How to Treat sick Fish: How to spot internal parasites

GET AN AWESOME TANK! Treating a Sick Fish with Fin Rot Cyanobacteria, Species Sunday, How do you treat Cyanobacteria, New Goldfish! How to Treat Sick Fish. Treating sick fish with Malachite Green & Methyl Blue How To Treat Sick Fish With Metronidazole, Treating Goldfish with Metronidazole How to spot internal parasites is important because they are pretty had to treat. I have some old videos on how I battled with them. The problem is that once a fish stops eating, you are going to have one hell of a time treating the internal parasites (or any type of fish problems for that matter). If they are not eating, you are most likely screwed. The bigger issue with internal parasites in your fishtanks is that you have to get the medicine into the fish's system, the fish have to eat the medicine. If they aren't eating you are out of luck. So there are some things to look for. 1. Look for a bulge around the assof your fish. it should be smooth and not have bump on it. if you see a bulb or something sticking out of the assof your fish you might have a problem. 2. Also look for super skinny fish. 3. Your fish should have healthy looking poop. Not stringy looking poop. Stringy poop is a bad sign. Start treating right away if you see stringy poop. NEVER buy a fish with long stringy poop. The best move is to remove the infected fish so that you aren't risking all of your other fish in your fishtank. It sucks, but it's that or lose all of the rainbowfish I have in my 220. No thanks. For more on anything you want to know about aquariums check out Drop me a line or a comment. Ratings are fun too! Welcome to Dustin's Fish Tanks YouTube Channel. My channel is made for FISH TANK PEOPLE! I try to focus on Planted Aquariums, how to grow aquarium plants, dirt as the planted tank substrate and low light aquarium plants. Planted Tanks shouldn't be difficult. My goal is to make the planted aquarium hobby easy. "Planted Tanks Made Easy" Dustin's Fish Tanks. TANK ON! Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Instagram: Fish Tank People Social Community

How to Treat sick Fish: How to spot internal parasites sentiment_very_dissatisfied 35

Discus 13 years ago 31,120 views

GET AN AWESOME TANK! Treating a Sick Fish with Fin Rot Cyanobacteria, Species Sunday, How do you treat Cyanobacteria, New Goldfish! How to Treat Sick Fish. Treating sick fish with Malachite Green & Methyl Blue How To Treat Sick Fish With Metronidazole, Treating Goldfish with Metronidazole How to spot internal parasites is important because they are pretty had to treat. I have some old videos on how I battled with them. The problem is that once a fish stops eating, you are going to have one hell of a time treating the internal parasites (or any type of fish problems for that matter). If they are not eating, you are most likely screwed. The bigger issue with internal parasites in your fishtanks is that you have to get the medicine into the fish's system, the fish have to eat the medicine. If they aren't eating you are out of luck. So there are some things to look for. 1. Look for a bulge around the assof your fish. it should be smooth and not have bump on it. if you see a bulb or something sticking out of the assof your fish you might have a problem. 2. Also look for super skinny fish. 3. Your fish should have healthy looking poop. Not stringy looking poop. Stringy poop is a bad sign. Start treating right away if you see stringy poop. NEVER buy a fish with long stringy poop. The best move is to remove the infected fish so that you aren't risking all of your other fish in your fishtank. It sucks, but it's that or lose all of the rainbowfish I have in my 220. No thanks. For more on anything you want to know about aquariums check out Drop me a line or a comment. Ratings are fun too! Welcome to Dustin's Fish Tanks YouTube Channel. My channel is made for FISH TANK PEOPLE! I try to focus on Planted Aquariums, how to grow aquarium plants, dirt as the planted tank substrate and low light aquarium plants. Planted Tanks shouldn't be difficult. My goal is to make the planted aquarium hobby easy. "Planted Tanks Made Easy" Dustin's Fish Tanks. TANK ON! Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Instagram: Fish Tank People Social Community

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Most popular comments
for How to Treat sick Fish: How to spot internal parasites

Quackin Panda
Quackin Panda - 7 years ago
Gangster with a fishtank
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
I have been doing a bunch of Facebook LIVE as
it fits my quick style - Click here to follow me on Facebook:
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AquaWoman - 9 years ago
That fish had "bristle butt" or otherwise known as Camillarus worms. Prazi doesn't touch this worm. Tetra Parasite Guard has the medicine that CAN kill this parasite. There used to be a pig de wormer that also worked but it's super hard to get. Also, if one fish has this parasite others likely are infected as well. It can be brought in by snails, plants and other fish. Treat the entire tank if you see red thread like worms coming out of a Fish's vent.
Alberto Garcia
Alberto Garcia - 7 years ago
That's not the correct medication, the correct is levamisole. That medication is best for fin rot and ick, prazipro well kill eggs and external... If you catch it early you can kill it but it the anal area noticeably open TOSS THE FISH! Or suffer the consequences of the domino effect. Once you catch it early or remove fish treat ENTIRE tank with paraguard and prazipro starting with prazipro.... I know late response but post and response for new bees... Happy fishing!
AquaWoman - 8 years ago
+Christopher Jackson I would dose as directed on the box. Too risky to under-dose. You want those meds to work so give the full amount. Also replace any removed via water changes. I went through a small fortune in meds to cure mine but I only lost one fish to those nasty hard to treat parasites.
Christopher Jackson
Christopher Jackson - 8 years ago
+AquaWoman Thank you.  I am so OCD that I am trying to fight my urge to take out the Danio with the visible worms, to prevent others from being infected, but as we know I am sure all Danio's are infected, on top of the other fish.  Guess its the wait and see game.  I am now waiting 48 hours, then 50%-60%  water change/gravel siphon, then gonna do 2nd Parasite Guard dose, then wait 1 week and dose again, then dose again 1 more week later.  Did you notice any side effects?  my infected tank is my 20 gallon long (29 gallon seems safe so far) but I only dosed for 15 gallons (1 and 1/2 tablet) assuming I am treating per water volume and sure my plants, wood, decorations take up a good 15 gallon volume.  Was scared to possible overdose the meds with adding 2 full tablets for 20 gallons.
AquaWoman - 8 years ago
+AquaWoman oh and yes they should fall out.
AquaWoman - 8 years ago
+Christopher Jackson yes I have used it with success but it's never guaranteed. If yours are too far gone the internal damage may be too severe. These worms can eat out the entire inner lining of the digestive tract as well as damage other organs. I'd still treat though, it's worth a shot. Also, if it does work after 14 days dose Again with the same meds. Good luck! :)
Christopher Jackson
Christopher Jackson - 8 years ago
+AquaWoman Hello, have you used the Tetra Parasite Guard for the Camellanus Worms?  I have lost 3 Zebra Danios in past 3 weeks (#1 humped back with open sores on sides, #2 Open sores on sides, #3 Open sores on sides, severe wasting away, white stringy poo).  Originally had no idea what was going on, but 3 days ago finally saw the Camellanus worms sticking out of one Danios anus, so I am sure they all died the same way.  Just treated last night first dose of Parasite Guard.  So far I still see the worms sticking out of the one Danio's anus.  Should they fall out?
W. Ray C.
W. Ray C. - 10 years ago
people EDUCATE yourselves on these meds.... PRAZI kills only cestodes and trematodes... NO EFFECT on nematodes. Metro only treats protozoa and amoeba. Nematodes require specific meds... febendazole, levamisole, ivermectin et al. Using ineffective or inappropriate meds not only is waste of time and money but also prolongs suffering of your beloved pets. Please, educate yourselves. I didn't know either until I took the time to research it and yes I have ineffectively/inappropriately treated my fish as well. There is a learning curve involved. 
Bludworm - 11 years ago
No, "part of the game" is getting a quarantine tank and using it properly. By not using one you actually are "fucking around". Another "part of the game" is being able to identify a disease before it gets to the point of no return. Ignorant.
Death Cold
Death Cold - 11 years ago
LOL :) you talk about fish asses!
Death Cold
Death Cold - 11 years ago
LOL! I will not screwed the fish asses. LOL :)
LeonAxelLionHeart - 11 years ago
Well,my fish try's to eat,but since he isn't swimming right,he can't really reach the food.Is there any chance for him?
Tigel - 11 years ago
Help, I have a fish with a light pink but, he is eating fine and swimming fine, he has had this for a month or two. Does my fish have an internal parasite?

10. comment for How to Treat sick Fish: How to spot internal parasites

IHVHandmind - 11 years ago
Well aren't you just powerful and special lol
Shhawnyh - 11 years ago
i'm two years late but what about a quarantine tank?
Jonathan Cruz
Jonathan Cruz - 11 years ago
hey any experience with camillus worms? they are red worms sticking out the anus of the fish. should i just euthinise the fish? n clean the whole tank?
Christina Segundo
Christina Segundo - 11 years ago
lmao..i didnt know fish had asses now thats funny right there i dont care who you
carlatan - 11 years ago
what about if the poop is long and brown?
alex latvinsky
alex latvinsky - 11 years ago
my fish has white poop but its behavior is fine do u think white poop can be a sign of a parasite
Gianflavio - 12 years ago
my betta has parasites and i feel terrible i don't wanna kill him :(
jessica56786789 - 12 years ago
i know its sad and a fish can be saved but look when you have a big tank and have other fish and spent a lot of work on that tank u cant save one and end up losing half of your tank its better to lose one then to lose all
oghashlord - 12 years ago
I just got a 55 gal tank and put some fish in there to cycle it and get it ready for some oscars once the tank is established. I got some mollies, tiger barbs, black skirts etc to do the job. One of the black skirts died as well as one of the tiger barbs. Now a molly has some long stringy clear poop i removed it and put it down but im wondering if my tank is still has something in it and whether or not it will kill the rest of the fish in there. If so how would you reccomend to treat it??
Wans - 12 years ago

20. comment for How to Treat sick Fish: How to spot internal parasites

Tam Taram
Tam Taram - 13 years ago
@MriBackup It's annoying and sad when people don't care about their environment. One could blame the :government for screwing up education and attitude of people. Still it's annoying.
AquaJtang - 13 years ago
Damn that blows Dustin, sorry bout that. I lost my oldest Glowlight Tetra last night too. I had to freeze it last night.
J Dawg
J Dawg - 13 years ago
@MriBackup ur nNEVER supposed to take stuff out of aquariums and put it in lakes. even though this fish will probably die anyways, how do u think invasive species get started in non native habitats.
ThePencilShredder - 13 years ago
Dustin how do fish get internal parasites ? is there anything i can do to prevent it
FulRed - 13 years ago
I've had goldfish with internal parasites. It wiped out the whole tank, so yeah, when they get it, get the infected fish the hell out.
Richard B
Richard B - 13 years ago
feed some garlic to the others just to make sure they dont get it too.
foresaken797 - 13 years ago
i think i had that exact problem with a green glofish in one of my tanks yesterday. Didnt eat for a few days and started swimming funny so i had to get rid of him. : /
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 13 years ago
its the right move killing her though.... otherwise i lose way more fish....
InvisieMoto - 13 years ago
damn that sucks lol

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