How to set up a Nature Aquarium - Steven's Aquascaper 600

How to set up a Nature Aquarium planted tank aquascape using an Aquascaper 600. This aquarium was aquascaped for my friend, Steven. It's a classic Nature Aquarium style aquascape and I'm really excited to see how it develops. Stay tuned for future updates! Where I get most of my aquascaping stuff - Follow my aquascaping journey... Instagram Facebook Twitter UKAPS (superb resource for hobbyists) KEEP ON SCAPING T SHIRTS NOW AVAILABLE!!

How to set up a Nature Aquarium - Steven's Aquascaper 600 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 7

Discus 7 years ago 8,872 views

How to set up a Nature Aquarium planted tank aquascape using an Aquascaper 600. This aquarium was aquascaped for my friend, Steven. It's a classic Nature Aquarium style aquascape and I'm really excited to see how it develops. Stay tuned for future updates! Where I get most of my aquascaping stuff - Follow my aquascaping journey... Instagram Facebook Twitter UKAPS (superb resource for hobbyists) KEEP ON SCAPING T SHIRTS NOW AVAILABLE!!

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Most popular comments
for How to set up a Nature Aquarium - Steven's Aquascaper 600

Bert Shackleford
Bert Shackleford - 7 years ago
Watching you scape these tanks is a relaxing experience my friend.

I often find myself re-watching your scaping videos to help alleviate the any stress when I don't find myself around an actual planted tank to observe. There's just something cathartic about staring into a nicely planted tank with fish, that soothes the soul.

The combination of fluid motion and sound have already been scientifically proven to reduce daily stressors in one's life. Planted aquariums capture this effect in whole and help introduce those "feel-good chemicals" such as dopamine to the body - thereby helping to alleviate stress in some individuals.

On a side note - I think a fun scaping experiment would be the involvement of kids. Take your average sandbox that children often play in and add some wood and rocks off to the side. Tell the children to scape the sandbox using those items set off to the side and see what their limitless imagination creates. You could have a BBQ and invite your friends w/ kids over and let them loose. I'm sure some inspiration will transpire in no time.

Keep up the good work my friend.
Zubair Fish Man
Zubair Fish Man - 7 years ago
Nice tank ;)
Keith Bratley
Keith Bratley - 7 years ago
Hey George, does evolutionaqua ship to the us?
Kit Chan
Kit Chan - 7 years ago
How often do you change soils? Once a year?
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Anything from 6 months to a few years. Depends on what scape I’m redoing
Pet Zone
Pet Zone - 7 years ago
looks great, George!
Ryan Brown
Ryan Brown - 7 years ago
Great content as always! Cam you give us an update of the budget tank? Also if you are eve in the Seattle area you should be on the real fish talk its a cool channel for sure. Thanks George
John Pfister
John Pfister - 7 years ago
Do you not wet the soil before you plant?
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Not now. It’s a new technique to me but works very well!
Vinnie Judilla
Vinnie Judilla - 7 years ago
Looks great George.. Would love to see updates on this and other recent scapes. Keep up the beautiful work
ajr13 - 7 years ago
can't wait for the update..!!
no joke

10. comment for How to set up a Nature Aquarium - Steven's Aquascaper 600

Dave Panther
Dave Panther - 7 years ago
What’s the light unit on the tank George ?
Dave Panther
Dave Panther - 7 years ago
George Farmer I get my plants delivered from there and saw the lights on the website
Will be ordering from them as the plants have all been superb ..
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Yes, great lights! Look into buying from Aquarium Gardens. If you’re interested I also do aquascaping installation and training.
Dave Panther
Dave Panther - 7 years ago
Thanks for the info .. would u recommend them ?
Planning on purchasing the 600 or 900 aquarium and stand in the next month or so ..
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Twinstar 600S
Dennis Binkhorst
Dennis Binkhorst - 7 years ago
Really, 2 downvotes?

I'd like to see the reason for those.
Dave87 - 7 years ago
Nice one
John Formstone
John Formstone - 7 years ago
Great looking scape George! I,m looking forward to seeing how the hydrocotyle verticulata grows in, could be a contender for my new, upcoming scape.
david clayton
david clayton - 7 years ago
Nice scape. Why don’t you put the filter pipework on the back so it’s not direct at the front of the tank?
david clayton
david clayton - 7 years ago
George Farmer okay makes sense. Thank you.
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
The stems will fill the background and obstruct flow as well as look ugly being “blown” over
JsAquaStuff - 7 years ago
George your videos are always great. I'm glad I'm here early because your channel is going to explode this year I can see it now. Love ya George keep them coming! <3
James Sheen
James Sheen - 7 years ago
Great video George, one of your best. You seem to always cover so much information that includes beginner as well as more advanced but without losing the overall feel of the video. Favourite part of this scape is the wood and I am looking forward to seeing the Hydrocotyle verticillata grow in, I've used that plant once before and it's very under used in my view.
Andy Gustafson
Andy Gustafson - 7 years ago
Awesome video! So glad I found your channel. Touching on the filtration and co2 setup on future build videos would be appreciated, thanks
Harrison von Bose
Harrison von Bose - 7 years ago
New subscriber here. Really impressed with your work. Not just with the tanks, but with managing your page and everything. Excellent job. All this is so inspirational. Thanks for plugging local stores!
Jose Antonio Rodriguez
Jose Antonio Rodriguez - 7 years ago
What is the best substrate for set up with carpeting that also can last long in the tank?

20. comment for How to set up a Nature Aquarium - Steven's Aquascaper 600

AQUADESIGN - 7 years ago
Nice video George. As always, you make aquascaping simple. I now call it the George Farmer style, can always recognize one of your aquascapes.
Ryo Watanabe
Ryo Watanabe - 7 years ago
I love the scape George :)
Dean Robinson
Dean Robinson - 7 years ago
Great looking setup
Elek Farkas
Elek Farkas - 7 years ago
The hardscape is brilliant! I'm the fan of the total plant composition - no favorite. ;)
All your tanks are inspiring, but I would like to see a video out of your comfort zone.
PosAqua - 7 years ago
Dear George,
You are such a huge Inspiration for me that I finally could create an Aquarium , it was my long waited dream. I made a video about it you can find it on my Channel , please check it out and comment your criticism/opinion under the video , it would mean so much for me to know What you think about it ! I Hope u like it :)
Sajid Mohamed
Sajid Mohamed - 7 years ago
Hi George, After planting what did you spray on it ? Is it any fertilizer ?
Priten Patel
Priten Patel - 7 years ago
Sajid Mohamed it’s just water to keep the plants from drying out until the tank is filled with water.
Saifullah Sufri
Saifullah Sufri - 7 years ago
Luke Johnston
Luke Johnston - 7 years ago
Nice one George! I like it
Gamer Lady Jules
Gamer Lady Jules - 7 years ago
This is great though I would have liked to have seen more detail on exactly what glass and co2 equipment you used at the end of the video.

Thank you.
Johny Chris
Johny Chris - 7 years ago
Hi am a beginner in planted tank from india...

Am using,,
3feet tank..
2*50w Led light..
Aquatic remidies fertilizer / dosing once a week after water change..
Diy co2 system..
Its a dutch style ...
My plants have came well but its causing slight green hair algae...

What might be the problem ?
And how to recover from this?
Do the needfull..

30. comment for How to set up a Nature Aquarium - Steven's Aquascaper 600

Mark Sutton
Mark Sutton - 7 years ago
Hiya Georgie, that’s a nice scape!
ADA Aquascaping Design Arts
ADA Aquascaping Design Arts - 7 years ago
Thanks my friend George
Krisping - 7 years ago
Absolutely love your videos! Keep on scaping ;)
Mark Wakefield
Mark Wakefield - 7 years ago
I loved this video and scape. Subscribed.
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Thanks Mark!
George Liston
George Liston - 7 years ago
Your videos are amazing !
Jurijs Jutjajevs
Jurijs Jutjajevs - 7 years ago
Really good one! Love your videos and I need one of those colanders!
Robert Fletcher
Robert Fletcher - 7 years ago
About the same but mine is white. Any of those cheap shops should have them.
Jurijs Jutjajevs
Jurijs Jutjajevs - 7 years ago
Robert Fletcher exact same like George his colander?
Robert Fletcher
Robert Fletcher - 7 years ago
I bought one yesterday from The Toolbox in Bedworth for £1.99. Going to start on my 350 cube for the shrimp.
jon james
jon james - 7 years ago
Such a beautiful aquascape George, very Zen. How can I choose a special plant with such a great choice.
Professor Aquaria
Professor Aquaria - 7 years ago
I've been following your setups for quite some time and have found inspiration in them. I've been doing aqua scaping for a few years now and have hosted a few workshops. The Aqua scaping scene in South Africa is still in its infancy but more people are getting into it. Thanks for being an example of what's possible. Keep scaping!
N HatGuy
N HatGuy - 7 years ago
what size are those lily pipes?
N HatGuy
N HatGuy - 7 years ago
George Farmer feels a bit big for the tank
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
ADU Aquascaping
ADU Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Dude we must be on the same wavelength. My scape is going to very similar to this one minus the Manzanita. Crypts, Monte, Hairgrass, Tropica soil. Even bought an inline dimmer for my Twinstar E series. I am using the George Farmer method for my next setup. Stay tuned. Thanks for the video. Great content and editing.
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
larry the lion fish
larry the lion fish - 7 years ago
Another quality upload.
Shiera Seastar
Shiera Seastar - 7 years ago
Samyukth Samyukth
Samyukth Samyukth - 7 years ago
Whats the total cost for this scaping ?
Samyukth Samyukth
Samyukth Samyukth - 7 years ago
Thanks sir.
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Around £1200 for everything
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan
Clearwater Beach Home search Merry Donovan - 7 years ago
You're a true artist George
Heather - Varuna Aquatics
Heather - Varuna Aquatics - 7 years ago
Stunning nature aquarium! I love it! You're very motivational!
CriancaGorda - 7 years ago
Mustard and ketchup culindars. Who would have guessed?
Shirley Mcintyre
Shirley Mcintyre - 7 years ago
I love that you have the bloopers on the end of the video. Great tank
reign4life - 7 years ago
cabinet looks too small.. maybe its just the angle
ok - 7 years ago
your videos are just getting better and better!
Jason Maslen
Jason Maslen - 7 years ago
George pm me on Facebook mate.

50. comment for How to set up a Nature Aquarium - Steven's Aquascaper 600

Jarod Boening
Jarod Boening - 7 years ago
Another great video! Gives me inspiration
Krishna Karkera
Krishna Karkera - 7 years ago
Beauty. Nature capture in tank
Rorro Trejo
Rorro Trejo - 7 years ago
Finally a new video my friend George!!!
Mapantz1 - 7 years ago
Great video! Funnily enough, I'm right in the middle of aqua-scaping my aquarium. I'm using the Tropica plant substrate, the soil and the powdered soil to put as the top coat. I love the stuff!
Zielony z baniakiem
Zielony z baniakiem - 7 years ago
Nature aqua scape : "Antlers " ;)
James Neasham
James Neasham - 7 years ago
Late night uploads are the best
cicco - 7 years ago
Hello Giorgio so awesome work plant bro thank you so much for video...

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