How to Avoid Algae With New Lights In Your Aquarium

GET AN AWESOME TANK! Algae Mess Clean up, No Maintenance tank Aquarium Algae Tips, Causes of Algae in Greenhouse Sunlight Tanks Which Algae Eater NOT to Get Algae in the Planted Tank It always makes me feel good to top off my tanks anyway, so why not do it on my lunch break right? On this tank, I do the two bucket style. I try to have one filling while I am pouring out the other one. It doesn't always time out right but it's close enough. Before you start messing with the water in your tank, make sure you have your Prime or other dechlorinator handy. I once killed a nice set of rainbows in my office for adding water then realizing I was out of prime. No bueno. The huge Cory Cat is hiding, but I hope he likes his new home. The 90 is interesting because I am kind of messing with fire when it comes to adding WAY more lights to a tank while removing the duckweed. Ultimately, I don't want duckweed and I think I can get by without it because this isn't a newly dirted tank. NOTE: I love duckweed with a newly dirted tank, as it is a sponge for excess nutrients and helps you avoid algae. The lights are only on for 6 hours, so I am hoping the plants will do their "job" and absorb all of it while they are on so I don't get algae. If I do end up getting some algae, I will cut the lights back to 4 hours for a few days while the Jungle Val and other plants take off. This is one thing that is nice about Jungle Val: it grows like mad under high light (and that is what I am hoping for!). WANT TO CONQUER ALGAE? GET DUSTINS ALGAE GUIDE! I have a full breakdown of how I dirt a planted tank for digital download as well as plants for sale here: CHECK OUT MY LIQUID CO2 HERE: KILLS HAIR ALGAE TOO! Welcome to Dustin's Fish Tanks YouTube Channel. My channel is made for FISH TANK PEOPLE! I try to focus on planted aquariums, how to grow aquarium plants, dirt as the planted tank substrate and low light aquarium plants. Planted tanks shouldn't be difficult. My goal is to make the planted aquarium hobby easy...Planted Tanks Made Easy! Dustin's Fish Tanks. TANK ON! Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Aquarium Plants For Sale: Fish Tank People Social Community

How to Avoid Algae With New Lights In Your Aquarium sentiment_very_dissatisfied 31

Discus 12 years ago 31,033 views

GET AN AWESOME TANK! Algae Mess Clean up, No Maintenance tank Aquarium Algae Tips, Causes of Algae in Greenhouse Sunlight Tanks Which Algae Eater NOT to Get Algae in the Planted Tank It always makes me feel good to top off my tanks anyway, so why not do it on my lunch break right? On this tank, I do the two bucket style. I try to have one filling while I am pouring out the other one. It doesn't always time out right but it's close enough. Before you start messing with the water in your tank, make sure you have your Prime or other dechlorinator handy. I once killed a nice set of rainbows in my office for adding water then realizing I was out of prime. No bueno. The huge Cory Cat is hiding, but I hope he likes his new home. The 90 is interesting because I am kind of messing with fire when it comes to adding WAY more lights to a tank while removing the duckweed. Ultimately, I don't want duckweed and I think I can get by without it because this isn't a newly dirted tank. NOTE: I love duckweed with a newly dirted tank, as it is a sponge for excess nutrients and helps you avoid algae. The lights are only on for 6 hours, so I am hoping the plants will do their "job" and absorb all of it while they are on so I don't get algae. If I do end up getting some algae, I will cut the lights back to 4 hours for a few days while the Jungle Val and other plants take off. This is one thing that is nice about Jungle Val: it grows like mad under high light (and that is what I am hoping for!). WANT TO CONQUER ALGAE? GET DUSTINS ALGAE GUIDE! I have a full breakdown of how I dirt a planted tank for digital download as well as plants for sale here: CHECK OUT MY LIQUID CO2 HERE: KILLS HAIR ALGAE TOO! Welcome to Dustin's Fish Tanks YouTube Channel. My channel is made for FISH TANK PEOPLE! I try to focus on planted aquariums, how to grow aquarium plants, dirt as the planted tank substrate and low light aquarium plants. Planted tanks shouldn't be difficult. My goal is to make the planted aquarium hobby easy...Planted Tanks Made Easy! Dustin's Fish Tanks. TANK ON! Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Aquarium Plants For Sale: Fish Tank People Social Community

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Most popular comments
for How to Avoid Algae With New Lights In Your Aquarium

Unknown User
Unknown User - 7 years ago
I have a custom 6" high and a 37" long tank and 5 and a half inch wide tank how much watts I need in a flourscent light my light bulb is 18" I have live plants in my tank i wanna grow mostly I have is neon tetras and other very small fishes n shrimps the light I brought it used it's like purplish when it's turned up side down lite up and it's 19watts 60hz
crazy shrimp lady
crazy shrimp lady - 7 years ago
I just add the Prime to the bucket and about half that amount.
crazy shrimp lady
crazy shrimp lady - 7 years ago
Otocinclus are the king for algae control!
crazy shrimp lady
crazy shrimp lady - 7 years ago
Algae isn't the enemy at all. It can really work in an aquarium if it's the right type and under control.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
I have been doing a bunch of Facebook LIVE as
it fits my quick style - Click here to follow me on Facebook: EVERY DAY I do 30 second videos on Instagram: Click here to
follow me on Instagram:
Kevin Conrad
Kevin Conrad - 8 years ago
What kind of lights are those? I like how they clamp on back..
Mike Vormwald
Mike Vormwald - 8 years ago
If you're using Prime with 5g buckets, add 10 drops to the bucket, stir and then add to the tank. This ensures that you're treating just the water being added w/o extra dosing.
Mike Vormwald
Mike Vormwald - 8 years ago
Omega One rules! Omega One and Almost Natural use fresh fish instead of fishmeal, making them much better!
The Rider
The Rider - 10 years ago
i think its easyer to use a water pump to do water changes
Guitarz 5150
Guitarz 5150 - 10 years ago
Absolutely! I use the siphon/vacuum/filler that hooks right to the sink
does a half tank water change in a 30 gallon in 5 mins.
Best $30 i ever spent on my aquarium!

10. comment for How to Avoid Algae With New Lights In Your Aquarium

Patrick P
Patrick P - 10 years ago
You look like agent Smith in The Metrix!
GrayXIII - 11 years ago
I used to use Omega 1, but then a better LFS popped up nearby and he turned me on to Cobalt Aquatics. I definitely noticed a difference with the fish in color, size, and energy. Can't recommend it enough. I mainly feed a lot of high protein foods (tilapia, shrimp, beef heart, etc…) for my gar and bichirs, but I use Cobalt regularly.
ttttrigg3r - 11 years ago
Does anyone know what clamp light he has in the first tank? I'm looking for one like that , but an LED version. That light looks perfect, though.
Mike Ross
Mike Ross - 12 years ago
New era is they best extremely hard to find
Bradley Zimmerman
Bradley Zimmerman - 12 years ago
How do you get your hair like that? Gel?
donald batistajr
donald batistajr - 12 years ago
I have nls fish food as well but i have the small pelets is the flake better? i dont think it matters
MNaquatics - 12 years ago
I also feed Omega One flakes and I must say, my fish have much better color and seem to be very healthy with it, been feeding it for over a year now.
Aquatic Creations
Aquatic Creations - 12 years ago
as far as the flake food I've heard that cobalt aquatics is great but i havent had experience with new life spectrum or cobalt so im not sure.
A Baker
A Baker - 12 years ago
Huge algae outbreak. Had no idea why. Dustin tells me the exact reason. Awesome thanks man!
Sarunas Salins
Sarunas Salins - 12 years ago
got 240l planted tank , had 60wats lights and now instaled 216wats and algae increased 10-15% not much

20. comment for How to Avoid Algae With New Lights In Your Aquarium

Ben Garwood
Ben Garwood - 12 years ago
Have you tried every kind of fish food? When that happens you can tell me New Era is the best. Besides can anybody read the fishes mind? People love candy yet it is bad for us. It might be same with fish. The point is that no one can really tell what the fish like. The only way people know is if they eat it or not.
dean jones
dean jones - 12 years ago
NEW ERA is the BEST food ? FULL STOP
divin3King - 12 years ago
Hey Dustin, love your tanks. I am starting a dirt tank and was going to use either flora max or just regular potting soil. For your tanks do you use potting soil and black gravel on top? Or just soil with no gravel? Don't know which works best. I have swords, types of anubias, and java fern in my tank. Would appreciate your help. (:
spacegamermonkey - 12 years ago
ocean nutrition give it to my discus they love it
Coasterintheyard - 12 years ago
I know you guys live very far away from each other, but it would be awesome if you and uarujoey did some kind of collab to build a tank, you know a lot about plants and aquascaping, and he has a lot of DIY know how...working together I bet you guys would make some pretty sick tanks. I know it most likely won't ever happen considering the whole issue of you guys living so far apart, but as a big fan of both you and him, I'm just saying it would be pretty awesome.
Ben Garwood
Ben Garwood - 12 years ago
On the angelfish usa website they sell high quality flake fish food that is also really good. I also feed my fish as a treat freeze dried foods such as brine shrimp.
BigNastyreborn - 12 years ago
why do i have algea like crazy, i change the water once a week andhave 2 siamese algae eaters and still a tom of slime and hair algae
danichan19 - 12 years ago
I think that Cory isn't anti-social.... I think he's a survivor... He's wild caught, right? He's just staying away from other fish that "may" (probably won't but just being careful) Eat him... How do you think he lived so long to be that big???
Steveboos - 12 years ago
I refuse to use buckets for water changes, surprised that you use buckets Dustin, your back much be in great shape! Prime is great when you need it. Every county is different with water quality.. So anyone who says "You should never use water conditioners" they aren't taking into effect each persons individual water quality. Me personally i don't need to use any Prime and i don't. But i always keep my 2L bottle on hand for large changes.
sarocco1 - 12 years ago
btw do you use any nutrition in the tanks?

30. comment for How to Avoid Algae With New Lights In Your Aquarium

sarocco1 - 12 years ago
airfilter in a planted tank? big waste of CO2 for the plants. that if anything will give you algaeproblems.
sarocco1 - 12 years ago
using prime at all is a big waste of money. i never use it in my tanks and i have never had problems with that my whole life. although i dont know what the water company does to the water in the US so i dont want to say it´s unnecessary in US.
Robert Jango
Robert Jango - 12 years ago
Make sure its non-clumping clay and contains no additives. I use something very similar (Oil-Sorb) and its awesome - and very,very cheap
Ipolito v
Ipolito v - 12 years ago
i wanna go awe :(
Korg - 12 years ago
Use trapdoor snails. They are amazing snails to help with algae. :)
Sheety33 - 12 years ago
Thanks for bringing it on a Thursday! To reduce the amount of algae growth with new/increased lighting, wouldn't turning the heater down and dropping the water temp reduce the potential amount of algae growth?
Tyler de Jong
Tyler de Jong - 12 years ago
Dustin has a python, I think he doesn't use it on his 125 because of something to do with his wife, lol.
Trenton D'Amico
Trenton D'Amico - 12 years ago
What is your opinion on using kitty litter as substrate?
ShinyCard255 - 12 years ago
Get a python, water changes go quicker
SireSquish - 12 years ago
It puts the prime IN the bucket or it gets the hose again.
jerrya27 - 12 years ago
python for ftw
ststackhouse - 12 years ago
Kens flake at kensfish dot com
i4yue - 12 years ago
Angels+ food is very good. I run 10 hoirs of full light with 2 hoirs of low partial light to simulate sun rise/set n the plants respond very well to the gradual light changes. So 12 hours total
Wesley Jones
Wesley Jones - 12 years ago
just got a 220 like 2 months ago but like you having to wait to put it up since im in college in a stupid dorm but hoping to having it up as soon as possible man and have fun at the AGA bro I'm going next year nomatter what
John Forgarty
John Forgarty - 12 years ago
I put the prime in the buck of water than dump it in....
Insanonaga - 12 years ago
Dustin you should enter your peruvian angels in a contest!
Jessica's Nerd Life
Jessica's Nerd Life - 12 years ago
i always put the prime in the bucket
Joris Ligthart
Joris Ligthart - 12 years ago
hello i have another question regarding chlorine. if a filter remains switched on during a water change performed in this manner, can somehow the filter media get damaged by the chlorine? thank you. happy fishkeeping!
Joris Ligthart
Joris Ligthart - 12 years ago
your plants grew a lot in 5 days haha. even some root action! i love cories.cant wait to see the big boy someday when hes out. thnx for the vid.
chortlesinthecorner - 12 years ago
I used rubber bands to get a plant to stay on a rock. It's still holding on there, but just a temporary fix. No reason not to use them in the way you are.

50. comment for How to Avoid Algae With New Lights In Your Aquarium

Aquariums4Life - 12 years ago
Omega 1 is bettererer
Derrick Runion
Derrick Runion - 12 years ago
where is the AGA at?
Luis Q.
Luis Q. - 12 years ago
Dustin what lights are you using in the tank up stairs ? tanks look good D!
MrCOS1997 - 12 years ago
new era fish food is equally good apparently, i'm not sure if its available in the states though, if you see it I would get it!
Reptile Creation
Reptile Creation - 12 years ago
Iv been using this new food our petstore got in called extreme and the colours on my dwarf gouramis just pops. I ran out and had to switch back to my old food for a little while and my fish looked bummed until i got extreme again. I will try and get a full name on the food and comment again when i get back too my house.
9385dee7 - 12 years ago
New tank in my room today, dustins a beast.
84Infinity - 12 years ago
Hope you have a blast at AGA, wish I could go!
84Infinity - 12 years ago
Pick up some more trident!!
84Infinity - 12 years ago
Dam you reptilekeepr12

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