How to make Discus fish food - Beefheart / Porkheart mix

Today I made some fish food for my Discus! Homemade food is great because it is cheap and you know exactly what you get - DIY for the win! Search for 'Discus Newbies' on Facebook and join the group for more discus 'stuff' Discus Beefheart (or Porkheart) base recipe • 500g beef or pork heart • 100g prawns • 100g mussels • 100g cod fillet • 100g salmon fillet • 100g Curly Kale or Spinach (wilted) • 2 cloves garlic • 1 egg • 1 banana • 2 tea spoons of paprika powder (Do not use if you have white or yellow fish) • 5ml cod liver oil • 2ml Abidec (Children’s multivitamin - drops rather than syrup) If possible get your butcher to mince the heart once they have removed ALL fat & veins. If you’re doing it yourself remove ALL fat & veins from heart and cut into cubes. At this point I place some egg crate in an old ice cream tub, put the mince on top and let the blood / moisture drain for 24 – 48 hours. Blitz all other ingredients in a food processor or mince, and then mix well with the meat. Then mix some more. When you think you’ve mixed enough mix for twice as long again. Place in freezer bags and roll out to about 1cm thick then place in the freezer – then you can just break off chunks as required. My number 1 tip is to get all the ingredients as dry as possible before you start. Also the measurements or ingredients given are not exact or rigid – I’ll often use more prawns and or ditch the mussels, or throw in extras if I have them around like decapsulated brine shrimp, spirulina powder, flake, tomato puree, peas, carrots, courgettes etc.

How to make Discus fish food - Beefheart / Porkheart mix sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

Discus 10 years ago 19,561 views

Today I made some fish food for my Discus! Homemade food is great because it is cheap and you know exactly what you get - DIY for the win! Search for 'Discus Newbies' on Facebook and join the group for more discus 'stuff' Discus Beefheart (or Porkheart) base recipe • 500g beef or pork heart • 100g prawns • 100g mussels • 100g cod fillet • 100g salmon fillet • 100g Curly Kale or Spinach (wilted) • 2 cloves garlic • 1 egg • 1 banana • 2 tea spoons of paprika powder (Do not use if you have white or yellow fish) • 5ml cod liver oil • 2ml Abidec (Children’s multivitamin - drops rather than syrup) If possible get your butcher to mince the heart once they have removed ALL fat & veins. If you’re doing it yourself remove ALL fat & veins from heart and cut into cubes. At this point I place some egg crate in an old ice cream tub, put the mince on top and let the blood / moisture drain for 24 – 48 hours. Blitz all other ingredients in a food processor or mince, and then mix well with the meat. Then mix some more. When you think you’ve mixed enough mix for twice as long again. Place in freezer bags and roll out to about 1cm thick then place in the freezer – then you can just break off chunks as required. My number 1 tip is to get all the ingredients as dry as possible before you start. Also the measurements or ingredients given are not exact or rigid – I’ll often use more prawns and or ditch the mussels, or throw in extras if I have them around like decapsulated brine shrimp, spirulina powder, flake, tomato puree, peas, carrots, courgettes etc.

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Most popular comments
for How to make Discus fish food - Beefheart / Porkheart mix

Stan TheObserver
Stan TheObserver - 6 years ago
Why not gelatin mixed to make it last longer unthawed? Flat pieces will last for a week in the fridge- held together by the gelatin. I used straight beefheart for decades in gelatin. I bought live Brine and Worms also.
One I made using supermarket dried shrimp mixed in? Fish wouldn't eat it. Tossed that out. FRESH shrimp they love.
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 6 years ago
Yes, gelatin will work too. I just liked to make big batches and freeze it.
Hassan Tariq
Hassan Tariq - 7 years ago
Hi Bro..your recipe is great,gonna try it today..Just 1 question about feeding this food to discus in planted tank?
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 7 years ago
I fed this in a planted tank. The main issue with a planted tank is making sure uneaten food is taken out, or doesnt get lost in amongst the plants. I used to switch filter off so it wasnt blown around while they fed.
aditya dixit
aditya dixit - 8 years ago
whats the shelf life of food?
aditya dixit
aditya dixit - 8 years ago
Thank you.
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 8 years ago
Well, I make up batches and freeze 3 months worth.
DebTim A CANADIAN Girl - 8 years ago
Hi Newbie.. I think this will be good for my angels as well.. I subbed.. come check out my channel as well.. Love meeting fish keepers!
DebTim A CANADIAN Girl - 8 years ago
Thanks so much! I'm going to make this up.
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 8 years ago
It should work well for them! I checked out your channel and subbed too!
Watch it
Watch it - 9 years ago
Love the mix bruv and thanks for the video. Just wanted to know the exact amounts like in grams/pounds of each ingredient used in your mix if that's ok with you. You know like the spirulina, vitamins, paprika etc. Subbed your channel. look forward to a reply. Would be great. Nice choice of music. Later.
Aquarium Adventures
Aquarium Adventures - 9 years ago
+Watch it I've put the base recipe in the description, I will normally add some calcium carbonate, whey protein and probiotics but these are not essential

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