How to care for discus fish
Discus 10 years ago 75,757 views
All the information in this video is what I find works for me it may not work for you just keep this in mind and feel free to ask questions. The reason behind my comment about ph is i use a Uv steriliser to kill off the increased bacteria load you find at a higher ph To see my sump setup click this link as filtration for discus has to be of the highest standard
I want to keep 4 discus with 2 angels , is this ok ?
How many discus i can have in 65 galons?
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This tank looks more amazing eveytime i see it. Can't believe how big scar is. I still think you should plant it. #paulneedsliveplants let's start a petition to get Paul planted guys. #IAA
I'm seeing a guy about closing the shop today as the guy who was going to buy it doesn't look like he is willing to put his hand in his pocket so I'll keep you informed on how that goes. Really looking forward to that but may arse will probably fall out when he tells me the associated costs, lol
I heard a great saying yesterday:
"Our ego is who we think we are but our character is who we really are"
There's many big egos and nasty characters in the detecting hobby but I suppose that is no different to any other hobby - there will always be total dongs in this world and all we can do is make sure we're not one of them, lol
1 drip acclimate them for 2 hours
2 separate them from other fish to reduce the stress
3 make sure they got plenty of hiding places
4 make sure you,ve done a water change just before you buy them to stop them going through another slight parameter swing
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