How to Breed Discus/ Raising Discus Fry
Discus 12 years ago 18,542 views
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Obviously you have never raised Discus before.
Just so everyone knows, the eggs do NOT "hatch", they grow into "discus larvae " which takes about 3-4 days to become "wigglers" (this is a state where the small rear tale of the babe fish is slightly sticking out of the egg shell body), from then on the head of the baby larvae continues to grow while its stuck to the breading cone or post (where ever the pair has laid their eggs), sometimes the baby larvae will wiggle off the post, the parents will suck them up and stick them back on the bread hanging area, this takes 7-10 days before the larvae has developed enough to swim free and find the parents, which they then feed off the slime/mucus coat, this first feeding is criticality important to the development of the baby discus immune system, they should be left with the parents for at least 4 weeks. DO NOT remove them any sooner they will have weaken immune systems if you do and before 3 weeks they will die for sure. During this time the baby discus fry will see parents eating and pecking off the bottom of the tank and they will soon do the same. Feeding your baby discus Byrne shrimp has virtually no nutritional value and is only used to inspite them to eat if they refuse to or artificially raising the discus fry, but that causes weaken immune systems and lower quality of discus.
Also, I know this person has never raised discus because if you keep the discus larvae at 82° they will ALL DIE!.
86° is the minimum, however we keep ours at 87.5° with great results and can be kept at 88° as well.
Be careful what you believe on YouTube, there are many BS'r out there!
This video has so many errors in the techniques of breeding discus its laughable!
Nice try buddy, try it for yourself and see if any of this (what your saying) works!
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