How to keep Cardinal Tetras: Species Sunday, Steve's Cardinal Tetras

GET AN AWESOME TANK! If you are looking for some BADASS Tetras, Check out our selection New Aquarium Setup, New Fish from Peru, Blood Fin Tetras No Maintenance Tank Update Adding Neon Tetras. The importance of adding fish slowly. Beginner Blunders...take your time adding fish Emperor Tetras. Keeping Emperor Tetras in a 40 gallon tank Cardinal Tetras, Species Sunday. I've never actually kept Cardinal Tetras, I have always gone for the Neons. I have done Rummy Nose with Neons and it was pretty sick back in college. I don't think that as long as I have ever known Steve he ever hasn't had Cardinal Tetras. Dudes always had them. Finding out my stupid Kodak HD was frozen 5 seconds before I headed over to his place also sucked...(that and I was a tad hung over from a buddy coming in from Cincy) Hope the iphone 5 vid off my wifes phone is alright...and for those of you just joining this wonderful party of fishtanks.... Welcome to Dustin's Fish Tanks YouTube Channel. My channel is made for FISH TANK PEOPLE! I try to focus on Planted Aquariums, how to grow aquarium plants, dirt as the planted tank substrate and low light aquarium plants. Planted Tanks shouldn't be difficult. My goal is to make the planted aquarium hobby easy. "Planted Tanks Made Easy" Dustin's Fish Tanks. TANK ON! Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Instagram: Aquarium Plants For Sale: Fish Tank People Social Community

How to keep Cardinal Tetras: Species Sunday, Steve's Cardinal Tetras sentiment_very_dissatisfied 19

Discus 11 years ago 24,551 views

GET AN AWESOME TANK! If you are looking for some BADASS Tetras, Check out our selection New Aquarium Setup, New Fish from Peru, Blood Fin Tetras No Maintenance Tank Update Adding Neon Tetras. The importance of adding fish slowly. Beginner Blunders...take your time adding fish Emperor Tetras. Keeping Emperor Tetras in a 40 gallon tank Cardinal Tetras, Species Sunday. I've never actually kept Cardinal Tetras, I have always gone for the Neons. I have done Rummy Nose with Neons and it was pretty sick back in college. I don't think that as long as I have ever known Steve he ever hasn't had Cardinal Tetras. Dudes always had them. Finding out my stupid Kodak HD was frozen 5 seconds before I headed over to his place also sucked...(that and I was a tad hung over from a buddy coming in from Cincy) Hope the iphone 5 vid off my wifes phone is alright...and for those of you just joining this wonderful party of fishtanks.... Welcome to Dustin's Fish Tanks YouTube Channel. My channel is made for FISH TANK PEOPLE! I try to focus on Planted Aquariums, how to grow aquarium plants, dirt as the planted tank substrate and low light aquarium plants. Planted Tanks shouldn't be difficult. My goal is to make the planted aquarium hobby easy. "Planted Tanks Made Easy" Dustin's Fish Tanks. TANK ON! Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Instagram: Aquarium Plants For Sale: Fish Tank People Social Community

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Most popular comments
for How to keep Cardinal Tetras: Species Sunday, Steve's Cardinal Tetras

El Diablo
El Diablo - 7 years ago
Why are you YELLING?
John Logan
John Logan - 8 years ago
Cardinal tetras are my favorite freshwater fish and have been since I was a kid. I currently keep a school of about 35 in a 65 gallon, planted community tank that is heated at 80 degrees. They are very hardy and live very long lives for me but they do require a well established tank with clean water (I never worry about the pH).
xSean145 - 8 years ago
Cardinals are more hardy when they are big than neons in my experiennce. But they also get way more lazy than neons.
pusc1f3r - 8 years ago
I agree I've had way more luck with cardinal tetras.
xSean145 - 8 years ago
What the hell is all that debris in the water?
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
I have been doing a bunch of Facebook LIVE as
it fits my quick style - Click here to follow me on Facebook:
And EVERY DAY I do 30 second
videos on Instagram: Click here to follow me on Instagram:
James Casswell
James Casswell - 9 years ago
cardinal tetras any day. it is however sometime quite good looking to have a mixed school of neons and cardinals.
Christine Kelley
Christine Kelley - 9 years ago
I prefer cardinal tetras. In my experience they are both crazy sensitive to everything. The most important thing is to have a well established tank (4-6 months) minimum. This will result in a 90 - 99% survival rate. I have always over planted and under fished my tanks and this always works in my experince.
Jamie Holloway
Jamie Holloway - 10 years ago
When you mean that neons are cold water do u mean like temps of
72 D - 76 D cos I keep all my tanks at 78 D and they all are really healthy
Jim Hande
Jim Hande - 7 years ago
Jamie Holloway
That's a good temp. Cardinals prefer 78+
jessepoopoo - 10 years ago
Steve. What light is on this tank!!!! I need it

10. comment for How to keep Cardinal Tetras: Species Sunday, Steve's Cardinal Tetras

Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
Actually they aren't from the amazon their from the rio negro river or something... Also u shld try to reduce the flow from that filter/powerhead thing :D
Hunter Grad
Hunter Grad - 11 years ago
they are from the orinoco river and the negro rivers.
dvdfrnzwbr - 11 years ago
Discus don't like fast current water. The FX5 on that tank moving 600 gallons per hour is to much.
Mr. Gilly
Mr. Gilly - 11 years ago
I like cards better. To me they seem a little more curious than the neons. I have 6 in my 10gal dirted tank
Weenie Hut Jr's
Weenie Hut Jr's - 9 years ago
it would be nice if places actually stocked them. one place I've ever found them and they looked like crap.
wjeon5000 - 11 years ago
lol did u not hear them well atm cardinals are very hard to breed in captivity so almost all of the cardinals in tanks are probably wild while neons have been tank lot
Melanie Simpson
Melanie Simpson - 11 years ago
Love your tank!! What exactly makes the cardinals harder to keep than the neons? Water quality? Temp? Thanks, the cardinals are really gorgeous!!
babecake - 11 years ago
I love and have CARDINAL tetras. Neons are just not pretty enough. I do have a question for you, have you ever had your cardinals breed? And if so, any special thought tips could really help out.
Anthony Falcone
Anthony Falcone - 11 years ago
O Canada
O Canada - 11 years ago
Sharfin Bean
Sharfin Bean - 11 years ago
Love your tank Steve, loving the cardinal tetras, got 6 a few months ago and doing great. I keep my temp up too cause I have a gold nugget pleco & angles so they love it together. Getting me somemore!

20. comment for How to keep Cardinal Tetras: Species Sunday, Steve's Cardinal Tetras

Ike D
Ike D - 11 years ago
What do u have in your tank that's making the water swirl like that
Melissa Morrison
Melissa Morrison - 11 years ago
Yay Cardinals! One of my favorite fish!
Freddy - 11 years ago
I love this aquarium! It's so nature looking :) and i love cardinal tetras!
John Smith
John Smith - 11 years ago
I like cardinals more also i can't ever find good neons
ShrampPlant9 - 11 years ago
take a look at my 5 gal planted tank with neons thanks
FishTankArmy - 11 years ago
Dustin, you should start filming with your iPhone instead of your camera because the iPhone has better video quality, you can edit your videos on the phone and can upload the videos directly from your phone. It's just a lot easier.
FreshwaterTanks - 11 years ago
FreshwaterTanks - 11 years ago
Cardinals! Since they school better and are way more active than neons I luv me
FreshwaterTanks - 11 years ago
Cardinals! They a
UhOhPopcorn - 11 years ago
Neons for sure. I run a ten gallon with eight of them currently. I used black gravel and a black backdrop, the contrast really makes their color pop, especially when they school.

30. comment for How to keep Cardinal Tetras: Species Sunday, Steve's Cardinal Tetras

Russ B.
Russ B. - 11 years ago
Hi guys I have 20 cardinal tetras in with rainbows in a 150 gallon tank all is well the and the tank is planted I've watched all your videos the posting a good job.
Supa Tanks
Supa Tanks - 11 years ago
+1 <3 Cardinal tetra
AZ Legend Adventures
AZ Legend Adventures - 11 years ago
IPhone 5 allot more clear than your other camera!
Peninsula Painting Projects
Peninsula Painting Projects - 11 years ago
Good vid. I personally like the Cardinal's more as when you buy them they are generally bigger than Neon's
Todd Matthews
Todd Matthews - 11 years ago
Great vid Dustin - as always. I've got Boesemani and Cardinals in separate tanks. I was going to consolidate them to one aquarium. Would I be feeding the Rainbowfish? The Boesemani don't eat my Cherry barbs... but they are a little fatter... What do yah think?
jrob9inson - 11 years ago
I don't worry about ph either. Steve knows how to get down. As long as you don't give the fish a massive shock they can survive in higher ph.
jrob9inson - 11 years ago
Lol, can I put some neons and tetras with my texas,salvini,and convict cichlids? Sike.....
Blake Mechtel
Blake Mechtel - 11 years ago
Cardinals better color
jordan Doria
jordan Doria - 11 years ago
Is this tank dirted and is the foreground plant dwarf hair grass?
Sc J
Sc J - 11 years ago
@rico suave why are neons a waste?
Fishie Friends
Fishie Friends - 11 years ago
In my experience (though this is only from a fish store perspective) the Neons have been a lot more resilient then the Cardinals. The Neons also seem to gain their colors much faster - the Cardinals haven't gotten the deep red for whatever reason. I've actually never owned either tetra, though had considered the Cardinals at one point but went with Rummynose (Hemigrammus bleheri) instead.
Stephen Hoeksema
Stephen Hoeksema - 11 years ago
Definatly cardinals
David McClelland
David McClelland - 11 years ago
THIS tank is so full of win it went on my Aquatics playlist
Christopher Reinert
Christopher Reinert - 11 years ago
cardinals from my experience more resilient to diseases
lumpy1space2princess - 11 years ago
I never kept cardinals, but my first time trying neons was TERRIBLE! I brought 3 and put them in my livebearer tank, one got diseased within Hours of being in there, he died the next day. The other two died of stress the following two days. However this was my first tank and overall the whole tank was a complete failure due to me sticking my hand in there to often.
KYfishguy - 11 years ago
Dustin, please figure out why fishtanktv chat is breaking down. People are typing things and they aren't being seen.
mokre łapska
mokre łapska - 11 years ago
Cardinal Absolutely.
airplanecity - 11 years ago
How many watts in that tank? I only see one light fixture.
Darlene Repash
Darlene Repash - 11 years ago
When given a choice I'll choose a farm raised fish over wild caught any day. I dont feel as comfortable keeping wild caught fish for my enjoyment.
Taigaboi - 11 years ago
I like cardinal tetras because they look better with that nice blue and red color, they school better and they are also getting a little bit bigger.

50. comment for How to keep Cardinal Tetras: Species Sunday, Steve's Cardinal Tetras

KYfishguy - 11 years ago
pay attention, he said he just cleaned the tank, herp a derp
Darren Arnett
Darren Arnett - 11 years ago
Nice Video. Cardinals are nice. Def better than neons. Imo The always look awesome in planted tanks.
Sharfin Bean
Sharfin Bean - 11 years ago
great information, dont have either but would like to try the cardinal tetras, I will check them out next fish store visit.
k9feces - 11 years ago
I thought they started breeding Cardinals and that's why there so cheap now
John Borges
John Borges - 11 years ago
Love your videos look forward to seeing them.
Sarai Pope
Sarai Pope - 11 years ago
I just realized that Steve and I have very similar tanks. Discus, Cardinals, Amano Shrimp, live plants. I can't wait until my plants grow to look that good.
eccanc - 11 years ago
I have always enjoyed seeing yours and Steve's neon tetra tanks. Always colorful and wonderfully planted. I have some neon tetras right now and enjoy watching them school. I have never had a cardinal tetra, but just recently I bought some black neon tetras and they are just great. Very peaceful and have a beautiful gold on top, black on the bottom strip going from head to tail. Have you ever had some of the Black Neon Tetras?
Stefan - 11 years ago
The discus doesnt look that happy...
Mathew Hirschbock
Mathew Hirschbock - 11 years ago
Peter Foerster
Peter Foerster - 11 years ago
I like personally like both but if i had to pick one i would pick the cardinal tetra because of the color. But they are both great fish and make great schooling fish. I have 5 neons and 4 cardinals, 1 electric glofish, 1 glofish, 1 clown loach, and 2 otocinclus, and 3 shrimp.
ZachZottoTV - 11 years ago
I like cardinal tetras more because of the color and the schooling that they do. Neons sometimes don't school because of being tank bred and such, and the color isn't all that great, but they are excellent beginner planted tank fish. I'm torn.
ZachZottoTV - 11 years ago
Is this tank dirted?
Alex Ayala
Alex Ayala - 11 years ago
the hotter the better so is 120 degrees fine for the cardinals
River Shark
River Shark - 11 years ago
I like the look of the cardinals over the neons. Never kept any myself but I might have to change that.
Bailey Everts
Bailey Everts - 11 years ago
I like cardinals much better than neons I think they look better and their behavior is more interesting to me
Rico Suave
Rico Suave - 11 years ago
Nooo neons are a waste of time and money.... can't wait to come across some cardinals
Kill Moves
Kill Moves - 11 years ago
Cardinals! They are more colorful and lively
Michael Halse
Michael Halse - 11 years ago
Looove Cardinals! I've actually had better luck keeping Cardinals over Neons.
Celestial - 11 years ago
What is the best Heater? Also, wonderful tank.
Andrew Finlay
Andrew Finlay - 11 years ago
Aw I wish you should us the baby discus or are they even still alive?
NebSegdoh - 11 years ago
same comment as always nice video and always good info. you rock Dustin.
JonD - 11 years ago
Do you know much about Congo tetras? they are bad ass
davosat - 11 years ago
Cardinals are way nicer, neons have too much of a white color.
Scales13 - 11 years ago
never had cardinals but I.have had neons love em no heat required eat anything amd.just need.good.clean water and.a stable tank, will die a.bacteria outbreak but theres way to peevent that
Andys Aquatics Inkbull
Andys Aquatics Inkbull - 11 years ago
axelrod brought back the cardinal as giant neons if you can get them to breed in captivity your a god in this hobby
TheAnimeGuy - 11 years ago
Royal Pleco :D
Robert Jango
Robert Jango - 11 years ago
Thanks for mentioning the export industry. The push to conserve the land in Brazil is called Project Piaba. and behind this effort is Scott Dowd - director of the New England Aquarium freshwater division. . Cardinals are the perfect export fish - they replenish themselves every year despite the fact that millions of fish are caught annually. Unfortunately not all species are so prolific. Some Stingrays, for example are being harvested to the point of extinction.
O Canada
O Canada - 11 years ago
If it were all about looks I'd go Cardinals 100%, but I actually own a school of Neons because they are a hardier fish.
emazingjodaan - 11 years ago
I prefer cardinals over the neons but yes they are a little more advanced fish. But the work is worth it cuz they have more color
Leng Yang
Leng Yang - 11 years ago
What kind of plant is that behind the dwarf hairgrass? That slightly longer blade one about 5-6 inches tall... is that blyxa japonica???
HybridHerps - 11 years ago
because neons are so overbred in captivity, they tend to be a weaker fish imho If you find tank breed cardinal tetras, I'd go for them in a heart beat (unless of course you prefer the look of neons). I do notice though that cardinals get a bit more size to them than neons. If that's a problem, green neons are a micro species that are smaller than neons and cardinals and also are nice fish. Those I believe are hardier fish.
HybridHerps - 11 years ago
Anyone else remember when albino neon tetras where a thing? I haven't seen those in YEARSSSSSSSSS. Also, I want green neons at some point.
AllYouHearIsSwoosh - 11 years ago
i wish i had a hobby buddy like steve :(
Mister Chau
Mister Chau - 11 years ago
Dustin you should gave infos on life spans on fishes too when u do species sundays on fishes. I would like to know about cardinals abit more i had neons they didnt last for to long so ill go with cardinals if i had too
Dopemop - 11 years ago
Neon's but Black Skirt's are my favorite.
Kevin Beckford
Kevin Beckford - 11 years ago
fishtank tv chat is down, fix it or make me a mod
TM Aquariums
TM Aquariums - 11 years ago
Steve needs to go large with a 220 of his own. Nice video Dustin.
Koebel_7 - 11 years ago
Cardinal tetras cause they are a great schooling fish plus they look sweet!
Trena Marie
Trena Marie - 11 years ago
I can not keep Neon's alive for anything. But with Cardinals I have no issues... Great species Sunday.
FishTankArmy - 11 years ago
You should do an update on all of your tanks and pond for video 800.
snakehead36 - 11 years ago
Tank on!
jeremiemcd - 11 years ago
Cards all the way:)
AquariumGrownPlants - 11 years ago
Cards are my favorite. Have some neons in with them temp at 80 both doing great school together nicely
Marcel Klip
Marcel Klip - 11 years ago
When are you going to start a reef aquarium, I would like to see that.
KYfishguy - 11 years ago
fttv chat is broke please fix
fishcareforfish - 11 years ago
Cool thanks :)
Brad Turner
Brad Turner - 11 years ago
FIRST VIEW!!! I AM A WINNER!!!! But the tank. looks. sick. I'm setting up a plant in a few weeks and you guys are helping a bunch.

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