How to set up a Nature Aquarium - Steven's Aquascaper 600
Discus 7 years ago 8,872 views
How to set up a Nature Aquarium planted tank aquascape using an Aquascaper 600. This aquarium was aquascaped for my friend, Steven. It's a classic Nature Aquarium style aquascape and I'm really excited to see how it develops. Stay tuned for future updates! Where I get most of my aquascaping stuff - Follow my aquascaping journey... Instagram Facebook Twitter UKAPS (superb resource for hobbyists) KEEP ON SCAPING T SHIRTS NOW AVAILABLE!!
I often find myself re-watching your scaping videos to help alleviate the any stress when I don't find myself around an actual planted tank to observe. There's just something cathartic about staring into a nicely planted tank with fish, that soothes the soul.
The combination of fluid motion and sound have already been scientifically proven to reduce daily stressors in one's life. Planted aquariums capture this effect in whole and help introduce those "feel-good chemicals" such as dopamine to the body - thereby helping to alleviate stress in some individuals.
On a side note - I think a fun scaping experiment would be the involvement of kids. Take your average sandbox that children often play in and add some wood and rocks off to the side. Tell the children to scape the sandbox using those items set off to the side and see what their limitless imagination creates. You could have a BBQ and invite your friends w/ kids over and let them loose. I'm sure some inspiration will transpire in no time.
Keep up the good work my friend.
no joke
10. comment for How to set up a Nature Aquarium - Steven's Aquascaper 600
Will be ordering from them as the plants have all been superb ..
Planning on purchasing the 600 or 900 aquarium and stand in the next month or so ..
I'd like to see the reason for those.
20. comment for How to set up a Nature Aquarium - Steven's Aquascaper 600
All your tanks are inspiring, but I would like to see a video out of your comfort zone.
You are such a huge Inspiration for me that I finally could create an Aquarium , it was my long waited dream. I made a video about it you can find it on my Channel , please check it out and comment your criticism/opinion under the video , it would mean so much for me to know What you think about it ! I Hope u like it :)
Thank you.
Am using,,
3feet tank..
2*50w Led light..
Aquatic remidies fertilizer / dosing once a week after water change..
Diy co2 system..
Its a dutch style ...
My plants have came well but its causing slight green hair algae...
What might be the problem ?
And how to recover from this?
Do the needfull..
30. comment for How to set up a Nature Aquarium - Steven's Aquascaper 600
50. comment for How to set up a Nature Aquarium - Steven's Aquascaper 600