How To Do WATER CONDITIONING For Aquarium || Discus Fish

This is a very important process to follow in the Aquarium Hobby. Water is obviously the most important thing, so we have to make it ready before it goes into the aquarium. Most Important thing is that we should NEVER PUT TAP WATER DIRECTLY into the Aquarium, because it will definitely be carrying lots of unwanted elements which you don't want in t your aquarium. So its always better to age water at least for a day or two before you do water change. So in this video we have shown how to use Prime. Hope you like our Video

How To Do WATER CONDITIONING For Aquarium || Discus Fish sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Discus 6 years ago 5,309 views

This is a very important process to follow in the Aquarium Hobby. Water is obviously the most important thing, so we have to make it ready before it goes into the aquarium. Most Important thing is that we should NEVER PUT TAP WATER DIRECTLY into the Aquarium, because it will definitely be carrying lots of unwanted elements which you don't want in t your aquarium. So its always better to age water at least for a day or two before you do water change. So in this video we have shown how to use Prime. Hope you like our Video

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Most popular comments
for How To Do WATER CONDITIONING For Aquarium || Discus Fish

Ranjan Swain
Ranjan Swain - 6 years ago
Bhiya plz ap ka num do na kuch chezz fish k bare main puchna hain..reply bhaiya plz urgent
Fwrapper Aqua
Fwrapper Aqua - 6 years ago
8296544666 whats app karo.. I will call you later
aaimz enterprises
aaimz enterprises - 6 years ago
sir my discus tanks water tds is showing 89 is it ok
aaimz enterprises
aaimz enterprises - 6 years ago
+Fwrapper Aqua great sir growing day by day but u didnt replied that can i keep a hang on filter in my discuss babies fish tank
Fwrapper Aqua
Fwrapper Aqua - 6 years ago
+aaimz enterprises.. Yes its fine.. How are your fishes doing
Hussain Mahi Hussain Mahi
Hussain Mahi Hussain Mahi - 6 years ago
Can I use bore water tell ur idea bro
Kunal Baing
Kunal Baing - 6 years ago
I setup new tank so i m confusing in liquid . Which liquid i put into water ? Before acclimate new discus . Its my first time to setup the tank .
Ranajit Kopti
Ranajit Kopti - 6 years ago
Sir, I have 3/1 feet tank water capacity is 120 ltr.
1.How many coin size Discus I can keep?
2.How much water need to change everyday as my tank size?
3.Can I feed dry food? If yes then what will be the best?
4. From where I can get frozen blood worms online?
Fwrapper Aqua
Fwrapper Aqua - 6 years ago
sorry for the late reply... This message was blocked i dint see it.
1.You can keep upto 10 - 12 coin size discus
2. Water change in a week 2 times 50%
3. dry food yes - Hikari bio gold, Australian black worms, hikari UVX blood worms
4. where are you located ...? i am from bangalore...
Ranajit Kopti
Ranajit Kopti - 6 years ago
1.What is the ideal ph for discus fry(thumb nail size) and for 2/3 inch and above?
2.If my ph is high like above 7. 6 after mixing of 30% RO and 70% Tap water,what to do? If I add sponge filter in to the tank and built benefecial bacteria colony can they drop PH?
Fwrapper Aqua
Fwrapper Aqua - 6 years ago
Using RO water only is also bad for discus.. Because RO water will contain very low minerals... so mixing is always good...
Ranajit Kopti
Ranajit Kopti - 6 years ago
Fwrapper Aqua.. Thanks...thats why I am asking because its very expecive to keep discus only in RO water.if its mixture of RO and Tap water then we can affort
Fwrapper Aqua
Fwrapper Aqua - 6 years ago
Ranajit Kopti... Hi.. Ideal ph for Discus is between 6-8... PH is something that will keep changing + or - slightly... All you need to look for is consistency in your water... Avoid adding ph control liquids.. Because if one day we miss it then your Discus will get stressed... And tds should be below 200...
Prasenjit Ghosh
Prasenjit Ghosh - 6 years ago
Very nice. Do you ship discus in India?
Prasenjit Ghosh
Prasenjit Ghosh - 6 years ago
Ok. Thank you.
Fwrapper Aqua
Fwrapper Aqua - 6 years ago
Prasenjit Ghosh... Thank you bro... But currently only in Bangalore..
Priti Saroj
Priti Saroj - 6 years ago
At the end of the video, Discus fish was literally attacking your fingers! lol
Fwrapper Aqua
Fwrapper Aqua - 6 years ago
Priti Saroj.. Ya bro.. She gets really aggressive when her babies are with her..
Basanti Barik
Basanti Barik - 6 years ago
thanks sir best food for oranda gold fish growth and color please and best food for discus fish color and growth please tell me sir please
Fwrapper Aqua
Fwrapper Aqua - 6 years ago
Basanti Barik... No you get spirulina powder separately... Use little... Are you going to make goat heart mix... Then please watch my video on how to make heart mix
Basanti Barik
Basanti Barik - 6 years ago
which heart use you and spirulina what 200 GM you use tetra bits complete your Discus Fish
Fwrapper Aqua
Fwrapper Aqua - 6 years ago
Basanti Barik.... Bro I don't know best food for orando gold fish, because I have never kept them... For Discus I suggest heart mix with spirulina...

10. comment for How To Do WATER CONDITIONING For Aquarium || Discus Fish

Fwrapper Aqua
Fwrapper Aqua - 6 years ago
nihal crazy in dance.. Thank you so much...
Fwrapper Aqua
Fwrapper Aqua - 6 years ago
nihal crazy in dance... Thanks a lot Nihal... Please do subscribe to my channel and support us
Anirban Chatterjee
Anirban Chatterjee - 6 years ago
Very helpful video ..can u tell me the name of the pump that you placed in ur storage tank..
Anirban Chatterjee
Anirban Chatterjee - 6 years ago
Thanks sir.
Fwrapper Aqua
Fwrapper Aqua - 6 years ago
Anirban Chatterjee it's just a normal aquarium pump.. Price is inside 500 bucks... I have sent you a link... Or just search for aquarium pumps on You will find lots of them
Fwrapper Aqua
Fwrapper Aqua - 6 years ago
Anirban Chatterjee thank you soo much... Hytec Era Swp 18W Submersible Pump for Desert Air Cooler, Aquarium, Fountains
Ritesh Gill
Ritesh Gill - 6 years ago
All is parfact..... but seacham prime is costly 500 ml use 5000 ltr.... the second option is seacham safe it's same work as like prime... 250 gram use 60000 ltr...
Fwrapper Aqua
Fwrapper Aqua - 6 years ago
Thank you Sir.. But for me Seachem Prime works fine.. A bottle of 500 ml lasts for about 5 months... And I tried lots of things before.. Felt this was economical and more than that my Fishes do not have a problem and they are all happy...
ADA Aquascaping Design Arts
ADA Aquascaping Design Arts - 6 years ago
Nice video
Fwrapper Aqua
Fwrapper Aqua - 6 years ago
ADA Aquascaping Design Arts thank you
Fondo de Acuario
Fondo de Acuario - 6 years ago
Nice mate!! Show my channel, if you want, of course!! Like
Fwrapper Aqua
Fwrapper Aqua - 6 years ago
I did subscribe to ur channel and thank you
Arjun Yadav
Arjun Yadav - 6 years ago
bro can you send some of your beautiful discus till lucknow
Fwrapper Aqua
Fwrapper Aqua - 6 years ago
Arjun Yadav Lovely... Send me video... 8296544666 this is my number
Arjun Yadav
Arjun Yadav - 6 years ago
same here bro i currently have 12 discus in 2 tanks
Fwrapper Aqua
Fwrapper Aqua - 6 years ago
Arjun Yadav ya I know.. But shipping cost will be more than the fishes... And like I said I am a hobbiest only.. I don't have too many fishes to sell
Arjun Yadav
Arjun Yadav - 6 years ago
but there are direct flights and train
Arjun Yadav
Arjun Yadav - 6 years ago
yaa buddy
Fwrapper Aqua
Fwrapper Aqua - 6 years ago
Arjun Yadav hi Arjun... I have never shipped any of my fishes.. I will keep you posted once I start... And Bangalore to Lucknow is a long distance... We have to pack them well with good oxygenation for them to survive.. Plus currently I have only few... Hopefully I get a big batch that I can send.. Thanks bro
Pet birds and fish தமிழ் / English
Pet birds and fish தமிழ் / English - 6 years ago
150 to 200 tds only for a breeding purpose right
Fwrapper Aqua
Fwrapper Aqua - 6 years ago
kanna sr bro for breeding its better to have tds below 100.. Only then the eggs will hatch well

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