How to Breed Discus/ Raising Discus Fry

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How to Breed Discus/ Raising Discus Fry sentiment_very_dissatisfied 20

Discus 12 years ago 18,542 views

Come view some of my favorite items from past and present. Need Ideas on what to stock your tank with. Thank you for view my aquarium channel. View more videos on my channel here. There are more updates to the channel coming every week. I have videos on how to breed fish, telling the genders of fish, fish food reviews, product reviews, unboxing videos, unwrapping videos, fish breeding, plant information, aquarium fish care sheet videos. Here are some products that I love and use. If your looking to set up a tank come view this equipment. Fluval FX6 Filter: Fluval FX4 Filter: Finnex Titanium Heater: Northfin Fish Food Krill: Prime Water Conditioner: Hydor Powerhead: Digital Thermometer: Current USA LED Light: Floramax Substrate: Floramax Light: Fluval CO2 System: Aquaclear 50: Industrial Air Pump:

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Most popular comments
for How to Breed Discus/ Raising Discus Fry

Bagger Jax
Bagger Jax - 7 years ago
Your so wrong 84 temp is idea,PH 6.5-7.5 , bad water quality ? there from the amazon river , water change is good 1 once a week 25% the thing is they have been breed so many times with different strands, there easy to grow out and breed,
AquaWoman - 8 years ago
Do you still have Discus??
MA Fishguy
MA Fishguy - 8 years ago
no I do not
Jonathan Cruz
Jonathan Cruz - 9 years ago
bro my discus just laid eggs! 3/2/16 at 9:40pm! sooooooooooo excited! best reward after comming home from a long day of work and school. now have to set up a brine shrimp tank and prep a relocating tank for the babies. the divider just a mesh of some sort? if you could help me out with any suggestions that would be dope! thanks for posting your videos!

Jose Guerrero
Jose Guerrero - 9 years ago
What kind of ligthing you use for the breeding tanks?
Matthew D
Matthew D - 9 years ago
This dude has no idea what he's talking about!!!!
Obviously you have never raised Discus before.
Just so everyone knows, the eggs do NOT "hatch", they grow into "discus larvae " which takes about 3-4 days to become "wigglers" (this is a state where the small rear tale of the babe fish is slightly sticking out of the egg shell body), from then on the head of the baby larvae continues to grow while its stuck to the breading cone or post (where ever the pair has laid their eggs), sometimes the baby larvae will wiggle off the post, the parents will suck them up and stick them back on the bread hanging area, this takes 7-10 days before the larvae has developed enough to swim free and find the parents, which they then feed off the slime/mucus coat, this first feeding is criticality important to the development of the baby discus immune system, they should be left with the parents for at least 4 weeks. DO NOT remove them any sooner they will have weaken immune systems if you do and before 3 weeks they will die for sure. During this time the baby discus fry will see parents eating and pecking off the bottom of the tank and they will soon do the same. Feeding your baby discus Byrne shrimp has virtually no nutritional value and is only used to inspite them to eat if they refuse to or artificially raising the discus fry, but that causes weaken immune systems and lower quality of discus.
Also, I know this person has never raised discus because if you keep the discus larvae at 82° they will ALL DIE!.
86° is the minimum, however we keep ours at 87.5° with great results and can be kept at 88° as well.
Be careful what you believe on YouTube, there are many BS'r out there!
This video has so many errors in the techniques of breeding discus its laughable!
Nice try buddy, try it for yourself and see if any of this (what your saying) works!
John Holifield
John Holifield - 6 years ago
+Jim Brown here is a secret to being successful. Marketing! After being able to breed and raise them properly, gotta sell them!
Jim Brown
Jim Brown - 6 years ago
I agree with you. I can tell that he's a rookie with discus breeding. After paying for food, water, and other expenses you're lucky to break even selling discus even if he makes a profit I guarantee it wont be much.
roger posada
roger posada - 9 years ago
Good info. My discus laid eggs a day and half ago so I'll have to wait and see if any hatch. I'll be following your guidelines on raising them. Thanks alot!
~Leedle~ - 10 years ago
Brilliant video, thanks sooooo much! :)
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 10 years ago
Nice informative video. Great work.
Asif Rafiq
Asif Rafiq - 8 years ago
Discus do etch
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 10 years ago
Great info loved it.

10. comment for How to Breed Discus/ Raising Discus Fry

Aaron Le
Aaron Le - 11 years ago
You have any fry for sale? thanks
Aaron Le
Aaron Le - 11 years ago
Great tips!! I'm trying to raise my 8 dime size, can you give me some advise? thank you.
coolguywithagirl - 11 years ago
Some of the weaker fry will die off just as every fish fry will dont stress over it if you cared for them well you should get like a 70-80% survival rate
mark quigley
mark quigley - 11 years ago
Do most of the baby's servie
Richards Aquarium
Richards Aquarium - 12 years ago
how long does it take a pair to pair up from a juvinile group ?
luke macaulay
luke macaulay - 12 years ago
im now breeding mine i got a couple of vids of my show tank. i setup a seperate tank for my pair and on the otherside of my divide in a 120ltr tank i got baby kribs and a couple of super red melon babys
JUNAID187 - 12 years ago
Also can you breed them in a 60l tank?
JUNAID187 - 12 years ago
Is it safe to keep Malaysian trumpet snails and cherry shrimps with their eggs?

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