of water change, they will die within a 4 days, at the end just clean your substrate with a gravel cleaner and there you go. Had my first case of Ick and got it cured with the heater and aquarium salt, didn't need a medicine.
Reptiles and Stuff
Reptiles and Stuff - 7 years ago
When the gallery is finished you should build a green house type thing for a pond for koi
Prayutsu Pokharel
Prayutsu Pokharel - 7 years ago
Thanks for some knowledge of physics, chemistry and biology
sean DB7
sean DB7 - 7 years ago
I think this is the first video I've seen that really explains ick. A lot of videos just tell you how to treat it but not why you're doing those things
Dwain Kitchel
Dwain Kitchel - 7 years ago
it is possible to cure a fish from ick by setting up 7 aquariums and move the fish each 24 hours to a new tank in the line for 2 weeks. because of icks life cycle it will die off in the free swiming stage before the fish is back in that tank and will not be able to find a host. great video Joey and sorry yer fish got ick
ToastedWalnut - 7 years ago
Sounds like a pain..
Neil Becker
Neil Becker - 7 years ago
Do you have nets dedicated to each individual tank or do you sanitize them? How do you sanitize them if that's the case?
John Ong
John Ong - 7 years ago
Hi Joey, just a question. When water is warmer, why is it that less oxygen is in the water? Shouldn’t it be the opposite? When the water is warmer, it’s particles gain kinetic energy and resist the molecular bonds and are spaced wider apart. Thus, more of the solute, in this case oxygen, can dissolve and fit into the gaps between the solvent, in this case water, particles. Simply put, more solute can dissolve in a solvent of higher temperature. Is there any reason why warmer waters result in less oxygen? Just a question, thanks.
John Ong
John Ong - 7 years ago
Thanks for the help guys, this improves my understanding of solubility greatly.
John Ong
John Ong - 7 years ago
Temperature increase, gas= lower solubility

The dip in solubility of oxygen is higher than that of the increase in solubility of water and thus, the overall solubility is decreased.

Temperature increase, liquid= higher solubility
John Ong
John Ong - 7 years ago
So gases are less soluble in liquids when they are of higher temperature. (They being the gas).
John Ong
John Ong - 7 years ago
Ohhhhh. Thanks!
Prathyush J.
Prathyush J. - 7 years ago
At higher temperature, the oxygen molecules have greater amount of kinetic energy than that in cold water. So the gas molecules in hot water can more easily overcome the weak binding forces within water and escape through the surface.
Brendan Birch
Brendan Birch - 7 years ago
What you said is true for liquids, however it's the opposite for gases. Higher temperature of a gas in solution corresponds to a lower solubility. Increased temperature causes an increase in kinetic energy, and the higher kinetic energy causes more motion in the gas molecules which break intermolecular bonds and escape from solution.
Betta Blue
Betta Blue - 7 years ago
Frank loves the bubble bar in his tank! He’s getting a bubble massage.
Amber Sherry
Amber Sherry - 7 years ago
Andrea Shelton I was watching him do that, he's so cute!!
Romeo Vashishth
Romeo Vashishth - 7 years ago
Happy belated birthday
jane jackson
jane jackson - 7 years ago
Rookie mistakes and rookie advice......Absolutely Amazing.
Bumpy - 7 years ago
I hear it in your voice M8, it’s battle time! This video is great for the tips.
olpono - 7 years ago
Vitamin C tablets!
Bullzeye101 Martinez
Bullzeye101 Martinez - 7 years ago
¿Drink water..
Bullzeye101 Martinez
Bullzeye101 Martinez - 7 years ago
..Really novice tanks, aquatic habitats, exhibition...
Bullzeye101 Martinez
Bullzeye101 Martinez - 7 years ago
Spitting Kitty
Spitting Kitty - 7 years ago
Don't have fish. Don't want fish. I'm only here for the arm porn. Bless you and your tight DIY shirt, Joey!
Ben Khuc
Ben Khuc - 7 years ago
Spitting Kitty I mean he goes have a nice rack... ing system
Catalina Dawn
Catalina Dawn - 7 years ago
So you treated with medication twice per day for 14 days? Was that the end of the ick (oops, ich) cycle?
DeathBySeaToast - 7 years ago
Catalina Dawn
It’s ick
Your first answer was right
Candace Sawyers
Candace Sawyers - 7 years ago
Absolutely phenomenal detailed explanation on the most common and under explained aquarium problem thank you. Your are extremely knowledgeable about all of this and it's one of the things I love the most, this hobby.
gnilrack - 7 years ago
amazing content in this video, things that many aquarists already know but would like to have had this explained this well at the start of their hobby. this video should be liked more and easier to find on youtube for new aquarists to learn from
Ethan Pike
Ethan Pike - 7 years ago
I had a tank of plecos and catfish that got ich in a water change, it was really bad. but i just raised the temp and threw garlic in the tank. the ich only went through two cycles, then they all died off. I only lost one catfish.
Unleashedskaters - 7 years ago
you should care for a shrimp tank
Daddy Carl
Daddy Carl - 7 years ago
Unleashedskaters yas that’s a good idea
koukimiester - 7 years ago
its very hard to listen when frank is playing with those strong bubbles joey -_-
velvet blue moon
velvet blue moon - 7 years ago
Did the tank get stained because of the malakite or mytle blue
EDC CARRY - 7 years ago
Why those fish
Stephen Jade Villena
Stephen Jade Villena - 7 years ago
MikeLus - 7 years ago
The arowana colors are starting to pop
Kim - 7 years ago
Easy fix , if your fish can handle 86 degrees for 5 days using 2 tbs per gallon of di-ionized salt.
Kim - 7 years ago
My apology . I commented before watching past three minutes. My bad
Colin Peake
Colin Peake - 7 years ago
If it came from the Vieja did you also treat that tank? I would just to be on the safe side. It would always be in the back of my mind when those sumps get connected.
Jonathan galvão
Jonathan galvão - 7 years ago
What happened with the lots of rainbow fish?
Jonathan galvão
Jonathan galvão - 7 years ago
Thank you, guys!
puirYorick - 7 years ago
He whittled the number down to looks like less than a third of the original and added another species. Both are back in the 375.
ER1C0 5U4VE - 7 years ago
Jonathan galvão I think they're back in the 375
Tracey England
Tracey England - 7 years ago
Frank loves the air bubbles.
Stephen Jade Villena
Stephen Jade Villena - 7 years ago
Tracey England i saw it
Jacob Hobbs
Jacob Hobbs - 7 years ago
Same birthday as me, neat. I'll buy you a beer next year to celebrate.
D Sab
D Sab - 7 years ago
My African cichlid tank had an ich outbreak and I cured it with just salt and high temps, but they probably tolerate it better than soft water fish.
Jeff K
Jeff K - 7 years ago
Yup, I have used this method and it works great. The only thing is you need to look up if the species of fish your treating can tolerate the salt. Great choice for african cichlids.
BrooklynBear8 - 7 years ago
I’m just wondering, I may be wrong, but do you mean January 18th?
Romeo Vashishth
Romeo Vashishth - 7 years ago
Yes definitely caught that
FlyinHayn92 - 7 years ago
BrooklynBear8 I caught that too. I thought he might've meant the 18th of Feb last year thinking he withheld footage for a year. Lol
Daniel Rodrigues
Daniel Rodrigues - 7 years ago
Hi Joey! I would like to ask whether ick medication would have any negative effect on plants?
THE TAP TITANS - 7 years ago
All the best
D Sab
D Sab - 7 years ago
Very similar to saltwater ich, even though they're different species.
Kri Bu
Kri Bu - 7 years ago
And then you placed the net near the 2000gal
Cellistic - 7 years ago
Kri Bu gasp
25Aditya25 - 7 years ago
Nice explaination.Thanks.
Boombox kat
Boombox kat - 7 years ago
nooooo joey rough mistake happens to the best of us fish keepers tho!
Will Conley
Will Conley - 7 years ago
What if you do if you want to start a community tank and you get them from the pet store do you clorinten them sepritley
Kayla Carter
Kayla Carter - 7 years ago
I had that problem with my mom and this new fish she got me for my tank. She infected my 100 gallon tank with gill fluke and I sadly lost all but one of the fish I had originally started with
ARTEMIS87 - 7 years ago
February 18? It's only the 15th...
ARTEMIS87 - 7 years ago
Joey needs to hook us up with some wining lottery numbers lol...
natalia - 7 years ago
GoDfAtHa87 Guess he’s from the future?
MandysMenagerie - 7 years ago
I learned my lesson on QTing and keeping the QT Equipment separate with ich too. Unfortunately it killed my peppermint bristlenose. I was "QTing" but I didn't use separate equipment! So silly.
Jose Davila
Jose Davila - 7 years ago
Saw the ICH on the tail on the last video
Jy俊颖 - 7 years ago
What tetras are those?
JustMyFish - 7 years ago
You did it the exact same way I would do it. Good vid thanks.
Phylo_D - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing your expertise and success!
Afnan Studio
Afnan Studio - 7 years ago
Yep they look SICK AF!!! (Bad joke)
Buboy Lema
Buboy Lema - 7 years ago
johnny cruz
johnny cruz - 7 years ago
Great video man, you rocked it with the topic!!!
Katherine Chung
Katherine Chung - 7 years ago
Very insightful video! Enjoy watching and learning from you.
Joyeuph Chrystine
Joyeuph Chrystine - 7 years ago
How do you spell the name of the fish? Varja? Verja?
Joyeuph Chrystine
Joyeuph Chrystine - 7 years ago
Thanks ^^
AquaMoment - 7 years ago
Dark Quixote
Dark Quixote - 7 years ago
MrTabou - 7 years ago
What are your plans for the channel and videos once the rack is complete?
Ian Paling
Ian Paling - 7 years ago
Since I have been using Ocean Free Hydra internal filters I have had no trouble with ich not to mention quarantining all new fish.
Richie Kearney
Richie Kearney - 7 years ago
Ive been watching ur videos from the start love ur videos there great
GAMER Xoxo - 7 years ago
I had ick a month ago! All my fish died but my fry! Cause my guppy female gave birth a week before I got ick! I freaked out! I was so worried! But my fry beat ick, and they are doing just fine today! Healthy and happy
William Guest
William Guest - 7 years ago
Can you set up a saltwater rack as they are separate systems?​ Maybe one reef one fowlr?
Zack Cox
Zack Cox - 7 years ago
I'm glad everything turned out okay. I love the uaru and would hate to see them go. Also, great video Joey. It is very informative, and it's about something that people tend to take for granted. Most people have HEARD of ich, so a lot of people assume they KNOW about it. This usually isn't true, so it's good to talk about the life cycle.
Jared Kestner
Jared Kestner - 7 years ago
Was really paying attention then frank started swimming through the bubbles and I lost all concentration
Josh Sancho
Josh Sancho - 7 years ago
Would you consider leaving the camera running for like an hour on a different tank each week? Maybe with some tunes on top.

Would be cool. Tres cool.
Christopher Rains
Christopher Rains - 7 years ago
like the eagle cams sounds cool to me
zotteke1991 - 7 years ago
Josh Sancho this!
donaldfishvibes - 7 years ago
Hmmm.... I'm always amazed at the length of time you take before revealing your mishaps. Months after your Arrowana died; weeks after you're treating ick... wondering what current mishap is amidst!!!
Rafay Syed
Rafay Syed - 7 years ago
Should I quarantine my betta fish??
_Weak_ - 7 years ago
Seeing as how you'll most likely be putting it in alone, no. But if you're putting it in with other fish, yeah, maybe. I would if the Betta's from petco.
2nd Chance
2nd Chance - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing Joey
Bartosz Pucilowski
Bartosz Pucilowski - 7 years ago
on Joey's drawing a sick fish are smiling :-) Why? because she knows Joey will look after it lol. Thanks for shering :-)
Colin Farrelly
Colin Farrelly - 7 years ago
A UV steriliser is something that you can add to your system to prevent ick spreading. Also get a bucket off salty water to hold your net in when using it on different tanks. Great setup by the way looks really good.
GRDiver94 - 7 years ago
Good tip, will salt water also sterilize siphons and other things that may be used between aquariums?
Ebert Combs
Ebert Combs - 7 years ago
Joey ,i have uarus,they are a interesting specimen. Mine are same size of yours. Can u show them some more love,an show them off more. I look up to you ,learn from you,watch all your videos. Keep moving forward bro..
theR6969 - 7 years ago
if the life cycle of ich at 88 is 4 days then why did you medicate for two weeks??
Celaena - 7 years ago
to be sure that the Ich is completely cured.
nissanjerryy - 7 years ago
Joey great video as always you are the best!
During the quarantine time 4-6 weeks, you medicate the fish with medication protocol?

I've just finished these days to treat a severe attack of Clomunaris that killed almost 70% of my population, it will be very helpful if you could create more videos about different fish diseases (Colmunaris, internal/external parasites etc' and how to treat them) I will be gratful for this kind of information.
AnarKie - 7 years ago
We have the exact same birthday!

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