How I made $20,000 in 1 month from breeding aquarium Discus fish

How I made $20,000 in 1 month. What you need to know if you want to do it.... and WHY I DONT WANT TO DO IT AGAIN! Where to BUY DISCUS: HOW TO BREED DISCUS ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► How to keep Discus ► Breeding Discus ►

How I made $20,000 in 1 month from breeding aquarium Discus fish sentiment_very_dissatisfied 237

Discus 9 years ago 560,028 views

How I made $20,000 in 1 month. What you need to know if you want to do it.... and WHY I DONT WANT TO DO IT AGAIN! Where to BUY DISCUS: HOW TO BREED DISCUS ► Get the ultimate DIY book ► Follow me ► How to keep Discus ► Breeding Discus ►

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Most popular comments
for How I made $20,000 in 1 month from breeding aquarium Discus fish

Reuel Gour
Reuel Gour - 7 years ago
Don Colledge
Don Colledge - 7 years ago
Good video dude, a friend sent me your link when I mentioned about getting some to breed.
Ryzz Luardo
Ryzz Luardo - 7 years ago
I want to learn how to breed koi
RageLightning 77
RageLightning 77 - 7 years ago
Jeffrey Opalda
Jeffrey Opalda - 7 years ago
hello mr. joey can you please help about discus because my discus has already spawn egg but they going white all and they eating what will i do about that .
raven nation
raven nation - 7 years ago
Thanks man for all the info!!
philipee32 - 7 years ago
what is disk fish?
Mauricio Duran
Mauricio Duran - 7 years ago
Ok so lets do it Mexican style. We're not paying that 15% tax and we aren't going to need any of those permits.
Carol I
Carol I - 7 years ago
When I breed fish I get attached and end up keeping them

10. comment for How I made $20,000 in 1 month from breeding aquarium Discus fish

goodstrong - 7 years ago
Taxation is theft. So sad how much they take off of you, the hard working man. Doesn’t have to be that way.
Dysproh - 7 years ago
If only I could breed bitcoin.
Social Boy 23
Social Boy 23 - 7 years ago
Hey sir please make a video on breeding flowerhorn fish..
Tom R
Tom R - 7 years ago
What discouraged you were tax hounds better known as liberals. We pay 4% sales tax in Virginia.
weabomb - 7 years ago
Can you make a video on breeding Arowana ?
Dan B
Dan B - 7 years ago
Imagine what kind of projects you would get yourself into if you got your supplies for free..
bar snack
bar snack - 7 years ago
Bit Spook
Bit Spook - 7 years ago
This just in: altruism rapes mans wallet. More tonight at ten on channel everywhere-always
Pradnya Deshmukh
Pradnya Deshmukh - 7 years ago
Man you should start with clown fish.... Lots of clown fish
TPJNR - 7 years ago
How to breed goldfish

20. comment for How I made $20,000 in 1 month from breeding aquarium Discus fish

Blaubeeralien 123
Blaubeeralien 123 - 7 years ago
i have the same screen as you
repsol kb
repsol kb - 7 years ago
Shhh irs maybe listening.
joe Vasquez
joe Vasquez - 7 years ago
That's "government" , take fun out of everything
HCMAClub - 7 years ago
Could you make a video more in depth about your setup and how you had your tanks configured?
John Michael erfe
John Michael erfe - 7 years ago
Any tips on breeding betta?
DX zilla
DX zilla - 7 years ago
I breed roaches and kind of feel attached and don't wanna sell them so I wonder how discus would be like
Green Kitty
Green Kitty - 7 years ago
You're a good man : )
Ganjah King
Ganjah King - 7 years ago
Will it dairy?
codeartha - 7 years ago
Wow taxes in canada are a little less than half of the taxes in belgium. I really should change country
Rich Everakes
Rich Everakes - 7 years ago
Great video. Thanks for the insight. I breed rosy boas but discus are next on my list.

30. comment for How I made $20,000 in 1 month from breeding aquarium Discus fish

Jahr Jahr
Jahr Jahr - 7 years ago
Thank you sir! So thorough
Bizzobb Foshizzle
Bizzobb Foshizzle - 7 years ago
Startup costs diminish over time, you would have made more if you continued to raise more, move to America much less tax and regulation
Nah - 7 years ago
BublakVTX - 7 years ago
You dont sell to companies or firms so who is going to proof you how much you sold? How tax office can proof you how much you sold? Screw on some tax if you selling casual people.
Zach - 7 years ago
You shouldn't have recorded it on your taxes
Reta Ghanim
Reta Ghanim - 7 years ago
My heart goes out to you buddy! It's really tough not getting taken advantage of through the online market. People aren't as noble as you appear to be. Through YouTube at least you can still share your aquatic life with us, and not feel scammed (hopefully). Thanks for videos!
Aaron TV
Aaron TV - 7 years ago
If you're going to factor in all the taxes, you should also factor in the deductibles you can get
Seth Rosenthal
Seth Rosenthal - 7 years ago
where are you in nova scotia we have a place in east sable
Collatron 93
Collatron 93 - 7 years ago
u should breed Asian arawana

sheik DE
sheik DE - 7 years ago
I think you forgot to calculate the rent for the rooms.
Mike Hamada
Mike Hamada - 7 years ago
I didn't worry about that much cost, I mean I have a well so no need to pay for water, it's summer and it's hot where I live ... well not hot but decent, and as for food I have an access to some cheap good food, and make some of it myself, which I mix with other healthy pellets and that only costs me a little. In the end the only thing I'm worried about is electricity and food that's about it. And it only costs me a little I mean when you have water plants, a garden, a well, and snails, and chicken everything is paying off by itself no worries for me.
Tactical-Kydex-Gear - 7 years ago
i love the fact that you love the fish you raise. i would be willing to buy a half dozen or so of your discus so I can start a hobby also. what would you sell a half dozen or a dozen for?? i am new to this discus. i have raised guppies and molleys and would like to advance my hobby to discus. love your videos!
Forever and ever I swear!
Forever and ever I swear! - 7 years ago
I too plan to do that if i have the chance..
Chad Alan
Chad Alan - 7 years ago
How about just reselling discus ordered from the breeders and farms? A place like uncle sams discus.. anyone know how lucrative these businesses are if ran properly?
Funny Fish
Funny Fish - 7 years ago
Didnt you spend a lot more than 1 month, the title that it should be is “how I made 8700 in 15 months”?
abedbahri94 - 7 years ago
I'm an accountant, you explained that wonderfully.
Windowsill Succulent Gardening
Windowsill Succulent Gardening - 7 years ago
I really fancy getting into this hobby. I'm at home a lot due to illness so I'd have a lot of time to care for them but I'm clueless where to start. Any help? I'm in the UK if that helps
Guardian etc.
Guardian etc. - 7 years ago
I kinda want to breed to provide some beautiful fish for other people, and more for the experience, but I suppose it doesn't always turn out to work that way…
Dipika Adak
Dipika Adak - 7 years ago
do you have anything on parrot fish??
Pablo avila
Pablo avila - 7 years ago
I wounder whats the king of diy full time job

50. comment for How I made $20,000 in 1 month from breeding aquarium Discus fish

Ruben Gonçalves
Ruben Gonçalves - 7 years ago
Thanks a lot for all of your good energies :)
Rufus T
Rufus T - 7 years ago
This guy is a good story teller.
RagingShark 37
RagingShark 37 - 7 years ago
How do I sell fish if none of my pet stores would buy my fish....... now I'm stuck with 60 plus fish at home :(
reinux - 7 years ago
Collin Byrd
Collin Byrd - 7 years ago
You seem like a really good, earnest guy. Thanks man.
Collin Byrd
Collin Byrd - 7 years ago
You seem like a really good, earnest guy. Thanks man.
renny placencia
renny placencia - 7 years ago
You shouldn't have reported the sale of the fish is just a hobby
Joshua Brown
Joshua Brown - 7 years ago
Were is a good place to start when actually selling your Discus?
Wilson D
Wilson D - 7 years ago
so he made 20K in 15 months?  hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
SektundSchnee - 7 years ago
Thank you for your time, insights, inspiration and generosity!
Jonn Katt
Jonn Katt - 7 years ago
i think i might get into this can we get some how to vids
Keila Rodriguez
Keila Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Before watching video "im going to be rich!"
After watching video "looks like im going to continue to eat ramen" haha
Great video though and such beautiful fish!
Raymond Mills
Raymond Mills - 7 years ago
Except your set up costs are now zero... you have the stands, tanks and filters...
Ron Johnson
Ron Johnson - 7 years ago
I have so many pets that I could breed and sell, and I've thought of doing it many times. But I've worked at a pet shop and just can't stand the feeling of selling pets to people who will not give them proper care. Plus, there's already so many pets out there that need to be adopted, so why breed more? I rarely even buy fish. Most of the fish I have now are ones that I've adopted from people who were moving, getting out of the hobby, had fish who outgrew their tank, etc...
Gun_Klub - 7 years ago
joey you got a big heart!
Kern Albert
Kern Albert - 7 years ago
Cmoney Dom
Cmoney Dom - 7 years ago
I love how you said money sometimes just ruins things that's true,.. eye for an eye I like how u think
Tyson - 7 years ago
That's cool that u live in Nova Scotia I didn't know that
paducahFishFan - 7 years ago
Raising discus takes a huge amount of time. I didn't want to give any of mine away. The amount of TIME and EFFORT it takes to grow out discus is why they are expensive. That is a LOT of work.

Great video Joey! Cheers.
Vladislav Slavov
Vladislav Slavov - 7 years ago
Taxes are theft.
chance - 7 years ago
But it only cost that much the first time you breed them after that you all ready own the tank/setup so you start to make more
Ahmed Nesser
Ahmed Nesser - 7 years ago
I can tell your a good hearted man and very smart at what you do good for you keep up the good work
Ant Khan
Ant Khan - 7 years ago
I have angels breeding but i just want to trade for stuff i can use for my tanks or additional fish
Jesse Moral
Jesse Moral - 7 years ago
Dude!! You're awesome! I love your channel!
SolidGoldShows - 7 years ago
15-17% tax is a lot compared to the US.
Zachary Walker
Zachary Walker - 8 years ago
I'm a very bright beginner right now I only have 1 fish I am definitely getting more I need advice I am actually getting ready to rescue some white and gold fry fish
Tyler Owen
Tyler Owen - 8 years ago
yeah sad feeling that all your hard work is going into someone elses pocket. really appreciate how you just bred them for the purpose of other people enjoying them.
Wunlym Shim
Wunlym Shim - 8 years ago
What business do you know pays off it's startup cost in one year?
Wunlym Shim
Wunlym Shim - 8 years ago
That's what it took? That's how it is with all businesses. People usually carry something to the table when they start a new business. I'm saying that I think that it was great and most businesses can't do that. I understand that you don't want to do it because you prefer the pleasure of doing it as a hobby but I don't think that you should downplay it's profitability. But then again I come from a third world country. We don't pass up on stuff like that.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Wunlym Shim So what your saying here is that because this portion of the story took a year, that's all it took? Never mind the 7 years I spent building my following and network that grew to the point where when I have 1000 fish to sell, it takes less than a month. If I wasn't who I am, there is no way I would have sold 1000 so fast.
Richard Campos
Richard Campos - 8 years ago
You're one of the nice guys out there in the world and i will follow your channel absolute. Im so glad people like you exist sometimes, sad when all people see is dollar signs on animals. They say discus and any other animals are happy in our created fake environment. But they need interaction , companionship and frankly respect .. just like us. I feel sorry for any animal that goes thru life to please some jerk who simply doesn't care and respect what the animal is and how they feeling what essentially is a cage. We took it out of their natural environment for our own selfish reasons, we can at least treat them with dignity and give as much tlc as we can.
matt ellis
matt ellis - 8 years ago
i would have been the guy to buy too many off you and end up giving them to someone who deserved them. I've done it in plenty of situations and some of the time i get used for my kindness, but those few that actually need the help take it and it gives them great happiness seems to makes it all worth it for me.
Robert Ramirez
Robert Ramirez - 8 years ago
love ur videos helped lots to add on my ideas thinks for ur time
Shawn Duke
Shawn Duke - 8 years ago
how did u know where and where not to sell them at?
christopher amata
christopher amata - 8 years ago
how about sending me some guidelines on how to start a business in aquascaping sir......i've been watching more and more of your documented videos.....that makes me think to start a good business in aquascaping.......
DA7545 - 7 years ago
Can you aquascape? or do you just want to.
Gerald Blakley
Gerald Blakley - 8 years ago
how do you keep the water warm during shipping?
mahesh sherigar
mahesh sherigar - 8 years ago
I have seen all of your videos, but really loved this one as I have discuss as well. I have a red Mellon breeding pair which normally breeds every second week but not able to raise fries as it is a community tank, wll definitely use your tips given in your video, how to breed discuss. Thanks for all your videos Joe..
star43able - 8 years ago
how hard is it to keep discus?
an american to review
an american to review - 8 years ago
dang 15% sales tax that's socialism based Healthcare has to cost something
alex smith
alex smith - 8 years ago
they have sales tax in US as well, in case you did not realize that. everytime you buy of amazon you get charged with a sales tax. but unlike canada we also have to pay for healthcare (so we are crewed a lot more)
Luca Walter
Luca Walter - 8 years ago
How do you take care of all your fish?
jiberjaber badanka
jiberjaber badanka - 8 years ago
love this channel !
Elizabeth Whiting
Elizabeth Whiting - 8 years ago
King diy
Samuel Lee
Samuel Lee - 8 years ago
thanks for sharing, you probably could have made $100,000 if you priced them according to the market
Oswaldo Rabanal
Oswaldo Rabanal - 8 years ago
how do you make your own food?
I will be light
I will be light - 8 years ago
Word. You can't work for money.
Dominic Schmidt
Dominic Schmidt - 8 years ago
Do you still breed them?
SCARRIOR - 8 years ago
15% income tax? Wow so much lower than where i live.
Andrew Lynam
Andrew Lynam - 8 years ago
Man I would love to buy some I tried to breed discus but had no luck
Croatian king of aquarium
Croatian king of aquarium - 8 years ago
breading guppies
Daniel Betty
Daniel Betty - 8 years ago
i could really use help like this this math is hard to do lol
Balithazzarr - 8 years ago
What an inspiration; and just to start doing anything!
XxGHoST1738xX - 8 years ago
I know sounds small but can you do a Betta fish video about them and breeding and other

100. comment for How I made $20,000 in 1 month from breeding aquarium Discus fish

Tim Bucktooth
Tim Bucktooth - 8 years ago
I breed babies and sell them. ever see a vagina? prolly not.
Paradox Might
Paradox Might - 8 years ago
Tim Bucktooth he's got a wife and kids tho.
koukimiester - 8 years ago
youre a great man joey
Nom Nom Tots
Nom Nom Tots - 8 years ago
Beautiful fish.  Really like your fancies, too.
Sanyog Polkam
Sanyog Polkam - 8 years ago
Is fish breeding and YouTube ur job?
Rhys Tal Cernunnos
Rhys Tal Cernunnos - 8 years ago
Sanyog Polkam He keeps saying over and over and over again that the fish and the YouTube channel are hobbies.... not the full time job that he also does.
Brandon Burgos
Brandon Burgos - 8 years ago
Elon musk
Deme Kin
Deme Kin - 8 years ago
Dear King,

It seems you have felt the prick of "sellers remorse.." I too learned the hard way. As a Amateur Photographer I entered a show and priced my photos at a level to make it easy for people to afford quality photo art, but in the two days I sold two prints. All the while a another photographer was selling his lower quality prints at a much higher price and was selling left and right. After that I never again undervalued my artistic photos. You might have to have held on to some of your fish before you sold them, but $20 is awful cheap for a 4 inch discus.

Deme Kin
kameswararao neelapu
kameswararao neelapu - 8 years ago
Excellent sir ..
sir sand your E-mail ID sir
drt hjk
drt hjk - 8 years ago
А чего название на русском? Что за прикол?
akFireDawg - 8 years ago
I made $10k over the summer breeding hedgehogs.
Slo Pig
Slo Pig - 8 years ago
i always sell under the table
WarDogTheAwesome - 8 years ago
wait you have both sales taxes AND income taxes? why? It's like their taking double taxes for the same thing
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
WarDogTheAwesome sales tax is 15% that I would include on the cost but then hold for taxes. Like when you buy anything and there is tax on top of it. Income tax is personal that I have to also pay out of my own income.
Bhargav Bhonsle
Bhargav Bhonsle - 8 years ago
Hi I am looking to buy a flowerhorn any suggestions
Anthony Sullivan
Anthony Sullivan - 8 years ago
Would you ever get another Arowana and breed them?
BettaFx - 7 years ago
Hellish Dorsal Fins.
Hellish Dorsal Fins. - 8 years ago
from UK. hi! your videos are really good. I had a little brainwave myself. now, I'm not sure if this has been done before but I haven't seen anything like it yet. concerning filtration..maybe you can take a look at my aquarium hang on shower filter bio trays.. and tell me if I should have patented it or is it too late? ha ha
Stewart Tilley
Stewart Tilley - 8 years ago
What's your day job Joey?
Vision It
Vision It - 8 years ago
I would buy to enjoy not to sell to pet stores
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Kim's Reptiles the Netherlands
Kim's Reptiles the Netherlands - 8 years ago
Send me a shirt, I will turn it into a tight tank top & show it of in the Netherlands on my channel.
Jeramy Mclellan
Jeramy Mclellan - 8 years ago
I think you should get angelfish
Jeramy Mclellan
Jeramy Mclellan - 8 years ago
I think you should get angelfish
News that matter
News that matter - 8 years ago
Can I make 20,000 from breeding my self??
the crafty guy
the crafty guy - 7 years ago
News that matter no. We don't want retarded children
huckilt - 7 years ago
News that matter I'm sure if you could find a nice lesbian couple that wants a baby but don't have male sperm to do it with you could possibly talk them into letting you be the surrogate sperm donor. You could make a lot more than $20,000 doing it I'm sure lol.
Quackerson - 7 years ago
News that matter just sell the baby on craigslist, what could go wrong
beautytryouts - 7 years ago
SmokeystarOriginal -Omfg...You are a genius
Jared S
Jared S - 8 years ago
lol, right?
News that matter
News that matter - 8 years ago
+SmokeystarOriginal Sir, you're a gentleman and scholar. I was goign to sell my sperm. I now don't want to.
SmokeystarOriginal - 8 years ago
aky19832001 on average, a child costs about $280,000 over the growth period. Unfortunately the costs usually don't stop at the end of the growth period. plus it's a risky business, as they usually do not bring in any return on your investment until you retire and they feel obligated to help you out. The risk is in that the child grows up to accomplish nothing in life aside from draining all of your life's savings. Furthermore, a lot of other people seemed to have the same idea, so now there are so many that humans have become a surplus and therefore have decreased in value (due to job availability)
Honestly I'd say it's too risky of a business to get involved in; I'd stick to just breeding the fish.
The Anime Girl
The Anime Girl - 8 years ago
The thumbnail looked like one of those irritating money making advertisments
Jay Africa
Jay Africa - 8 years ago
hi i have a question i have a discuss i dont know if its healthy or what he keeps on fighting other discuss but it doesnt want to eat?? what should i do?? thank you very much
dale jones
dale jones - 8 years ago
Hi. Great videos. Actually overall great information. You have the nack for teaching. I look forward to getting your book. I have been in the aquarium hobby for 38 years. My speciality is freshwater angels. Please keep up the good work. Since you do not want to be in the sales area with your hobby anymore, what do you do when your fish breed? Thanks
Buck D
Buck D - 8 years ago
Spend some of that money and come visit your cousin in Ottawa! I haven't seen you for nearly 20yrs!
AlphaWolf- Gaming
AlphaWolf- Gaming - 7 years ago
Buck D you're his cousin?
skyward360 - 8 years ago
But how did you find buyers?
Josh Ford
Josh Ford - 8 years ago
you can write off your costs in taxes, and least in the states
Vuong Vu
Vuong Vu - 8 years ago
how much u sale for 1 discus? where do you get those from?
Taylor - 8 years ago
Kool Breeze
Kool Breeze - 8 years ago
I had 2 pair of jewel cichlids that became breeding pairs and omg it was nuts for awhilebecause at the time only had a 10 and a 20 gal tank ....the time and tank cleaning and care whew was nuts. Jewels were hard to sell lord it was nutz because I didnt want em breeding.... donated a couple hundred at about 3inches to a fish store. They allowed me only one yellow lab... kinda pissed me off because how much I gave them. but that was awhile ago no biggie now... love your vids awesome... im sure your making plenty off you tube now with as many as you have and since the hobby is huge all over the world. Eventually I plan to do something similar. Take care
Player Review
Player Review - 8 years ago
This video is pretty much a life changer, about fish and everything else. I really enjoyed this video.
Rocket 5000
Rocket 5000 - 8 years ago
U are in NS? I'm in NL with is right above u and do u sell any fish now?
Troy Champion
Troy Champion - 8 years ago
I've bred betas and zebra danios & tiger barbs at one time... like you, i really enjoyed the experience the first time with each species, but then after that it quickly became a job, and that killed the fun of it.  It was amazing to watch the male beta flip his tail over the female to stimulate her to drop the eggs and have him race down and catch the eggs and put them in his bubble nest.. he was very protective over them and such a dutiful parent... not much unlike the discus in that way... though the discus pairs are so much more romantic with the way they really show so much affection for each other.  The experience really drove home the fact that all fish are different and have different personalities to my then fiancé who thought all fish were the same and fishkeeping was dumb compared to getting a dog..  (ya we didn't wind up working out.) :D   You have a nice channel, and it's cool that you are good about putting enough thought into your channel to foresee what some people might do with the knowledge gained from your videos and take the initiative to help save them from themselves in situations where it's easy to get carried away.
LumiNeonz - 8 years ago
Maybe I missed something, but it is not mandatory to register for GST/HST if you are considered a small supplier! If you only made $20,000 total in the year from your business, this is below the $30,000 per four quarter threshold and you would not need to collect HST on your sales. Voluntary registration does allow you to remit the HST incurred on expenses, but I don't think that would have been beneficial judging by the expenses you listed vs. your revenues.
LumiNeonz - 8 years ago
Yeah, only thing I can figure is he must've been registered for another reason. There's no reason to register if you think you will "eventually" need to register. You only need to register when you need to register. :)+Stephen Gaetz
Stephen Gaetz
Stephen Gaetz - 8 years ago
Only reason I can see that he may have had to remit HST is that he was already registered to do so and is remitting it on a service or product that's related. Maybe book sales? Also, it may have just been an example of what you are supposed to do in the scenario where you are continuing to do this as a business and assuming that it will be over 30k eventually. But no, you do not need to charge or remit HST if you are under 30k for all gross sales in 4 consecutive quarters.
Tra12345 Coolkid
Tra12345 Coolkid - 8 years ago
Roberta Preston
Roberta Preston - 8 years ago
i like your approach... I like your attitude..... you make sense...... so, be careful.... have fun...... try to keep a good attitude.....
If you have to pay to raise them...... it might make it overall better if you can sell enough to pay for your needs.....
idk..... anyway...... i enjoy your honest attitude...... keep up the good work and use your experience to move forward.
Steve S.
Steve S. - 8 years ago
Moses Moses
Moses Moses - 8 years ago
how breed Oscar fish
bvaughn777 - 8 years ago
Money has interrupted the joy I feel for a few things. And having people take advantage of something you offer to help build the community totally sucks. Thanks for the reminder of that. I'll keep my reef going because I love it. And I'll let my job be my job.
Bill Lowe
Bill Lowe - 8 years ago
I made $20,000 in one DAY, I just asked work not to pay me for 14 months. Boom, 20k in a day!
31Sparrow - 8 years ago
good video
Kevin Joseif
Kevin Joseif - 8 years ago
That's a damn shame I would love to have some high quality discus. I'm working on a 10' L x 1' h x 2' w tank to have a discus galore in my house. I can't wait
Darrin DeNapoli
Darrin DeNapoli - 8 years ago
are your rays freshwater or brackish
RoadKillFrog - 8 years ago
Darrin DeNapoli fresh
i am old
i am old - 8 years ago
is this legal, do you show it on your tax return , is this done on the blackmarket and can everyone do this?
Sciddly Boogly
Sciddly Boogly - 8 years ago
i am old lol, why would this need to be done on the black market? he sells to legal pet shops
Prranjal Shrivaastav
Prranjal Shrivaastav - 8 years ago
When u've already paid 15% tax on $20000, there's no logic in paying the tax again on $10000. What's that about?
Mon's Toys
Mon's Toys - 8 years ago
Per Shop yes. he got some calculations wrong. business tax should be paid only on profit ( money coming in minus costs and wages) and then personal tax on the amount he paid himself. this would not cause him to double tax the money .
Per Shop
Per Shop - 8 years ago
From what I remember that he said, it seems that there was a tax on selling something (because you are then acting like a business), and then a tax on income of the person. But the bad thing is both % were based on the $20,000, not some reduced amount after taking away the first tax. Well, actually getting taxed twice is inherently bad, too.
Tristan Collins
Tristan Collins - 8 years ago
Many entrepreneurs find if they raise costs they can make just as much money but with fewer sales and less labor. If people are 'flipping your fish' to make a buck, raise your costs and sell the odd breeding... instead of doing the intensive breeding you did for a while. Clearly there is a market for them.
HTX FPV - 8 years ago
but, you only pay the startup costs once. the next $20k you made would have been much more profitable
Michael Orme
Michael Orme - 8 years ago
An interesting exercise.
Eric Smoczyk
Eric Smoczyk - 8 years ago
You mention having to cover a 15% sales tax and then ~17% income tax... You shouldn't be taxed twice for the same thing. Perhaps you were to pay 15% sales tax to the government on the total sale and then ~17% on your profit?
SC PYTHONS - 8 years ago
Great video, if only people on the outside of what you do understood it instead of thinking you just make loads of money....I am a Reticulated Python breeder here in the UK and the exact same principles apply, no different at all really just a different animal. The worst part is the time wasters, and the fantasists that have no intention of buying but want pictures and conversations.
Jedi Kitten
Jedi Kitten - 8 years ago
But u dont have to buy/make new tanks? So that saves $2000?
Justin Williamson
Justin Williamson - 8 years ago
The animal business is a tough one, sometimes you really can make a lot of money, other times you make nothing, and there will always be those people looking to take as much from you for as little as possible. At the end of the day business is about money, no matter what you tell yourself. If you're not making money then you're either operating a charity or you're running a hobby, I'd rather have a fish hobby than a fish business.
Per Shop
Per Shop - 8 years ago
It reminds me about the big flea markets nearby, where people some sell their puppies. They love their dogs but can't have so many puppies all the time, so they have to sell some. Whether it's their side business or just one-time selling, selling at the fllea markets still meant that they had to have all the right paperwork for the puppies, including if they are a special breed.

So while someone might pay a few hundred dollars for the right puppy, the seller still had to do quite a lot and spend a lot of money first, to get that puppy up to standards for selling at these flea markets.
IINightingale21 II
IINightingale21 II - 8 years ago
ill never breed animals for one reason: people. Nobody likes the right way to do things and can't accept there are alternatives to how they do
Steven M
Steven M - 8 years ago
Mannnn... taxes?? should've done it all under the table.... I sold cars under the table and it was all profit.... I can't stand the government.
Walter Minix
Walter Minix - 7 years ago
You are 100% correct. Why go and flashing your money around a high crime area with a high amount of criminals that will rob you? The government are the exact same but they don't usually go anywhere to go rob anyone. Those criminals do their robbing from the office they were elected to.
Bathoric95 - 7 years ago
Steven Farah His main issue was his honesty. I breed rats and snakes. It's not a living but it's all under the table. I don't let on come tax season (now, lol)
Dylan Peffer
Dylan Peffer - 8 years ago
Steven Haun id do this under the table if i sold fish
Maratzr1 - 8 years ago
Yea that's what you gotta do when government ain't helpen.
SIMPLE AQUATICS - 8 years ago
your ideas and mind set in this hobby is remarkable man i so need to link up with you some time and share ideas im thinking of going in the breeding business and would like your input on it
Daniel stan
Daniel stan - 8 years ago
to bad that ppl go for the reselling.
Jules Askalotl
Jules Askalotl - 8 years ago
very cool video! Breeding just about anything has so much money and effort that goes into it. I breed axolotls and honestly I usually lose money on it, but just like you, I do it because I love it, and I do succumb to wanting to keep them all! LOL my channel has some videos on axolotls and how I raise the babies. I love your video and omg discus are the most beautiful fish! I've always wanted one
Amy Zhang
Amy Zhang - 8 years ago
My last fish was when I was 8 and named "Rainbow." I don't even know why I'm watching these videos but I can't stop..
J F - 7 years ago
"I don't even know why I'm watching these videos but I can't stop" Sure you can. It's called will-power. Now go outside and play ;)
Linda Sweeting
Linda Sweeting - 7 years ago
Eddie Ancona
Eddie Ancona
Eddie Ancona - 7 years ago
Same lol. I love fish and used to have so many growing up. Maybe this is a sign haha
Waterfall Gardens
Waterfall Gardens - 7 years ago
Amy Zhang It's a sign that you need to get back in the hobby. :)
Bro Kapi
Bro Kapi - 8 years ago
Amy Zhang My brother had a Betta when we were little and his name was also rainbow, when he died he buried him in the back yard and carved his name into a rock as his grave. That rock is still buried halfway into the ground.
Jeffreys WorldtravelVids
Jeffreys WorldtravelVids - 8 years ago
So all cost is added 14 times (because of having receipts from 14 months) but NOT the income?? Math error! ... or didn't I understand it rigth?
TheLiberalMachine - 8 years ago
So you got rich from fish? I wanted to do that but didnt know who to sell or how to sell the fish. I had mollies breed btw.
brandon esparsen
brandon esparsen - 8 years ago
patelike you can get mollies at the pets mart or pets stores usually for a $1.00 I can imagine they probably pay about 10-20 cents each maybe less. Unless your a major fish hatchery your not gonna make money off mollies . I know you said that as well just adjusting the price.
patelike - 8 years ago
$50 to $100 compared to mollies which only sell for $1-$2
TheLiberalMachine - 8 years ago
How much are those fish?
patelike - 8 years ago
most people can breed mollies fairly easily. and actually some have a problem of over breeding mollies and they don't even do it on purpose. Mollies just constantly breed much like a lot of livebearers. You can probably sell them for $.50 to maybe $1.00 per fish. which really doesnt cover the cost of maintaining a molly tank (heating, electricity, water, all the other points joey made)
Joey made a profit because he had high-dollar popular fish, that can breed fairly well if cared for properly.
Devin Smith
Devin Smith - 8 years ago
If you watch the video, he explains that he more or less earned about 10 bucks an hour to breed fish. The 20 grand he made was all before he calculated his costs in taxes and overhead.
Tarun Bhattacharjee
Tarun Bhattacharjee - 8 years ago
i am planning to start a discus breeding ad selling ...what are the basics i need .... i have a 3 ft by 2 ft aquarium ...3 ft high... 250 gallon ....
austen deguara
austen deguara - 8 years ago
or you could watch joeys video on it
Tarun Bhattacharjee
Tarun Bhattacharjee - 8 years ago
+RoadKillFrog ok i will wait for the rply
RoadKillFrog - 8 years ago
+Tarun Bhattacharjee im not really sure on how to breed discus but a friend of mine did, ill ask him later today
Tarun Bhattacharjee
Tarun Bhattacharjee - 8 years ago
sorry its 250 liter ... i guess this is not the answer of my question
RoadKillFrog - 8 years ago
Tarun Bhattacharjee I don't think that's 250 gallons
goMANgo84 - 8 years ago
So I agree with a lot of what you said. For me I never felt that the money spoiled it for me. I was so proud of the quality of my breeding pairs and the fact that I had people drive miles and miles to buy my discus I felt that I was their only source of high quality fish. I had a young guy who had an anxiety disorder and an overbearing mother who added to that. Although he was 20 years old he needed a hobby that helped with that. I shared a great deal of time and care in helping him set up a breeding system just like mine. Eventually I sold him mine as well. His mother approved because it helped her son. I also keep in contact with my buyers and watched them raise my fry. We talked and shared time and stories so my passion for it kept on growing. I simply stopped when I made a mistake and sold a fish that I thought I would never sell. Then my original supplier stopped selling discus altogether(Mike Beals at Central Ohio Discus) I bought a few fish from Kenny's Discus but Mike had the real rare ones. Anyway as I start looking for replacement discus I had a terrible quality issue. Pigeon bloods that looked like someone threw hot coffee grounds all over. Blue diamond with head deformities and chipped eyes. So all my tanks are empty and have been for the last 5 to 6 years. I am watching this video because I still love discus breeding and have intentions of keeping them again some day soon.
goMANgo84 - 8 years ago
When I say "I had a young guy" it means I encountered a young guy during my dealings with fish.
litzz blitz
litzz blitz - 8 years ago
goMANgo84 you had a young guy with an anxiety disorder? I'm sorry I don't understand , is he like your son? then again I hope you get a high quality fish to breed soon
NILOCX9 - 8 years ago
I'm also a nova scotian into the aquarium hobby. I'm just starting though ( about 6 months in ) and learning a fair amount from your videos. thanks a lot man!
Alvaro Bazan
Alvaro Bazan - 8 years ago
If you ever do breed more fish please let us know :)! You have amazing quality and looks like you take amazing care of them! I admire you for actually having being responsible! Keep up the amazing work! Just a thought but you should get jellyfish !
Marlon Eathridge
Marlon Eathridge - 8 years ago
Do you believe black convicts are a good market to breed and sell in the fish keeping hobby? (your opinion)
Haikal  Ghazi
Haikal Ghazi - 8 years ago
i really like your aro inro
Brngbckpvpgear makpvpgratagan
Brngbckpvpgear makpvpgratagan - 8 years ago
Man it really shows how good of a guy he is that he works a full time job, makes a TON of videos for us all to enjoy, and really did sell those discus very cheap to help the people around him learn and enjoy a very fun and cool hobby. It just sucks that there are people out there that take advantage of good people like this and its what makes me cringe at what the world will be like for the next generation. Joe love all your vids love your attitude and generosity, its people like yourself that will keep this world from going down the toilet and i just thought you should know that. DIY isnt just something you do its a way of life!
Loma Gaines
Loma Gaines - 8 years ago
Wyeaw, bright as arigitriola
Chaitanya Mankar
Chaitanya Mankar - 8 years ago
How much water change you did on grow up tanks and how often?
Akash Singh
Akash Singh - 8 years ago
"bought more fish and built more tanks" haha that made me laugh
Free Speech
Free Speech - 8 years ago
what is expensive fish you can breed and sell(sellable easily) ? give me top 10. so in future i can think about it when i make my own aquarium. Thanks.
Scribbler Sally
Scribbler Sally - 8 years ago
Free Speech I know that koi and arowana can be expensive but they probably need a lot of space. Not too sure about breeding though. :|
Liam White
Liam White - 8 years ago
I would do Discus and frontosa
TheDawningEclipse - 8 years ago
That room looks dope
Offic_ Goes
Offic_ Goes - 8 years ago
Derick Passram
Derick Passram - 8 years ago
Canada's tax system is retarded
Aaqilian5.0 - 7 years ago
no, dipshit, it's really not. Canada has one of the lowest tax rates of all developed countries. quit yer bitchin' or go live in Cuba
aboomination - 8 years ago
Why tho?
squigga - 8 years ago
would i need a license for this?
Colin pierce
Colin pierce - 8 years ago
but when you are running a business.. Theres the wonderful world of tax write offs!.. electric cost, gas costs, mortgage costs, and everything else under the sun that effects the "business". especially on start up because it is very easy to take a loss first and second year
Killer Entertainment
Killer Entertainment - 8 years ago
Man Epic story
Shaun's Fish Tanks
Shaun's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
Awesome video and thank you so much for being open and sharing your journeys with us!!
Caitlyn - 8 years ago
I'm working on an Animal Sciences degree before I get my DVM and I'm thinking about moving into professional breeding. I'm not sure what yet - fish are definitely a good option - but it just seems like a waste to have all the knowledge I'm paying for and NOT use some of my free time for a hobby I could make some money off of.
2074red2074 - 8 years ago
Just so you know, having a DVM means nothing for fish. Vets get very little training for fish and literally zero (as in literally literally, not exaggerative literally) training for nutrition. What vets ARE usually involved in is horse breeding and livestock production.

If you really want to use your knowledge for something, you could also try breeding a very unhealthy dog breed and culling by neutering the ones that have a common defect. Sell the neutered ones as pets and sell the healthy intact ones to other breeders.
MM II - 8 years ago
Good luck
MM II - 8 years ago
You should probably do Animal Breeding for something a lot bigger. Maybe zoo animals or cattle/farm animals and such. Then again I don't know how easy that would be.
Humbletrack - 8 years ago
i can always make more money , but i cant make more time.... by the king of diy
Monica R
Monica R - 8 years ago
me at 12:25: gasp!
then I laughed at my reaction, I don't get why people are so apathetic and jerks really. that sucks though
Sol Porter
Sol Porter - 8 years ago
you didn't really make much then
Taylor - 8 years ago
Keep in mind that this is in addition to his job and other sources of income.
Tuesday - 8 years ago
im gonna try to get some discus
so im here just in case they accidentally breed
Jake Baseball
Jake Baseball - 8 years ago
Omg I have the same picture in my living room
Xai Xiong
Xai Xiong - 8 years ago
how do you fins buyer's?
~SARA~ - 8 years ago
mann I like you for ur videos and for your personality! thank you
James King
James King - 8 years ago
Your insights into your experiences are very valuable. Thank you. I feel many of the same experiences when selling my off my breeding successes.
Travel Martinez
Travel Martinez - 8 years ago
Hey Joey, I just wanted to say thank you ever so much for making this and many other videos.
I created my ‘Discus Fish UK’ channel 2 years ago after seeing your videos.
Discus are beautiful creatures and you should be very happy to have made so many beautiful fish, so of which are looking amazing in some people tanks across Canada I bet.
Thanks again for being such an inspiration to the YouTube generation :-)
Jonathan Baksh
Jonathan Baksh - 8 years ago
do a betta breeding vid plz
Aussie Soarer
Aussie Soarer - 8 years ago
Here in Australia we can sell about $75,000 per year as a hobbyist with little to no worries. Which is really quite a lot of money. But it is sort of a grey area when you hobby becomes a business. should you have to go to court here you would likely get a fine equal to about 10% of your turnover.
Ricardo Junqueira
Ricardo Junqueira - 8 years ago
This is a great insight onto this layer of the hobby. Thank you Joey!
Jack Edwards
Jack Edwards - 8 years ago
Unfortunately if you had sold them for more, people would have taken better care of them and valued them properly. It shouldn't be that way.
Dongipus - 7 years ago
He wasnt really selling them to individuals or even keepers at all. Its hard to sell 1000 fish to dedicated individuals.
Rhys Tal Cernunnos
Rhys Tal Cernunnos - 8 years ago
Jack Edwards Welcome to life with humans.
devil of drama
devil of drama - 8 years ago
how to breed Discus fish
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
vman vman
vman vman - 8 years ago
Your a good man mate. respect from Oz
ShadowXak47 SDX4
ShadowXak47 SDX4 - 8 years ago
ShadowXak47 SDX4
ShadowXak47 SDX4 - 8 years ago
Can I buy some so I can farm some and have cool fish
TheBeast Boy
TheBeast Boy - 8 years ago
Hey i love fish and i love your videos and i definitely love saltwater i was wonderi g could you send me and tank and a kit and ill make a video on my youtube vid on that and if you can thankyou so much it would be a dream for me so keep on . making videos i love them and alot of people do too so your the best and if i can get a tank from you reply.back to me and i will send you my adress
Taylor - 8 years ago
lol, no.
nederlands100 - 8 years ago
this DUTCH transition is soo wrong dutch ahah
vibe3d - 8 years ago
Have you ever thought of setting up an aquaponics system? You can grow plants as additional income and the plants clean up the water for you.
Lynkevmusic - 8 years ago
great video and you're a good man.
MaskHero Zo
MaskHero Zo - 8 years ago
These beautiful fish are worth everything and the return is rewarding.
Jose Davila
Jose Davila - 8 years ago
Yeah Canadian taxes and permits yeah they just control all of your money. Move from there and come to the states LOL
Scott Francis
Scott Francis - 8 years ago
I like this guy. Watched his six parter on a plywood tank build. Then watched this video, really shows you what a genuinely good guy he is! He just loves his fishies
Richard Gale
Richard Gale - 8 years ago
If i made $20,000 in 1 month doing what i loved to do i would never quit.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
Ashish Gaikar
Ashish Gaikar - 8 years ago
The king of DIY
Aidan Starinieri
Aidan Starinieri - 8 years ago
The king of DIY
iguay02 - 8 years ago
hi i also live in canada (toronto) and i want to breed minnows so that i can use them as bait! But i have no idea what to do and have a lot of questions
pichum4st3r - 8 years ago
That is bs how the government took over 30% of your money. Just because you are selling fish out of your home. No wonder why there is a black market for fish.
j.r.d.l - 8 years ago
no wonder theres a black market for anything
本 Teh
本 Teh - 8 years ago
good to hear that you enjoy the discus fish!!! I love them too...
xlindzy37x - 8 years ago
This may be an absolutely dumb question but if you sell fry or fish locally on kijiji etc you don't have to claim this as income. Speaking this is Molly, convicts, etc. Could you not sell the discus just from a hobby perspective? Also if you claim small business could you not include every aspect of the breeding ? Your food, bills, start up, pretty much every single cost that you spoke of minus the taxes? I'm questioning whether to claim small business to deduct all business costs or to do this on the side as a simple hobby and pay for schooling, yet not be able to claim the extra costs.
Steffan Jansen van Vuuren
Steffan Jansen van Vuuren - 8 years ago
Thank you for the info,
now with your four tank setup,
where did you put your heaters?
In the sump or
did you have a heater in each tank?
Steffan Jansen van Vuuren
Steffan Jansen van Vuuren - 8 years ago
Thank you for your response...
Yip, just finished watching "they are dead"
and so learned where your heaters were located.
I'm so sorry about your loss...
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 8 years ago
+Steffan Jansen van Vuuren All tanks ran off the same sump. Heaters were in the sump.
Mark Walcott
Mark Walcott - 8 years ago
Kind of bummed me and the plans for my fishroom out, but informative, and some I had not thought about. Well, too much invested now, and I am still in the fun stage. Just wanted a little to help cover the cost of what I love doing, breeding fish.
Cichlid Bro
Cichlid Bro - 8 years ago
k... after watching a ton of your videos I finally subscribed.
J Stone
J Stone - 9 years ago
Heyyy how u doing broo - i'm from London, UK and wanting to know how to breed Discus fish in making 20k a month. Could you teach me how, Thank you so much Sir look forward to hearing from you.
Taylor - 8 years ago the video, hon. Oh, bless your heart.
CaptainWeirdBeard69 - 9 years ago
One of the morals of the story is... government makes things more complicated and expensive.
HermannTheGreat - 8 years ago
+CaptainWeirdBeard69 Exactly, imagine if taxes were a flat 5% for all small business owners and sole proprieters etc. That might make it worth it.
Michael Guzzello
Michael Guzzello - 9 years ago
Amazing, the amount of time you put into doing this. It certainly sounds incredibly taunting. great vid and keep them coming.
Conor Turk
Conor Turk - 9 years ago
You're a really good guy, the world would be a better place if there were more people like you with honest intentions. Unfortunately, that's the world of commerce we live in today, everyone's out to make a buck. Similar thing happened to my teacher. He wrote books, and he wanted people to benefit from it, he sold them cheap hoping the knowledge would reach out to more people but unfortunately, certain people saw it as a business opportunity and bought many from him and just marked up the prices. The good news is, the knowledge is with you, it's not with middle man, you can always do this again, but they can't. It's like that saying, how does it go? "if you give a man a fish you feed him for a day, but if you teach him to fish you feed him for life."
Chad Alan
Chad Alan - 7 years ago
Conor Turk Well under our economic slave system.. who's NOT trying to make a buck? its an essential pain in the ass to survive unless you live in the mountains off the grid.. the key is whether its done ethically and fair or not.
Dani Kbob
Dani Kbob - 8 years ago
Well said. And that breaks my heart that people took advantage of the sincerity of that teacher. I hope him the best.
zay_nation live please sub goal 100,000
zay_nation live please sub goal 100,000 - 9 years ago
where can i get a big round bowl from i want to create a fish tank to fit a stand
Taylor - 8 years ago
zay_nation live please sub goal 100,000
zay_nation live please sub goal 100,000 - 9 years ago
where can i get a big round bowl from i want to create a fish tank to fit a stand
Eis Vogel
Eis Vogel - 9 years ago
I loved that sentence you said: I always can more money but I can't make more time.
Michael Jeremy
Michael Jeremy - 9 years ago
and inflation
superman12212012 - 9 years ago
Hey, so I see you use to breed discus and you keep discus so I'm guessing you are at least knowledgeable enough to keep them alive. I recently bought 3 discus and now they are turning dark in color. I don't want them to die so I'm hoping you had some advice. 2 are almost black and one is just dark red/orange. They hardly eat and they fight a lot. It's been 4 days in the new tank. PH was a little high but I did a 30 percent water change hoping it would lower it. Could you help me figure it out?
Phoenix Franks
Phoenix Franks - 9 years ago
Thanks for taking the time to tell us your story.
TheCannabisWhisperer - 9 years ago
I really enjoyed your video. Thanks for sharing with us. I think that was nice of you to share all those discus with all those hobbyists for a fair trade. Good on you man I'll bet you've got allot of good karma swimmin around :)
PearlofRocketland - 9 years ago
I hear all the time, "make your hobby your occupation, that way you always love it", but I believe once you're doing something for money, it's no longer a hobby. It's work. Now you must focus on keeping customers happy, and that is inherently not what a hobby is about.

Bummer about people taking advantage of you. It sounds like you were running your business for the betterment of your community, and should have charged much more for the fish. Your story is painfully similar to my mother's who, for 20 years, ran a jewelry business "for the betterment of the community" and sold goods and services at grossly discounted rates. She never made much money from it, despite gold, silver and platinum jewelry being a notoriously lucrative business. My mother bitched about that business as long as I can remember. Finally shut it down last year, thank god. At least you learned your lesson after a year and a half. Maybe you can restart your business, and sell your fish for 5X the price. $100,000 might make it worthwhile. ;) Plus, you'll be selling to people who actually want the fish, because reselling won't be profitable.
snlb - 9 years ago
You totally remind me of adam sandler here
xcvsdxvsx - 9 years ago
why pay taxes? here in the states we never pay taxes on peer to peer transactions. craigslist type stuff, never. this seems to fall into that category. seems like a big waste of 3000 dollars. are they really going to release the hounds and track you down? how would they find out? edit jesus and i didnt even get to the non-sense about tax brackets and what not.
xcvsdxvsx - 9 years ago
+PearlofRocketland why would you take it to the bank? they are all corrupt and insolvent and when you give them your money you are legally considered an unsecured creditor. i say no thanks to that hot mess.
PearlofRocketland - 9 years ago
+xcvsdxvsx You cant just show up to the bank with $20,000. Yes, they will come with hounds after you.
Richard Li
Richard Li - 9 years ago
Accidentally I came across your video. I found that you are very informative and intellectual about this hobby of yours and mine. Your video is easy to understand and without repeating yourself again and again like some of the aquarium video I watched before. And the most important is that you are a honest person in promoting this hobby with everything you know.
Glad to know you are a Canadian and so do I. Your honesty and your ethical value are the deciding factors for me to subscribe. Nice to know you and keep up the good works. Thanks!!
Jullian Gregorio
Jullian Gregorio - 9 years ago
12:48 nice discus back there
Carl Busby
Carl Busby - 9 years ago
what are the discus at 10:20?
Carl Busby
Carl Busby - 9 years ago
def interested in discu breeding video
Bryce Corbin
Bryce Corbin - 9 years ago
Very thoughtful presentation. Many beginning business owners overlook a lot of the things you mentioned. I have always scoffed at the "work at what you love" mentality. Every time I have made a passion of mine into a business, I have killed my enjoyment of it.
Chris Lutchman
Chris Lutchman - 9 years ago
Hi again.. Can i feed dried blood worm to Discus..??
Juned Xerxes
Juned Xerxes - 9 years ago
very inspiring
Laurance Tan
Laurance Tan - 9 years ago
I didn't know you are Canadian, Hi there, fellow Canadian! I am a Toronto based singer/performer, and a aquatic critter hobbyist: fish and amphibians. Thank you for the videos! Very helpful : )
Chloe Swinderman
Chloe Swinderman - 9 years ago
You look like Sam Rockwell
vyck6977 - 9 years ago
What type of discus are those gorgeous yellow with red stripes on the fins?
Absolutely stunning!
Ibrahim Aoun
Ibrahim Aoun - 9 years ago
hey Joey ,,, hope ur doing good,,, man ur videos are the best !! ive been trying to breed discuss for the last couple of month ,,, and its not good , they lay the eggs , the eggs hatch ,, they live for 3 to 4 days , and never made it to free swiming ,,, any idea why is that happening ,, and what to do ,,, plus ive been told that i should have an RO system ,, which i dont ,, is that really important ,, ? hope to hear from you soon ,,,, tc ,, keep it up ! and please more discus videos !!
Catsupy Cat
Catsupy Cat - 9 years ago
I love your videos, you have a very pleasant personality! I've just started fishkeeping, with 6 small tanks sitting around my house (and a turtle pond in the back yard). I'd absolutely love some Discus, but I'm going to wait until I'm a bit more experienced in the hobby before I get them.
Sherif Gad
Sherif Gad - 9 years ago
You are amazing man, One day I gotta build my own hatchery :)
Hengtai Malik
Hengtai Malik - 9 years ago
20,000!so much
Don Lewis
Don Lewis - 9 years ago
you provide such an exellent show I can't thank you enough, fellow fish nerd!
kieranpearson - 9 years ago
Statism is slavery!
Christopher Gruenwald
Christopher Gruenwald - 9 years ago
It's the same way in every business. People see the big dollar sign thinking you make a pile of money and don't realize the expense that goes into it. By the way I love your videos.
Peter Maguire
Peter Maguire - 9 years ago
Awesome.just watching you now for the first time.have to watch keen to learn more..:-)
Rotter Tube Reef
Rotter Tube Reef - 9 years ago
great info. I do saltwater only but your vids are great.
Dean Abdulrahim
Dean Abdulrahim - 9 years ago
Oh we all knew what you were going to buy with your profit. lol
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
How to keep Discus ►
Breeding Discus ►
Yelalexander - 9 years ago
Hmm why do you put a French title on your videos?
The first time I thought you were French...then I thought you had a big French audience and now...I'm lost xD
Nouyan Syed
Nouyan Syed - 8 years ago
wow I see English
Marc-Antoine - 8 years ago
Coucou :p
MVYBRafaelzinho - 8 years ago
you see dutch, he sees french i see portuguese, it's automaticly translated by youtube
MakeMeSomeSandwiches JR
MakeMeSomeSandwiches JR - 9 years ago
+Yelalexander that is Dutch xD im Dutch . Dutch is spoken in belgium and the netherlands not france
Yelalexander - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY Oh it translates in French because of my area (France)..oh ok. I ddin't know those options were available xD
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
YouTube translates it. Not me.
Alexzandria Stormwielder
Alexzandria Stormwielder - 9 years ago
Are you still breeding any fish? If so, what are they?(I may be interested in the future for the enjoyment of actually teaching other and myself about biology)OH! can you make a video on that? Aqaurium biology?
rigjockey67 - 9 years ago
Thank you so much ... I was into this many years ago attending a few local aquarium clubs in my town and really enjoyed the hobby. At on point I had my main 150g tank with 3 55g and 4 25g and 2 little 10g for feeders or sick fish I needed to quarantine.

I'm looking to get back into it full force again soon as it was a great relaxing hobby with many benefits, like some you have mentioned in a few of your videos.

You seem like a great guy with plenty of knowledge ... thanks again for sharing your experiences and thoughts on this hobby.
I look forward to more of your videos and will keep an eye open for anything more you have to share!

thank you again,
usmaan shaikh
usmaan shaikh - 9 years ago
hi KD, this is usman, how are you, since a many couple of months i am seeing ur updates and they are awesome. however, I am trying to get good quality discus fish in bombay India. this is really my hobby and ya as you have said, i am trying to make it my full time job soon for good. i really need your suggestions, if you mind provide me the details which can help me. I really appreciate it.
4FunRC - 9 years ago
Move to Florida! ; )
Invincible Summer
Invincible Summer - 9 years ago
You are a good guy! I just subbed. Great channel.
Top Impresionantes
Top Impresionantes - 9 years ago
Por Que El Titulo Esta En Español, A lA final No Entendi Como Lo Hizo
Chase .N
Chase .N - 9 years ago
holy crap power 80 bucks i have 2 tanks 450 + a month and all the prices cheap you are a genius man i love you
Jerry Ray
Jerry Ray - 9 years ago
One of the best youtubes I've ever seen. Very thorough . After 50 years as a fishkeeper it is why I'm glad to not be into retail.
STINGER MANPAD - 9 years ago
man, you were on the right way - simply keep investing in your business, it will grow and 1 or 2 years later you gonna be rich. greetings from Ontario!
Donna Ebertz
Donna Ebertz - 9 years ago
what water parameters are good to breed discus?
jill ian
jill ian - 9 years ago
This made me upset you're so passionate about them and you seemed really upset :( I'm sorry even though it seems you've already moved on from it
jill ian
jill ian - 9 years ago
+Cσℓє Łσηgσ
rmu2867 - 9 years ago
I'm not interested in breeding fish. I've had a few very successful long term tanks in my life and really enjoyed them. I just got my daughter a small hydroponics tank for Christmas and ended up finding this through a series of recommended related video links. I really liked the underlying philosophical discussion here and applaud your integrity. It's nice to hear you say you don't like looking at the fish as dollar signs and monetizing them took a lot of the enjoyment out of the hobby. Thanks for sharing. I like your passion for the hobby. Subscribed.
Scuba Steve
Scuba Steve - 9 years ago
I think it's important for every serious discus hobbyist to go through the process at least once. It is a lot of work taking care of fry.
Abel Basil
Abel Basil - 9 years ago
great videos
jf dallaire
jf dallaire - 9 years ago
where you live in canada ? is it in quebec ?
jf dallaire
jf dallaire - 9 years ago
i love the way how you explain  everything :)   good job !
Brendan Chambers
Brendan Chambers - 9 years ago
Sorry you got taken advantage of on some of the discus, it's too bad. Great video as always!
Kiran Halder
Kiran Halder - 9 years ago
how i remove discus fish black spot...... /pls reply me
jwahh - 9 years ago
Are the Trailer Park Boys going to make a cameo?
Amelia Bee
Amelia Bee - 9 years ago
I felt the same way when I bred my bettas...I had some gorgeous, high-quality fish, but the stores I sold them to shoved 'em into those tiny cups just like any other betta. It was heartbreaking since you have to "jar" betta fry and care for them individually, so I became very attached. And I couldn't stop thinking that those I sold individually wouldn't be cared for even half as well as I cared for mine. I had to stop just from sheer emotional burnout!
Mallory Fry
Mallory Fry - 8 years ago
Rhys Tal Cernunnos even a small 2.5 gallon would be more humane and almost as space effective as what they're doing, if they could bulk buy small tanks at wholesale cost i can't imagine it affecting their profits in a way that would be business ending
HIPSTER ID - 8 years ago
+Hipster ID u know show standard ?
HIPSTER ID - 8 years ago
sell to me, dude
Jay Hayden
Jay Hayden - 8 years ago
Amelia Bee Pussy!!!
an american to review
an american to review - 8 years ago
Amelia Bee when I was younger with a little filtered 1 gallon tank using well water and watching the pH levels of the water exercising my Beta and so on I was able to get my betta from The Bird Cage pet shop in Hyde Park to live for three years
Rhys Tal Cernunnos
Rhys Tal Cernunnos - 8 years ago
Amelia Bee Male Bettas will and do attack each other if not separated.... they will and have and do attack other fish when in tanks with other fish. it is not cost effective for them to give one small fish a tank for itself.
mai sophan
mai sophan - 8 years ago
2074red2074 - 8 years ago
+Amelia Bee What you might do if you start breeding again is an outdoor stocked betta pond. And any fry that have a disability make good feeder fish, since they probably won't reach adulthood anyway.
Amelia Bee
Amelia Bee - 8 years ago
+2074red2074 No, I couldn't bring myself to. I was able to find homes for them all, some pet stores will take them no matter what they look like. I did have some SUPER pretty coppers and mustards from the pairing though!
2074red2074 - 8 years ago
Just out of curiosity, did you cull the ugly and/or nonviable?
Lydian Quinn
Lydian Quinn - 8 years ago
What even man +Gods_ Assassin​
Fredrick O'Neil
Fredrick O'Neil - 8 years ago
This is how I feel when I breed turds in my toilet, I just don't want to flush them away, the memories :'(
Northern Iggy
Northern Iggy - 8 years ago
Lydian Quinn
Lydian Quinn - 9 years ago
+Amelia Bee i feel ya :(
Hadis Olympus
Hadis Olympus - 9 years ago
hey please sharethe filteration on the breeding tanks in a brief video.. thank you!
Jonathan LaVergne
Jonathan LaVergne - 9 years ago
big fan here
Allyson Marie
Allyson Marie - 9 years ago
A 4- inch Discus for 20 bucks, wow.
Mike jones
Mike jones - 9 years ago
cam I make a video on how much YouTube pays you
Daniel Thomlyn
Daniel Thomlyn - 9 years ago
Love your vids. I'm from St. John's Newfoundland. Is there such thing as a dwarf discus?
cameo7 - 9 years ago
Good video and very informative. Too bad people took advantage of you though. You seem like a genuine person.
LAking-1 - 9 years ago
20,000 but seems like you could of made a lot more if you would have sold them for closer to what they are worth.
LAking-1 - 9 years ago
funky accent.
Marc Schmidt
Marc Schmidt - 9 years ago
Make a discus breeding Video
Cameron Herrington
Cameron Herrington - 9 years ago
Amen dude, glad to see you learned from it.
allthatzpazz - 9 years ago
Mad respect for you man! I really enjoyed this video and you gave us a very interesting and detailed recount of your whole experience. I really felt for you that you were taken advantage of by some people and impressed at how you handled it and moved on. I can't wait to watch more of your videos. You seem like a pretty awesome guy and I look forward to learning much from you as I start out on my hobby.
KevinsWither - 9 years ago
Will you breed for fun?
KJ B - 9 years ago
Great video. Your passion in fishkeeping is unmatched. All hail the king of DIY.
Art Johnson
Art Johnson - 9 years ago
I'd love to hear more on how to breed discus for sure. Thanks for all your work Joey.
ThatsSoRepti - 9 years ago
DUDE i feel you taxes in canada are total bs like k i make my money and u take it for doing nothing gee thanks
Carlo Alberto
Carlo Alberto - 9 years ago
+ThatsSoRepti welcome to life lol
joeashbubemma - 9 years ago
I admire your commitment to your craft. It must have been a very cool experience for you.
It is sad that others took advantage of your good will by selling them for big$$$.
There are a lot of people that want to get into discus but just can't pull the trigger because of cost.
Outside & Stuff
Outside & Stuff - 9 years ago
Your comment about being taken advantage of for trying to contribute to your community really hit home with me.

I'm a designer and I provide free assets (icons and fish graphics) because I want people to have the best and most technically accurate specimens for their logos or designs. I cannot tell you the amount of times people redistribute my work so they can increase their views and generate revenue off of their ads. Here I am giving away my time and designs and there is a line of people trying to monetize it. Super sad.

Another story, I heard a podcast from a designer who runs a boutique arts and designer toys shop. A couple years ago he was selling figurines at a very reasonable cost because he loved them. However people would come in, instantly buy his stock and then mark them up 1000% on ebay, thus forcing them into "instant collectables". These resellers only came around to scoop up the new toys and never contributed to the community. Needless to say, just like you, he felt hurt and taken advantage of. He no longer sells those collectable toys.

Sorry for the long comment! Mixing hobbies and money, like you said, makes for a real quick way to ruin the passion.
MrHoney2U - 9 years ago
Nicely covered. It costs money to make money. Aside from the obvious of the high price they fetch it also helps that they are mono morphic which allows you to sell both male and female.
John Martinez
John Martinez - 9 years ago
Even though you didn't enjoy the business side of it all, I'll bet you have enjoyed all the research and setup-I know I would have! Much respect for putting your values first over money. So often we are willing to sacrifice time and values for money, losing our selves and gaining little. Thanks for posting man, your videos are always on point.
Erdi Hacıogulları
Erdi Hacıogulları - 9 years ago
keep it up bro i really do enjoy your vids...entertaining and educational!
MELODY MUNRO - 9 years ago
That gave me a lot to think about....I have been trying to decide what fish I wanted to breed to just cover the costs of my hobby..not as a business as that does not interest electricity alone is $2000 per year...even if I could sell enough fish to cover that I would be happy... and I am a university student and so when I am not studying I am playing with my tanks...If I want to keep on with my hobby I have to find a way to make it self supporting....was considering breeding red severums...they fetch $75 each here...even if I sold them for $50..I would only need to sell 40 fish + 10 to cover food in hand is the way to paper trail.
Ohkapi - 9 years ago
Thank you for speaking up and stopped selling these fishes for money, they are indeed worth much more than just as products. :-)
Glume Chang
Glume Chang - 9 years ago
Hello mate, I barely leave any comments in YouTube channels, your last part of the video made me moved and have to say something. I really admire your attitude to this hobby. First when I saw this title, I thought you're just making money like some other youtubers, and how could it be possible, but your words and detailed explanations changed my views. I really look down upon those buyers who get the fishes from you in a very cheap price and sold them somewhere else, they should feel lucky of living so close to a friendly and kind hearted expert of this hobby which is you, but they didn't appreciate it. Keep on going with your hobby and life, all the best wishes for you and your family. God bless kind hearted people like you. P.S. I'm a Chinese, sorry for the bad English. ^_^
Gdertcnjiireahjᅥᅧ2097643eethjiiwad - 7 years ago
Donald Pepe
sissy white mutant.
Donald Pepe
Donald Pepe - 9 years ago
+Glume Chang you were going so good until you said "I'm a Chinese" lmfao.
Jay Wilson
Jay Wilson - 9 years ago
You make it easy to listen and i like that bud. Regardless of what you strive to do in life be honest with everyone and yourself and it will end in a good way money or not. Keep these awesome videos coming.
Crystal Smith
Crystal Smith - 9 years ago
Your a pretty dope dude man keep it up thanks, that video shows a lot of quality in a person. The world could use a few more guys like ya. keep it up
brenden619 - 9 years ago
Can't you write some of that off though considering it's business expenses?
Jellyfish Aquarium Canada
Jellyfish Aquarium Canada - 9 years ago
How do you make a small fortune in the aquarium hobby/industry??...
...start with a large fortune. :-)

Good work with the discus!!!
Juan Martinez
Juan Martinez - 9 years ago
Hey Joey I was trying to figure out how to email you for a how to request, but I found nothing ( I don't have Facebook account, too much drama). Anyway , have you made a video or is it in your book on backup systems? I am looking for a power outage backup system. More importantly and automatic system. I thought about making an aerator system wired to a battery but the problem is how to set up a power outage electrical trigger. I recently lost power in at my house and my saltwater took a dive. I have the main return on a UPS but that only lasted for about 4 to 5 hours. The power outage took over 15 hours due to a transformer, was not expected. If it was a storm issue than I would have been prepared with a generator, but like I said it was unexpected in the middle of summer no storm in site.
Javier Duenas
Javier Duenas - 9 years ago
Can you share some specifics about how / where hobbyist breeders can sell the discus they breed?
christopher seebaran
christopher seebaran - 9 years ago
I would love to raise a pair of discus what do I need, Tank size?
christopher seebaran
christopher seebaran - 9 years ago
Well I only wanna get one pair an breed them
Italian Supreme
Italian Supreme - 9 years ago
+christopher seebaran Also depends on how many you want, breeding pair? Display tank? Just depends.
christopher seebaran
christopher seebaran - 9 years ago
Thank you, I love these fishes an would one day love to breed them
Italian Supreme
Italian Supreme - 9 years ago
+christopher seebaran No smaller than a 75g tank and to be honest, i wouldnt do anything smaller than 100/120 for a discus dominated tank.
Riekert Visser
Riekert Visser - 9 years ago
Good day Joey, I live in south Africa, and are really interested in keeping discus next, however everybody tells me they're the most difficult fish to keep ect ect ect. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Oh Nixon
Oh Nixon - 9 years ago
Hey man i thougth you were from the maritimes i live in Fredericton New-Brunswick cheers
Bradyn Bouchard
Bradyn Bouchard - 9 years ago
if you start breeding again let me know. I think it would be fun to watch them grow and a good starting point for saltwater.
fitra ramadhan
fitra ramadhan - 9 years ago
i feel you bro :(
Fresh2Salt Fishing
Fresh2Salt Fishing - 9 years ago
Where in Nova Scotia do you live I go there every summer
Liam MacDonald
Liam MacDonald - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY oh wow I live in cape Breton during the summers
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Cyril Tveit Truro
sean mulhall
sean mulhall - 9 years ago
I don't keep them anymore but I had discus that paired up once I sold them after they paired up because I had already sold angelfish and figured out the same thing u did its no fun if u do it for money
Luke Stringer
Luke Stringer - 9 years ago
want to see breding vidio
sahil rane
sahil rane - 9 years ago
I love discus I'm interested in breeding them .recently I got pair of blue scorpions. plz can u make video breeding discus in detail.
Emily Emilee
Emily Emilee - 9 years ago
Totally relate about money ruining the hobby aspect- awesome episode! You're awesome!
Phillip Godfrey
Phillip Godfrey - 9 years ago
This is actually a great, easy to understand, and enjoyable lesson about business too. Well done!
Ace Aquascapes
Ace Aquascapes - 9 years ago
Your efforts are true admiration for the hobbyists, Thanks for each of your videos your hardwork is less work for your followers. Apart of all your presentation is truly professional.
rustyroosterrusty - 9 years ago
Hi Joey,
Longtime subscriber here. I know you have heard this before, but since you are talking about money. I think you should try selling acrylic aquarium kits. My favorite videos are the old acrylic builds you did. I would pay for a kit. Pre cut acrylic with the cement. I've had a hard time finding some of the things needed for a build. You could prepare the kit. Either a set of instructions or just links to the videos needed for the kit. You are truly gifted as a craftsmen. I love your discus videos and I'm so glad you got into discus. I would love to see more about how you breed discus. How you fed the fry and the schedule of feeding. Also water chemistry when conditioning the parents and the grow out process. If you used live food for the fry I would love to see how you managed that. So proud to see you be so successfully without losing why you love this hobby. Very commendable.
rustyroosterrusty - 9 years ago
Hi Joey,
Longtime subscriber here. I know you have heard this before, but since you are talking about money. I think you should try selling acrylic aquarium kits. My favorite videos are the old acrylic builds you did. I would pay for a kit. Pre cut acrylic with the cement. I've had a hard time finding some of the things needed for a build. You could prepare the kit. Either a set of instructions or just links to the videos needed for the kit. You are truly gifted as a craftsmen. I love your discus videos and I'm so glad you got into discus. I would love to see more about how you breed discus. How you fed the fry and the schedule of feeding. Also water chemistry when conditioning the parents and the grow out process. If you used live food for the fry I would love to see how you managed that. So proud to see you be so successfully without losing why you love this hobby. Very commendable.
cole weede
cole weede - 9 years ago
Hey Joey, There aren't a lot of good discus breeding videos out there under 30 minutes that have all of the points in breeding discus covered. It would be great to have you make a video on how you do it.
David Amorao
David Amorao - 9 years ago
crossing discus breeding off my list, sticking to mystery snails and guppies...
Anthony Strawbridge
Anthony Strawbridge - 9 years ago
Hey Joey, could aquaculture of ornamental fish be considered agriculture?
ElectriX - 9 years ago
who did u sell them to???
Fish Finesser
Fish Finesser - 9 years ago
The Maritimer Gamer
The Maritimer Gamer - 9 years ago
I heard about your discus being sold where I work at a pet store, some folks were talking about it when i joined.

Was before I started. But yeah, folks brought some in for store credit for sure i heard
TheStranger255 - 9 years ago
I know what you are saying, because I have tried it both sides. And found out that when I focus on turning them into a profession, a large part of the enjoyment of the beauty of the hobby is gone. A very good channel, made from the heart. Just subscribed. Keep it up.
Tim Stanton
Tim Stanton - 9 years ago
Those taxes will take the fun out of everything.
skiie - 9 years ago
THERES A SALES TAX OF 15%? makes our 5.6% not that bad..
Mats Zander
Mats Zander - 8 years ago
25% here in Norway.....
gkooistra91 - 9 years ago
+skiie 21% here...
TheIceAsian - 9 years ago
Duh, Canada. Socialism.
Stephen Morgan
Stephen Morgan - 9 years ago
top lad, as a marine aquarist from England I admire your honesty and breakdown of things, unfortunately you always get them many people in the game for the money, especially over here, I love the fish and the whole aquarium side of it exactly like you just for the hobby, keep up the great work
Desmond Low
Desmond Low - 9 years ago
It's hard work of over 15 months that net you 20k in the 16th month.
680ecks - 9 years ago
I've got a pair of blondinette black lace oriental frills coming from Florida one pair $200 I'm going to breed them and end up selling them for $20 ea.
680ecks - 9 years ago
That's what kills me . I try to promote my hobby fancy pigeons . When I want a certain breed and find some the guy always wants big money$100 a bird . Then I sell something to someone and they come for the birds and I end up selling one for $20 and giving the guy two or three more he liked just trying to promote the breed. Then again I find something I want and oh that's rare . Yea it's rare because you hard them or ask a fortune for them. I'm in it for the hobby and don't understand people that are so selfish and greedy.
Drinking Water
Drinking Water - 9 years ago
i really love ur story. it gives me something to think about.
CrazyCamo - 9 years ago
Bro, I dance ballet as a career that I leave as a hobby and make the kind of money you are talking about. We should all live for the hobby. While I find it hard to live for the dollar sign. love it sir, thanks for the video.
Dragon Fish Arowana
Dragon Fish Arowana - 9 years ago
I really comes down to the fact that it is hard to run a small business and not get taxed super hard in Canada. But honestly man, good for you that you did it man. I like your channel and your fish and knowledge that you share man. Thank you for keep making these videos. I think that if you profit from your hobby there is nothing wrong with it. I don't blame you for stop breeding the discuss if you cannot profit the amount that you should be profiting for all that hard work.
Casey Grigg
Casey Grigg - 9 years ago
I feel as though if you kept up with it your average dollar per hour would rise because that initial startup cost would move further and further into the past. I also feel as though more research could be put into finding the absolute most efficient method for doing tasks. I love the way you explain all the costs and everything, but I think you're onto something that could be really worth while financially in the long run
A Nonymous
A Nonymous - 9 years ago
It's closer to 90% within three months of startup.
jeff park
jeff park - 9 years ago
all i learnt from that video is that the amount of taxes you have to pay just to have a business is stupid. even a home one.
Christian Harnisch
Christian Harnisch - 9 years ago
Kudos to you Joey for being a real fish keeper in wanting people to enjoy them as much as yourself. I recently started rearing my Kribensis fry because I love seeing the babies grow, and develop their own little quirks. Granted I don't even bother selling them but, I give them to my close friends that I know will appreciate them as much as I do. Two thumbs up for the small insight of the good hearted person that you truly are.
metheores - 9 years ago
Thank you for all your videos ! and for keeping the information available for everyone to see. Also, disappointing to hear people were taking advantage of your humbleness. Peace!
Steven Bryant
Steven Bryant - 9 years ago
ok ill check it out thanks for the response.
Steven Bryant
Steven Bryant - 9 years ago
hey joey whats your discus food recipe? bout a video on that?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Steven Bryant I already have a video on it.
Power Ball Pythons
Power Ball Pythons - 9 years ago
Great story. I completely understand where you're coming from. I had a similar situation selling my ball python babies. I disliked underselling their value and was always worried about them going to good homes. In the end, I dialed back my hobby and just stuck to keeping the adults and not breeding. It's really fun planning the breeding and raising babies, actually. I think I just didn't like doing the customer service end. Thanks for being honest and staying true to your passion!
Forest Exotics
Forest Exotics - 9 years ago
Your right I tryied to make money our of this hobby many times and its not really worth it.
Forest Exotics
Forest Exotics - 9 years ago
Thanks for this video loved it.
Forest Exotics
Forest Exotics - 9 years ago
Taxes too
Garethaxz - 9 years ago
Really interesting story, hope allot of people will see past jokes about the Canadian tax system or other silly ways of brushing off the reality of privately-owned, self-employing businesses in first-world countries to the humbling reality-check underneath. Thanks for sharing.
Liam Beach
Liam Beach - 9 years ago
plz talk about fish breeding
Cindy O'Hara
Cindy O'Hara - 9 years ago
Can you do a video telling us about your breeding pairs, what are they and how you got them?
keil walker
keil walker - 9 years ago
Nice vid, love the update. Maybe you can do a video discussing the types of fish that you want to keep with your arowana and why, I would love to hear your opinion on that! :)
srbsilver - 9 years ago
so many opinions on how to keep discus, and how to breed them, but again most are just opinions. since you succeeded on keeping and breeding them please make a video on how u did it, water, fitration, water changes, fry, fry feeding. if anyone can make a video that covers all this stuff its you, even if ppl have to pay a premium to watch it, they will, pleae made that one mega video for all discus lovers
TT Smasher
TT Smasher - 9 years ago
Nice talk. I've been selling corals for years, and I almost got out of the hobby because of doing so. I'm so happy that I realized that and become a real hobbyist now.
randeep singh
randeep singh - 9 years ago
u r a great person .. love watching ur videos
Reid Smith
Reid Smith - 9 years ago
Wow taxes are murder up there
SquiidWooD - 9 years ago
+Reid Smith Not as bad as England.
Vanspilla - 9 years ago
Yes, let's talk about discus!
Anon Mekhanuphak
Anon Mekhanuphak - 9 years ago
what do u use to feed the fries? Thx
de Bunnies
de Bunnies - 9 years ago
awesome man.
GJmelb - 9 years ago
salute to your integrity mate!
Tanked With Aussie
Tanked With Aussie - 9 years ago
Just food for thought; would selling aquatic plants have a "similar" backstory? Or would it be less profitable - depending on the species of course!
Anders Malmgren
Anders Malmgren - 9 years ago
I wished that it'd have been with subtitles - because I am deaf myself. But I love your ideas about DIY and nice to watch how to do. ;) But DAMN.. $20k in month...
Anders Malmgren
Anders Malmgren - 9 years ago
Okey ... someone can translate to write what he told in the clip? :D
Cindy O'Hara
Cindy O'Hara - 9 years ago
I loved this video, I agree I'm definitely becoming obsessed with my discus, and have 2 planted tanks (65+125), While I am always battling to maintain equilibrium I find it very rewarding. I decided to add some discus from my local pet store about a year ago and have now fallen head over heals. I have come to realize that I need to figure out a better system for them as they are really not growing well in my 125 (I have eight 3-4" discus in there -2 have paired up). I have a pair of breading 5"+ pigeon blood discus in my 65gal which have breed about 30 times but because it is a community tank with other small fish obviously no success (only to wigglers). You mentioned that discus were your passion and I am very impressed by you DYI on tank building. I am an Architect and live in the Cayman Islands and as such the cost of importing tanks is really high. I would love for you to share more about your discus breeding tips from where you got the amazing breading pairs, (Wow there are by far the most amazing fish I have seen), to (most importantly) how you set your multi tank system, size of tanks and filtration etc. Your water quality is exceptional. I think it is time for me to take the next step and look at taking my discus out and into more favourable conditions for growing and breeding. I would like to get my tanks and stands made as I am not as handy as you are. I spend about an 1hr a day on my tanks, the time seems to just slip away (but its better than watching tv) but would love to design a discus breeding tank system. While I think you are amazing to have made such success, I agree - I would not be doing this for the money (my day job is just fine) but because this is my stress relief, and I find myself constantly doing research and drawing up options.
Shawn Hax
Shawn Hax - 9 years ago
Wow, great story Joey and I was left with thinking, hey, for a first run, with actual start-up costs AND time that wouldn't repeat or wouldn't repeat fully the next time, if you could do that well just jumping in on a first run there is definitely a profit margin there that could be expanded. Many businesses start up and do not expect ANY profit for the first year. I get that $10 an hr isn't real motivation but if you could do that well starting there are many ways to branch out. Hire a person so it doesn't consume as much of your time, expand, stick to internet sales, sounds like the local thing was a bummer anyway.
I enjoyed your story, I found it inspiring, you sounded a little worse for the wear from it but chalk it up to experience. Blaze your own trail, no guts on glory! You'll look back on it later as a positive and it was.
Jimmy Nunez
Jimmy Nunez - 9 years ago
love your discus. great video.
Benin Churchil
Benin Churchil - 9 years ago
you are really gentleman Joey.. Respect
Derrick Upthagrove
Derrick Upthagrove - 9 years ago
yeah show it man it's hard for me
Daniel Hung
Daniel Hung - 9 years ago
Great intro! Btw how many systems do you have?
ChoiTro Choi
ChoiTro Choi - 9 years ago
can't find any discus where i live, so its kind of sucks.
Nathaniel Wang
Nathaniel Wang - 9 years ago
Hello, I remember buying a book, although now I can not find it. would it be possible to find it through an email search? I can't find it under my email, but I was wondering if you had I database that I could ask you to find mine. if not then its okay.
magoo308 - 9 years ago
more on the discus please mr diy :)
powerful LANCE!
powerful LANCE! - 9 years ago
I like how you conveyed the same message as the kgtropicals Jon, but didn't sound like a but hurt whiner. Excellent work as always.
beef2596 - 9 years ago
Awesome video Joey. You're a very respectable man. You tell it how it is and you do what you do for the love of the hoppy. Awesome work.
J B - 9 years ago
Well spoken. In an abstract way I feel the same way about my music.
Arowana intro in great.
michael caban
michael caban - 9 years ago
I know you do alot on fish but have you done any work with turtles? reason I ask is because I love your YouTube channel and you have lot of great ideas,but I was just wondering if you do any work with turtles
oakland002 - 9 years ago
Yeah I've been there too, the disappointment...

At one point I had a whole setup and only wanted only $100, but no sale ... The moment I said free.. I was spam with emails ..
Worst part is after they got all my fish, no response to an update just to see how the fish was doing ...
Jay Jackson
Jay Jackson - 9 years ago
such an amazing video. I like how you are basically seeing your fish as family and not money. the way you speak almost sounded like your voice cracked a lil bit. i know you may have felt disappointed, but look on the bright side. You wont have to worry about thousands of discus in your tank. and the addition of your cost and time into the care for them. I know its hard to sell your hobby but i understand and i think you made a good choice to let them go while it was time. and you even sold them cheap and young. All around awesome. and keep the video coming. Thanks for all your time you put into this video for my selfish entertainment. i appreciate it and truly graceful. Thank you.
Ovais A
Ovais A - 9 years ago
You're a nice guy for trying to sell your discus for cheap, anytime you try to do good for other people on a large scale, you will be taken advantage of, but that shouldn't be a limiting factor. Awesome vid as always
Exodus - 9 years ago
Yes i would love to see a DIY Discus breeding video
Jennifer Langley
Jennifer Langley - 9 years ago
Very good video!  Great information.  It's why I stick with breeding for the fun of breeding and only keeping and breeding fish I'm thrilled with and ... on a small scale.  Once it starts getting really big, where you can start making money, the fun goes right out window for me.  I'd rather breed a few and auction them off at club meetings and things like that than try to breed them for the big bucks.
HobbyDreams - 9 years ago
Thanks for sharing.  Its so true, that a lot of people aren't for the hobby just the money,  And, could care less for the welfare of the animals involved.  Makin your hobby your job, and you may soon lose both.
Bobby Madrid
Bobby Madrid - 9 years ago
hello Joey I am looking at a 420 hex acrylic aquarium do you have any suggestions or comments on how a structure that large can hold up and if so what do you think the life span of the aquarium
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 9 years ago
Wow Joey, that's a lot to chew on. I am actually trying to breed my discus pair right now, with not much luck. If you can do the Discus video that'll be great. Then I'll worry about the headache of selling Lol. Thanks for this great video Joey, I was really looking forward to it.
larry alesi
larry alesi - 9 years ago
Great video. I would definitely like to see your process for breeding Discus. Water temps, water composition, filtration, and lighting. Also any tips on triggering spawning.
Mab0r0shi - 9 years ago
if you start selling Hi Utsuri koi, ill definitely buy it from you ( im in quebec ) but i dont think you are into Koi. they are just impossible to get under 100$+ shipping that is even more.. anyway, thanks for the video, its nice to see how you explain each process and the downsides too. GJ
kdak247 - 9 years ago
please do a breeding video.
Zavier - 9 years ago
hey joey watched your video and you said you had a fiberglass tank. if you made it could you show ua
Ray Chipchase
Ray Chipchase - 9 years ago
Love the Aro Intro/outro .
AquaStudent - 9 years ago
I didn't realize how profitable discus could be! That's incredible. That's quite a lot of work but the payout is nice. Darn taxes too!

Automating the maintenance could help out with relieving some of the monotonous time. I completely agree with the losing the sight of what you're going for. When trying to do something for profit it's easy to lose the passion.
ChillyWilly - 9 years ago
+Levi Burns we do not have universal utilities. A good number of our utilities charge for profit and receive tax money, so you pay for your usage, disposal, storm water, ect. Some smaller communities will charge a flat rate for water/wastewater and use tax dollars to fund the remainder of the operation costs. Only free water in Canada is if your on a well, or rainwater collection.
PowerfulLeviB - 9 years ago
Dang I didn't know Canada has universal utilities too!
Owning a reef tank would be so cheap! Just do almost free water changes all the time. Never have to worry about dosing, or skimmers
Tyler Mikos
Tyler Mikos - 9 years ago
+Loki's Antics I guarantee, with the amount of water DIY king uses, to keep his water crystal clear so the discus are as happy as can be, it would cost the average breeder in USA triple or more the cost in Canada, bc he has no water bill, possibly going through thousands of gallons a day for all his tanks. With his auto water change technique he really had the perfect setup. And he still said it wasn't worth it. Good video.
Loki's Antics
Loki's Antics - 9 years ago
+David Scanlan 15 bucks an hour for a very high-risk en devour (one bad water peram and all those fry die), no thanks.
Slim Dave
Slim Dave - 9 years ago
+jsala080 That's including startup price though. After a few months in it would be more like 15$, no?
jsala080 - 9 years ago
+AquaStudent He made about 10 bucks an hour.
wullie beck
wullie beck - 9 years ago
I admire your honesty thanks for that.
Ahmed Mohamed
Ahmed Mohamed - 9 years ago
How can make Brine shrimp and frontosia
Tukang Nego
Tukang Nego - 9 years ago
I got into this hobby because I want to make money by breeding discus. unfortunately, my well water has 50 ppm of nitrate..
DEA- Exotics
DEA- Exotics - 9 years ago
great video
dax2321 - 9 years ago
Why are disc so much more in price then angle fish
Haitham Mohamed
Haitham Mohamed - 9 years ago
Discuss is the king of fresh water ! The best fish in looks . That's why it is the most expensive
Haitham Mohamed
Haitham Mohamed - 9 years ago
Fanatic video again, sir . Thumbs up for the detailed explanation of the whole project
BayAreaAquatics - 9 years ago
I love that end clip with your aro, super simple but effective
Reef Therapy
Reef Therapy - 9 years ago
Awesome video! It's good to hear someone care more for what they are doing more then making money off of it. I've had an idea of breeding in the back of my head but nothing too serious and I don't think I'll do it more then selling over grown fragged corals. Your videos were really my starting point to the hobby. Keep it going! and I need one of those shirts haha
Jeff K
Jeff K - 9 years ago
Sounds like a story on the Canadian tax system.
bioletsmakeiteasy - 9 years ago
how did you find the marketing worked best?
anthony waldron
anthony waldron - 9 years ago
Please do a breeding video for the Discus and how to raise the fry thanks
paul harada
paul harada - 9 years ago
You would be a cool neighbor. I'm in Hawaii so no luck there
Damion Markham
Damion Markham - 9 years ago
wow not what I expected , thank you Joey , I should of known by now
you'd be keeping it real
Kbrous74 - 9 years ago
I love the message that you are giving here. I enjoy the fact that you promote saving money and you are real with costs. Its interesting that even though you made money, the time costs and other variables made it less profitable than you'd think. Sometimes something you love shouldn't turn into a job but like you say a hobby.

Keep up the good work!
AQGYM - 9 years ago
thanks for the information, it was great, I was a small business man for years it is never as easy as it looks from the outside thanks again, would you consider talking about water quality and how to measure it. what do you track and what do you use to track it
lathan308 - 9 years ago
great vidoe love the honestly and true passion for the hobby.
Josh Landis
Josh Landis - 9 years ago
would definitely want to see a video or a podcast about breeding discus. thanks for all your videos sir I really do enjoy them.
ryan rampersad
ryan rampersad - 9 years ago
awesome video!!!
Joel Blanco
Joel Blanco - 9 years ago
id enjoy to see a discus breeding video from you i have view others but you have been my go to guy for my hobbie so id love to see your process
BeautifulHazelEyes Acosta
BeautifulHazelEyes Acosta - 9 years ago
So do you still have all the Discus?? awesome story, wish I had lived close to you during this time so I could have bought some of your beautiful discus and NOT sold them for profit. it's so hard to find well priced nice healthy discus where i live.
PRAMOD S J Shekhar
PRAMOD S J Shekhar - 9 years ago
Aquatic Logic
Aquatic Logic - 9 years ago
This new series is awesome. Just like all your other videos. Thank You
Solid Gold Aquatics
Solid Gold Aquatics - 9 years ago
Great video Joey, thanks for sharing this insightful info!
MarkJune Ferniz
MarkJune Ferniz - 9 years ago
Wow .... i gotta say you rock!
Ganesh Mani
Ganesh Mani - 9 years ago
your a great guy. I love my discus and could never put a price tag on the hobby. keep doing your thing man. I'll keep watching and learning.
Magnus J
Magnus J - 9 years ago
hey joey! Great video but I have a question if you like to answer it, why did you lower the water level and turned of the light's for the discus at the bottom tanks in the rack ? I also have discus and I've never seen that ☺
Francisco Traverzo
Francisco Traverzo - 9 years ago
Yes Joey I want to know how you breed the discus! Maybe you modify the water parameters, searching the available information says that are very important. I have two pairs but never try to reproduce them, but with your help will be a future funny project!!
yogosans14 - 9 years ago
20,000$ in one month?richhhh. Im struggling just to get a 75 gallon tank for my goldfish lol
Ludwin V
Ludwin V - 9 years ago
I want to paint and draw some fish, which fish are beautiful or unique that people would like to buy a painting?
Coty Rogers
Coty Rogers - 9 years ago
marine galaxy betta is pretty gorgeous
Tyler Mikos
Tyler Mikos - 9 years ago
+Ludwin V A Green mandarin goby, from the ocean is one of the most stunning fish, trust me.
Ludwin V
Ludwin V - 9 years ago
+spaaggetii HAHAHA already did that
spaaggetii - 9 years ago
+Ludwin V There's plenty more fish in the sea.. Paint a picture of a nude chick, who wants to see nude fish anyway!
Ludwin V
Ludwin V - 9 years ago
+You Tube and his name is John Cenaaaaaa (song starts playing)
You Tube
You Tube - 9 years ago
Simon Huang
Simon Huang - 9 years ago
Great video Joey, and is it possible to raise the voice of your future video a little bit? Because every time i have to raise my computer's voice to maximum to hear your voice clearly.
Hamilton Tropical Fish Rescue
Hamilton Tropical Fish Rescue - 9 years ago
Thought about selling fry to finance my Fish Rescue. I don't think it's possible after hearing you speak candidly.
Tyler Rawka
Tyler Rawka - 9 years ago
if you are claiming this as a business you dont really need to claim as gst if its under 20k
DJMatt - 9 years ago
Can you make an office tour? A mini video aside from the main videos. It looks contemporary and I'm collecting ideas for my new office!
hindlece - 9 years ago
#Truth. I love how you keep things real.
python71483 - 9 years ago
You're awesome Joey !
dragonknifeful - 9 years ago
Joey, love the vids! You should keep dwarf Shrimp :)
Mr.Reefer - 9 years ago
nice! I am 3rd generation of a family owned plumbing business and people often ask me why I don't open up my own company. they fail to realize overhead and the stress involved. I'm perfectly content with being a sub contractor, I love what I do and I'd like to keep it that way. I'm also into many other hobbies and am also asked why I don't turn one of them into a business, I refuse to ruin a hobby I love by turning it into a job....into totally understand man!
Timm Lombardo
Timm Lombardo - 9 years ago
Pastor Velcro
Pastor Velcro - 9 years ago
Good stuff - I was one of the early breeders of cory cats in the Pacific NorthWest and I actually made money. But adding up the costs plus the aggravation for the family (wife & 2 toddlers) in a 1000 sq ft house with 30 tanks - plus adding up my time spent; I was working for about $2 an hour. But hey, at least my hobby paid something. Never want to do that again. My tanks now are all "show tanks". If fish breed in them, I'm happy. If the fry grow old enough, I'm very happy. If I get too many, I'll share them or take them to the aquarium society's auction.
Fazarally Sameer
Fazarally Sameer - 9 years ago
I love Discus but I was not successful to breed them. They got bigger but later on they stop eating and starve to death. Water parameter was ok I dont know how it goes like that. Give some of your tips for breeding.
Franzur - 9 years ago
Discus breeding story pls!
Jose Guerrero
Jose Guerrero - 9 years ago
When discus are in a breed tank do they need a special care???
SidewaysInTraffic - 9 years ago
Great story. When I did this in my garage, I didn't take into account on how long the heaters would be on in the colder months. They wouldn't shut off. To save a few bucks I waited until Petco had it's dollar per gallon sale on tanks. I also ran hang on the back filters which was only a difference of $7/monthly from running a plumbed system; I believe it would outweigh the cost if your one pump went out, ick, etc. I also bought fish from a farm in FL and had them shipped to CA and more times than not the fry wouldn't make it or would get sick shortly after(different for adult fish, but cost more=less profit). I didn't have those issues with the offspring's of my breeding pairs. All in all it's worth financially if you breed rare or highend fish.
kdak247 - 9 years ago
why did you get out of the breeding game?
Rich's Fishes
Rich's Fishes - 9 years ago
Great info Joey; and I'd love to see some more info on the details of your old breeding setup. One thing I think worth adding in here insofar as when you talked about how your time has to be worth something. I completely agree; but you're thinking there is purely from a business standpoint. For many people who do this as a hobby (whether or not they are looking to possibly earn any extra money on the side), they might not necessarily be doing anything else in that amount of time that would earn any money (be it more or less than breeding). So while your $10 an hour wasnt going to make you rich neither is sitting on the couch for that 3 hours every day instead of spending time in your fishroom! I can however appreciate your outlook on it and certainly understand the personal side of wanting to allow others to enjoy discus (and then getting disenchanted when those same people try to earn a bigger profit off of your back!)
epiclids - 9 years ago
I love the intro with your arowana! It's kinda like you have a mascot :)
minimonkey969 - 9 years ago
breeding discus video! looking forward to it
John Kim
John Kim - 9 years ago
I went through the same thing breeding cichlids. Good for you for posting this video! People need to hear it!
brans - 9 years ago
it would be interesting to know how to breed discus
gutiersa - 9 years ago
Great video. I would have been disappointed too. It's kind of like a breach of trust. Keep the videos coming.
Rezumate Liga 1
Rezumate Liga 1 - 9 years ago
Great video!! I want to learn about breeding discus too!
antarip debnath
antarip debnath - 9 years ago
Its like a dream comes true to see how to breed discus as I can't find any proper video on breeding discus in youtube.
Hope that you will make it soon.
utdnut - 9 years ago
a video on breeding discus in depth would be great cheers joey great vids
Somen Mukherjee
Somen Mukherjee - 9 years ago
Breed Arwana In Tank can u do that? is it possible?
Cichlid Mark
Cichlid Mark - 9 years ago
awesome video man! love to see a profile video on uaru's if at all possible there aint too many about on youtube if any. keep up the good work.
discguyjoe - 9 years ago
I recently got out of the hobby for now, but you definitely helped me get into it. Thanks for being so honest about the whole process. It's really refreshing for someone to give all the down and dirty facts.
yogosans14 - 9 years ago
oh I see..
discguyjoe - 9 years ago
+yogosans14 I was moving way too much. I plan to get back in once I can stay put
yogosans14 - 9 years ago
Why would you leave this awsome hobby?
Ruben - 9 years ago
Thank's Joey for sharing with us what goes on even in a very small business when you start. When you was describing you story that money was getting smaller and smaller. Thanks again Joey. "(0_0)"
Nick J
Nick J - 9 years ago
Great story, yes there is a great deal to consider when making money from something like a hobby.
Thanks for breaking down all the pieces of the pie. It's like that in the US to, Uncle Sam always wants his
share, whether he deserves any or not !!
sa crafter
sa crafter - 9 years ago
my duscus fight please help
Gary Muir
Gary Muir - 9 years ago
Great video!!!! I have my own small business and spend a lot of time developing my business plan. The most important aspect was to account for all the costs to be sure it made sense. This was a huge effort but in the end it helped to set the sell prices and made sure my costs were covered and the profit margin was enough to support the business and allow me to provide the high level of customer service I wanted to provide. Looking back it was a huge amount of work but it was well worth the effort as I have a solid understanding of where the money is going.

Awesome video!
Clark Casiño
Clark Casiño - 9 years ago
i really like these types of videos, all of my friends are not interested in this hobby, making it really hard for me to just learn from other hobbyists experiences or etc. this was a really cool vid joey! thanks!
Fish Behind Glass
Fish Behind Glass - 9 years ago
This video hits home for me. Having a business is always a ton of work, fish or otherwise. I can't think of anything you could have missed, you covered this topic very thoroughly. The only thing I can think of not touched upon - stress. That was the major reason for leaving my small business after 20 years. How did you handle returns?
Ravi Sant
Ravi Sant - 9 years ago
That's a very honest video
Long Lê
Long Lê - 9 years ago
all about knowledge
you have knowledge
love your vid
Vijay Sivasankaren
Vijay Sivasankaren - 9 years ago
Loved the story!!! Keep it coming...
P&N Aquatics
P&N Aquatics - 9 years ago
Very informative video as usual Joey. Well explained about the setup and the ongoing maintenance. I do it on a small scale, but don't expect to make any money on it. As long as it subsidises my hobby then I'm cool with that. Keep all the cool videos going, you've certainly been an inspiration to me and many others in the hobby.
Sotdot - 9 years ago
Great video Joey. People sometimes forget about all the negative drawbacks from breeding/selling fish. Looking forward to next Thursday!
Jose Guerrero
Jose Guerrero - 9 years ago
Hello Jose again I want to learn how to breed discus I have 3 pair of them and I already have 8 breeding tanks working I want to learn how to breed them before put them in some of those tanks please and thank you.
DummyWaiho - 9 years ago
I would like to see the process of breeding discus
Yoo Toob
Yoo Toob - 9 years ago
There is much to learn from the information presented here and thank you for enlightening us about initial investment and ongoing costs. However you did not make $20,000 in one month. You had gross sales of $20,000 in one month. You showed a net profit of $8000 over 15 months, a little over $500 per month. This is a common problem (mistake) with small business owners to see a huge sales number and get lost in the small costs. It's about the math and the percentages and extrapolation over time.
Al Sayee
Al Sayee - 8 years ago
That is where The Accountants Come In*In My case I simply Pass the papers to them,and pay the fees* AL SAYEE
Yoo Toob
Yoo Toob - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY A hard lesson learned and you also showed all of us that is is possible to make some extra money from doing something we enjoy. At the very least with a little effort one can have a hobby that pays for itself. See you on Sunday.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Yoo Toob That is EXACTLY why I titled it the way I did. Most will ASSUME the end result is what they will actually make. Yet in the end, learn a hard lesson.
BALD PRICK - 9 years ago
Awesome outro!
Fred Robles
Fred Robles - 9 years ago
very honest thank you
Rhedogian - 9 years ago
Hey Joey
Really great video man you talked about the stuff that mattered and did so in a great and educational way. The quality of your videos is amazing at this point, please keep it up.
Cichlid Nez
Cichlid Nez - 9 years ago
cichlid Nez drop off and watched ur cool video. .
colinbarsby - 9 years ago
Really interesting and fascinating insights. Great video. Thanks for sharing.
Finn The Human
Finn The Human - 9 years ago
Joey do discus breeding vdo n how to keep frys alive after separating from parent. My discus pair has 100 fry each batch so it hurts the parents. Ive lost two batches atm they r laying eggs 3rd time. Thanks.
RaleyWeGrind - 9 years ago
Great insight. I was looking into breeding African cichlids and these are points I need to consider
yocampout - 9 years ago
that's real talk right there! awesome vid.
Steve Poland Cichlids
Steve Poland Cichlids - 9 years ago
Really digging the new series. It's like a video version of the podcast.
Steve Poland Cichlids
Steve Poland Cichlids - 9 years ago
I think those are both great ideas. People who listen to the podcast won't mind if you repeat the topics here, and it lets those people who don't listen to the podcast hear the stories/ideas/etc.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Steve Poland Cichlids Exactly. I actually wanted them to sound similar and be about the same type of thing. I MIGHT bring some podcast topics to video as well though and start uploading the audio version of this to the podcast. thoughts?
Orlando Felix
Orlando Felix - 9 years ago
The information you give to the public is worth more than all the money you could make , I think everyone should help you keep doing what you're doing, supporting you , good luck master.
CXK03 Fishtanks
CXK03 Fishtanks - 9 years ago
Those Canadian taxes! When I go to ontario it's 16% sales tax and I'm not getting national health care! lol. Also, how do you keep your discus so yellow?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+CXK03 Fishtanks Colour enhancers in my DIY food. Check those videos out to see what you need. :)
Eric K
Eric K - 9 years ago
Ok, gotta ask. How the heck do you have time for a "normal" job", kids, wife, and still do all this?
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Eric K Thats a topic for a whole other video! haha
Matthew Davison
Matthew Davison - 9 years ago
How to make a ro unit to filter your clean water without having to buy a new one ???
VincentFishStuff - 9 years ago
Awesome video, liking the new ending.
pelphrey - 9 years ago
Very good video. I think for me the biggest factor would be the time it takes to make all of this happen. The next fear would be breeding fish and at first they sell really well.... Then all of a sudden I'm stuck with a massive amount of fish I never intended to keep in the first place.
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+pelphrey I flooded my local market in a matter of a couple weeks. Eventually I had to cut the pricing in half to get rid of them all. The market picked back up shortly after, but I was out of selling by then. Seems like it comes in 3 month waves.
Wilson Tan
Wilson Tan - 9 years ago
You should live @ Australia, no Tax on private sales. LOL
Angofurious - 9 years ago
the ending... spoken like a true aquarist. thanks for the vid and its a shame pple dont appreciate the hobbie as much as some of us do. if i had a dedicated fish room i would probably breed for friends/family who cant afford the fish but alas i dont. thanks again for the vid on thursday and im glad we get u twice as many days.
Joeywit - 9 years ago
tax's are shit, pay the higher up people for doing nothing, of your money that you had to work hard for.
Máté Mészáros
Máté Mészáros - 9 years ago
in hungray we pay 35% of our salary in tax, then we 27% vat for everithing you buy and sell.
matad - 9 years ago
in sweden we pay like 33% of your salary in tax. And then you pay taxes on everything you buy...
HeartlandRanchTV - 9 years ago
+Máté Mészáros Well, that's socialism for you. Probably one of many reason why Jobbik is gaining in popularity.
Máté Mészáros
Máté Mészáros - 9 years ago
+HeartlandRanchTV of coure, with the same amount
HeartlandRanchTV - 9 years ago
+Máté Mészáros Good lord that's insane. Do you have to pay income tax as well?
Máté Mészáros
Máté Mészáros - 9 years ago
+HeartlandRanchTV Here in Hungary the sales tax is 27% :/
HeartlandRanchTV - 9 years ago
+SuperGamingeek Funding for highways, education, and parks don't come from sales tax. And a 15-16% sales tax in Canada is insanely high. Of course, the Canadian government is dominated by socialists, so no surprises there.
Rhedogian - 9 years ago
+Joeywit Yeah! We don't need highways, public education, and parks! Taxes are bad!
LEOPAZZO TV - 9 years ago
Well said joey and some great info and personal info as well that you shared with us. Thank you and keep doing what your doing buddy! KING OF DIY AND REEF TANK ADDICTION TEAM UP!
Luke Andrews
Luke Andrews - 9 years ago
Have you put the discus you still have in the arowana' old tank
KGTropicals - 9 years ago
Absolutely spot on info! It was staggering how many people sent me the "You're living the dream" messages when I had my shop, they had no idea! As crazy as it sounds there was a HUGE feeling of relief when we closed our shop. It's hard for someone who's not in the business to understand but it's true! Once there's money and bills involved it's no longer a hobby, it goes from a hobby that helps you relax and destress to a source of anxiety and stress. Well said Joey.
Team 9
Team 9 - 9 years ago
+KGTropicals Well thats expected... Pretty much every single job or business isnt fun at all ...
Scott Harrison
Scott Harrison - 9 years ago
+Jeff K thanks for the tip bro
Jeff K
Jeff K - 9 years ago
+Scott Harrison
I'm still dealing with a ton of fry and juveniles from when I thought this would be a good idea. My main point would be make sure you set up a system that is close to self servicing. The only way I would consider doing this again is if my fry tanks were all setup with an overflow to a drain combined with a system to drip new water into each tank. If you do water changes to each fry tank non stop it will get old pretty quick.
Scott Harrison
Scott Harrison - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY ive been wanting to breed frontosa for a while the whole make "money doing what you love" concept being in my head and while i understand the possibility of it just being a just a job at some point i still want to have this experience with this said what tips could you give as far as start up knowing what you know now? thank you!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+KGTropicals Thanks John, i knew you would get it for sure.
Noah589 - 9 years ago
I'm going to like this Thursday video series. We get to know you and your past with the hobby. Great video!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Noah589 I have so many awesome stories to tell. (Or at least i would like to think so! haha). Im excited to get them out finally in this new show. ALTHOUGH, I will be dong a mixture of things, so that is half the fun. For example, in a couple weeks im going to do a local fish store tour for you guys! :)
Josh Irons
Josh Irons - 9 years ago
Breeding discus yea! (see profile pic)
Bhadrajee Dahanayake
Bhadrajee Dahanayake - 9 years ago
Like the new intro Joey! Great video too :)
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+Bhadrajee Dahanayake I thought the intro was cool too. I need to work on it though.
mas rawson
mas rawson - 9 years ago
how to breed discus
mikec7777 - 9 years ago
Step 1: Work for years to build up one of the largest YouTube channels for fish keepers.Step 2: Keep impressive amounts of expensive fish. Step 3:???? Step 4: Profit!
Totally Different
Totally Different - 7 years ago
its one of the largest youtube channel for fish keepers now
Non - 7 years ago
Cards against humanity!
DA7545 - 7 years ago
Response to Tobey - And knowing a hell of a lot about the subject.
Cody McMillan
Cody McMillan - 8 years ago
charasmatic attitude, ability to talk to a camera and not sound awkward, combined with a legitimate willingness to learn and share the process, is usually a good start to doing well in youtube. oh and dedication. subscribers like consistancy
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
+mikec7777 One day(perhaps soon)... I will share my story on what it took to get here.
Sudip Shrestha
Sudip Shrestha - 9 years ago
Yes I want to learn discus breeding!!!
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
How I made $20,000 in 1 month. What you need to know if you want to do it.... and WHY I DONT WANT TO DO IT AGAIN
PS: A local fish store tour is coming in a couple weeks!

You can also find me on facebook:
Jonny Burli
Jonny Burli - 7 years ago
the baby rays! i also want to know the best way to go about selling the offspring in your opinion
Senji Vang
Senji Vang - 7 years ago
The king of DIY where and how to do you sell your fish
Edward Elk
Edward Elk - 8 years ago
i myself shrimp breeder only go for people that own small fish store which they care about their fish. i spend little bit money to get high quality shrimp and breed them. each of them i sold like 4-7 buck depend on the quality each shrimp hold around 20-35 eggs which will hatch every 3-4weeks. well this is kinda hoppy you do it for fun, money is after you have too much of them and want to sell them out for people who know how to take care of them (they really die if you just put them into the water). just keep up a good work man. i respect what you do.
Anthony Abelardo
Anthony Abelardo - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY do you have a backup generator? what if there was a power out for a week?
Anthony Abelardo
Anthony Abelardo - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY nice break down, thx : )
2DebbieDoo - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY It's so obvious why your vlogs are SO popular. You, Sir, have character and a truly kind soul. It really comes across in your vlogs and I believe, really connects with so many people. Many blessings to you and yours. I hope 2016 is a wonderful year, you absolutely deserve it.
Jack McKeon
Jack McKeon - 9 years ago
+Simon YanZX was that to me?
Simon YanZX
Simon YanZX - 9 years ago
I always loved ur channel, and this video just made u my most favorite youtuber. I can't help leaving my first YouTube comments here, what u r doing is so inspiring and means a lot to many people. Bless u.
Jack McKeon
Jack McKeon - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY what is the most valued discus and is the most expensive selling discus?
voodoo9891 - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY this video is great... I decided to try and breed angels. I have 7 angels in total (2 blacks.. possibly chocolates?, 2 blue smokies,2 platinums, and 1 paraiba). I didn't buy them as breeding pairs, but I'm going to force pair them I think. I would like to have 3, maybe 4, breeding pairs eventually. Would you be please do a video regarding spawning techniques? not sure if you bred angels or not, but I would love to see a video on breeding the discus.. and if you could possibly throw in some general tips, it would be appreciated.
whitedragon1337 - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY Thanks for the response Joey! 
The king of DIY
The king of DIY - 9 years ago
1: Heat retention. The thicker and more dense the material, the more heat it will hold. Small tubs are great for little projects, but when do a breeding system, you will end up paying more to heat them then it would have to just buy/build glass or acrylic tanks.

2: You will need to do some more searching. I have no less than 8 videos on plumbing tanks with examples. I also go over it in my book.
Gary Pelaez
Gary Pelaez - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY great, appreciate it most people are broke
whitedragon1337 - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY Hey Joey I have a couple questions regarding breeding setups. 1--- I have been watching various videos of breeding setups and I notice almost all of the breeders use racks of "actual" aquariums (glass or acrylic tanks). This kind of surprised me as I thought more people would use plastic tubs or something cheaper considering they are not display tanks. Is there an advantage to using proper tanks other than visibility? 2--- I was wondering if you have a video on plumbing a rack set up. I have seen your video on building the rack stand, but didn't notice any regarding plumbing. Thanks for all the awesome info!!
skylinevspec000 - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY Few Youtubers are as honest as you. Love it. I understand not enjoying it. The money is good but it then becomes work. I tried the same with LEGO. earned a bit had a bit of fun, gave up and now just build and build
yaoming yen
yaoming yen - 9 years ago
your discus are really nice.
SLEWER - 9 years ago
Great video enjoyed the story
mikec7777 - 9 years ago
+The king of DIY The sorry, I'm not sorry face at the end when you told us what you did with the money at the end....priceless.
Declan Dobbie
Declan Dobbie - 9 years ago
Great video
Bram   Bosman
Bram Bosman - 9 years ago

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