How to Keep Discus 101 | The Basics (New Remake)
Discus 9 years ago 53,069 views
How to Keep Discus 101 | The Basics (New Remake) I've been wanting to remake this series and finally got around to doing it. Hope you enjoy the short and sweet version of how to keep Discus 101. Store - Facebook - Channel - Facebook - Referral - Intro by: Light's Arts Production
then temp. and food !
Simply Discus (online forum) has a list of ALL the best Discus suppliers . Kenny's Discus is at the top. All of my 13 Discus come from Kenny as well. Kenny is a very easy man to get along with. I have called him at 12:30 am before and he gets right back to me. Very good prices as well (an shipping).
My first batch of Discus fry was 38 years ago, I got way more money per fish then. Do not worry about the $ , just the fish. GOOD LUCK !!!!
10. comment for How to Keep Discus 101 | The Basics (New Remake)
Ph never check it
Food varied high protein 4 times a day
Grow out Juveniles in a bare bottom
Water changes daily to every other day for juveniles (more is better)
Tap water is FINE. Treat with Prime
Buy Fish from one supplier and never mix (or you will have dead fish)
Follow advice from someone who has OLD Discus
Read read read.
That's my advice and I have HUGE OLD DISCUS.
20. comment for How to Keep Discus 101 | The Basics (New Remake)
btw a forum treat is not a reference. its just ppl telling their opinion. according to the climate graphs, discus live in 26°C-28°C water in nature, that is is a reference. you can find climate graphs for any country and province in the world.
The reason why Discus are keept with high temperatures, is because of the fat in the meatheart, it is to hard under 29°C, discus cant digest it, and get sick.
40yrs ago ppl struggle to get proper food for their tropical fish, thats why they used beefheart, today its not necessary anymore.
I recomend you to keep your mind open, if anyone tells you something you dont belive, investigate by yourself and take a look at different sources. thats how become a pro some day.
30. comment for How to Keep Discus 101 | The Basics (New Remake)
How old is your oldest discus in a community setting?
they reach adulthood. According to their source:
a higher temperature for life, while speeding up their metabolism and making them reach a mature size faster, will in effect shorten their overall lifespan by a number of years.
Barring any 2nd hand information, have you learned anything significant from subjecting your Discus to any particular temperature ranges? I'm curious because a lower temperature could help widen the variety of compatible tank mates.
I haven't kept Discus long enough to say if the temp would affect their lifespan.
Looked like a little progress this morning with them getting a long so I'm gonna keep an eye on them for right now and I'll let you know what happens. Thanks for the help.
She interacted fine with her tank mates at the pet store. Do you think it would help adding a 3rd discus so a single one isn't taking the brunt of the aggression? I could add 1 more yet but that'd be it.
That could very well be the issue. It's a 55gal with 2 juveniles, but I plan to upgrade at whatever point in time I can manage to buy a house since they'll have to be moved at that time anyway. I am aware that they establish a pecking order and I'm no stranger to how that works as I've kept community female Betta tanks as well as worked with other territorial schooling fish like Zebra Danios. Usually there'd be a stand off between the fish, one would submit, it'd leave the area, then it'd be chased away if it got too close to the dominant's area. The new one is more than happy to get get out of her way but she chases him pretty relentlessly. I'm kinda stuck with them both at this point so what would be your suggestion. I kept being told always to buy at least 2 that it's cruel to keep a single discus by itself in a display tank so I resisted the urge to save money by only buying 1. The only advice I'd been given consistently regarding my tank for discus is to make sure they're roughly the same size and try not to get 2 males. I've tried my best to sex them to a degree of accuracy, though I got to say my Pigeon blood seemd perfectly content with the ram cichlids to keep her company. Since I wouldn't have room for an appropriated sized group of 5 schooling fish (3+ in as adults) I wanted to make sure I did get her a partner so everyone wouldn't spook quite so easily.
Congrats on yours, looking amazing
I already sub in your channel. Hope you visit mine soon. Have a nice day!
From ako
Btw, would you recommend purchasing wild caught Discus for a newb?