How I made $20,000 in 1 month from breeding aquarium Discus fish
Discus 9 years ago 560,028 views
How I made $20,000 in 1 month. What you need to know if you want to do it.... and WHY I DONT WANT TO DO IT AGAIN! Where to BUY DISCUS: HOW TO BREED DISCUS ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► How to keep Discus ► Breeding Discus ►
10. comment for How I made $20,000 in 1 month from breeding aquarium Discus fish
20. comment for How I made $20,000 in 1 month from breeding aquarium Discus fish
30. comment for How I made $20,000 in 1 month from breeding aquarium Discus fish
50. comment for How I made $20,000 in 1 month from breeding aquarium Discus fish
After watching video "looks like im going to continue to eat ramen" haha
Great video though and such beautiful fish!
Great video Joey! Cheers.
100. comment for How I made $20,000 in 1 month from breeding aquarium Discus fish
It seems you have felt the prick of "sellers remorse.." I too learned the hard way. As a Amateur Photographer I entered a show and priced my photos at a level to make it easy for people to afford quality photo art, but in the two days I sold two prints. All the while a another photographer was selling his lower quality prints at a much higher price and was selling left and right. After that I never again undervalued my artistic photos. You might have to have held on to some of your fish before you sold them, but $20 is awful cheap for a 4 inch discus.
Deme Kin
sir sand your E-mail ID sir
Honestly I'd say it's too risky of a business to get involved in; I'd stick to just breeding the fish.
If you have to pay to raise them...... it might make it overall better if you can sell enough to pay for your needs.....
idk..... anyway...... i enjoy your honest attitude...... keep up the good work and use your experience to move forward.
So while someone might pay a few hundred dollars for the right puppy, the seller still had to do quite a lot and spend a lot of money first, to get that puppy up to standards for selling at these flea markets.
Joey made a profit because he had high-dollar popular fish, that can breed fairly well if cared for properly.
If you really want to use your knowledge for something, you could also try breeding a very unhealthy dog breed and culling by neutering the ones that have a common defect. Sell the neutered ones as pets and sell the healthy intact ones to other breeders.
then I laughed at my reaction, I don't get why people are so apathetic and jerks really. that sucks though
so im here just in case they accidentally breed
I created my ‘Discus Fish UK’ channel 2 years ago after seeing your videos.
Discus are beautiful creatures and you should be very happy to have made so many beautiful fish, so of which are looking amazing in some people tanks across Canada I bet.
Thanks again for being such an inspiration to the YouTube generation :-)
now with your four tank setup,
where did you put your heaters?
In the sump or
did you have a heater in each tank?
Yip, just finished watching "they are dead"
and so learned where your heaters were located.
I'm so sorry about your loss...
Bummer about people taking advantage of you. It sounds like you were running your business for the betterment of your community, and should have charged much more for the fish. Your story is painfully similar to my mother's who, for 20 years, ran a jewelry business "for the betterment of the community" and sold goods and services at grossly discounted rates. She never made much money from it, despite gold, silver and platinum jewelry being a notoriously lucrative business. My mother bitched about that business as long as I can remember. Finally shut it down last year, thank god. At least you learned your lesson after a year and a half. Maybe you can restart your business, and sell your fish for 5X the price. $100,000 might make it worthwhile. ;) Plus, you'll be selling to people who actually want the fish, because reselling won't be profitable.
Glad to know you are a Canadian and so do I. Your honesty and your ethical value are the deciding factors for me to subscribe. Nice to know you and keep up the good works. Thanks!!
Absolutely stunning!
Breeding Discus ►
The first time I thought you were French...then I thought you had a big French audience and now...I'm lost xD
I'm looking to get back into it full force again soon as it was a great relaxing hobby with many benefits, like some you have mentioned in a few of your videos.
You seem like a great guy with plenty of knowledge ... thanks again for sharing your experiences and thoughts on this hobby.
I look forward to more of your videos and will keep an eye open for anything more you have to share!
thank you again,
It is sad that others took advantage of your good will by selling them for big$$$.
There are a lot of people that want to get into discus but just can't pull the trigger because of cost.
I'm a designer and I provide free assets (icons and fish graphics) because I want people to have the best and most technically accurate specimens for their logos or designs. I cannot tell you the amount of times people redistribute my work so they can increase their views and generate revenue off of their ads. Here I am giving away my time and designs and there is a line of people trying to monetize it. Super sad.
Another story, I heard a podcast from a designer who runs a boutique arts and designer toys shop. A couple years ago he was selling figurines at a very reasonable cost because he loved them. However people would come in, instantly buy his stock and then mark them up 1000% on ebay, thus forcing them into "instant collectables". These resellers only came around to scoop up the new toys and never contributed to the community. Needless to say, just like you, he felt hurt and taken advantage of. He no longer sells those collectable toys.
Sorry for the long comment! Mixing hobbies and money, like you said, makes for a real quick way to ruin the passion.
sissy white mutant.
...start with a large fortune. :-)
Good work with the discus!!!
Longtime subscriber here. I know you have heard this before, but since you are talking about money. I think you should try selling acrylic aquarium kits. My favorite videos are the old acrylic builds you did. I would pay for a kit. Pre cut acrylic with the cement. I've had a hard time finding some of the things needed for a build. You could prepare the kit. Either a set of instructions or just links to the videos needed for the kit. You are truly gifted as a craftsmen. I love your discus videos and I'm so glad you got into discus. I would love to see more about how you breed discus. How you fed the fry and the schedule of feeding. Also water chemistry when conditioning the parents and the grow out process. If you used live food for the fry I would love to see how you managed that. So proud to see you be so successfully without losing why you love this hobby. Very commendable.
Longtime subscriber here. I know you have heard this before, but since you are talking about money. I think you should try selling acrylic aquarium kits. My favorite videos are the old acrylic builds you did. I would pay for a kit. Pre cut acrylic with the cement. I've had a hard time finding some of the things needed for a build. You could prepare the kit. Either a set of instructions or just links to the videos needed for the kit. You are truly gifted as a craftsmen. I love your discus videos and I'm so glad you got into discus. I would love to see more about how you breed discus. How you fed the fry and the schedule of feeding. Also water chemistry when conditioning the parents and the grow out process. If you used live food for the fry I would love to see how you managed that. So proud to see you be so successfully without losing why you love this hobby. Very commendable.
Was before I started. But yeah, folks brought some in for store credit for sure i heard
I enjoyed your story, I found it inspiring, you sounded a little worse for the wear from it but chalk it up to experience. Blaze your own trail, no guts on glory! You'll look back on it later as a positive and it was.
Arowana intro in great.
At one point I had a whole setup and only wanted only $100, but no sale ... The moment I said free.. I was spam with emails ..
Worst part is after they got all my fish, no response to an update just to see how the fish was doing ...
Automating the maintenance could help out with relieving some of the monotonous time. I completely agree with the losing the sight of what you're going for. When trying to do something for profit it's easy to lose the passion.
Owning a reef tank would be so cheap! Just do almost free water changes all the time. Never have to worry about dosing, or skimmers
you'd be keeping it real
Keep up the good work!
Hope that you will make it soon.
Thanks for breaking down all the pieces of the pie. It's like that in the US to, Uncle Sam always wants his
share, whether he deserves any or not !!
Awesome video!
you have knowledge
love your vid
Really great video man you talked about the stuff that mattered and did so in a great and educational way. The quality of your videos is amazing at this point, please keep it up.
I'm still dealing with a ton of fry and juveniles from when I thought this would be a good idea. My main point would be make sure you set up a system that is close to self servicing. The only way I would consider doing this again is if my fry tanks were all setup with an overflow to a drain combined with a system to drip new water into each tank. If you do water changes to each fry tank non stop it will get old pretty quick.
PS: A local fish store tour is coming in a couple weeks!
You can also find me on facebook:
1: Heat retention. The thicker and more dense the material, the more heat it will hold. Small tubs are great for little projects, but when do a breeding system, you will end up paying more to heat them then it would have to just buy/build glass or acrylic tanks.
2: You will need to do some more searching. I have no less than 8 videos on plumbing tanks with examples. I also go over it in my book.