How to remove Gravel from an Aquarium. Easy way to remove substrate

Gravel out of your Aquarium? Not a problem. This is how I get gravel or any kind of a substrate out of my aquariums. I use a Dust Pan to get the gravel out of my Fishtanks. Shocker i know! GET AN AWESOME TANK! If you want the Dirted Tank guide ;) Planted Tank Substrate the Dirt Difference in the Planted tank. Half dirt, have gravel. What kind of gravel to use in a planted fishtank? Different gravel sizes, cool gravel tip Planted aquarium substrate & gravel design. 2 different types (2 of 4) How I Would Aquascape a 10 Gallon Planted Aquarium Planted Aquarium Substrate. How to Setup a Planted Tank Using Dirt as your Planted Aquarium Substrate. How to easily remove gravel from an aquarium. Stupid simple trick that I figured I might as well share with you all on Friday. Fired up to be a year into doing what I have wanted to do for a living since I think I was about 14 years old. THANK YOU everyone who has supported me with this little adventure, it has been a great year and I am thrilled about the future. So yeah- the white pool filter sand wasn't really cutting it for me with the tv tank. The sand is both too easy to be moved by goldfish and I don't like the way that dark goldfish poop looks over white. Black gravel it is, I also will be using a larger grade of gravel then the sand so the plants will be less disturbed when the goldfish inevitably pick at them. Welcome to Dustin's Fish Tanks YouTube Channel. My channel is made for FISH TANK PEOPLE! I try to focus on Planted Aquariums, how to grow aquarium plants, dirt as the planted tank substrate and low light aquarium plants. Planted Tanks shouldn't be difficult. My goal is to make the planted aquarium hobby easy. "Planted Tanks Made Easy" Dustin's Fish Tanks. TANK ON! Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Instagram: Fish Tank People Social Community

How to remove Gravel from an Aquarium. Easy way to remove substrate sentiment_very_dissatisfied 46

Discus 10 years ago 37,315 views

Gravel out of your Aquarium? Not a problem. This is how I get gravel or any kind of a substrate out of my aquariums. I use a Dust Pan to get the gravel out of my Fishtanks. Shocker i know! GET AN AWESOME TANK! If you want the Dirted Tank guide ;) Planted Tank Substrate the Dirt Difference in the Planted tank. Half dirt, have gravel. What kind of gravel to use in a planted fishtank? Different gravel sizes, cool gravel tip Planted aquarium substrate & gravel design. 2 different types (2 of 4) How I Would Aquascape a 10 Gallon Planted Aquarium Planted Aquarium Substrate. How to Setup a Planted Tank Using Dirt as your Planted Aquarium Substrate. How to easily remove gravel from an aquarium. Stupid simple trick that I figured I might as well share with you all on Friday. Fired up to be a year into doing what I have wanted to do for a living since I think I was about 14 years old. THANK YOU everyone who has supported me with this little adventure, it has been a great year and I am thrilled about the future. So yeah- the white pool filter sand wasn't really cutting it for me with the tv tank. The sand is both too easy to be moved by goldfish and I don't like the way that dark goldfish poop looks over white. Black gravel it is, I also will be using a larger grade of gravel then the sand so the plants will be less disturbed when the goldfish inevitably pick at them. Welcome to Dustin's Fish Tanks YouTube Channel. My channel is made for FISH TANK PEOPLE! I try to focus on Planted Aquariums, how to grow aquarium plants, dirt as the planted tank substrate and low light aquarium plants. Planted Tanks shouldn't be difficult. My goal is to make the planted aquarium hobby easy. "Planted Tanks Made Easy" Dustin's Fish Tanks. TANK ON! Click here to subscribe for more great videos every week ! Support your boy! Check out my Aquarium Plants and Aquarium Stuff for sale! Free Top 10 Planted Tank Secrets on website: Facebook: Instagram: Fish Tank People Social Community

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Most popular comments
for How to remove Gravel from an Aquarium. Easy way to remove substrate

Guppy Gal & Tanzie the Ragdoll
Guppy Gal & Tanzie the Ragdoll - 7 years ago
Thank you so much! I came here looking for a secret and you showed me I got my dust pan and draining my tank seeing if it's going to work thumbs up thank you so much
vinod bhatia
vinod bhatia - 7 years ago
Glad i found this video right now. I have a 70 gal established tank for over a year now with 0 nitrites and 0 ammonia but the nitrates always always remain high close to 60-80 ppm & showing up red blood colored on the test kit last night. I have 2 huge canister filters running on the tank too. The substrate is while pool filter sand and is more than inch at many places.
I am planning to remove the substrate completely and go bare bottom
I am planning to do massive 50% water changes
I am planning to clean up both the canister filters
Please please guide me on steps or order for how to go about the above steps and if anything more I need to do.
Sports 24/7!!
Sports 24/7!! - 7 years ago
This is super late but for the canister just rinse it with water you removed for water change.
D Leal
D Leal - 7 years ago
does pool filter sand allow for plant growth??
Sheba Alexander
Sheba Alexander - 7 years ago
my newts and salamanders just had babies so I'm using your wisdom to set up my amphibian aquascape I need to get some of your supplies. Do you have a spot I can purchase from in NC I'm close to rally and I really need a supplier without limits in arm reach. Im a herper and beginner in tank custoumization so know that your wisdom is greatly appreciated over here if you have someone to connect me with down here that would be awesome
Sheba Alexander
Sheba Alexander - 7 years ago
thank you for all the advice I'm one of your subscribers and I watch your videos everyday you've saved me from so much headache I want to order stuff from you I reside in NC close to Raleigh and I wanna be able to come pick up as needed supplies to right now Im working on a planted tank for salamanders and newts
cutie pie
cutie pie - 7 years ago
dusty' s dust pan.
Ron Riggs
Ron Riggs - 7 years ago
ya mean...mudding the tank?
Purple Candy
Purple Candy - 8 years ago
nice intro so energetic
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 8 years ago
I have been doing a bunch of Facebook LIVE as
it fits my quick style - Click here to follow me on Facebook:
And EVERY DAY I do 30 second
videos on Instagram: Click here to follow me on Instagram:

10. comment for How to remove Gravel from an Aquarium. Easy way to remove substrate

Lee Bird Jenkins
Lee Bird Jenkins - 8 years ago
can i use a shop vac to suck up gravel, or do yall think it would mess up the shop vac?
•You A Big Baka•
•You A Big Baka• - 9 years ago
i dont know why.. but looking at his face somehow reminded me.. of eminem ._. ... srsly dont know why.. .. oh sht.. even the way he talks soo fast o-o
Courtney Street
Courtney Street - 9 years ago
+•Darsu• :D
•You A Big Baka•
•You A Big Baka• - 9 years ago
:P ... well i guess we r all weirdoes afterall  c:
Courtney Street
Courtney Street - 9 years ago
I see what your talking about. it's weird but I totally get it.....guess I'm weird lol

Will the real Slim Shady please stand up? ha ha
Tammy H.
Tammy H. - 9 years ago
I like the tv tank but eek wearing headphones and hearing sand scrape was like a nails on chalkboard experience. I am learning a lot from your vids and want to do a dirted tank soon when I can get some stuff together.
Basho - 9 years ago
Thanks D, the dust-pan trick sounds good, i will give it a try on my next wc.
Harvey Williams
Harvey Williams - 9 years ago
You have been watching the TV show Tanked to much with that Old Floor Model TV  as a tank,LOL,,U DA MAN DUSTIN,,Luv all ur vids,,,Also, thanks for this vid, it realy helped...
James Brine
James Brine - 9 years ago
Lol love the wu tang references.
Martin Ryan
Martin Ryan - 10 years ago
I literally could only watch the first 5 seconds....That. F***ing. Voice.
Wezilla - 10 years ago
OMG bye bye window scratch !!!!!
Wezilla - 10 years ago
I do not like fine gravel coz scratch on the window...even on careful... I prefer smooth pebble gravel no sharp point...
Ron Bows
Ron Bows - 10 years ago
Are you making a living with the Fish Business? You said you quit your job and are doing it full time! Please explain, just curious!

(Retired) Disabled Veteran

20. comment for How to remove Gravel from an Aquarium. Easy way to remove substrate

MrBooboonator - 10 years ago
sooooooooooooooooo wtf do we do if the bitch is dirted and sand on top?
MrBooboonator - 10 years ago
wait you quit ur job to do fishtank stuff but ur in a tie do to work?
Grace Walton-Girle
Grace Walton-Girle - 9 years ago
He sells plants and ebooks, but youtube probably pays him a little
WickedLumina - 10 years ago
Wow.... To bad I dint watch this earlier
cdr 1986
cdr 1986 - 10 years ago
I love when you give it to us raw! Dustpan good tips!!
ARGnasher - 10 years ago
Something so simple it gets overlooked. I'll be sure to remember this the next time I switch out some substrate, thanks for the tip.
TheGuitarplyr23 - 10 years ago
Or u could use a shop vac its much faster and easy 
Hmoob Thor
Hmoob Thor - 10 years ago
How to remove sand from an aquarium..
AnnaBananaoh11 - 10 years ago
I figured the dust-pan thing out last week not for gravel tho. I was re-sealing an aquarium and used it to scoop up all the seal/caulk i scrapped off on the bottom ;)
Fusion Exotics
Fusion Exotics - 10 years ago
Easiest way to remove substrate is with a wet/dry shop vac
Maurice Aquariums
Maurice Aquariums - 10 years ago
Yo Dustin. We know you're the Hip Hop master. Drop those lyrics like its hot. Lol. Thank you for the tip. I have a 4ft tank with gravel in it, but I want to dirt it. This was a great helpful vid. Tank on bro.

30. comment for How to remove Gravel from an Aquarium. Easy way to remove substrate

HybridHerps - 10 years ago
I like draining out substrate when draining water, but this works well too.
calzaggii22 - 10 years ago
Dropping those lyrics Dustin! Haha. Can't wait to start my first planted tank ;)
Cody - 10 years ago
i finally found one of these TVs! it needs alittle work tho :(
samueljames - 10 years ago
Hey  Dustin you should do more little videos randomly during the week like this, just little updates on what youre doing.  Tank on brother!
0 - 10 years ago
I got the girls u bust out the mud ,,, and we make them fight ,,, I rather use jello or foam,, but your calling the shots, ,, snoop dog 3 & 2 da 4 , come knocking on my door,,,, I wish u would of finish rapping ,, the snoop dog ,, song ,, I haven't heard dat since 1997 ,, tank on
dfunkt - 10 years ago
awesome tip, i am sure it will be extremely helpful sometime in the future (near?).  in fact, on that tip tip (lol), i have to move my 2 tanks to a new apartment in a couple i need to completely take everything out?  i was thinking to put my fish in a 5 gallon bucket, take all the water out,leave the substrate and plants and hardscape, shrinkwrap the tanks and the stands (each has its own) into one single "unit", and then pick up each unit manually to set onto a flat cart/van/ultimate destination.  does this sound stupid?  :-s  lol, i hate the idea of having to get started again from scratch.

Tim Lucas
Tim Lucas - 10 years ago
Dustin you should put an Oranda goldfish in that tank!!!!! =D
Travis Trout
Travis Trout - 10 years ago
I've used the dust pan as well, it works pretty good.
TheAngry Fishman
TheAngry Fishman - 10 years ago
Sweet man thanks for the tip
paducahFishFan - 10 years ago
First thing...  thanks for subbing my channel.  You were the inspiration that got me back into the hobby after leaving it for 20 years.

Second thing...  GET A WET-DRY SHOP VAC.  Get a nice big one.  It will be the BEST money you will ever spend if your tank leaks OR if you want to easily change out substrate.

Nice tie.  =)
Kyle Stich
Kyle Stich - 10 years ago
I use the same thing. A wet dry shop vac works amazing. Once you drain most of the water and start using the vac it only takes 5 mins to have all of the substrate out of your tank.
Wilson Tan
Wilson Tan - 10 years ago
thats how you sratch the glass
Rachel La
Rachel La - 9 years ago
yeah on the bottom where no one can see it
Keoni - 10 years ago
+Wilson Tan yea i understand you . lol dustin probably just got a sppre 10 gallon from his garage sitting around .
Wilson Tan
Wilson Tan - 10 years ago
Oh well thats him. Im standing from a general point. Some people have cade aquariums taht costs 100s of dollers. 
Keoni - 10 years ago
+Wilson Tan hes only viewing from the front of that tv tank so it does not matter!!!
Wilson Tan
Wilson Tan - 10 years ago
He swiped it on the sides, Don't talk back please. You can hear the scrape, it dosen;t matter if the tank is 10 years old like that, but cade aquariums you will never do that. 
9929kingfish - 10 years ago
Only if you swipe it up the sides. The bottom glass does not matter if scratched a little
DarkUmbreon - 10 years ago
I hate the sound gravel makes when you scrape it, makes my ears hurt. One of my reasons I hate completely cleaning a tank.
Johanan Micaiah
Johanan Micaiah - 10 years ago
Most of the time u will never have to though
Rice Scapes
Rice Scapes - 10 years ago
great idea, i usually syphon it out if its fairly light such as sand or some other substrates out there. drain the water back into the tank until the process is complete. this is best if your only taking out from a smaller tank as it will take way to long in larger tanks (in my experience)
IkonGod - 10 years ago
i use a giant fish net. lets the water drain out of the gravel and works :o) Thank you for the vids Dustin. I enjoy them.
Tidal Flux
Tidal Flux - 10 years ago
looking forward to it. Going to do a fancy goldfish aquascape and im waiting on your results (:
patrick cogley
patrick cogley - 10 years ago
Thanks for dressing up for us!
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 10 years ago
it is the least I can do for you Patrick
StewMM - 10 years ago
Can't wait for Sunday!

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